Published OnlineFirst April 13, 2016; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-2518

Biology of Human Tumors Clinical Research VEGF Potentiates GD3-Mediated Immunosuppression by Human Ovarian Cancer Cells Irina V. Tiper1, Sarah M. Temkin2,3, Sarah Spiegel1, Simeon E. Goldblum2, Robert L. Giuntoli II3, Mathias Oelke4, Jonathan P. Schneck4, and Tonya J. Webb1


Purpose: Natural killer T (NKT) cells are important mediators Results: Ovarian cancer tissue and ascites contain lym- of antitumor immune responses. We have previously shown that phocytic infiltrates, suggesting that immune cells trafficto ovarian shed the ganglioside GD3, which inhibits NKT- tumors, but are then inhibited by immunosuppressive mole- cell activation. Ovarian cancers also secrete high levels of VEGF. In cules within the tumor microenvironment. OV-CAR-3 this study, we sought to test the hypothesis that VEGF production and SK-OV-3 cell lines produce high levels of VEGF and by ovarian cancers suppresses NKT-cell–mediated antitumor GD3. Pretreatment of APCs with ascites or conditioned responses. medium from OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV-3 blocked CD1d-medi- Experimental Design: To investigate the effects of VEGF on ated NKT-cell activation. Inhibition of VEGF resulted in a CD1d-mediated NKT-cell activation, a conditioned media model concomitant reduction in GD3 levels and restoration of was established, wherein the supernatants from ovarian cancer NKT-cell responses. cell lines (OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV-3) were used to treat CD1d- Conclusions: We found that VEGF inhibition restores NKT-cell expressing antigen-presenting cells (APC) and cocultured with function in an in vitro ovarian cancer model. These studies suggest NKT hybridomas. Ovarian cancer–associated VEGF was inhibited that the combination of immune modulation with antiangio- by treatment with bevacizumab and genistein; conditioned medi- genic treatment has therapeutic potential in ovarian cancer. um was collected, and CD1d-mediated NKT-cell responses were Clin Cancer Res; 22(16); 4249–58. 2016 AACR. assayed by ELISA.

Introduction of patients with advanced ovarian cancer remain less than 50% (3, 4). The lack of effective treatment options for relapse requires In the United States, ovarian cancer is the fifth most common the development of alternative interventions against this recalci- cause of cancer-related death among women (1). In fact, trant disease. >120,000 women worldwide die each year from this disease that In ovarian cancer, immune function is central to response to has the highest fatality-to-incidence of all gynecologic malignan- treatment and prognosis (5–11). Several groups have reported cies (2). The major clinical challenge for this disease is that a that long-term survivors (>10 years) have higher levels of T-cell majority of patients present with late-stage disease, and 70% of infiltrates in their tumors. However, the immune response is more patients have stage III or IV disease at the time of diagnosis. nuanced. The presence or absence of specific T-cell subsets has Despite improvements in treatment, even with aggressive cytor- been correlated to survival (7). Tumor infiltration by regulatory T eduction combined with chemotherapy, 5-year survival rates þ þ cells (Treg; CD4 CD25 T cells) is indicative of reduced survival, þ whereas the presence of intraepithelial CD8 T cells is associated with favorable prognosis in ovarian cancer (8). 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Maryland Escape from the host's immune system is crucial for cancer School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. 2Department of Medicine, growth and development of metastasis. Identification of immu- University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. nosuppressive factors produced within the tumor microenviron- 3Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service,The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, ment and the ability to target these factors could enhance anti- The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. 4Depart- tumor immune responses. Several studies have focused on tumor- ment of Pathology,The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, associated immune suppression mediated by Tregs, myeloid- Maryland. derived suppressor cells, immunosuppressive dendritic cells, Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Clinical Cancer immune-inhibitory receptors, and inhibitory factors, including Research Online ( TGFb, prostaglandins, and adenosine (12–17). In addition, com- Corresponding Author: Tonya J. Webb, University of Maryland School of ponents of ovarian ascites fluid have also been shown to inhibit Medicine, 685 W. Baltimore St, HSF-I, Room 380, Baltimore, MD 21201. Phone: immune function (18). Recently, it was reported that phospha- 410-706-4109; Fax: 410-706-6970; E-mail: [email protected] tidylserine present in extracellular vesicles harvested from ovarian doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-2518 tumor ascites fluids and from solid ovarian tumors induces TCR 2016 American Association for Cancer Research. signaling arrest (19). In addition, we have shown that ganglioside 4249

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Tiper et al.

land Medical Center approved this investigation. Ovarian cancer Translational Relevance samples were obtained from the tissue bank, and 4-mm sections of VEGF inhibition has become important in the treatment of paraffin-embedded tissues were deparaffinized and rehydrated ovarian cancer. VEGF expression is inversely correlated with and an antigen-retrieval procedure performed according to the survival in patients with ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer–asso- manufacturer's instructions using Target-Retrieval Solution ciated ascites contain much higher levels of VEGF compared (DAKO). with ascites found in patients with other solid tumors. Bev- acizumab, an mAb that binds to VEGF and prevents the Cell lines interaction of VEGF with its receptors, has demonstrated Human ovarian cancer cells, SK-OV-3, and endometrial cancer activity in the treatment of recurrent and metastatic ovarian cell line, HEC-1A, were cultured in McCoy's 5a Modified Medium cancer. Bevacizumab is also useful in palliation of ascites in supplemented with 10% FBS and penicillin/streptomycin. OV- patients with advanced and recurrent ovarian cancer where CAR-3, purchased from the ATCC, was grown in in RPMI1640 ascites is a hallmark of disease. As avoiding detection by the medium supplemented with 20% FBS, 0.01 mg/mL bovine insu- host's immune system is crucial for the growth and metastasis lin, and penicillin/streptomycin. The cell lines were used within 6 – of cancer, we sought to examine the effects of ovarian cancer months of purchase. associated VEGF on CD1d-mediated antigen presentation to Murine L cells transfected with vector alone (Lvector) or the WT natural killer T (NKT) cells. We found that inhibiting VEGF cd1d1 cDNA in pcDNA3.1-neo (Invitrogen; LCD1dwt) were kind- secretion by ovarian cancer cell lines restored NKT-cell activa- ly provided by R.R. Brutkiewicz (Indiana University School of tion. Herein, we demonstrate a novel link between immuno- Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; ref. 31) and were cultured in DMEM suppressive ganglioside shedding and VEGF production by media, supplemented with 2 mmol/L L-glutamine, 10% FBS, ovarian cancers. By establishing a mechanism through which 500 mg/mL G418, and penicillin/streptomycin. The cell lines used VEGF impairs antitumor immune responses, our studies have have been tested and authenticated routinely by staining for stable the potential to enhance the clinical therapeutic possibilities cell surface expression of CD1d, compared with isotype control for women with this disease. staining, and also compared with cells stably transfected with the empty control vector. þ The Va14 NKT-cell hybridoma cell lines DN32.D3, (32, 33), N38-2C12, N38-2H4, N38-3C3, and the CD1d-specific NKT-cell þ (GD3) produced by ovarian cancer cells is present in ascites fluid hybridoma N37-1A12 (Va5 ), have all been described previously and can inhibit antitumor natural killer T (NKT)-cell responses (34) and were cultured in IMDM medium supplemented with 5% (20). Similarly, it has been reported that higher levels of gang- FBS and 2 mmol/L L-glutamine. The NKT cells are tested for liosides, specifically GD3, are present in sera of ovarian cancer specificity to CD1d in each experiment via functional T-cell assay. patients compared with healthy donors due to ganglioside shed- ding from the surface of tumor cells (21). VEGF inhibition VEGF levels in the ascites of patients with ovarian cancer are VEGF was purchased from Sigma (#V7259) and reconstituted much higher (up to 10-fold higher) than levels in ascites as per manufacturer's instructions. Genistein was purchased from associated with other solid tumors (22). These high ascites Sigma (#G6649) and reconstituted in DMSO. Bevacizumab/ VEGF levels in patients with ovarian cancer have also been Avastin (Genentech) was supplied reconstituted by the manufac- shown to be inversely correlated with survival (23, 24), corre- turer in water supplemented with salts. OV-CAR-3 cells were late directly with invasion and metastasis of ovarian cancer seeded in a flask, allowed to grow to 70% confluence, and cells, and further play a role in the formation of ovarian cancer– subsequently treated with increasing concentrations of genistein related ascites (25, 26). Huang and colleagues demonstrated and vehicle (DMSO) for 3 days, with daily medium and drug that low-dose anti-VEGF antibody therapy helps to facilitate the change, followed by a 24-hour fresh medium recovery phase. penetration of immune effector elements into the tumor paren- Similarly, OV-CAR-3 cells were treated with bevacizumab and chyma (27, 28). VEGF also reduces T-cell cytotoxic activity vehicle (PBS) for 3 days with daily medium and drug exchange. increasing VEGF production by tumor cells, creating a negative Following a 24-hour recovery period, supernatants were harvested feedback loop that may be harnessed to improve treatment or and used in conditional medium experiments. help overcome chemotherapy resistance (29, 30). In this study, we sought to characterize the interaction between angiogenesis Inhibition of GD3 and immune function in ovarian cancer cells. OV-CAR-3 cells were infected with adenovirus encoding for human NEU3 (AdNEU3) or GFP plasmid (AdGFP), as a control at Materials and Methods a multiplicity of infection of 100 for 20 to 24 hours at 37C. Patient samples Plasmid construction and packaging have been described previ- fl Ovarian cancer–associated ascites were collected from patients ously (35). OV-CAR-3 cells were grown to con uence and allowed undergoing primary cytoreductive surgery by the Kelly Gyneco- to recover for 1 day with fresh medium not containing the virus. logic Oncology Service at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Medium was collected and used in conditioned medium experi- (Baltimore, MD) and at the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum ments as described. Cancer Center at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD). All donors gave written informed consent Generation of artificial APC before enrolling in the study. The Institutional Review Boards of The preparation of CD1d-Ig–based artificial antigen-presenting Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and the University of Mary- cells (aAPC) was carried out according to the previously described

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VEGF Inhibits CD1d-Mediated NKT-Cell Activation

method (36). The hCD1d-aAPCs were loaded with antigen ferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane. The blot was and a-GalCer (a-GC; 5 mg/mL in 1 mL PBS containing 5 107 processed using anti-p38, anti-JNK, or anti-ERK1/2 Abs specific beads). for the phosphorylated forms and developed using chemilumi- nescence before exposure on film. The blot was then stripped and Treatment of cells with tumor cell supernatants reprobed with Abs for the detection of total p38 and ERK1/2 (Cell The APCs were treated with the clarified supernatants for 4 Signaling Technology). hours at 37C, unless otherwise indicated. The APCs were sub- sequently washed extensively with PBS and cocultured with NKT Intracellular staining hybridomas (0.5–1 105) for 20 to 24 hours at 37C. Cytokine Intracellular staining was performed according to the BD Tran- release was measured as an indication of NKT-cell activation and scription Buffer Set (BD Pharmingen) protocol. GD3 mAb was measured by standard sandwich ELISA (BioLegend). For the (Abcam) was used at a concentration of 1 mg/mL. ERK and pERK ovarian cancer cocultures, ovarian cancer cell lines were fixed in antibodies were purchased from Technology and 0.05% paraformaldehyde for 20 minutes at room temperature, were used at 1:50 dilution. Secondary antibodies for GD3 (PE- washed, pulsed with a-GC, and cocultured with NKT cells. Super- anti-mouse IgG; BioLegend) and ERK/pERK (APC-anti-rabbit natants were harvested after 16 hours. The VEGF ELISA was IgG; Life Technologies) were used at a 1:50 dilution. Isotype performed according the manufacturer's instructions (R&D control Abs (mouse IgG3 and rabbit IgG purchased from BioLe- Systems). gend) were used as indicated.

Immunoblotting Statistical analysis L-CD1d cells were pretreated with the indicated ascites for 4 Data analysis was conducted by Prism software (version 5.02 hours. The cells were washed in PBS and lysed. Equal amounts of for Windows; GraphPad). Parametric statistics were used to protein were then resolved on a 10% SDS-PAGE gel and trans- analyze differences between experimental groups when needed.

A DN32.D3 400 N37-1A12 N38-3C3 N38-2C12

200 IL2 (pg/mL)

0 3 D1 2 40 C- LC OC- OC-36 O Lvector

Ascites samples

B DN32.D3 C 6,000 200 DN32.D3

* 150 ns 4,000 * ** 100 2,000 IL2 (pg/mL) IL4 (pg/mL) 50

N.D. N.D. 0 0

Lvector McCoy Lvector McCoy + Medium SK-OV-3 + Medium SK-OV-3 OV-CAR-3 B OV-CAR-3 B

Figure 1. Tumor ascites and conditioned medium from ovarian cancer cell lines inhibit NKT-cell activation. A, LCD1d cells were treated with control medium or with ovarian cancer ascites fluid from patients for 4 hours, then washed extensively, and cocultured with a panel of NKT cell hybridomas (DN32.D3, N37-1A12, N38-3C3, and N38- 2C12). After 20 to 24 hours, IL2 was measured as an indication of NKT-cell activation using standard cytokine ELISA. B and C, LCD1d cells were treated with supernatants from confluent ovarian cancer cell lines OVCAR-3 and SK-OV-3 for 4 hours at 37C and washed extensively following treatment. Control þ LCD1d cells were concurrently treated with RPMI (B medium) and McCoy media. Lvector cells serve as negative control. N.D., not detectable. Following treatment, LCD1d cells were cocultured with NKT-cell hybridomas, DN32.D3, and incubated for 24 hours at 37C. Standard ELISA was performed to measure cytokine production of IL2 (B)andIL4(C). Data are shown as mean SEM of one experiment set up in triplicate. The experiments were performed at least twice with each ascites sample and three times with conditioned medium. t tests were performed to compare medium versus conditioned medium groups, yielding a P value of (B) ¼0.0071, ¼0.0422 (C) ¼0.0187. Clin Cancer Res; 22(16) August 15, 2016 4251

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Where multiple groups existed within a single experiment, cell lines OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV-3 cultured to confluence. Treat- multiple between-group comparisons were made by ANOVA ment with conditioned medium treatment inhibited NKT-cell with the Bonferroni post-test, with the following designations activation, as evidenced by decreased IL2 (Fig. 1B) and IL4 for P values: , P < 0.05; , P < 0.01; and , P < 0.001. P < 0.05 (Fig. 1C) production. These data demonstrate established ovarian was considered significant. The error bars in the bar graphs cancer cell lines secrete soluble factors that block CD1d-mediated indicate SEM. antigen presentation to NKT cells.

Results Lymphocytes are present within the tumor microenvironment Conditioned medium from ovarian cancer cell lines inhibits We next assessed whether there were T cells within the tumor NKT-cell activation microenvironment that could be influenced by the immunosup- We previously reported that ovarian cancer tumor cells in pressive factors produced by ovarian cancers. Ovarian cancer ascites fluid shed soluble factors that inhibit CD1d-mediated samples obtained from the tissue bank were examined for CD3 activation of NKT cells (18, 20). In this study, we confirmed those and CD8 expression. As shown in Fig. 2A, large numbers of findings (Fig. 1A) and examined whether treatment with condi- lymphocytes infiltrate the tumor microenvironment. Of note, tioned medium from ovarian cancer cell lines would inhibit the there was a higher percentage of CD4 CD8 double negative ability of CD1d-expressing cells to stimulate NKT hybridomas. T lymphocytes present in NKT-cell inhibitory ascites, compared Mouse fibroblasts expressing high levels of CD1d (LCD1dwt) with noninhibitory ascites fluid (Fig. 2B). These data suggest that were incubated with cell-free supernatants from ovarian cancer lymphocytes within the tumor microenvironment may be actively

A CD3 CD8 10× 40× 10× 40×



Figure 2. OC3 Lymphocytes are present within the tumor microenvironment. A, representative images of patient tissue sections from confirmed cases of ovarian cancer were stained for CD3 and CD8. B, flow cytometry was performed to assess T-cell subpopulations within the ascites. B 90 CD1d-expressing cells were treated with 70 80 cell-free ascites for 4 hours, then washed 70 60 extensively, and cocultured with a panel of 60 50 NKT-cell hybridomas. Samples that caused 50 40 <10% inhibition of IL2 production by NKT 40

Lymphocytes 30 cells were deemed noninhibitory; the + 30 others are referred to as inhibitory. 20 20 % CD4 T cells 10 10 % CD3 0 0 Noninhibitory Inhibitory Noninhibitory Inhibitory

30 45 40 20 35 5.0 T cells

30 - 25

20 CD8 - 2.5 15

% CD8 T cells 10

5 % CD4 0 0.0 Noninhibitory Inhibitory Noninhibitory Inhibitory

4252 Clin Cancer Res; 22(16) August 15, 2016 Clinical Cancer Research

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VEGF Inhibits CD1d-Mediated NKT-Cell Activation

suppressed by factors produced by ovarian cancers. To define the VEGF inhibition in ovarian cancer cells restores NKT responses factors responsible for inhibiting CD1d-mediated NKT-cell acti- To confirm a role for VEGF in suppressing NKT-cell function, we vation, ovarian cancer–associated ascites was passed through size introduced a neutralizing anti-VEGF antibody, bevacizumab/ exclusion columns and treated with proteinase K (Supplementary Avastin (Fig. 3D). Immunoblockade of VEGF dose dependently Fig. S1A–S1C). Filtration of the ascites did not alter its inhibitory restored NKT-cell function, indicating that VEGF is directly properties; however, treatment with proteinase K resulted in a loss responsible for NKT-cell suppression (Fig. 3E). To further estab- of suppressive activity. These data suggest that in addition to the lish a role for ovarian cancer–associated VEGF in suppressing previously identified factor, ganglioside G3, one or more other NKT-cell function, we used a flavonoid known to inhibit VEGF in soluble factor(s), likely a protein, produced by ovarian cancers ovarian cancer cells lines, genistein (Fig. 4A; ref. 38). Genistein is a modulates CD1d-mediated presentation to NKT cells. tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI; Fig. 4B); and similar to Avastin, treatment of ovarian cancer cell lines with genistein restored High VEGF levels in patient ascites and ovarian cancer cell CD1d-mediated antigen presentation to NKT cells (Fig. 4C). conditioned medium Previous studies showed that the ganglioside GD3 in ovarian Given the critical role of growth factors in the biology of cancer ascites was responsible, at least in part, in inhibiting CD1d- epithelial ovarian cancer, we measured VEGF levels in ascites mediated NKT-cell activation (20). Accordingly, we examined fluid and conditioned medium. In Fig. 3A, donors OC1, OC4, ovarian cancer cell lines OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV-3 for GD3 expres- OC5, and OC9 had primary disease. Patient OC6 had recurrent sion. As shown in the top panels of Fig. 5A, flow cytometric disease, and another donor was diagnosed as low malignant analysis indicated that GD3 is present in these cells. We then asked potential (NMA). VEGF was present in the ascites of patients with whether VEGF and ganglioside synthesis pathways might be ovarian cancer (Fig. 3A) and conditioned medium from ovarian linked, working in tandem to suppress immune responses. To cancer cell lines (Fig. 3B). HEC-1-A, an endometrial cancer cell establish cross-talk between VEGF and GD3, we asked whether line was included, as it has been reported to secrete VEGF (37). VEGF inhibition alters GD3 expression in ovarian cancer cell lines. Moreover, treatment of CD1d-expressing cells with comparable We found that GD3 expression was reduced after 72 hours of levels of recombinant VEGF resulted in a dose-dependent genistein treatment (Fig. 5A), and treatment with GD3 inhibited decrease in NKT-cell activation (Fig. 3C). CD1d-mediated NKT-cell activation (Fig. 5B). To establish that

ABC 3,000 1,500 100 DN32.D3 N38-3C3 2,000 1,000 * ** * 50 *** 1,000 500 VEGF (pg/mL) VEGF (pg/mL) N.D.N.D. N.D. 0 0 Percent control (IL2) 0 0 100 200 1,000 Lvector 5 6 9 A – + 3 C1 C4 M O O OC OC OC N Purified VEGF (pg/mL) -CAR- K-OV-3 S HEC-1A OV

DE 300 250 *

200 DN32.D3 ** N38-3C3 * 200 150 * ** * 100 100

VEGF (pg/mL) 50

N.D. N.D. N.D. Percent control (IL2) 0 0 0 1 10 100 0 1 10 100 Avastin (mg/mL) Avastin (mg/mL)

Figure 3. VEGF inhibits NKT-cell function. A, VEGF levels in ovarian cancer patient ascites and OV-CAR-3, SK-OV-3, and endometrial cancer cell lines HEC-1 were measured by ELISA (B). A, nonmalignant ascites (NMA) represents VEGF levels in non-cancer–associated ascites. The negative control is the assay diluent used in the ELISA assay, and the positive control was recombinant VEGF (1,000 pg/mL). ND, not detectable. C, LCD1d cells were treated with the indicated concentrations of recombinant VEGF for 4 hours, then washed extensively, and cocultured with NKT-cell hybridomas, DN32.D3, and N38-3C3. D, OV-CAR-3 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of bevacizumab/Avastin, and VEGF levels in the cell culture supernatant were assessed after 24 hours by ELISA. E, OV-CAR-3 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of bevacizumab/Avastin for 3 days, following a 1-day recovery period in fresh culture medium. Pretreatment of CD1d-expressing cells with conditioned medium was performed as described above. ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test confirmed significance. , P < 0.05; , P < 0.01; and , P < 0.001 for treatment groups compared with control. N.D., not determined. Clin Cancer Res; 22(16) August 15, 2016 4253

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Tiper et al.

Isotype A B Secondary Figure 4. Vehicle 500 Genistein Inhibiting VEGF blocks GD3 in ovarian cancer cells. A, OV-CAR-3 cells were 400 71 164 ** treated with genistein, and VEGF levels 300 54 123 in cell culture supernatants were *** measured 24 hours posttreatment. B, 200 *** 36 82 as a control for genistein, ERK and 100 VEGF (pg/mL) 18 41 phosphorylated ERK (pERK) were 0 assessed by flow cytometry in 0 0 2 3 4 5 0 0.1 1 10 2 3 4 5 m

Count –10 10 10 10 OV-CAR-3 cells treated with 10 mol/L

Count –10 10 10 10 Genistein (mmol/L) genistein for 24 hours. C, OV-CAR-3 ERK pERK cells were treated with increasing concentrations of genistein or vehicle C (DMSO) for 3 days, followed by a 1-day recovery period. Conditioned medium 100 DN32.D3 from the vehicle and genistein-treated N38-3C3 *** cells were used to treat LCD1d cells for 4 hours. Following treatment, LCD1d 50 cells were cocultured with NKT-cell * *** hybridomas DN32.D3 and N38-3C3. IL2 ** * production was measured by standard ELISA. ANOVA compared treatment Percent control (IL2) 0 groups with the vehicle-treated group 0 0.1 1 10 Medium and Bonferroni post-test confirmed m Genistein ( mol/L) significance.

genistein-mediated GD3 inhibition is responsible for restoring ways to evade immune detection. We asked whether ovarian NKT-cell responses, we overexpressed the plasma membrane– cancers could serve as APCs in the absence of these soluble associated sialidase NEU3 in ovarian cancer cells. NEU3 has been factors. Ovarian cancer cell lines, OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV-3, were shown to decrease GD3 (39). Following infection with adenovi- fixed with paraformaldehyde and cocultured with NKT cells rus encoding for human NEU3 (AdNEU3), we harvested cell (Fig.6C).Importantly,wefoundthatfixation of ovarian cancer culture supernatants and utilized the conditioned medium. cell lines resulted in a >twofold increase in their ability to Supernatants from NEU3-overexpressing cells inhibited NKT-cell activate NKT cells. function to a lesser extent than did controls (Fig. 5C). Other In summary, we have identified a novel immunomodulatory groups have shown an activating role for GD3 (40, 41). We link between VEGF and ganglioside biosynthesis pathways in hypothesized that the source of GD3 may influence its functional ovarian cancer. In our proposed model (Fig. 6D), we postulate impact. We treated CD1d-expressing cell lines and aAPCs with that the activation of VEGF receptor signaling activates MAPK GD3 from different sources. It was found that GD3 from bovine signaling, which in turn induces GM3 synthase. GM3 synthase brain (source of our original stock) was inhibitory, compared with produces the direct precursor to GD3, thereby leading to the GD3 isolated from buttermilk (Supplementary Fig. S2A and S2B). synthesis of immunosuppressive GD3. Blockade of VEGF signal- In addition, we examined whether there may be a reciprocal ing therefore depletes the precursor pool and results in a decrease regulation between VEGF and GD3 by comparing VEGF levels in GD3 shedding. in conditioned medium from ovarian cancer cells infected with control adenovirus and AdNEU3. However, VEGF levels were similar in the presence and absence of NEU3 ectopic expression Discussion (Fig. 5D). Taken together, these data suggest that VEGF can Here,wereportthattreatmentof CD1d-expressing cells with modulate GD3 expression and confirm that ovarian cancer– conditioned medium from human ovarian cancer cell lines associated GD3 is responsible for suppressing CD1d-mediated abrogated their ability to activate both canonical and nonca- NKT-cell activation. nonical NKT cells. Mechanistically, we found that inhibiting VEGF resulted in a decrease in ganglioside GD3 expression and Ovarian cancer cells can act as APCs to NKT cells restoration of NKT cell responses. In addition, we addressed the We have found that conditioned medium from ovarian link between VEGF and lipid signaling and demonstrated that cancer cell lines and ascites fluid (Fig. 6A) inhibits CD1d- tumors may utilize multiple signaling pathways to achieve mediated NKT-cell activation. In addition to studying active escape from immune surveillance. We have identified a novel competition for glycolipid antigen bound to CD1d (20), we mechanism by which angiogenic signaling pathways contribute investigated whether treatment with ascites fluid directly mod- to immunosuppression through alteration of the lipid reper- ulated MAPK signaling cascades. As shown in Fig. 6A, pretreat- toire, with VEGF serving as one of the modulators of the lipid ment with ascites from patients OC85-87 inhibited CD1d- rheostat. mediated NKT-cell activation; however, we observed ascites- The level of VEGF in ovarian cancer serum and ascites fluid can be specific differences in MAPK activation (Fig. 6B). Treatment directly related to disease burden and is inversely related to survival with OC-85 resulted in an increase in p38, OC-86 had a (42–44); thus, targeting VEGF has become important to the treat- decrease in ERK, and OC87 had a decrease in phosphorylated ment of ovarian cancer. Preclinical studies with anti-VEGF anti- JNK. Ovarian cancers express CD1d and utilize different path- bodies have shown that inhibiting VEGF blocks angiogenesis and

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VEGF Inhibits CD1d-Mediated NKT-Cell Activation

Isotype Secondary ABGD3 OV-CAR-3 SK-OV-3

64 106

48 80 20,000 DN32.D3 32 53 N38-3C3

16 15,000 27 N37-1A12

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 –10 10 10 10 10 –10 10 10 10 10 Count 10,000

Isotype GD3 Secondary Vehicle OV-CAR-3 SK-OV-3 Genistein 5,000

107 298 IL2 Production (pg/mL) 223 80 0

149 54 01510 µ 74 27 GD3 ( g/mL)

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 –10 10 10 10 10 –10 10 10 10 10 Count GD3

C D DN32.D3 60 OV-CAR-3 ns *** 150 * N38-3C3 N37-1A12 40 100

50 20 VEGF (pg/mL) Percent control (IL2) 0 0 Control Ad-NEU3


Figure 5. Ovarian cancer–associated GD3 inhibits NKT-cell responses. A, GD3 expression in ovarian cancer cell lines was assessed using flow cytometry. OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV- 3 cells were treated with vehicle or 10 mmol/L genistein for 72 hours. Cells were fixed, permeabilized, and stained either with primary anti-GD3 antibody alone or with primary and PE-conjugated secondary antibodies. B, CD1d-expressing cells were treated with GD3 at the indicated concentrations for 4 hours, washed, and cocultured with NKT-cell hybridomas, DN32.D3, N37-1A12, and N38-3C3. Treatment with GD3 significantly inhibited CD1d-mediated NKT-cell activation. C, adenovirus encoding for human NEU3 (AdNEU3) or GFP (AdGFP) was used to infect OV-CAR-3 cells. Following infection and a 1-day recovery period, supernatants from confluent cells were used in conditioned medium experiments. ANOVA compared treatment groups with the vehicle-treated group, with Bonferroni post-test confirming significance. , P < 0.05 and , P < 0.001 for AdNEU3 compared with AdGFP. D, following infection and a 1-day recovery period, supernatants from confluent cells were assessed for VEGF levels. ns, not significant. the formation of ascites (45). Bevacizumab has shown Ascites, a clinical hallmark of ovarian cancer, reportedly pre- great promise in the treatment of recurrent and metastatic disease dicts treatment benefit for bevacizumab in epithelial ovarian (46–49). Bevacizumab has also been used to palliate fluid accu- cancer (51). More than one-third of patients with ovarian cancer mulation in patients with ovarian cancer–associated ascites (30). In present with ascites. Several types of proinflammatory and tumor- contrast, Gourley and colleagues identified a molecular signature promoting factors have been identified in ovarian cancer ascites within a subset of 284 high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSOC) fluid. For example, proinflammatory cytokines IL6 and IL10 are from the ICON7 trial in which antiangiogenic therapy might detectable in ascites. Of the multitude of cytokines present in actually confer a worse progression-free survival (PFS) and overall ascites (52), several have been shown to inhibit T-cell function. survival (OS) when compared with chemotherapy alone (50). Alteration of T-cell function by ovarian cancer cells and ascites is Specifically, in this study, mRNA from 265 HGSOCs from Scottish known to contribute to poor prognosis (20, 23). On the basis of patients was compared with 283 UK samplesfrom the ICON7 study the well-described relationship between advanced ovarian cancer, in which patients were treated first line with paclitaxel/carboplatin ascites, VEGF, and T-cell function, we postulated that VEGF plays a concomitant and maintenance with bevacizumab for 12 months. central role in mediating this immune response. Our data support The authors reported a 63-gene signature that identified an immune the concept that inhibition of VEGF not only affects angiogenesis subgroup that had superior PFS and OS when compared with the but also has an unexpected effect on the shedding of GD3. two proangiogenic subgroups combined, but which showed a Notably, ovarian cancer is heterogeneous, and the genomic decrease in survival when treated with bevacizumab. These studies landscape of epithelial ovarian cancer varies depending on the are informative and require further investigation. tumor stage, grade, and sensitivity to chemotherapy. Because of Clin Cancer Res; 22(16) August 15, 2016 4255

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Tiper et al.

ABFigure 6. Ovarian cancer cells can present antigen 15,000 DN32.D3 to NKT cells. A, LCD1dwt cells were N38-3C3 p-p38 treated with control medium or with N37-1A12 ovarian cancer ascites fluid from patients 10,000 Total-p38 for 4 hours, then washed extensively, and cocultured with a panel of NKT cell p-JNK hybridomas (DN32.D3, N38-3C3, and 5,000 N37-1A12). After 20 to 24 hours, IL2 was p-ERK measured as an indication of NKT-cell activation using standard cytokine ELISA. B, ascites pretreatment induces MAPK IL2 Production (pg/mL) 0 Total-ERK r 5 6 7 signaling. LCD1d1wt cells were incubated 8 8 8 to C C with ascites for 4 hours; the cells were Media vec OC O O L LCD1d lysed and then equal amounts of protein VEGF Receptor were loaded per well for the detection of PIP2 phosphorylated and total p38, phosphorylated JNK, and ERK1/2 CDexpression by Western blot analysis. C, fixation of OV-CAR-3 and SK-OV-3 cells 2,000 PLC restored their antigen presentation 1,500 DN32.D3 capabilities. The ovarian cancer cells were 1,000 DAG fixed in 0.05% paraformaldehyde, pulsed 500 with a-GC, and cocultured with NKT cells. 130 Supernatants were harvested after 16 120 Ras hours. D, proposed model of cross-talk 110 between the VEGF, MAPK, and GD3 PKC 100 signaling pathways. We postulate that activation of VEGF receptor signaling 40 30 leads to activation of MAPK signaling, 20 through cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 10 N.D .N.D. MAPK IL2 Production (pg/mL) 0 Pathway 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to diacylglycerol (DAG) by phospholipase C (PLC) and d subsequent activation of protein kinase C fixed Medium Lvector LCD1d n U (PKC). MAPK signaling can induce GM3 OV-3 Fixe ERK synthase, which will lead to the production SK- OV-CAR-3 Fixed of GD3. Fixation of the ovarian cancer cells OV-CAR-3 Unfixed SK-OV-3 will prevent the induction of these CREB GM3 Synthase signaling cascades, thereby removing these immunosuppressive factors from the microenvironment and allowing the presentation of glycolipid antigen to NKT cells. N.D., not determined.

tumor cell heterogeneity and redundancy in angiogenic pathways, VEGF may suppress NKT-cell function both directly (via binding it is likely that combining therapies, such as targeted therapy and to VEGF receptor on NKT-cell surface) and indirectly (by altering immunotherapy, will be necessary to overcome resistance. Further tumor ganglioside shedding). Future studies will determine studies are needed, and biomarkers to help identify individuals whether VEGF functions through inhibition of NKT cells directly most likely to benefit from such therapies are essential. or through alteration of antigen presentation. These studies In other disease states, interactions have been reported between suggest that targeting of tumor VEGF production is a rational VEGF and immune function. A positive correlation between approach to restore antitumor immune responses. peripheral blood Treg concentrations and baseline VEGF has been It is well known that tumors alter between distinct different demonstrated in patients with stage IV melanoma (53). In good pathways can promote tumorigenesis. VEGF receptor engagement agreement, a recent study by Farsaci and colleagues (54) showed activates ERK and may thus be responsible for activation of GM3 that using antiangiogenic TKIs in combination with a therapeutic synthase–mediated synthesis of the direct precursor to GD3. þ vaccine increased CD3 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and Chung and colleagues demonstrated that ERK is responsible for þ tumor antigen–specific CD8 T cells. Furthermore, Gavalas and activation of GM3 synthase (56). VEGF inhibition may suppress colleagues demonstrated that ascites-derived VEGF directly sup- GM3 activity and thus deplete precursor pool, leading to a pressed T-cell activation and reduced T-cell proliferation in a dose- decrease in GD3 levels. Notably, ovarian cancer–associated GD3 dependent manner (55). Conversely, blockade of VEGF receptor may undergo modifications, such as acetylation, that cause immu- on the surface of T cells restored T-cell proliferation. Moreover, T- nosuppression. We have tested GD3 preparations from different cell–mediated cytotoxicity was suppressed by the addition of laboratories and companies and have obtained strikingly distinct VEGF. Taken together, these studies implicate a role for VEGF in results with comparable amounts of lipid. directly modulating T-cell responses in ovarian cancer. In summary, we have found that VEGF inhibition suppresses To determine whether VEGF might have comparable effects on GD3 and hypothesize that VEGF receptor–mediated activation of NKT cells, we ascertained that primary human NKT cells express ERK induces ganglioside shedding by ovarian cancer cells. How- the VEGF receptor (data not shown). This finding suggests that ever, further work elucidating the link between VEGF and GD3

4256 Clin Cancer Res; 22(16) August 15, 2016 Clinical Cancer Research

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VEGF Inhibits CD1d-Mediated NKT-Cell Activation

axis is needed. Finally, fixation of ovarian cancer cells, which Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizing abrogated their VEGF secretion, restored their ability to present data, constructing databases): S.M. Temkin, T.J. Webb antigen to NKT cells. These data demonstrate that VEGF sup- Study supervision: T.J. Webb Other (constructed the adenoviral vector): S.E. Goldblum presses NKT-cell function and that modulation of VEGF secretion via genistein and direct blockade of VEGF with bevacizumab Acknowledgments restores NKT-cell responses. The authors thank the patients who allowed their samples to be studied. The authors also thank Dr. Hans Spiegel for careful reading of the manuscript and Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest helpful critiques. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. Grant Support Authors' Contributions ThisworkwassupportedbygrantsfromtheHERAfoundationandNIH/ Conception and design: I.V. Tiper, S.M. Temkin, R.L. Giuntoli, II, M. Oelke, NCI K01 CA131487, R21 CA162273, R21 CA16227 (to T.J. Webb), 2004 T.J. Webb Gynecologic Cancer Foundation/Ann Schreiber Ovarian Cancer Research Development of methodology: I.V. Tiper, S.M. Temkin, S.E. Goldblum, Grant (to R.L. Giuntoli II), and NIH AI 44129, CA 108835, and P01 J.P. Schneck, T.J. Webb AI072677 (to J.P. Schneck). Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients, The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of advertisement provided facilities, etc.): I.V. Tiper, R.L. Giuntoli, T.J. Webb page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked in Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics, accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. computational analysis): I.V. Tiper, S.M. Temkin, S. Spiegel, T.J. Webb Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: I.V. Tiper, S.M. Temkin, Received October 24, 2015; revised March 8, 2016; accepted March 29, 2016; S. Spiegel, S.E. Goldblum, R.L. Giuntoli, II, M. Oelke, J.P. Schneck, T.J. Webb published OnlineFirst April 13, 2016.

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VEGF Potentiates GD3-Mediated Immunosuppression by Human Ovarian Cancer Cells

Irina V. Tiper, Sarah M. Temkin, Sarah Spiegel, et al.

Clin Cancer Res 2016;22:4249-4258. Published OnlineFirst April 13, 2016.

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