Early Detection & Education Plan for Eurasian Mussels

Solano County Water Agency 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Suite 203 Vacaville, CA 95688

March 1, 2014 (update) Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Acknowledgments Putah Creek

The Solano Project Early Detection and Education Plan for Eurasian Mussels was developed from personal conservations, presentations at numerous mussel workshops, and other input from a variety of scientists including Renata Claudi (RNT Consulting), Dave Robinson USBR), Jeff Janik (CDWR), Tanya Veldhuizen (CDWR), Carl Dealy (USBR), Steven Woods (Center for & Reservoirs), Dr. Robert Mc Mahon (University of Texas, Arlington), Denise Hosler (USBR), Stephen Phillips (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission), David Wong (University of Nevada, ), Catherine Mandella (DFG), Bill Zook, Wen Baldwin, staff from County, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, and Metropolitan Water District.

Special acknowledgement and thanks to the USBR staff at Lake Berryessa for staff support and cooperation.

Prepared for:

Chris Lee Principal Water Resources Specialist Solano County Water Agency 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Suite 203 Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 455-1105 www.scwa2.com

Prepared by:

Ken W. Davis Aquatic Biologist Wildlife Survey & Photo Service 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd., Suite 209 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 747-8537 [email protected] www.creekman.com

Photo Credits:

Photos by Ken W. Davis unless noted.

i Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Approval / Update Page Putah South Canal Grate

Date Action Taken Person Agency 3/15/2012 Plan Approved Chris Lee Solano County Water Agency 3/17/2012 Sent Plan to DFG Catherine Mandella Dept. Fish & Game 3/17/2016 Sent Plan Copy to Jennifer Labay California Dept. Fish & Game DFG Changes 5/15/12 Ken W. Davis Wildlife Survey & Photo Service complete 6/28/12 DFG Accepted Catherine Mandella California Dept. Fish & Game Jennifer La Bay Plan Update to California Dept. Fish & Wildlife Catherine Mandella 3/5/14 Plan Update to Chris Lee Solano County Water Agency

ii Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Updates to Mussel Plan Management Cove Dock - Lake Berryessa

Date Page Updates to Mussel Plan 5/14/12 9 Added Golden Mussel physical parameters for moderate infestation 5/14/12 11 Note: SCWA does not have authority to manage boating on Lake Berryessa. 5/14/12 22 Map: Added map of Lake Berryessa monitoring sites 5/14/12 36 Changed: Notification Chain for Positive Mussel Determination - DFG Level 2 5/14/12 37 Update: Notification contact list 5/14/12 49-54 Update: DFG Required Invasive Species Decontamination Protocols (1/24/12) 5/30/12 64-65 Newspaper article - Solano Project Mussel Prevention 6/15/12 66-69 DFG Comments on Solano Project Mussel Plan 7/1/13 58 Update: USBR Self-Inspection forms for Lake Berryessa 12/28/13 70 Article: Quagga Mussels found in Lake Piru. 16-17 Update: Chapter on WaterCraft Inspection at Lake Berryessa 58-59 Update: USBR Self-Inspection forms for Lake Berryessa 3/3/14 35 Reference: Lake Berryessa Outreach: Final Report summer Season 2013 71 Westside IRWM Task Force forms Mussel Task Force for Napa, Yolo and Solano END

iii Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction Executive Summary...... 1 Background...... 2 Ecological Impacts of Mussel Infestations...... 3 Economic Impacts of Mussel Infestations...... 4 Regulations and Regulatory Controls...... 4 Recommendations...... 4-5 2. Situational Awareness...... 6 Predictive Models...... 6 Known Infestations (Proximity to known infestations)...... 7 Lake Mead, Nevada...... 7 Southern California - Metropolitan Water District...... 7 San Justo Reservoir...... 7 Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada...... 7 Rye Patch, Nevada...... 7 Vector Identification and Ranking...... 8 Environmental Factors Necessary for Mussel Survival...... 9 Can Mussels Survive in the Solano Project?...... 9-10 3. Preventing a Mussel Infestations ...... 11 Actions to Prevent Infestation - Lake Berryessa...... 11 Actions to Prevent Infestation - Putah Creek...... 11 Actions to Prevent Infestation - Putah South Canal...... 12 Actions to Prevent Infestation - Terminal Reservoir...... 12 Actions to Prevent Infestation - Other...... 12 Concerns...... 12 4. Education...... 13 Background ...... 13 Educational Efforts...... 13 Watercraft Inspection Training...... 13 Speaker’s Bureau...... 14 Newspapers & Internet...... 15

iv Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Billboard - “STOP Aquatic Hitchhikers” 15 5. Watercraft Inspections at Lake Berryessa 16 Background 16 Watercraft Inspectors 16 Agency Participation 16 Chart: Lakes Frequented by Lake Berryessa Boaters 17 6. Field Surveys ...... 18 General Protocol Philosophy...... 18 Actions to Prevent False Positive Determinations...... 18 Types of Surveys...... 19 Plankton Tows...... 19 Artificial Substrates...... 21 Visual Inspections...... 21 Process for Reporting Results...... 22 7. Eurasian Mussel Information...... 25 Life Cycle...... 25 Mussel Identification - Veligers...... 25 Mussel Identification - Adults...... 27 8. Laboratory Techniques...... 28 Microscopy...... 28 Efficient Sample Processing...... 28 Analytic Methods...... 28 Cross-polarized Microscopy...... 28 Treatment of Suspect Organisms...... 28 Equipment Decontamination...... 28 Identification...... 28 Spiked Samples...... 29 Readability of Samples...... 29 Image Library - Plankton and Mussel Veligers...... 30 Comparative Images with Measurements (examples)...... 29-30 9. Glossary...... 31-32 10. References...... 33-34

v Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

11. Appendix Index...... 37 A. Positive (Suspect) Mussel Survey Notification Scheme...... 38 B. Contact List for Notification...... 39 C. California Fish & Game Code Section 2300-2302...... 40-43 D. Boater Sign-in Form Used at Lake Berryessa (USBR)...... 44 E. Mussel Information Handout - Used at Lake Berryessa Marinas...... 45 F. Wildlife Survey & Photo Service Taxonomy Worksheet...... 46 G. Survey Sites in Solano Project as Reported to DFG...... 47-50 H. Decontamination Protocols Provided by California DFG...... 51-56 I. Additional Sources of Information about Dreissena and Golden Mussels.. 57 J. Quagga and Zebra Mussel-Free Self Certification - USBR Lake Berryessa... 58 K. Mussel infested Waters in - USBR Document...... 59 L. Watercraft Inspection and Mussel Decontamination Training...... 60 M. Protecting the Solano Project Flyer (Power Point Presentation)...... 61 N. Emergence: Fly Fishing Presentation about Invasive Species...... 62 O. Zebra/Quagga Mussel Workshop Agenda: NBA & Solano Project...... 63 P. Daily Republic article on Mussel program for Solano Project...... 64-65 Q. DFG Comments on Mussel Plan (Jennifer LaBay) and corrections...... 66-69 R. Article: Quagga Mussels disacovered in Lake Piru...... 70 S. Westside IRWM forms Reg. Mussel Task Force for Lake, Yolo, & Solano..... 71

MAPS Map 1: Dreissena Mussel Sightings Distribution in the United States...... 2 Map 2: Dreissena Mussel Sightings in California - 2007 - 2011...... 4 Map 3: Solano Project Map and Survey Areas...... 20 Map 4: Lake Berryessa Survey Sites...... 24

TABLES & CHARTS Table 1: Ideal Parameters for a Moderate Eurasian Mussel Infestation­...... 9 Table 2: Lakes Most Visited by Lake Berryessa Boaters...... 17 Table 3: Monitoring Protocols - Comparison...... 19 Table 4: Eurasian Mussel Life Cycle...... 25 Table 5: Eurasian Mussel Species...... 27

vi Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

ACRONYMS CDFG California Department of Fish & Game CDWR California Department of Water Resources EPA Environmental Protection Agency ETOH Ethyl Alcohol MWDSC Metropolitan Water District of Southern California O&M Operations and Maintenance PDD Putah Diversion Dam SCWA Solano County Water Agency USFS United States Forest Service USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation

vii Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

1. Introduction Putah South Canal

The Solano Project is a federal project that stores updates. Dreissena and Golden Mussels can cause water in Lake Berryessa for delivery to agriculture, substantial ecological and economic damage due to municipalities, and military facilities in Solano County high density populations that filter copious volumes via the Putah South Canal (PSC). The Project is owned of water, produce significant amounts of fecal ma- by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), managed terial, and colonize on hard surfaces including the by the Solano County Water Agency (SCWA) on behalf insides of valves, pipes and screens. The added cost to of the USBR with operation and maintenance duties maintain water supply systems that are infested with conducted by the Solano Irrigation District (SID) under mussels will certainly lead to significant increases in SCWA direction. O&M budgets. A 1995 National Zebra Mussel Clear- inghouse study indicates an average annual cost of The Solano Project Early Detection and Education $213,360 for a water treatment facility. Metropolitan Plan for Eurasian Mussels is a comprehensive docu- Water District receives 740,000 to 800,000 acre-feet ment that provides guidance to SCWA and affiliated of water per year from the and will agencies by consolidating best management prac- spend $10-15 million annually in operations and tices, defining issues, and communicating current maintenance costs to address the mussel infestation “understanding” and research. The plan will be (DeLeon 2008). reviewed quarterly to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and summarize scientific A simple Eurasian Mussel Detection Program was

Monticello Dam and Putah Creek.

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Map 1: Zebra and Quaga Mussel Sightings Distribution in the United States implemented on July 1, 2005 due to the risk assess- A Eurasian Mussel Survey and Education Program ment published by Cohn (2003) that rated the Mon- began on July 1, 2008 with an informal partnership ticello Dam section of Putah Creek as a high-risk site between SCWA, USBR, and the Wildlife Survey & using six physical parameters including temperature, Photo Service. Plankton tows, colonization devices, calcium, pH, dissolved oxygen, and salinity. The proj- and visual surveys were implemented throughout the ect was initiated with a program consisting of mini- system with an emphasis on early detection. mal plankton collections, placement of brick plates, and existing substrate surveys immediately below The Mussel Survey and Education Program was started Monticello Dam. Part of the program included the primarily in response to adult quagga mussels found development of a plankton inventory for the Solano in Lake Mead and adult zebra mussels discovered in Project, including Lake Solano, Putah Creek, Putah San Justo Reservoir, near Hollister California which South Canal, and Terminal Reservoir. At the same is approximately 100 miles due south of Terminal time, the Solano Project below Monticello Dam was Reservoir. routinely monitored for New Zealand mudsnails us- Background ing equipment and protocols that would also tend to discover adult mussels. Zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and Quagga (Dreissena rostiformis bugensis) mussels are small freshwater

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biofouling mussels native to the Black, Caspian, and Aral seas. It is believed that both mussel species arrived in the United States via ballast water discharged from transoceanic ships. They were discovered in Lake St. Clair, Michigan in the 1986. By September 1991, mussels had spread into the , the St. Lawrence River, and the Lower Ohio, Tennessee and Cumberland rivers.

Golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei) were intro- duced into Argentina from Asia in 1991 probably in ship ballast and as a contaminant in shipments of Asian clams (Ricciardi - 1998). They have since spread into four other South American countries. Although Quagga mussels on vessel drain. Image by Ken W. Golden mussels share physical characteristics with Davis the Dreissena mussels, they potentially exhibit a wider tolerance of ecological parameters. There is for greater light penetration resulting in increased concern that Golden mussels could be introduced algal and aquatic macrophyte growth. Quagga, zebra, into the West Coast via ship ballast from Asia or South and golden mussels are able to accumulate organic America or in aquarium collections. Golden, zebra, toxins in their tissues at more than 3,000 times the and quagga mussels are collectively called Eurasian concentration in the environment. While the mus- mussels. sel species do not directly impact drinking water standards, they are known to affect water quality Ecological impacts of Mussel Infestations by contributing to and/or causing blue-green (Cy- anophyta) algae blooms. Wildlife that feed on mussels Eurasian mussels reduce the amount of nutrients, can increase the exposure of wildlife to pollutants. particulate matter, and plankton in the water column Recovery efforts for razorback suckers, humpback by filtering large volumes of water. High densities of chub, several salmon species, and other threatened mussels can severely alter the ecosystem by decreas- and endangered western fish would be significantly ing the food source necessary for native wildlife and hindered by the establishment of the Eurasian mus- increasing water clarity. The increased clarity allows sels (Britton 2010).

Southern end of Lake Berryessa as viewed from Rocky Ridge. Lake Berryessa was formed in 1954 with the construction of Monticello Dam. Photo by Ken W. Davis.

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Economic impacts of Mussel infestations on October 14, 2007. This bill is aimed at controlling It has been estimated that zebra mussels cost the the spread of quagga mussels within the state of power industry $3.1 billion from 1993 to 1999, while California and authorized California Department of their impact on industries, businesses and communi- Fish & Game (CDFG) to inspect and quarantine in- ties has exceeded $5 billion (De Leon, 2008). Quagga fected boats, close recreational facilities, and restrict and zebra mussels also negatively impact local econo- access to lakes. It also authorizes public and private mies by affecting recreation and commercial fishing. water agencies to maintain control of inspections, site Attached mussels can increase the drag on the hull restrictions and other control efforts by completing of watercraft which reduces speed, wastes fuel, and a control/eradication plan. requires expensive repairs to the watercraft hull. Mussels jam watercraft steering components and These requirements have been incorporated into block cooling systems. Degraded habitats also reduce Fish and Game Code beginning with Section 2300 - sport fishing opportunities which affect recreational 2302. Senate Bill 215 (Huff), which authorized DFG opportunities and tourism. to continue action on Section 2301, was signed by Governor Brown on September 26, 2011. See Regulations and Regulatory Controls Appendix C for complete text of CA Fish & Game Code 2300-2302. The Lacy Act The Secretary of the Interior has designated Dreissenid Scientific Collection Permit mussels as ‘injurious wildlife” under federal law and Scientific Collection Permit No. 6466 issued to Ken W. therefore the importation and interstate transport Davis by CDFG authorizes the collection of plankton of zebra and quagga mussels are prohibited by the samples, examination for mussel veligers, and the de- federal Lacy Act (18 U.S.C 42). velopment of a mussel image library. The permit also allows the possession of Dreissena mussel voucher California State Assembly Bill 1683 specimens (preserved in ethyl alcohol). AB-1683 was sponsored by Assemblywoman Lois Wolk and signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Recommendations 1. Consider alternatives to the situation at Capell Cove that allows boats to enter the lake without inspection or documentation of water bodies where the vessel has been recently used. Inspections only occur on summer holidays and on some summer weekends. On those days, the boat inspections and educational efforts stop after 11:30 AM despite the fact that watercraft continue to be launched. 2. Develop data that documents the number of water vessels and the time they launch at Capell Public Ramp. This information does not currently exist. Quagga mussel shells on Sterling Beach, Lake Erie. The beach is swept 3. The informal partnership with the daily to prevent foot injuries to barefoot beach users. USBR should continue and consider Solano County Water Agency 4 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update additional work with the Pensus Group as the resorts expand. 3. Develop an annual SCWA Mussel Workshop to educate clients that receive water. 4. Conduct a more thorough study (report) of predi- cators (calcium, pH, plankton density) throughout the Solano Project. Cursory information such as surviv- ability of Asian clams suggests that conditions in the Solano Project could support at least a moderate infestation of Eurasian mussels.

Lake Berryessa: Capell Cove Public Launch Ramp.

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2. Situational Awareness Putah Diversion Dam

Awareness of the potential threat of a mussel infestation is crucial to protecting the Solano Project. Awareness includes defining the threat to the Solano Project, determining the proximity to mussel infes- tations, potential vectors, and vector pathways. Elements of situational awareness include: • Vulnerability analysis • Vector Identification • Monitoring

Vulnerability Analysis Predictive Models: Models predicting the probabil- ity for infestations on the West Coast primarily used calcium concentrations to predict that most of California was vulner- able except for the southeastern part of the state. Unfortunately, Drake and Bossenbroek (2004) using GARP models reached the conclusion that nearly all of the West is “uninhabitable for zebra mussels.” All three of the Drake /Bossenbroek models predicted “zero” chance of mus- sel invasion in Lake Mead. As we have witnessed, quagga mussels have successfully colonized Lake Mead and Southern California. Map 2: Dreissena Mussel Sightings in California

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Proximity to West Coast Infestations (as of action to control movement of mussel veligers includ- 3/1/2012) ing aqueduct shutdowns and facility upgrades for chlorination. Lake Mead, Nevada: On January 6, 2007, a Las Vegas Harbor Marina em- San Justo Reservoir: ployee discovered a live mussel on a steel cable The first established population of Zebra mussels on anchoring a section of breakwater. Originally iden- the West Coast was found by an angler in January tified as a zebra mussel, subsequent surveys found 2008 in San Justo Reservoir in San Benito County. the mussels throughout Lake Mead’s lower basin. San Justo is a small reservoir near Hollister that has Populations with smaller densities were also found been closed to the public since January 2008.

Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada: Lahontan Reservoir was classified as positive for quagga mussel veligers on August 5, 2011, even though follow-up surveys prior to the original deter- mination in April 2011 were negative for veligers. The reservoir must test negative for three to four years before the reservoir can be removed from the positive list.

Rye Patch Reservoir, Nevada: Surveys in April 2011 were positive for mussel veligers and negative since the April finding. Lake Mead Marina in Lake Mojave, Lake Havasu and the Colorado River. Live mussels were collected at depths from 70 feet to over 200 feet. Within a couple weeks, taxonomists changed the original species determination to Quagga Mussel, Dreissena rostiformis bugensis. Personal conversations with National Park Service employees and volunteers confirmed that pre-Quagga surveys were directed at zebra mussels and did not include considerations (differences in life cycle and ecological preferences) for quagga mussels.

Southern California - Metropolitan Water District Southern California (MWDSC): MWDSC receives raw water from the Colorado River. A very rapid proliferation of quagga mussels was Rye Patch Reservoir, Nevada. observed at the MWDSC water intake in Lake Havasu with mussel densities of 1-2 individuals per square meter in February 2007 to 10,000 mussels per square Vector Identification meter in less than one year (DeLeon - 2008). To Vector Identification and ranking: prevent infrastructure colonization by mussel larvae The routes by which invasive species enter new areas from the Colorado River, MWDSC undertook rapid are known as pathways; while the way they travel

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San Justo Reservoir boat ramp on 10/10/10. Photo by Ken W. Davis

to new destinations are known as vectors (UNEP Houseboats: 2001). Carlton (1993) outlined three dispersal vec- Houseboats represent a serious vector for the intro- tors for the zebra mussels including three natural duction of mussels into Lake Berryessa. Numerous mechanisms and twenty human-related mechanisms. houseboats have been intercepted that harbor live When assessing the importance of different vectors, mussels. In February 2007 workers at Lake Pleasant it is important to consider the life stage of the mus- Arizona intercepted a 55-foot houseboat from Lake sel that is likely to be transferred and frequency of Mead whose hull was covered with adult mussels. transfers. The single transfer of a few mussel adults In summer conditions in North America, zebra mus- or juveniles to an environmentally suitable lake will sels can survive for more than five days attached to not guarantee the development of a new colony. a boat hull or trailer out of water (Ricciardi, 1995). Transfer of veligers between lakes may be less likely The recent acceptance of Pensus Group Inc., in April to create a founding community than the transfer 2010, to operate six resorts and marina services on of adults. Lake Berryessa creates some concern due to Pensus operations in mussel infested waters in other states. Vector identification, analysis, and interception - Bass boats: when possible - are crucial to prevent the introduc- Bass boats that use live holds represent a real hazard tion of Dreissena mussels into Lake Berryessa and for the translocation of mussel veligers from a wide the Solano Project. Possible vectors include: variety of mussel-infested waterways.

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conditions, Dreissena mussels can grow .21 mm/ day (Ackerman 1994), attaining sexual maturity in approximately 40 days. Important factors for growth and survival are calcium, alkalinity, total hardness, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and a plentiful supply of plankton.

Dreissenids inhabit a wide range of temperatures in North America. Both Dreissenids are found in the Great Lakes at temperatures less than 5°C. Popula- tions of zebra mussels in the lower are thriving where temperatures exceed 30°C and fall below 15°C for a few months (McMahon 1996). Lake Mead Nevada. Biologists inspect a mussel infested houseboat at Callville Bay Resort. Can Eurasian mussels survive in the Solano Project System? Other vectors of concern include: When considering the suitability of a waterbody • Recreational watercraft for Eurasian mussel invasion, calcium levels in the • Inflatable watercraft water is of primary concern. Calcium is essential for • Angling equipment the production of shell material in the Eurasian mus- • Fish introductions sels. Without sufficient levels of calcium, introduced • Migrating waterfowl adults will not survive and veligers will not develop. Unless adequate calcium is present, all other physi- cal parameters - other than pH - are irrelevant. If Environmental Factors Necessary for calcium levels are sufficient, then the other primary environmental parameters should be considered in Mussel Survival the process of assessing potential mussel survival. Survival and growth rates for Dreissena mussels are Those parameters are pH, temperature, conductivity, influenced by several environmental factors includ- and plankton levels. ing water chemistry, plankton concentration, water current and benthic characteristics. Under ideal Available information and observations conclude

Table 1: Ideal Parameters for a moderate Eurasian Mussel Infestation Parameter Zebra Mussel Quagga Mussel Golden Mussel Lake Berryessa Calcium (mg Ca/L) 15-30 12 - 30 5 - 80 > 20 pH 7.4 - 9.0 7.4 - 9.0 5.0 -7.0 > 8 -8.5 Temperature (oC) 10-20 10 -16 16 -26 4 - 25 Oxygen (mg/L) 7 - 8 7 - 8 3 - 6 6 - 11 Conductivity μS/cm 60-110 60 - 110 30 - 3800 311 -351 Depth (meter) Surface to 50 surface to 120 Surface - ? 84 Table 1: Mussel Infestation Parameters. From Claudi 2010 and collection data from Lake Berryessa.

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that mussels could create a moderate infestation in the Solano Project. Data gleaned from water treat- ment plants along the Putah South Canal (Rabidoux 2011) shows that calcium and pH readings are above levels needed to support moderate mussel infesta- tions. Observations and supportive data (conductiv- ity, temperature, pH, and plankton levels) at Lake Berryessa also support concern about potential for a moderate infestation at Lake Berryessa, especially in some areas such Capell Cove.

Monitoring: See Field Surveys (Page 15)

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3. Preventing a Mussel Introduction Boat Inspection - Capell Cove Ramp

Actions to Prevent Infestations: i. Newspapers articles Lake Berryessa ii. Presentations to civic groups, agencies, and angling clubs 1. Monthly plankton tows and processing iii. Internet venues including blogs, plankton samples LinkedIn, etc. 2. Monthly examination of deployed artificial substrates. Note: The Solano County Water Agency does not have 3. Visual examination of various structures in the legal authority, management responsibility, or Lake Berryessa, Putah Creek, Putah South effective control over recreational boating on Lake Canal, and Terminal Reservoir. Berryessa. USBR manages all recreational activities on Lake Berryessa. 4. On-site education Program that includes: a. On-site education Actions to Prevent Infestations: i. Agency staff (rangers): Trained to Putah Creek inspect watercraft 1. Monthly plankton tows and plankton samples ii. Marinas: trained to inspect watercraft below Monticello Dam iii. Boaters iv. Discussion with boaters and anglers 2. Monthly examination of artificial substrates v. Onsite posters below Monticello Dam 3. Visual examination of rip rap below Monticello b. Off-site education Dam

Numbered brick used for early detection of adult Putah Creek: Survey section immediately below mussels. Monticello Dam

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4. Education Program that includes: 2. Reqular education with angling groups a. On site and off site education of anglers 3. Mussel Workshop for SCWA customers Concerns Actions to Prevent Infestations: Several issues are germane to preventing a mussel Putah South Canal infestation in Lake Berryessa and the downstream 1. Monthly net drags across canal. Solano Project: 2. Monthly examination of artificial substrates 3. Visual examination of infrastructure (grates, 1. Capell Launch Ramp: The Capell Launch Ramp is banks, etc,) a free launch ramp on the western side of Lake Ber- 4. Education Program that includes: ryessa that allows vessels to enter the lake without a. Solano Irrigation District staff inspection or documenting the use of the vessel in other water bodies. Vessels are inspected on summer Actions to Prevent Infestations: holidays and on some weekends until 11:30AM. Terminal Reservoir 2. Lack of operations staff at Lake Berryessa: The 1. Monthly examination of artificial substrates informal partnership with the USBR at Lake Berryessa 2. Monthly plankton tows is crucial to preventing a mussel infestation in the 3. Visual examination of infrastructure (grates, Solano Project. The partnership allows us to work banks, rip rap) with the existing marina concessionaires and The 4. Education Program that includes: Pensus Group. a. Vallejo Water Department staff

Actions to Prevent Infestations: Other 1. Speaker’s Bureau for civic groups

Terminal Reservoir, the terminus of the Putah South Canal near the city of Cordelia

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4. Education Educating anglers - Putah Creek

“The most effective strategy against invasive species • Presentations to civic groups is to prevent them from ever being introduced and • Presentations to Lake Berryessa concessionaires established. Prevention includes education and out- • Development of educational flyer for boaters reach to raise the awareness of the invasive species • Discussions with boaters problem and reduce the chance of unintentional • Newspaper articles introduction of invasive species.” U.S Forest Service (USFS 2012) Aquatic Nuisance Species: The education and outreach program was developed using standard practices implemented to prevent the introduction of aquatic nuisance species. • Identifying pathways • Understanding life cycles • Educating possible vectors (anglers / boaters) • Changing behavior • Rapid response plan

Our experience in Putah Creek with the New Zealand mudsnail infestation has documented that the above actions are effective at identifying vectors, chang- ing behavior, and possibly preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. Angler education on the Trinity River. Class about invasive species and native invertebrates. Education Program Watercraft Inspectors - Level one: Soon after the discovery of quagga mussels in Lake Background Mead, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commis- The development of an effective education program sion (PSMFC) and several partners offered Level is key to preventing the introduction of Eurasian One “Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination mussels into the Solano Project. The Solano Project Training” for zebra and quagga mussels. The five- Early Detection and Education Plan implemented a hour training was given at numerous locations and comprehensive education and outreach program on featured an overview of species, outreach and educa- July 1, 2008 using the following: tion programs, basic mussel biology, vectors, mussel • Training watercraft inspectors at Lake Berryessa impacts, techniques for inspecting watercraft and • Presentations to PSC water users documentation of trailered watercraft. Level One • Presentations to angling groups Certification is now given on an annual basis at Lake Berryessa by Ken Davis, a Level Two instructor and

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Boater Education: An educational flyer for boaters was developed due to a request from Lake Berryessa concessionaires and a survey completed at Pleasure Cove Marina in 2008. The existing flyers and brochures did not adequately convey the danger of a mussel infestation to boats and watercraft. The flyer can be seen in Appendix E on page 42.

Speaker’s Bureau: Since 2009, Ken Davis has given Eurasian mussel presentations to a variety of groups including civic organizations, classes at U.C. Davis, Audubon, and Lake Mead. Shows students in Level-Two Watercraft others. A presentation flyer for the Eurasian Mussel Inspection class decontaminating a mussel-infested Presentation is available in Appendix N on page 60. boat. Angling Groups: certified mussel incident responder. There are approximately 20 fly fishing clubs in Cali- Watercraft Inspector - Level Two fornia that have members who fish in Lake Berryessa Level Two training is an intensive two-day course at and Putah Creek. Ken Davis has given presentations Lake Mead near Las Vegas that has a focus on field to eighteen of the clubs that range from San Diego to inspection of various types of watercraft leaving Lake Redding. The Power Point Presentation is about fish- Mead. The vessels and trailers may be contaminated ing Putah Creek, native invertebrates, New Zealand with quagga mussels. Participants learn to use power- mudnails, Eurasian mussels, and how to prevent the wash equipment to decontaminate mussel-infested introduction of other invasive species. A presentation watercraft at Callville Marina. Ken Davis graduated flyer for the Fly Fishing Presentation is available in from the Level Two course in 2009 and annually Appendix O on page 61. teaches a Level One training and offers certification to USBR staff, Solano Resource Conservation District Eurasian Mussel Workshops: staff and volunteers, Lake Berryessa concessionaires, The first “Zebra/Quagga Mussel Workshop: Potential and others.

Quagga mussels on a boat motor. Image used effec- Markley Cove Marina: Boaters are required to check-in tively to get attention of young male boaters. and fill out appropriate forms before they launch.

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Vulnerability & Impact to the NBA & Solano Project” by Ken W. Davis with funding from SCWA. Two of the was held on February 28, 2012 in Vacaville. The mobile billboards were deployed in early 2014. Within workshop was designed primarily for water users, 24 hours, the billboard parked near Monticello Dam but was open to anyone. The agenda is available in was tagged with graffiti. Purchasing other billboard Appendix P on page 62. displays is under consideration.

Lake Berryessa News has published annual articles about Eurasian Mussels.

Newspaper Articles: STOP Aquatic Hitchhikers Billboard deployed by USBR A concerted effort to have regional newspapers run on Knoxville Road near Capell Launch Ramp. articles about the mussel issue is a highly effective method of gaining support from the recreational public. In the past, we have appealed to the follow- ing press for coverage: • The Lake Berryessa News • Sacramento Bee • The Reporter (Vacaville) • Daily Republic (Fairfield) • Davis Enterprise • Woodland Daily Democrat • Napa Valley Register

Beginning in March, we plan on getting additional newspaper coverage of the mussel program at Lake Berryessa.

Blogs and Online Media: We have developed a cursory blog presentation concerning invasive species, have applied efforts on YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Those efforts are being increased beginning in March 2012.

Billboards: The USBR purchased a mobile billboard for deploy- ment along the access routes to Lake Berryessa. The inspection image was used by the Bureau was taken

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5. Watercraft Inspection Program Boat Inspection - Capell Cove Ramp

Watercraft Inspection at Lake Berryessa Watercraft Inspection Training & Certification Background Funding from the Pacific States Marine Fishery Effective watercraft Inspection is paramount to Commission (PSMFC) allows anyone holding a preventing a mussel introduction into the Solano Watercraft Inspection Level I to receive additional Project. While some recreational boaters (No engines three-day training at Lake Mead to receive Level II sta- allowed) use the Interdam Reach of Putah Creek and tus. Level II authorizes the holder to train and certify Lake Solano, Lake Berryessa is the primary destination Level I Watercraft Inspectors. Aquatic biologist Ken for watercraft used the Solano Project. W. Davis trains USBR (Lake Berryessa), lake conces- sionaires, and SCWA interns at least once per year. In the past, watercraft inspections were limited to holiday weekends from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Inspections were conducted from 7:00AM to Continuing Education for Watercraft Inspectors Noon depending upon staff funding at the U.S Bureau Due to frequent news about mussel issues and new of Reclamation. In 2011 funding from SCWA allowed infestations, in 2013 we initiated an experimental the SCRD to hire interns for additional inspections Continuing Education Program for the Watercraft and informational contact with boaters. Data from Inspectors. The program will be enhanced for the those inspectors documented that recreational users 2014 Watercraft Inspection Project. We are cur- launched watercraft into the lake throughout the rently using a Facebook Page to communicate effec- afternoon and early evening. In 2013, SCWA funded tively between the Watercraft Inspectors and field additional inspectors to enhance the watercraft management. inspection program. Data from those inspections is included in this Chapter and the appendices. Agency participation in the Lake Berryessa Program: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Information on the USBR Watercraft Inspection Program and protocols are available on their website: http://www.usbr.gov/mp/ccao/berryessa/index.html

Solano County Water Agency Since 2008, SCWA has funded the The Lake Berryessa Boater Outreach Program which provides education to resort employees, recreationalists and other lake visitors about threats to the lake’s water quality. The program is managed by the Solano Resource Capell Cove Public Launch Ramp: SCWA interns Conservation District. On-site mussel education is interviewing boaters.

Solano County Water Agency 16 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update also accomplished by routine discussions with boaters at Capell Lauch Ramp and other launch areas during routine surveys and plankton collection. Solano Resource Conservation District With funding from SCWA, the Lake Berryessa Outreach Program interns educated 4,769 people on water quality during the course of the summer. In some areas, the interns also educated boaters about invasive species. The Final Report for the 2013 Lake Berryessa Outreach Program is available on request.

Figure 11. Lakes most frequented by boaters in 2013. From Butler 2013

Solano County Water Agency 17 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

6. Field Surveys Inspecting mussel colonization device

General Protocol Philosophy Preventing False Positive Determinations Survey protocol used in the Solano Project was devel- False positive determinations are problematic for oped by Ken W. Davis (Aquatic Biologist – Wildlife many reasons including increase costs for monitor- Survey & Photo Service) using sources considered ing, additional survey equipment, altered facilities, knowledgeable about mussel infestations, life cycles, and potentially additional water treatment systems. and known mussel behavior. Sources include per- In an effort to avoid false positives the existing -mus sonal conversations with well-known researchers, sel plan for the Solano Project includes: best practices, research manuals, presentations at mussel conferences, observations at Lake Mead 1. Primary surveys that require confirmation by and San Justo Reservoir, personal knowledge of the three other taxonomists and intensive secondary Solano Project, and sampling experience. The fol- plankton sampling. Suspected” organism consulta- lowing have been used in the Solano Project since tions include images, measurements, environmental July 2008. data transmitted to at least three scientists listed on notification schematic. See Appendix A: Notification Schematic for the Solano Project.

Google Image: Markley Cove Marina on 9/24/2009. Plankton samples are collected and colonization devices are deployed at the popular marina.

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Table 2: Monitoring Protocols Optimal Sample Life Cycle Optimal Equipment Labor Survey Type Sampling Processing stage Sampling Period Costs Required Frequency Costs Year around (warm Existing Juveniles Monthly climates) High Risk: Minimal $ n/a surfaces Adults March - November Year around (warm Artificial Lines Juveniles Monthly climates) High Risk: $$ n/a surfaces Substrates March - November

Monthly Year around (warm Veliger Nets Plankton (depending upon climates) High Risk: $$$$ $$$$ Plankton Processing temperature) March - November Table 3: Monitoring Protocols. From Culver 2009.

2. Mussel Photo Manual: Photo Manual allows for direct comparison of images, size comparison with native organisms and voucher mussel veligers. Voucher specimens are from the USBR laboratory in Denver and authorized by Scientific Collection Permit No 6466.

Types of Surveys Plankton Tows Plankton tows are subject to a variety of opinions and protocols. Plankton tow protocols used in the Solano Project have been developed after discussions with a variety of highly experienced scientists, including Dr. EPA approved 64 micron plankton net used to collect Robert McMahon (University of Texas), Steve Wells, Lake Berryessa plankton (Center for Lakes and Reservoirs - Portland State), Jeff Janik (California Department of Water Resources, 1. Mussel infestations are most likely centered and Renata Claudi (RNK Consulting) . around docks, gas pumps, and launch ramps. 2. More direct control of plankton net including Several survey techniques are currently being used depth and angle of tow in the Solano Project. Monthly plankton tows are 3. Allowed discussion (direct education) with conducted at all established Lake Berryessa marinas boaters and anglers and launch ramps and biannually in the main chan- 4. Less impact from inclement weather that nel and larger coves of the lake. Samples are also prevented use of boats taken bimonthly immediately downstream from 5. Limited access to boats using USBR staff Monticello Dam. Early in the surveillance program 6. More efficient protocol the main emphasis was switched from plankton tows 7. Less cost due to number of personnel need from a boat to tows taken off the marinas for several for boat tows reason including:

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Survey Areas

• Lake Berryessa • Monticello Dam • Putah Creek (Interdam) • Putah Diversion Dam • Lower Putah Creek • Putah South Canal • Sweeny Creek • Green Valley Creek • Terminal Reservoir

Note: Most sites include sub-site survey areas.

Map 3: Solano Project map and survey areas

Description of Plankton Tows: depth is determined by a sonar gun; the plankton Plankton tows are used to sample for the presence of net is lowered at least 70 feet and slowly retrieved. the larval (veliger) free-swimming stage of Eurasian Enough tows are taken to adequately sample 4000 Mussels. Surveying for mussel veligers is useful for Liters. Each sample is condensed and preserved in a detecting an infestation before the density of adults 70% Ethyl Alcohol (ETOH) solution. Smaller tow nets is sufficient to locate using visual surveys. However, (8 inch mouth) are used in areas (such as Terminal the overall process is technical requiring special Reservoir) when the larger net is impractical. The equipment, taxonomic expertise, and is subject to smaller nets are weighted which allows the net to false positives. A variety of techniques and protocol be tossed and slowly retrieved. are used to help prevent false negative and false positives. All nets used in the system are dedicated Sample Preservation: and never used in other waterways. Samples are preserved in a 70% ETOH solution by determining the volume of the sample and adding U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved 3 times the volume with 95% ETOH to the sample. 64 micron mesh (20 inch diameter mouth) plankton For example, if the plankton collection is at 1 inch nets are required to sample the industry standard in the collection bottle, you would add 3 inches of of 500 liters (all samples collected in the Solano 95% ETOH so that the sample bottle would contain 4 Project filter a minimum of 4000 Liters). The site inches of combined sample and ETOH (SDCWA 2008)

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Decontamination: All nets and equipment are decontaminated after each use. See Appendix H on Page 48: Decontami- nation Protocols as recommended by the California Department of Fish & Game.

Artificial Substrates: Veligers move through the water column using cilia (hairs). At about six weeks, the veligers attach to a suitable surface. That process, called settlement, can be used to detect an infestation. Artificial substrates are suspended from existing structure and checked regularly for juvenile and / or adult mussels. Research (Kilgour 1993) has shown that mussel veligers prefer Abandoned dock at former Putah Creek Resort to settle on a variety of substances including, stainless Marina. Lake Berryessa. steel, polypropylene, steel, vinyl, PVC, and concrete. mussel infestation. All visual surveys of the docks A collection of materials attached to a cable (called before they were destroyed by the USBR were nega- a colonization tree) are deployed in sites with con- tive. ditions ideal for mussel settlement. The cables are labeled with appropriate permit identification and B. Routine visual surveys include: a. Docks: small percentage examined monthly b. Boats: hulls visually examined while walking the docks. Boats are never touched or boarded. c. Hydro lifts: visually examined while waking to plankton collection sites. d. Banks: visually examined while walking to collection sites. e. Cables: visually examined while walking to collection sites.

Putah Creek: The rip rap immediately below Monticello Dam is visually surveyed every two months. The entire area Putah Diversion Dam and the downstream face of Monticello Dam are examined annually after the water level is lowered attached to an existing structure such as a buoy or in September/ October. boat dock. Artificial substrates such as ordinary bricks that are numbered are used in several sites Putah Diversion Dam (PDD): in the Solano Project. Infrastructure at the PDD is visually surveyed every two months. Visual (Physical) Inspections Putah South Canal (PSC): Lake Berryessa: Existing infrastructure (above water) in the PSC is A. Baseline surveys: In 2008, during a low water surveyed during routine monthly sampling for New period in Lake Berryessa, all existing docks, many high Zealand mudsnails and adult mussels. Visual surveys and dry, were examined for any sign of an existing are casual. The initial section of the canal is entered

Solano County Water Agency 21 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

and physically examined annually in September / October when the canal is dewatered for cleaning.

Putah South Canal Sediment: The Putah South Canal is cleaned on an annual basis after the agricultural season. The sediment and other materials removed is checked for invasive species.

Terminal Reservoir: Rip rap, metal infrastructure, and cobble examined every two months.

Subsurface Video Inspections: Putah South Canal: Sections are visually inspected for A video system has been tested on the upstream invasive species prior to annual canal cleaning. surface of the Putah Diversion Dam. It is not rou- tinely used, but is available to examine subsurface structure if necessary.

Process for Reporting Results Updates are transmitted to Solano County Water Agency on a monthly basis and annually to the Califor- nia Department of Fish & Game per the requirements of Scientific Collection Permit (SCP) No 6466 issued to Ken W. Davis. Permit valid 12/28/11 - 12 /28/13

Sediment and other material removed from Putah South Canal. Material is inspected for invasive species.

Sediment and aquatic invertebrates removed from Putah South Canal during the annual cleaning.

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Dreissena Mussel Survey For Information Call:

Ken W. Davis Aquatic Biologist Wildlife Survey & Photo 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd # 209 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 747-8537 [email protected] Putah Trap originally designed to capture New Zealand Mudsnails are also used for mussel detection in the Putah South Canal. DFG Permit 6466

Label required on all collection (traps) deployed under auspices of DFG Scientific Collection Permit

Rip Rap at Terminal Reservoir. This small water supply reservoir is 100 miles due north of the zebra mussel infestation in San Justo Reservoir

Eurasian Mussel Collection device deployed at several sites in Lake Berryessa, The one shown is locked to a dock at Markley Cove Marina. The device is attached to a series of other materials that are connected by coated aircraft cable.

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Monitoring Type Symbol

Plankton Tow

Colonization Plates


Map 4: Solano Project map and survey areas

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7. Eurasian Mussel Information Quagga mussels on boat hull

The term “Dreissena mussels” is commonly used to ated structure) until they are more developed and describe mussels in the genus dreissena including find a suitable place to settle. That process – called the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), quagga “settlement” - can take from 5-240 days, although mussel (Dreissena rostiformis bugensis). The term most settle out within six weeks. At that point, the “Eurasian Mussels” includes the Dreissena mussels veligers metamorphose into a juvenile that resembles and the Golden Mussel (Limnoperna fortunei). a small adult and settle out of the water column. If the substrate proves appropriate, they secrete byssal Life Cycle threads (small thin fibers) from their foot and attach to hard surfaces, where they continue to develop into (Disclaimer: Information about Dreissena mussels is the adult mussel form (Nichols 1996). Attachment gleaned from research on the East Coast and infes- sites include aquatic life, boat and trailers, docks, tations in Lake Mead, Southern California, and San trash, water conveyance pipes, and facilities. Suc- Justo Reservoir near Hollister, California. It should be cessful colonization can also occur on soft, muddy noted that the quagga population in Lake Mead has substrate (Berkman, 1998). Quagga mussels have exhibited numerous differences - such as number of broader habitat and environmental tolerances than life cycles per year - from the population on the East zebra mussels. For example, they can tolerate lower Coast. Research on the Zebra Mussel infestation in San Justo Reservoir is on-going.)

The life cycle of the Eurasian Mus- sels consists of a planktonic free- swimming larval stage, a “settling” juvenile stage and a relatively ses- sile adult stage. Mussels reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the water column that produce microscopic larvae called veligers. Spawning occurs when the water temperature exceeds 12° C., typi- cally between February - December in some areas of California. Veligers of both quagga and zebra mussels are microscopic, ranging in size from 39-500 microns (0.0039-0.05mm). The larvae move freely through the Table 4: Mussel life cycle. From Glenn Black. water column using a “velum” (cili-

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water temperature and can be found at much greater viewed through a microscope using (A) bright light depths. Quagga mussels have been found in Lake and (B) using cross polarized light. Mead as deep as 100 meters.

Veligers: A. Zebra mussels, quagga mussels, golden mussels and Asian clams all produce veligers. Characteristics allowing for the most rapid and accurate separation of larvae are hinge length, shell length/height, shell shape, and the presence or absence of a foot and velum.

Mussel and clam veligers - and some zooplankton - are birefringent under cross-polarized light. Organ- isms with calcium containing shells show a Maltese cross - highlighted by a black background - when examined under a cross-polarized stereo microscope. Images below show Quagga Mussel veligers as B.




Mussel veliger

“D” shape shell Foot

Asian Clam veliger

Solano County Water Agency 26 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Table 3: Eurasian Mussel Species Zebra Mussel Quagga Mussel Golden Mussel Longer. Key is nacreous Triangular shape, byssal side Rounder sides, byssal side layer inside shell that Shell (ventral) flat. Obvious ridge rounded. Ridge lacking dreissena mussels do not between side and bottom have Average 2.0 - 4.0 cm. May Shell length Average 2.0 - 3.0 cm length. Average 2.0 - 3.0 cm length. May reach 4.0 -4.5 cm May reach 4.0 - 4.5 cm reach 8 cm Variable color and patterns, Pale near hinge, dark Shell Color usually dark concentric rings on shell. Golden or yellowish Large groove in middle Byssal opening more Byssal of flat side allows tight hold Small byssal groove near posterior than in on rocks the hinge dreissenids 1 -30 meters, rarely found 1-107 meters, commonly Depth in Lakes below 15 meters found down to 30 meters unknown Nacreous layer No No Yes

Table 5: Eurasian Mussel Species. From Claudi 2010

Adult Golden Mussels (Anthony Ricciardi)

Byssal threads Quagga Mussel - Ohio Sea Grant USGS Image

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8. Laboratory Techniques Adult Zebra Mussel

Microscopy Cross-polarization Microscopy: Microscopic methods used for samples collected from Zooplankton, with calcareous skeletons, and some the Solano Project are based on personal discussions other materials are “birefringent” under cross-polar- with Dr. Robert McMahon (Uni. Texas / Arlington), ized light. Birefringent objects that contain calcium Denise Walter (USBR Lab / Denver), Steven Wells show a Maltese Cross when viewed under cross polar- (Center for Lakes and Reservoirs) and Jeff Janik (Cali- ized light such as used in cross-polarized microscopes. fornia Department of Water Resources). The following The advantages of using cross-polarized examinations literature was also considered: Britton 2010, Claudi are monumental: The accuracy of counts is improved by 15% (over controls) and the time required for 1998, Claudi 2010, and Nichols 1993, counts is reduced by 41%. See images of cross- polarized microscopy on Pages 21 and 23. Efficient Sample Processing Sample processing is completed within twelve Treatment of Suspect Organisms: hours of collection at the Wildlife Survey office and Organisms that are considered suspect are measured is designed to be a first line of detection to avoid and photographed. That data is transmitted to four processing delays and misidentifications by other other taxonomists for a second level of review and taxonomists. Ten subsamples of 15 milliliters (ml) determination. each are centrifuged for 15 minutes at 1500 rpm. Approximately 5 ml. of the concentrate is placed in Equipment Decontamination: a watch glass and examined under a cross polarized All laboratory equipment is decontaminated between microscope. samples to prevent cross-contamination. Centrifuge vials, slides, slide cover, Segwick-rafter cells are de- Analytic Methods contaminated with vinegar. Vinegar dissolves calcites Veliger Analysis Equipment: in the shells of Asian clams, Eurasian Mussel veligers, • Cross-polarized stereo microscope with ocular and ostracods. micrometer and triocular camera port • Compound polarized microscope with ocular Identification: micrometer and triocular camera port Misidentification (false-positive determinations) of • Digital camera mount, storage card, and mussel veligers is a significant problem that has processing software caused unnecessary expense to watershed managers, • Segwick-Rafter cell and appropriate cover slips upheaval of recreational activities, and infrastructure • Multispeed Centrifuge changes. Significant efforts are being made to elimi- • Vinegar nate the possibility of false positives by establishing • Dissecting tools a process for reporting suspicious organisms and a • Computer hierarchy plan for sharing images of those organ- isms with three other taxonomists. There is also a

Solano County Water Agency 28 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update follow-up plan for additional surveys and reports. A photo library of the plankton community found in the Solano Project has been established; it includes more than 500 Dreissena images.

Readability of Samples “Readability” defined as the ability to see suspi- cious organisms in dense plankton samples. Copious amounts of detritus, phytoplankton and zooplankton interfere with routine methods of seeing veligers. Efficacy is improved by using cross-polarized mi- croscopy. Readability is confirmed by the retrieval of preserved mussel veligers that are counted and placed in collected samples. On a monthly basis, 10 Plankton collection from Capell Cove Public Launch Ramp, Lake Berryessa. Shows sample collected by filter- preserved veligers (ETOH) are placed in a negative ing approximately 5000 Liters of lake water through a sample from the Solano Project and processed nor- plankton tow net. mally to determine the level of veliger recovery. All equipment used is decontaminated or destroyed to avoid cross-contamination.

Dense plankton collection from Lake Berryessa.

Microphotograph: Plankton collection with preserved Dense plankton collection from Lake Berryessa. mussel veligers placed (spiked) in the sample. Under bright light the veligers are difficult to see in the dense plankton collection. See veligers revealed below when cross-polarized light is used on the microscope.

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Plankton and Veliger Image Libary Image Library: Examples of more than 2000 images that are used to document the plankton community in the Solano Project and to compare suspect organisms to known members of the plankton community. See pages 28 and 29 for measurement data of some veligers. Images © Ken W. Davis

Zooplankton Asian Clam Veligers Mussel Veligers

Seed Shrimp (Ostracod) Asian Clam veliger Zebra Mussel straight-hinge veliger

Water flea (Cladocera) Asian Clam veliger Zebra Mussel umbonal veliger

Seed Shrimp (Ostracod) Asian Clam veliger (L) compared to Quagga Mussel straight-hinge Quagga Mussel veliger (R) veligers

Rotifer: Asian Clam veliger Quagga Mussel pediveliger

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Comparative Images with Measurements

Veliger measurement (width, height and hinge) and shape are essential for accurate species determination. The sheets below show examples of veliger measurements taken for three species: Asian clam, Zebra mus- sel, and quagga mussel. Photos and comparative sheets by Ken W. Davis.

Wildlife Survey & Photo Service Dreissena bugensis - umbonal veliger 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 • Sacramento, CA 95825 • (916) 747-8537 3178A-Mead-510-48 - USBR Collection - Lake Mead Quagga Mussel Veliger 200x total magnification



Solano County Water Agency 31 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Wildlife Survey & Photo Service Corbicula fluminea 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 • Sacramento, CA 95825 • (916) 747-8537 3261-17F-VLO-07 - Lake Berryessa - 7/29/09 200x total magnification Asian Clam

200X 273.70 μm

237.30 μm

Wildlife Survey & Photo Service Dreissena polymorpha 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 • Sacramento, CA 95825 • (916) 747-8537 3256-233-801-02 - 7/15/09 200x total magnification Zebra Mussel

224.0 μm

210.0 μm

Solano County Water Agency 32 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

9. Glossary Morning on Lake Berryessa

Asian Clam: Common name for a species of biofoul- ing structure such as a boat dock. ing clam, Corbicula fluminea, introduced from Asia. Corbicula: Scientific name for the Asian Clam. Benthic: Of, or pertaining to, the bottom of a body of water the organisms living at the bottom. D-form: Specific larval stage in Dreissena mussels and Asian Clams. Birefringent: The process of objects that refract light in slightly different directions to form two rays - a Dreissenids: a group of mussels belonging to the Maltese Cross. Mussel and clam larvae are strongly family Dreissenidae. birefringent when viewed through a cross-polarized microscope. Dreissena polymorpha: The scientific name for the zebra mussel Biofouling: The fouling of pipes and underwater surfaces by organisms such as algae, barnacles, and Dreissena rostiformis bugensis: scientific name mussels. for quagga mussel.

Byssal threads: Tufts of hair-like threads produced by Eurasian Mussels: General name for zebra, glands in the base of the foot of Dreissenid mussels. quagga, and golden mussels. Consists of a root, shaft, and adhesive disk. Golden Mussel: a macrofouling bivalve that was Calcite: A white or colorless mineral consisting mainly introduced into Argentina from Asia in 1991. The of calcium carbonate. golden mussel has a wider tolerance for ecological parameters. Cilia: Hair-like structures that veligers use in coordi- nated wave motion to aid movement. Limnoperna fortunei: Scientific name for the Golden Mussel. Colonization:The process of veligers settling on and attaching their shell to a suitable surface. Mussel: Any bivalve mollusk that produces a bysuss or byssal threads. Colonization Device: Any structure or combination of materials placed in a waterbody and used to monitor Nacreous Layer: Resembles nacre (mother of pearl). for adult Eurasian Mussels. Many use a wide variety Used to identify some mollusks such as golden mussel of materials that mussels prefer such as PVC, cement, which have a nacreous layer on the inside of their steel, aluminum, even tennis shoes. shells.

Colonization Tree: A series of devices connected by Pediveliger: The stage of larval development of Dreis- cable and suspended in a water body from an exist- senids immediately following the appearance of a

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foot. Dreissena pediveligers range in size from ap- proximately 231 to 462 microns.

Plankton: Microscopic plants and animals that live in marine and freshwater, consisting chiefly of algae, protozoans, and the eggs of certain larger animals. Plankton are the food source for Eurasian mussels.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR: A technique in molecular biology by which a small fragment of DNA can be rapidity cloned - or duplicated - to produce multiple copies. PCR is most useful prior to initial confirmation of mussel presence. Mussel identifica- tion is made by comparison against specific genetic markers.

Quagga Mussel: A species of Dreissena mussel intro- duced into the Great Lakes in 1990. Named after an extinct zebra.

Trochophore: The larval stage that swims with cilia before the presence of a velum. Dreissena trocho- phores range in size from 97 to 112 microns.

Umbonal: Refers to the umbo which is hump on the dorsal margin of a bivalve shell.

Veliger: An early larval stage mollusk that has de- veloped the velum, a ciliated swimming organelle. Dresseniad veligers range in size from approximately 97 microns to 347 microns.

Velum: Ciliated structure on veliger larvae that is used for swimming.

Zebra Mussel: Dreisseniad mussel (Dreissena poly- morpha) named for the zebra stripe pattern on its shell.

Solano County Water Agency 34 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

10. References Inspecting a mussel-infested houseboat

Ackerman, JD., B. Sim, S.J. Nichols, and R. Claudi, Recommendations of the California Science Advisory 1994. A review of the early life history of zebra mus- Panel. California Incident Command. 38pp. Culver, Carolyn S. 2009. Early detection monitoring Britton, David. 2010. Quagga-Zebra mussel action manual for quagga and zebra mussels. California Sea plan for western U.S. waters. Submitted to the Aquat- Grant Program. San Diego. 40 pages. ic Nuisance Species Task Force. The Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species. 27 pages. Dey, Roxanne. Live zebra mussels found at Lake Mead: Resource agencies initiate program to assess extent Butler, M. 2013. Lake Berryessa Outreach Program: and prevent spread. National Park Service News Final Report for Summer Season 2013. Solano County Release. 2007 RCD. Report to SCWA. De Leon, Ric. Testimony of Ric De Leon, Ph.D. before Claudi, Renati and Mackie, Gerald L. 1994. Practical the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on manual for zebra mussel monitoring and control. Natural Resources - Subcommittee on Water & Power. Boca Raton CRC Press, Inc. 227 pages. Hearing on “The Silent Invasion: Finding solutions to minimize the impacts of invasive quagga mussels on Claudi, Renati and Mackie, Gerald L. 2010. Monitoring water rates, water infrastructure and the environ- and control of macrofouling mollusks in fresh water ment. June 2008. 8 pages. systems. 2nd ed. Boca Raton CRC Press, Inc. 508 pages Hincks, SS. and G.L. Mackie 1997. Effects of pH, cal- Cohen, Andrew N. 2007. California’s response to cium alkalinity, hardness, and chlorophyll on the the zebra / quagga mussel invasion in the west: survival, growth, and reproductive success of zebra Recommendations of the California Science Advisory mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Ontario lakes. Can. Panel. 30 pages. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54:2049-2057

Cohen, Andrew N. 2007. Potential Distribution of Kelly, Kevin and Denise Hosler. 2008. Collecting Wa- Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Quagga ter Samples for Dreissena spp. Veliger Analysis, U.S. Mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in California: Phase 1 Bureau of Reclamation Technical Services Center, Report. A Report for the California Department of Denver, Co. Fish & Game. Kilgour, B.W. and Mackie, G.L. “Colonization of dif- Cohen, Andrew N., R. Moll, J. Carlton, C. O’Neill,L. ferent construction materials by the zebra mussels, Anderson, and P. Molye. 2007. California’s Response Dreissena polymorpha (Bivalvia: Drissenidae),” in to the Zebra/Quagga Mussel Invasion in the West: Zebra Mussel Biology, Impacts, and Control, Nalepa, T.F. and Schloesser, D.E., Eds., (Boca Raton: Lewis

Solano County Water Agency 35 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Publishers, 1993) pp.167-173) ing Group. 2008. Draft San Diego Dreissena Mussel Response and Control Plan. San Diego County Water Mackie, G.L. 1996. Comparative biology of zebra Authority. 14 pg. mussels in Europe and North America: An Overview. Amer. Zool. 36: 244-258 UNEP, 2001. Invasive Alien Species: Status, impacts and tends of alien species that threaten ecosystems, McMahon, R.F. 1996. The Physiological ecology of habitats and species. Convention on Biological Di- the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in North versity. America and Europe. Amer. Zool. 36:339-363. U.S.F.S. Invasive Species Program. Prevention. http://< Maguire, C.M., and L.M. Sykes. 2004. Zebra mussel www.fs.fed.us/invasivespecies/prevention/index. management strategy for Northern Ireland 2004- shtml>2/1/12. 2010. Environmental and Heritage Service. Queens University Belfast.

Marsden, J. Ellen and David M. Lansky. 2000. Sub- strate Selection by settling Zebra Mussels,Dreissena polymorpha, Relative to Material, Texture, Orienta- tion, and Sunlight. Can. J. Zol. 78: 787-793

Nichols, S.J., and Black, M.G. 1993. Identification of larvae: the zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostiformis bugensis), and Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea). Can.J. Zool., Vol. 72. 1994

Nichols, S. J. Variations in the reproductive cycle of Dreissena polymorpha in Europe, Russia, and North America. American Zoology, 36: 311-325.

Retallack, Alexia. Zebra mussels found in California reservoir. DFG News Release. January 2008. 2 pages.

Ricciardi, A., R. Serrouya, and F.G. Whoriskey. 1995. Aerial exposure tolerance of Zebra and Quagga Mus- sels (Bivalvia: Dreisennidae): Implications for overland dispersal. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52:470-477.

Ricciardi, A. 1998. Global range expansion of the Asian mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Mytilidae: An- other fouling threat to freshwater systems. Biofouling 13(2):97-106 Rabidoux, A. 2011. Zebra & Quagga Mussels: Impacts to the State Water Project (Solano Project). Power Point Presentation.

SDCWA. San Diego Regional Quagga Mussel Work-

Solano County Water Agency 36 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

11. Appendices Putah South Canal - Vacaville California

A. Positive (Suspect) Mussel Survey Notification Scheme...... 38 B. Contact List for Notification...... 39 C. California Fish & Game Code Section 2300-2302...... 40-43 D. Boater Sign-in Form Used at Lake Berryessa (USBR)...... 44 E. Mussel Information Handout - Used at Lake Berryessa Marinas...... 45 F. Wildlife Survey & Photo Service Taxonomy Worksheet...... 46 G. Survey Sites in Solano Project as Reported to CDFG...... 47-50 H. Decontamination Protocols Required by CDFG...... 51-56 I. Additional Sources of Information about Dreissena and Golden Mussels...... 57 J. Quagga and Zebra Mussel-Free Self Certification - USBR Lake Berryessa...... 58 K. Mussel infested Waters in United States - USBR Document...... 59 L. Watercraft Inspection and Mussel Decontamination Training...... 60 M. “Protecting the Solano Project” Flyer (Power Point Presentation)...... 61 N. Emergence: Fly Fishing Presentation about Invasive Species...... 62 O. Zebra/Quagga Mussel Workshop Agenda: NBA & Solano Project...... 63 P. Daily Republic article on Mussel program for Solano Project...... 64-65 Q. DFG Comments (Jennifer LaBay) on Solano Project Plan & Corrections (Ken Davis)...... 66-69 R. Article: Quagga Mussels found in Lake Piru, Ventura County...... 70 S. NOTICE: Westside IRWM forms Regional Mussel Task Force for lake, Yolo, & Solano ...... 71

Solano County Water Agency 37 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix A

SOLANO COUNTY WATER AGENCY - Eurasian Mussel Notification

1. LEVEL ONE Survey NEGATIVE. File Routine surveys that include plankton tows, Plankton Negative (All samples are colonization plates, and visual surveys report with SCWA and DFG. negative, reports filed with SCWA, and DFG Plankton Positive (suspect) notified of survey sites.) Adult Positive

2. LEVEL TWO (To avoid false-positives, several taxonomists will examine images and/or video of suspect organ- ADULT Dreissena Mussel Found: SUSPECT microorganism detected isms.) (SCWA notified) 1. Report immediately to SCWA

2. Specimen photographed, measured, and preserved in ETOH. Deliver to appropriate taxonomist. (Jeff Janik, CDWR). Specimen photographed and measured. Information transmitted to four independent taxonomists: Denise Walter, USBR Denver Robert McMahon, Uni. Texas Jeff Janik, CDWR Steve Wells, CLR Portland

POSITIVE DETERMINATI0N from taxonomist. Request: 1. Emergency PCR (USBR) 2. Intensive survey for veligers Three / four confirm specimen is Dreissena sp.

3. LEVEL THREE (Infestation Positive. Report immediately to SCWA & USBR. Notify Calif. Dept. Fish & Game. Two positive plankton Consider the following: samples and one 1. Emergency PCR (USBR) positive PCR OR 2. Survey for adults discovery of Dreissena 3. Intensive plankton tows adults represents 4. Expand survey area infestation that must be reported to DFG.)

4. LEVEL FOUR (Management and Initiate management and control Control of Dreissena plans to protect Putah South Canal. infestation. Initiate (TO BE DETERMINED) plan to protect infrastructure.)

Solano County Water Agency 38 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix B Phone Number (209) 639-2671 (916) 653-8983 (707) 455-1105 (916) 747-8537 (707) 966-2111 Ext. 105 Email [email protected] [email protected] clee@scwa2,com [email protected] [email protected] Organization CDFG CDFG Agency Water Solano County & Photo Survey Wildlife USBR CA Dept. Fish & Game CA Dept. Contact List for Notification of Mussel Sighting Notification for List Contact Title Environmental Scientist Environmental Invasive Species Program Manager Species Program Invasive Specialist Resources Principal Water Biologist Aquatic Berryessa) (Lake Manager Park Warden - Northern District Warden Name Catherine Mandella Catherine be determined Other individuals to Susan Ellis Chris Lee Davis W. Ken Laird Jeff Lt. Jim Jones Lt. Solano County Water Agency 39 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix C - page 1

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Appendix C - page 2

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Appendix C - page 3

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Appendix C - page 4

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Appendix D

Example of form developed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for Lake Berryessa. The form is filled out by boaters at marinas before they are allowed to launch. The form is also used at the Capell Cove public launch ramp during boat inspections on some holidays and certain other weekends.

Solano County Water Agency 44 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix E Example of educational flyer used at Lake Berryessa. The flyer was developed due to request from marina concessionaires about the ineffectiveness of existing flyers. The flyer has been tested with recreational boaters and has proven effective. Flyer developed by Ken W. Davis. can clog engine cooling systems, systems, clog engine cooling can and Lake Berryessa ... Lake Mead, Nevada Lake our Boat Zebra and Quagga Mussels and Quagga Zebra obstruct propeller assemblies and block water intakes. propeller assemblies and block water obstruct DRAIN, INSPECT, WASH & DRY WASH DRAIN, INSPECT, Y boats, trailers, and other equipment. trailers, boats, Developed by Ken W. Davis W. Ken by Developed www.creekman.com [email protected] PROTECT

Solano County Water Agency 45 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix F Example of electronic transmission of image(s) to potentially confirm the taxonomy of planktonic organisms and/or Eurasian Mussel veligers. This PDF was transmitted to Dr. Robert McMahon (University of Texas, Arlington) in 2008.

Wildlife Survey & Photo Service 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 • Sacramento, CA 95825 • (916) 747-8537 Berryessa - 2863-17G

Taxonomic Worksheet - Microscopic Examination

Exam Date: 7/24/08 Time: 8:30AM

Results: Confirmed by Dr. Robert McMahon that organisms are Corbicula fluminea

Collection Site: Lake Berryessa Subsite: Headquarter’s Cove / Ramp side

Collection Date: 7/23/08 (repeat collection) Collection Time 10:30AM

Collection Protocol: Plankton tow / 63 micro Wildco Net / Vertical, Horizontal, Oblique / 7 - 21 feet deep

Collection No: 2863-17G (collected by Ken Davis Videotape No: 513 & 514


Cross-polarized light: Positive with Maltese Cross on CPL Stereo microscope.

Phase Contrast: Videotaped (shell) at 100x power


Taxonomist: Ken W. Davis (916) 747-8537 [email protected]

Images of organIsm of ConCern Identification

Examined: Alive Dead Preserved - ETOH

260 microns Length: 260 microns Height: 217 microns

Foot Present: YES

D-Shape Shell: YES

Water Temp: 25.3 C Depth Collected: 7 - 20 feet

***** Actions Taken *****

Note: I’m certain specimen is Corbicula fluminea.

X100 Sending images to Dr. McMahon to check effectiveness of confirming taxonomy of specimens via image transmission.

1. Send images / video to second taxonomist a. Dr. Robert McMahon (University of Texas).

Taxonomic Results: Corbicula fluminea (confirmed by Dr. McMahon)

Solano County Water Agency 46 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix G - page 1 List of sites in the Solano Project that are surveyed with GPS data, protocols used, and frequency of the surveys. Some sites have sub-sites that are not listed. List provided to California Department of Fish & Game on an annual basis. Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Pos / Neg / Pos Submitted 1/24/2012 FREQ. monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly biannual biannual biannual biannual biannual biannual biannual biannual bimonthly visual visual visual visual visual visual visual visual visual visual banks Plates plates Plates Plates plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton plankton METHOD Check Rip Rap Rip Check mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels mussels Mussels Mussels Primary Target W 122.2019 122.2019 122.22017 122.27397 122.16414 122.16414 122.22017 122.27397 122.26483 122.16414 122.12374 122.12374 122.10161 122.10689 122.26483 122.21185 122.12374 122.10689 122.24755 122.24755 122.13299 122.21185 122.22017 122.22951 122.22951 122.22951 GPS N Survey Sites 2010-2011 38.50861 38.66588 38.50690 38.50690 38.50861 38.66588 38.59697 38.50690 38.49783 38.49783 38.51326 38.51295 38.59697 38.51836 38.49783 38.51295 38.57992 38.57992 38.51995 38.51836 38.50861 38.49942 38.49942 38.55003 38.55003 38.55003 SUBSITE Capell Cove Putah Creek Resort Pleasure Cove Pleasure Cove Capell Cove Putah Creek Resort Monticello Resort Pleasure Cove Markley Cove Markley Cove Monticello Dam Other non-regular inspections non-regular Other Monticello Dam Monticello Resort Monticello Spanish Flats Spanish Markley Cove Monticello Dam Lake Berryessa Resort Lake Berryessa Resort Markley Cove (Bank Rip Rap) Rip (Bank Cove Markley Spanish Flats Spanish Capell Cove Steele Park Steele Park Management Cove Management Cove Management Cove SITE Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Creek Putah Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa Lake Berryessa 17 17I 17I 17J 17J 17L 17L 17F 17F 17E 17E 17E 22T 17B 17B 17B 17B 17A 17A 17D 17D 17A 17G 17G 17G CODE 17MO 17MO Ken W. Davis W. Ken Photo Survey Wildlife 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 Sacramento, CA 95825

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Appendix G - Page 2 NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive NZMS Positive Mussel Negative Mussel Mussel Negative Mussel Negative Mussel Mussel Negative Mussel Mussel Negative Mussel Negative Mussel Negative Mussel Mussel Negative Mussel Mussel Negative Mussel Negative Mussel Negative Mussel Submitted 1/24/2012 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly biannual biannual biannual biannual biannual biannual bmonthly D Net visual D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net banks Plates NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS mussels NZMS / Didymo NZMS / Didymo NZMS / Didymo NZMS / Didymo NZMS Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels NZMS /NZMS Mussels NZMS /NZMS Mussels /NZMS Mussels NZMS / Didymo/ Mussels /NZMS Didymo/ same same same 121.97039 122.10161 121.95516 122.10161 121.95825 122.10161 122.09735 122.05857 122.04801 122.02629 122.00437 121.94046 121.95141 122.00193 121.92645 121.99462 121.82166 121.97337 Survey Sites 2010-2011 same same same 38.5333 38.51326 38.52455 38.51326 38.52347 38.51326 38.51263 38.51661 38.51008 38.49337 38.49385 38.52621 38.49321 38.52992 38.50005 38.52831 38.51443 38.51619 Monticello Dam Neil Property Montcello Dam River Park Fishing Access 3 Fishing Access Monticello Dam Cold Creek Fishing Access 5 Fishing Access 5 Fishing Access Lake Solano Lake Putah Diversion Dam Putah Diversion Dam Putah Diversion Dam I-505 Pickerel Weir Yolo Housing Yolo Hasbrook Morales Russell Ranch Russell Dry Creek Confluence Channel Design Putah Creek Creek Putah Lower Putah Creek Putah Creek Creek Putah Lower Putah Creek Putah Creek Creek Putah Putah Creek Creek Putah Creek Putah Putah Creek Creek Putah Creek Putah Putah Creek Creek Putah Putah Creek Creek Putah Putah Creek Creek Putah Creek Putah Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek Lower Putah Creek 22L 22F 22T 22T 22T 22P 22D 22D 22D 22A 22H 22H 22RP 22AE 22R4 22A2 22CA 22AA 22R18 22R10 22R12 Ken W. Davis W. Ken Photo Survey Wildlife 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 Sacramento, CA 95825

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Appendix G - Page 3 Negative Negative Negative NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS NZMS Positive NZMS Submitted 1/24/2012 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly biannual biannual bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly bimonthly D Net D Net D Net D Net Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual Visual / traps Visual NZMS NZMS NZMS NZMS Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels 121.6203 121.9524 121.80318 121.95321 121.78545 121.95591 121.69348 121.95912 121.96149 121.96279 122.00125 121.95757 121.98719 121.95887 121.97412 121.99515 121.96933 121.99466 121.96118 122.03411 121.94388 122.06659 121.94282 122.08047 121.94245 122.10393 121.94238 122.13031 121.93983 121.94332 Survey Sites 2010-2011 38.52709 38.42641 38.52313 38.42367 38.51912 38.41722 38.51375 38.40075 38.39688 38.49288 38.34635 38.49356 38.32269 38.49571 38.28755 38.49576 38.27797 38.49332 38.28766 38.47005 38.27735 38.46619 38.27416 38.46076 38.27944 38.45676 38.26599 38.45358 38.44767 38.43501 Pedrick Road Pedrick Mile 7.55 (Paddon 7.55 Road) Mile UCD Reserve - Fire Pit Mile 7.77 ( Robinson7.77 ( Mile Road) Mace Blvd. Mile 8.31 (Midway Road) (Midway 8.31 Mile Los Rios Farm Rios Los Mile 9.46 (Aldridge Road) (Aldridge 9.46 Mile Mile 9.92 (Vaca Valley Prkwy) Valley 9.92 (Vaca Mile Mile 0.18 (Parshall Flume) 0.18(Parshall Mile Mile 13.0 (Elmira - Vacaville) - 13.0 (Elmira Mile Mile 1.01 (Holmes Road) 1.01(Holmes Mile Mile 16.10 (Peabody Rd - Vacaville) - Rd 16.10(Peabody Mile Mile 1.50 (University Bridge) Mile 17.90 (Cement Hill Outlet) Hill (Cement 17.90 Mile Mile 1.99 (Wintu Way Bridge) Bridge) Way 1.99(Wintu Mile Mile 18.81 (Cement Plant) (Cement 18.81 Mile Mile 2.42 (Campos) Mile Mile 21 (North Texas- Fairfield) Mile 3.23 (Hines Nursery) 3.23 (Hines Mile Mile 22.75 (Trevino Rd - Fairfield) - Rd (Trevino 22.75 Mile Mile 3.76 (Dry Arroyo) (Dry 3.76 Mile Mile 24.25 (Rancho Solano)(Rancho 24.25 Mile Mile 4.50 (Hines 2) (Hines 4.50 Mile Mile (Mankas25.81 Corner) Mile Mile 5.25 (Entry Ramp) (Entry 5.25 Mile Mile 27.67 (Meredith Road) (Meredith 27.67 Mile Mile 5.62 (Weyand Canal) (Weyand 5.62 Mile Mile6.18 (Sweeny Check) Mile 6.94 (Udell Road) (Udell 6.94 Mile Lower Putah Creek Putah South Canal South Putah Lower Putah Creek Putah South Canal South Putah Lower Putah Creek Putah South Canal South Putah Lower Putah Creek Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah Putah South Canal South Putah 22R1 X0.18 X1.01 X1.50 X1.99 X2.42 22$04 22$10 22R15 Ken W. Davis W. Ken Photo Survey Wildlife 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 Sacramento, CA 95825

Solano County Water Agency 49 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix G - Page 4 NA NA END Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative NEGATIVE Submitted 1/24/2012 NA May May June April April April April April October October monthly monthly monthly monthly one-time quarterly quarterly quarterly bimonthly bimonthly March / April March / April March / April March / April March / April NA Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab D Net visual D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net D Net plates plankton plankton Visual / traps Visual / traps Visual Visual/Collection Visual/Collection Visual / collection NA END Kogatus No Target Ironodes sp. Ironodes sp. Leucrocuta sp. Leucrocuta Mystacides sp. Mystacides Rhithrogena sp. Rhithrogena Mussels / NZMS Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Mussels / NZMS Mussels Drunella spinfera Drunella Dicosmoecus sp. Dicosmoecus Paraleprophelbia sp. Paraleprophelbia Unidentified Stonefly Unidentified Calineuria californica Calineuria californica Drunella coloradensis Drunella Pteronarcys californica Didymosphenia geminata Didymosphenia Didymosphenia geminata Didymosphenia 122.1277 122.0977 122.1838 122.04139 122.12446 122.15999 120.12865 122.15838 121.32864 121.23237 122.15925 121.51072 122.15987 122.15221 121.51072 122.33204 122.94332 122.12291 122.87946 122.33204 121.28512 121.03809 122.33204 122.23666 122.70395 122.09789 Survey Sites 2010-2011 38.52509 38.24454 38.24151 38.22196 39.37121 38.21942 38.58765 38.63432 38.21883 40.83868 38.22049 38.22719 40.83868 38.66565 38.44747 38.27455 38.44213 38.66565 38.51111 40.31191 38.82694 38.91558 38.66565 38.50607 38.80434 38.51722 END Bobcat Ranch Mile 30 Mile 32 Mile Intake Below Dam Floatsom Site Floatsom William Pond Area William Bar Sailor Outtake Hat Creek Ranch Entire Reservoir Hat Creek Ranch Reservoir Road Upper Lake Berryessa Hartley Road Hartley PSC Management Road Management PSC All Upper Lake Berryessa Confluence with Putah Creek Putah with Confluence Upstream from Chester Fork Middle with Confluence Upper Lake Berryessa Lower Lake Berryessa Upper Putah Creek Putah Upper Confluence with Putah Creek Putah with Confluence Dry Creek Putah South Canal South Putah Canal South Putah Terminal Reservoir Prosser Creek Terminal Reservoir American River American River Terminal Reservoir Hat Creek Terminal Reservoir Hat Creek Green Valley Creek Pope Creek Sweeny Creek Suisun Creek Suisun Miller Creek Pope Creek Cold Creek North Fork Feather North Cache Creek Pope Creek North Fork American Capell Creek Putah Creek Creek Putah Thompson Creek Thompson 1 21 22 1b 119 111 111 143 115 117 132 220 115 137 228 115 248 127 226 160 END XTR-1 XTR-2 XTR-3 XTRW Ken W. Davis W. Ken Photo Survey Wildlife 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 Sacramento, CA 95825

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Solano County Water Agency 56 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix I

Information and Resources about Quagga Mussels Dreissena( bugensis), Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and Golden Mussels (Limnoperna fortunei)

• California Department of Fish & Game: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/invasives/ • California Department of Water Resources: http://www.des.water.ca.gov/ • 100th Meridian Initiative: http://www.100thmeridian.org • Center for Lakes and Reservoirs - Portland University: http://www.clr.pdx.edu/ • U.S. Geological Survey: http://www.usgs.gov

Solano County Water Agency 57 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix J

Solano County Water Agency 58 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix K

Lake Piru Solano County Water Agency 59 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix L

Example of certificate for completion of three-hour course ”Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Training for Zebra/Quagga Mussels” which is given annually at Lake Berryessa and the RCD Office in Dixon

Solano County Water Agency 60 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix M

“Protecting the Solano Project” Zebra / Quagga Mussel Presentation Zebra and quagga mussels represent a major threat to the native biota, recreation, and infrastructure within the Solano System. This free presentation available to angling clubs, civic organizations, and government agencies outlines the problem and what is being done to prevent the introduction of mussels into the Solano System.

The thirty minute Power Point Presentation is delivered by Aquatic Biologist, Ken Davis. An expert on invasive species, Ken is currently under contract with the Solano County Water Agency to conduct mussel surveys in the Lake Berryessa, Putah Creek, Putah South Canal, and ancillary reservoirs.

More Information: Ken W. Davis Wildlife Survey & Photo Service (916) 747-8537 [email protected]

Quagga mussels on boat hull. Lake Mead, Nevada

Left: Zebra Mussel Infestation at San Justo Reservoir, near Hollister, California. Above: Quagga mussels on boat hull, Lake Mead, NV.

Solano County Water Agency 61 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix N

Emergence: A New Vision of Bugs and Fly Fishing. Hungry trout key on emergers, stillborns, and flip-flopping cripples. Ken Davis, aquatic biologist, studies the phenomenon of emergence and has developed “Emergence: A New Vision of Aquatic Invertebrates and Fly Fishing” to share his findings with the fishing community. This innovative Power Point presentation covers nymphs, the miracle of emergence, adult insect behavior, and how it relates to successful fly fishing. You’ll see world class images that reveal the obstacles facing aquatic invertebrates as they mature and emerge from their watery seclusion. These unique images are only possible due to Ken’s lifetime of studying aquatic invertebrates, an extensive photo career, and new Nikon digital technology. During the presentation, he also covers the hazards of invasive species including New Zealand Mudsnails, Eurasian Mussels and Didymo. Ken is a consultant to numerous corporations and government agencies on invertebrate and invasive species issues. For more information contact:

Ken W. Davis 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. # 209 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 747-8537 [email protected]

Solano County Water Agency 62 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix O


Zebra/Quagga Mussel Workshop:

Potential Vulnerability & Impact To the NBA & Solano Project

Feb. 28, 2012 08:30 – 12:00

SCWA/SID Board Room 810 Vaca Valley Parkway, #203 Vacaville, CA 95688

Workshop Schedule:

08:30 AM ...... Introduction to Zebra/Quagga Mussels 09:15 AM ...... Preparing for Mussels in the SWP, Management, and Research 10:00 AM ...... 10 minute Break 10:10 AM ...... Vulnerability of the Solano Project 10:45 AM ...... Current Monitoring for the Solano Project 11:30 AM ...... Questions & Discussion

810 Vaca Valley Parkway, Suite 203 Vacaville, CA 94588 (707) 451-6090, FAX (707) 451-6099

Solano County Water Agency 63 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix P Mussel prevention article appeared in the Daily Republic (Fairfield, CA) on June 3, 2012. Written by Barry Eberling

Solano County Water Agency 64 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix P

Solano County Water Agency 65 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update

Appendix Q

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Appendix Q

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Appendix Q

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Appendix Q

Solano County Water Agency 69 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix R

Invasive Mussels Reported in Lake Piru

Submitted by Lisa Lien-Mager on Tue, 12/31/2013 - 10:27am in Endangered and Invasive Species Water News

United Water Conservation District is working with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to contain a suspected infestation of invasive mussels in Lake Piru in Ventura County.

The discovery marks the first time quagga or zebra mussels have been found in a Southern California lake or reservoir that does not receive water from the Colorado River, according to the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The suspected mussels were found attached to monitoring devices at various locations on Lake Piru, according to a news release issued by United Water. Mussels also were found attached to a Lake Piru patrol boat.

The discovery was reported to the Department of Fish and Wildlife on Dec. 18, and staff tentatively identified the mollusks, which range in size from one-half to three-quarters inches long, as quagga mussels. Samples have been sent to the Bodega Bay marine laboratory for testing to confirm the identification.

In the meantime, boaters at Lake Piru are being required to clean, drain and dry their watercraft upon exiting the lake.

Lake Piru, which is managed by United Water Conservation District, is located downstream of Pyramid Lake. Lake Piru drains into Lower Piru Creek, a tributary of the Santa Clara River.

United Water General Manager Mike Solomon asked for the public’s continued help in preventing the spread of invasive mussels.

“While the discovery is not pleasant news, we do not anticipate that this will impact our ability to provide recreation services to our visiting public,” Solomon said in a statement. “We recognize that operational and environmental concerns exist with such a discovery and upon confirmation, United Water will be working with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to comply with and implement any eradication and management practices necessary. As more information becomes available, we will keep our visitors apprised.”

Quagga and zebra mussels, non-native freshwater mussels native to Eurasia, multiply quickly and encrust watercraft and infrastructure, and compete for food with native and sport fish species. According to Fish and Wildlife, the mussels can be spread from one body of water to another attached to nearly anything that has been in an infested waterbody, or via standing water from an infested waterbody entrapped in boat engines, bilges, live-wells and buckets.

Quagga mussels were first detected in the Colorado River system in January 2007 and were later found in San Diego and Riverside counties. They are now known to be in 26 waters in California. Zebra mussels were discovered in San Justo Reservoir in San Benito County in January 2008.

Solano County Water Agency 70 Solano Project - Early Detection Plan for Eurasian Mussels 2014 Update Appendix S

Solano County Water Agency 71