[email protected] PHONE+39 366 6325960 ! WEBSITE ARTSTATION h6ps://tommasogomez.artsta; BLOG ! PROFILE Art Director and Concept Ar;st for many produc;ons in anima;on, Set Designer for opera pro- duc;ons and Illustrator. My best skills are a strong knowledge of fundamentals of the tradi;onal art and digital pain;ng. Versa;lity in the concept styles, autonomy and flexibility, a6en;on to the details, speed of exe- cu;on and propensity to work in team. I’m a person with a great passion for work and always a6racted to new challenges, with interests in many fields as art, music, science, comics, movies, fantas;c literature and science fic;on. ! MAIN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES ! 2014 - present ART DIRECTOR-LEAD ARTIST (environments) Rainbow srl, LORETO (AN) ITALY Project: Animated TV series Regal academy (season 1 & 2) • Crea;on of the environments and backgrounds concepts for new animated 3D Tv Series • Supervise the produc;ons artworks of the background and Environments department from the concept art to color, giving ar;s;c feedbacks. • Supervise and revise the crea;on (concepts, modeling, shade and texturing ) of 3D environ- ments • Revise the assets produced in home and in external studios at every step: modeling, shade, color and texturing. • Check scripts and storyboards to give any feedbacks rela;ve to the environments. ! ! ART DIRECTOR (environments) Rainbow srl, LORETO (AN) ITALY Project: Animated TV series winx club (season 6) • Concepts of the main loca;ons and environments of the whole produc;on. • Supervise the produc;ons 2D artworks of the background and Environments department from the concept to the coloring.