Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 22, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 25-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS BOE Not to Renew UCESC Hillcrest Lease By MEGHAN GILL Westfield resident, in “fulfilling her Specially Written for The Westfield Leader responsibility to decide, through the WESTFIELD — The board of edu- contested case process, disputes aris- cation last week announced it would ing under school law and regulations.” terminate the lease of Lincoln School Mr. Harnett said the UCESC had to Hillcrest Academy South, a school not received a formal notice as of operated by the Union County Educa- June 19 from the Westfield BOE at- tional Services Commission (UCESC) torney. He said this notice must be at 728 Westfield Avenue. UCESC has submitted to the DOE commissioner leased the school since 1982. in order for the UCESC to make a In an e-mail sent to residents and formal appeal of the BOE’s decision. The Westfield Leader, Board President Regarding the future of Hillcrest Anne Riegel stated, “Dr. Foley has Academy South, Mr. Hartnett said, recommended to the board that we not “Our students don’t have a school renew the lease for one more year.” now; it is very distressing to them. We “The district will be sending notice are looking at available schools to UCESC this week. As such, the through the Archdiocese of Newark, board will not need to vote on this which would be our first choice.” item at our June 21 board of educa- Sue Hopper and Lisa Stern, resi- tion meeting; an actual vote would dents who live adjacent to Hillcrest only be necessary if we were plan- South, told The Leader, “We are very ning to renew the lease,” she said.