CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E484 HON
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E484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2006 International justice is a relatively new phe- noted in that speech, ‘‘For the sixth consecu- erans alike—in times of disasters and other nomenon, and things have not always devel- tive year, the American Customer Satisfaction emergencies. To make my point, I need only oped smoothly. The Coalition has not been an Index reports that veterans are more satisfied to mention the heroic effects and efforts of VA employees during Hurricane Katrina and apologist for ICTY or the other war crimes tri- with their health care than any other patients Rita. Not only did our staffs evacuate sev- bunals, and has brought attention to areas in America. VA outscored the private sector by eral hundred patients out of our hospitals in where improvement was needed. The Coali- a full 10 percentage points. And as you would the Gulf area to other hospitals without los- tion should take great satisfaction that today, expect, because of our first-rate care, veterans ing one, and not only did they do it quickly 10 years after genocide in Bosnia and are now coming to us in ever greater num- and efficiently, at great personal risk to Herzegovina, the war crimes chamber of Bos- bers.’’ themselves and at great personal sacrifice nia’s court system now has the ability to han- Mr. Speaker, the point must be underlined: and loss. One nurse told me in Houston, the most popular form of medical care with where we relocated patients, that she for dle the emotional and controversial cases from four days could see her house in New Orle- that dark time. those who receive it according to Secretary ans, and she could see only the roof and the The staff of the Coalition for International Nicholson, speaking on behalf of the Bush Ad- chimney, but she went with her patients Justice has always been outstanding, and has ministration, is a form of medicine that is en- when we evacuated them, not even knowing provided critical assistance to myself, my per- tirely government run. I find it odd that people the disposition of her own family. sonal staff, and the Helsinki Commission staff who would denounce Medicare as a form of And when it’s all said and done, it’s the that work on these issues. CIJ staff have been ‘‘socialized medicine’’ don’t apply that dreaded millions of the men and women who we care for, though, who are our biggest supporters. more than willing and able to help those of us epithet to the one major medical care delivery For the sixth consecutive year, the Amer- in Congress who have worked to ensure com- system in our country which is entirely run by ican Customer Satisfaction Index reports mon concerns about international justice are the public sector—the medical care delivered that veterans are more satisfied with their appropriately reflected in U.S. foreign policy. by the Department of Veterans Affairs. health care than any other patients in Amer- Board members Mark Ellis, John Heffernan I ask that excerpts from Secretary Nichol- ica. VA outscored the private sector by a full and Jim Hooper were involved from the ear- son’s speech be printed here because they 10 percentage points. And as you would ex- liest days, when few were certain justice are an absolutely irrefutable answer to those pect, because of our first-rate care, veterans who claim that any increase in a government are now coming to us in ever greater num- would even be considered in diplomatic efforts bers. Fully 7.7 million are now enrolled in to bring peace and stability to the Balkans. role in medical care will somehow cause dete- our system. Staff past and present, including Edgar Chen, rioration in the quality of that care. The ability This year VA doctors and nurses will treat Stefanie Frease and Eric Witte, provided ex- of some myths to survive reality is one of the over 5.3 million veterans at one of our 14 pertise not only on the work of the tribunals most impressive and depressing features of points of healthcare access. That’s an in- but also on the countries and conflicts the tri- the American political scene. But I hope that crease of more than 1 million veterans com- bunals were created to address. I want to people reading Secretary Nicholson’s remarks, ing to us since President Bush came to of- and thinking about what they mean in the fice. We expect this year that we will have 60 highlight in particular Nina Bang-Jessen, CIJ’s million patient encounters; that is, 60 mil- Executive Director, who so effectively com- broader context, will refrain in the future from lion visits to our centers, clinics and hos- bined expertise and advocacy. She oversaw somehow arguing that an increase in a public pitals. We have 154 major hospitals and over the Coalition as it broadened its focus to in- sector role in medical care will necessarily 900 clinics, and we dispense pharmaceutical clude not only the former Yugoslavia but lead to its deterioration. I join Secretary Nich- prescriptions to over three—excuse me, over Rwanda, Cambodia, Sierra Leone and today, olson as a Member of Congress in taking 230 million times. pride in the medical care we provide for our We’ve achieved something that no other Darfur. major integrated provider has ever yet been Ongoing humanitarian catastrophes, Mr. veterans. My only criticism is that we don’t do able to do, and that is that every one of Speaker, may frustrate us, but those who it in even greater quantity—too many veterans these 7.7 million veterans enrolled in our have worked at the Coalition for International are unable to get access to the system, and system has an electronic medical record. Justice can take satisfaction knowing they did I believe that it is an area where more re- Time precludes me from telling you all of something about it and advanced the cause of sources would allow us to do an even better the advantages of safety and good medicine international justice beyond where it otherwise job. But again to quote from Secretary Nichol- that that gives us, but let me mention would be. They have saved lives and brought son’s speech, when the ‘‘NBC Nightly News anecdotally a couple of things. war criminals to justice, and played a role in . aired a story about VA healthcare, saying One, a young man came through Ronald preventing future crimes against humanity. For that it is the envy of healthcare administrators Reagan airport. He was a diabetic. His insulin that, we owe them our thanks and best wish- and a model for healthcare nationwide,’’ it was in his luggage, and they lost his luggage. es. ought to give pause to those who mindlessly And he called his father in South Carolina, f repeat the assertion that quality medical care panicking, and his father said, ‘‘Call the VA,’’ and a government role are incompatible. because he was a veteran. VA EXPERIENCE SHOWS BENEFIT The VA is, I think, truly one of America’s He called our VA hospital here in north OF GOVERNMENT ROLE IN good news stories. Following a decade-long Washington. They said, ‘‘Get in a cab and HEALTHCARE healthcare transformation, the VA is now at come out here.’’ And by the time he got there, the forefront of America’s healthcare indus- they had his medical record dialed up, knew try. And it’s not just a proud secretary say- his insulin regime, administered to him, gave HON. BARNEY FRANK ing that, but a host of other organizations OF MASSACHUSETTS within and outside of the healthcare commu- him a supply and sent him on his way. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity saying that about us. For example, the And during that relocation of hundreds of patients in Katrina, we were able in every Thursday, March 30, 2006 Journal of American Medical Association has applauded the VA’s dedication to patient case, after we got them resettled into another Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, safety. The Washington Monthly magazine a hospital, to dial up their medical record. one obstacle we have when we seek to ad- few months ago had a feature article calling So electronic health records and their ad- dress what is clearly the number one domestic VA health care, quote, ‘‘the best care any- vantages to patient safety, for telemedicine, problem in America today—a healthcare sys- where.’’ have put us at the forefront in health care de- tem that is both unduly expensive and pro- U.S. News and World Report described the livery in this country, and we are very proud vides too little coverage for many Americans— VA as the home of top-notch health care in its annual best-hospitals issue. And since of that achievement. And I can say that be- is the objection to what some people are quick you’re sitting down, I won’t shock you un- cause it didn’t happen in the 14 months that to call ‘‘socialized medicine.’’ The notion that a duly by telling you even The New York I’ve been in the job. So I’m sitting on the government role in healthcare is somehow in- Times recently said that the VA is a model shoulders of those who did make it happen. imical to the delivery of decent healthcare has for our nation. And very recently, I think But it is a seminal achievement in health care.