Econometrica, Vol. 68, No. 5Ž September, 2000. , 1127᎐1150



We propose a new and simple adaptive procedure for playing a game: ‘‘regret-match- ing.’’ In this procedure, players may depart from their current play with probabilities that are proportional to measures of regret for not having used other strategies in the past. It is shown that our adaptive procedure guarantees that, with probability one, the empirical distributions of play converge to the set of correlated equilibria of the game.

KEYWORDS: Adaptive procedure, correlated equilibrium, no regret, regret-matching, simple strategies.


THE LEADING NONCOOPERATIVE EQUILIBRIUM NOTIONS for N-person games in strategicŽ normal. form are Nash equilibriumŽ and its refinements. and corre- lated equilibrium. In this paper we focus on the concept of correlated equilib- rium. A correlated equilibriumᎏa notion introduced by AumannŽ 1974.ᎏcan be described as follows: Assume that, before the game is played, each player receives a private signalŽ which does not affect the payoffs. . The player may then choose his action in the game depending on this signal. A correlated equilibrium of the original game is just a Nash equilibrium of the game with the signals. Considering all possible signal structures generates all correlated equilibria. If the signals areŽ stochastically. independent across the players, it is a Nash equilibriumŽ in mixed or pure strategies. of the original game. But the signals could well be correlated, in which case new equilibria may obtain. Equivalently, a correlated equilibrium is a probability distribution on N-tuples of actions, which can be interpreted as the distribution of play instructions given to the players by some ‘‘device’’ or ‘‘referee.’’ Each player is givenᎏprivatelyᎏ instructions for his own play only; the joint distribution is known to all of them. Also, for every possible instruction that a player receives, the player realizes that the instruction provides a best response to the random estimated play of the other playersᎏassuming they all follow their instructions. There is much to be said for correlated equilibrium. See AumannŽ 1974, 1987. for an analysis and foundational arguments in terms of rationality. Also, from a

1 October 1998Ž minor corrections: June 1999. . Previous versions: February 1998; November 1997; December 1996; March 1996Ž handout. . Research partially supported by grants of the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Spanish Ministry of Education, and the Generalitat de Catalunya. 2 We want to acknowledge the useful comments and suggestions of , Antonio Cabrales, Dean Foster, David Levine, Alvin Roth, Reinhard Selten, Sylvain Sorin, an editor, the anonymous referees, and the participants at various seminars where this work was presented.

1127 1128 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL practical point of view, it could be argued that correlated equilibrium may be the most relevant noncooperative solution concept. Indeed, with the possible exception of well-controlled environments, it is hard to exclude a priori the possibility that correlating signals are amply available to the players, and thus find their way into the equilibrium. This paper is concerned with dynamic considerations. We pose the following question: Are there simple adapti¨e procedures always leading to correlated equilib- rium? Foster and VohraŽ 1997. have obtained a procedure converging to the set of correlated equilibria. The work of Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1999. led to a second one. We introduce here a procedure that we view as particularly simple and intuitiveŽ see Section 4 for a comparative discussion of all these procedures. . It does not entail any sophisticated updating, prediction, or fully rational behavior. Our procedure takes place in discrete time and it specifies that players adjust strategies probabilistically. This adjustment is guided by ‘‘regret measures’’ based on observation of past periods. Players know the past history of play of all players, as well as their own payoff matrixŽ but not necessarily the payoff matrices of the other players. . Our Main Theorem is: The adaptive procedure generates trajectories of play that almost surely converge to the set of correlated equilibria. The procedure is as follows: At each period, a player may either continue playing the same strategy as in the previous period, or switch to other strategies, with probabilities that are proportional to how much higher his accumulated payoff would have been had he always made that change in the past. More precisely, let U be his total payoff up to now; for each strategy k different from his last period strategy j, let VkŽ.be the total payoff he would have received if he had played k every time in the past that he chose j Žand everything else remained unchanged. . Then only those strategies k with VkŽ.larger than U may be switched to, with probabilities that are proportional to the differences VkŽ.yU, which we call the ‘‘regret’’ for having played j rather than k. These probabilities are normalized by a fixed factor, so that they add up to strictly less than 1; with the remaining probability, the same strategy j is chosen as in the last period. It is worthwhile to point out three properties of our procedure. First, its simplicity; indeed, it is very easy to explain and to implement. It is not more involved than fictitious playŽŽ Brown 1951. and RobinsonŽ 1951. ; note that in the two-person zero-sum case, our procedure also yields the minimax value. . Sec- ond, the procedure is not of the ‘‘best-reply’’ varietyŽ such as fictitious play, smooth fictitious playŽŽ Fudenberg and Levine 1995, 1999.. or calibrated learn- ingŽŽ Foster and Vohra 1997.. ; see Section 4 for further details. . Players do not choose only their ‘‘best’’ actions, nor do they give probability close to 1 to these choices. Instead, all ‘‘better’’ actions may be chosen, with probabilities that are proportional to the apparent gains, as measured by the regrets; the procedure could thus be called ‘‘regret-matching.’’ And third, there is ‘‘inertia.’’ The strategy played in the last period matters: There is always a positive probability of CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1129 continuing to play this strategy and, moreover, changes from it occur only if there is reason to do so. At this point a question may arise: Can one actually guarantee that the smaller set of Nash equilibria is always reached? The answer is definitely ‘‘no.’’ On the one hand, in our procedure, as in most others, there is a natural coordination device: the common history, observed by all players. It is thus reasonable to expect that, at the end, independence among the players will not obtain. On the other hand, the set of Nash equilibria is a mathematically complex setŽ a set of fixed-points; by comparison, the set of correlated equilibria is a convex polytope. , and simple adaptive procedures cannot be expected to guarantee the global convergence to such a set. After this introductory section, in Section 2 we present the model, describe the adaptive procedure, and state our resultŽ the Main Theorem. . Section 3 is devoted to a ‘‘stylized variation’’ of the procedure of Section 2. It is a variation that lends itself to a very direct proof, based on Blackwell’sŽ 1956a. Approacha- bility Theorem. This is a new instrument in this field, which may well turn out to be widely applicable. Section 4 contains a discussion of the literature, together with a number of relevant issues. The proof of the Main Theorem is relegated to the Appendix.

2. THE MODEL AND MAIN RESULT ⌫ ŽŽi.Ži..Ž. Let s N, S ig Ni, u g N be a finite N-person game in strategic normal form: N is the set of players, S i is the set of strategies of player i, and i i ޒ i u : Ł ig N S ª is player i’s payoff function. All sets N and S are assumed to i be finite. Denote by S[Ł ig N S the set of N-tuples of strategies; the generic element of S is s Žsi. , and syi denotes the strategy combination of all s ig N X yi i players except i, i.e., s sŽs .iX / i.We focus attention on the following solution concept:

DEFINITION:Aprobability distribution ␺ on S is a correlated equilibrium of ⌫ i i 3 if, for every igN, every jgS and every kgS we have i i i Ý ␺ Žsuk.w Ž , sy . yusŽ.x F0. i sgS : s sj If in the above inequality we replace the right-hand side by an ␧)0, then we obtain the concept of a correlated ␧-equilibrium. Note that every Nash equilibrium is a correlated equilibrium. Indeed, Nash equilibria correspond to the special case where ␺ is a product measure, that is, the play of the different players is independent. Also, the set of correlated equilibria is nonempty, closed and convex, and even in simple gamesŽ e.g., ‘‘chicken’’. it may include distributions that are not in the convex hull of the Nash equilibrium distributions.

3 i i We write Ýsg S : s sj for the sum over all N-tuples s in S whose ith coordinate s equals j. 1130 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL

Suppose now that the game ⌫ is played repeatedly through time: ts1, 2, . . . . Ž.tt At time tq1, given a history of play ht s s␶␶s1 gŁ␶s1S,we postulate that i i 4 each player igN chooses stq1 gS according to a probability distribution i ⌬Ž i. ptq1 g S which is defined in the following way: i For every two different strategies j, kgS of player i, suppose i were to replace strategy j, every time that it was played in the past, by strategy k; his payoff at time ␶ , for ␶Ft, would become

i yi i ukŽ , s␶ ., if s␶ sj, Ž2.1a.Wji Ž, k.[ ␶ i Ž. ½ us␶ , otherwise. The resulting difference in i’s average payoff up to time t is then 11tt iii Ž2.1b.Djt Ž, k.[ Wj␶␶Ž, k.y usŽ. ttÝÝ ␶s1 ␶s1 1 i yii s Ý ukŽ, s␶ .yusŽ␶ .. t i ␶Ft : s␶sj Finally, denote

iiq i Ž2.1c.RjttŽ, k.[ DjŽ, k.smaxÄ Dj tŽ, k.,04 .

i The expression RjtŽ, k.has a clear interpretation as a measure of theŽ average. ‘‘regret’’ at period t for not having played, every time that j was played in the past, the different strategy k. 5 i Fix ␮)0tobealarge enough number. Let jgS be the strategy last ii⌬Ž i. chosen by player i, i.e., jsstt. Then the probability distribution p q1 g S used by i at time tq1is defined as 1 ¡pkiiŽ.[ RjŽ, k., for all k/j, tq1 ␮ t Ž2.2. ~ iiŽ.Ž. pjtq1 [1y Ý pktq1 . i ¢ kgS : k/j ␮ i Ž. Note that the choice of guarantees that pjtq1 )0; that is, there is always a positive probability of playing the same strategy as in the previous period. The i i 6 play p1 g⌬ŽS . at the initial period is chosen arbitrarily.

4 We write ⌬ŽQ.for the set of probability distributions over a finite set Q. 5 The parameter ␮ is fixed throughout the procedureŽ independent of time and history. . It suffices i i i i i to take ␮ so that ␮)2 MmŽ y1. for all igN, where M is an upper bound for

Informally,Ž 2.2. may be described as follows. Player i starts from a ‘‘reference point’’: his current actual play. His choice next period is governed by propensi- ties to depart from it. It is natural therefore to postulate that, if a change occurs, it should be to actions that are perceived as being better, relative to the current choice. In addition, and in the spirit of adaptive behavior, we assume that all such better choices get positive probabilities; also, the better an alternative action seems, the higher the probability of choosing it next time. Further, there is also inertia: the probability of staying putŽ and playing the same action as in the last period. is always positive. More precisely, the probabilities of switching to different strategies are proportional to their regrets relative to the current strategy. The factor of proportionality is constant. In particular, if the regrets are small, then the probability of switching from current play is also small. For every t, let zt g⌬Ž the empirical distribution of the N-tuples of 7 strategies played up to time t. That is, for every sgS, 1 Ž2.3.zst Ž.[ Ä␶Ft : s␶ ss4 t is the relative frequency that the N-tuple s has been played in the first t periods. We can now state our main result.

MAIN THEOREM: If e¨ery player plays according to the adapti¨e procedure Ž2.2. , then the empirical distributions of play zt con¨erge almost surely as tªϱ to the set of correlated equilibrium distributions of the game ⌫ .

Note that convergence to the set of correlated equilibria does not imply that the sequence zt converges to a point. The Main Theorem asserts that the following statement holds with probability one: For any ␧)0 there is T00sT Ž␧ . such that for all t)T0 we can find a correlated equilibrium distribution ␺t at a distance less than ␧ from zt. ŽNote that this T0 depends on the history; it is an ‘‘a.s. finite stopping time.’’. That is, the Main Theorem says that, with probability one, for any ␧)0, theŽ random. trajectory Žz12, z ,..., zt ,....enters and then stays forever in the ␧-neighborhood in ⌬ŽS.of the set of correlated equilibria. Put differently: Given any ␧)0, there exists a constantŽ i.e., independent of history.t00st Ž␧ .such that, with probability at least 1y␧, the empirical distributions zt for all t)t0 are in the ␧-neighborhood of the set of correlated equilibria. Finally, let us note that because the set of correlated equilibria is nonempty and compact, the statement ‘‘the trajectory Žzt .converges to the set of correlated equilibria’’ is equivalent to the statement ‘‘the trajectory Žzt .is such that for any ␧)0 there is T11sT Ž␧ .with the property that zt is a correlated ␧-equilibrium for all t)T1.’’ We conclude this section with a few commentsŽ see also Section 4. : Ž1.Our adaptive procedureŽ 2.2. requires player i to know his own payoff matrixŽ but not those of the other players. and, at time tq1, the history ht;

7 We write <

Ž4W. e know little about additional convergence properties for zt.Itis easy to see that the empirical distributions zt either converge to a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies, or must be infinitely often outside the set of correlated equilib- 9 riaŽ because, if zt is a correlated equilibrium from some time on, then all regrets are 0, and the play does not change. . This implies, in particular, that interiorŽŽ relative to ⌬ S.. points of the set of correlated equilibria that are not pure Nash equilibria are unreachable as the limit of some zt Žbut it is possible that they are reachable as limits of a subsequence of zt .. Ž5.There are other procedures enjoying convergence properties similar to ours: the procedures of Foster and VohraŽ 1997. , of Fudenberg and Levine Ž1999. , and of Theorem A in Section 3 below; see the discussion in Section 4. The delimitation of general classes of procedures converging to correlated equilibria seems, therefore, an interesting research problem.10

3. NO REGRET AND BLACKWELL APPROACHABILITY In this sectionŽ which can be viewed as a motivational preliminary. we shall replace the adaptive procedure of Section 2 by another procedure that, while related to it, is more stylized. Then we shall analyze it by means of Blackwell’s Ž1956a. Approachability Theorem, and prove that it yields convergence to the

8 Using a parameter ␮ Žrather than a fixed normalization of the payoffs. was suggested to us by Reinhard Selten. 9 See the Proposition in Section 3. 10 See Hart and Mas-ColellŽ 1999. and CahnŽ 2000. for such results. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1133 set of correlated equilibria. In fact, the Main Theorem stated in Section 2, and its proof in Appendix 1, were inspired by consideration and careful study of the result of this section. Furthermore, the procedure here is interesting in its own rightŽ see, for instance, the Remark following the statement of Theorem A, and Ždi..n Section 4 . Fix a player i and recall the procedure of Section 2: At time tq1 the transition probabilities, from the strategy played by player i in period t to the strategies to be played at tq1, are determined by the stochastic matrix defined i i Ž. Ž Ž.. i by the system 2.2 . Consider now an invariant probability vector qttjs qj g S i i g⌬ŽS .for this matrixŽ such a vector always exists. . That is, qt satisfies 11 iiii i qjttttŽ.s ÝÝqkŽ. RkŽ, j.qqjŽ.1y Rj tŽ, k., k/jk␮␮/j

i for every jgS .By collecting terms, multiplying by ␮, and formally letting i RjtŽ, j.[0, the above expression can be rewritten as

i i i i Ž3.1. ÝÝqkRkttŽ. Ž, j.sqj tŽ. Rj tŽ, k., ii kgSkgS i for every jgS . In this section we shall assume that play at time tq1by player i is i Ž. i Ž. iŽ. determined by a solution qttto the system of equations 3.1 ; i.e., pjq1 [qjt . In a sense, we assume that player i at time tq1 goes instantly to the invariant distribution of the stochastic transition matrix determined byŽ 2.2. . We now state the key result.

THEOREM A: Suppose that at e¨ery period tq1 player i chooses strategies i according to a probability ¨ector qt that satisfies Ž3.1. . Then player i’s regrets i i RjtŽ, k.con¨erge to zero almost surely for e¨ery j, kinS with j/k.

REMARK: Note thatᎏin contrast to the Main Theorem, where every player usesŽ 2.2.ᎏno assumption is made in Theorem A on how players different from i choose their strategiesŽ except for the fact that for every t, given the history up to t, play is independent among players. . In the terminology of Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1999, 1998. , the adaptive procedure of this section is ‘‘Ž universally. calibrated.’’ For an extended discussion of this issue, see Subsection 4Ž d. . What is the connection between regrets and correlated equilibria? It turns out that a necessary and sufficient condition for the empirical distributions to converge to the set of correlated equilibria is precisely that all regrets converge to zero. More generally, we have the following proposition.

ROPOSITION Ž.Ž. P : Let stts1, 2, . . . be a sequence of plays i.e., st gS for all t and let11 ␧ Then RjiŽk.␧ for e ery i N and e ery j k S i with G0. : limsupt ªϱ t , F ¨ g ¨ , g

11 Note that both ␧)0 and ␧s0 are included. 1134 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL j/k, if and only if the sequence of empirical distributions zt ŽŽ defined by 2.3.. con¨erges to the set of correlated ␧-equilibria.

i PROOF: For each player i and every j/k in S we have 1 iiyiiyi Djt Ž, k.s Ý ukŽ, s␶␶.yujŽ, s . t i ␶Ft : s␶sj i yi i yi s Ý zsukt Ž.w Ž , s . yujŽ , s .x. i sgS : s sj

On any subsequence where zttconverges, say z X ª␺g⌬ŽS., we get i i yi i yi DjtX Ž, k.ª Ý ␺ Žsuk.w Ž , s . yujŽ , s .x. i sgS : s sj The result is immediate from the definition of a correlated ␧-equilibrium and Ž2.1c. . Q.E.D.

Theorem A and the Proposition immediately imply the following corollary.

COROLLARY: Suppose that at each period tq1 e¨ery player i chooses strategies i according to a probability ¨ector qt that satisfies Ž3.1. . Then the empirical distribu- tions of play zt con¨erge almost surely as tªϱ to the set of correlated equilibria of the game ⌫ .

Before addressing the formal proof of Theorem A, we shall present and discuss Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem. The basic setup contemplates a decision-maker i with aŽ finite. action set S i. For a finite indexing set L, the decision-maker receives an <

12 In the repeated setup, we refer to aŽ behavior. strategy as a ‘‘procedure.’’ 13 distŽx, A.[minÄ55xya : agA4, where 55и is the Euclidean norm. Strictly speaking, Blackwell’s definition of approachability requires also that the convergence of the distance to 0 be uniform over the procedures of the opponent; i.e., there is a procedure of i such that for every ␧)0 there is t00't Ž␧ .such that for any procedure of yi we have PwdistŽDt , C.-␧ for all t)t0 x)1y␧. The Blackwell procedureŽ defined in the next Theorem. guarantees this as well. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1135 let wC denote the support function of the convex set C, i.e., wC Ž␭.[supÄ␭иc : LL cgC4 for all ␭ in ޒ . Given a point xgޒ which is not in C, let FxŽ.be theŽ unique. point in C that is closest to x in the Euclidean distance, and put ␭Žx.[xyFxŽ.; note that ␭Ž an outward normal to the set C at the point FxŽ..

L BLACKWELL’S APPROACHABILITY THEOREM: Let C;ޒ be a con¨ex and closed set, with support function wC . Then C is approachable by i if and only if for L i 14 e¨ery ␭gޒ there exists a mixed strategy q␭ g⌬ŽS . such that

yi yi yi Ž3.2.␭и¨ Žq␭, s .FwC Ž␭., for all s gS .

Moreo¨er, the following procedure of i guarantees that distŽDt , C.con¨erges almost surely to 0 as t ϱ: At time t 1, play q if D C, and play arbitrarily ª q ␭Ž D t . t f if Dt gC.

We will refer to the condition for approachability given in the Theorem as the Blackwell condition, and to the procedure there as the Blackwell procedure. To get some intuition for the result, assume that Dttis not in C, and let HŽD .be L the half-space of ޒ that contains C Žand not Dt .and is bounded by the supporting hyperplane to C at FDŽtt.with normal ␭ŽD .; see Figure 1. When i uses the Blackwell procedure, it guarantees that Žq , syi .lies in HŽD .for ¨ ␭Ž D t . t yi yi all s in S ŽŽby 3.2.. . Therefore, given Dt , the expectation of the next period

FIGURE 1.ᎏApproaching the set C.

14 i i i i Ž y .iiŽ.Ž y . ␭ ¨ q, s denotes the expected payoff, i.e., Ýs g S qs ¨ s , s .Of course, only /0 with wC Ž␭.-ϱ need to be considered inŽ 3.2. . 1136 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL

Ž. Ž. yi payoff Ew¨ stq1 ¬Dtttx will lie in the half-space H D for any pure choice s q1 of yi at time tq1, and thus also for any randomized choice of yi. The expected average vector payoff at period tq1 Žconditional on Dt .is t 1 EDwxt 1 ¬Dtts D q E w¨ Žs t1 .¬Dt x. q tq1 tq1 q Ž. When t is large, EDwxtq1 ¬Dttwill thus be inside the circle of center FD and radius 5 ␭ŽDt .5. Hence Ž . Ž.␭Ž. dist EDwxtq1 ¬Dtt, C F EDwxq1 ¬DttyFD - D t

sdistŽDt , C .

ŽŽthe first inequality follows from the fact that FDt in C .Aprecise computation shows that the distance not only decreases, but actually goes to zero.15 For proofs of Blackwell’s Approachability Theory, see16 BlackwellŽ 1956a. , or Mertens, Sorin, and ZamirŽ 1995, Theorem 4.3. . We now prove Theorem A.

PROOF OF THEOREM A: As mentioned, the proof of this Theorem consists of an application of Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem. Let

ii L[ ÄŽj, k.gS =S : j/k4 , i i L and define the vector payoff ¨Žs , sy .gޒ by letting its Žj, k.gL coordin- ate be

i yi yi i i yi ukŽ , s .yujŽ, s ., if s sj, w¨ Žs , sj.xŽ, k.[ ½ 0, otherwise. ޒ L Ä ޒ L 4 Let C be the nonpositive orthant y [ xg : xF0.We claim that C is approachable by i. Indeed, the support function of C is given by wC Ž␭.s0 for ␭ ޒ L Ž␭. ϱ ␭ ޒ L all g q and wC s otherwise; so only g q need to be considered. ConditionŽ 3.2. is

i i yi ÝÝ␭Žj, kqs.␭Ž.w¨ Ž s , sj.xŽ, k.F0, ii Žj, k.gL s gS or

i yi i yi Ž3.3.Ý ␭Žj, kq.␭Ž j.w uŽ k, s . yujŽ , s .x F0 Žj, k.gL

15 Note that one looks here at expected average payoffs; the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Dependent Random Variablesᎏsee the Proof of Step M10 in the Appendixᎏimplies that the actual average payoffs also converge to the set C. 16 i The Blackwell condition is usually stated as follows: For every xfC there exists qxŽ.g⌬ŽS . i i i such that w xyFxŽ.xwи ¨ŽŽqx., sy .yFxŽ.xF0, for all sy gSy .Itis easy to verify that this is equivalent to our formulation. We further note a simple way of stating the Blackwell result: A convex set C is approachable if and only if any half-space containing C is approachable. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1137

i i for all sy gSy . After collecting terms, the left-hand side ofŽ 3.3. can be written as Ž3.4a.Ý ␣ Žju.i Ž j, syi ., i jgS where

Ž3.4b.␣ Žj.[ ÝÝqk␭Ž.␭Žk, j.yqj␭Ž.␭Žj, k.. ii kgSkgS i ii Let q␭ g⌬ŽS . be an invariant vector for the nonnegative S =S matrix with entries ␭Žj, k.for j/k and 0 for jsk Žsuch a q␭ always exists. . That is, q␭ satisfies

Ž3.5.ÝÝqk␭Ž.␭Žk, j.sqj␭Ž.␭Žj, k., ii kgSkgS i i for every jgS . Therefore ␣Žj.s0 for all jgS , and so inequalityŽ 3.3. holds 17 i i trueŽ as an equality. for all sy gSy . The Blackwell condition is thus satisfied ޒ L by the set Cs y. Consider Dt , the average payoff vector at time t. Its Žj, k.-coordinate is Ž. Ž.Ž. iŽ. ޒ L 1rt Ý␶ F tw¨ sj␶ x , k sDjtt, k . If D f y, then the closest point to Dt in ޒ L Ž. y Ž.␭Ž.y q y is FDttswxD see Figure 2 , hence D ttttsD ywxD swxD s Ž iŽ.. Rjt , k Ž j, k.g L, which is the vector of regrets at time t. Now the given strategy

L IGURE ᎏ ޒ F 2. Approaching Cs y.

17 Note that this is precisely FormulaŽ 2. in the Proof of Theorem 1 in Hart and Schmeidler Ž1989. ; see Subsection 4Ž i. . 1138 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL of i at time tq1 satisfiesŽ 3.1. , which is exactly conditionŽ 3.5. for ␭s␭ŽDt .. ޒ L Hence player i uses the Blackwell procedure for y, which guarantees that the ޒ LiŽ. average vector payoff Dt approaches y, or Rjt , k ª0 a.s. for every j/k. Q.E.D.

REMARK: The proof of Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem also provides bounds on the speed of convergence. In our case, one gets the following: The i expectation ERw tŽ j, k.x of the regrets is of the order of 1r't , and the probabil- ycT ity that zt is a correlated ␧-equilibrium for all t)T is at least 1yce Žfor an appropriate constant c)0 depending on ␧; see Foster and VohraŽ 1999, Section 4.1.. . Clearly, a better speed of convergence18 for the expected regrets cannot be guaranteed, since, for instance, if the other players play stationary mixed strategies, then the errors are of the order 1r't by the Central Limit Theorem.

4. DISCUSSION This section discusses a number of important issues, including links and comparisons to the relevant literature. Ža.Foster and Vohra. The seminal paper in this field of research is Foster and VohraŽ 1997. . They consider, first, ‘‘forecasting rules’’ᎏon the play of othersᎏthat enjoy good properties, namely, ‘‘calibration.’’ Second, they assume that each player best-replies to such calibrated forecasts. The resulting proce- dure leads to correlated equilibria. The motivation and the formulation are quite different from ours; nonetheless, their results are close to our results Žspecifically, to our Theorem A. , since their calibrated forecasts are also based on regret measures.19 Žb.Fudenberg and Le¨ine. The next important paper is Fudenberg and Levine Ž1999.ŽŽ see also their book 1998.. . In that paper they offer a class of adaptive procedures, called ‘‘calibrated smooth fictitious play,’’ with the property that for every ␧)0 there are procedures in the class that guarantee almost sure convergence to the set of correlated ␧-equilibriaŽ but the conclusion does not hold for ␧s0.. The formal structure of these procedures is also similar to that of our Theorem A, in the sense that the mixed choice of a given player at time t is determined as an invariant probability vector of a transition matrix. However, the transition matrixŽ and therefore the stochastic dynamics. is different from the regret-based transition matrix of our Theorem A. To understand further the similarities and differences between the Fudenberg and Levine procedures and our own, the next two Subsections,Ž c. andŽ d. , contain a detour on the concepts of ‘‘universal consistency’’ and ‘‘universal calibration.’’

18 Up to a constant factor. 19 These regrets are defined on an ␧-grid on ⌬ŽSyi ., with ␧ going to zero as t goes to infinity. Therefore, at each step in their procedure one needs to compute the invariant vector for a matrix of an increasingly large size; by comparison, in our Theorem A the size of the matrix is fixed, mi =mi. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1139

Žc.Uni¨ersal Consistency. The term ‘‘universal consistency’’ is due to Fuden- berg and LevineŽ 1995. . The concept goes back to HannanŽ 1957. , who proved the following result: There is a procedureŽ in the setup of Section 2. for player i that guarantees, no matter what the other players do, that

11tt i yii Ž4.1.limsup max ÝÝukŽ, s␶ .y usŽ␶ .F0 a.s. i tt tªϱ kgS ␶s1 ␶s1 In other words, i’s average payoff is, in the limit, no worse than if he were to i play any constant strategy kgS for all ␶Ft. This property of the Hannan procedure for player i is called uni¨ersal consistency by Fudenberg and Levine Ž1995.Ž it is ‘‘universal’’ since it holds no matter how the other players play. . Another universally consistent procedure was shown by BlackwellŽ 1956b. to result from his Approachability TheoremŽŽ see also Luce and Raiffa 1957, pp. 482᎐483.. . The adaptive procedure of our Theorem A is also universally consistent. Indeed, for each j in S i, Ž4.1. is guaranteed even when restricted to those periods when player i chose that particular j; this being true for all j in S i, the result follows. However, the application of Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem in Section 3 suggests the following particularly simple procedure. At time t, for each strategy k in S i, let

1 t iiyii Ž4.2a.Dkt Ž.[ ukŽ, s␶␶.yusŽ., t Ý ␶s1

i q Dkt Ž. Ž4.2b.pki Ž.[ , tq1 i X q Ý Dkt Ž. X i k gS i ⌬Ž i. if the denominator is positive, and let ptq1 g S be arbitrary otherwise. The i strategy of player i is then, at time tq1, to choose k in S with probability i Ž. pktq1 . These probabilities are thus proportional to the ‘‘unconditional regrets’’ i q w Dkt Ž.x Žby comparison to the ‘‘conditional on j’’ regrets of Section 2. . We then have the following theorem.

THEOREM B: The adapti¨e procedure Ž uni¨ersally consistent for player i.

The proof of Theorem B is similar to the proof of Theorem A in Section 3 and is omitted. Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1995. propose a class of procedures that turn out to be universally ␧-consistent: 20 ‘‘smooth fictitious play.’’ Player i follows a smooth i i fictitious play behavior rule if at time t he plays a mixed strategy ␴ g⌬ŽS . that maximizes the sum of his expected payoffŽ with the actions of the remaining

20 That is, the right-hand side ofŽ 4.1. is ␧)0 instead of 0. 1140 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL

i i players distributed as in the empirical distribution up to t. and ␭¨ Ž␴ ., where i ␭)0 and ¨ is a strictly concave smooth function defined on i’s strategy simplex, ⌬ŽS i., with infinite length gradient at the boundary of ⌬ŽS i.. The result of Fudenberg and Levine is then that, given any ␧)0, there is a sufficiently small ␭ such that universal ␧-consistency obtains for player i. Observe that, for small ␭, smooth fictitious play is very close to fictitious playŽ it amounts to playing the best response with high probability and the remaining strategies with low but positive probability. . The procedure is, therefore, clearly distinct from Ž4.2. : InŽ 4.2. all the better, even if not best, replies are played with significant probability; also, inŽ 4.2. the inferior replies get zero probability. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the tremble from best response is required for the Fudenberg and Levine result, since fictitious play is not guaranteed to be consistent. In contrast, the procedure ofŽ 4.2. has no trembles. The reader is referred to Hart and Mas-ColellŽ 1999. , where a wide class of universally consistent procedures is exhibited and characterizedŽ including as special casesŽ 4.2.. as well as smooth fictitious play . 21 Žd.Uni¨ersal Calibration. The idea of ‘‘universal calibration,’’ also introduced by Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1998, 1999. , is that, again, regret measures go to zero irrespective of the other players’ play. The difference is that, now, the set of regret measures is richer: It consists of regrets that are conditional on the strategy currently played by i himself. Recall the Proposition of Section 3: If such universally calibrated strategies are played by all players, then all regrets become nonpositive in the limit, and thus the convergence to the correlated equilibrium set is guaranteed. The procedure of Theorem A is universally calibrated; soŽ up to ␧ .is the ‘‘calibrated smooth fictitious play’’ of Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1999. . The two procedures stand to each other as, in the unconditional version, Theorem B stands to ‘‘smooth fictitious play.’’ The procedureŽ 2.2. of our Main Theorem is not universally calibrated. If only player i follows the procedure, we cannot conclude that all his regrets go to zero; adversaries who know the procedure used by player i could keep his regrets positive.22 Such sophisticated strategies of the other players, however, are outside the framework of our studyᎏwhich deals with simple adaptive behavior. In fact, it turns out that the procedure of our Main Theorem is guaranteed to be calibrated not just against opponents using the same proce- dure, but also against a wide class of behaviors.23 We regard the simplicity ofŽ 2.2. as a salient point. Of course, if one needs to guarantee calibration even against sophisticated adversaries, one may have to give up on simplicity and resort to the procedure of Theorem A instead.

21 They actually call it ‘‘calibration’’; we prefer the term ‘‘universal calibration,’’ since it refers to any behavior of the opponentsŽ as in their ‘‘wx conditional universal consistency’’. . 22 At each time tq1, let them play an ŽNy1.-tuple of strategies that minimizes the expected Ž i .Ž. relative to ptq1 payoff of player i; for an example, see Fudenberg and Levine 1998, Section 8.10 . 23 Namely, such that the dependence of any one choice of yi on any one past choice of i is small, relative to the number of periods; see CahnŽ 2000. . CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1141

Že.Better-reply ¨s. Best-reply. Note that all the procedures in the literature reviewed above are best-reply-based: A player usesŽ almost. exclusively actions that areŽ almost. best-replies to a certain belief about his opponents. In contrast, our procedure gives significant probabilities to any actions that are just better Žrather than best. . This has the additional effect of making the behavior continuous, without need for approximations. Žf. Eigen¨ector Procedures. The procedure of our Main Theorem differs from all the other procedures leading to correlated equilibriaŽ including that of our Theorem A. in an important aspect: It does not require the player to compute, at every step, an invariantŽ eigen-. vector for an appropriate positive matrix. Again, the simplicity24 ofŽ 2.2. is an essential property when discussing nonso- phisticated behavior; this is the reason we have sought this result as our Main Theorem. Žg.Inertia.Aspecific and most distinctive feature by which the procedure of our Main Theorem differs from those of Theorem A and the other works mentioned above is that in the former the individual decisions privilege the most recent action taken: The probabilities used at period tq1 are best thought of as propensities to depart from the play at t. Viewed in this light, our procedure has significant inertial characteristics. In particular, there is a positive probability of moving from the strategy played at t only if there is another that appears betterŽ in which case the probabilities of playing the better strategies are proportional to the regrets relative to the period t strategy. .25 Žh.Friction. The procedureŽ 2.2. exhibits ‘‘friction’’: There is always a positive probability of continuing with the period t strategy.26 To understand the role played by friction,27 suppose that we were to modify the procedureŽ 2.2. by requiring that the switching probabilities be rescaled in such a way that a switch occurs if and only if there is at least one better strategyŽ i.e., one with positive regret. . Then the result of the Main Theorem may not hold. For example, in the familiar two-person 2=2 coordination game, if we start with an uncoordinated strategy pair, then the play alternates between the two uncoordinated pairs. However, no distribution concentrated on these two pairs is a correlated equilibrium. It is worth emphasizing that in our result the breaking away from a bad cycle, like the one just described, is obtained not by ergodic arguments but by the probability of staying putŽ i.e., by friction. . What matters is that the diagonal of

24 For a good test of the simplicity of a procedure, try to explain it verbally; in particular, consider the procedure of our Main Theorem vs. those requiring the computation of eigenvectors. 25 It is worth pointing out that if a player’s last choice was j, then the relative probabilities of switching to k or to kX do not depend only on the average utilities that would have been obtained if j had been changed to k or to kX in the past, but also on the average utility that was obtained in those periods by playing j itselfŽ it is the magnitude of the increases in moving from j to k or to kX that matters. . 26 See SanchiricoŽ 1996. and Section 4.6 in Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1998. for a related point in a best-reply context. 27 See Step M7 in the Proof of the Main Theorem in the Appendix. 1142 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL the transition matrix be positive, rather than that all the entries be positive Žwhich, indeed, will not hold in our case. . Ži.The set of correlated equilibria. The set of correlated equilibria of a game is, in contrast to the set of Nash equilibria, geometrically simple: It is a convex set Žactually, a convex polytope. of distributions. Since it includes the Nash equilib- ria we know it is nonempty. Hart and SchmeidlerŽ 1989.Ž see also Nau and McCardleŽ 1990.. provide an elementaryŽ nonfixed point. proof of the nonempti- ness of the set of correlated equilibria. This is done by using the Minimax Theorem. Specifically, Hart and Schmeidler proceed by associating to the given N-person game an auxiliary two-person zero-sum game. As it turns out, the correlated equilibria of the original game correspond to the maximin strategies of player I in the auxiliary game. More precisely, in the Hart᎐Schmeidler auxiliary game, player I chooses a distribution over N-tuples of actions, and player II chooses a pair of strategies for one of the N original players Žinterpreted as a play and a suggested deviation from it. . The payoff to auxiliary player II is the expected gain of the designated original player if he were to follow the change suggested by auxiliary player II. In other words, it is the ‘‘regret’’ of that original player for not deviating. The starting point for our research was the observation that fictitious play applied to the Hart᎐Schmeidler auxiliary game must converge, by the result of RobinsonŽ 1951. , and thus yield optimal strategies in the auxiliary game, in particular for player Iᎏhence, correlated equilibria in the original game. A direct application of this idea does not, however, produce anything that is simple and separable across the N playersŽ i.e., such that the choice of each player at time t is made independently of the other players’ choices at tᎏan indispensable requirement. .28 Yet, our adaptive procedure is based on ‘‘no-regret’’ ideas motivated by this analysis and it is the direct descendantᎏseveral modifications laterᎏof this line of research.29 Žj.The case of the unknown game. The adaptive procedure of Section 2 can be modified30 to yield convergence to correlated equilibria also in the case where players neither know the game, nor observe the choices of the other players.31 Specifically, in choosing play probabilities at time tq1, a player uses informa- tion only on his own actual past play and payoffsŽ and not on the payoffs that would have been obtained if his past play had been different. . The construction

28 This needed ‘‘decoupling’’ across the N original players explains why applying linear program- ming-type methods to reach the convex polytope of correlated equilibria is not a fruitful approach. The resulting procedures operate in the space of N-tuples of strategies S ŽŽmore precisely, in ⌬ S.., whereas adaptive procedures should be defined for each player i separatelyŽŽ i.e., on ⌬ S i... 29 For another interesting use of the auxiliary two-person zero-sum game, see MyersonŽ 1997. . 30 Following a suggestion of Dean Foster. 31 For similar constructions, see: Banos˜ Ž 1968. , MegiddoŽ 1980. , Foster and VohraŽ 1993. , Auer et al.Ž 1995. , Roth and ErevŽ 1995. , Erev and RothŽ 1998. , Camerer and HoŽ 1998. , MarimonŽ 1996, Section 3.4. , and Fudenberg and LevineŽ 1998, Section 4.8. . One may view this type of result in terms of ‘‘stimulus-response’’ decision behavior models. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1143

i is based on replacing Djt Ž, k.ŽŽsee 2.1b.. by 1 pji Ž. iiiŽ.␶ Ž.Ž. Cjt , k [ ÝÝi us␶␶y us . t iipk␶ Ž. ␶Ft : s␶sk ␶Ft : s␶sj Thus, the payoff that player i would have received had he played k rather than j is estimated by the actual payoffs he obtained when he did play k in the past. For precise formulations, results and proofs, as well as further discussions, the reader is referred to Hart and Mas-ColellŽ 2000. .

Center for Rationality and Interacti¨e Decision Theory, Dept. of Economics, and Dept. of Mathematics, The Hebrew Uni¨ersity of Jerusalem, Feldman Bldg., Gi¨at- Ram, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel; [email protected]; http:rr ;hart and Dept. de Economia i Empresa, and CREI, Uni¨ersitat Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Trias Fargas 25᎐27, 08005 Barcelona, Spain; [email protected]; http:rr www.econ. upf.esrcreirmcolell.htm

Manuscript recei¨ed No¨ember, 1997; final re¨ision recei¨ed July, 1999.

APPENDIX : PROOF OF THE MAIN THEOREM This appendix is devoted to the proof of the Main Theorem, stated in Section 2. The proof is inspired by the result of Section 3Ž Theorem A. . It is however more complex on account of our transition probabilities not being the invariant measures that, as we saw in Section 3, fitted so well with Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem. As in the standard proof of Blackwell’s Approachability Theorem, the proof of our Main Theorem is based on a recursive formula for the distance of the vector of regrets to the negative orthant. However, our procedureŽ 2.2. does not satisfy the Blackwell condition; it is rather a sort of iterative approximation to it. Thus, a simple one-period recursionŽ from t to tq1.does not suffice, and we have to consider instead a multi-period recursion where a large ‘‘block’’ of periods, from t to tq¨,is combined together. Both t and ¨ are carefully chosen; in particular, t and ¨ go to infinity, but ¨ is relatively small compared to t. We start by introducing some notation. Fix player i in N. For simplicity, we drop reference to the ii index i whenever this cannot cause confusionŽ thus we write Dttand R instead of D ttand R , and so on. . Let m[

i yi i AjŽ, k.1 i ukŽ , s . usŽ., t s Ästsj4w tty x 1 Djt Ž, k.s Aj␶ Ž, k., t Ý ␶s1 q q RjttŽ, k.sDjŽ, k.' w Dj tŽ, k.x .

L q We shall write Attjfor the vector ŽŽAj, k.. / ktttgޒ ; the same goes for D , D , R , and so on. Let

32 We write 1G for the indicator of the event G. 1144 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL

⌸tŽи, и.denote the transition probabilities from t to tq1 Žthese are computed after period t, based on ht .: 1 RjŽ, k., if k/j, ¡␮ t Ž. ⌸t j, k [~ 1 X 1y Rjt Ž, k ., if ksj. ÝX ␮ ¢ k /j i Thus, at time tq1 the strategy used by player i is to choose each kgS with probability i Ž.⌸ Ži .␮ ⌸ Ž.i pktq1 s tts , k . Note that the choice of guarantees that t j, j )0 for all jgS and all t. Finally, let

2 ␳ Žޒ L . tt[ wdist D , y x Ž ޒ L. ޒ L be the squared distance in of the vector Dt to the nonpositive orthant y. Since the closest ޒ L 33 y ␳ 5 y5 2 5 q5 2 qŽ.2 point to Dt in y is Dtttttj,we have s D yD s D sÝ / ktw Dj, k x . It will be convenient to use the standard ‘‘O’’ notation: For two real-valued functions fŽи.and gŽи.defined on a domain X, ‘‘fxŽ.sOgxŽŽ..’’ means that there exists a constant K-ϱ such that 34 < fxŽ.

ⅷ Step M3: ¨ Rjt Ž, k.yRjt Ž, k.sO . q¨ žt / Ž. For each t)0 and each history htt, define an auxiliary stochastic process ˆs qwws0, 1, 2, .. . with values 35 in S as follows: The initial value is ˆsttss , and the transition probabilities are iX iX iX Pswxˆˆˆt wtss¬s ,...,s tw 1 [ ⌸ttŽ ˆs w 1 , s .. q q y ŁX q y i gN

33 y Ä4 y Ž Ž.y. We write wxx for min x,0 , and Dttfor the vector w Dj, k x Ž j, k.g L. 34 The domain X will usually be the set of positive integers, or the set of vectors whose coordinates are positive integers. Thus when we write, say, ftŽ, ¨ .sOŽ¨ .,it means < ftŽ, ¨ .

ŽThe ˆs-process is thus stationary: It uses the transition probabilities of period t at each period tqw, for all wG0.. ⅷ Step M4:

w 2 Pswxwxt wtss¬h yPsˆ twtss¬h sO . q q žt / Define

␣ Ž j, syi .[ ⌸ Žk, jPs.Ž k, syi . ¬h Ps Ž j, syi . ¬h . ˆˆˆt , wttÝ w qwtts xwy qwts x i kgS

ⅷ Step M5:

w 2 yi yi ␣t , wtŽj, s .y␣ˆ , w Žj, s .sO . žt /

ⅷ Step M6:

␣ Ž yi . yi yi ⌸ wq 1 ⌸ w Ž i . ˆˆt , wtj, s sPsw qwttttss ¬h xw y x s , j ,

w w wq 1 w i i where ⌸tt'Ž⌸ .is the wth power of the matrix ⌸ t, and w ⌸ ty⌸ ttxŽs , j.denotes the Žs t, j. wq 1 w element of the matrix ⌸tty⌸ . ⅷ Step M 7:

y1 y1r2 ␣ˆt , w Ž j, s .sOwŽ ..

ⅷ Step M8:

Ž.2 ␳ 231␳ Žr2 . Etw q¨ tq¨ ¬httx Ft qO ¨ qt¨ .

5r3 5r3 For each ns1, 2, . . . , let tn [?n @ be the largest integer not exceeding n . ⅷ Step M9:

Etw 2 ␳ ¬h x t 2 ␳ OnŽ 2 .. nq1 ttntnq1 nnF q

ⅷ Step M10:

lim ␳ 0 a.s. tn s nªϱ

ⅷ Step M11:

lim Rjt Ž, k.s0 a.s. tªϱ We now provide an intuitive guide to the proof. The first stepŽŽ M1 i.. is our basic recursion equation. In Blackwell’s Theorem, the middle term on the right-hand side vanishesŽ it is F0 by Ž3.2.. . This is not so in our case; Steps M2᎐M8 are thus devoted to estimating this term. Step M2 yields an expression similar toŽ 3.4. , but here the coefficients ␣ depend also on the moves of the i yi Ž other players. Indeed, given htt, the choices s qwtand s qw are not independent when w)1 since .Ž. the transition probabilities change with time . Therefore we replace the process stqw 0 F w F ¨ by Ž.Ž. another process ˆstqw 0 F w F ¨ , with a stationary transition matrix that of period t . For w small relative to t, the change in probabilities is smallŽ see Steps M3 and M4. , and we estimate the total differenceŽ Step M5. . NextŽ Step M6. , we factor out the moves of the other playersŽ which, in the ˆˆs-process, are independent of the moves of player i. from the coefficients ␣.At this point we get the 1146 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL difference between the transition probabilities after w periods and after wq1 periodsŽ for comparison, in formulaŽ 3.4. we would replace both by the invariant distribution, so the difference vanishes. . This difference is shownŽ Step M7. to be small, since w is large and the transition matrix has all its diagonal elements strictly positive.36 Substituting in M1Ž i. yields the final recursive formulaŽ Step M8. . The proof is now completedŽ Steps M9᎐M11. by considering a carefully chosen Ž. subsequence of periods tnns1, 2,.... The rest of this Appendix contains the proofs of the Steps M1᎐M11.

L ⅷ ROOF OF TEP y ޒ P S M1: Because Dt g y we have 2 t 1 ¨ yy2 ␳t F55Dt yDtts D q A twtyD q¨ q¨ t t Ý q q¨ q¨ ws1 t 2 2t ¨ 55D Dyyy2 ŽA D .и ŽD D . s 22tty q Ý tqwty tty Žtq¨ .Žtq¨ .ws1

2 2 ¨ 1 ¨ A Dy q 2 Ý tqwty Žtq¨ .¨ ws1 2 2 t 2t ¨ ¨ ␳ A иR mmŽ1. 16M 2 . F 22ttq Ý qwtq 2y Žtq¨ .Žtq¨ .ws1 Žtq¨ . < iŽ.<<Ž.<<Ž.< Indeed: usFM, so Ajtqwt, k F2 M and Dj, k F2 M, yielding the upper bound on the third q y y q term. As for the second term, note that RttsD sD ttyD and D ttиD s0. This gives the bound ofŽ ii. . To getŽ i. , take conditional expectation given the history httŽso ␳ and R tare known. . Q.E.D.

ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M2: We have

EAŽ j, k.¬h ␾ Ž j, sukyi . i Ž , syi . uji Ž , syi . , w tqwtx s Ý w y x syi ␾Ž yi . Ž yi . where j, s [Psw tqwts j, s ¬h x. So R иEA ¬h RjŽ, k.␾ Žj, sukyi . i Ž , syi . uji Ž , syi . ttwxqwts ÝÝ t Ý w y x jk/j syi

i Žyi .Ž.Žyi .Ž.Žyi . s ÝÝuj, sRk Ýtt, j ␾ k, s y ÝRj, k ␾ j, s syi jk/jk/j

i yi Žwe have collected together all terms containing ujŽ , s ... Now, RkttŽ, j.s␮⌸ Žk, j.for k/j, and Ýk / jtRjŽ, k.s␮ŽŽ1y⌸ tj, j.. by definition, so

R иEA ¬h ␮ uji Ž, syi .⌸ Žk, j.␾ Žk, syi .␾ Žj, syi . ttwxqwts ÝÝ Ý t y syi jk Žnote that the last sum is now over all k in S i.. Q.E.D.

ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M3: This follows immediately from

¨ Žt .DjŽ, k.DjŽ, k. AjŽ, k.DjŽ, k., q¨ w tq¨ y ttx s Ý qwty¨ ws1 < Ž.<<Ž.< together with Ajtqwt, k F2 M and Dj, k F2 M. Q.E.D.

36 For further discussion on this point, see the Proof of Step M7. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1147

ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M4: We need the following Lemma, which gives bounds for the changes in the w-step transition probabilities as a function of changes in the 1-step transitions.

EMMA Ž.Ž. L : Let XnnG 0 and YnnG 0 be two stochastic processes with ¨alues in a finite set B. Assume X00sY and ␤ PXwxwxnnsb ¬X00sb ,..., Xny1 sbny1 yPYnnsb ¬Y00sb ,...,Yny1 sbny1 F n for all nG1 and all b0 ,...,bny1, bn gB. Then

PXwxnqwnsb qw ¬X00sb ,..., Xny1 sbny1 w PY b ¬Y b , ...,Y b <

PROOF:We write PXYand P for the probabilities of the two processes ŽX nnnn.and ŽY ., Ž respectively thus PbXnwxwqw ¬b0 ,...,bny1 stands for PXnqwnsb qw ¬X00sb ,..., Xny1 sbny1 x, and so on. . The proof is by induction on w.

PbXnwxqw ¬b0 ,...,bny1 Pb ¬b ,...,bP b¬b ,...,b s Ý Xnwxwxqw 0 nXn0 ny1 bn w Pb ¬b ,...,bP b¬b ,...,b <

We proceed now with the proof of Step M4. From t to tqw there are <

ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M5: Immediate by Step M4. Q.E.D.

iX ⅷ ROOF OF TEP Ž. P S M6: Given htt, the random variables ˆs qww are independent over the different players iX in N; indeed, the transition probabilities are all determined at time t, and the players randomize independently. Hence:

Ž yi . yi yi i Pswˆˆˆtqwtts j, s ¬h xwsPsqwttss ¬hPsxwqwtsj¬h x, implying that

␣ Žj, syi .Psyi syiii¬h ⌸ Žk, jPs. k¬h Ps j¬h . ˆˆt , wts wxqwts Ý twxwx ˆ tqwts y ˆ tqwts i kgS 1148 SERGIU HART AND ANDREU MAS-COLELL

i i Now Pswˆtqwtsj¬h x is the probability of reaching j in w steps starting from st , using the transition ⌸ i Ž i . ⌸ w Ž⌸ .w probability matrix tt. Therefore Pswˆqwtsj¬h x is the s t, j -element of the wth power t' t w i of ⌸ttt, i.e., w ⌸ xŽs , j.. Hence

␣ Žj, syi .Psyi syiwiwi¬h ⌸ Žk, j.⌸ Žs , k.⌸ Žs , j. ˆˆt , wts wxqwts Ý twx tttty wx i kgS yi yi ⌸ wq 1 Ž i . ⌸ w Ž i . sPswˆtqwtttttss ¬h xww x s , j y w x s , j x, completing the proof. Q.E.D.

ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M7: It follows from M6 using the following LemmaŽŽ recall that ⌸t j, j.)0 for i all jgS ..

LEMMA: Let ⌸ be an m=m stochastic matrix with all of its diagonal entries positi¨e. Then w 1 w 1 2 w ⌸ q y⌸ xŽj, k.sOwŽy r . for all j, ks1, ...,m.

37 PROOF: Let ␤)0bealower bound on all the diagonal entries of ⌸ , i.e., ␤[min j ⌸ Žj, j.. We can then write ⌸s␤IqŽ1y␤⌳., where ⌳ is also a stochastic matrix. Now w r ⌸ www ␤ yrrŽ␤⌳. s Ý žr / 1y , rs0 and similarly for ⌸ wq 1. Subtracting yields

wq1 r ⌸ wq 1 ⌸ ww␥␤w yrrŽ␤⌳. y s Ý r žr / 1y , rs0 where ␥rr[␤Žwq1.rŽwq1yr.y1. Now ␥ )0 if r)q[Žwq11.Žy␤ ., and ␥ rF0 if rFq; r together with 0F⌳ Žj, k.F1, we get

rr ␥␤wwwy rwŽ␤ .⌸ q1 ⌸ wwŽ.␥␤yr Ž␤ . ÝÝrržrr/1y F wxy j, k F ž/ 1y . rFqr)q Consider the left-most sum. It equals

rr wq1 ␤ wq 1yrwŽ1 ␤ .w ␤ yr Ž1 ␤ .GqŽ.GqŽ., ÝÝžrr/y y ž/ y s wq 1 y w rFqrFq where GnŽи. denotes the cumulative distribution function of a sum of n independent Bernoulli random variables, each one having the value 0 with probability ␤ and the value 1 with probability 1y␤. Using the normal approximation yields Ž⌽ denotes the standard normal cumulative distribu- tion function. : 11 Ž.Ž.⌽ Ž.⌽ Ž. Gqwq 1 yGqw s x y y qO qO , ž'Žwq1./ž'w / where qy Žwq11.Žy␤ .qywŽ1y␤ . x[ and y[ ; ''Žwq1.␤ Ž1y␤ . w␤ Ž1y␤ .

37 w 1 w If ⌸ were a strictly positive matrix, then ⌸ q y⌸ ª0 would be a standard result, because then ⌸ w would converge to the invariant matrix. However, we know only that the diagonal elements are positive. This implies that, if w is large, then with high probability there will be a positive fraction of periods when the process does not move. But this number is random, so the probabilities of going from j to k in w steps or in wq1 steps should be almost the sameŽ since it is like having r ‘‘stay put’’ transitions versus rq1.. CORRELATED EQUILIBRIUM 1149

1 2 1 2 the two error terms OwŽŽq1.y r .and OwŽy r .are given by the Berry-Esseen´ TheoremŽ see 1 2 FellerŽ 1965, Theorem XVI.5.1.. . By definition of q we have xs0 and ysOwŽ y r .. The 1 2 derivative of ⌽ is bounded, so ⌽ Žx.y⌽ Žy.sOxŽyy.sOwŽy r .. Altogether, the left-most sum is OwŽ y1 r2 ..Asimilar computation applies to the right-most sum. Q.E.D.

ⅷ yi 2 y1r2 PROOF OF STEP M8: Steps M5 and M7 imply ␣t, wŽj, s .sOwŽrtqw .. The formula of Step M2 then yields

w 2 y1r2 RttиEAwxwt¬h sO qw . q žt / Ž ¨ ␭ Ž ␭q1..␭ Adding over ws1, 2, ...,¨ note that Ýws 1w sO ¨ for /y1 and substituting into Step M1Ž i. gives the result. Q.E.D.

ⅷ ROOF OF TEP P S M9: We use the inequality of Step M8 for tstnnand ¨ st q1 ytn. Because 5 3 5 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 5 3 1 3 2 ¨ s?Žnq1.r @?y n r @sOnŽ r .,we have ¨ sOnŽ . and t¨ r sOnŽ r q r .sOnŽ., and the result follows. Q.E.D.

ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M10: We use the following resultŽŽ see Loeve` 1978, Theorem 32.1.E.. :

THEOREM ŽStrong Law of Large Numbers for Dependent Random Variables. : Let Xn be a sequence of random ¨ariables and bn a sequence of real numbers increasing to ϱ, such that the series ϱ Ž.2 Ýns1 var Xnnrb con¨erges. Then n

1 6 wwX␯ yEX␯ ¬X1 ,..., X␯ 1 xx0 a.s. b Ý y nªϱ n ␯s1

We take b [t 222, and X [b ␳ b ␳ t ␳ t ␳ .By Step M1Ž ii. we have nn n ntnnny y1 tntny1 s nny y1 t y1 2 7r3 2 14r3 20r3 2 <

Ž1 bEX. wx¬X ,..., X Ony10r32␯ OnŽ y10r33 n.OnŽy1 r3 . 0. r n ÝÝ␯ 1 ␯y1 F ž/s s ª ␯Fn ␯Fn Applying the Theorem above thus yields that ␳ , which is nonnegative and equalsŽ 1 b .Ý X , tnn r ␯ F n ␯ must converge to 0 a.s. Q.E.D.

2 ⅷ PROOF OF STEP M11: Since ␳ Ý RjŽ, k., the previous Step M10 implies that tjnns / ktw x RjŽ, k.0 a.s. n ϱ, for all j/k. When t t t ,we have RjŽ, k.RjŽ, k.OnŽy1 . by tnnn ª ª F F q1 tty n s the inequality of Step M3, so RjtŽ, k.ª0 a.s. tªϱ. Q.E.D.


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Uncoupled Dynamics Do Not Lead to Nash Equilibrium Author(s): Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 93, No. 5 (Dec., 2003), pp. 1830-1836 Published by: American Economic Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 13/01/2011 08:10

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It is notoriously difficult to formulate sensi- to an "informational"requirement-that the dy- ble adaptive dynamics that guarantee conver- namics be uncoupled. gence to Nash equilibrium. In fact, short of variants of exhaustive search (deterministicor I. The Model stochastic), there are no general results; of course, there are many important, interesting The setting is that of games in strategic (or and well-studied particularcases. See the books normal)form. Such a game F is given by a finite of J6rgen W. Weibull (1995), FernandoVega- set of players N, and, for each player i E N, a Redondo (1996), (1997), strategy set S' (not necessarily finite) and a Drew Fudenbergand David K. Levine (1998), payoff function' u1:HEN Sj -> R. Josef Hofbauer and Karl Sigmund (1998), H. We examine differential dynamical systems (1998), and the discussion in defined on a convex domain X, which will be Section IV below. either HieN Si or2 IieN A(S'), and are of the Here we provide a simple answerto the ques- form tion: Why is that so? Our answer is that the lack of a generalresult is an intrinsicconsequence of )(t) = F(x(t); r), the naturalrequirement that dynamics of play be "uncoupled"among the players, that is, the ad- or x = F(x; F) for short. We also write this as justment of a player's strategy does not depend xi = Fi(x; F) for all i, where x = (xi)iEN and3 on the payoff functions (or utility functions) of F = (Fi)iEN. the other players (it may depend on the other From now on we keep N and (S1)ieN fixed, players' strategies, as well as on the payoff and identify a game F with its N-tuple of payoff function of the player himself). This is a basic functions (ui)ieN, and a family of games with a informational condition for dynamics of the set 'U of such N-tuples; the dynamics are thus "adaptive"or "behavioral"type. It is importantto emphasize that, unlike the (1) xi = F'(x; (uJ)jEN) for all i E N. existing literature(see Section IV), we make no "rationality"assumptions: our dynamics are not We consider families of games U where every best-reply dynamics, or better-reply,or payoff- game F E U has a single Nash equilibrium improving, or monotonic, and so on. What we x(r). Such families are the most likely to allow show is that the impossibility result is due only for well-behaved dynamics. For example, the dynamic x = x(r) - x will guaranteeconver- gence to the Nash equilibriumstarting from any * Hart: Center for Rationality and InteractiveDecision Theory, Department of Mathematics, and Department of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,Feldman Building, Givat-Ram, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel (e-mail: URL: [email protected]; ('hart)); 1 Mas-Colell: of Economics and Business, Uni- R denotesthe realline. Department 2 versitat Pompeu Fabra, Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, 08005 We write A(A) for the set of probabilitymeasures Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). The researchis overA. partially supported by grants of the Israel Academy of 3 Fora well-studiedexample (see for instanceHofbauer Sciences and Humanities, the Spanish Ministry of Educa- andSigmund, 1998), consider the classof "fictitiousplay"- tion, the Generalitatde Catalunya, and the EU-TMR Re- like dynamics:the strategyq'(t) playedby i at time t is Robert J. Yaacov some sort of to the of the other search Network. We thank Aumann, "goodreply" past play - Vincent Josef Hofbauer, Piero La i.e., to thetime average xJ(t) of qj(T)for T t; then Bergman, Crawford, playersj, - Mura, , Motty Perry, Alexander Vasin, Bob (afterrescaling the time axis) x1 = q' x- Gi(x;F) - x' Wilson, and the referees for their useful comments. Fi(x; F).

1830 VOL. 93 NO. 5 HARTAND MAS-COLELL:UNCOUPLED DYNAMICS 1831 initial condition.4Note, however, that in this dy- THEOREM 1: Let U be a family of games namicX dependson jx(F),which, in turn,depends containing a neighborhood of the game Fo. on all the componentsof the game F, in particular Then every uncoupled dynamic for U is not on uJ forj 0 i. This motivatesour next definition. Nash-convergent. We call a dynamical system F(x; F) (defined for r in a family of games U) uncoupled if, for Thus an arbitrarilysmall neighborhoodof Fo every player i E N, the function F' does not is sufficient for the impossibility result (of depend on uJ for ]j i; i.e., course, nonexistence for a family U implies nonexistence for any larger family U' D U). (2) x' = F'(x; ui) for all i E N II. An Examplewith a Continuumof Strategies [comparewith (1)]. Thus the change in playeri's strategycan be a functionof the currentN-tuple of Take N = {1, 2) and S1 = S2 = D, where strategiesx and i's payoff function u' only.5 In D := {z = (z1, Z2)E R2 : \z11? 1} is the unit other words, if the payoff functionof player i is disk. Let ) : D -> D be a continuous function identicalin two games in the family, then at each that satisfies: x his strategyx' will change in the same way.6 If, given a family U with the single-Nash- * )(z) = 2z for z in a neighborhoodof 0; and equilibriumproperty, the dynamical system al- * +(+(z)) : z for all z : 0. ways converges to the unique Nash equilibrium of the for r E u1-i.e., if Such a function exists; for game any game clearly - instance, F(x(F); F) = 0 and limt,,x(t) = x(F) for any let us put )(z) = 2z for all lIzll 13, define 4 solution x(t) (with any initial condition)-then on the circle lizil= 1 to be a rotation by, say, we will call F a Nash-convergent dynamic for r/4, and interpolate linearly on rays between U. To facilitate the analysis, we always restrict |lzl = 1/3and ||Izl = 1. ourselves to C1 functions F with the additional Define the game Fo with payoff functions uo propertythat at the (unique) rest point x(F) the and u2 given by8 Jacobian matrix J of F( ; F) is hyperbolic and (asymptotically) stable-i.e., all eigenvalues of uo(xi, xi) := -|' - (i)ll2 for all x, xi E D. J have negative real parts. We will show that: Fo has a unique Nash equilibrium9x = (0, 0). We embed Fo in the family Uo consisting of There exist no uncoupled dynamics which all games F (ul, u2) where, for each i = 1, 2, guarantee Nash convergence. we have ui(xi, x) = -x - (xJ)ll2, with : D -> D a continuousfunction, such that the Indeed,in the next two sections we presenttwo equatione((j(x')) = xi has a unique solution xi. simplefamilies of games(each game having a single Then x = (x1, x2) is the unique Nash equilib- Nash equilibrium),for which uncouplednessand rium of the game'0 F. Nash convergenceare mutuallyincompatible. We will now prove that every uncoupled More precisely, in each of the two cases we dynamic for 'U, is not Nash-convergent. This exhibit a game Fo and show that:7 proof contains the essence of our argument,and

4 8 - The same applies to various generalizedNewton meth- We use j := 3 i throughoutthis section. In the game ods and each i wants to choose xi so as to 5 fixed-point-convergentdynamics. ro, player match as closely It may depend on the function u'(-), not just on the as possible a function of the other player's choice, namely, currentpayoffs u'(x). 4<(x). 6 9 What the other players do (i.e., x-i) is much easier to x is a pure Nash equilibriumif and only if x1 = (r2) observe than why they do it (i.e., their utility functions u-i). and x2 = (1), or xi = 4(4(xi)) for i = 1, 2. There are no 7 = An E-neighborhoodof a game Fr (u)iEN consists of mixed-strategy equilibria since the best reply of i to any all games F = (u')i, satisfying lu'(s) - uo(s)I < e for all mixed strategy of j is always unique and pure. s E i,EN Si and all i E N. 10 Moreover x is a strict equilibrium. 1832 THEAMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW DECEMBER2003 the technicalmodifications needed for obtaining Therefore the 4 x 4 Jacobian matrix J of the Theorem 1 are relegatedto the Appendix. Let F system (f, f2) at x = (0, 0) is thus be, by contradiction, a dynamic for the family 'Uo which is uncoupled and Nash-con- r i1 -2/' vergent. The dynamic can thus be written:x' = J=- -22 j2 ] F'(x', xj; u') for i = 1, 2. The following key lemma uses uncoupled- LEMMA 3: If the eigenvalues of J1 and J2 ness repeatedly. have negative real parts, then J has at least one eigenvalue with positive real part. LEMMA 2: Assume that y' is the unique ui- best-reply of i to a given yJ, i.e., ul(y1,yO) > PROOF: ui(x', y) for all x' f y'. Then F'(yi, y; u') = 0, The coefficient a3 of A in the characteristic and the eigenvalues of the 2 X 2 Jacobian polynomial det(J - A) of J equals the negative matrix11J = (F[k(y', y; u')/xl)k,l=1,2 have of the sum of the four 3 X 3 principalminors; negative real parts. a straightforwardcomputation shows that

PROOF: a3 = 3 det(J')trace(J2)+ 3 det(J2)trace(J'). Let rF be the game (u', uj) with u(xi, xi) := -||xI - yj12 (i.e., ~j is the constant function But det(Ji) > 0 and trace(J') < 0 (since the ~J(z) -- y); then (y', yj) is its unique Nash eigenvalues of J' have negative real parts), so equilibrium,and thus Fi(yi, yJ; u') = 0. Apply that a3 < 0. this to playerj, to get Fx(x',yJ; uJ) = 0 for all x' Let A1, A2, A3, A4 be the eigenvalues of J. (since yJ is the unique uJ-best-replyto any x1). Then Hence aF{(x', yi; uJ)lax = 0 for k, I = 1, 2. The 4 X 4 Jacobianmatrix J of F( *, *; 1l) at (y', A1A2A3 + AlA2A4 + A1A3A4 + A2A3A4 y') is thereforeof the form = -a3 > 0 j- i K] J 0 L from which it follows that at least one Ar must have positive real part. O The eigenvalues of J-which all have negative real partsby assumption-consist of the eigen- This shows that the unique Nash equilibrium values of J' together with the eigenvalues of L, x = (0, 0) is unstable for F( ; Fo)-a contra- and the result follows. O diction which establishes our claim. For a suggestive illustration,12see Figure Putf'(x) := F(x; uo); Lemma 2 implies that 1, whichis drawnfor x in a neighborhoodof (0, 0) = the eigenvalues of the 2 X 2 Jacobian matrix where (xi) 2x. In the region 1||1x/2< Ilx1l < J := (Wfk(0, O)/a)k,l=1,2 have negative real 211x211the dynamic leads "away"from (0, 0) (the parts. Again by Lemma 2, f'(4(xJ), xJ) = 0 for arrowsshow that,for x' fixed, the dynamicon x all xj, and thereforein particularf'(2xJ, xJ) = 0 must convergeto x1 = 2xi-see Lemma 2). for all xJ in a neighborhoodof 0. Differentiating and then evaluating at x = (0, 0) gives III. An Examplewith FinitelyMany Strategies

2af (0, o)/Iax + af/(o, o)/ax = o If the games have a finite number of strate- gies (i.e., if the S' are finite), then the state space for all k,1 = 1, 2. for the dynamics is the space of N-tuples of mixed strategies HiEN A(S').

= 12 1 Subscriptsdenote coordinates:xi = (x'i, x2) and F' The actualdynamic is 4-dimensionaland may be quite (F', F2). complex. VOL.93 NO. 5 HARTAND MAS-COLELL:UNCOUPLED DYNAMICS 1833

11x211 Nash-convergentdynamic 'U. Forthe game Fo (o)i= 1,2,3 we denotef(x, x2, x3) := F(x, x2, x3; uo);let J be the 3 X 3 Jacobianmatrix off at xo. For any y' (close to 1/2), the unique equilib- rium of the game F1 = (u2, u2,u3) in L/owith u3 given by a3 y /(1 - ) is (yl, 1/2, 1/2), and so Fl(y1, 1/2, 1/2; F1) = 0. This holds therefore also for Fr since the dynamic is uncoupled: f'(y', 1/2, 1/2) = 0 for all yl close to 1/2. Hence afl(xo)l/x' = 0. The same applies to the other two players, and we conclude that the diagonal-and thus the trace-of the Jacobian matrix J vanishes. Together with hyperbolicity [in fact, det(J) : 0 suffices here], this implies the existence of an eigenvalue with positive real part,'5 thus establishing our contradiction- which proves Theorem 1 in this case. We put on record that the uncoupledness of FIGURE 1. THE DYNAMIC FOR THE GAME Fo OF SECTION II the additional structureon J. AROUND dynamic implies (0, 0) Indeed, we have fl(x', 1/2, x3) = 0 for all x1 and x3 close to 1/2 [since (xl, 1/2, x3) is the Consider a family 'Uo of three-playergames unique Nash equilibrium when a' = 1-as in where each player has two strategies, and the Fo-and a2 = x3/(1 - x3), a3 = xl/(1 - xl)]. payoffs are: Therefore fl(xo)/ x3 = 0 too, and so J is of the form

0, 0, 0 a, 1,0 0,a2, a, , 1 -0 c 0- 1,0, a3 0, , a3 1, a2,0 0,0,0 J= 0 0 d e 0 0 where all the a1are close to 1 (say, 1 - E < a1 < for some reall6 c, d, e. 1 + s for some small s > 0), and, as usual, We conclude by observing that the specific- player 1 chooses the row, player 2 the column ities of the example have played very little role and player 3 the matrix.13 Let Fr be the game in the discussion. In particular,the propertythat with a1 = 1 for all i; this game has been intro- the trace of the Jacobianmatrix is null, or thatfi duced by James Jordan(1993). vanishes over a linear subspaceof co-dimension Denote by xl, x2, x3 E [0, 1] the probability 1, which is determinedfrom the payoff function of the top row, left column, and left matrix, of player i only, will be true for any uncoupled respectively. For every game in the family 'Uo dynamics at the equilibrium of a game with a there is a unique Nash equilibrium:14 x (rI) = completely mixed Nash equilibrium-provided, ai-1/(ai-l + 1). In particular, for Jordan's of course, that the game is embedded in an game xo - x(F) = (1/2, 1/2, 1/2). appropriatefamily of games. Let F be, by way of contradiction,an uncoupled

13 15 Each player i wants to mismatchthe next player i + 1, Indeed: otherwise the real parts of all eigenvalues are regardless of what player i - 1 does. (Of course, i + 1 is 0. The dimensionbeing odd implies thatthere must be a real always taken modulo 3.) eigenvalue. Therefore0 is an eigenvalue-and the determi- 14 In equilibrium:if i plays pure, then i - 1 plays pure, nant vanishes. so all players play pure-but there is no pure equilibrium; 16 If cde : 0 there is an eigenvalue with positive part, - 1 if i plays completely mixed, then a'(1 x+ l) = xi+ and if cde = 0 then 0 is the only eigenvalue. 1834 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW DECEMBER2003

IV. Discussion Hofbauer(1995), Foster and Young (1998, 2001), and Hofbauer and Sigmund (1998, (a) There exist uncoupled dynamics converg- Theorem 8.6.1). All these dynamics are ing to correlated equilibria17-see Dean necessarily uncoupled (since a player's Foster and Rakesh V. Vohra (1997), Fuden- "good reply" to x(t) depends only on his berg and Levine (1999), Hart and Mas- own payoff function). Ourresult shows that Colell (2000),18 and Hart and Mas-Colell what underlies such impossibility results is (2003). It is thus interestingthat Nash equi- not necessarily the rationality-typeassump- librium, a notion that does not predicate tions on the behavior of the players-but coordinatedbehavior, cannot be guaranteed rather the informational requirement of to be reached in an uncoupled way, while uncoupledness. correlated equilibrium, a notion based on (e) In a two-population evolutionary context, coordination,can.19 AlexanderVasin (1999) shows that dynam- (b) In a general economic equilibrium frame- ics that depend only on the vector of pay- work, the parallel of Nash equilibrium is offs of each pure strategy against the Walrasian (competitive) equilibrium. It is currentstate-a special class of uncoupled again well known that there are no dynam- dynamics-cannot be Nash-convergent. ics that guaranteethe general convergence (f) There exist uncoupled dynamics that are of pricesto equilibriumprices if the dynamic guaranteedto converge to (the set of) Nash has to satisfy natural uncoupledness-like equilibriafor specialfamilies of games, like conditions, for example, the nondepen- two-person zero-sum games, two-person dence of the adjustmentof the price of one potentialgames, dominance-solvablegames, commodityon the conditions of the markets and others;20 for some recent work see for other commodities (see Donald G. Saari Hofbauerand William H. Sandholm(2002) and Carl P. Simon, 1978). and Hart and Mas-Colell (2003). (c) In a mechanism-design framework, the (g) There exist uncoupled dynamics that are counterpartof the uncouplednesscondition most of the time close to Nash equilibria, is Leonid Hurwicz's "privacy-preserving" but are not Nash-convergent (they exit in- or "decentralized"condition-see Hurwicz finitely often any neighborhood of Nash (1986). equilibria);see Foster and Young (2002). (d) There are various results in the literature, (h) Sufficient epistemic conditions for Nash startingwith Lloyd S. Shapley (1964, Sec. equilibrium-see Robert J. Aumann and 5), showing that certainclasses of dynamics Adam Brandenburger(1995, Preliminary cannot be Nash-convergent.These dynam- Observation,p. 1161)-are for each player ics assume that the players adjust to the i to know the N-tuple of strategiesx and his current state x(t) in a way that is, roughly own payoff function ui. But that is precisely speaking, payoff-improving; this includes the informationa player uses in an uncou- fictitious play, best-reply dynamics, better- pled dynamic-which we have shown not reply dynamics, monotonic dynamics, ad- to yield Nash equilibrium.This points out justment dynamics, replicator dynamics, the difference between the static and the and so on; see Vincent P. Crawford(1985), dynamic frameworks:converging to equi- Jordan (1993), Andrea Gaunesdorfer and libriumis a more stringentrequirement than being in equilibrium. (i) By their nature,differential equations allow to be conditioned on the 17 Of course, these dynamics are defined on the appro- strategies only priate state space of joint distributions A(IiN Si), i.e., limited informationof the past capturedby probabilityvectors on N-tuples of (pure) strategies. 18 In fact, the notion of "decoupling"appears in Section 20 4 (i) there. A special family of games may be thoughtof as giving 19 Cum grano salis this may be called the "Coordination informationon the other players' payoff function (e.g., in ConservationLaw": there must be some coordinationeither two-person zero-sum games and potential games, u' of one in the equilibriumconcept or in the dynamic. player determines uj of the other player). VOL.93 NO. 5 HARTAND MAS-COLELL:UNCOUPLED DYNAMICS 1835

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