IE WESTFIELD LEADER the Ltmdinm •Md M—T Widely Cirrutmted Weekly New*P«P*>R in Union County
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o o t— o IE WESTFIELD LEADER The Ltmdinm •md M—t Widely Cirrutmted Weekly New*p«p*>r In Union County NI Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1985 Every Thursday 28 Pages—30 Cents 18,367 Eligible to Vote The independent voter will hold Thomas H. Kean and Democrat Polling places remain the the key to elections in Westfield Peter Shapiro for the $85,000 a same as in last year's General when voters go to the polls be- year 4-year term as Governor of Election: tween? a.m. and 8p.m. Tuesday. New Jersey. 1st Ward, 1st District - Roosevelt Of this community's 18,367 Incumbent Republicans Junior High School registered voters, 8,832 are listed Charles Hardwick of Westfield 1st Ward, 2nd District - Roosevelt as independent, 5,518 Re- and Peter Genova are being Junior High School publicans and 4,017 Democrats. challenged for seats in the New 1st Ward, 3rd District - Benjamin AI stake locally will be four Jersey Assembly by Democrats Franklin School seats on the Town Council. Can- Andrew Ruotolo of Westfield and 1st Ward, 4th District- Municipal didates are Ward 1 - Kit Dupuis. Livio Term of office is Bldg. Democrat, and W. Jubb Corbet, two years at an annual salary of 1st Ward, 5th District - Benjamin incumbent Republican; Ward 2 - $25,000. Franklin School Larry Goldman, Democrat, and Three seats on the Union Coun- 1st Ward, 6th District - Municipal Richard Bagger, incumbent ty Board of Freeholders also are Bldg. Republican; Ward 3 - Jim to be filled. Candidates are 2nd Ward, 1st District - County Heimlich. Republican, un- Democrats Walter Boright and Annex, 300 North Ave. East park- contested; and Ward 4 - Jim He- Charlotte DeFelippo, incumbents ing available in county lot. ly, Democrat, and Charles Cure, and Gerald W. McCann, and 2nd Ward, 2nd District - incumbent Republican. Terms Republican G. Richard Malgran, Washington School are for two years at an annual incumbent, William H. Eldridge 2nd Ward. 3rd District - "Happy Halloween" nay a trio of smiling kindergarten students near the pumpkin patch in Judith salary of $1. and James J. Fulcomer. Terms Washington School Tretiak's clasn at Franklin School. Left to right are Marc Ferrari. Karen Spec tor and C.enevieve Manion. Voters also will chose between of office are three years; annual 2nd Ward, 4th District - Wilson incumbent Republican Governor salary is $13,200. (Continued on page 14) Wants Shuttle Program Expanded to Weekdays Expansion of a program of some employees pay an over- Saturday shuttle buses to ease whelming cost to work in the the weekday hardship of downtown Westfield area. employees in the centraJ "A weekday shuttle van could business district is being pro- transport these people to a moted by Councilman Frank J. remote parking facility such as Rodgers, a member of the Town the Memorial pool area, until the Council's parking and traffic new parking deck is completed. committee. Individuals could pay a nominal "Employees who work in the fee. The town could cover some downtown center of Westfield are of the differential in cost from the faced with an increasing hard- additional meter fee income. The ship because of insufficient all- Chamber of Commerce could also help in this regard. day parking. The increase in Jubb Corbet Kit Du|>ui« Richard dg Larry Cinidmaii meter fees and expanding of two ' 'We could expand the program hour limited parking restrictions initiated by the First Fidelity Ward Fir*t Ward Second Ward Second Ward is making a bad situation worse," Bank for Saturday shoppers and Republican Councilman W. Katherine R. Dupuis, Richard H. Bagger, Larry Goldman, Democratic Rodgers said. employees. With the town and Jubb Corbet, Jr., announced Democratic candidate in the first Republican second ward coun- candidate for the Town Council in "Even though a proposed new local businesss working together recently that he feels that the ward, publicly thanked her oppo- cilman and candidate for re- the second ward, has called upon parking deck will help solve this we should be able to develop a Town Council's most important nent for his recent press release. election in Tuesday's general WestfieJd voters to consider the problem In the future, the town self-supporting transport system task is to keep down the cost of "I am pleased that Mr. Corbet election, declared that controll- dangers of one party government cannot ignore the existing condi- that wilt help the employees, and local government. has come forward to publicly ing local government spending as the fall campaign entered its tion. at the same time provide more "If elected," he stated, "I will state his views. Up until the Oct. should remain a fundamental final weekend. "The effects are "With more vigorous enforce- space for shoppers," Rodgers make my primary objective get- 24 issue of the Leader he had not municipal goal. obvious," Goldman stated. "For ment of ticketing by the police, concluded. ting the most services for issued any press release," said Bagger, a member of the Town the most part, the Town Council Westfield at the least possible Dupuis. "Public discussion of the Council finance committee, ex- resists change. The absence of an cost." issues facing the Town is a vital plained that "during my door-to- on-going debate and exchange of South Ave, Store Winn "I have experience in under- part of the democratic process. door re-election campaign this ideas has fostered complacency. Partial Approach for Signs (Continued on page 1 9) (Continued on page 18) (Continuedon page 1 9) (Continued on page 18) Ha//««>«•*»« Party The appeal of Cobweb Collec- proposed for the face of the Far Teetm Tonight tibles, 205 South Ave., for permis- building, provided that Helper sion to erect two signs was par- puts up an address number fac- A Halloween party for tially granted by the Westfield ing South Ave. Westfield and Cranford Board of Adjustment at Monday Julius Debrossy of 615 Coleman highschoolers will be held at the night's additionally scheduled PI., appeared before the board, Westfield YMCA today. meeting. seeking a variance allowing con- "It's for teens who are too old Sheldon Helper, owner of struction of a two-car detached to go trick or treating, but too Cobweb Collectibles, proposed a garage on his property. The pro- young to stay home on All removable A-sign, or posed, garage would violate the Hallow's Eve," said Y Youth "sandwich" sign, to indicate maximum 15 foot height require- Director Peggy Morasso. parking in the rear of .his ment for an accessory building, Costumes must be worn to the business, and a 30 by 48 inch sign as well as rear and side yard set- party from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Y, on the front of the establishment. back requirements. 138 Ferris PI. Prizes will be The business presently has a Debrossy agreed to lowering awarded for the best, funniest blank sign on the second floor and the proposed pitched roof by and most horrifying costumes. an arrow-shaped sign, both of three feet, which would still give Halloween games also are which must be removed to con- him the clearance needed for his scheduled. form with the ordinance. commercial van. The board, The party is free to full James C Heimlich Charles Cure Jim Helv The board disallowed the however, questioned the max- privilege members of the Y, with A-sign, but approved the sign small charges for basic members Third Ward Fourth Ward Fourth Ward (Contmued on page 20) and non-members. "The heritage which is Councilman Charles Cure, the Jim Hely. Fourth Ward Town Westfield's is one which is the en- Republican candidate for the Council candidate called the vy of many counties. Our town Fourth Ward Town Council seat willingness of people to give of TV Reveals "Mystery Pipe, government is part of that reflected on his tenure as that their time to make the com- heritage. Most recently, in the ward's representative while con- munity a better place the Star Ledger, on Oct. ». 1985, cluding his campaign for a two greatest asset of Westfield. "The Sewage Source is Sealed Westfield has been hailed by year term. spirit we have here goes back a Union County officials as having Cure, who was appointed in Jong, long time," said Hely. "We An uncharted "mystery" the prototype program for other August to fill the unexpired term see it in so many active organiza- sanitary line believed responsi- towns to pattern themselves after of Councilman Tom Quinn, stated tions, churches, and agencies ble for the seepage of iecal mat- to develop a more economical "Tt has been an enjoyable ex- locally. It is this sense of being a ter into a storm sewer which runs perience serving on the Council." part of something larger that tru- leaf disposal system. This has ly give this Town its character. through the southside of been the tradition of Westfield of Cure added, "The Council posi- Westfield has been located and ^^ being the model which other tion is not an easy one but I have "Early in the fall campaign, I towns in various counties at- learned a great deal and I hope to cited historical examples of tempt to emulate," Republican utilize this knowledge for the people working together for the third ward candidate. James C. benefit of the residents of the good of the community. I men- (Continued on page 1 8) (Continued on page 1 9) (Continued on page 19) Action of Parking Fees Pay Taxes Tomorrow Expected Wednesday Evening The office of the Tax Collec- Public hearing on an ordinance an ordinance which would limit tor will be open from 7 p.m.