AUTHOR Alcohol Abuse Curriculum Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty. Health Professions Education Curriculum National Inst. On
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 251 763 CG 017 892 AUTHOR Hasselblad, Judith TITLE Alcohol Abuse Curriculum Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty. Health Professions Education Curriculum Resources Series. Nursing 3, INSTITUTION Informatics, Inc., Rockville, Md.; National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information (DHHS), Rockville, Md. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (DHHS), Rockville, Md. REPORT NO DHHS(ADM)-84-1313 PUB DATE 84 CONTRACT ADM-281-79-0001 NOTE 176p. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Guides (For Teachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Alcohol Education; *Alcoholism; Curriculum Guides; Family Problems; *Identification; Individual Needs; *Nurse Practitioners; Physical Health; Psychological Needs; *Rehabilitation; Teachers ABSTRACT The format for this curriculum guide, written for nurse practitioner faculty, consists of learningobjectives, content outline, teaching methodology suggestions, references and recommended readings. Part 1 of the guide, Recognition of Early and Chronic Alcoholism, deals with features of alcoholism such as epidemiological data and theories, definitions, attitudes, and approaches to alcoholism; special populations and their needs; and biophysical and psychosocial consequences of alcoholism. Part 2, Diagnosis of Early and Chronic Alcoholism, addresses the assessment and diagnosis of alcoholism in a primary care setting, with emphasis on the assessment interview. Part 3, Management of Early and Chronic Alcoholism, deals with strategies used in the recovery process, e.g.,
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