CMA-2-1-22-Camborne Hill
Camborne Hill / Bre Gammbronn Traditional Cornish from the singing of Oll an Gwella, Lowender Peran November 2017 6 8 Go ing up Cam borne Hill com ing down. Go ing Owth yskyn na Bre Gamm bronn war nans, Owth up Cam borne Hill com ing down. The yskyn na Bre Gamm bronn war nans, pup hor ses stood still the wheels went a margh stag yth o, pub ros eth yn round. Go ing up Cam borne Hill com ing down. tro, Owth yskyn na Bre Gamm bron war nans. White stockings, white stockings she wore Hy lodrow, hy lodrow o gwynn, White stockings, white stockings she wore Hy lodrow, hy lodrow o gwynn, White stockings she wore: Hy lodrow o gwynn The same as before; A-ugh hy dewlin, Going up Camborne Hill coming down Owth yskynna Bre Gammbronn war-nans. I knowed her old father old man Yth aswonnyn hy thas hi, den koth, I knowed her old father old man Yth aswonnyn hy thas hi, den koth, I knowed her old man: Yth aswonnyn hy thas, He played in the band; y’n band ‘hwarias, Going up Camborne Hill coming down Owth yskynna Bre Gammbronn war-nans. He heaved in the coal - the steam An glow ev a halyas y’n eth, He heaved in the coal, in the steam An glow ev a halyas y’n eth, He heaved in the coal: Y halyas an glow, The steam hit the beam Ha’n eth oll a-dro, Going up Camborne Hill coming down Owth yskynna Bre Gammbronn war-nans.
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