Book of Abstracts Ii Contents

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Book of Abstracts Ii Contents The 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2019) Sunday, 16 June 2019 - Saturday, 22 June 2019 Book of Abstracts ii Contents Trace anomaly under lattice regularization .......................... 1 Resonance information from lattice energy levels using chiral EFT ............. 1 + Coupled-channel ΛcK − PDs interaction from lattice QCD ............... 1 The Development of Hamiltonian Finite Volume Method of Two Body System within Partial Wave Mixing in Rest System ................................ 1 Baryonic states in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory .................... 2 Matching Quasi Generalized Parton Distributions in the RI/MOM scheme . 2 Stress distribution in quark—anti-quark and single quark systems at nonzero temperature 3 Meson interactions at Large Nc from Lattice QCD ...................... 3 Recent progress on (implementing) the relativistic three-particle quantization condition 4 Bethe-Salpeter wavefunctions of hybrid charmonia ..................... 4 Status of the muon g-2 hadronic vacuum polarization calculation by RBC/UKQCD . 4 The general formalism of momentum transformation in the moving finite volume . 5 The hadronic contribution to the running of the electroweak mixing angle . 5 Information, dualities, and deconfinement .......................... 6 Analytic continuation of Thermal Correlators ........................ 6 Zb tetraquark channel and BB¯∗ interaction ......................... 6 Interglueball potential in SU(N) lattice gauge theory ..................... 7 Resurgence and fractional instanton of the SU(3) gauge theory in weak coupling regime 7 Lattice study on the twisted CP^{N-1} models on RxS^1 .................. 8 Vector current renormalisation in momentum subtraction schemes using the HISQ action 8 Lattice QCD on a modern vector processor .......................... 8 Electromagnetic finite-size effects to the hadronic vacuum polarisation .......... 9 Hadronic Light-by-Light contribution to g-2 update ..................... 9 iii Theoretical and practical progresses in the HAL QCD mehod . 10 The hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling . 10 Phase structure and real-time dynamics of the massive Thirring model in 1+1 dimensions using the tensor-network method ............................. 11 Phase diagram of QCD in (B; T; µ) space from analytical continuation . 11 Conductivity of quark-gluon matter in the external magnetic field . 12 Scale setting for QCD with Nf = 3 + 1 dynamical quarks . 12 Towards a holographic description of cosmology (I): Phase diagram of 3d SU(N) matrix field theory ............................................ 12 Towards a holographic description of cosmology (II): Renormalisation of the 3D SU(N) scalar energy-momentum tensor ............................. 13 Entanglement suppression and emergent symmetry ..................... 13 2019 update of "K with lattice QCD inputs .......................... 14 Towards higher order numerical stochastic perturbation computation applied to the twisted Eguchi-Kawai model .................................... 14 Chiral Ward identities for Dirac eigenmodes with staggered fermions . 14 Two-pion scattering amplitude from Bethe-Salpeter wave function at the interaction bound- ary .............................................. 15 Tensor network approach to real-time path integral ..................... 15 chiral condensate and suscptiblity of SU(2) nf = 8 naive staggered system . 15 Are dynamical charm quarks necessary? ........................... 16 Quasi-PDFs with twisted mass fermions ........................... 16 Heavy four-quark and six-quark states from lattice QCD . 17 Investigation of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory . 17 I=3/2 nucleon-pion scattering and the Delta(1232) resonance on 2+1 flavor CLS ensembles using the stochastic LapH method ............................. 18 Two-current correlation functions for the nucleon on the lattice . 18 The energy-momentum tensor in lattice QCD and the Equation ofState . 18 Toward the spectrum of the SU(2) adjoint Higgs model ................... 19 Tensor network formulation of quantum gravity ....................... 19 SO(4) invariant Higgs-Yukawa model with reduced staggered fermions . 19 Lattice study of meson properties at fine temperature using the truncated overlap fermions ................................................ 20 iv Hadronic Tensor and Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering ..................... 20 Lattice computation of the quark propagator in Landau gauge at finite temperature . 21 Neutron Electric Dipole Moment from the θ Term ...................... 21 Details of a staggered fermion data analysis ......................... 21 ∗ The B ! D ℓν semileptonic decay at nonzero recoil and its implications for jVcbj and R(D∗) ............................................ 22 Leptonic decays of B(s) and D(s) using the OK action .................... 22 Nucleon isovector charges from physical mass domain-wall QCD . 23 TKNN formula for general lattice Hamiltonian in odd dimensions . 23 Critical endpoint in the continuum limit and critical endline at Nt = 6 of the finite temper- ature phase transition of QCD with clover fermions ................... 23 Meson spectrum of Sp(4) lattice gauge theory with two fundamental Dirac fermions . 24 Partial Deconfinement ..................................... 24 ! (∗) Semileptonic decays B(s) D(s) ℓν form factors using the OK action . 25 Nucleon Mass and Omega Mass with All-HISQ Fermions at the Physical Point . 25 Study of the pion-pion scatterings with a combination of all-to-all propagators and theHAL QCD method ........................................ 25 Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at m_pi = 0.27 GeV . 26 Quark confinement in the Yang-Mills theory with a gauge-invariant gluon mass inviewof the gauge-invariant BEH mechanism ........................... 26 Domain-wall fermion and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index .................... 27 Charmonium contribution to B ! Kl+l−: testing the factorization approximation on the lattice ............................................. 27 Leading isospin breaking effects in the hadronic vacuum polarisation with open boundaries ................................................ 27 Lattice investigation of the phase diagram of the 1+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu modelat finite number of fermion flavors .............................. 28 β dependence of the nuclear transition end points at finite quark masses . 28 High temperature expansion method for QCD effective theories . 29 QED corrections to hadronic observables ........................... 29 The Rho Resonance Properties from N_f=2+1+1 Lattice QCD . 29 Stealth dark matter and gravitational waves ......................... 30 Thermal phase structure of a supersymmetric matrix model . 30 v Update from FNAL/HPQCD/MILC on the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g − 2)µ” ........................................... 30 Determination of the endpoint of the first order deconfiniement phase transition inthe heavy quark region of QCD ................................ 31 QCD Topology to High Temperatures via Improved Reweighting . 31 Thermal Quarkonium Mass Shift from Euclidean Correlators . 32 Real-Time-Evolution of Heavy-Quarkonium Bound States . 32 Spectral quantities in thermal QCD: a progress report from the FASTSUM collaboration 33 News from bottomonium spectral functions in thermal QCD . 33 Mesonic correlators at non-zero baryon chemical potential . 33 Nπ excited state contamination in nucleon 3-pt functions using ChPT . 34 Matrix elements of bound states in a finite volume ...................... 34 A Calculation of Higher Order Taylor Expansion Coefficients . 35 Worldsheet formulation and topological terms in abelian lattice gauge theories . 35 New developments for worldline and worldsheet representations of lattice field theories 36 Calculation of pseudoscalar disconnected loop in Lattice QCD . 36 Topology of Trace Deformed Yang-Mills Theory ....................... 36 Reliability of CLE simulations and applications to full QCD at non-zero density. 36 Electromagnetic corrections to leptonic decays ........................ 37 Hadrons: a Grid-powered workflow management system for lattice QCD measurements 37 Conserved charge fluctuations with smaller-than-physical quark masses . 38 Study of 2+1 flavor finite-temperature QCD using improved Wilson quarks at the physical point with the gradient flow ................................ 38 Spectral Projectors Method for Staggered Fermions ..................... 38 Tempered Lefschetz thimble method and its application to the Hubbard model away from half-filling .......................................... 39 Sparsening Algorithm for Multi-Body Correlation Functions . 39 Towards the determination of the charm quark mass on Nf = 2 + 1 CLS ensembles . 40 Calculation of the KL − KS mass difference for physical quark masses . 40 Non-perturbative determination of anomalous dimensions of bound states in QCD and be- yond ............................................. 40 SU(3) gauge system with twelve fundamental flavors .................... 41 vi The light baryon spectrum in the continuum limit ...................... 41 Calculating the two-photon contribution to the real part of the π0 ! e+e− decay amplitude ................................................ 42 Leadership-Class Multi-Grid Algorithms for HISQ Fermions on GPUs . 42 Hyperon couplings from Nf = 2 + 1 lattice QCD ...................... 43 Mistaken Identity: The Multi-State Labeling Problem .................... 43 Strong coupling constant
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