April 20, 1971 L. R. MZELL 3,575,751. by 4.6% F 44
April 20, 1971 L. R. MZELL 3,575,751. METHOD OF MAKING SEMARTIFICIAL PILE FABRICS Original Filled Sept. 1, 1966 . 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 als. Sass Eckettsatistassists assass n N N NS 2 S.SS SSSSSSSSSSG21 is Y2 SnS 5 8 Arata. INVENTOR LOUS R. MZE BY 4.6% f 44 ATTORNEYs April 20, 97. L. R. M. ZE 3,575,751 METHOD of MAKING SEMI ARTIFICIAL FILE FABRICS Original Filed Sept. l. 1966 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 caseat 27. as N S 2šSSSSSSSSS;&SAS % 7 III)}. 2. s 33.5 SS 3 AŠ. in f (s & S 3 14 - 15 S. S. & : Šs C &%Š 3.d $ Aca 1. EEDan SNsO R S R SS f S.CN SESS 5 6 7 INVENTOR LOUIS R. MIZELL by 4-4 A 4-26 ATTORNEYS 3,575,751 United States Patent Office Patented Apr. 20, 1971 2 While the following discussion will apply primarily 3,575,751. to woolled animal skins typified by woolled sheep and METHOD OF MAKNG SEMARTIFICIAL PLE FABRICS amb skins, it pertains to haired or furred animal skins in Louis R. Mizell, Montgomery County, Md., assignor to general, such as the haired skins or hides or goats, llamas, I.W.S. Nominee Company Limited, London, England 5 vicunas, alpacas, and the like, and to the furred skins of Continuation of application Ser. No. 484,240, Sept. 1, mink, muskrat, rabbit, chinchilla, bear, and the like. As 1966. This application Jan. 15, 1969, Ser. No. 796,276 used herein the term "woolled' is intended to be inclusive Int.
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