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Inner Pages October.Indd ae¦c k`mXmcI MALANKARA SABHA THARAKA October 2020 Volume 128 Issue 10 hne: 8.50 HmÀ-½-bp-sS Xo-c-§-fn "\yq t\mÀaÂ' a{Zmkv CShIbnte¡v tUm.tPmk^v amÀt¯m½m k`bpw kaqlhpw sa{Xmt¸meo¯m tUm.kq-kn Xmcp dh.tUm.tPmÀ-Pv doKÀ tUm.tPmk-^v tPmÀPv tIm-hn-Uv Im-e-¯v Km-Ôn-Pn tUm.¥m-Uv-k³ PX-¶ \-t½m-Sv ]-d-bp-¶-Xv _m-_p tIm-Sw-th-en tUm.-am-Xyp tXm-a-kv amÀ-t¯m-½m k-`-bp-sS sa-{Xm-t¸m-eo-¯m-bm-bn ip-{iq-jbn {]-th-in-¨n-«v H-tÎm-_À 2þmw Xo-b-Xn ]-Xn-aq-¶v kw-h-Õ-c-§-fpw I-Èo-i-bm-bn k-`-bn \n-tbm-Kn-X-\m-bn-«v H-tÎm-_À 18þmw Xo-b-Xn 63 kw-h-Õ-c-§-fpw ]qÀ-¯n-bm-¡p-ó tUm.tPmk^v amÀt¯m½m sa{Xmt¸meo¯mbv¡v k`mXmcIbpsS BiwkIÄ.... tIm«bw amÀt¯m½m XntbmfPn¡ð skan\mcnbnð \Só tIm¬thmt¡j³ 2020 \ncWwþamcma¬ `{Zmk\¯nsâ B`napJy¯nð Xncphñbnð \Só tUm.tPmk^v amÀt¯m½m sa{Xmt¸meo¯m \hXn BtLmj§fpsS DZvLmS\ kt½f\w ae¦c k`mXmcI MALANKARA SABHA THARAKA October 2020 Volume 128 Issue 10 hne: 8.50 ae-¦c k`m-Xm-cI HmÀ-½-bp-sS Xo-c-§-fn "\yq t\mÀaÂ' a{Zmkv CShIbnte¡v tUm.tPmk^v amÀt¯m½m k`bpw kaqlhpw sa{Xmt¸meo¯m ]pkvXIw 128 e¡w 10 HIvtSm_À 2020 tUm.kq-kn Xmcp dh.tUm.tPmÀ-Pv doKÀ tUm.tPmk-^v tPmÀPv tIm-hn-Uv Im-e-¯v Km-Ôn-Pn tUm.¥m-Uv-k³ PX-¶ \-t½m-Sv ]-d-bp-¶-Xv _m-_p tIm-Sw-th-en tUm.-am-Xyp tXm-a-kv ]{Xm[n]kanXn DÅS¡w sNbÀam³ ssdäv dh. tPmk^v amÀ _Àó_mkv F¸n-kvtIm¸m sa{Xmt¸meo¯mbpsS I¯v 04 No^v FUn-äÀ 07 ]{Xm[n]¡pdn¸v dh. tUm. ssh. än. hn\bcmPv am-t\-PÀ hnNmcZo]vXn 08 dh. tP¡_v tPmÀPv kn. k`: kaql¯nse A\pcRvP\¯nsâ A\p`hw ]{Xm[n]kanXn 09 tUm.^nent¸mkv amÀ {IntkmÌw amÀt¯m½m henb sa{Xmt¸meo¯m dh. AeIvkmïÀ XcI³ än.sI. {io. tPmÀPv tXmakv sað_¬ 11 k-` k-a-Im-en-I ]-Ým-¯-e-¯n s{]m^. tImin a¯mbn tUm.kq-kn Xm-cp {io. tP¡_v C½m\pthð 13 "\yp t\mÀaÂ" k`bpw ZpÀ-_-e-cp-sS {]-Xo-£-I-fpw amt\-PnwKv I½nän dh.tUm.tPmÀ-Pv doKÀ dh. tXmakv amXyp (hne§d) Indian Families under Covid-19 Pandemic: Unseen {ioaXn A\n tImin 15 Truths, Unheard Pains, Silent Cries {io. F³. k®n Dr.Joseph George {io. kt´mjv G{_lmw {io. F. Fw. amWn a{Zmkv CS-h-I-bn-te¡v 18 tUm.tPmk^v amÀt¯m½m sa{Xmt¸meo¯m h-cn-kw-Jy C-´y-bn (X-]m sN-e-hv DÄ-s¸-sS) hmÀ-jn-Iw ` 200.00\m³ amÀ-t¯m-½m: Po-hn-X-ssi-en-bpw B-bp-jv-¡m-ew ` 3500.00 (25 hÀ-jw) 20 Øn-c-Im-ew (Øm-]-\-§Ä-¡v) ` 5000.00- (40 hÀ-jw) hn-izm-k-]-c-am-b \n-e-]m-Sp-I-fpw hn-tZ-i-§-fnÂ: Air Mail Charge ` 1500/- Um-\n-b H-cp-hÀ-j-t¯bv-¡v (h-cn-kw-Jy Iq-Sm-sX) Ecumenism and the New Normal k-`m-Xm-c-I-bv-¡p-Å h-cn-kw-Jy, am-kn-I kw-_-Ô-am-b I-¯p-IÄ, C-h A-b-bv-¡p-t¼mÄ k-_v-kv-ss{I-_À \-¼À 23 Dr. Gladson Jathanna Im-Wn-¨n-cn-¡-Ww. ]-W-hpw, I-¯p-I-fpw, d-h. tP¡_v tPmÀPv kn., am-t\-PÀ, k-`m-Xm-c-I, Xn-cp-h-Ã, hn-izm-k-hpw tIm-hn-Uv Im-e-s¯ kw-Ko-X-]mT-§fpw tI-c-fw, ]n³: 689 101. t^m¬: 0469-þ2630968 (O) 25 _m-_p tIm-Sw-th-en F-¶ hn-em-k-¯n A-bbv-¡p-I. {]-kn-²o-I-c-W-¯n-\p-Å te-J-\-§Ä A-b-bv-t¡-ï hn-em-kw: tIm-hn-Uv Im-e-¯v Km-Ôn-Pn \-t½m-Sv ]-d-bp-¶-Xv d-h. tUm. ssh.ä\bcmPv, No-^v F-Un-äÀ, k-`m-Xm-c-I, 28 tUm.-am-Xyp tXm-a-kv amÀ-t¯m-½m k-`m Hm-^o-kv, Xn-cp-h-à 689 101, Ph: 0469 - 2630968 (OFFICE) km-aq-ln-I A-I-e-hpw Ip-Spw-_mw-§-fp-sS A-Sp-¸-hpw [email protected][email protected] 30 d-h.t_m-_n ^n-en-¸v apJNn{Xw: "\yq t\mÀaÂ' k`bpw kaqlhpw sIm-tdm-W F-¶ a-lm-am-cn-tbm-SpÅ k-`-bp-sS k-ao-]-\w {]nânwKv: amÀt¯m½m {]Êv 32 d-h.Ip-cy³ tXm-a-kv añ¸Ån Cover Design & Layout: Crayons Media, +91 9495901381 Mar Thoma Syrian Church: t\-Xr-Xzw \Â-In. c-sâ Iq-Sn X-«n-¸-dn-s¨-Sp-¡m³ {i-an-¡p-¶-h-cp-sS F-¡m- amÀ-t¯m-½m k-`-bp-sS sa-{Xm-t¸m-eo-¯m-bm-bn ip-{iq-j- e-s¯-bpw {]-Xn-\n-[n-I-fm-Wv I-Å-·mÀ. AÀ-²-{]m-Wm-h-Ø- bn {]-th-in-¨n-«v H-tÎm-_À 2þmw Xo-b-Xn ]-Xn-aq-¶v kw-h-Õ-c bn ho-Wp In-S-¡p-¶-h-s\ I-ïn-«pw Im-Wm-¯-a-«n I-S-¶p- -§-fpw I-Èo-i-bm-bn k-`-bn \n-tbm-Kn-X-\m-bn-«v H-tÎm-_À t]m-b ]p-tcm-ln-X-\pw te-h-y-\pw a-X-¯n-tâ-Xm-b B-Nm-c- 18þmw Xo-b-Xn 63 kw-h-Õ-c-§-fpw ]qÀ-¯n-bm-Ip-I-bm-Wv. §-fp-sS-bpw A-\p-jvTm-\-§-fp-sS-bpw N-«-¡q-Sn-\p-Ån X-§- Ir-]-bp-sS k-ar-²n \Â-In A-\p-{K-ln-¨v C-{X-t¯m-fw h-gn sf-¯-s¶ _-Ôn-¨n-«-h-cm-bn-cp-¶p. am-\-hn-I-X-bp-sS ZÀ-i-\w \-S-¯n-b kÀ-Æ-i-à-\m-b ssZ-h-¯n-\v kv-Xp-Xn-kv-tXm-{X- \-ã-s¸-Sp-t¼mÄ a-X-§-fm-bm-epw hy-àn-I-fm-bm-epw Cu §Ä AÀ-¸n-¡p-¶p. ""-b-tlm-h F-\n-¡p sN-bv-X k-I-e D-]-a-bn-se ]p-tcm-ln-X-sâ-bpw te-h-y-sâ-bpw A-\p-bm-bn-I- D-]-Im-c-§Ä-¡pw Rm³ A-h-\v F-´p ]-I-cw sIm-Sp-¡pw? fm-bn-¯o-cp-I-bm-Wp sN-¿p-¶-Xv. ]p-tcm-ln-X-\pw te-h-y-\pw Rm³ c-£-bp-sS ]m-\-]m-{Xw F-Sp-¯p b-tlm-h-bp-sS \m-aw B ho-Wp-In-S-¶-h-sâ ho-gv-N-bv-¡v Im-c-W-¡m-c-Ã, F-¶m hn-fn-¨-t]-£n-¡pw'' (k-¦o. 116:12,13). hm-Kv-Z-¯-§-fn hn-i-z- A-hÀ A-]-c-sâ ho-gv-N-sb A-h-sâ am-{Xw hn-j-b-am-bn I-cp- kv-X-\m-b ssZ-hw kp-J-Zpx-J k-½n-{i-am-b Po-hn-Xm-\p-`-h-§ Xp-I-bpw A-bm-sf c-£n-¡p-¶-Xn X-§Ä-¡v H-cp ]-¦p-an-à -fp-sS a-[-y-¯n-epw hn-i-z-kv-X-s\-¶v cp-Nn-¨-dn-ªp-sIm-ïpw F-¶ a-«n s]-cp-am-dp-I-bp-am-Wv sN-bv-X-Xv. F-¶m A-Xp-h-gn G-Xp {]-bm-k-¯n-epw {]-Xn-k-Ôn-bn-epw IÀ-¯m-hp a-Xn- h-¶ i-a-c-ym-¡m-c³ ho-Wp-In-S-¶-h-sâ Pm-Xn-tbm a-X-tam bm-b-h-³ F-¶v Xn-cn-¨-dn-ªp-sIm-ïpw ssZ-h-Ir-]-bn H-¶pw A-t\-z-jn-¨n-Ã, ]n-s¶-tbm B-h-iy-¯n-en-cn-¡p-¶ i-c-W-s¸-«p-sIm-ïpw ap-t¶m-«p-t]m-Ip-hm³ h-en-b-h-\m-b -h-sâ B-h-iy-s¯ Ku-c-h-am-bn Im-Wp-I-bpw A-h-s\ c-£n ssZ-hw _-ew X-cp-¶-tXmÀ-¯v ssZ-h-s¯ kv-Xp-Xn-¡p-¶p. ¡m³-th-ïn X-\n-¡p-Å-Xp-Iq-Sn ]-¦p-sh-bv-¡p-I-bp-am-Wv Po-h-\pw ssN-X-\-y-hp-ap-Å ssZ-h-h-N-\w i-co-c-¯n-\pw a-\ sN-bv-X-Xv. C-§-s\-bm-Wv i-a-cym-¡m-c³ \-à i-a-cym-¡m- -Ên-\pw B-ßm-hn-\pw ssZ-h-Z-¯-am-b Hu-j-[-am-Wv. A-s¸m-kv- c-\m-bn am-dp-¶-Xv. A-]-c-sâ kp-c-£-bpw ku-Jy-hpw X-e-\m-b hn-ip-² ]u-tem-kn-sâ ""-F-s¶ i-à-\m-¡p-¶- X-§-fp-sS Iq-Sn D-¯-c-hm-Zn-Xz-am-Wv F-¶ Xn-cn-¨-dn-thm-Sp- h³ ap-Jm-´-cw Rm³ k-I-e-¯n-\pw a-Xn-bm-Ip-¶p'' (^n-en.
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