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(Pdf) Download St. JOHNCATHOLIC PAUL PARISH II 956956 S.S. 10th10th Ave.,Ave., Kankakee, Kankakee, IllinoisIllinois 60901 815815-933-7683-933-7683 WELCOME to the family ~ BIENVENIDO a la familia OUR MISSION STATEMENT First Sunday of Lent March 1, 2020 Influenced by our patron, St. John Paul II, we are a faith-sharing family of Catholic believers who bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus, through discipleship, outreach and the Holy Eucharist. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE St. John Paul II 907 S. 9th Ave., Kankakee SATURDAY 4:30 pm Vigil Mass 6:00 pm Misa de Vigilia en Español SUNDAY 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 am 1:00 pm (Español), 5:00 pm DAILY MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 am “A clean heart create for me, O God, Martes/Tuesday 6:00 pm (Español) SATURDAY And a steadfast spirit renew within me. 8:00 am Cast me not out from your presence, CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment and your Holy Spirit take not from me.” 3:30 pm los sábados o por cita Psalm 51:12-13 First Friday of each month after mass Primer Viernes de cada mes después de la misa “Bringing Jesus to Everyone and Everyone to Jesus!” - 1 - WELCOME TO LENT 2020 BIENVENIDOS A LA CUARESMA 2020 Last Wednesday, our foreheads were marked with El miércoles pasado, nuestras frentes fueron marcadas con cruciform ashes to remind us of our human reality ceniza cruciforme para recordarnos nuestra humanidad y llamado: and calling: “Remember you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.” This is our human reality – “Recuerda que eres polvo y en polvo te convertirás.” Esta es that we are headed toward death, as a conse- nuestra realidad humana – que moriremos, como conse- quence of sin. The Lenten Season, however, is a cuencia del pecado. La Temporada de Cuaresma, sin embar- journey from sin to life, remembering that Jesus is go, es un viaje del pecado a la vida, recordando que Jesús the one who won for us the victory over sin and death. We es quien ganó la victoria por nosotros sobre el pecado y la muerte. begin the season of lent with acknowledging our sinfulness and Comenzamos la temporada de cuaresma reconociendo nuestra peca- the certainty of our death, we come out of Lent into Easter with minosidad y la Certeza de nuestra muerte, salimos de la cuaresma a the message of divine forgiveness, redemption and everlasting la Pascua con el mensaje del perdón divino, la redención y la vida eterna. life. Nuestro llamado humano es este: “Aléjate del pecado y se fiel al Our human calling is this: “Turn away from sin and be faithful to Evangelio.” Frecuentemente se nos recuerda que superemos las ten- the Gospel.” We are constantly reminded to overcome the lures taciones del mal y nos comprometamos a seguir el mensaje de la of evil and commit ourselves to following the message of salva- salvación. Ser fieles a la Buena Nueva es vivir nuestra vida digna- tion. To be faithful to the Good News is to live our lives worthy, mente, o menos indigna, de los dones de la vida eterna ganada por or less unworthy, of the gifts of everlasting life won for us by Cristo para nosotros, cuya historia nos es develada a través del Evan- Christ, whose story is all unveiled to us through the Gospel. To gelio. Entonces, ser fieles al Evangelio es, ser fieles a Cristo – elegirlo be faithful to the Gospel then, is to be faithful to Christ – to a Él en todo y sobre todas las cosas. choose Him in all things and above all things. ALIANZA DE CUARESMA. Mi querida Iglesia, mientras nos adentra- LENTEN COVENANT. My dear Church, as we enter into the mos en la Temporada de Cuaresma, los invito a que se unan a nues- Lenten Season, I invite you to join our parish family in making a tra familia parroquial haciendo el compromiso de participar en nues- commitment to participate in our Lenten observances. I ask you tras observancias de Cuaresma. Les pido que se comprometan a to commit to make this Lenten season truly special, a time to hacer de este tiempo de Cuaresma verdaderamente especial, un enter more deeply into the contemplation of the mystery of our tiempo para entrar más profundamente en la contemplación del miste- salvation. It is for this reason that I asked you all to ritualize this rio de nuestra salvación. Es por esta razón que les pedí a todos que commitment through our Parish Lenten Covenant that you of- ritualicen este compromiso a través de nuestra Alianza Parroquial de fered on Ash Wednesday. The pledge asks to make a commit- Cuaresma que ofrecieron el Miércoles de Ceniza. La promesa pide un ment in three areas: liturgy, spirituality and acts of mercy. It is compromiso en tres áreas: liturgia, espiritualidad y actos de misericor- dia. Lo ideal sería que todos nuestros feligreses hicieran todo lo que most ideal if all our parishioners did everything suggested in the se sugiere en la hoja, pero los animo a que por lo menos hagamos sheet, but it is my simplest encouragement that we at least do uno de cada uno. Espero este año ver un aumento en la participa- one of each. I look forward to seeing an increase in participa- ción. tion this year. PLANIFICACIÓN PASTORAL ESTRATEGICA PARROQUIAL. Duran- PARISH STRATEGIC PASTORAL PLANNING. During Lent, I te la Cuaresma, también pido que tomemos en serio las iniciativas also ask that we take to heart the initiatives I have introduced for que he introducido para la planificación estratégica de la parroquia. parish strategic planning. Anticipating the transition in pastorate Anticipando la transición en el pastorada este año, encuentro opor- this year, I find it timely that we are embarking on a visioning of tuno que nos embarquemos en una visión del futuro de nuestra parro- the future of our parish, looking into long-term and short-term quia, mirando hacia objetivos a largo y corto plazo que puedan unifi- goals that can unify the efforts of our parishioners. During this car los esfuerzos de nuestros feligreses. Durante esta temporada, les season, I would ask you to prayerfully discern what God is ask- pido que discernamos en oración lo que Dios nos pide que hagamos, ing us to do as we move forward into the future. We will be dis- mientras avanzamos hacia el futuro. Distribuiremos cuestionarios tributing questionnaires to gather as much data as we can from para reunir la mayor cantidad de datos posibles de nuestros feligre- our parishioners. Our parish leadership teams will process, ses. Nuestros equipos de liderazgo parroquial procesarán, recopilarán collate and analyze all the input you provide and the final result y analizarán todos los datos que ustedes proporcionen, y el resultado of this effort will hopefully be presented to the parish, during the final de este esfuerzo se presentará a la parroquia, durante la cele- celebration of our patron’s 100th birthday on May 18, 2020. bración del 100º cumpleaños de nuestro patrono, el 18 de mayo, 2020. On behalf of Fr. John, Deacons Greg, David and Rocco, and our Departe del Padre John, los Diáconos Greg, David & Rocco, y de entire parish family, I wish you a blessed Lenten journey, and I toda nuestra familia parroquial, les deseo una bendecida jornada de hope that you and all your loved ones be made holy in a pro- Cuaresma, deseo que ustedes y todos sus seres queridos sean santi- found way during this time of grace. As always, I pray for you, ficados de una forma profunda durante este tiempo de gracia. Como my dear parishioners, and I also ask that you pray for me. May siempre, oraré por ustedes, mis queridos feligreses y también les pido the cross that is marked in our foreheads on the day of our bap- que oren por mí. Que la cruz marcada en nuestras frentes en el día tism, and remarked again as ashes on Wednesday, be the cross de nuestro bautismo y nuevamente remarcada con ceniza el miérco- of light that will guide us to the heavenly Kingdom. Amen. les, sea la cruz de luz que nos guíe al Reino celestial. Amén. With my heartfelt devotion, Fr. Sunny Castillo Con mi sincera devoción, Fr. Sunny Castillo - 2 - Time, Talent & Treasure THIS WEEK AT JP2 Monday, March 2 In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us 12:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament we gratefully acknowledge and salute 6:30pm Fishers of Men- Mens Prayer Group 7:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group en Espanol PRAYER PARTNERS Tuesday, March 3 10:00am Fatima Rosary Sunday Offering/Ofrenda del Domingo 11:00am Living Word Bible Study February 23, 2020 6:15pm FFP 7:00pm Living Word Bible Study $11,393.97 7:00pm Stations of the Cross-Español (275 Envelopes) Wednesday, March 4 Online Giving: $522.00 (included in above) 6:15pm FFP 6:30pm GIFT-Growing in Faith Together In an effort to keep you more informed, this Thursday, March 5 information is being provided to the parishioners. 6:00pm Parish Life Event Planning Meeting Monthly School Subsidy to Bishop McNamara: $5,833.34 7:00pm Encuentros Juveniles Monthly Diocesan Assessment: $3,584 Friday, March 6 Monthly Contribution Envelope Cost: $435 8:00am First Friday Adoration 9:00am Food Pantry-East Campus Our goal each week to cover our expenses is: 9:30am Prayer Partners @ Lisieux Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de: 9:30am Clothing Closet @ Lisieux $12,855.00 6:00pm 12 Step Program @ Lisieux 6:00pm Stations of the Cross-Young Adult led THANK YOU GRACIAS Saturday, March 7 9:00am Hour of Power Prayer Time (then to Breakfast) STAY CONNECTED TO JP2 Parish 9:00pm Nocturnal Adoration Check out these spots to find out the who, what, when or where, Sunday, March 8 or for contact information.
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