Accurate Online Power Estimation and Automatic Battery Behavior Based Power Model Generation for

Lide Zhang† Birjodh Tiwana† Zhiyun Qian† Zhaoguang Wang† Robert P. Dick† Z. Morley Mao† Lei Yang? †EECS Department, University of Michigan ? Google Inc. Ann Arbor, MI, USA Mountain View, CA, USA {lide,tiwana,zhiyunq,zgw,dickrp,zmao} [email protected]

ABSTRACT platforms have incorporated power-saving features, allowing This paper describes PowerBooter, an automated power components to dynamically adjust their power consumptions model construction technique that uses built-in battery volt- based on required functionality and performance. However, age sensors and knowledge of battery discharge behavior to using these features wisely (or at least avoiding undermin- monitor power consumption while explicitly controlling the ing their benefits) requires that software developers under- power management and activity states of individual com- stand the implications of their design decisions. Unfortu- ponents. It requires no external measurement equipment. nately, many software developers have limited experience We also describe PowerTutor, a component power manage- with energy-constrained portable embedded systems such as ment and activity state introspection based tool that uses smartphones. As a consequence, many applica- the model generated by PowerBooter for online power esti- tions are unnecessarily power-hungry. mation. PowerBooter is intended to make it quick and easy End users have difficulty determining which applications for application developers and end users to generate power are energy-efficient, and which squander energy; as a re- models for new smartphone variants, which each have dif- sult, application users may blame short battery lifespans on ferent power consumption properties and therefore require the operating system or hardware platform instead of un- different power models. PowerTutor is intended to ease the fortunate and unintentional software design decisions. For- design and selection of power efficient software for embed- tunately, application designers have an incentive to develop ded systems. Combined, PowerBooter and PowerTutor have energy-efficient smartphone software. Their main barrier is the goal of opening power modeling and analysis for more the difficulty of determining the impact of software design smartphone variants and their users. decisions on system energy consumption, but that barrier can be overcome. Researchers have proposed a number of power models for Categories and Subject Descriptors portable embedded systems including Palm [1] and HTC C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Modeling techniques Dream [2]. These power models were derived manually by using a power meter attached to one specific embedded sys- tem instance. As a result of the model derivation process, General Terms the generated power model is at best accurate for one type Measurement, Design of embedded system and at worst accurate only for the spe- cific embedded system instance for which it was built. It Keywords would require great effort and time to manually generate power models for the wide range of phones now available. Power modeling, mobile phones, battery This paper describes online power model generation tech- niques. The models produced by these techniques provide 1. INTRODUCTION accurate, real-time power consumption estimates for power- There is tension between the interest in potentially power- intensive Android platform smartphone components includ- hungry smartphone application features and the require- ing CPU, LCD, GPS, and audio, as well as Wi-Fi and cellu- ment for low power consumption necessary for long bat- lar communication components. The proposed power model tery lifespans. Designers of smartphone hardware–software is based on the influence of the power management and ac- tivity states of hardware components on system power con- This work was supported in part by Google; in part by sumption. Hardware components are associated with system NSF under awards CNS-0720691, CCF-0702761, and CNS- variables, e.g., LCD brightness, that are subject to intro- 0347941; in part by SRC under award 2007-HJ-1593; and in spection and allow estimation of component power consump- part by DARPA under award HR0011-08-1-0021. tions. We also provide an on-line power estimation tool, called PowerTutor, that uses a function of these variables to Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for determine system-level power consumption. The power es- personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are timation and model generation techniques described in this not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies paper can be applied to a variety of platforms. PowerTutor bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to has been evaluated on the Android HTC Dream (ADP1) republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific and HTC Magic (ADP2) phones. permission and/or a fee. In this paper, we show that phones of different types have CODES+ISSS’10, October 24–29, 2010, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. significant differences in power consumption properties and Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-60558-905-3/10/10 ...$10.00. provide evidence that power consumption differences be- tween individual phones of the same type are negligible for HTC Dream and HTC Magic phones. Motivated by this observation and the difficulty of generating power models manually, we propose a battery-based automatic model con- struction technique. This technique uses the built-in battery voltage sensors common to modern smartphones. Instead of using a power meter, we use this voltage sensor, and a some- what complex but automated characterization procedure, to generate a power model. The work described in this paper makes three main re- search contributions. 1. We provide manually generated power models for HTC Dream and HTC Magic phones. These comprehensive Figure 1: Experimental setup for power measurement. system-level models consider CPU, LCD, GPS, Wi-Fi, cellular, and audio components (see Section 3). This is therefore provide only part of the solution for embedded sys- the first time a GPS power model has been described. tem power estimation. For components with significant power consumption, Mobile embedded system power models are generally we find that power consumption is independent of the component-based. Cignetti et al. proposed a full-system states of other components. See Section 3 for details. power model for Palm PDAs [1] and Shye et al. [2] derived 2. We measure variation in power consumption properties a system-level power model for Android platform smart- among phones. In particular, for the phones we stud- phones. Both power models were constructed by corre- ied, we quantify the (small) variation among multiple lating operating system visible state variables with power instances of the same type of phone, and the (large) consumption while running a range of normal software ap- variation among different types of phones. See Sec- plications. This modeling technique is sometimes accurate. tion 4 for details. However, it suffers from a potential drawback: the accuracy of the resulting model relies on the training applications ex- 3. We describe a novel automated power model construc- ercising the full set of component activity and power man- tion technique. This technique uses built-in battery agement states that may be encountered during the use of voltage sensors and knowledge of battery discharge be- model. We suggest, instead, that training and characteriza- havior to monitor power consumption while explicitly tion applications be designed to explicitly exercise all rele- controlling the power management and activity states vant system states, so that the resulting model is appropriate of individual components. It requires no external mea- for use with arbitrary applications. Section 3.2 describes the surement equipment. See Section 5 for details. selection of components and states to consider. The above power models are constructed using external In addition, our work makes a practical contribution: we power meters. To the best of our knowledge, only two pa- describe an easy-to-use on-line power estimation technique pers have proposed battery behavior based power model con- that uses the power models described above to determine struction techniques. The concurrent work from Dong and component-level power consumption during application ex- Zhong [8] proposed a automatic construction of a power ecution. A software implementation of this estimator has model using a smart battery interface, while Gurun and been released on the Android market. This software tool, Krintz [9] proposed an adaptive power estimation model which we refer to as PowerTutor, has been used by more that uses the built-in Battery Monitor Unit (BMU). Both than 6,000 people. See Section 7 for details. techniques require knowledge of the discharging current and remaining battery capacity, which are not available for most 2. RELATED WORK phones. Our technique relies only on knowledge of the bat- In this section we summarize related work on online power tery discharge voltage curve and access to a battery voltage modeling and model construction techniques. sensor, which is available on most smartphones. Power modeling has been well studied by many re- searchers, not only for mobile embedded systems, but also for general-purpose computers. For example, some power 3. POWER MODEL modeling techniques [3, 4] require deep knowledge of the re- We first describe the specific smartphone platform we lationship between processor functional unit activities and model, followed by explanations of our measurement setup. their resulting power consumptions. Run-time functional We then explain the development of training software to ex- unit activities are monitored using built-in hardware per- ercise the relevant power management and activity states of formance counters. In contrast, other researchers devel- hardware components with significant power consumptions. oped “black-box” microprocessor power models [5, 6] that require no knowledge of hardware component implementa- 3.1 Smartphone Hardware Components and tion. These models are based on the assumption of linear Experimental Setup relationships between processor power consumption and sev- This section describes power modeling of an Android Dev eral hardware performance counters, e.g., instructions exe- Phone 1 (ADP1), a version of the HTC Dream mobile phone cuted and TLB misses. Flinn and Satyanarayanan [7] devel- that permits superuser access. Its hardware components oped a workstation power modeling technique that assigns are shown in Table 1. We used the Android 1.6 software energy consumption to processes or procedures within a pro- development kit, which supports both Java and C program cess. Such models are simple, fast, and impose low overhead. development. In Section 4, we will describe the power model However, they only model power consumed by the CPU and for the Android Dev Phone 2 (ADP2). Table 1: Hardware Components for HTC Dream Hardware component Detailed description Processor MSM7201A chipset, including ARM11 application processor, ARM9 modem, and high-performance DSP LCD Display TFT-LCD flat glass touch-sensitive HVGA screen Wi-Fi interface Texas Instruments WL 1251B chipset GPS A-GPS and standalone GPS Qualcomm RTR6285 chipset, supporting GSM, GPRS/EDGE, Cellular Dual band UMTS Bands I and IV, and HSDPA/HSUPA Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.0+EDR via Texas Instruments BRF6300 Audio Built-in microphone and speaker Camera 3.2-megapixel camera Battery Rechargeable lithium-ion battery with capacity: 1,150 mAh Storage microSD card slot

We use a Monsoon FTA22D meter [10] for power mea- we periodically vary each state variable over its full range. surement. The measurement instruments are illustrated in Fixing power states of all other components when exercising Figure 1. The Monsoon meter supplies a stable voltage to one component can reduce measurement noise resulting from the phone and samples the power consumption at a rate of state transitions by other components. For example, to de- 5 KHz. During characterization, the ADP1 runs two pro- termine the relationship between CPU utilization and total grams simultaneously. One is a power state exerciser that power consumption, we fix the CPU frequency and disable controls characteristics influencing phone power consump- the LCD display, as well as the cellular, Wi-Fi, and GPS in- tion such as CPU utilization and LCD brightness. This terfaces. We then use a program to gradually vary the CPU control is not always perfect or precise; we therefore also utilization from 0% to 100%. Note that some component run a second program to log readings at sufficiently high power state variables cannot be independently controlled. frequency to capture most changes of variables indicating For example, Wi-Fi and CPU power consumptions are in- the system state. By using these two programs, we can ex- terdependent. To take the influence of interdependent com- ercise all relevant power states in a relatively short time, and ponents into account, we also monitor all component power determine the precise system state at any particular time. states while exercising the target component. During re- gression, the power states of all components are considered. 3.2 Selecting Hardware Components and In the following subsections, we discuss the implementation System Variables of the training programs and the relationship between the To determine which components need to be considered, power consumption and the corresponding state variables. we carry out the following experiment for each. CPU: CPU power consumption is strongly influenced by CPU utilization and frequency. Varying dynamic, leakage, 1. Hold the power and activity states of all other compo- and peripheral circuit power consumptions invalidate simple nents constant. cubic frequency–power relationship approximations. In this 2. Vary the activity state to extreme values for the com- work, we measure the dependence of CPU power consump- ponents of interest, e.g., set CPU utilization to its low- tion on utilization and frequency–voltage settings. est and highest values or configure the GPS state to The HTC Dream platform supports two CPU frequen- extreme values by controlling activity and visibility of cies: 385 MHz and 246 MHz. The corresponding power co- GPS satellites. efficients are shown in Table 2. We consider only the appli- cation processor (ARM11); system variables are hidden for For each component, determining the setting that results in the other processor (ARM9), which is dedicated to cellular extreme power consumption requires some experimentation data and voice services [11]. We model the cellular processor and knowledge of the component implementation. as a part of the cellular interface. The variable βCPU shown Based on these initial experiments, we exclude the com- in Table 2 indicates the power difference between active and ponents with insignificant impact on the system power con- idle states of the application processor [12]. sumption, e.g., the SD card. The following components are The CPU training program is composed of a CPU use modeled: CPU and LCD display as well as GPS, Wi-Fi, controller, which controls the duty cycle of a computation- cellular, and audio interfaces. By measuring the power con- intensive task, and a frequency controller, which writes the sumption of the phone when it is at different cross prod- system frequency file in the /sys filesystem. ucts of extreme power states (e.g., for LCD and CPU, the LCD: The LCD display power model is derived using a cross products can be [Full brightness, Low CPU] and [Low training program that turns the LCD on and off and changes brightness, High CPU]), we found that the maximum er- its brightness. To simplify modeling, we used 10 uniformly ror resulting from assuming that individual components are distributed brightness levels. independent is 6.27%. This suggests that a sum of inde- GPS: We consider the influence of the following GPS- pendent component-specific power estimates is sufficient to related variables on power consumption: mode (e.g., ac- estimate system power consumption. tive, sleep, or off), the number of satellites detected, and the signal strength of each satellite. All these variables are 3.3 Training Suites to Derive Power Model logged using the Android Software Development Kit API. It is necessary to determine the relationship between each To control the GPS state, we use the requestLocationUpdate state variable and power consumption for each relevant hard- method [12], to make the GPS component switch between ware component. The main idea is to use a set of training sleep and active states. It was necessary to change the phys- programs to change one activity state variable at a time, ical environment of the smartphone to control the number while keeping all others constant. In each training program, Table 2: HTC Dream Power Model

(βuh × freqh + βul × freql) × util + βCPU × CPU on + βbr × brightness Model + βGon × GP S on + βGsl × GP S sl + βWi-Fi l × Wi-Fil + βWi-Fi h × Wi-Fih + β3G idle × 3Gidle + β3G FACH × 3GFACH + β3G DCH × 3GDCH Category System variable Range Power coefficient Category System variable Range Power coefficient β : 4.34 LCD brightness 0–255 β : 2.40 util 1–100 uh br β : 3.42 GPS on 0,1 β : 429.55 CPU ul GPS Gon freql,freqh 0,1 n.a. GPS sl 0,1 βGsl: 173.55 CPU on 0,1 βCPU : 121.46 data rate 0–∞ n.a. npackets, Rdata 0–∞ n.a. downlink queue 0–∞ n.a. Wi-Fi Rchannel 1–54 βcr Cellular uplink queue 0–∞ n.a. Wi-Fil 0,1 βWi-Fi l: 20 3Gidle 0,1 β3G idle : 10 Wi-Fih 0,1 βWi-Fi h: Equation 1 3GFACH 0,1 β3G FACH : 401 Audio Audio on 0,1 βaudio: 384.62 3GDCH 0,1 β3G DCH : 570

Traffic more 1800 No data than 15 Data to 1600 ltrans- to send packets send htrans- low high 1400 mit mit 1200 Data to Traffic less No data 1000 send than 8 to send 800 packets 600 Act Power (mW) 400 Slp Figure 3: Wi-Fi interface power states. 200 Has data to send 0 UL/DL queue size 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 RACH (UL) FACH (DL) > threshold Time (s) IDLE CELL_FACH CELL_DCH

Inactivity timer 1 Inactivity timer 2 Figure 2: Power profile for the current GPS policy. of satellites available and their signal strengths. To this end, we use a conductive hemisphere (i.e., a Faraday Wok) Figure 4: 3G interface power states. that attenuates radio frequency signals, allowing us to exer- cise coarse-grained control over the GPS environment. We sumption in this state is 20 mW. Transition from low-power considered three states: active with many satellites avail- state to high-power state happens when more than 15 pack- able, active with few satellites available, and sleep. Our ets are transmitted or received per second. Interestingly, measurements indicate that the power consumption depends packet rate, not bit rate, determines the power state. The strongly on whether the GPS component is active or in sleep value of npackets must drop to 8 per second to return to mode (see Figure 2), but has little dependence on the num- the low-power state, i.e., the system has hysteresis. In the ber of satellites available or the signal strength. Considering high-power state, the power consumption is 710 mW. only the GPS operating mode is sufficiently accurate. To verify our claim that at a particular channel rate and Wi-Fi: To derive the Wi-Fi model we consider two net- packet rate, Wi-Fi interface power consumption is indepen- work parameters: data rate and channel rate. The Wi-Fi dent of bit rate, we repeat the experiments with packet size power model is derived by exchanging fixed size (1 KB) TCP varying from 0 B to 1 KB, in 100 byte intervals. We observe packets between the smartphone and a local server. We that the packet size does not influence power consumption control the data rate by varying the delay between trans- given fixed channel and packet rates. However, when the missions from 0 s to 2 s in steps of 0.1 s. These experiments channel rate is low, more time is spent in the very high power are repeated at uplink channel rates of 11 Mbps, 36 Mbps, consumption transmitting state, given the same amount of 48 Mbps, and 54 Mbps. Repeating the experiment with UDP data transmitted. The Wi-Fi interface power consumption produced similar results. in high-power state is modeled as follows: The Wi-Fi power model depends on four system variables: βWi-Fi h = 710 mW + βcr (Rchannel ) × Rdata and (1) number of packets transmitted and received per second βcr (Rchannel ) = 48 − 0.768 × Rchannel . (2) (npackets), uplink channel rate (Rchannel ), and uplink data Cellular: The cellular interface model is derived by send- rate (Rdata ). Figure 3 shows the Wi-Fi power model. The ing UDP packets between a smartphone and a local server Wi-Fi interface has four power states: low-power, high- via the T-Mobile UMTS 3G network. Packet sizes vary from power, ltransmit, and htransmit. Ltransmit and htransmit 10 B to 1 KB. For each packet size, we vary the delay between are states the network card briefly enters when transmitting transmissions from 0 s to 12 s in 0.1 s intervals. Results are data. After sending the data, the card returns to its previ- similar for TCP packets. The following model does not con- ous power state. When transmitting at high data rates, the sider signal strength, but this is a focus of our current work. card is only briefly in the transmit state, i.e., approximately The measured data are consistent with the finite state 10–15 ms per second. The time for low-power transmit state machine based power model shown in Figure 4. The model is even shorter. The Wi-Fi component power consumption depends on transmit and receive rate (data rate) and two in either transmitting state is approximately 1,000 mW. The queue sizes. It contains three important states for the com- low-power state is entered when the Wi-Fi interface is nei- munication channel between base station and cellular inter- ther sending nor receiving data at a high rate. Power con- face [13]. 2.5 Test 1 second RTT is the time between sending the HTTP Get re- quest and receiving the first data packet. Figures 5 and 6 2 Test 2 Test 3 show the first and second RTTs calculated for each down- 1.5 load. Based on these figures, we can infer the times at which state changes occur due to inactivity. 1 In Figure 5, the RTTs of download 11, as well as those RTT (s) of subsequent downloads, are equal to the RTT of the first 0.5 download, which starts from the idle state. Hence the sum of the two inactivity timers is 10 seconds. Figure 5 indicates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 that the RTTs of downloads 7 and 8 are larger than those of downloads 2–6. This is due to the delay of the state Download demotion from CELL DCH to CELL FACH. Figure 6 shows that downloads 2–6 have smaller RTTs than the others; the Figure 5: TCP handshake RTT. other downloads experienced delay in state promotion from 2.5 CELL FACH to CELL DCH. We conclude that inactivity Test 1 timer 1 is initialized to 6 seconds and inactivity timer 2 is 2 Test 2 Test 3 initialized to 4 seconds. Audio: We modeled the audio interface by measuring the 1.5 power consumption when it is not used, and when an audio 1 file is played at different volumes. The measured data (see RTT (s) Table 2) indicate that audio interface use influences power 0.5 consumption but speaker volume does not. We hypothesize that the increased power consumption during audio output 0 is due to activating a digital signal processor and/or speaker 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 amplifier. Download 3.3.1 Regression-Based Approach Figure 6: HTTP GET RTT. After collecting power traces for hardware components un- der control of our training software, we use multi-variable re- CELL DCH : In this state, the cellular interface has a ded- gression to minimize the sum of squared errors for the power icated channel for communication with the base station. It coefficient. can therefore use high-speed downlink/uplink packet access 0 P0 1 0 U01 1 0 U0m 1 (HSDPA/HSUPA) data rates, resulting in a power consump- P U U B 1 C = β · B 11 C ... + β · B 1m C + c. (3) tion of 570 mW for the cellular interface. When there is no @ ··· A 1 @ ··· A m @ ··· A activity for a fixed period of time (inactivity timer 2), the Pn Un1 Unm cellular interface enters the CELL FACH state. In this equation, Uij represents system variable i in the jth CELL FACH : In this state the cellular interface shares a state. Pj is the power consumption when all system vari- communication channel to the base station. It can access ables are in the jth state. The inputs for regression are the random/forward access (CELL RACH /CELL FACH ) the system variables and the outputs are power consump- common channels. Its data rate is only a few hundred tions and power coefficients βi. Constant c is the minimum bytes per second. CELL RACH is an uplink channel and system power consumption. Note that Equation 3 only rep- CELL FACH is a downlink channel. Cellular interface resents a linear relationship between system variables and power consumption in this state is 401 mW. If there is a power consumption. However, this is insufficient for some lot of data to be transmitted, the cellular interface enters system variables, e.g., processor frequency. In Table 2, we the CELL DCH state. Transition from CELL FACH to use a zero-one indicator associated with a power coefficient CELL DCH is triggered by changes in the downlink/uplink to represent the non-linear relationship between frequency queue sizes maintained for these two states in the radio net- and power consumption. work controller. Our measurements indicate state transition thresholds of 151 bytes for the uplink queue and 119 bytes for the downlink queue. Once either queue size exceeds its 4. INTRA- AND INTER-PHONE threshold, CELL DCH is entered. If idle for a sufficient POWER CONSUMPTION VARIATION duration (inactivity timer 1), the IDLE state is entered. We previously explained the construction of a power IDLE: In this state the cellular interface only receives pag- model for an ADP1 phone. In order to determine how ing messages and does not transmit data. The power con- general the power model generated for one phone is, we sumption is 10 mW. compared models for different instances of the same type In order to infer the inactivity durations resulting in state of phone, and models for different types of phones. In this transitions for T-Mobile’s UMTS 3G network, we repeatedly section, we characterize two ADP1 phones and four ADP2 download an 80 KB file using HTTP 30 times with a period (HTC Magic) phones. HTC Magic has the same processor that increases from 1–29 seconds in one-second intervals, and LCD specifications as the ADP1 (HTC Dream), but a recording the timestamp for each packet. The experiment is different cellular interface [14]. repeated 3 times. Before each transmission, the connection Table 3 shows the inter- and intra-type power model varia- is left idle for 30 seconds to allow the cellular interface to tion for ADP1 and ADP2 phones. The intra-type variation enter the idle state. We calculate two Round Trip Times is the standard deviation normalized by the mean of the (RTTs) at the beginning of each download. The first RTT sample phones of the same type. The inter-type variation is is the time between sending out a SYN packet and receiv- the difference between the means of the samples for the two ing a SYN-ACK packet during TCP connection set up. The types of phones. Note that the power model parameters in 4200 Table 3: Variation of Power Models Among Phones 4100 4000 Variation (%) Intra-ADP1 Intra-ADP2 Inter-type 3900 3800 βuh 1.46 9.6 -23.16 CPU 3700

βCPU 9.05 9.20 33.28 Voltage (mV) 3600 LCD βbr 1.56 2.5 -28.13 3500 β 1.31 3.55 2.86 Wi-Fi Wi-Fih 3400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 βWi-Fil 4.89 4.86 -31 3G 1.03 1.73 62.01 State of Discharge (%) Cell DCH 3GFCH 2.80 2.94 27.42 GPS 1.35 3.01 -5.12 GPS on Figure 7: Discharge curve of ADP2 lithium-ion battery. GPS sl 2.48 3.82 -11.50 Audio βaudio 3.31 2.57 -59.37 Rint

Vout the table can also be seen as power measurements for a par- Vint Rload ticular workload, i.e., variation in power model parameters is linearly related to prediction error. For example, for an Battery Phone application using the audio device, we expect to see less than 4% prediction error from using the power model derived for Figure 8: Equivalent circuit for battery. an ADP1 to predict audio device power consumption for another ADP1. These data provide some support for the 5.1 Battery Basics following conclusions. Lithium-ion batteries are popular for portable embedded First, inter-type variation is significant. Among all the systems due to their high energy-to-weight ratios, long ser- hardware components, the power models for cellular inter- vice lifetimes, and low self-discharge currents. faces differ the most, with variation of 62% between ADP1 The voltage of a lithium-ion battery changes during dis- and ADP2. This result is consistent with data from the En- charge, allowing energy depletion rate (power consumption) vironment Working Group [15], which shows that the ADP2 to be estimated based on changes to observed voltage. We has greater cellular interface radiation than the ADP1. In- now explain the reasons for and properties of this voltage terestingly, although ADP1 and ADP2 have the same LCD change. During discharge, current within the battery is car- display specifications, the power model parameters differ by ried by lithium ions (Li+) moving from negative to positive more than 20%. We speculate that the LCD display in the electrodes, through the non-aqueous electrolyte and sepa- ADP2 is a more energy-efficient part with the same display rator diaphragm [16]. Figure 7 shows the discharge curve quality specifications. of the lithium-ion battery in an ADP2 phone with a (rela- Second, intra-type variation is small. We presently have tively low) discharge current of 64.5 mA. The state of dis- few intra-type power model samples. To draw a tenta- charge (SOD) is the percent of the rated battery energy that tive conclusion, we calculated the confidence interval for has been discharged. As shown in the figure, the discharge the intra-type sample variance under the assumption that curve is monotonically decreasing. Note that both the en- the distribution of power consumption differences between ergy capacity and the discharge curve change with discharge phones has a Gaussian distribution. With 95% confidence, current, temperature, and battery age [17], which may po- the maximum intra-type variance exceeds 10.4% for no com- tentially influence the accuracy of the proposed technique, ponent. This conclusion is tentative because we have not as we will discuss in Section 5.2. demonstrated that the power consumption difference distri- The internal impedance of a battery and its load (i.e., a bution is Gaussian. phone) influence its output voltage. A battery can be mod- eled as a variable resistor in series with a variable voltage 5. BATTERY STATE BASED AUTOMATED source, as shown in Figure 8. Rload is the equivalent re- POWER MODEL GENERATION sistance of the phone, Rint is the internal resistance of the battery, and Vint is the internal voltage of the battery. Due We have shown that the variation between power models to the voltage drop across Rint , the terminal voltage (Vout ) for different types of phones is significant. This necessitates is lower than Vint . Vint and Rint can be modeled as functions building a new power model for each type of phone. Cur- of SOD. rent manual measurement based modeling techniques are time-consuming and require access to power measurement instruments. Ideally, it would be possible to quickly and 5.2 Battery State Based Model Generation conveniently generate accurate power models for new types The main idea of the battery state based power model gen- of phones without access to special equipment. eration technique is to use the training software described We propose a power model generation technique that uses in Section 3 to control phone component power and activ- knowledge of battery discharge behavior, and the built-in ity states. The phone components are held in a particular battery voltage sensors in many embedded systems, to deter- state for a significant period of time and the change in bat- mine the average power consumption resulting from placing tery SOD is determined using the built-in battery voltage components into different power states. This power charac- sensor, allowing an estimate of the power consumption for terization technique does not require external power mea- that power management and activity state. At this point, surement equipment. We now give a brief tutorial on the the regression technique described in Section 3 can be used properties of lithium-ion batteries, which will provide a foun- to build a power model. One question remains: how can dation for explaining the proposed power model generation the battery voltage readings be converted into power con- technique. sumption values? To achieve that, we need to determine the SOD (i.e., total consumed energy) variation within a testing on the discharge current. As a result, even if the internal interval based on the sensed voltages: voltage source has constant voltage, i.e., the battery has P × (t1 − t2) = E × (SOD(V1) − SOD(V2)), (4) the same SOD, the terminal voltage depends on discharge where P is the average power consumption in time interval current. Worse yet, the internal resistance depends on SOD. [t1, t2], E is the rated battery energy capacity, and SOD(Vi) To eliminate the impact of internal resistance, we switch is the battery state-of-discharge at voltage Vi (i is 1 or 2). all components of the phone to their low-power modes to The following challenges remain for the proposed technique. minimize discharge current when taking a voltage reading. Determining the SOD based on voltage: As shown This minimizes voltage drop across Rint in Figure 8, thereby in Section 5.1, the present voltage can be used for an inverse minimizing the difference between Vout and Vint . We used a lookup of SOD based on the discharge curve. However, there voltmeter to verify that Vint is within 0.03 V of Vout under is a potential problem with this idea. The discharge curves these conditions. of different batteries may vary. Using the same look-up table Some phones that have recently started to appear on the for all batteries may be inaccurate. We therefore character- market are equipped with built-in current sensors. This sim- ize the discharge curve for each battery separately. During plifies determining the power consumption for each compo- characterization, the training software discharges the bat- nent power state. However, built-in current sensors are not tery from fully charged to completely discharged states using yet common, so relying on their presence reduces the gener- a constant discharge current, thereby maintaining a linear ality of a power modeling technique. relationship between SOD and discharging time. A logger runs in background to record the battery output voltage. 6. POWER MODEL VALIDATION Note that even for the same phone, the discharge curve may In this section, we evaluate the accuracies of the meter- vary with temperature and aging. To eliminate the effect of based (see Section 3) and battery-based (see Section 5) these external factors, we recommend that characterization power models. We first evaluate the meter-based model be conducted at room temperature (i.e., 73–78°F), in which when running popular applications. Then, we explain the range the average variance of discharge curve is 4.3%. We implementation of the proposed battery-based model con- acquire the variance by comparing the corresponding volt- struction technique and evaluate the resulting model by ages at uniformly distributed samples of SOD on the SOD comparing it with the meter based model. curves under the highest (112.2°F) and lowest temperature (89.6°F) reached by our training suites. 6.1 Accuracy Analysis for the Meter-Based We use a piece-wise linear function to model the non-linear relationship between SOD and bat- Power Model tery voltage. To derive the function, we traverse We validated the power model on six popular applications. {(SOD , voltage ), ··· , (SOD , voltage )}, which is 1 1 n n • Break the Block: A game that uses CPU, LCD, and ordered by increasing voltage values. Each additional SOD Audio. and voltage tuple is grouped with the data points on the most recent line segment and linear regression fitting is • Google Talk: An instant message application that uses used. If the maximum error returned by regression is larger CPU, LCD, Wi-Fi/3G, and Audio. than an error threshold, in our case 0.1%, we start a new • Google Maps: A web mapping application that uses line segment at the current point. CPU, LCD, Wi-Fi/3G, and GPS. Determining the energy capacity E: As shown in • The Weather Channel: A weather forecast application Equation 4, E is needed to determine power consumption. that uses CPU, LCD, Wi-Fi/3G, and GPS. However, nominal energy capacity may change due to aging • YouTube: A web-based video sharing application that and discharge rate. There are two potential solutions to the uses CPU, LCD, and Wi-Fi/3G. aging problem. A user with a new battery (e.g., an early adopter wanting to characterize a new type of phone for the • Browser: The default web browser on Android that first time) can read E from the battery label. For a user uses CPU, LCD, and Wi-Fi/3G. with old battery, it would instead be necessary to determine We repeated the experiment under the following conditions. the battery energy based on knowledge of system power con- We used full brightness for Google Maps, Break the Block, sumption in some state, e.g., the maximum CPU power con- and Gtalk; brightness level 102 for YouTube; brightness level sumption. Note that it would be possible to build a power 210 for The Weather Channel; and brightness level 36 for model for all the components in a new phone without know- Browser. We enabled 3G in Gtalk and used Wi-Fi for all ing the battery initial energy or the power consumption of other applications. any component. However, the power consumptions in this To evaluate the accuracy of the model, we used two error model would be relative to the battery energy, i.e., knowing metrics. abs avg is defined as the average of the absolute absolute component power consumptions requires knowledge values of the errors, i.e., of the absolute value of some energy or power consumption ˛ ˛ ˛ measured − predicted ˛ number within the model. ˛ ˛ . (5) Different discharge rates result in different battery energy ˛ measured ˛ capacities. We quantified the error resulting from assum- To estimate the accuracy of the model when estimating the ing that the battery energy capacity is independent of dis- impact of software design on phone battery lifespan, we used charge rate by using the lowest and highest discharge rates another metric, avg, i.e., measured − predicted the phone can produce during discharge curve characteriza- (6) tion. For our ADP2 battery, this results in less than 2.4% measured error in power consumption estimates. This metric better gauges accuracy predicting the power The impact of internal resistance: Due to internal consumption over long time spans. battery resistance, the shape of the discharge curve depends Figure 9 shows the modeled and measured power con- sumptions for each application. Error histograms are also Google Talk Break the Block 1900 1900 1700 1700 1500 1500 1300 1300 1100 1100 Power (mW) Power (mW) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (s) Modeled Time (s) Modeled Measured Measured Error distribution Error distribution 120 80 90 abs avg: 6.90% 60 abs avg: 2.73% 60 40 avg: -0.65% avg: 2.54% 30 20 Frequency Frequency 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Error proportion Error proportion (a) (b)

Google Map The Weather Channel 2400 2400 2000 2000 1600 1600 1200 1200 Power (mW) Power (mW) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Time (s) Time (s) Modeled Modeled Measured Measured Error distribution Error distribution 120 120 90 90 abs avg: 7.01% abs avg: 9.92% 60 60 avg: 1.56% avg: 1.66% 30 30 Frequency Frequency 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Error proportion Error proportion (c) (d)

Browser YouTube 2100 1600 1800 1300 1500 1000 1200 700 900 Power (mW) Power (mW) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Modeled Modeled Time (s) Measured Time (s) Measured Error distribution Error distribution 60 100 abs avg: 8.96% 80 abs avg: 9.81% 40 avg: 2.25% 60 avg: -2.44% 20 40 20 Frequency Frequency 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Error proportion Error proportion (e) (f)

Figure 9: Power profiles for selected applications. shown. The figures show that the average long-term error component. The battery starts in a fully charged state. (avg) is less than 2.5% over the application’s lifespan and We characterize the discharge curve individually for that average error (abs avg) is less than 10% for 1 second each phone. intervals. 2. Determine the power consumption for each component We also measured the power overhead of the on-line power state. In this step, the state of a single component is consumption estimation technique. It is only 80 mW, an varied while other components are kept in low-power order of magnitude lower than the power consumption of states. In order to determine the power consumption high-power states of most smartphone components. for each power state, the battery voltage at the begin- 6.2 Implementation of the Automatic ning and the end of the power state discharge interval Battery-Based Model Generation Tech- are recorded. The phone is placed in a low-power state immediately before taking a voltage reading to elimi- nique nate the impact of the voltage drop across the battery The power modeling process may be automated as de- internal resistance. We repeatedly measure voltage for scribed in Figure 11. As described in Section 5, constructing 1 minute, and discharge the battery for 15 minutes the battery discharge curve requires three steps. between measurement intervals. 1. Obtain the battery discharge curve for each individual 3. Perform regression to derive the power model. After 250 300 250 250 200 200 200 150 150 150 100 100 100 Frequency number Frequency number Frequency number 50 50 50

0 0 0 −0.5 0 0.5 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 (a) 15 minutes (b) 30 minutes (c) 45 minutes

Figure 10: Error distribution for LCD. Get battery 0.8 Quartiles discharge 0.6 curve 0.4 0.2 0 Keep all device -0.2

Put in low Error fraction in one power power state for -0.4 state for 15 1 minute -0.6 minutes -0.8 Exercise devices CPU LCD GPS Wifi 3G Audio Hardware component

Regression to Figure 12: Error distributions for components. derive power model for the same power state; we repeatedly cycled through all power states six times. Figure 11: Battery SOD based power model construction. We can draw two conclusions from Figure 10. First, the mean of the errors for all discharge intervals deviates from the battery voltage differences for each power state dis- zero by no more than 0.4%. This suggests that, given an ad- charge interval are collected, we use them to calculate equate battery discharge interval, the battery-based model average power consumption within the 15-minute in- is as accurate as the meter-based model. Second, the vari- tervals. We then use regression to generate the power ance of the distribution decreases with longer intervals. For model a 45-minute interval, more than 92% of trials have errors . less than 10%. The discharge interval for each power state is difficult to These two conclusions suggest two alternative model- select. Minimizing this duration makes the characterization construction system designs. Users can be allowed to choose process more convenient. However, the interval must be long a trade-off between model construction time and accuracy. enough for the change in battery voltage to exceed noise. In We expect that most users would allow a power model to order to determine the optimal interval, we do statistical be automatically constructed while they sleep (6.5 hours for analysis of the model error distribution as a function of bat- a 15-minute battery discharge interval). Another alterna- tery discharge interval per power state. Figure 10 shows the tive is to have a central web-based system gradually learn error distribution of the LCD model. We did this analysis the model from samples collected from multiple users. Each for all components. user might characterize a phone using a 15-minute battery To estimate the error distribution of the battery SOD discharge interval and submit the data. The data for mul- based technique, one could repeat the entire model construc- tiple users of the same type of phone could be combined to tion process many times with different discharge intervals. produce an accurate model. Note that model construction However, there is a more efficient way to gather the same would only need to be done once for a new type of phone, data. Bootstrapping is a technique to treat an initial set of and that automating this process and removing the need samples as a stand-in for the population and to re-sample for special power measurement equipment would represent from it repeatedly, with replacement. In our experiment, a significant improvement on current conditions. we collect 6 samples at each LCD brightness with a dis- 6.3 Accuracy Analysis for the Battery-Based charge duration of 15 minutes. We then randomly select one sample for each brightness level. By doing regression on Power Model these randomly selected samples, we are able to derive an Figure 12 shows the error distributions of the battery- LCD power model. The error is defined as the percentage based power model using a 15-minute battery discharge in- difference between the newly-derived model and the meter- terval. The error distribution is generated as described in based model. Repeating this process 1,000 times allows Section 6.2. The box boundaries indicate the 25th and 75th us to determine the error distribution for models generated percentiles and the line span indicates the maximum posi- using 15-minute battery discharge intervals. To determine tive and negative errors. The line in the middle of the box the distribution for 30-minute intervals, we randomly select is the mean of all errors. and average two 15-minute sample points without replace- ment at each brightness level. Note that the experiment was designed to minimize correlation between different samples Application Market. This paper has also described Power- Booter, an automatic battery state of discharge based power model generation technique. PowerBooter power model con- struction without using a power meter. The result indicates that the power model built with PowerBooter is accurate to within 4.1% of measured values for 10-second intervals.

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