lEiiiiI JMUCEurope Graduate Catalog 2003/2004 niversity of Maryland University College lowie State University Statements of Policy This publicarion and irs provisions do nor consrirure a conn'act between University of Maryland University College (UMUC) and Bowie Srare University (BSU), and any party or parries. Ar rhe rime of publicarion, reasonable effon was made ro ensure rhe facrual accuracy of rhe inrormarion. However, rhis publicarion is nor a complere srarement of all policies, procedures, rules, regularions, and academic requiremenrs applicable to UMUC and BSU, and rheir srudents or programs. In add irion, changes or addirions may be made from rime ro rime ro rhe policies, procedures, rules, regularions, academic requiremenrs, tuirion, and fees ser our in rhis publicarion. UMUC and BSU reserve rbe righr ro make rhese changes and addirions ro me informarion in rhis publicarion wirhour prior norice. When a curriculum or graduarion requirement is changed, ir is nor made retroacrive unless rhe change is ro rhe srudenr's advanrage and can be accommodared wirhin rhe span ofyears normally required for graduarion. Accreditation Universir)' ofMaryland Universjr}' College and Bowie Srare Universit), are accredired by rhe Commission on Higher Educarion of(he Middle Srares Associarion of Colleges and Schools, 3624 Marker Srreer, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215-662-5606). Nond iscrimination University ofMatyland Universi ty College and Bowie Srare Universiry welcome applicarions from prospecrive srudenrs and employees regardless of race, religion, color, creed, gender, mariral srarus, age, narional origin, ancesrry, polirical afflliarion, vereran srarus, menral or physical srarus, or sexual orienrarion. Contact Information Address: Universit)' of Maryland University College University ofMaryland University College Offtce ofGraduare Programs Office ofGraduare Programs Unir 29216 1m BosseJdorn 30 APO AE 09102 69126 Heidelberg Germany Telephone: DSN 370-676217157 CIV +49-(0)6221-378302 Fax: CIV +49-(0)6221-315871 E-mail:
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