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Meanings of Lifestyle Memes in English: Pragmatic-Semiotic Analysis

Meanings of Lifestyle Memes in English: Pragmatic-Semiotic Analysis




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) Degree in English Studies


Christine Permata Sari Student Number: 156332015





First of all, I would like to thank Almighty God, Jesus Christ, for His blessings and so that I can finish my study in the graduate program in Sanata Dharma University. Because of His guidance and care, I can keep struggling to do my best since there were lots of barriers and challenges in finishing this work.

I would like to give my greatest gratitude to my thesis advisor, Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. for his feedback, tremendous help, suggestions, patience, and kindness during the thesis consultation process. I would also like to sincerely thank Dr. Sunarto and Bp. Paulus Sarwoto, Ph. D. as my thesis reviewers who have given me advices and feedbacks towards my thesis accomplishment. I would also thank Ibu Novita Dewi, Ph.D as my examiner who had given me abundant feedbacks and help me in obtaining the depth analysis of my thesis. I also would like to thank Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd. for the suggestions. I would also like to convey my earnest gratitude to Father Dr. Gregorius Budi Subanar, SJ. for his and willingness to teach me in a fun way since it was a new topic for me. I really appreciate all the suggestions for the improvement. I would also like to express my indescribable gratitude for all staffs in Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Sanata Dharma for giving me abundant opportunities and experiences to train and improve myself, especially to Ibu Dr. B. Ria Lestari, M.Sc. who always gives me advices and opportunities especially for teaching BIPA. My deeply gratitude also goes to my friends from ELS batch 2015 especially B for the friendship and the moments.

Further, I am deeply indebted the Bimokers Mevita, Yosa, Vian, Marschall, Febby, and Anna who have the same struggle like me. I thank you for all the time working on our project together, and our discussion and sharing moments. I never feel old when I am around you even though I am the oldest among us. Also, I would like to




thank Sodiek Imam Prasetyo, the best mining engineer I have ever met, Mba Verena Vega, and my GANK COBRA (Noviana Dewi Wijayanti, Anggun Via Grasma W.U., and Stefi Prita Sari T.), my closest friends, for the endless friendship, advices, , caring, understanding, and positive encouragements. Thank you for always there.

My abundant thanks also my former workmates in HR Department in my previous workplace, a mining company in East Borneo, Pak Dewa, Pak Adi, Mba Icha, Rinceu, and Mpi, who always support me to reach my dream and gave me a warm farewell on my last day of my resignation. I appreciate all laughs, tears, and things we do together within three years. I never expected to have such a warm new in a new place that I never thought about before.

Last, my special regards and overwhelming gratitude are presented to my beloved family Bapak Sudarno, Ibu Tri Sunindyowati, Mbak Christiana Novitawati, Mas Kristanto Tri Nugroho, Mas Christian Budi Atmojo, and Bulek Endang Hartati for teaching me about life and giving me guidance, prayers, and strengths to reach my dreams. My big gratitude is also addressed to people whom I cannot mention their names one by one for helping me to accomplish this thesis.


TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE ...... i APPROVAL PAGE ...... ii THESIS DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE ...... iii OF WORK ORIGINALITY ...... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ...... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vi TABLE OF CONTENT ...... viii LlST OF TABLES ...... x LlST OF APPENDICES ...... xi ABSTRACT ...... xii ABSTRAK ...... xiii CHAPTER 1 ...... 1 1.1 Background of the study ...... 1 1.2 Questions ...... 7 1.3 Research Objectives ...... 8 1.4 Research Benefits ...... 8 CHAPTER II ...... 10 2.1 Review of related literature ...... 10 2.1.1. Text...... 10 2.1.2. ...... 13 Act...... 13 ...... 15 Implicature ...... 18 2.1.2. Semiotics ...... 20 2.1.3. Verbal humor...... 24 2.1.4. Memes ...... 30 2.2 Review of related studies ...... 33 2.3 Theoretical Framework ...... 34 CHAPTER III ...... 37




3.1 Type of Study ...... 37 3.2 Data collection ...... 39 3.3 Data analysis ...... 40 CHAPTER IV ...... 43 4.1 The relationship among the text, the image, and its interpretation ...... 43 4.1.1 The significance of the caption and the image in a ...... 44 4.1.2 The influence of the image in a meme to the caption ...... 49 4.2 The of lifestyle meme ...... 54 4.2.1 The meaning of meme based on the theme of the lifestyle categories ...... 56 Healthy lifestyle ...... 57 Social Media ...... 74 Shopping life ...... 77 Working life ...... 80 4.2.2 The Types of speech acts used in the memes ...... 81 CHAPTER V ...... 90 5.1 Conclusions ...... 90 5.2 Recommendations ...... 92 REFERENCES ...... 94 APPENDICES ...... 102 APPENDIX A ...... 103 APPENDIX B ...... 108 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 3.1 Meme’s topics………………………………………………….……....… 37

Table 4.1 Memes’ Theme Classification…………………………………....………. 42

Table 4.1 Types used in the Memes……………………………..…..…. 67

Table 4.2 The Themes in Assertive Speech Act……………………………………. 68

Table 4.3 The Themes in Commissive Speech Act………………………………… 70

Table 4.4 The Themes in Directive Speech Act…………………………………..... 72

Table 4.5 The Theme in Expressive Speech Act…………………………………… 74




APPENDIX A ……………………………………………….…………………… 103

APPENDIX B ……………………………………………….…………………… 108



ABSTRACT Sari, Christine Permata. Meanings of Lifestyle Memes in English: Pragmatic-Semiotic Analysis. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies of Graduate Program, Santa Dharma University. 2017.

Nowadays, meme is used to deliver in daily basis. It is not longer a device to entertain, but it delivers message that usually cannot be conveyed directly due to some factors, for example internet is a good device to convey the ideas. However, analyzing the meme is not easy since there are several characteristics in making the memes. Thus, this research aimed to address two research questions: (1) What is the relationship among the text, the image, and the interpretation in the memes? (2) What meaning do the lifestyle memes express? The memes about lifestyle on the internet covered many issues. Thus, the research limited the scope of the date which was lifestyle meme since the topics or issues about lifestyle are not too different from one place to another place. It is different from politics or economic issues since every place has its tensions related to the issues. The researcher also limited the topics included in lifestyle. They were healthy lifestyle, shopping, social media, and working. The type of the study was pragmatic study since it was to define the meaning of the text. There were thirty-five memes as the data of the research. The data were obtained from several popular meme-creating websites. The data were analyzed by using pragmatic and semiotic approaches. To analyze the carried by the image of the memes, Pierce’s of semiotics is applied. The researcher started the research by analyzing the relation of the caption, image, and the interpretation. For this topic, the researcher found that the image and the caption have significant roles in creating the interpretation which were completing and supporting each other. Also, certain images have already had their caption format and characteristics in order to deliver the message and create the interpretation. After finding the relation of the meme, the meaning of the memes was obtained. To obtain it, the theory of speech act, implicature, and verbal humor were applied in this study. Related to the result, the type of speech act which is frequently appeared in the memes is assertive since the one of purposes of creating the memes is to inform the social phenomena occurred in the . The other finding was that most of the meme used the popular actor/actress and popular character in the cartoon movie. Since this research has limitation, it is suggested for the researcher to do similar research but with a greater number of topic since it only discussed four categories. It is also suggested to English lecturers and English studies to put attention to memes as the discourse to be analyzed because the use of the memes nowadays is not longer to entertain, but also to criticize the phenomena related to the lifestyle in the society.

Keywords: meaning, lifestyle meme, Pragmatic- Semiotic, relation of the image and the caption




Sari, Christine Permata. Meanings of Lifestyle Memes In English: Pragmatic-Semiotic Analysis. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Santa Dharma. 2017.

Saat ini, meme berfungsi untuk menyampaikan gagasan. Meme bukan lagi alat untuk menghibur, tetapi menyampaikan pesan yang biasanya tidak bisa disampaikan secara langsung karena beberapa faktor, contohnya adalah penggunaan internet karena internet perangkat yang tepat untuk menyampaikan ide. Namun, menganalisa makna meme tidaklah mudah karena ada beberapa faktor dalam membuat meme. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Apa hubungan antara teks, gambar, dan interpretasi dalam meme? (2) Apa arti meme gaya hidup? Meme tentang gaya hidup di internet mencakup banyak topik. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini membatasi lingkup meme yaitu meme tentang gaya hidup karena topik atau isu ini tidak terlalu berbeda dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Hal ini berbeda dengan isu politik atau ekonomi karena setiap tempat memiliki ketegangan terkait dengan isu tersebut. Peneliti juga membatasi topik yang termasuk dalam gaya hidup. Mereka adalah gaya hidup sehat, belanja, media sosial, dan masalah dalam pekerjaan. Jenis penelitiannya adalah studi pragmatis karena mendefinisikan makna teks. Ada tiga puluh meme sebagai data penelitian. Data diperoleh dari beberapa situs web pembuatan meme populer. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan pragmatik dan semiotik. Untuk menganalisis simbol yang terkandung pada gambar meme, teori semiotika Pierce diterapkan. Peneliti memulai penelitian dengan menganalisis hubungan keterangan (caption), gambar, dan interpretasi. Untuk topik ini, peneliti menemukan bahwa gambar dan keterangan memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan interpretasi yang saling melengkapi dan saling mendukung. Juga, gambar tertentu sudah memiliki format teks dan karakteristik untuk menyampaikan pesan dan menciptakan interpretasi. Setelah menemukan hubungan meme dan untuk mendapatkan makna meme, teori tindakan bicara, implikatur, dan humor verbal diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Berkaitan dengan hasilnya, jenis tindak tutur yang sering muncul dalam meme bersifat asertif karena salah satu tujuan pembuatan meme adalah menginformasikan fenomena sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat. Ini mencakup keseluruhan empat kategori dengan empat belas tema. Temuan lainnya adalah bahwa sebagian besar meme menggunakan aktor / aktris populer dan tokoh populer dalam kartun, dan masing-masing meme memiliki nama yang diciptakan oleh pengguna internet dan namanya mempengaruhi




penulisan tulisan meme. Karena penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan, disarankan untuk peneliti selanjutnya untuk melakukan penelitian serupa namun dengan jumlah topik yang lebih banyak karena penelitian ini hanya membahas empat kategori. Hal ini juga disarankan kepada dosen bahasa Inggris dan studi bahasa Inggris untuk memperhatikan meme sebagai wacana untuk dianalisis karena penggunaan meme saat ini tidak lagi menghibur tetapi untuk mengkritisi fenomena yang berhubungan dengan gaya hidup di masyarakat.

Kata kunci: makna, meme gaya hidup, Pragmatik - Semiotik, hubungan antara gambar dan teks PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter consists of four sections. The first section is the background of the study, the second is the problem formulation, the third section is the research objectives, and the last section is the research benefits. In the background of the study the of conducted the study is presented. The reasons are both practical and theoretical. According to the reasons, the researcher formulizes the research questions in Problem Formulation. The objectives and benefits of the study are for the wider especially for the readers.

1.1 Background of the study

Along with the development of advanced technology nowadays, people are being more creative in expressing their moods, ideas, and opinions. One’s ideas and opinions are surely different from others. In recent years, the internet has come to be one of the most powerful tools. Internet and the social media are the devices to accommodate in spreading the ideas or opinion. In sharing ideas, opinion, critics, or even expressing current moods through the internet, people can write status on the social media, showing emoticons, sharing articles which represent their thought. The other way to reveal the ideas, opinion, or moods is using meme. People might be familiar with meme since it is spread out worldwide. According to Wang (2014) meme




was introduced by Dawkins in his book The Selfish in 1976. Dawkins uses memes to explain cultural, spreading, human behavior, and development in a society (Buchel,

2012). Since then, scholars in made new contribution to the research of language , for instance Blackmore wrote the significant works The Meme

Machine in 1999. The development and the spreading of memes are getting broader and people are more creative in creating memes. However, the use of memes nowadays is not only to entertain, the notion is no longer related to humorous sense. The significance of this study is to analyze the meaning of the text

In this research, the researcher limits the scope of the memes. The memes discussed in this research are memes about human lifestyle. According to Shifman

(2014) is valuable resources that enable us to trace the social and cultural underpinning the apparently chaotic world of meme creation. Since memes covers the cultural issues, according to a research by Benedikter from Stanford university, the cultural issues cover the components of lifestyle. Since there are changes of the notion of lifestyle, according to him lifestyle is not limited to the synchronic (i.e., space-centered) notion of “way of life,” but it also includes the diachronic (i.e., time- centered) mechanisms of how a “good life” is regarded on the basis of changing convictions, values and imaginations in a given context, and how it is projected as a perspective into the future. In regards to the notions, this research limits some topics in lifestyle which are healthy lifestyle, working, shopping, and social media. These topics are also in line with the following PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Interestingly even if belonging to one and the same civilization or , lifestyles are always stratified “in their inside”—that is, according to class, , , age, access to life options (e.g., professions), services and goods (e.g., housing).

The other of choosing lifestyle is because after looking at memes spread out in the internet over all issues in the society, the issue that is most being talked about by the people is healthy lifestyle. In general people or society across the country and the culture face almost the same problems over the healthy lifestyle. In general, the most issues raised in the memes are factual and exist in most of part of the world.

However, in finding the research data, the other topics or category also emerged in the worldwide especially working life, shopping, and the use of social media. Each category has several sub topics or themes.

English memes also use the thematic picture, font, and also the same position of the caption. This research would like to analyze the typical phenomena through the semiotic approach. In discussing semiotic, there are two terms introduced by Saussure, they are signifier and signified. According to Saussure signifier is a of symbol which can stand for something else. It represents an underlying or meaning.

The signifier is interpreted as the material (or physical) form of the sign – it is something which can be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted. A signifier is used by the person wanting to communicate. The signified is what the sign or symbol represents

– what it is interpreted into a concept or meaning by receiver of the . In other words, signified is the concept represented by the signifier. The signified can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


change depending on the receivers’ interpretation. It means the meaning of certain is not fixed. It can be different among receivers. In addition, according to Peirce

1931), ‘we think only in signs’ (Signs take the form of words, images, sounds, smells, flavors, acts or objects, but such things have no intrinsic meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning. ‘ is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign’ (Peirce, 1931). Anything can be a sign as long as someone interprets it as

‘signifying’ something. Within the Saussure’s model, the sign is the whole that results from the association of the signifier with the signified. The relationship between the signifier and the signified is referred to as ‘signification’. A sign must have a signifier and a signified. A sign is a recognizable combination of a signifier with a particular signified.

From the introduction of semiotics from Peirce and Saussure above, it can be concluded that sign is a cultural element which is open to any kind of interpretation since every sign is part of the culture to certain society. Peirce (1931) states sign is always open to undergo an unlimited semiotical process. It means a sign can be understood and interpreted differently by one person to another within different time and place. Moreover, the interpretation can be different even though it is interpreted by one person due to different time and place. As an example, a white flag in Central Java and Yogya is to show that around the area there is someone who is passed away. In

Jakarta, the flag color of the same situation in Jakarta is yellow. If someone gets used to see the white flag, he will be confused when he sees the yellow flag during his stay PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


in Jakarta. He will experience difficulty in interpreting the sign due to the different culture and place.

To focus on the sign intepretation, Peirce (1931) says that a sign is something that represents something. It refers to particular meaning and if it is based on certain agreement or social , the sign is called . In other words, every event occured in the society as long as it is seen as symbols, it represents or refers to particular meaning beyond the sign. Below is the example of the meme’s analysis on how the image and the caption are used to create meaning purposely to entertain or even to criticize the society. Below is the example of a meme analysis in which the further result will be presented in chapter IV.

Philosoraptor meme

Picture 1 https://www.quickmeme.com

The meme above is obtained from many sources throughout the internet. It is also shared in any social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and so on. The animal in the meme above is called Philosoraptor since the green dinosaur acts like a philosopher. It has lots of questions to ask and usually it is considered as innocent question and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


sometimes it is . The questions are about life or phenomena occurred in the society. Actually, the question uttered by the Philosoraptor is that question which might be asked by people. Since this study focus on human lifestyle and its critic, the question in the meme is about healthy lifestyle. As we know that swimming is one of sports which can help human to have a healthy life and a good body shape specifically being slim. However, in being slim the meme compares between human and animal, in this case, whales. It is funny since we know whales are kind of mammals which lives in water and have big body. They are considered big, bigger than human. Implicitly, the meme would like to say that even though we regularly swim, it will not change our body shape. Swimming will not bring us benefit since we will be always fat as we have seen from the comparison, whales, which swim for their whole life. They still stay big.

The purpose of the caption is to entertain people as one of the purposes of verbal humor.

This kind of assertive is usually uttered by people who are lazy to do exercise. It becomes their motivation to not swim since some people think it is difficult to do. Many factors influenced people to not do swimming, such as lack of swimming skill, the availability time they have, or having no access to the pool due to money, distance, and so on.

Supported by the signification process as explained by Saussure and Peirce, the researcher would like to reveal the meaning of memes and also the implicature implied in the memes. It leads to the functions of memes in the internet. There will always be purposes in creating memes especzially for memes which have gone viral. As stated by

Dawkins in Buchel (2012) memes are created to explain cultural, human behavior, and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


other issues in the society. People use memes to create humor, to provide jokes or small talks. However, in some cases, people uses memes to tease or be satiric to the common sense emerged in the society. Satire refers to an unpleasant or specific hint used to satirize. On the other hand, a meme is used as a form of sarcasm/irony. Irony can be used to reveal something in a real world that is different than what is being said. It is to criticize the . Sarcasm is a form of irony which is used to mock or criticize someone. Al-Jauba (2009) states that irony depends on the referentiality and diacletic between the world and the text.

Since memes issues are really broad. The researcher limits study through the topic or issue of the memes. The memes discussed in this topic is about lifestyle. The reasons why that theme is chosen are because there are always changes in human life.

1.2 Research Questions

In line with the background of the study, this research would like to answer the following questions:

1. What is the relationship among the text, the image, and the interpretation in the


2. What meaning do the lifestyle memes express? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of the study are to reveal the hidden meaning of memes, what ideas that memes would like to deliver/convey, and to help the reader in analyzing the meaning of the memes. The meaning here is not the surface meaning, but the deep meaning which is obtained from the types of speech used in each caption, the verbal humor applied to see the purpose of the meaning, whether it is satiric, irony, or just to entertain the memes readers, and also to know the implicature in which the meaning is mostly hidden and delivered using some signs.

However, the meaning of the meme cannot be separated from the caption and the image. This research also discusses the relation of the image and the caption. There are some on which part that is more significant. Some people argue that the caption has more significant role in creating the meaning. however, some do not agree and mention the other way around. This research also presents the result on the significance of the image and the caption in creating meaning.

Besides, this research also shows that in making memes, people cannot put a certain image with random caption. Some images have the convention on the caption writing. The image itself influences the caption writing of each meme.

1.4 Research Benefits

Theoretically, this research is benefit for the linguistics learners or for a reader who are familiar with memes. Memes can be the object of analysis in Pragmatics due PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to its function nowadays. People do not longer use them only for humor, but there are other purposes in creating the memes, for example to be sarcastic, teasing, and ironic.

Since this study is using semiotic approach, the learners can analyze the signs emerged in the memes. The interpretation of the signs will be related to the meaning of the text and as the final result, the whole meaning of the memes will be emerged. This study itself can give contribution to other fields, for example Critical by using memes as the object of the study because memes is a new phenomenon in the digital era. Chandler (2002) mentions “in defining signs serve ideological functions. Deconstructing and contesting the realities of signs can reveal whose realities are privileged and whose are suppressed”.

Practically, this study will benefit the linguistics learner to not only enjoy the humor of the memes, but they can also be critical to analyze and understand the meanings and the purposes of the memes in depth. It is depicted in the second questions. The readers can have a better and deep understanding about memes. People might think meme is only about jokes, but actually there is something behind it which refers to the and the implicature of the memes and the relation between the caption and the image in the meme which is analyzed through the semiotic process.

Bouton (1994) figures out non-native students had performed significantly poorer in interpreting implicature than native ones. It is very useful for English language learners. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter is intended to review some which can support the research. The writer divides the chapter into three subheadings, such as review of related literature, review of related studies, and theoretical framework. In the review of related literature, the writer will discuss some relevant theory in order to answer the research question. In the review of related studies, the writer will discuss the related studies in which the same topic has been done by other researchers, whereas in the theoretical framework, the writer will summarize and synthesize the theories to answer the questions and solve the problems.

2.1 Review of related literature

In the review of related literature, the writer will raise five main issues. They are text, pragmatics, verbal humor, semiotics and internet memes. In pragmatics, the researcher utilizes some theories covered in pragmatics field, they are text, speech act, direct/ indirect meaning, presupposition, and implicature.

2.1.1. Text

Discussing the memes, the caption of the memes is called text. Text is the object of the discourse analysis. Text plays a significant role in communication. People communicating in language do not do so simply by means of individual words or




fragments of sentences, but by means of texts. Neubert (1992) explains that text communicate something and about someone. There are many examples of manifestation of language, one of them is as a communicative language event in a context. Related to the text, there are two kinds of ways of delivering the contained in the text. The surface text is the of expressions that is actually used; these expressions make some explicit, while other knowledge remains implicit, though still applied during processing. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 1-2) defined a text

For Halliday and Hasan, a text is a semantic unit since he emphasizes on the importance of language as an instrument of social interaction among the members of any speech community. Language itself creates meanings. It is because meanings have to be expressed or coded in words and structures in order to be communicated.

However, text is not only a semantic unit but also an instance of social interaction. It connects one person to another by sharing the knowledge.

According to Halliday and Hasan (1985), texts cannot be approached without reference to the situation as the context “in which texts unfold and in which they are to be interpreted”. Usually both speaker and listener have presupposition to follow the track in which the speaker leads to in the communication process. To help the them make predictions about the kinds of meaning that are being exchanged, there are basic strands of register. They are field, tenor and mode of discourse. We can analyze all the messages of the text. The first part is field of discourse. It refers to what is happening, to the of the social action that is taking place, on what the participants are PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


engaged in, in which the language figures as some essential component. It is essentially the topic of the discourse. Field of discourse plays a vital role in the context of text. It is one of the three basic elements in the textual internal world and external world of the text. The topics are various, it can be a general topic, such as every day topic, or even the specific or highly specialized topic, such as , engineering, or Applied linguistics.

It gives the impacts on the language that we use.

The second part is tenor of the discourse. It refers to the language users, the users’ relationship to each other, and their purposes. It also refers to the consideration of the interpersonal relation between the communicator and the context in which they are in. Specifically, it is about who you are and who you are talking to will dictate the language that we will use. According to Halliday and Hasan (1985: 12), Tenor of discourse refers to “who is taking part, to the nature of the participants, their statuses and roles: what kinds of role relationship obtain among the participants, including permanent and temporary relationships of one kind or another, both the types of speech role that they are taking on in the dialogue and the whole cluster of socially significant relationships in which they are involved?”

As far as addresser and addressee are different, one will expect the language used between them to vary from one set or group to another. So, language which is used between friends is usually expected to be informal on what any subject , but the language used between students and lecturer are formal. The last part is mode of the discourse. It refers to the methods of the communication. It is the consideration towards what form the language takes, for example written, oral, body language, or any combination. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2.1.2. Pragmatics

According to Wardhaugh (2006) the functions of many utterances are to make . In general itself is defined an or opinion. In other words, no utterance is uttered without purposes. There are some ideas underlying the utterance or there is a meaning behind every utterance. The meaning of utterance is discussed in pragmatic study. The purpose of pragmatic study is to obtain meaning of utterances in context and to study how language is used. Sometimes it is concerned with the interpretation of linguistic meaning in context. Pragmatics is the study on how speakers of a language use sentences to produce successful communication. To answer the research question in analyzing the meaning of an utterance, this research uses several theories in Pragmatics, such as speech act, presupposition, and implicature. Speech Act

In uttering using , we have the term speech acts, “actions that are carried out through language are called speech acts” (Finegan, 2004, p. 296). Speech act was proposed by Austin (1962) and has been developed by Searle (1969). They believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to “do things”, and to perform acts, for example: (1) You’re fired; (2) There is a policeman on the corner. According to Searle (1979) utterance which we use is called locution. Most locutions express some intent that a speaker has. A speaker can use different locutions to achieve the same illocutionary force or use one locution for many different purposes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Yule (1996) adds, in performing speech acts, there are three kinds of acts. They are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. Locutionary act, as stated before, is equivalent to uttering certain utterance with certain . In line with this, Cutting (2002) states that locutionary is what is said. Yule (1996) also states the same idea in which locutionary act is the act of producing meaningful utterances. From those utterances, then, we might also have some purpose such as offering, inviting, requesting, and some other purposes. Those purposes are in the dimension of illocutionary. Illocutionary is performing an act in saying something Austin (1962) states that utterances have certain conventional force which is called illocutionary act, for example in a “Don’t open the door!” the force delivered by the speaker to the hearer is warning.

In the process of improving the concept of speech act, Searle modified the speech act theory proposed by Austin (1962). However, according to Wardhaugh

(2006) Austin’ speech acts focuses on how speakers realize their intention in speaking, and Searle’s theory focuses on how listeners respond to utterances; how one person tries to figure out how another is using a particular utterance. Searle (1969) has recast

Austin’s types of speech acts which previously introduced by Austin. He also changed the names. Here are the five categories of speech acts.

The first type is assertives, it is also called representatives. The speakers use the language to tell what they know or believe. It is concern with . The forms can be statements of , assertion, and descriptions. The purpose is to inform, assert, state, swear, guess, deny, inform, notify, for example “No one makes a better cake than me''. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The second speech act is directives. The speakers try to make the addressee perform an action. The types are: telling, asking, ordering, requesting, inviting, advising, suggesting, and begging, for example, “Could you close the window?''.

The third act is dealing with the speakers committing to do something in the future. It is called commissives. The speakers express their intention. The kinds of commissives are: committing, promising, planning, vowing, betting, threatening, pledging, and opposing. When speaking, the speaker puts himself under , for example: ‘I promise to be on time’. The next type is expressives. It is when the speakers express how they feel (psychological states) about the situation. It is to express the psychological state specified in the propositional content. The variation kinds are thanking, apologizing, welcoming, congratulating, deploring, and greeting, for example: ``I am sorry that I lied to you''. The last type is declaratives. It is also called performative by Austin (1962). It is a speech act that changes the reality in accord with the proposition of the declaration. The kinds are to declare, appoint, nominate, name, for example: Class dismissed (students get up and leave) Presupposition Memes are usually about the current issues that are spoken by the people. In creating the memes, the creator would assume that the reader would understand so that the readers can get the points of the memes. What a speaker assumes which is known by the hearer is called presupposition. Yule (1996) mentions that a presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance. presupposition is defined as the shared background assumptions. In other words, when PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


someone says something, the background of his utterances must have been shared to the hearer. Usually it is due to the deictic that is used by the speaker. Speakers design their linguistics messages on the basis of assumption about what their already know.

The assumption might be wrong, but they underlie much of what we say (in the everyday use of language). The example is as follows

When did you stop smoking?

There are two presupposition can be obtained from the statement above. They are (1) you used to smoke (2) you no longer smoke. In addition, even though the form of the sentence is in either positive or negative, the presupposition remains true in both

(remains constant) under negation. Yule (1996) gives some examples related to the negation

(1) a. Mary’s dog is cute. (= p) b. Mary has a dog. (= q) c. p >> q

(2) a. Mary’s dog isn’t cute. (= NOT p) b. Mary has a dog. (= q) c. NOT p >> q

From the examples above, both positive and negative sentences, the presupposition remains constant. This is described as constancy under negation (Yule, 1996). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Some experts say presupposition is semantic since it is departed from lexical items. According to Mey (2001) originally the notion of presupposition is developed in semantic field and it deals with or falsity. The notion merely links sentences together on the basis of what is true and false. However, the truth-conditional of presupposition is not reliable in several matters: (1) there is something more essential underlies in sentences other than the abstract truth when it is viewed as logical proposition, (2) sentence cannot be isolated from the speakers and listeners who are the main roles of the language use, and (3) human lives not only by the truth alone. Human does not say the truth all the time. According to Mey (2001), pragmatic presupposition was introduced by a philosopher Robert Stalnaker. Mey (2001) quotes that an utterance needs a context in order to be correctly interpreted, also with respect to its truth or falsity. So, truth and falsity are not the basis of presupposing, it goes beyond. Mey

(2001) adds presupposition is pragmatics rather than semantic since there is an interaction between the language users (since it is in the ). The ‘real-world’ is the users. This presupposition, an utterance is understood in the context of the language users’ “common ground”. The presupposition leads people not only to record what people say but to figure out why they say things, and why they say that.

Presupposing is more than implying and inferring abstract conditions on speaking. Mey (2001) mentions that presupposition is necessary to acknowledge what people will do with their language. In order to understand, people need to use the skills both of conversationally implying and of pragmatically presupposing. He emphasizes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


presupposition is used to create implicature, but implicature cannot be used to create presupposition. “Implicatures are mainly the individual’s own business; require a , sometimes even metapragmatic justification”

(Mey, 2001). Implicature In conversing, we usually pay attention to the meaning of our conversation.

Sometimes the meaning is stated clearly, or literally said, so we do not need to think about the meaning. It is what is given by the language form. However, sometimes the meaning is not stated as the way it is. According to Verschueren (1999), there is a range of meaning emerging from the contextually embedded action character of speech which could be captured under the term implicit meaning. Discussing implicit meaning, according to Verschueren (1999: 25-32) there are three things involved, i.e. the impossibility of complete explicitness, conventional linguistics means to convey implicit meaning, and the strategy to avoid the explicitness.

The words ‘implicature’ is from the word ‘imply’ as the root of the word

‘implication’. The word ‘implicature’ was introduced by British Philosopher of language (Verschueren, 1999: 30). Implicature is one of ways that certain proposition can be conveyed by a speaker saying or rather unappropriated. According to Mey (2001) there are two types of implicatures, they are conversational and conventional implicatures. The conversational is obtained from the conversation. It is due to unclear received by hearer. According to Grice (1975) conventional PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


implicature happens when the conventional meaning of words used determine what is implicated. It is attached conventionally to the linguistic form (Verschueren, 1999: 30).

This study uses conventional implicature since the object itself is not a conversation and not depending on special context for the interpretation.. Conventional implicature is associated with specific words and result in additional conveyed meanings when the words are used. The object of the study is not a conversation since a meme only consists of a tagline which are divided into two lines. Usually the first line and the second line are contrasted each other. It is spoken by the creator, one person. To show the conventional implicature, as stated previously there are some specific words to contrast a meaning in a sentence (Grice, 1975). They usually use but, even, and yet. Grice (1975) conducted but test. Using but, A but B will be based on the relationship between A and B. The implicature is obtained from contrasting the information A and B. An example is as follows,

Chita is poor, but happy.

The sentence implies poor condition and are opposite things. Those things are not compatible. The sentence implies Chita is happy in spite of being poor. Speakers convey their conventional implicatures by means of linguistic conventions.

Mey (2001) explains that conventional implicature does not depend on a particular context of language use. ‘The expressions in the language implicate themselves, or ‘conventionally’, a certain state of the world, regardless of their use.’

This implicature is standardized by the convention, and cannot be changed even if we PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


raise another context. Levinson in Mey (2001) conventional implicature is attached by convention to particular lexical item. However, conventional implicature are well defined in proper contexts of language use only; the ‘conventionality’ of the implicature will change if the contexts change.

However, in the memes, the meaning is not only obtained by the words or the caption, but also it is from the image that is used in each meme. The image carries meaning and is considered as a sign to trigger the “real meaning” or the hidden meaning. The implicature of each meme is obtained from the relation of the caption analysis and the image interpretation. Even though the meaning of the caption is based on the language use (convention), the interpretation of the sign (image) can support in obtaining the meaning in depth. The meaning can be gained from the context. The further explanation of the image meaning analysis using semiotic approach will be discussed in the next section.

2.1.2. Semiotics

A meme does not only consist of the words (caption) in which the meaning can be analyzed using theories in linguistics. However, the image in memes purposely have the meaning which support the caption to reveal the meaning of the memes. According to Eco in Chandler (2002), ‘semiotic is concerned with that can be taken as a sign’. Semiotics not only involves the study of what we denote as ‘signs’ in everyday speech, but also of anything which ‘stands for’ something else. According to its , semiotic study has two dominant contemporary model which are proposed by two PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


experts. They were in different areas at the same time, but they did not know each other.

The first is a Swiss Linguist, , and the second one is American pragmatist philosopher. Saussure called it ‘semiology’. Chandler (2002) explains for

Saussure, ‘semiology’ was ‘a science which studies the role of signs as part of social life’, and for Peirce, it was called ‘semeiotic’ (or ‘semiotic’). For Peirce, Semiotic was the ‘formal of signs’ which was closely related to (Peirce, 1931). Both of them concern with the fundamental definition of signs. However, they had different thought and model. Peirce developed logical taxonomies of type of sign, while

Saussure developed various structuralist for analyzing texts and social practices (Chandler, 2002). Both of them exposed how meaning are made and how reality is presented through the signs. Sign itself can be from the form of words, images, sounds, gestures and objects. Unconsciously, in everyday life, people interpret the signs and make meaning through the imagination and creation. According to Peirce (1931), things have no intrinsic meaning and become signs only when people invest them with meaning. “Nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign.” Chandler (2002) says meaning is not ‘transmitted’ to us – we actively create it according to a complex interplay of or conventions of which we are normally unaware.

This study will focus on semiotic approach proposed by Peirce since Pierce offered a typology of signs which is specific as a vehicle to interpret the signs.

Saussure’s work focuses on the structure of the language in which language is a system of signs. However, Peirce digs out something beyond the . Chandler (2002) mentions “We are no longer ‘bracketing the ’ and are acknowledging not only PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


a systemic frame of reference but also some kind of referential context beyond the sign- system itself”. Not only Saussure who offered a model of signs which is in the form of

‘self-contained dyad’, Peirce formulated a sign model that is s triadic (three-part) model. The first part is the representamen, it is the form of the sign. It is not necessarily material. It is called the ‘sign vehicle’. According to Saussure model, it is called

‘signifier’. The second part is an . It is the sense made of the sign, and the third is an object. It is something beyond the sign to which it refers (a referent).

According to those parts, the sign is a unity of what is represented (the object), how it is represented (the representamen) and how it is interpreted (the interpretant). The interaction between the representamen, the object and the interpretant that is referred to Peirce’s work is explained as follows


representamen object

Figure 2.1.4 Pierce’s Semiotic Process (Chandler, 2002)

Chandler (2002) quotes the work of his own students, Roderick Munday on how

Peirce’s model works. Here, as an example, the material is a label on an opaque box that contains an object. The process of the sign is as follows (p. 31),

“The first thing that is noticed (the representamen) which is the box and label; this prompts the realization that something is inside the box (the object). This realization, as well as the knowledge of what the box PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


contains, is provided by the interpretant. ‘ the label’ is actually just a for the process of decoding the sign. The important point to be aware of here is that the object of a sign is always hidden. We cannot actually open the box and inspect it directly. If the object could be known directly, there would be no need of a sign to represent it. We only know about the object from noticing the label and the box and then ‘reading the label’ and forming a mental picture of the object in our . Therefore, the hidden object of a sign is only brought to realization through the interaction of the representamen, the object and the interpretant.”

In addition, as stated previously, Peirce offered a typology of signs, while Saussure did not. Chandler (2002) states it is usually referred as a classification of distinct ‘types of sign’, but it is actually interpreted as modes of the relationship between a representamen and its object or its interpretant. Chandler employs the Saussure’s terms signifier and signified to explain the modes.

1. Symbol/ symbolic

It is “a mode in which the signifier does not resemble the signified but which is

fundamentally arbitrary or purely conventional – so that this relationship must be

agreed upon and learned” (Chandler, 2002). As the examples, they are language in

general (punctuation marks, words, phrases), numbers, Morse , flags, and so


2. Icon/ iconic

In this mode, the signifier is perceived as resembling or imitating the signified

(looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling). It is being similar in possessing

some of its qualities, e.g. onomatopoeia, , portrait, and so on.



It is a mode where the signifier is not arbitrary but is directly connected in some

way (physically or causally) to the signified – this link can be observed or inferred,

e.g. personal ‘trademarks’, ‘natural signs’ (smoke, thunder, footprints, echoes,

non-synthetic odors and flavors), and so on.

According to the modes above, Chandler (2002) mentions that Peirce’s distinctions in texts can be either the potential for (indirect) referentiality in dyadic models or merely slippage between ‘sense’ and ‘reference’ in defining the ‘meaning’ of the sign.

2.1.3. Verbal humor

Humor is part of human life. It is asscoiated with the social behaviour. Humor can make people laugh at something funny or interesting across the age, country, culture, and other aspects. Everyday people make jokes and share them. Attardo (1994) states according to the etymology, the word “humor” was from the Latin word in ancient which means “fluid” or “liquid”. McGhee in Attardo (1994) adds ‘humor is not a characteristic of some events such as cartoons, jokes, and clowning behavior, nor is it a behavior such as laughing and smiling. Humor is something in our mind and not in the real world.’ There are several definitions of humors, and so far there is no precise definition above all. Attardo (1994) mentions Palmer’s definition of humor that is “humor is everything that is actually or potentially funny and the processes by which this “funniness” occurs.” From those definitions above, we can see the relation between PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


one another is that and it needs human participant since the source of humor is from our mind. It does not only to produce, but also to intepret it. The humor is being the stimulus to amuse poeple and make them laugh.

According to Ma and Jiang (2013) there are humor different classifications based on different standard due to its complexity. Ma and Jiang (2013) explain

Koestler’s general humor classification, they are verbal humor and situational humor.

Verbal humor is expressed through language and also created by language, while situational humor is not. According to Rong Na (2010) verbal humor is usually to deliver the humor through rhetorical techniques such as sarcasm, ridicule, irony, bombast, pun, and other rhetorical skills in certain context. It will affect to the producing of sounds, words and ideas and refers to jokes, comic verse, anecdotes, satire, the bogus proverb and nonsense verse by means of . On the other hand, situational humor is regarding to comic designs as , impersonation and disguise (Zou Haixia, 2012).

Language in memes is different. Bao (2016) explains language in memes have relative stability and variability. In regards to the variability, the language of memes usually breaks the standard form. ‘In Pragmatics, the speaker sometimes intentionally breaks the language norms according to the need of context and expression’ (Bao,

2016). It leads to linguistics variation. Memes have their own way in the language replication and the spread of language. Bao (2016) explained in terms of pragmatics strategies, verbal humor is intentionally produced through combination of changes and innovation of language elements within a certain condition. It impacts to the variation PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


of the language memes which is usually different from the standard language. The form of memes itself is similar to verbal language. Since the purpose of memes is to make people laugh, the content of memes is categorized as humors. Thus, language meme is considered as verbal humor.

There are several principal linguistic theories of humor proposed by some linguists, they are (1) incongruity theories, (2) hostility theories, and (3) release theories. Specifically, verbal humor has two main theories, they are semantic script- based theory of humor (SSTH) and The General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH).

Incongruity theories are also called theories of inconsistency, or contradiction. Two most famous pioneers of this theory are Kant and Schopenhauer (Savkaničová, 2013).

Attardo (1994: 47) explains that incongruity theories are cognitive based. Humor is based on the discovery of a reality or a thought that becomes inconsistent with what was expected) within the way of thinking that is dealing with humor. The idea of incongruity is according to the notion that there is a certain pattern to the relationships between components of ideas. Laughter is the expression of incongruity. “The cause of laughter in every case is simply the sudden of the incongruity between a concept and the real objects which have been thought it in some relation” (Attardo,

1994). When the system of arrangement does not match with the expected pattern, the event perceived is incongruous. The incongruity contains the funny element.

According to Sulk in Eychaner (2016) states “Incongruity of the joke’s ending refers to how much the punchline violates the recipient’s expectations”. Ortega (2013) states

“in the resolution by the speaker of the cognitive dilemma, where the listener PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


recognizes that he has been deceived since he has not taken other possible interpretations into account. This deceit recognition on the part of the listener gives rise to the humorous effect”.

Second, the aggression theories which is called theories of superiority, disparagement, or criticism, or hostility (Krikmann, 2006). According to him, it is the

(negative) of the producer and/or user of humor towards the target and the frequent alleged aggressive character of laughter. The humor is to point some people or group, particularly about politic issue and ethnics. Attardo (1994) states “humour is a social corrective used by society to correct deviant behaviour”. To sum up, hostility theories are based on sociological approach and emphasizes the aggressive aspect of humour, assumes that people laugh at people’s tragedies and laughter which occurs when such a situation happens is a reflection of one’s superiority (Savkaničová, 2013).

This statement is agreed by Ortega (2013) that every humorous experience is an expression of a superiority feeling of a human being towards another human being.

People have tendency to laugh at others when they have superiority over others. Last theories of humor are release theories. According to Krikmann (2006) it is also called relief or relaxation. The influential speaker delivering this topic is .

According to him, this theory is called psychoanalytic. It focuses on the psychological effect of the humor towards the humor recipient. According to these theories, humor is to release tension or to make someone feel liberated when talking or something prohibited. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The Semantic Script Theory of humour (SSTH) is different from the previous theories since it works within a different framework. The previous theories mentioned are related with a cognitive field, while SSTH is a part of generative grammar (Attardo

1994). SSTH was proposed by Raskin in 1985. Raskin states his idea that that all humour includes a semantic-pragmatic method and this method includes a semantic opposition between the scripts. A humor consists of different scripts which opposed each other. “The script provides information about an object, an action, or an event and reveals the structure of an entity by dealing with its parts, describing how an activity is done, or how a relationship is organized” (Schwarz, 2010). Related to the opposing scripts, Raskin explains a joke consists of initial part and final part. The initial part leads to two possible interpretations. The first interpretation is carried by the initial part of joke. For the listener, the first interpretation seems to be more obvious than the second one since the first passes completely unnoticed. While, in a quite sudden and surprising way, the final part of the joke brings this second possibility of interpretation closer to the listener's . Raskin (1985) adds that the opposition between the two scripts can be realized through situational, contextual, or local antonyms. He mentions three abstract binary oppositions, i.e. actual/non-actual, normal/abnormal and possible/impossible. To sum up, SSTH would like to explains that a text can only be considered funny if it has two different scripts and if these scripts stand in opposition to each other

After working on the revision of Raskin’s SSTH, Raskin and Attardo conducted a joint work to create the general theory of verbal humor (GTVH) in 1991. GTVH can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


be called as the follow-up to Raskin’s SSTH. This theory has broadened the theory of

SSTH. It includes more scope in linguistics in all levels including an interest for social and narratological issues. According to Savkaničová (2013) in quoting Raskin the

GTVH is to expand the scope from and include also other areas of linguistics such as textual linguistics, the theory of narrativity and pragmatics (Attardo 1994). absent in the SSTH. There are some aspects in GVTH, they are called the Knowledge

Resources (KRs). They are the script opposition (SO), the logical mechanism (LM), the target (TA), the strategy (NS), the language (LA), the situation (SI). The significant point in GVTH is the hierarchical structure of the KRs.

Jokes has an internal structure. Refering to Hockett (1960), who stated in The

View from Language jokes have three different components, (1) build-up, (2) pivot, and (3) punch line However, since a meme is part of jokes, and after looking at the structure above, the structure of a meme itself consist of a set-up and a punchline.

According to Eychaner (2016) the set-up part of memes is usually either neutral, favorable, or positive regards to the or social issue, but the end in a punch line is unfavorable or inappropriate. Due to the structure of memes, a different amount of incongruity arises between the set-ups and punchlines. It may affect as they are seen as a humor.

Besides, the humor part of memes does not only rely on the language used which consist of the vocabulary, pronunciation, rhyming, and other else. The background picture of a meme takes important roles in supporting the humor.

According to Eychaner (2016) is as seen as a semiotic system. To understand both the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


language humor and the relation to the background, contextual knowledge is needed.

We also need the background knowledge to obtain the message of the meme in relation with the background picture and the message. Thus, internet plays a significant role in defining the semiotic system in the memes.

2.1.4. Internet Memes

Memes were discovered by Charles Dawkins in 1976. A meme is the humorous way related with context, words, images, meaning, symbols, culture, and popular culture. Internet memes serve an image with two lines words which is called a caption.

A caption carries issues to rise or reveal to the society. Mostly the caption is against the common sense. According to Buchel (2012), a meme is to explain about cultural spreading, human behavior, and development in a society. Dawkins (1976) mentions the word ‘meme’ itself is derived from a Greek word ‘mimeme’ which means imitation.

Meme cannot be separated from human life. It is descended from through generation. It is copied brain to brain. According to Dawkins, meme varies from concept, tune, ideas or fashion which propagates through advertisement, news, and other media.

Not all memes can be spread widely. There are some memes which are propagated widely, but there are some which are stop transferred. They are transmitted in a particular period of time due to its popularity and the relation with society emerged in the society. It is the of memes. According to Blackmore (1999), the idea of a meme is that it can catch the reader’s attention, not how good it is. It can get PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


readers’ attention when it is meaningful, useful, and memorable to them. Everyday people get many information and people do not have a great capacity to remember all information they get. From the previous , some memes can survive in long period, while others do not.

According to Dawkins, there are three characteristics which can make a meme survive, they are fidelity, fecundity, and longevity. First, fidelity refers to the recognisability of the meme (Blackmore, 1999). In other words, fidelity is an ability of a meme to be memorized. It also sees how close the imitation to the original memes.

The variations of a meme are significant to the evolution of a meme. The core idea of the meme usually remains intact in order to be successful. The majority of memes relies on the recognisability of the image, video or caption. If audiences cannot connect the similarity of the picture and the text, then the meme will likely be unsuccessful. This point will be analyzed in depth using semiotic approach. Second, fecundity refers to how rapid a meme can be replicated and spread in terms of the idea. It refers to the rate of an idea being copied (Ritt, 2004). Obviously, the more which are from a particular meme measure the success of the meme. If the idea A is replicated seven times per minute while idea B is replicated is five times per minute, idea A will have a greater chance in getting reader’s attention. Last, longevity measures how long a particular meme can survive and evolve. If a meme raises a topic which is always being discussed in the society, it will last longer. The topic can be about , culture, and lifestyle. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In this case, language has a significant role in making memes to be successful.

Since a meme does not only consist of an image, but also a text as well. The text does support the memes in order to be spread, memorized, and survive. Related to fidelity, language puts an important role since through language, the idea of a meme can be conveyed to the readers. The message of a meme will remain in people’s mind through language (Blackmore, 1999). Related to longevity, a meme which has a high fidelity will probably stay longer and has possibility to spread since not all things can be memorized by our brain (Blackmore, 1999).

Memes are one of the many vehicles of the Internet in which we transmit ideas and in the case of many modern memes, humor and parody. Memes in internet is called internet memes. Internet makes the memes more accessible anytime. It is related to longevity. As long as the memes are not deleted, it will stay in the internet. Memes in internet has strong longevity. In addition, the sharing information on the internet promotes independence and autonomous . It omits the barrier of creativity in which encourages every person to participate in this cultural process and express themselves. Regardless, whether users are producing successful memes or not, internet memes also have the power to significantly influence social beliefs, ideas, and values. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2.2 Review of related studies

In finding the theory, the researcher found some related to memes especially internet memes. There are some focuses on the study. The first study was conducted by Eychaner (2016) Memes and Humor: A Linguistic Analysis. The study focuses on semantic element in the humor language in memes. It explored several topics, i.e. cognitive model of humor, linguistic features of a specific meme , and the integration between the cognitive models of humor and the study of meme humor. He used two-sample t-tests to evaluate the average humorousness of each meme type and to compare one type to another.

The other study is conducted by Bao in 2016. Bao focused on the analysis of the verbal humor. He explored the language meme, the manifestation of verbal humor, and the function of verbal humor. His object of the study is the verbal humor. However, the study conducted by the researcher is not only the verbal humor, but the meaning of the sentences in meme since it is a pragmatic study. Another study was conducted by

Diaz (2013). The aim of his research is to create a formal definition of “Internet Meme”

(IM) which can be used to characterize and to study IMs in academic contexts such as social, communication sciences and . He found out that the characteristics of memes coined by Dawkins in past years were different from the memes of the new era (IM) due to way of transmission and speed of replication. His focus is on the transition between Dawkins’ Meme and the IM in order to understand the characteristics of the memes of the new era. However, the focus of this study is not the definition of the memes. Its focus is in the interpretation beyond the memes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Blackmore (2000) also conducted a research on the power of memes. It discusses a meme is considered as simply "ideas," but specifically memes are a form of information. She focused on the transmission and the replication of memes since she figured out that different replicators had different purposes, i.e. first and second replicator had different function and tasks. She also conducted experiments to see that if people prefer to copy more articulate people and find them more sexually attractive than less eloquent people. The last study is conducted by

Reime (2000), it focuses on the role of memes as visual tool to convey the message. It discusses that memes carries a message and it is considered as the precise tool to deliver the message. The aim of the study is to explore publications related to Memes and their uses and functions in modern society. In line with the roles of memes, in this study the researcher also focuses on the use of memes, but the things that make this research is different from the research conducted by Reime (2006) is that the researcher goes beyond the message of the memes by analyzing the interpretation of both the caption and the image used in the memes.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

There are two things that the researcher would like to analyze. Firstly, the researcher is interested in the meaning of the sentence. The researcher tries to find the meaning of the caption. To analyze the caption, the researcher uses the theory of text as the object of the analysis that is proposed by Halliday to see the relation of the text, the context, and the interpretation. To go deeper on the meaning, the researcher uses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the speech acts by Searle (1969) which only focus on the locutionary and illocutionary acts to analyze the meaning of the caption. The reader can see the force contained by the caption. In obtaining the meaning, the researcher also uses direct/ indirect meaning types. The reader can see whether the meaning of meme is stated directly or indirectly.

It is also supported on the use of theories of verbal humor by Attardo and Raskin

(1991). With those theories, the reader can see the jokes or the verbal humor produced by the caption. It can be satiric, or being aggressive to certain society/ group, or it is only to entertain or amuse the readers. Using those two theories, the researcher will find the meaning of the caption. If the meaning is not stated explicitly, the theory of implicature would help the researcher to find the meaning. The last point the researcher would like to obtain is the relation between images, text, and meanings of memes which connect each other to form social messages, political, universal , or even just to be funny and entertain its users. For this approach, the researcher uses semiotic approach proposed by Pierce. In addition, the theory of presupposition will be applied since in understanding the memes, the reader should know the background information why the meme creators use certain captions and picture. For the final result of memes meaning, the researcher would relate the definition of the caption from linguistics perspective and the interpretation of the image using semiotic approach so that the meaning of a meme can be revealed wholly.




Pragmatics Semiotics

(Verbal expression)

Speech Implicature Presupposition Interpretation Acts


Verbal humor

Figure 2.3 Theoretical Framework of the research




This chapter presents the mechanism in conducting this study. It elaborates the methods on how answering the research questions. It involves four parts, they are type of study, data collection, and data analysis. The type of the study discusses the approach used in this research. It also provides description of the nature of the selected data. The data collection and data analysis contain the detailed steps and the analysis process of the study on how the data are collected, elicited, and interpreted to answer the research questions.

3.1 Type of Study

This study is a Pragmatic study. The aim of this study is to define the meaning of the text and the picture of a meme. The meme itself is based on the issue in the society. It is related to human behavior. Every meme also underlies the motives and desires of the makers related to the matters emerged in the society. There is something which would like to reveal or convey through the verbal text and picture in a meme.

To obtain the data of the study, the sources of memes are from several websites. The memes are about lifestyle. The reason in choosing this category is because human lifestyle is always changing. And lifestyle cannot be separated from human life.




A meme consists of tagline and picture which contain messages. This study aims to obtain meaning of the tagline of memes supported with the picture used. There is background of each a tagline. Usually the background is about the current issue. The context is important because the memes readers will automatically understand. Hence the theory of Pragmatics was applied. Pragmatics deals with the background features of the communication events. Cutting (2002) explains that pragmatics is an approach to study language’s relation to the contextual background features. The context of language use is determined the use of language itself. Discussing about the language use, it is not enough to understand the language use on what it is literally written or spoken by the participants. Mey (2001:6) says that “a truly pragmatic consideration has to deal with the users in their social context; it cannot limit itself to the grammatically encoded aspects of contexts, as the ‘grammaticalization requirement’ seems to imply”.

This study also uses semiotic visual approach to analyze the significant of the picture and the relation of the picture and the verbal text. Semiotic approach helps the researcher to see in depth what a meme actually would like to convey. Specifically, the researcher will use the semiotic proposed by Charles Peirce. He proposed terms icon, symbol, and index. Those will be the boundaries in interpreting the memes especially the picture. The other reason using Peirce theory is because its of the meme meaning interpretation with the social context. As explained before, the memes can emerge based on the phenomena happened in the society. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Regarding the research data, the data consists of 35 memes obtained from the internet. However, the researcher has limited the scope of the meme topic which is lifestyle meme. The lifestyle meme has more frequency to emerge in the internet compare to other issues. The researcher found that the issue in lifestyle meme is sometimes more general than cultural issues. It is because the problematic of healthy lifestyle is faced by most of people especially by people who live in the big cities across the world.

3.2 Data collection

The researcher chose the memes from the internet randomly which related to lifestyle. The reason why using this method is because people could not know people who uploaded the memes and also when the memes were uploaded. However, related to the number, there were lots of memes in the internet. The researcher has found 35 memes according to the topics limitation. They are healthy lifestyle, social media, and working life, and shopping.

Table 3.2. Meme’s topics

No The topic The number 1 Healthy lifestyle 26 2 Social media 4 3 Working life 3 4 Shopping 2 Total 35 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In finding the data, the researcher searched all the topics in the internet, and then the researcher found the four most popular topics that have more tendency to be meme. It was also the topics had been discussed by other researches. In addition, the researcher limited the websites in which the memes were obtained. Mostly the memes were obtained in the popular websites to create memes, such as www.memegenerator.net, www.quickmeme.com, www.i.pinimg.com, and so on. The researcher also prioritized the memes which were produced from 2010-2017. The year of the meme creation for the first time usually appear in the websites especially the meme creating website.

The researcher also found that the topic about healthy lifestyle is broader than other topics (shopping, working life, and social media) since it covers various topic such as diet, doing workout, organic food, and so on. Every theme of each topic has become the society’s concern. Eventually the researcher considered that 35 memes were adequate to answer the research questions since they covered all topics which are discussing. According to Kothari (2004) the size of data should neither be excessively large, nor too small. It should be optimum. An optimum data is one which fulfills the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability and flexibility.

3.3 Data analysis

After collecting the data, the data was analyzed. The objective of this process is to summarize the data, present them, and later to interpret the data so that the result will emerge. Since the data of this study is memes which consist of the text as the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


caption and picture, first, the researcher would analyze the significance of the image and the caption, and the relation with the issues emerged in the society. It helped the researcher to obtain the meaning of the memes. The relation of the image and the text would be analyzed using Semiotic approach.

In the process of analyzing the meaning, firstly, the researcher would analyze the meaning of the memes using the pragmatics theory, i.e. types of speech acts. The researcher would classify the texts into types of speech act to see the forces of the utterance and the purpose of using certain expression. After obtaining the meaning, if the message, meaning and the purpose of the memes are not stated explicitly, the theory of implicature would be applied. It is to find the implication of the text and to find the hidden meaning. In analyzing the memes, the researcher also uses presupposition theory since in interpreting a meme, the reader should know the background information of the memes, to be precise, the reason why the meme is created.

In obtaining the final meaning, the verbal expression was separated from the image. The reason why the researcher to do so since there are different treatments in obtaining the meaning. The meaning of the verbal expression would be analyzed linguistically. For the image of memes which would be analyzed further using semiotic approach.

Secondly, the researcher interpreted the picture and used in memes using semiotic approach and the implication using certain picture in supporting the caption PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to convey the “real” message of a meme. Semiotic approach is not only for interpreting the image and the caption, but it is to read the ‘sign’ from the text. After obtaining the interpretation. For the last step, after figuring out the meaning, the meaning will be analyzed in depth by using verbal humor theory. The reason by using verbal humor is to reveal the purpose of the meme either it is to be sarcastic, irony, or just to entertain.

The theory of verbal humor would help the researcher in analyzing the caption structure since this theory covers structure analysis of jokes especially caption of memes.




This chapter will discuss the analysis of lifestyle meme. In order to answer the research questions, this chapter is divide into two parts namely the relationship among text, the image, and the interpretation and the meaning of lifestyle meme. In the meaning of lifestyle meme, the data analysis result is presented to answer the first problem formulation. It presents the meaning of meme based on the theme of the lifestyle category and types of speech acts used in the memes.

In the relationship among text, the image, and its interpretation part, the answer of the second problem is presented. It analyzes the significance of the caption and the image in a meme and the characteristics of the image in a meme which influences the caption writing.

4.1 The relationship among the text, the image, and its interpretation

There are two big aspects of internet memes in terms of the form of it. Internet meme consists of image and the caption. Some debates appear about which one is more important. Some debates say that the caption takes more important roles than the caption. Some opinions go the other way around. As stated by Shifman (2014) internet meme is a digital content unit sharing common characteristics of content, form, and/or stance. The form consists of image and caption, and the stance is the verbal humor. To




see the relationship among the text, the image, and its interpretation, this part is divided into two parts, they are (1) the significance of the caption and the image in a meme, and (2) the influence of the image in a meme to the caption writing.

4.1.1 The significance of the caption and the image in a meme

In semiotics, the caption and the image of a meme are considered as one unity.

An image which stands alone, without being put on any caption, can have multi interpretations. The same condition will occur when a caption is not being attached on an image, the readers can interpret it. Through the interpretation process in the previous part, it is seen that the image and the caption depend on each other to create certain interpretation. Since the concern of the internet meme is to share the general

(Shifman, 2014), the creator of a meme matches the caption and the image purposely.

If we separate the image and the caption, it will create different interpretation and the purpose of the meme creation will not be achieved. The message of the meme will not be transferred well.

Picture 1. Success Kid meme https://memegenerator.net PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The proof that the image and the caption are related and depending on each other is the meme above. If we only have the caption without the image, it will be difficult to interpret since the phrase is only “Goes to McDonald’s … finish meal due to realization of how disgusting it is”. Even when the caption stands alone, without any context or image, the readers will hardly understand the meaning because it only tells a condition that the speaker cannot finish the meal in the McDonald’s after realizing that the of the food is disgusting. We only get information that the speaker is disgusted and decide to not finish the food. We do not get any guidelines to a further explanation about the reaction of the speaker or even the impact after gaining the awareness of the food’s disgusting taste. On the other hand, if there is not caption in the image above, we only see a toddler who is being proud of his success. However, we do not know what makes him proud of himself, or what his success is.

In the internet, mostly we see one picture is used for several captions. However, they talk about different issues. Different memetic variants represent diverse voices and perspectives (Shifman, 2014). If some memes, which use different image and caption, raise the same problems in the society, they are still considered different. It is because they serve the same issue in different point of view. Below is the example of a meme which has the same caption as the previous one, but it is being viewed in a different angle. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 2. First World Problem meme https://i.pinimg.com Both memes above have the same captions it is related the junk food consumption.

However, they have different pictures. The first meme is using the picture of success kid, and the second is called ‘first world problem’ meme. Taking a look at the memes above, the caption on both memes are going to express the things. In pragmatics, types of speech act, the caption is considered as expressive speech act since the speakers express how they feel (psychological states) about the situation. Despite the meaning of the caption, the images of both memes hold an important role since a reader interpret the memes, there will be different interpretation due to the images. As both memes are interpreted using semiotics approach, there are two groups in the society represented in the memes. Stated by Shifman (2014) while memes are seemingly trivial and mundane artifacts, they actually reflect deep social and cultural structures. The first meme, the image in meme is a loveable toddler, clenching a fistful of sand in his little hand. This meme is called Success Kid. The meme displays a satisfied face after conquering something. This thing is supported with the fist made by the kid. A state of a success is that getting a result of achieving something that is wanted or hoped for.

The happy face of the success kid and the fist signify the satisfying feeling after PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


achieving something, and the shape of the colorful background symbolizes the light sparking. The colorful background with the shape strengthen the displayed by the image. The visual components in the first meme reveal the enthusiasm of achieving something. Combined with the caption of the meme which is not clear enough and needs the image to complete it, it can be said that the meme represents the group of people/ society who feel so proud of having awareness on the bad impact of junk food.

Being realized about the bad impact of the junk food when you are already in the junk food restaurant is rarely to happen. People go to junk food restaurants because they are keen to eat the fast food there. Moreover, in our society the junk food restaurant is always full of the buyers. So, if the people’s awareness emerges when they are eating it, they feel successful on having the awareness on their health while the other people do not. It can be said that the first meme represents the people who are proud of having any concerns over their health. Their focus is the improvement of their health.

The second meme goes the other way around. The image of the meme is a crying lady. There is no any positive or contented feeling shown in the meme, but a negative sensitivity. Obtaining the meaning of the caption and the image, there are two possible meanings of the sad image towards the realization. First, after knowing the disadvantages of eating junk food, the lady is sad because she has to avoid the food due to her health. Besides, the literal interpretation emerged from the caption and the image.

The other reasons which make the lady sad are because of the taste which is disgusting.

The other possible reason is that she has paid the food, which is usually not cheap, but PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


it is not worth with the taste. Those people only focus on the disappointment at the taste. They do not put any concern to their health. It can be said that the meme represents group of people who do not really care about their health. If they care about their health, they will not feel so sad after gaining the realization. From the explanation above, even though the memes have the same captions, the interpretation will be different because they do not use the same picture. It notifies the picture holds significant roles in the interpretation. The interpretation itself is the result of the analysis process.

From the two examples above, we can see that both caption and picture in a meme limit the scope of the interpretation of the meme. When people see a picture, they can interpret it with any context. The same thing also incurs to the caption interpretation. However, both of the caption and the picture give the context of topic which are being discussed in the meme. Moreover, by sharing the same context, the reader can see whether both the caption and the caption gives the emphasis on the meaning of the meme. From the data obtained in this research, there is not a picture or caption which becomes a decoration of the meme. Both the caption and the picture emphasize the meaning of the meme.

The other finding obtained after analyzing the data was that most of the memes used the pictures of popular people (actors or actress), and also the famous characters in the cartoon movies or serials. Most of them were originally from western and

European movies or serials. It was found that those characters, both cartoons and the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


celebrities, were from popular shows. They were not only popular in their country, but also outside the origin country of producing. The reason behind using those pictures was so that the memes could be spread and be recognized easily. the message of the memes can be delivered and fit to the context of the problem by using the picture of popular people or characters. Besides, the expression of the people and characters can represent the situation related to the issue that is being discussed. However, there are also several reasons why several people’s pictures used in a meme most of the time, they are funny and witty, familiar, and relatable to the audiences.

Blackmore (1999) explained that meme is one part of the behavior system which considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation. From the passing activities, the pictures of several people is commonly used in memes.

4.1.2 The influence of the image in a meme to the caption writing

Spreading out in the internet, each picture of memes actually has its own characteristics of the caption writing which really influences to the interpretation. We cannot put any caption to certain image because usually each image has characteristics in which the caption fits to the image. Actually, there is not any requirement in putting the caption, but each meme has the name created by internet user and the name influences to the caption writing of the memes, the examples are as follows PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 3. Y U No meme https://memegenerator.net

The meme above is called Y U No meme. One of the characters of this meme is usually followed by some often-ridiculous suggestion in the caption. The formula used was

“(X, subject noun), [WH]Y [YO]U NO (Y, verb)?”. The example is as follows

“I TXT U … Y U NO TXTBAK?!” It is read “I Texted You, Why Have You Not Texted Me Back?

Picture 3. Success Kid meme https://memegenerator.net

The second example is Success Kid. This meme is used in regard to any successful event. The clenching hand and determined expression symbolize the to achieve a success. Today the meme is spouting off all kinds of relevant and topical wisdom. It is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


considered to say things that people wish they could say but they don’t have the guts to do it.

Picture 4. Thinking Black Guy meme https://memegenerator.net

The next meme is the third example, according to the website of meme generator, there are three names for this meme, they are Thinking Black Guy, Pretty Smart, and You

Can't If You Don't. Even though it has three different names, the structure of the memes caption is same. The formula is

(Subject/Ø) CAN’T (Verb)… | IF YOU (Verb) …

The example: You can’t offend anyone | if you don’t talk to them

From the caption above, we can see that if we use this picture and then we put a caption, the caption should convey that an effect will not emerge if there is not any cause that we do. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 4. Philosoraptor meme http://www.quickmeme.com/

The forth example is called Philosoraptor meme. Actually, it is from velociraptor which is shortly called raptor. Even though it is well known as vicious and cunning killers as portrayed in the movie Jurassic Park as the prominent role, the image of raptor in meme is used to acquire philosophical musings. Its characteristics in memes is completely contrasted to its nature or even characteristics in the movie. In memes, the image of raptor is to ponder the deeper meanings of life. Philosoraptor muses about all the questions in our lives. However, it was only Philosoraptor who had the courage, the fortitude, and the insight to ask, for example, “If a vegetarian eats vegetables, does a humanitarian eat humans?” For us, it is a silly question because we obviously know the answer, and we consider that the question is not necessarily to be asked. Despite, it becomes the characteristics of Philosoraptor meme. The image of the raptor is accompanied with silly question about life as the caption.

From the examples above, we can see that the caption and the image have the connection. For certain images, we cannot put randomly any caption. Some pictures PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


have the and the characteristics of the caption. The sentences on the caption depend on the image of meme. It is defined by the internet users as the convention.

Actually, there are no any written rules in writing the caption for certain image, but we can see it from the other memes with the same pictures in the internet. Usually people who are making memes which use the same picture will follow the pattern of the sentence structure from the previous memes. However, there are still many memes that do not have certain characteristics of the caption regarding the images. In this case, the people can make any memes based on the situation or issue emerging in the society.

In regards to the use of the images in the memes, from the research data, the researcher found that several memes used famous characters or people in which they were popular in the time of the meme created. Usually the people in the memes are regular people whose pictures that was considered suitable to be the background of the memes, and their pictures usually were taken from their social media. Some of them were candidly taken in some public events. However, there are several pictures actors or actresses used as the background of the memes. Usually they were from popular serials or movie. As the example, Silvia Bottini, a model and actress from Varese, , appeared in First World Problem Meme. Usually these kinds of memes talk about a simple problem but it is treated as a big (world) problem and considered important. The problems in memes using her pictures are usually being exaggerated whereas they are just small thing. The other famous actor is Liam Neeson in Taken movie specifically in the scene of calling the criminal. The memes using his picture as a background would PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


like to convey the anger or fury of the meme creators about some issues emerged in the society.

Memes do not only use the pictures of human. They also use some animated or fictional characters from the famous serials/sitcom or movies. Usually the animated movies or sitcoms are produced by western countries. And about characters choosing, the meme creators choose the prominent cast in each serial or movie. And the message contained by the caption of the meme, usually it is matched with the personalities of the main cast of the sitcoms. As the example, Futurama Fry, he is from the animated sitcom Futurama. Fry is characterized as simple, sweet, naïve and immature. He is also a slacker. Referring to his personalities, the caption of the memes used his picture as the background usually contain some excuses, or show some ignorant attitude, or even naïve responses towards phenomena emerged in the society. The function of using popular people or characters in memes is to make the memes easily distributed and be more popular since they are easily recognized by the audience. However, there are other function targeted by some companies which is for marketing.

After finding the relation of the caption and the image of a meme and seeing the significant role of them in transferring the message, the meaning or message of the lifestyle memes is obtained in the next session.

4.2 The meaning of lifestyle meme

People use language to deliver their meaning and intention. Memes is considered as the verbal language since the words used in the memes are not in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


forms of written language, but verbal language which is written. According to Sebeok

(2001) the expression ‘by verbal means’ is equal to some such expression as ‘by means of speech’, or ‘by means of script’, or ‘by means of a sign language’ (e.g., for use in a deaf group), that are, each, manifestations of any prerequisite natural language with which human are singularly endowed. In verbal language, sometimes people are not being authentic and truthful, sometimes they imply something from what they say.

The memes analyzed in this study reveal certain topics about lifestyle. It is not only about healthy lifestyle which is about consuming healthy food and doing workout, but it is also about the use of social media, shopping, and working life.

Table 4.2. Memes’ Theme Classification

No Component The theme Memes of Lifestyle Number 1 Healthy Healthy lifestyle paradox 1 Lifestyle Cost of healthy lifestyle 2 False healthy lifestyle 2 The ignorance of having a healthy lifestyle 1 Workout only for self-reputation 1 The excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle 3 Types of food consumption 3 Poor commitment for healthy lifestyle 6 Food consumption paradox 2 Negative view of junk food 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2 Social Media The impact on dependency of the social 3 media usage The occurred as the impact of 1 social media usage 3 Shopping The excuses to keep shopping 2 4 Working life Working problems 3 Total 35 In this part, the explanation is divided by two parts. The first part is the meaning of the meme based on the theme of each component/ topic, and the second part is the type of speech act used in the memes. The detail explanation of the meme is as follows.

4.2.1 The meaning of meme based on the theme of the lifestyle categories

This part will discuss four categories of lifestyle in which each category has several themes. The categories are healthy lifestyle, social media, shopping and working life. For healthy lifestyle, there are ten themes, such as healthy lifestyle paradox, cost of healthy lifestyle, the exxcuses not to have a healthy lifestyle, false healthy lifestyle, the ignorance of having a healthy lifestyle, workout only for self- reputation, the excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle, types of food consumption, poor commitment for healthy lifestyle, food consumption paradox, and negative view of junk food. For the social media, the themes are the impact on dependency of the social media usage and the annoyance occurred as the impact of social media usage. For shopping life, there is only one theme which is the excuses to keep shopping, and for working life category, the theme is working problems. Below is the example of a meme of each theme. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

57 Healthy lifestyle

In this category, there are ten themes. They are healthy lifestyle paradox, the cost of healthy lifestyle, false healthy lifestyle, the ignorance of having a healthy lifestyle, workout only for self-reputation, the excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle, types of food consumption, poor commitment for healthy lifestyle, food consumption paradox, and negative view of junk food.

The first is the healthy lifestyle paradox. The example of the meme in this theme is below.

Picture 1 https://memegenerator.net

Analyzing the caption “Hell yeah, I’m going to the gym, it’s pizza Monday at planet fitness, it represents the assertive aspect of speech act. It is because the speaker conveys some information. The speaker has great intention to go to the gym place and serious in conveying the information by saying the word ‘’ in ‘Hell Yeah’. The words ‘Hell

Yeah’ is usually to emphasize the statement, instead of only saying ‘yeah’ or ‘yes’. To PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


go further in defining the meaning, the meme implies that if there is not pizza event in the gym place, the person will not go there. The main purpose of the person going to the gym place is to eat free pizza in the gym place. Besides, the verbal humor in the meme is seen as satire because it is a gym place and fortunately it provides pizza.

Another satire is that the kid on the picture goes to the gym place only for food, not for doing the exercises.

Viewing the caption and the image as an integration, the kid symbolizes the lifestyle of adults specifically his way in imitating the style of telephoning. It can be said that he represents the adult because as we know kid usually does not have any access to telephone. Also, he does not use the real handphone. Even though it is only a toy, the way he holds it and speaks is like adults do. Moreover, his facial expression depicts that he is in a serious conversation. His closing eyes is the sign of seriousness in talking. The presupposition of closing eyes while speaking is that the speaking person is in a serious conversation because the closing eyes while speaking express the speaker is thinking deeply. Besides, about his body, as we can see the kid is obese. It can be seen that his neck is hardly to be seen. His body symbolizes the wealthy life that he has. It confirms that he has a good life without any lack of food. However, his shape of his body also shows that the person does not have a healthy life. It also leads to fact that he is tend to be lazy to do exercises. In other words, it can be said this kid represents the wealthy adult life, but he is lazy to do exercise have a healthy life. Besides, the blue

T-shirt specifically represents the male adult since that color is associated with male or boys. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


To sum up, the meme which is related to lifestyle paradox would like to sound the voice of group people especially male adults who can be serious when they talk about food. They do not care about where they get the food even it is in a gym place.

It is a paradox since in a gym place, the people should have focused on doing the exercises, and keeping the shape of the body, but they focus on getting food in that place. The other paradox is the people still do not care about their health which we can see from their body shape. They still continue their unhealthy lifestyle.

The second is the cost of healthy lifestyle. The example of the meme in this theme is below.

Picture 2 https://memegenerator.net

Reading the caption, there is a doubt felt by the speaker. For the speech act, it is considered as expressive since the speaker convey his feeling specifically in choosing two things. He is not able to make decision healthy lifestyle or triple-bacon-deluxe- cheeseburger. It is so ironic, since things being compared are about something related PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


health. Actually it does not need to compare those things since people will obviously choose the healthy lifestyle.

Analyzing the picture, the character’s name is Fry. It is from the show Futurama

Fry. The photo is taken from the episode entitled “The Lesser of Two Evils”. He is well-known for proclaiming himself as a geek and nerd everywhere. Looking at his picture, he represents adult life in the future. His half-lidded expression signifies there is a doubt or confusing that to have healthy life style is not easy because there is big temptation which is food. It is because the cost of having healthy is expensive. Fry compares it with burger specifically triple-bacon-deluxe-cheeseburger with price 15

KR. KR is Danish Krone, the Currency. It equals 2.21835 U.S. dollars. It is considered very cheap because the price of triple-bacon-deluxe-cheeseburger is $5.99. it is considered cheap to buy a triple-bacon-deluxe-cheeseburger in Denmark. The half- lidded expression also shows that he is focusing on which option he would take. It shows he is thinking amidst his uncertainty.

The adult life is generally surrounded by confussion especially about lifestyle.

Usually some of them have problems with the financial issue. It is depicted in the meme since it brings up the hesitancy caused by how much money he would spend according to the option he chooses. Eventually, some adults who have difficulties in paying the expense will prefer to buy fast food to fill up their needs instead of paying attention to their health which needs more money than the food, the cheeseburger. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The third is excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle. The example of the meme in this theme is below.


Picture 3 https://memegenerator.net

Through the caption of the meme above, the speaker tries to convince the reader on what he is doing. The statement is classified as assertive in the speech act by Searle

(1969). The speaker refuses the fact that coffee contains caffeine which causes addiction. His statement is used to cover the truth that he is addicted to coffee. As the result, he says it is a lifestyle. the implication of the statement he said is that he is going to deny the addiction that he is experiencing at that time because people in the society have a negative perception on addiction into something. People can easily accept the reason or excuse which is related to the lifestyle. The reason why people can easily accept the lifestyle reason because it is a part of our life. It is also as the sign that you are the part of the lifestyle changing. As we know that drinking coffee is part of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


lifestyle nowadays in line with the various types of coffee and the number of the coffee shop chains have mushroomed in recent years. However, using the lifestyle as the coverage reveals the real excuse that the person could not stop drinking coffee due to addiction. It can be said that it is an excuse because according to the common sense emerged in the society, the first thing people will say or respond when they know that people around him looking at him drinking the coffee, they will deny the fact that they are addicted. Usually they are being offensive as well in replying. Once again, lifestyle has become the justification generally used rather than the real reason.

Besides, viewing at the picture of the meme, the actor of the meme is Fry from the show Futurama Fry. He has become the symbol of adult life. It can be said so due to his appearance. He looks older than teenager and too young to be called a senior citizen. The choice of his outfit with collar and long sleeves is usually worn by adult.

His haircut is also used by the youngster. Besides, he cannot conceal his true feeling that he is unhappy with the situation due to his facial expression especially his big- opened eyes and wrinkled forehead. Moreover, combining the picture and the caption, his facial expression shows that he is serious in asserting the justification about coffee addiction. On the other hand, his hands in grabbing the mug of the coffee shows the belongingness of something. It also signifies that he drinks the coffee with his all dignity. That kind of drinking style can be seen in tea drinking style in and liquor drinking in China. The is that they use small cup instead of a mug. The

Japanese and Chinese drink the beverages with a certain style and such dignity because they are really proud of what they have to drink. The tea is the of Japanese, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


and traditional drink belongs to Chinese. The same things are also felt by Fry, the guy in the meme above, that he is really proud of drinking his coffee. Coffee signifies his identity as an adult, so that he calls drinking coffee a lifestyle instead of addiction. He looks serious in asserting it. While being serious, he also looks a bit offended and annoyed when people call it addiction. His eyes tell so. In the point of the fact, the facial expression, his gesture, and his appearance would like to justify that he is not addicted to coffee, but it is his lifestyle because many youngsters recently drink coffee as the part of the lifestyle. It can be proved with the number of the coffee shop chains in our society.

The forth theme is the false healthy lifestyle. The example of the meme in this theme is below.

Picture 4 https://me.me

The verbal humor in the meme above is obviously sarcasm since it criticizes the habit and the characters of women. Moreover, it is stated by a man as depicted in the picture. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


As stated by Ortega (2013) every humorous experience is an expression of a superiority feeling of a human being towards another human being. Men can make fun on these things because they consider that they really know about girls. Both the set-up and the punchline of the meme are related, yet contrasted. According to Eychaner (2016) the set-up part of memes is usually either neutral, favorable, or positive regards to the social behavior or social issue, but the end in a punch line is unfavorable or inappropriate.

The set-up implies that girls really like jewelries (diamond). As we know that diamond is very expensive. Diamonds is associated with valuable materials which cost lots of money since to get the diamonds we have to spend certain amount of money. In other words, the set-up of the caption would like to say that girls cannot be separated from money and how to spend it. On the other hand, the punch line is the anti-thesis of the set-up. As it revises the wrong perception or opinion about girls and expensive materials, the punch-line appears as a satire as it is stated that squat is girl’s best friend.

Actually, this meme would like to convey that girls have more tendency to talk about workout due to maintaining the shape of the body or the body weight. However, we know that it just ends up in the conversation, not only some girls who really do it. This meme reveals something ironic since the set-up and the punch-line shows sarcasm about girls which implies that girls deal with something expensive, money, and fake squat.

The analysis of the caption of the meme is supported by the image. The image of a man in the picture signifies that the perception is conveyed by men. The man is wearing suit and glasses. Those attributes signify that he is a worker, and his age is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


above 35 years old. He is assumed that he understands more women due to his life experiences. From his outfit, it can be seen that he comes from middle until upper class of the society since the price of a suit is quite expensive. Even if he is a worker, he has a high position in a certain company. If not, he works for a big company which make a huge profit. Using those details, this guy represents the men who have more opportunities in associating with women than the other men younger than him do. He sees that women like something expensive and a plan to work out. Besides, his facial expression depicts that he really means what he says because he is serious. He is pouting his lips showing that he is annoyed to that topic. This meme would like to assert the perception about girls sarcastically especially about the false workout.

The fifth is ignorance of having a healthy lifestyle. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows.

Picture 5 https://www.quickmeme.com

Perceiving the verbal humor of caption of the meme, there is such irony depicted in the story which is shown in the punchline. In the speech act, the statement uttered by the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


speaker is considered as assertive since the speaker retells what she has experienced related to her part of body. It depicts that the speaker that she has more than two chins whereas a human only has one chin. It is an irony because she is confidently saying that. He really knows about the condition of her body which is obese. Obese is considered unhealthy, but she seems not care about it. The person of the meme represents a group of people who do not care about the lifestyle they have. They have tendency to do what they want to do or eat what they want to eat without paying attention to their body or their health.

The meme uses the image of a girl who is trying to eat her biscuit which is on her shoulder. Actually, she can eat it using her hands, but she chooses to put it on her shoulder and try to eat it. Unfortunately, she is not able to eat it because of her fat in her neck. Actually, she has known that she is not able to do it, but she still does it. Her choice to do it signifies that she makes fun at herself. She seems like not to care what people say and start to make it as a joke. This image represents a group of people who still ignores their body shape especially their health, and they try to react or respond to people’s opinions about them in a different way. It is by making it as a joke. They do not care if they are being the object of the joke since they are the ones who poke fun at themselves. Usually some people do that to make the atmosphere less tense since criticizing others’ health or body shape is a sensitive topic.

The sixth is workout only for self-reputation. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 6 https://memegenerator.net

According to the phenomenon nowadays, there are two main reasons why people go to the gym. First, they want to do workout for their health, and the other reason is only for following the trends which is later showing off what they are doing at the gym. It is proven by a selfie after post workout. This meme is to criticize the phenomenon in which people post the pics of their activities in the gym in their social media. The purpose of some people is to show it to others. It is kind of prestige because not all people in the society do workout or really pay attention to their health. So, if someone does workout, others will think and compliment that person has a healthy life. Doing workout is only for social media needs, not for the real health. Even though the caption is not a sentence since it only consists of few words, it is classified as assertive because the speaker is informing what s/he believes. S/he believes that the image is a self- picture taken after workout. The meme delivers a satire of the recent phenomenon which is done young generation while doing workout in humorous way. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


According to the presupposition of the character, the picture of the meme also supports the criticism of society phenomenon. Actually, the character is the smuggle

(Gollum/ Sméagol) in the movie Lord of the Rings. It is taken from the scene in which

Gollum goes up to see the tower. It looks tired. However, according to the movie,

Gollum tried to trick the main cast at the time. Regarding to the meme, the Gollum’s facial expression symbolizes the fake feeling of tired due to the workout, and the situation around it portrays the setting where the people do the workout. Besides, the dark setting depicts the negative feelings where happiness does not exist there. Related to the meme, the dark moods support the fake feeling that the speaker is creating.

Through this meme, the people who take post-workout selfie would like to impress others of what they have done because doing workout is tiring and not easy. Being tired can cause unhappiness. Even though it creates unhappy feeling, the people still do it in order to have a healthy lifestyle. It is the point why some people take selfie after workout. It is because they want others to be impressed to them so that they can have a good reputation in terms of having a healthy lifestyle. They take a benefit of knowing the fact that not many people do workout because it is exhausting.

The seventh theme is type of food consumption. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 7 http://www.picturequotes.com

This meme discusses another topic which is related to healthy lifestyle specifically the healthy food. Organic food is one of healthy food since it is produced without using any chemical substance. Analyzing the locution which is the caption of the meme, it was seen that the speaker tries to ask the reader to her related the food she is holding. The directive speech in the caption is stated in the word “Trust

Me..” It shows that the speaker wants the readers to do what she asks which is trusting her. We can find this phrase when we meet people who are persuading us to do what she ask or when they are offering something, for example for buying food or certain tools.

Viewing the image of the meme, the character of the meme is the witch in the cartoon Sleeping . This scene is taken when the witch is tricking the princess to eat the food whereas it is poisonous. Despite this, using the picture in a meme depicts PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


that people are still mocking the healthy lifestyle especially the organic food. It is a sarcasm towards people who are keen and always look for healthy food. Since organic food is associated with the poisonous apple, and poisonous apple is correlated to the bad food, it portrays the fact that for some people organic food brings disadvantages in terms of taste, satisfaction, and price. To be specific, the face of the witch shows the smirk as the sarcasm to people who always look for the healthy food. The hand of the witch that is the apple signifies the organic food especially fruits.

The eighth theme is poor commitment for healthy lifestyle. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows

Picture 8 https://me.me/i

The text creates the on the characteristics of girls. The common sense emerges in the society is that girls like talking about their weight, asking whether they are fat, and saying they will start diet or do exercises. However, it is just a word. They don’t really do exercises or diet. They are easily tempted to delicious food. The image PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


strengthens the because there is a picture of a girl laying lazily and wearing a bath suit eating popcorn. Why is she considered being lazy because when she is wearing a bath suit and hair rolled, she is supposed to prepare for the shower. However, she prefers eating while bathing. She also looks eating a lot because there is chocolate stain around her lips. She also has a bowl of chips and popcorn. She seems relax.

The ninth theme is food consumption paradox. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows.

Picture 9 https://imgflip.com

The caption of the meme is classified as directive speech act. It is because the speaker as the reader to do something which is to answer the question. Besides, the speaker also asks the readers to be honest to him since he gives the instruction by saying “Be

Honest.” On the other hand, the word “Lettuce” on the picture is a paradox of the image because the image is not a picture of piles of lettuces. In fact, the image shows a picture of a thick burger with full of strips of beef and the lettuce is only the small part on the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


below part of the beef. It’s too much strips of beef. However, this meme implies lettuce is not expected to be part of this food. We can see from the caption “Is it too much..?”

We can see that the lettuce has a very small part in this burger compared to the strips of beef.

The tenth theme is negative view of junk food. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows.

Picture 10 http://www.quickmeme.com

This meme is called ‘Y U No’ meme. It is due to the format of the caption especially the punchline. It is the core of the meme. The set-up of the caption mentions the topic they are discussing. Previously it was called ‘Y U No Guy’ meme, but later is simplified into ‘Y U No’. The formula used in the caption was “(X, subject noun),

[WH]Y [YO]U NO (Y, verb)?”. the caption of the meme is

Healthy food: why do you not taste good?

However, by internet users it is considered as a suggestion related to the topic they are discussing. Generally, the tagline is followed by some ridiculous suggestion. Even PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


though the suggestion is delivered in the question format, there is something that the speaker want others to do. In addition, since it contains suggestion, the meme is considered as directive because the speaker of the meme suggests others who make the healthy food to change the taste of it, specifically to make it delicious.

Originally, the characteristics of ‘Y U No guy’ meme was taken from Japanese cartoon ‘Gantz’ in episode 55. His facial expression shows he is asking something.

However, when he is asking, he shows his irritation. It can be seen from his hands raising like asking why, his lips, his eyes, and his forehand. Usually, people who are asking something in a usual way will show usual expression. Nevertheless, the signs depicted in the meme shows the different feeling. Besides, when someone says that the food does not taste good it means that person has already tasted the food. The image signifies the regret and annoyance after finding that the food, in this case is healthy food, is not delicious. The expectation of the speaker does not meet the reality. The speaker of the memes with certain gesture and facial expression complains about the taste of the food. Giving a negative view of the food reveals the fact that one of the reasons people do not want to have a healthy food is because of the taste. As explained in the previous part with different meme, the healthy food is usually expensive and not delicious. Eventually, this meme would like to represent a group of people who do not want to have a healthy lifestyle due to the taste of the food. It is kind of an irony because people prefer to eat unhealthy food and keep continuing their unhealthy lifestyle for the sake of ‘satisfying’ their mouth by eating tasty food. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

74 Social Media

In this category, there are two themes found in the data. They are the impact on dependency of the social media usage and the annoyance occurred as the impact of social media usage.

The first theme in this category is the impact on dependency of the social media usage. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows.

Picture 11 http://www.funnymemes.net

Lifestyle cannot be separated from the social media. Nowadays, there are lots of platforms of the social media, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, and so on. However, one of them which is the most popular in all classes of society is

Facebook. These days, everyone is assumed to have at least one Facebook account.

People are assumed to be addicted to social media. And when people we know are no longer active on Facebook, we will know it easily. Viewing the verbal humor in the caption, this meme actually would like to depicts the irony of the use of social media.

People are getting more addicted to it and spend more time to login than doing other PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


things. It is a social phenomenon these days especially for the young generation. It can be seen from the caption in which both set-up and the punchline support each other. It will not take a long time for people who have deleted their Facebook account to be back to Facebook again. It is due to the addiction to Facebook. It portrays that people cannot be off from Facebook from a while. The statement “in an hour” is to show the temporary duration.

The picture of news anchor symbolizes that things happen to the people whom you know in the social media, it would be an important matter which needs to be talk about as if it was a big case which needs to be broadcasted. Besides, due to the addiction to FB, people who are off from the Facebook will be others’ attention as they will ask why they are off. The outfit of the man signifies formality which means if there is a topic being discussed, it will not be talked undercover by few people mouth by mouth, but by lots of people. The concept is like news which just have been broadcasted and talked by people. It is an irony since being off from Fb, which is a small thing, has been considered as a huge thing and others’ attention due to the addiction.

The second theme is the annoyance occurred as the impact of social media usage. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 12 http://www.quickmeme.com The caption implies the annoyance of Facebook users specifically when they get online request from other users. It becomes the annoyance of the social media users because they do not it. Actually, it is one of the requirements in playing the game.

To continue playing the game, the player should send more request to other users. It is kind of the advertisement of the game. The words ‘kill’ means stopping something/someone to be operated. It means the person will do something to make the others stop sending the request. However, the word ‘kill’ doesn’t mean that the person who sends the game request will be killed literally. It relates the fact that sending game request is really maddening and irritating. In the actual setting, people who are annoyed at this thing post a status saying that they hate receiving the request, and ask other to not send the request to them. Looking at the action that the speaker will do, this text is considered as commissive. According to Austin (1962) commissive means the speakers committing to do something in the future. In this meme, the speakers express their intention that he will do something so that people stop sending them the game request.

The picture of the character in the meme represents the annoyed users. The person in the meme is Liam Neeson. This picture is taken from the movie in which he PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


is calling the criminal. Taking back to the meme context, the criminal refers to people who create annoyance and irritating feeling due to the online game request. The handphone that he uses symbolizes the modern life in which people can do anything using advanced devices to do what they want. However, he uses the device

(handphone) properly, based on its function which is to call others. This fact is against the use of social media done by some people where causes annoyance of other users.

This meme implies that as the technology users, we should use it properly, based on its function, and obtain more benefits rather than the disadvantages. Besides, Liam’s facial expression portrays seriousness in saying something. The picture of Liam Neeson represents the old man in which evinces that when somebody older say something we should listen to him because when he says that, he means it. Nevertheless, this meme brings up the uncomfortable feeling experienced by Facebook users into something humorous. Shopping life

Shopping is part of lifestyle. The memes which talks about this topic usually focus on the consumptive phenomenon that incurs in the society. The only theme in this category is the excuses to keep shopping. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Picture 14 http://www.funnymemes.net

The meme above is another meme which puts high concern to women’s habits and characters. Related to the speech act by classified as assertive. The speaker informs his situation about the problems she faces. The verbal humor revealing one of women’s problems especially about shopping since shopping is preferred by women compared to men. The caption in the meme can cause humor due to the sarcasm implied by the caption. The core of the humor lies in the punchline which is contradicted to the set- up. The caption is actually

[I] must buy new shoes, [but I have] no space on shoe rack.

According to theory of SSTH (Raskin, 1985) a text can only be considered funny if it has two different scripts and if these scripts stand in opposition to each other. The first script (set-up) is a normal statement conveyed that a woman wants to buy shoes.

However, the punchline is not a kind of responses that people expect to hear. Usually people what to hear something that support the idea, but in the punchline, the speaker PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


gives response in which it has become a common statement that arises when women go shopping. The caption criticizes the phenomenon that women in general have tendency to buy things that sometimes they do not necessarily need it. However, they make it as a must. The meme would like to imply that the reason of the woman buys the shoes is not because she does not have any. Actually, she has already had some because she has no space in her shoe rack. It means her shoe rack is already full with her shoes. If she buys some again, she has no space to put the new ones there.

Viewing the image used in the meme, this meme is called ‘First World

Problems’ meme. It is obviously related to general perception on women going to shop.

Something underneath the picture and the name of the meme is the hyperbole reaction that is presumably associated to women’s reaction when they are facing a problem. It is related to the image of person crying. Usually people cry is because they are having problems, but they cannot control their emotion. The image of crying woman with the tears in the meme is to emphasize that problems related to shopping is a big deal for women in which they cannot control their emotion in facing the problem. This meme would like to criticize the shopping lifestyle of women especially buying something that are actually not in their shopping list. The shopping lifestyle has changed human’s habit especially women to prioritize the unimportant things to be the things that they must buy.


80 Working life

In working life, the topic that is frequently talked is about the problems during working hours. The meme only raises the problems in working life because usually most of people honestly will say that they do not want to work. Some of them have to work to make money to afford their daily needs, regardless they love their job or not.

However, they possibly love their jobs, but since we also work with other people and there are goal, target and deadline in our work, the problems emerge in our working life. In the memes, this theme is also related to the culture and human personalities.

The only theme in this category is working problems. The example of the meme in this theme is as follows

Picture 14 http://www.nextscientist.com

The meme above is called High Expectations Asian Father, in short it is called

Asian Dad. This meme is to talk about the stereotype of demanding, perfection-seeking

Asian parents, as they push their children past the limits of endurance in matters of education and overall performance. This meme is to deliver the phenomenon in the society in which people have someone who push them to do better. This meme focuses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


on particularly the parents pressuring their children to work harder and do better or suffer their wrath due to the disappointment. The meme emphasizes on the notion that an Asian dad is demanding top notch performance. The image of the meme shows a photo of the head of an Asian man wearing glasses, forehead wrinkled in anxiety. The wrinkled forehead shows that Asian Dad is really thinking deeply. However, his lips show that the father is probably with a vague air of disappointment. His facial expression shows that the father is not satisfied enough with the work that the children have done. That’s why he said to work hard. In working life, the father represents typical ordinate or superior who ask the subordinates to work hard to show the best performance in order to fulfil his/her satisfaction related to the target or the result of the work. In working life, typical worker or senior becomes the problem during working hour since they create uncomfortable situation in the working place.

4.2.2 The Types of speech acts used in the memes

In obtaining the meaning of the memes above, this research is analyzing the illocutionary aspect which is proposed by Austin (1962). The types of speech act are used in this research. However, there are only 14 memes which are explained above since they are representative of the themes of each topic. To show the result thoroughly, the result of the speech act used in all memes are as followed.

Table 4.1 Speech Act Types used in the Memes



1 Assertive 25 71,4 % 2 Commissives 5 14,3% 3 Directives 4 11,4% 4 Expressives 1 2,9% Total 35 100%

From the table, we can see that the highest percentage is assertive type. This type is dominant because most of the memes are used by people as a media to deliver what they are thinking and believing. In assertive type, all the themes from all categories are included in this type. It can be seen that most of the messages of the memes are delivered using assertive. Essentially, the purpose of creating memes is to assert, tell, inform what people believe to others.

Table 4.2. The Themes in Assertive Speech Act

Category No Theme Number Healthy 1 Food consumption paradox 1 Lifestyle 2 Lifestyle paradox 1 3 Negative view of junk food 4 4 Poor commitment for healthy lifestyle 4 5 The excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle 2 6 False healthy lifestyle 2 7 The ignorance of having a healthy lifestyle 1 8 To have a healthy lifestyle is expensive. 1 9 Type of food consumption 2 10 Workout only for self-reputation 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Social Media 1 The annoyance occurred as the impact of social media 1 usage 2 The impact on dependency of the social media usage 1 Shopping 1 The excuses to keep shopping 2 Working life 1 Working problems 2 Total 25

Through this type, the people criticize the phenomena in the society which do not match to what they think. Even though people criticize in a humorous way, there is irony, sarcasm, and satire underneath the verbal humour. Using assertive speech act people try to assert what they believe so

(1) “Dieting” is when you eat food that makes you sad. (meme 9)

When we are on diet, we will eat healthy food which is less fat, or carbo, or other substances that do not support the diet program. The locution above implies that healthy food will make the eater not feel satisfied of what they are eating. Probably it is because of the taste is not good, usually plain, or maybe the composition of the food is only vegetables or fruit without any dressing.

(2) If you go to the gym so much, why are you fat? (meme 23)

Even though the caption writing is a question, the speaker tries to convey their perception related to the topic. The text implies that people who are frequently go to the gym, they will be thin. Actually, people who are going to the gym are not necessarily to be thin because what they are doing in the gym is to make their body PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


heathier. Usually they shape or build their body. In fact, there are some people who still have the same weight before and after going to the gym for some times. However, the difference between before and after going to the gym is the shape of the body.

Usually after doing some exercises sometime, we can see the abs in the body and the skin is usually tighter. However, some people use this meme to assert their that we can be slimmer or less fat if we frequently go to the gym. In addition, an irony implied in this meme is that kind of perception will be used by people as an excuse to not go to the gym in order to have a healthy lifestyle. This irony has become a common sense in the society. People will reject to go to the gym or do exercise because people they know, who are never absent to do workout, still have a fat body. They will ask the significance of going to the gym or doing exercises because we will have the fat in our body.

Another type of speech acts which is in the second place is commissive

(14,3%). Compared to assertive type, the percentage gap is quite far, but it only has a small difference with declarative type (11,4%). In commissive speech act, it is related to some memes in which the speakers commit to do something in the future. The ways of the speakers expressing their intention are various. Their topics of concern are also various. In addition, the there are three categories of lifestyle which are healthy lifestyle, social media, and working life.



Table 4.3. The Themes in Commissive Speech Act

Category No Theme Number Healthy 1 Poor commitment for a healthy lifestyle 2 Lifestyle 2 The excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle 1 Social Media 1 The annoyance occurred as the impact of the social 1 media usage Working life 1 Working problems 1 Total 5

In this type, the caption of each meme carries meaning in which the speaker will do something, for example the theme ‘the excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle’ is as follows

(3) Dear Abs, I will find you, and I will reveal you (meme 22)

In the locution above, at first the speaker is trying to find who/ what abs is, later he commits to figure out what it is/ who it is. The speaker has intention to reveal the truth about the topic which is being discussed by the people. Nowadays Abs has become something popular to discuss due to the modern lifestyle that people do. Abs itself stands for abdominals which is muscles in the abdomen in our body. Actually, we can find Abs by doing exercise/ workout. However, this caption is considered as one of

‘the excuses to not have a healthy lifestyle’ theme because it is the of the speaker’s annoyance. If the speaker cares about his health, he will not get annoyed and look for the Abs just because people are talking about it. Another evidence that it is an PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


annoyance is the picture of the meme. The picture of the meme gives more emphasis on the interpretation of the caption. The picture of the meme is that Liam Neeson who looks furious while calling somebody on the phone. In this case, Abs is considered as

‘somebody’ whom he talks to.

(4) I don’t know what candy crush saga is but one more request & I will find

you, and I will kill you (meme 16)

The caption above is also classified as commissive speech act. If we analyze the meaning and the implication of the meme, it almost has the same characteristics with the previous caption (4). From the two examples above, the memes which are used commissive speech act are related to the action of some people will do in responding the phenomena in the society regarding the modern lifestyle. In this case, people will do workout (3), and people will find the way to make other users of social media to stop sending game request (4). Probably they will block people who always send the request, or manage their social media setting so that people do not easily send them the request.

The other type of speech acts that is directive. Usually the captions which contain this type is to ask the reader to do something. According to Yule (1996) it can be telling, asking, ordering, requesting, inviting, advising, suggesting, and begging. In this type, there are four themes in two categories which are healthy lifestyle, and social media. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 4.4 The Themes in Directive Speech Act

Category No Theme Number Healthy 1 Food consumption paradox 1 Lifestyle 2 Negative view of junk food 1 3 Type of food consumption 1 Social Media 1 The annoyance occurred as the impact of social 1 media usage Total 4

The memes which are categorized in the themes usually request the readers to do something. The example of the analysis is as follows.

(5) Trust me, it’s organic (meme 30)

The act of the caption above is to ask. The speaker asks the reader to trust her.

Sometimes the trust is not obtained by asking somebody else. We gain the trust from others without asking them to do so. Usually it is because of our good traits to others, such as being reliable, honest, showing integrity, being compassionate. If we have those traits, we can obtain other’s trust effortlessly since it occurs automatically.

Nonetheless, if someone asks others to trust him, it means there is something wrong happens that creates possibility for others to not trust him. The reasons why people are difficult to trust others are that the things happen are not like the expectation, or probably it is illogical to happen in which something back in the mind refuses or rejects it to happen. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In statement (5) the speaker asks the reader to trust her regarding the organic food. However, there is something happen before eventually the speaker asks the reader to trust her. According to Yule (1996) a presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance. The presupposition of the fact that it could happen, the speaker might find that at first the reader doubts her words that the food is organic, so that she reassures the reader that the food which is with her does not contain any chemical substances. Implicitly, before the speaker says that it is organic, the reader thinks about the food is inorganic. This could happen because nowadays it is difficult to find organic food, otherwise it is expensive. The act of the speaker to ask the reader to something which is trusting her is classified as directive speech act.

The last type of the speech act obtained in the data is expressive act. According to Austin (1962) expressive act is done when the speakers express how they feel

(psychological states) about the situation. It is to express the psychological state specified in the propositional content. In expressive speech act, there is only one meme found in this type, and the theme of the meme is the cost of a healthy lifestyle.

Table 4.5 The Theme in Expressive Speech Act

Category No Theme Number Healthy Lifestyle 1 Cost of a healthy lifestyle 1



Since the theme in this type of speech act is related how much people spend money to have a healthy lifestyle, the meme itself is talking about the food price. The meme’s analysis is as follows.

(6) Not sure if I want a healthy lifestyle, or that triple-bacon-deluxe-

cheeseburger for 15 KR (meme 1)

The statement above, the speaker expresses his feeling of being uncertain. He is not sure of what he wants. Analyzing the statement, we found there are two things that are unequally being compared. The first is the lifestyle, and the other one is the food which is part of the lifestyle. Actually, both of them cannot be compared because they are in different level. However, there is something implied in that statement because the lifestyle and the burger are really contradicted. However, the comparison is slightly ridiculous since it is between something healthy (good) and unhealthy (bad). As we know, to have a healthy body we have to have a healthy lifestyle. Basically, having a healthy lifestyle is not a choice, it is a must. If it becomes one of the options, it is not yet a priority. The speaker is having a confusion in choosing. However, the statement reveals the fact of life that some people do not really consider a healthy lifestyle when it hits the financial issue. As we know healthy lifestyle costs more money than unhealthy lifestyle, for example the organic food is more expensive than burger or other fast foods. In western countries vegetables and fruits are more expensive than fast food.

That is why fast food is more popular than healthy food. People will choose unhealthy food as long as it saves them from hunger. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


This chapter contains the conclusions and the recommendations derived from the analysis in chapter IV. The conclusion summarizes the findings and the discussion.

The recommendations present the further research in terms of the research data and methodology.

5.1 Conclusions

Since there are two points of the study which are Pragmatics and Semiotics.

This study used 35 memes which obtained in several memes creating websites. To obtain the meaning of the memes, the significance of the caption and the image in a meme was analyzed. It helped to get the meaning. The semiotic approach was used in this stage. The researcher found that the picture of the meme also has a significant role in interpreting the data. It can be emphasizing the meaning or limiting the scope of interpreting. It leads to the answer of the first problems about the relation between the text and the image which impacts to the interpretation. The researcher found that both caption and picture in a meme limit the scope of the interpretation of the meme. When people see a picture, they can interpret it with any context. The same thing also incurs to the caption interpretation. However, both of the caption and the picture give the context of topic which are being discussed in the meme. Moreover, by sharing the same




context, the reader can see that both the caption and the caption gives the emphasis on the meaning of the meme. From the data obtained in this research, there is not a picture or caption which becomes a decoration of the meme. Both the caption and the picture emphasize the meaning of the meme.

The relation of the meme and the caption was also proved by the findings that each picture of memes actually has its own characteristics of the caption writing which really influences to the interpretation. We cannot put any caption to certain image because usually each image has characteristics in which the caption fits to the image.

Actually, there is not any requirement in putting the caption, but each meme has the name created by internet user and the name influences to the caption writing of the memes.

In regards to the use of the images in the memes, the researcher found that several memes used famous characters or people in which they were popular in the time of the meme created. The function of using popular people or characters in memes is to make the memes easily distributed and be more popular since they are easily recognized by the audience. However, there are other function targeted by some companies which is for marketing.

After seeing the relation of the image, the caption, and the interpretation, the next part is obtaining the memes’ meaning. To obtain the meanings, the memes were divided into four categories. Actually, the four categories are related each other. First, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


it is about the phenomenon happen while making money (working), the tendency of people being consumptive in spending the money (shopping) in which it also effects to the lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), and the use of social media as the impact of the modern and digital era (social media). Totally, there were 14 themes from the four categories.

Each category was also divided into some subtopics or themes. For the healthy lifestyle, there are 10 themes which covered issues on food (the price, the taste, and whether it healthy or unhealthy), workout, diet, and commitment to have a healthy lifestyle. Each theme consists of one or until 6 memes. There were two parts of the analysis of a meme, the first is analyzing the caption using pragmatic theory and to find the interpretation of the whole meme, the semiotic approach was used. For the pragmatic approach, the researcher used speech acts by Grice (1965) and obtained the implicature supported with the theory of verbal humor of memes proposed by Attardo (1994). Eventually, the researcher found that the most of the meme data were used assertive speech act in deploying the meaning. It shows the effective way in informing the messages or thoughts to the others. The other types of speech acts which also used on the memes were directive, expressive, and commissive. However, the declarative type was not found in the data.

5.2 Recommendations

This research has several limitations on the category of the memes, and also the topic, lifestyle, currently becomes the issues that are being talked in society. Thus, it is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


recommended for the future researcher to do similar researcher but with a greater number of topic since it only discussed four categories, such as healthy lifestyle, social media, working, and shopping. Nowadays these topics or categories are popular in the society.

The researcher also suggests the English lecturers and English studies to put attention to memes as the discourse to be analyzed since nowadays a meme is not just a picture and a caption, but it carries meaning or message which are going to be spread to the people. Usually meme represents some groups of people who share the same ideas and thoughts. Even though meme is not a new thing in digital era, meme is one of sophisticated ways to inform the ideas or aspiration indirectly rather than speak it up.

People know what everything posted in the internet will be spread out fast, reach every one since every person is familiar with the media and the internet. It is compared to the conventional way to speak it up directly because it will not reach every one. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



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Meme Data Reference

Meme 1 Futurama Fry retrieved on 18 December 2016 from https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/55284340/not-sure-if-i-want-a-healthy- lifestyle-or-that-triple-bacon-deluxe-cheeseburger-for-15-kr.jpg PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Meme 2 “And A Diet Coke” retrieved on 18 December 2016 from http://weknowmemes.com/2013/01/and-a-diet-coke/

Meme 3 “Don't want to overdue it...” retrieved on 18 December 2016 https://imgflip.com/i/1ccn0i

Meme 4 Fat Asian Kid retrieved on 18 December 2016 https://memegenerator.net/instance/54669655/fat-asian-kid-hell-yea-im-going-to-the- gym-its-pizza-monday-at-planet-fitness

Meme 5 Walking Down the Junk Food Aisle retrieved on 18 December 2016 https://me.me/i/walking-down-the-junk-food-aisle-like-3581417

Meme 6 Y U No retrieved on 18 December 2016 from http://www.quickmeme.com/Y-U-No

Meme 7 Philosoraptor retrieved on 18 December 2016 from http://www.quickmeme.com/Philosoraptor/page/96/

Meme 8 Success Kid retrieved on 18 December 2016 from https://memegenerator.net/success-kid

Meme 9“But guys, shouldn’t I be during a diet?” retrieved on 18 December 2016 from https://spotmebro.com/layne-norton-destroys-clean-eating/

Meme 10 “I'm On a Seafood Diet, I See Food and I Eat It” retrieved on 18 December 2016 from http://www.fitnessadvice24.com/fitness-images/im-on-a-seafood-diet-i-see-food-and- i-eat-it-1319

Meme 11 Fat Chinese Kid retrieved on 20 December 2016 from http://ru.memegenerator.net/instance/44351452/fat-chinese-kid-i-swear-this-time- starting-my-diet-tomorrow



Meme 12 Girls Be Like retrieved on 20 December 2016 from https://me.me/i/girls-be-like-tomorrowill-start-getting-fit-diet-starts-tomorrow- 1459279

Meme 13 “I lost 1 pound this week Time to reward myself!” retrieved on 20 December 2016 from http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35f8qp

Meme 14 “I'm going to start living a more healthy lifestyle, and i ate three brownies” retrieved on 20 December 2016 from http://www.funny-memes.org/2013/08/im-going-to-start-living-more-healthy.html

Meme 15 “Im gonna exercise and eat healthier and ah f*ck it” retrieved on 20 December 2016 from https://memeguy.com/photo/25249/im-gonna-exercise-and-eat-healthier-and-ah-fuck- it

Meme 16 “I don't know what candy crush saga is but one more request & i will find you and i will kill you” retrieved on 20 December 2016 from http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3uxe2d

Meme 17 “Facebook "Friends" Y U No Stop Tagging Me in Ugly Pics” retrieved on 20 December 2016 from http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3otoos

Meme 18 Facebook Aunt retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://themetapicture.com/facebook-aunt/

Meme 19 Coffee Addict retrieved on 20 December 2016 https://memegenerator.net/instance/35161408/coffee-addict-its-not-an-addiction-its-a- lifestyle

Meme 20 Must buy new shoes No space on shoe rack retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/365pdt

Meme 21 First World Problems retrieved on 20 December 2016 from PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



Meme 22 Dear Abs I Will Find You and I will Reveal You retrieved on 20 December 2016 https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b7/05/cb/b705cbc3042a2946ff2a8cfb3efa2c97--funny- workout-memes-funny-fitness-memes.jpg

Meme 23 Karen from Mean Girls retrieved on 20 December 2016 https://memegenerator.net/instance/54456607/karen-from-mean-girls-if-you-go-to- the-gym-so-much-why-are-you-fat

Meme 24 “They Told Me to Keep My Chin Up I Asked Them Which One” retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3p3r8g

Meme 25 “Deleting your FB” retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://www.funnymemes.net/funny-memes-deleting-your-fb.html

Meme 26 Diamonds are a girl best friend” retrieved on 20 December 2016 https://me.me/t/diamonds-are-a-girls-best-friend

Meme 27 “If Swimming Is Healthy Why are Whales So Fat?” retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/358ada

Meme 28 You Know What Really Grinds My Gears retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-know-what-really-grinds-my-gears

Meme 29 There are too Many People Counting Calories and not Enough People Counting Chemicals retrieved on 20 December 2016 https://www.justpo.st/channel/there+are+too+many+people+counting+calories+and+ not+enough+people+counting+chemicals

Meme 30 “Trust me it's Organic” retrieved on 20 December 2016 http://www.picturequotes.com/trust-me-its-organic-quote-7245 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Meme 31 “It’s not a Diet” retrieved on 20 December 2016 https://memegenerator.net/instance

Meme 32 Happy Friday Wait Sorry Its Monday retrieved on 20 December 2016 from https://me.me/i/happy-friday-wait-sorry-its-monday-11420806

Meme 33 “The Happy PhD Zone: How to Maintain A Work-Life Balance in Academia” retrieved on 22 December 2016 http://www.nextscientist.com/work-life-balance-in-academia/

Meme 34 “I'm pretty Tired Forrest Gump” retrieved on 22 December 2016 from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/72/80/e5/7280e54f8cd99e4cb327be272eee379d.jpg

Meme 35 Post-workout selfie – Gollum retrieved on 22 December 2016 https://memegenerator.net/instance/54698500/gollum-post-workout-selfie PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI








No of Text (caption) Image Topic The hidden issues meme Upper text/ Set up Below text (punch (Theme) line) 1 Not sure if I want a Or that triple- A cartoon man like in the movie the Eating too much not Cost of healthy healthy lifestyle bacon-deluxe- Simpsons with the cynical face. healthy food lifestyle cheeseburger for 15 KR 2 And a diet coke I don’t want to get A big cheese burger. It looks tempting. Eating too much not Food consumption fat healthy food paradox 3 Be honest. Is this Lettuce? A thick burger with full of strips of beef and Eating too much not Food consumption too much the lettuce is only the small part on the healthy food paradox below part of the beef. It’s too much strips of beef. 4 Heel yeah I’m It’s pizza Monday A fat Chinese kid who is calling someone. Doing sport/ Lifestyle paradox going to the gym at planet fitness It looks he has a serious conversation. His workout for healthy fat is proven by his chubby cheeks and not life having neck cos fat everywhere 5 Walking down the like A priest holding a cross and doing Eating not healthy Negative view of junk food aisle exorcism. food/ eating too junk food much food 6 Healthy food Y U no taste good The emoticon of man who are asking why. Healthy food Negative view of junk food




7 If the universe is Why does Philosoraptor who is thinking Healthy food Negative view of intelligently unhealthy food junk food designed taste good and healthy food taste bad 8 Goes to Can’t finish meal Success kid Healthy food Negative view of McDonald’s due to realization junk food of how disgusting it is 9 “Dieting” is when Pizza of vegetables and mushroom Diet Negative view of you eat food that junk food makes you sad. 10 I’m on a seafood I see food and I eat A fat boy who acts like an athlete showing Diet Poor commitment diet it his muscles. What he shows actually is his for healthy fat. lifestyle 11 I swear this time Starting my diet A Chinese fat kid who is calling someone. Diet Poor commitment tomorrow It looks he has a serious conversation. His for healthy fat is proved by his chubby cheeks and not lifestyle having neck cos fat everywhere 12 Girls be like “Tomorrow I’ll A woman wearing a bath suit, with rolled Diet/losing weight Poor commitment start getting fit!” hair, laying and eating a super big bowl of for healthy popcorn with a small bowl of chips, and lifestyle around her mouth full of chocolate. 13 I lost 1 pound this Time to reward A big black man holding & almost eating a Diet/losing weight Poor commitment week myself big and thick burger. for healthy lifestyle 14 I’m going start Aaaand I ate three A cartoon of Japanese news anchor. His Healthy lifestyle Poor commitment living a more brownies expression is flat. for healthy healthy lifestyle lifestyle PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


15 I don’t always But when I do, it’s An old man with a relax posture and there’s Healthy lifestyle Poor commitment decide to change 4am and I haven’t a beer in front of him for healthy my last lifestyle. gone to sleep yet. lifestyle 16 I don’t know what And I will kill you Liam Neeson in the movie non-stop who is The use of social The annoyance candy crush saga is calling the thug. media (game in occurred as the but one more social media) impact of social request & I will media usage find you 17 Facebook “friends” Y u no stop The emoticon of man who are asking why. The use of social The annoyance tagging me in ugly media occurred as the pics impact of social media usage 18 Facebook aunt Likes all your A middle age woman with happy face. The use of social The annoyance updates media occurred as the impact of social media usage 19 It’s not an addiction It’a lifestyle A cartoon man like in the movie the Drinking coffee The excuses to not Simpsons drinking a glass of coffee. have a healthy lifestyle 20 Must buy new No space on shoe A woman is crying with confusing Women’s problem The excuses to shoes rack expression, left hand touching the head. It’s (shopping) keep shopping like she’s thinking hard. 21 I have nothing to I only have scrubs A woman is crying with confusing Women’s problem The excuses to wear expression, left hand touching the head. It’s (shopping) keep shopping like she’s thinking hard 22 Dear Abs, I will And I will reveal Liam Neeson in the movie non-stop calling Impact of not The excuses to not find you you the thug. having a healthy have a healthy lifestyle lifestyle PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


23 If you go to the Why are you fat A girl with questioning expression from Doing sport/ False healthy gym so much gossip girl movie. workout for healthy lifestyle life 24 They told me to I asked them which A fat boy who has 2 chins and he looks not Impact of not The ignorance of keep my chin up one. having a neck. having a healthy having a healthy lifestyle lifestyle 25 Deleting your You’re just doing An old new anchor man The use of social The impact on facebook is like it for attention and media dependency of the running away from you’ll be back in social media usage home an hour. 26 Diamonds are girl’s False squats are A man in 35’s with serious face taken from Doing sport/ False healthy best friend girl’s best friend. movie XX workout for healthy lifestyle life 27 If swimming is so Why are whales so Philosoraptor Doing sport for The excuses to not healthy fat healthy life have a healthy lifestyle 28 You know what A giant bag of The cartoon of news anchor. He is a fat Snack/ chips To have a healthy really grinds my potato chips is 99 man, and the expression of surprising lifestyle is gears? cents, but a salad expensive. without dressing is $6 29 There are too many & not enough A young man in a supermarket holding Chips Type of food people counting people counting chips. consumption calories chemicals 30 Trust me It’s organic The witch in Sleeping beauty holding the Organic food Types of food red apple. consumption 31 It’s not a diet It’s a healthy A man of movie XX. From his face, it looks Diet Types of food lifestyle!!!!!!!! that he is screaming. consumption due to the people PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


assumption that diet is to be thin. Actually, diet is one of the ways to have a healthy lifestyle. 32 Happy Friday! Wait, sorry, it’s Working life Working problems Monday 33 Work/ life balance? Work is your life a face of Japanese man. He is the PM of UN Working life Working problems

34 After working out I think I’ll go A man who is not taking care of his Working life Working problems for 10 minutes … home now appearance with long hair and long beard. (Complaint of too I’m pretty tired much working) 35 Post-workout selfie The face of the smuggle in the movie Lord Doing sport/ Workout only for of the rings. Its expression is of the workout for healthy self-reputation face after workout. life




Text (caption) Speech Act Type No of meme Upper text/ Set Below text Theme up (punch line) Assertive directives commissives expressives declaratives Or that triple- Not sure if I want bacon-deluxe- Cost of healthy 1 a healthy lifestyle cheeseburger for lifestyle 15 KR 1 I don’t want to Food consumption 2 And a diet coke get fat paradox 1 Be honest. Is this Food consumption 3 Lettuce? too much paradox 1 It’s pizza Hell yeah I’m 4 Monday at Lifestyle paradox going to the gym planet fitness 1 Walking down Negative view of 5 the junk food like junk food aisle 1 Y U no taste Negative view of 6 Healthy food good junk food 1 Why does If the universe is unhealthy food Negative view of 7 intelligently taste good and junk food designed healthy food taste bad 1




Can’t finish meal due to Goes to Negative view of 8 realization of McDonald’s junk food how disgusting it is 1 “Dieting” is when Negative view of 9 you eat food that junk food makes you sad. 1 Poor commitment I’m on a seafood I see food and I 10 for healthy diet eat it lifestyle 1 Poor commitment Starting my diet 11 I swear this time for healthy tomorrow lifestyle 1 Poor commitment “Tomorrow I’ll 12 Girls be like for healthy start getting fit!” lifestyle 1 Poor commitment I lost 1 pound this Time to reward 13 for healthy week myself lifestyle 1 I’m going start Poor commitment Aaaand I ate 14 living a more for healthy three brownies healthy lifestyle lifestyle 1 But when I do, I don’t always Poor commitment it’s 4am and I 15 decide to change for healthy haven’t gone to my last lifestyle. lifestyle sleep yet. 1 I don’t know The annoyance what candy crush And I will kill occurred as the 16 saga is but one you impact of social more request & I media usage will find you 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The annoyance Y u no stop Facebook occurred as the 17 tagging me in “friends” impact of social ugly pics media usage 1 The annoyance Likes all your occurred as the 18 Facebook aunt updates impact of social media usage 1 The excuses not to It’s not an 19 It’a lifestyle have a healthy addiction lifestyle 1 Must buy new No space on The excuses to 20 shoes shoe rack keep shopping 1 I have nothing to I only have The excuses to 21 wear scrubs keep shopping 1 The excuses to not Dear Abs, I will And I will reveal 22 have a healthy find you you lifestyle 1 If you go to the False healthy 23 Why are you fat gym so much lifestyle 1 The ignorance of They told me to I asked them 24 having a healthy keep my chin up which one. lifestyle 1 You’re just Deleting your doing it for The impact on facebook is like 25 attention and dependency of the running away you’ll be back in social media usage from home an hour. 1 False squats are Diamonds are False healthy 26 girl’s best girl’s best friend lifestyle friend. 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The excuses to not If swimming is so Why are whales 27 have a healthy healthy so fat lifestyle 1 A giant bag of You know what potato chips is To have a healthy 28 really grinds my 99 cents, but a lifestyle is gears? salad without expensive. dressing is $6 1 There are too & not enough Type of food 29 many people people counting consumption counting calories chemicals 1 Type of food 30 Trust me It’s organic consumption 1 It’s a healthy Type of food 31 It’s not a diet lifestyle!!!!!!!! consumption 1 Wait, sorry, it’s 32 Happy Friday! Working problems Monday 1 Work/ life Work is your 33 Working problems balance? life 1 After working out I think I’ll go 34 for 10 minutes … Working problems home now I’m pretty tired 1 Workout only for 35 Post-workout selfie self-reputation 1 25 4 5 1 0 71,4 11,4 14,3 2,9 0,0 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI