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1 I N D E X 2 ITEM: PAGE: 3 2. Steve Accinelli - 70 Salisbury Road (Held) 5 4 3. Janet Giris - 555 Tuckahoe Road (Held) 6 5 6 4. Tom Abillama - 1969 Central 6 7 5. Janet Giris - Alexander, Babcock, Water Grant 56 8 9 6. Andrew Romano - 2 Lamatine Terrace 13 10 7. Referral from Yonkers City Council Amendment 17 11 To Chapter 43 Article XV (AHO) 12 8. David Steinmetz - 189 South 31 13 14 9. Janet Giris - 21 Scarsdale Road 60 15 10. James Wilson - 679 Warburton Avenue 76 16 17 11. Steven Accinelli - Prospect, B Vista, Hawthorne 76 (Held) 18 19 12. Stephen Grosso - 220-236 Warburton Avenue 85 20 13. Correspondence N/A 21 22 23 24 25

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1 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, this is a regular

2 meeting of the City of Yonkers Planning Board pursuant

3 to Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 202.1. The City

4 of Yonkers Planning Board is conducting the Wednesday

5 May 13, 2020, meeting, it is now 5:40 p.m., as a

6 distance/virtual meeting.

7 There will be no in-person attendance at

8 this meeting.

9 This meeting may be televised and/or on

10 virtual meeting platforms. For information on how to

11 attend the meeting, check in at

12 Please note: Any matter requiring a public

13 hearing will be heard after 7:00 p.m.., I don't

14 believe we have any of those types of items, and that

15 items may be taken out of order in order to

16 accommodate public comment or as the Board may deem

17 necessary.

18 We're going to move to Item number 1, which

19 is the minutes of the regular Planning Board meeting

20 held on April 15th. But before we get to that,

21 actually, Lee, did we pass the March 11th minutes at

22 the meeting, do you know?

23 MR. ELLMAN: I don't believe that we did, we

24 had an issue with everyone getting them.

25 MS. FORSBERG: We didn't do it.

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1 THE CHAIRMAN: Then let's hold off on that

2 and we'll do Item 1(A), which are the minutes of the

3 regular Planning Board meeting of March 11th, 2020.

4 We did get them all in our packages, any questions or

5 comments, anybody?

6 MR. ELLMAN: That meeting moved, just for

7 the record, that meeting moved, as you recall, to --

8 I'm sorry, I'm thinking of the April.

9 Go ahead, excuse me.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, just one addition, I

11 believe that Christine was present at that meeting, it

12 doesn't indicate that she was present, if we can make

13 that one correction. And with that correction, do we

14 have a motion to approve the minutes of the March 11th

15 meeting?

16 MS. LANDI: I have a motion.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Adelia makes the motion to

18 accept. Seconded by --

19 MR. JOHNSON: Second.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: -- Gene.

21 All in favor, please indicate by saying aye.

22 (A chorus of ayes.)

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay. That passes

24 unanimously.

25 And we'll move to the minutes of the

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1 April 15th meeting. Once again, you all were provided

2 this in your package. I will make that same change,

3 or correction, that Christine was actually present at

4 that meeting. With that one correction, any other

5 corrections or comments?

6 MS. LANDI: No.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: I'll entertain a motion to

8 accept. First, who's the opponent? Resolution?

9 MS. FORSBERG: Resolution.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, Mackenzie. Seconded

11 by --

12 MR. LARKIN: John Larkin.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: All in favor, please indicate

14 by saying aye.

15 (A chorus of ayes.)

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay. That passes

17 unanimously, as well.

18 All right, that takes care of Item 1 and the

19 new 1(A).

20 Item 2 has been held over. This is the site

21 plan review for the property at 70 Salisbury Road.

22 There will be no action or presentation on that item

23 this evening.

24 The same is true of Item number 3, which is

25 a site plan review for 555 Tuckahoe Road, the UPS, is

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1 being held over at the applicant's request. There

2 will be no action and no decision on that this

3 evening.

4 Moving to Item number 4, which is a site

5 plan review for a self-storage building with --

6 Actually, George, if you could unmute --

7 MR. ELLMAN: Mr. Abillama.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: -- Mr. Abillama. Are there

9 any other people presenting with Mr. Abillama?

10 MR. ABILLAMA: I'm not so sure if Mark is

11 on, but we're ready to go.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: This is Item 4, site plan

13 review for a self-storage building with ground floor

14 retail at Block 4385, Lots 1-8.1, 11, 12.15, 201 and

15 206 on the property known as 1969 Avenue

16 pursuant to Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning

17 Ordinance.

18 Tom Abillama is the representative for the

19 proposal.

20 Mr. Abillama.

21 MR. ABILLAMA: Good evening, Mr. Chairman,

22 thank you for taking this meeting.

23 This project is in regards to the self-

24 storage facility with the retail stores on the first

25 floor level. We've communicated with several

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1 department members, namely Christopher DeSantis from

2 the Fire Department, and we've communicated with Mr.

3 Lee Ellman in regards to the changes that we were

4 planning on doing. And we accomplished those, except

5 that we haven't gotten any response from either one of

6 them.

7 So, be as it may, we can wait until the next

8 meeting to see if we have any resolution at the time,

9 or if you have any questions at the moment, please let

10 us know.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Abillama.

12 Yes, that's my understanding, that we're

13 waiting for responses from Fire and Traffic, but while

14 we have you here, members of the Board, do we have

15 questions for Mr. Abillama?

16 If not, then we will then wait for those

17 responses from Fire and Traffic.

18 I'm sorry, did someone say something?

19 MR. LARKIN: Mr. Chairman, it's John Larkin.

20 Can you hear me?

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, Mr. Larkin, please.

22 MR. LARKIN: I would just like to ask about

23 the timeline, I wasn't really sure. The last time

24 when we had them there, they were saying they had

25 another six to eight, maybe ten, months of chipping.

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1 Is that the case, and when do you expect this all to

2 be actually finished totally?

3 MR. ABILLAMA: Well, as you may know, the

4 work has, we are not permitted to do any work at the

5 site.

6 MR. LARKIN: Right, I know, but this was

7 going back to when there wasn't really any stop on

8 work, construction. You had said at that point there

9 could be another possibly eight to ten months of rock

10 chipping.

11 MR. ABILLAMA: It remains the same because

12 nothing has changed. Hopefully, with the Order of the

13 Governor, we will be allowed to go back on.

14 MR. LARKIN: All right, because, you know,

15 this has been going on probably a good, what, almost

16 two years at this point, the rock chipping?


18 MR. LARKIN: I'm just thinking the poor

19 resident neighbors above you that have had to endure

20 this rock crushing. And, you know, the Planning Board

21 and Planning Bureau has gotten a recommendation,

22 that's over two years ago, asking for their

23 recommendations for the rock crushing ordinance. And

24 I guess I'm frustrated thinking this is another eight,

25 ten months these residents will have to endure this.

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1 MR. ABILLAMA: It won't be eight to ten

2 months. So, it's about probably six months from the

3 time we're going to go back to chip, maybe even less.

4 We're going to try to finish it as soon as possible.

5 MR. LARKIN: Okay. All right, I appreciate

6 the answer. Thank you.

7 MS. FORSBERG: I have a question.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, Ms. Forsberg, go ahead.

9 MS. FORSBERG: Have you submitted anything

10 to either the Department of Buildings or the Planning

11 Bureau about signage or the facade for the businesses,

12 assuming it hasn't been leased yet?

13 MR. ABILLAMA: Yes, we have submitted to the

14 Planning Department all the plans in regards to the

15 facade and the -- you said the drainage?

16 MS. FORSBERG: No, the facade or the

17 signage.

18 MR. ABILLAMA: Oh, the signage. Yes, in the

19 package they might have received.

20 MS. FORSBERG: Okay. Is it all going to

21 have signage for whoever it is in there and that's the

22 way it looks, or is the outside almost like a strip

23 without an awning or anything, or are some signs going

24 to be different from others per each commercial lease?

25 MR. ABILLAMA: Well, if you see this

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1 rendering here, I'm going to try to blow up the

2 elevation, you could see a horizontal strip where the

3 signage will end up being.


5 MR. ABILLAMA: Obviously, we have Starbucks

6 that's coming in to the left side of the building, and

7 we're working on that with them. Every sign will have

8 to be submitted independently. We have to follow

9 certain guidelines from the owner's point of view, as

10 well as the Building Department's point of view.

11 MS. FORSBERG: Okay.

12 MR. ABILLAMA: So, we're right now at this

13 stage, we have presented signage to be along this

14 horizontal.

15 MS. FORSBERG: Okay.

16 MR. ABILLAMA: And then we'll go on from

17 there.

18 MR. ELLMAN: Mackenzie, if I may.


20 MR. ELLMAN: Typically, when we get a

21 rendering from an applicant, that is essentially a

22 placeholder when it comes to signs. Signage is an

23 interesting issue, as you know. On the one hand, you

24 don't want signage necessarily to come too large or

25 garish but, for it to be effective, very often it

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1 makes good sense to allow each business its own

2 creativity. So, things like Mr. Abillama showed on

3 the rendering are, unless the Planning Board makes a

4 condition about it, it really needs to be a looked at

5 as a placeholder.

6 In all honesty, I would be happy if we end

7 up with a result that the signs meet the sign code,

8 which would be no taller than 4 feet and no more than

9 70 percent width storefront that they are showing.

10 There is also, as I recall, correct me, Mr.

11 Abillama, if I'm misstating this, there's also a front

12 plate of the sign that the Board does have some

13 authority over. Typically, the Board has taken signs

14 and placement issues, but not extensive. So, the

15 Board has not in the past said well, it really needs

16 to be black and white only. The Board has said we'd

17 like it not to be any taller than 25 feet. And based

18 on Traffic Engineering's suggestion, it ought to be

19 moved back 10 feet so it's not in the site area for

20 someone turning into or out of the shopping center.

21 MS. FORSBERG: Is there any landscaping

22 proposed with this, or is it all concrete?

23 MR. ABILLAMA: There is landscaping proposed

24 and we have -- Let me upload the site, the landscaping

25 plan.

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1 So, we're proposing to have landscaping in

2 the front along Heights Drive and all the way around,

3 and some trees where we can, where permissible, along

4 the way. So, we have that all shown.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Any questions still,

6 Mackenzie, is that satisfactory for now?


8 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Members of the Board,

9 any other questions for the applicant?

10 Staff?

11 MR. ELLMAN: No.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you.

13 Mr. Abillama, we'll see you at next month's

14 meeting.

15 MR. ABILLAMA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

16 Take care.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, I was reminded in the

18 meantime that Item number 5 actually does require a

19 public hearing, so we're going to come back to Item

20 number 5 at 7 o'clock.

21 We'll move now to Item number 6. Item

22 number 6, if we can unmute Mr. Romano

23 MR. ROMANO: I'm here. I can't do a video,

24 but I can hear you, Mr. Chairman.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Is there anyone

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1 else on your presentation other than yourself?

2 MR. ROMANO: No, sir.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. So, we're moving

4 to Item number 6, site plan review for the conversion

5 of the existing two-family with office to a

6 four-family dwelling with a parking lot at Block 2106,

7 Lot 1 on the property known as 1 Lamatine Terrace

8 pursuant to Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning

9 Ordinance.

10 Andrew Romano is representative for the

11 proposal.

12 Mr. Romano.

13 MR. ROMANO: Yes, sir. Mr. Chairman,

14 members of the Board, I represent RZA Enterprises, who

15 owns the property at the corner of Lamatine Terrace

16 and Lamatine Avenue since 2016. It's a two-family

17 house with a doctor's office and a two-car garage

18 located on the lot for approximately

19 120-feet-by-75-feet.

20 My client seeks to change the interior

21 alterations only to convert the premises into a four-

22 family dwelling. The four-family, the top floor would

23 remain as an existing one-bedroom. The second floor

24 will remain as an existing two-bedroom. The first

25 floor, where the doctor's office was, which has been a

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1 long-time abandoned, will be three bedrooms. And,

2 then, where the garage was located would be proposed

3 to put a one-bedroom in there and eliminate the

4 garage.

5 In addition to that, we would also create a

6 seven-car parking lot, as well, which is reflected on

7 the plans. It will be six regular spots and one

8 handicap spot. And you would enter the premises on,

9 let's see, I believe Lamatine Avenue, and exit in the

10 same location.

11 As I said, there's no exterior alterations,

12 we're mainly really properly utilizing the site where

13 it is. I understand there has been a lighting plan

14 and an arborist plan submitted as well to the Board.

15 We're not reducing any greenery, except that we do

16 have the parking lot going in, which is being proper

17 in code. And everything else is proper, and it would

18 be in an M zone, which would be permitted use. In

19 looking at the neighborhood, of course, they're mostly

20 small apartment houses in the area.

21 So, with that being said, sir, I will take

22 your direction.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Romano.

24 Members of the Board, questions for the

25 applicant? I know it's a little difficult because we

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1 don't have plans in front of us as we would normally

2 have in a meeting.

3 MR. ROMANO: I'm sorry.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Do you, I don't know,

5 obviously, you're not going to be able to do that in

6 your current call-in modem.

7 MR. ROMANO: Yes.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: But it would be helpful, I

9 don't think we're going to be able to, well, I'll ask,

10 members of the Board, do you have specifics questions

11 for Mr. Romano at this time?


13 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, staff, Lee, questions?

14 MR. ELLMAN: Why isn't Mr. Romano and his

15 team ready when we've told him that this material

16 needs to be available?


18 pdf-ed everything over.

19 MR. ELLMAN: I understand that. We also

20 told all the applicants that they needed to be ready

21 to present material and asked that everyone take the

22 opportunity to sign onto Webex themselves and practice

23 using the platform. This is the only way we're going

24 to be ready for meetings for the next couple of

25 months.

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1 MR. ROMANO: I apologize for that.


3 If you have the document on your laptop or on your

4 computer, you can share them with us right now, I can

5 do it before the next meeting.

6 MR. ROMANO: I'm sorry.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: No, that's perfect. Andy,

8 let's have it ready for next month's meeting but, in

9 the meantime, Lee, are we waiting for anything on

10 this?

11 MR. ELLMAN: No, I don't believe so.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: So, basically, we need to

13 have something in front of us so we can work off the

14 same plan. And, Mr. Romano, you will have that for us

15 for next month's meeting?

16 MR. ROMANO: I will have it for you next

17 week, yes, sir.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: And if you need any help with

19 that, George, you can help out with this, too?

20 MR. KUNTZ: Of course, no problem. If they

21 had it right now, we could do it.

22 THE CHAIRMAN: No, let's get it right

23 because I want to move on this evening.

24 Actually, George, while I do have you, I'm

25 getting feedback.

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1 MR. KUNTZ: Yeah, let me look, there's

2 probably some people -- Kberry, yeah, Kberry was

3 plugging the feedback, I'll get rid of it.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Yeah, it was like an echo.

5 MR. KUNTZ: Better now?


7 If there are no other questions, Mr. Romano,

8 we'll see you at next month's meeting and we'll

9 figuratively and literally be on the same page at that

10 time.

11 MR. ROMANO: Okay, thank you. Have a good

12 evening and be safe.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Take care.

14 Let's move on to Item number 7, which is a

15 referral from Yonkers City Council for a proposed

16 amendment to Chapter 43, Article XV, the Afforable

17 Housing, of the Yonkers Zoning Ordinance.

18 Lee, I know you presented this to us last

19 time. You got us the analysis in our packets, and we

20 do have a resolution, I believe ready, but if you

21 could just sort of briefly go over some of the points

22 again.

23 MR. ELLMAN: So, the City, after the long

24 desegregation suit with the Federal Government put in

25 place and an Affordable Housing Ordinance that was at

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1 that time essentially mandated, that Ordinance

2 required, probably most importantly, that the City

3 produce 20 percent affordable housing for any multi-

4 family residential development, whether that

5 development was single, I'm sorry, whether that

6 development was a rental or for sale.

7 So, if one was building co-ops or condos,

8 which I might add have not really, we have not seen

9 new condos or cooperative buildings built in the

10 Westchester market probably for at least the last

11 10 years, those would require affordable sale units as

12 would residential units.

13 The proposal from the City Council is to

14 increase the number of affordable units in the large

15 inclusionary developments; in other words, those

16 developments over 99 units, from the current 10

17 percent to 20 percent, and among other changes to

18 change the distribution of affordability changing of

19 the units, change the distributions within -- I always

20 wanted to work with music.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: I'm taking that person's cell

22 phone and it's going to stay here with me until the

23 end of this meeting.

24 MS. FORSBERG: Until the end of class.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: That's it.

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1 MR. ELLMAN: I will tell Mr. Cianciulli on

2 my regular phone that I will send him the required

3 five cent royalty for using his line.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: I'm sorry, go ahead.

5 MR. ELLMAN: So, there are changes within

6 the distribution of the affordable units, as well.

7 The concern that I expressed to the Board that I think

8 is the most significant is that the Board has had what

9 I think is a very good very smooth experience with the

10 Affordable Housing Ordinance at the 10 percent level.

11 The Board has, over the housing boom of essentially

12 the last five or eight years, reviewed thousands of

13 units. There may have been discussions about parking

14 and sign issues, but I don't recall any discussions

15 whatsoever about any problems with providing

16 affordable housing at 10 percent.

17 I can also tell you that when we have the

18 staff meetings, when the developers are coming in and

19 looking to understand our process and our ordinances,

20 that has, likewise, never a problem before. The

21 results are that we have created several hundred units

22 of affordable housing either that have been built as a

23 part of reduction of buildings that have been approved

24 and built or are on the board's, for example, Extell

25 is up for a re-review. That 1300-unit development was

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1 approved with the AHO provisions in place and will net

2 130 units under the ordinance.

3 So, my report and recommendation to the

4 Board was that we have a tool that we know works very

5 smoothly, that has been productive for the City, and

6 that is far more similar to other Affordable Housing

7 Ordinances in our market than our other programs this

8 year.

9 We have the difficulty always being next to

10 New York City, and what is a good idea for that is

11 very very difficult for a smaller city to -- New York

12 City housing market is the high end of the market, is

13 so many multiples higher than what is netted in

14 Yonkers, and there is the ability to seek more units.

15 And there are also other incentive programs that make

16 the higher percentage of affordable housing far more

17 doable than New York City.

18 That said, there are parts due to the

19 proposed amendment that I think are well thought out.

20 For example, there is the potential allowed for

21 developers to produce some of their affordable

22 housing, or in the alternative to place a portion of

23 funds into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund that

24 would be used by the City to sponsor affordable

25 housing in other locations.

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1 The way the ordinance is currently written,

2 there is a stated dollar amount for each size

3 apartment. I don't have the original ordinance in

4 front of me but, for example, I believe it was $90,000

5 set aside for a studio apartment. The problem with

6 that, of course, is that this ordinance was approved,

7 was put into law, 10 years ago, so that $90,000 buys a

8 lot less.

9 The proposed ordinance instead recommends

10 that if the developer wants to buy out units by

11 putting it in a trust fund, that they divide the

12 total number of units in the building by net cost and

13 put that fund in, or put that amount in.

14 What I like about that is it reflects better

15 than the cost of the development, it doesn't leave the

16 City guessing at what the right number is. It also

17 means the ordinance, at least that section, becomes

18 (Indaudible) a percentage will always be the

19 percentage of cost and the City doesn't have to go

20 back every year, could go back every year and hasn't,

21 and change it up.

22 So, the recommendation that the resolution

23 was suggesting along basically saying -- and also ask

24 the Council that if before they make any changes, that

25 they also bring in experts in the fields, not just

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1 developers who may be looking to work in the area, the

2 Yonkers area, who are currently in the markets. And,

3 also, should be brought in if they're valuable of the

4 pool, but there are also academic other industry

5 experts; development, economists, housing experts,

6 that would be useful to the City Council to consult

7 before making a decision about going from the current

8 10 per cent to the proposed 20 per cent.

9 MR. LARKIN: Mr. Chairman.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, please go ahead.

11 MR. LARKIN: Lee, I remember that the last

12 Affordable Housing Ordinance was adjusted and passed

13 when I was on the Council. And there was an awful lot

14 of discussion. And you're right about the feeling at

15 that time on that Council with that they didn't want

16 to go further than the 10 per cent because that was

17 basically what was being done in other areas, upstate,

18 Westchester County, and so forth.

19 Comparing us to New York City is totally two

20 different animals. But I agree with you on a lot of

21 other points that you said, and I think it's a good

22 thing to look at, but I think part of the concern back

23 then was to get to the point where it was going to

24 cause a reduction in development because for a long

25 period of time, the Housing Ordinance wasn't really in

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1 effect until the Council passed it. I can't even

2 remember, when the date was on that.

3 MR. ELLMAN: We had, I think it was about a

4 year or 18-month period between the sun setting of the

5 current ordered AHO and the creation of Council's AHO

6 that you're talking about, what the development

7 community called --

8 MR. LARKIN: Right. And I know we had a lot

9 of discussion, and I know you brought up the fact

10 bringing in different people with expertise, which I

11 think is probably a good idea. And, also, to ensure

12 that we're not competing at a disadvantage with other

13 areas in Westchester County, you know, that we're,

14 somehow we should be basically somewhat similar to

15 White Plains, New Rochelle, and so forth so that we're

16 not at a different level of competition with them.

17 Just my thoughts.

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, John. Lee,

19 actually, I thought your presentation on the proposed

20 resolution was spot on, and they addressed some of the

21 items that needed to be tweaked and made better, but I

22 don't believe that it was required to have a wholesale

23 change, so I think you did a great job on it.

24 Any other questions for Lee?

25 If not, then I'll entertain a resolution or,

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1 a recommendation, on this matter.

2 MR. ELLMAN: Mackenzie has the material in

3 her hand.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Mackenzie, please go ahead.

5 MS. FORSBERG: I just said that I agree, I'm

6 happy to read the resolution, as I think it's perfect.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: There you go.

8 MS. FORSBERG: Mr. Chairman, we have a

9 resolution to forward comments upon a referral from

10 the Yonkers City Council on a proposed amendment to

11 Chapter 43, Article XV, Affordable Housing Ordinance.

12 The Planning Board is tasked to advise the

13 City Council about the advisability and the impact of

14 proposed text amendments to the Yonkers Zoning

15 Ordinance. The City Council forwarded a proposed

16 amendment to Article XV, Affordable Housing, commonly

17 known as the Affordable Housing Ordinance, or AHO, on

18 March 4, 2020, and the matter was first taken up at

19 the Planning Board meeting of April 15, 2020.

20 The Planning Board has reviewed a large

21 number of projects totaling thousands of units under

22 the regulations contained in the current AHO, and the

23 earlier Court-imposed AHO, and has found that the

24 current regulations are easy to implement. The

25 requirements are clear as to the developer's

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1 responsibilities, and to the duties of the Planning

2 Board. The terminology is well defined, or is of

3 common usage, and the Board cannot recall any

4 rancorous discussions taking place during site plan

5 review stemming from the issues about the provision of

6 affordable housing. The result is that there are

7 hundreds of affordable housing units either online or

8 waiting for development as a part of the approved, but

9 not yet built, projects.

10 Additionally, the current AHO does not

11 impact upon the development of 100 percent affordable

12 projects should that be the interest and specialty of

13 the developer, as was the case with the Court-ordered

14 affordable housing ordinance. As a result, while

15 market rate developments are being built with an

16 affordable component, there are also hundreds of fully

17 affordable units being planned and developed around

18 the City.

19 The Board reviewed Affordable Housing

20 Ordinances from other communities in Westchester

21 County, notably the ordinances from White Plains and

22 New Rochelle, and found that those ordinances were

23 more similar in percentages of affordable housing

24 required than the proposed amendment to our ordinance.

25 The other Westchester ordinances range from 8 to 12

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1 percent required affordable housing in new

2 developments. It seems to the Planning Board that

3 this reflects what the market in Westchester can

4 reasonably produce.

5 The Board understands that New York City has

6 affordable housing programs that require a larger

7 percentage of affordable units, but the Board also

8 notes that NYC is a very different housing market and

9 that the programs and incentives offered there are

10 different and unlikely to be attainable in Yonkers.

11 Another difference between the NYC market and the

12 Yonkers markets that developers have told the Board

13 about during past discussions is that while the cost

14 of development in Yonkers is almost as high as that in

15 NYC, the rental income is nowhere near the same.

16 Developments in NYC can afford to cross subsidize a

17 larger number of units than can an identical project

18 in Yonkers because the top-end apartments rent for far

19 more than a similar unit would in Yonkers.

20 The Board understands the need for

21 affordable housing and the Council's desire to assist

22 in its provision; however, the Planning Board believes

23 that the tools that we have today are working well and

24 are producing affordable housing as a part of the

25 market-rate housing market. The Board is afraid of a

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1 return to the time when the flawed Court-imposed AHO

2 was in place and no housing of any sort was being

3 built in Yonkers.

4 Based upon the Board's review of the

5 proposed text amendment to the Affordable Housing

6 Ordinance, Article XV, Chapter 43, Zoning, of the

7 Yonkers City Code and the Board's 10 years of

8 experience with the current ordinance, the Yonkers

9 Planning Board makes the following recommendations to

10 the Yonkers City Council:

11 1. Absent additional information, there is

12 no certainty that an increase in the percentage of

13 affordable housing units produced as part of a market

14 rate development would actually increase the overall

15 production of affordable housing in Yonkers. Fewer

16 developments of market-rate housing would result in

17 fewer affordable units.

18 2. The City Council should engage experts

19 in the affordable housing field, housing and

20 development economists, to advise it about any

21 potential impacts resulting from changing the current

22 ordinance. The Council should understand if a change

23 in the AHO will increase or decrease development of

24 all types of housing units. Further, the Council

25 should review with these experts what the proper range

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1 of affordability of the units should be in order to

2 get the best production while understanding that all

3 affordable developments may be better suited to

4 provide a lower range of AMI apartments.

5 3. The City Council should bring developers

6 of multi-family housing to the discussion to gain

7 their perspective of the impact of any change to the

8 AHO, being careful to have a broad range of

9 developers,not just affordable housing specialist, to

10 get the best picture of the impacts of the ordinance

11 upon the housing market of the City.

12 4. The Council should ascertain, to the

13 extent that it can, if the proposed changes in the AHO

14 will cause developers to seek ever greater tax and

15 other financial incentives making the cost of

16 affordable housing units even higher than they are

17 today.

18 5. The Planning Board agrees with the

19 change in Section 43-194(F) that would change the way

20 the fee to the Affordable Housing Trust fund is

21 calculated. By using a percentage of the total cost

22 of the development instead of a set dollar figure per

23 unit, the fee can float with changes in the cost of

24 development without lagging over time or requiring

25 annual changes by the City Council.

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1 6. The Planning Board recommends that the

2 existing Section 43-195 Inclusionary Development

3 Benefits, be considered for removal. First, it

4 potentially impacts adjacent residents who have no

5 idea of how large a building would be built near them

6 based upon zoning because the bonus goes beyond

7 zoning. Second, the parking reduction benefit does

8 not necessarily track with the affordable units and

9 could cause undesirable parking impacts in

10 neighborhoods around affordable housing developments.

11 7. The Planning Board recommends that

12 Section 43-196 Development Locations, be kept as a pat

13 of the ordinance. The City spent 20 years and

14 millions of dollars in the housing desegregation case.

15 It is important to be aware of the potential to again

16 over concentrate affordable and low income housing.

17 Section 43-196 only requires that the issue of over

18 concentration continue to be a part of consideration

19 made during the review of housing developments.

20 The Planning Board recommends that the

21 current ordinance works well, has produced significant

22 amounts of affordable housing, has done so with little

23 problems, is a zoning tool that works well in our

24 housing market that is very different than the New

25 York City market and should be kept in place barring

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1 very strong evidence to the contrary.

2 Mr. Chairman.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much,

4 Mackenzie.

5 Do I have a second on that? You need a

6 voice, second, because I can't see.

7 MR. LARKIN: Second, Mr. Chairman.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Seconded by Mr. Larkin.

9 All in favor, please say aye. I'm sorry,

10 what was, who was that?

11 MR. NATCHEV: Mr. Chairman, Alain Natchev.

12 Roll call on the vote, please.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, roll call on this

14 particular vote.

15 Adelia, yea or nay.

16 MS. LANDI: Yea.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, yea. Gene.

18 MR. JOHNSON: Yea.

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Yea. John.

20 MR. LARKIN: Yes, yea.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Mackenzie.


23 THE CHAIRMAN: And the Chairman is a yea.

24 Did I miss anyone?

25 That's five yeas, no nays. The item passes

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1 unanimously.

2 Thank you very much.

3 Item number 8 is David Steinmetz. Who do we

4 have on this presentation? If we could unmute them,

5 please.

6 MS. ROBERTS: Hello, can you hear me?

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Who is speaking?

8 MS. ROBERTS: Kate Roberts from Zarin and

9 Steinmets.

10 MR. KUNTZ: I'm not getting your first name.

11 MS. ROBERTS: Kate, K-A-T-E.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: She's listed as Kroberts on

13 our participant list.

14 MR. KUNTZ: Okay.

15 MS. ROBERTS: And I just want to make sure

16 everyone can see the screen that I have up.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes. Let me introduce the

18 item now.

19 This is Item number 8, site plan review

20 for a proposed 54-room hotel at Block 187, Lot 1.5 on

21 the property known as 189 South Broadway pursuant to

22 Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning Ordinance.

23 David Steinmetz is the representative for

24 the proposal.

25 Ms. Roberts, please.

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1 MS. ROBERTS: Good evening, Mr. Chairman and

2 members of the Board. I hope everyone is doing well.

3 I am here with the law firm of Zarin and

4 Steinmetz, and with me tonight are representatives of

5 Broadway Hospitality on the part of 189 South

6 Broadway, as well as members of Lawless and Mangione,

7 the architects for the project, and Kevin

8 Masciovecchio from JMC, the project Traffic Engineer.

9 Our client previously appeared before your

10 Board for a similar hotel project beginning in March

11 of 2018. Since appearing with the previous

12 application for this project, the owner has hired our

13 firm to help coordinate the application, as well as

14 JMC as its Traffic Engineer to resolve the Board's

15 previous concerns with on-site parking and traffic

16 operations.

17 Can you see the screen share that I have?

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, we see the project.

19 MS. ROBERTS: Okay, great.

20 So, we are here before your Board tonight

21 seeking site plan approval for a 54-room hotel project

22 in the South Broadway District. Additionally, we are

23 seeking a waiver from Section 43-134(A)(12) of the

24 City Zoning Code in order for the project to utilize

25 the proposed valet parking service, which myself and

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1 JMC will further discuss in detail.

2 The project will revitalize and make use of

3 the existing building that's located on the property.

4 It is currently a vacant building that was previously

5 used as an auto repair facility. The hotel will be

6 Wyndham Hotel franchise for another similar national

7 brand.

8 Approximately 10 employees will be hired, a

9 mix of full-time and part-time employees. Of those

10 employees, there would be a 24-hour front desk worker,

11 as well as one to two additional employees working the

12 night shift for security purposes as well as to

13 facilitate the operation of the valet service. The

14 security on site would patrol the entire property and

15 ensure adequate safety and maintenance.

16 As you saw, I hope, in our submission to the

17 Board, a zoning compliance table was included. The

18 project is completely zoning compliant with no need

19 for any variances. We conform to all setbacks, lot

20 coverage, and dimensional requirements.

21 So, in March 2018, the applicant had

22 proposed an identical 54-room hotel with on-site

23 parking that was split between a below-grade garage

24 and a surface lot behind the proposed hotel building.

25 The Board previously had two essential

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1 concerns. I looked at the denial resolution that was

2 issued by the Planning Board last time around, and the

3 first concern I really saw was an issue for paying for

4 the hotel's use. There were concerns from the

5 community about whether South Broadway and this

6 central quarter were a good idea for a hotel use.

7 The City then, the City Council, put a

8 moratorium on all hotel applications and hired BFJ as

9 their planner to study whether the neighbors'

10 conflicts were valid and whether South Broadway was,

11 in fact, an appropriate district for hotels.

12 We met with BFJ a few times through that

13 process and we provided a market analysis to them that

14 was included in our digital submission that

15 demonstrated that there is a demand for hotels in this

16 area. BFJ then issued a report to the City Council

17 which concurred and concluded that hotels are

18 appropriate in the South Broadway District so long as

19 they are regulated appropriately. And what BFJ had

20 proposed was certain licensing requirements for all

21 hotels in Yonkers.

22 We understand that the other South Broadway

23 hotel project that was before your Board during that

24 moratorium process was recently approved and our

25 understanding was that no licensing requirements have

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1 yet been adopted by the Council, but the applicant is

2 more than willing to comply with any City-imposed

3 licensing requirements as a condition of site plan

4 approval for their project.

5 The next concern that I saw from your

6 resolution was a concern with the parking, and

7 specifically access to on-site parking. So, what we

8 have proposed here is a 24-valet service. It would

9 utilize the six spaces located directly off of Herriot

10 Street in front of the lobby to function as a mix

11 between a valet and a loading zone.

12 We have a few additional things that we

13 think would make it more guest and user friendly

14 including potentially placing a sign in the parking

15 lot to tell guests when they pull in where they're

16 going, where they should park, and what should go on

17 once they park their car. So, they should go into the

18 lobby, check in, and then a valet driver will move

19 their car to whichever lot has room and accommodation.

20 We also have thought of a few other things

21 such as the website showing that free valet parking

22 services will be provided on the site and giving a

23 little bit of guidance as to what will happen when the

24 user comes to the hotel.

25 I also want to say that the owner has

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1 experience operating hotels with valet service only.

2 And they ran that by Wyndham and some of the other

3 clients that they deal with in their other projects,

4 and all of the staff are comfortable with the concept

5 and think that a valet operation would function

6 without a problem.

7 The owner is looking into whether the valet

8 would be run by a private company or whether they

9 would operate the valet service themselves internally.

10 They're looking at what would be the most cost

11 effective, but also which would be the safest option

12 for guests.

13 I'm now going to turn it over to Kevin, who

14 is just going to highlight the parking areas and

15 discuss how the shared parking spaces are going to

16 work.

17 MR. MASCIOVECCHIO: Good evening. Can

18 everyone hear me tonight?

19 MS. ROBERTS: Yes.

20 MR. MASCIOVECCHIO: Thank you, everyone.

21 So, the site plan north is to the right. On

22 the bottom of the screen is South Broadway. Along the

23 right side is Herriot Street. And on the left of the

24 property is Astor Place, which is connected to Herriot

25 Street on top with Caroline Street. What we're going

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1 to do now is review the areas, but we wanted to show

2 where all the facilities are.

3 So, zooming in onto the main parking, the

4 main drop-off and pickup, which is off of Herriot

5 Street, there are six parking spaces which are going

6 to be provided in this area adjacent to the main lobby

7 entrance, which is located on the bottom of the

8 screen.

9 These spaces are provided directly in

10 front of the lobby entrance, and more spaces are

11 provided towards the top of the page in a tandem-stack

12 style. This area will also serve for the loading

13 area.

14 A loading area will account for daily

15 deliveries, which are UPS, Fedex, and USPS. It is our

16 anticipation that will occur between 6:00 a.m. and

17 10:00 a.m., daily deliveries, including cleaning and

18 laundry supplies will be scheduled outside of the

19 hotel check-in, checkout times. The hotel check-in

20 peak time is anticipated to be between 3:00 and

21 5:00 p.m., but will be spread throughout the day and

22 will include taxi drop-offs and check-in. The hotel

23 check-out peak time is typically 10:00 a.m. to noon.

24 The scheduled deliveries will typically take less than

25 10 minutes and then occur two to three times per week.

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1 The waiver that was discussed by Kate is a

2 requirement for a 24-foot aisle with on-street

3 parking. Due to the tandem parking spaces provided on

4 site at the top of the screen, those two spaces all

5 the way up top do not provide this 24-foot aisle. So,

6 valet has that, will be familiar with the traffic

7 patterns of the hotel, and will be able to optimize

8 use of all spaces including the two closer to the

9 building for the valet operations.

10 MS. ROBERTS: Just to reemphasize what Kevin

11 had said, when a guest of the hotel arrives into the

12 Herriot Street drop-off and pickup area, we propose

13 that there be a sign to tell them to park in any of

14 the open valet spots and then to go in, and the valet

15 will take their keys and immediately know which

16 garage, or parking lot, has areas for them to park and

17 where the car is going to go.

18 Also to reemphasize what Kevin said, we have

19 talked to the owner who runs a multitude of different

20 hotels in the region, who had said, just based on

21 experience, deliveries really only come in the morning

22 before the peak check-in and check-out periods. And

23 the size of the trucks that come are UPS-size delivery

24 trucks, they're never oversized trucks. So, we

25 believe that the loading zone here would facilitate

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1 any of these truck deliveries before the peak check-in

2 and check-out period, and that all of the spots will

3 be enough to serve all of the guests who are checking

4 in, which, again, based on what Mark should have told

5 us, it's never more than two guests at one period at a

6 time.


8 MS. ROBERTS: Also, just to go over the

9 Board's previous concerns with the two different

10 parking areas and how JMC, the Traffic Engineer,

11 believes that the proposed valet service will meet any

12 of the Boards's previous concerns.

13 So, the Board's previous concern with the

14 South Broadway garage, which has a curb cut and would

15 have the garage opening approximately here, the

16 Board's concern was that guests previously would need

17 to park within the curb cut and sidewalk area blocking

18 pedestrians from entering and blocking pedestrians

19 from crossing the sidewalk there.

20 With the valet service, Kevin will speak

21 more to this, but we no longer have the guest

22 operating a keypad or card reader system where they

23 would need to get out of their car, operate the keypad

24 system, get back in, and then drive up and be on the

25 sidewalk for a long period of time. We moved it to

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1 the back of the proposed hotel.

2 The Board's previous concern was that cars

3 who are unfamiliar with the local roads would have to

4 go from the Herriot Street drop-off pickup zone, go

5 through Herriot Street, then Caroline Avenue, and back

6 to Astor Place, and it might be confusing to people

7 who are really unfamiliar with the way these local

8 roads work.

9 So, Kevin, if you want to take it away and

10 tell the Board how the valet service will take care of

11 those concerns, please do.

12 MR. MASCIOVECCHIO: Yes, going to the valet

13 operations, as Kate was saying, guests will be

14 directed to park in pickup, drop-off area here off

15 Herriot Street in one of the six parking spaces that

16 were shown previously. Hotel staff will be the only

17 individuals who will move vehicles to the other two

18 parking areas from then on. And they will return the

19 vehicles back to the drop-off pickup area off Herriot

20 Street to the guest. So, once a guest comes and

21 arrives, their car will only be moved by staff from

22 that location.

23 Going to the South Broadway garage, it's

24 located underneath the building and will utilize the

25 existing curb cut as was briefly proposed. The

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1 driveway will be gated and it will be controlled by a

2 hardwire button, which will be pressed by an employee

3 in the lobby. The employee will press this button

4 prior to moving the vehicle from the area, the drop-

5 off area, and the gate will open prior to moving the

6 vehicle with the gate opened on South Broadway.

7 Vehicles will be able to enter the right turn and are

8 not anticipated to backup or block the sidewalk

9 because they will not be using a keypad or card reader

10 system. Exiting vehicles from this parking area will

11 wait for a gap in the traffic on Broadway prior to

12 exiting the driveway and aren't anticipated to impact

13 the traffic on Broadway.

14 The other parking area located off of Astor

15 Place will, again, only be accessed by hotel staff.

16 Once the hotel staff does park a vehicle there, they

17 can access the building, they don't need to walk on

18 the roadways, they can come into the building and get

19 back over towards the lobby area. The -- will be

20 controlled by a rolling gate which will be open prior

21 to the staff moving a vehicle from the Herriot Street

22 lot. And staff will be familiar without navigating

23 just from doing it on a routine basis.

24 In conclusion, the guests will only be

25 travelling to and from pickup and drop-off area on

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1 Herriot Street, and valet service will move cars from

2 there. Two proposed parking lots will each contain

3 approximately half of the cars that will be parked on

4 the site. And the parking lot site, the keys are

5 required for those spaces excluding the tandem valet

6 parking spaces that were shown.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Kate, I think you're muted.

8 MS. ROBERTS: Sorry about that. So just to

9 emphasize what Kevin had said, I think one of the

10 Board's concerns last time was just about site

11 security. And we have made sure that both of the

12 parking areas do have the rolling gates both on the

13 parking garage and on the Astor Place lot so that

14 people who, only really the hotel staff will have

15 access through those gates.

16 Guests can access their cars to get things

17 by going through the building. There's an elevator

18 that would go down to the garage as well as up to the

19 Astor Place lot, but only the valet drivers and the

20 hotel staff will actually be able to open the gates

21 and be able to move cars out of those areas.

22 So, Bruno, if you're here. Is Bruno on?

23 MR. RICCIUTI: This is Joe Ricciuti from

24 Lawless Mangiane. I don't think Bruno is on. I'm not

25 sure if you can you see me.

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1 MS. ROBERTS: We can hear you, Joe.

2 MR. RICCIUTI: Can you see me?


4 MR. RICCIUTI: Okay, perfect, I'm just going

5 to run through it.

6 Good evening, Mr. Chairman, members of the

7 Board. My name is Joseph Ricciuti from Lawless and

8 Mangione Corp. I'm sure you remember this project

9 back from two years ago. I'm going to run through it

10 really quick again, but nothing has really changed

11 with the building itself but, again, I'll take a few

12 minutes and walk through it.

13 As Kate and Kevin said, the existing garage

14 which is going to stay an existing garage, it serves

15 with 21 spaces. The first floor off of the Herriot

16 entrance vestibule, it's going to come out to the

17 second and third proposed floors, which equal

18 54 units. And, again, nothing has changed since we

19 were there a few years ago. The layout will remain,

20 the elevators, the stairs, and the same with the

21 facade.

22 I'm sorry, am I doing something wrong?

23 MS. ROBERTS: No, I can hear you.

24 MR. RICCIUTI: I'm on the elevation now.

25 There is no change. Again, the front elevation, which

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1 is South Broadway, the elevation, we're going to

2 restore the existing brick facade that's there. And

3 along Herriot, we are going to, right now it's just a

4 mason and concrete lobby. What we're doing there is

5 we're going to stucco a little bit and, again, try to

6 match the same look that's over there. And that's

7 about it for the building. Again, there are no

8 changes.

9 If you have any question, feel free to ask

10 them.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Kate, I think you're muted.

12 MS. ROBERTS: I'm sorry, I keep getting

13 muted.

14 Before we turn turn to the Planning Board

15 for questions and comments, I just wanted to say we

16 did receive the Engineering, the Traffic Engineering,

17 comments. We are, we're going to be responding to

18 those comments before the next meeting. And we're

19 here before the Board tonight to see what other

20 comments and questions the Board may have to

21 incorporate in our responses.

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ms. Roberts.

23 Members of the Board, questions? I have a

24 few, but I'll open it up to you first. Just speak up

25 because I can't see.

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1 MS. FORSBERG: Has the applicant submitted

2 an MPT plan back from the beginning two years ago? I

3 remember this, but not those details about what the

4 MPT plan was concerning how it affects the neighboring

5 businesses and the construction period you're going to

6 do a project like this.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: Ms. Roberts, did you hear the

8 question?

9 MS. ROBERTS: Yeah, she asked me if we

10 submitted a market plan?

11 THE CHAIRMAN: I think you were asking for

12 a work zone plan, an MPT, for the construction phase.

13 MS. ROBERTS: Okay. Was that in our

14 submission packet, Rich? If it's not, we will prepare

15 it in time for the next meeting.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Let me ask a few

17 questions, I still have questions regarding the

18 traffic flow and the parking.

19 Now, my understanding then is the guests

20 will only be coming in their automobile to the Herriot

21 side of the building so that they will never be

22 entering or exiting either of the parking lots in

23 their vehicles; is that correct?

24 MS. ROBERTS: That's correct, Chairman.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Is there currently a

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1 curb cut on Herriot Street?

2 MS. ROBERTS: Yes, there is currently a curb

3 cut. Rich, is that the same curb cut that we'll be

4 using, I'm sorry, Joe?

5 Joe, you're on mute.

6 MR. RICCIUTI: I'm muted again, why does

7 this keep happening?

8 MS. ROBERTS: You're off mute.

9 MR. RICIUTI: Yes, that is an existing curb

10 cut, and it will be reused.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: And you mentioned with

12 respect to deliveries, the timing and the size of the

13 trucks, is that something within your control? How

14 can we be assured that both the delivery timing and

15 the size of the vehicles won't be something different

16 than what's being presented?

17 MS. ROBERTS: Sure. So, I can tell you

18 that, as far as the size of the trucks, the owner has

19 said that none of the deliveries that they charted in

20 other facilities they get are large deliveries. So,

21 maybe when the hotel is under construction and they're

22 getting their first round of mattresses in, for

23 instance, or first round of furniture, they might have

24 a bigger truck during construction but, after that,

25 it's going to be things, small things, like laundry,

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1 various cleaning supplies, office supplies that would

2 utilize a small UPS truck like most offices do.

3 As far as timing, apart from what we

4 experience in reality and what our client has told us

5 from many hotels they operate is that these trucks

6 really do come in the morning. The other thing that

7 we considered is that the loading zone, I don't know

8 if you can see my mouse, but the loading zone is back

9 in this corner here, which still leaves at least two

10 valet spots open, even if a truck were to be there,

11 say at 10 o'clock where potentially one or two guests

12 is starting to check out. So, there is still room for

13 people to check out if there does happen to be a

14 delivery truck there during off-peak time. And I

15 think just, based on experience, that's how their

16 hotels operate.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. It would be helpful,

18 also, if you could for the next meeting prepare

19 basically a sign diagram because the trucks for

20 deliveries will no doubt be coming from South Broadway

21 coming onto Herriot, doing their delivery, and then

22 returning to South Broadway. If you could possibly

23 show us how the turning radius will work for the

24 largest truck that you anticipate visiting the

25 property.

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1 MS. ROBERTS: Yes, absolutely. And that was

2 one of the points the Traffic Engineer made, JMC is

3 going to put that together in time for the next

4 meeting, we just didn't have time today to get that

5 done for this meeting.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: That's fine. Now, going back

7 to other modus operandi here, there's 54 rooms in the

8 hotel. What is the maximum percentage usage that you

9 anticipate. I mean, we all wish, you probably wish, a

10 hundred percent, but are we looking at times that it

11 will be at 80/90 percent from experience?

12 MS. ROBERTS: I think ownership is on, but

13 if you don't mind, if I could ask them that question

14 and have an answer prepared for you for the next

15 meeting with more details. I don't know if he has the

16 ability to audio in. So, we'll get that.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Well, let me tell you where

18 I'm going and then you can possibly have an answer for

19 me by the next meeting, too. Whatever that maximum

20 occupancy rate would be times the number of rooms that

21 you have, give or take the couple of people who leave

22 early in the morning, I know usually it's within the

23 hour-and-a-half to an hour before checkout time that

24 you're going to have the most number of vehicles

25 leaving your property, and I'm just worried that

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1 you're going to have a lot of disgruntled guests

2 trying to get out of the property and the cue, you

3 don't have a very large cue, available on Herriot

4 Street to allow them to check out. Moreover, you're

5 going to have some valets that are going to be running

6 back and forth.

7 By the way, is there in internal method for

8 them to shortcut or are the valets --

9 MS. ROBERTS: Yes, there's an internal way.

10 So, up at the Astor Place lot, there is a door and an

11 elevator that can bring any guests to the lobby, and

12 there's the same in the garage. So, the valet

13 wouldn't have to park up the ramp from the garage to

14 South Broadway on the sidewalk and run around to the

15 front lawn, they can go through the hotel in that time

16 period. So, that is built in, and it will help speed

17 things up.

18 I see where you're going with this and I'll

19 get some real world information from our client and

20 send it out in writing before the next meeting.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: I appreciate that.

22 I have a note from our Stenographer, she

23 needs the spelling of Joe's last name.

24 MS. ROBERTS: It's R-I-C-C-I-U-T-I.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Kate.

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1 MS. ROBERTS: No problem.

2 THE CHAIRMAN: And what is the GPS address

3 for the hotel, would it be South Broadway, or will it

4 be Herriot Street in your -- actually on GPS, how is

5 it listed now and what will it be listed on in your

6 advertising?

7 MS. ROBERTS: I think right now it's listed

8 as 189 South Broadway. I'll talk to Richard about how

9 they've dealt with asking to change the GPS address,

10 what we need to do to make sure it's Herriot.

11 The other thing I'll say is we do plan on

12 having it, we've even talked about it, when you book a

13 hotel online, you get sort of this e-mail back to you

14 that has some of the information about the hotel, and

15 we talked about putting instructions in that

16 automated, you know, e-mail back so that you get an

17 understanding of what they should expect when they

18 arrive to the hotel. So, we've started to think about

19 your point, how they would know to go to Herriot,

20 and then work internally with how that's actually

21 dealt with online, and maps and so forth.

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. And then for the

23 those guests that are over an age, that I'm not going

24 to mention, that are simply going to drive there, I

25 would assume there's going to be some sort of signage

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1 or something to direct them so that they're not

2 bottlenecking and looking for an entrance on South

3 Broadway, that they would directly proceed to Herriot

4 Street; is that correct?

5 MS. ROBERTS: So, we had talked about

6 putting signs within the Herriot drop-off and pickup

7 zone. But to your point, it might also be worthwhile

8 to think about putting signs on the building on South

9 Broadway for the guests. So, let us look into

10 initially what would be the most effective and be the

11 most appealing to Yonkers, and we'll submit that as

12 well our next round.

13 THE CHAIRMAN: Right, but whatever signs

14 would have to appear on the site plan for them to be

15 used.

16 MS. ROBERTS: Yes.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Members of the Board, do we

18 have any other questions?

19 MS. LANDI: Mr. Chairman, the only comment I

20 would have is with the traffic there, we also have

21 school buses going in and out to Cedar Place School,

22 so that will have an impact on traffic in that area.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Lee, am I

24 correct, we're still waiting to hear back from Traffic

25 and Engineer on this application?

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1 MR. ELLMAN: I'm expecting additional

2 comment back from Traffic, but there was not a request

3 for a traffic study because this is a relatively small

4 use.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: I understand that, I'm not

6 looking for a traffic study, but I think this, I

7 remember when I visited the site for the last

8 application, that Astor Place is pretty small and it's

9 pretty tight, and it's made tighter by neighborhood

10 parking there. And what I'm worrying about,

11 especially when we have valets who are in a hurry to

12 get the car to where they need to go, that it might

13 create a dangerous situation coming around Caroline

14 Street, whatever, down to Herriot. It would be great

15 to have the comment from our Traffic Engineer on that,

16 as well.

17 MR. ELLMAN: I will ask him again, but that

18 has been the crux of my issues with this site, as

19 well, the access could not be designed to be more

20 difficult.

21 Just one comment about the applicant's

22 statement about timing and size of delivery trucks. I

23 just want to remind the Board of the regular delivery

24 by the 18-wheeler at the Lincoln and Nepperhan Avenue

25 Dunkin Donuts, where I believe the 18-wheeler is

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1 larger than the Dunkin Donuts itself. And we have the

2 same situation, Mr. Chairman, with the Dunkin Donuts

3 up by your office where I have watched an 18-wheeler

4 drop off boxes that perhaps weigh 8 or 10 pounds. If

5 it is on the delivery company's route and it's their

6 advantage to use whatever size truck they have, unless

7 it is coming from a central commissary from the

8 applicant under the applicant's own control, I suggest

9 that it's difficult for any applicant to know the size

10 of the delivery trucks that will be coming there.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Yeah, that was my concern, as

12 well.

13 Is that it from staff on questions?

14 MR. ELLMAN: Yes, it is.

15 THE CHAIRMAN: Members of the Board, any

16 other questions?

17 MS. FORSBERG: The only request I have is

18 for an MPT plan just because of the access to that

19 location and the neighboring businesses.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, that's noted. Any

21 other members of the Board, questions?

22 MR. JOHNSON: Lee already said about the

23 traffic, I'm just thinking about the traffic on Astor

24 Place, Caroline and even Herriot. Just the parking,

25 the valet cars, just that area, I don't see how this

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1 would all work and how it will be managed, but I will

2 look for feedback from the Traffic Engineer regarding

3 this particular site.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: All right, thank you, Mr.

5 Johnson.

6 Anyone else on the Board, questions?

7 Okay, if not, I understand this is not a

8 public hearing, I mean, it's not a public hearing, but

9 we did have a request from the BID for South Broadway,

10 they did submit a letter which you should all have

11 available. It was either in your packets or it was

12 e-mailed to you.

13 Is Mr. Monasebian on our meeting list here

14 today, is there any member of the South Broadway BID?

15 MR. KUNTZ: Everyone is unmuted.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Is there a member of the

17 South Broadway BID on the call?

18 Okay, well, obviously we're not finished

19 with this item today, they can still present more

20 items, but we do have their letter dated May 12th,

21 which everyone has in their packet.

22 Lee, if you can make sure that the applicant

23 receives a copy of that as well, they may want to

24 just, they've already addressed some of the issues,

25 they may want to address more of the issues in a

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1 letter for the next meeting.

2 I believe we do need at this point to do a

3 Lead Agency referral; is that correct, Lee?

4 MR. ELLMAN: Yes, it is.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, hold on, I usually do

6 that, but it was sent to me late. Here it is.

7 I make a motion for the City of

8 Yonkers Planning Board to initiate Lead Agency Notice

9 pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality

10 Review Act for the proposed hotel at Block 187, Lot

11 1.5 on the property known as 189 South Broadway. The

12 Planning Board hereby instructs the Planning Bureau to

13 circulate a Lead Agency Notice; if no responses are

14 received in 45 days, the Planning Board shall assume

15 Lead Agency.

16 Do I have a second on that resolution?

17 MR. LARKIN: Second.

18 MR. ELLMAN: Mr. Chairman, I think we had a

19 typo creep into that reso, it should be 30 days.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. I amend my

21 resolution for any responses received within 30 days.

22 Mr. Larkin, I assume you still second the

23 resolution?

24 MR. LARKIN: Yes.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: All in favor, please indicate

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1 by saying aye.

2 (A chorus of ayes.)

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay. That passes

4 unanimously.

5 And we are done with Item number 8 for this

6 evening. Thank you very much, Ms. Roberts, we'll see

7 you at next month's meeting.

8 MS. ROBERTS: Thank you. Stay safe and

9 healthy.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you. From someone's

11 grandfather clock chiming in the back, that means it

12 is 7 o'clock, so moving back to Item number 5, which

13 is a special use permit application and site plan

14 review for an amendment to the Extell development

15 at -- and then there's a whole slue of different

16 blocks and lots, which I'm not going to read --

17 pursuant to Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning

18 Ordinance.

19 Ms. Janet Giris is here. Can we unmute Ms.

20 Giris?

21 MR. KUNTZ: She's unmuted.

22 MS. GIRIS: Thank you for having me, I hope

23 everybody is well, nice to see everybody.

24 We started this application process with you

25 last month, and this is just a minor modification to

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1 the site plan and special permit which were recently

2 approved back in February of 2017. You might all

3 remember this, this is a PUR, which permits a total of

4 1,395 residential units in seven buildings together

5 with approximately 48,000 square feet of commercial

6 space and approximately 1,580 parking spaces.

7 I don't need to go through the approval

8 history, I think you're all familiar with it, but we

9 are seeking amended site plan and special permit

10 approval to submit some minor modifications to the

11 project, which are proposed to address some of the

12 comments that we received from the New York DEC and

13 Army Corps of Engineers, as well as Metro North

14 Railroad.

15 So, as I mentioned to you last month,

16 they're very minor in nature, they include a reduction

17 in the size of the building footprint of that

18 building, which is known as Building A on Lot 5; the

19 addition of some sanitary sewer service connections;

20 and the construction of an overhead utility bridge

21 over Metro North Railroad in lieu of the previously

22 approved and proposed jack and bore water main

23 installation, which actually went under the tracks.

24 So, very simple in nature, because it's a

25 PUR, it does require a public hearing but, as I

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1 mentioned, is a very minor modification.

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Ms.

3 Giris.

4 Is someone speaking? I hear someone

5 talking, is that just background?

6 Okay, members of the Board, do we have any

7 questions for the applicant at this point?

8 Staff?

9 MR. ELLMAN: No. I'm still working on my

10 review, Mr. Chairman.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: I understand that, it's been

12 a very trying several months, we're doing the best we

13 can on everything, but let's do some housekeeping

14 then.

15 Do we have all the green cards, whatever we

16 need, for the public hearing today?

17 MS. GIRIS: So, Mr. Chairman, yes. Well,

18 yes and no. The notice was properly mailed in

19 accordance with the City's regulations, return receipt

20 requested, but because of the COVID situation, the

21 post office is not collecting green cards and sending

22 them back. So, we did submit to the Planning Bureau

23 our affidavit of service and proof of mailing by

24 return receipt requested.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: That's good enough for me.

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1 If there are no other objections, I will then open the

2 public hearing. This is now an open public hearing.

3 If you could possibly, George, unmute

4 everyone that way we can't make any mistakes.

5 MR. KUNTZ: Okay everyone is unmuted.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, everyone is unmuted.

7 This is the public hearing portion of Item

8 number 5, which is the special use permit application

9 for Alexander Street, Babcock, Water Grant, those are

10 all the streets involved. Is there anyone here on the

11 meeting that wishes to speak or comment or question on

12 this item?

13 Let the record reflect that no one has

14 responded.

15 I will now entertain a motion from the Board

16 to close the public hearing. Do I have a resolution,

17 anyone?

18 MS. LANDI: Yes, I move to close the

19 meeting.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Adelia.

21 We have a proposal to close the hearing. Do

22 I have a second?

23 MR. JOHNSON: Yes.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, Mr. Johnson, thank you.

25 Seconded.

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1 All in favor, please indicate by saying aye.

2 (A chorus of ayes.)

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay.

4 Okay, that passes unanimously.

5 We have closed the public hearing and right

6 now we'll just look to meet with you again, Ms. Giris,

7 at next month's meeting.

8 MS. GIRIS: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

10 MR. KUNTZ: Put everyone on mute, Mr.

11 Chairman?

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, if you can put everybody

13 on mute, but take the members off. Actually, you can

14 also leave Ms. Giris unmuted.

15 MR. KUNTZ: She's unmuted. Everyone can

16 unmute themselves. If they're on a phone, they have

17 to do star 6. Stacy, you're the only one who looks

18 like you're on a phone, so you have to do star six,

19 caller number 10.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. This is now Item

21 number 9, which is site plan review for the proposed

22 conversion of an existing bank office building to a

23 new medical office building, including related parking

24 at Block 4544, Lot 1 on the Property known as 21

25 Scarsdale Road pursuant to Article IX of the Yonkers

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1 Zoning Ordinance.

2 Janet Giris is here, representative for the

3 proposal.

4 Ms. Giris.

5 MS. GIRIS: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm

6 happy to be here once again on this application on

7 behalf of 21 Scarsdale Reality, which is a related

8 entity of Simone Development Company. You might

9 remember, Simone is also the Developer of Boyce

10 Thompson Center.

11 Joining this evening, I have Guy Leibler,

12 who's the President of Simone Healthcare. And also

13 joining me, helping on the engineering side for sure,

14 Mike Finan, the Civil Engineer, and Allison O'Neill,

15 who is the Structural Engineer.

16 So, I don't know if you're familiar with

17 this property, just a little bit of background on it.

18 It is located at 21 Scarsdale Road. It consists of

19 approximately 2.87 acres and is located in an I

20 District of the City.

21 It's currently improved with an existing

22 building, which is approximately 44,500 square feet;

23 an annex building of approximately 8,700 square feet,

24 and is currently occupied by Sterling National Bank.

25 If you're familiar with the building, many people

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1 refer to it as the Sterling Bank building.

2 Sterling will vacate the property at the end

3 of 2020, and, so, we are proposing to convert the

4 existing structures from the current use of office to

5 medical office. In order to be able to accommodate

6 that use, we're also proposing the construction of a

7 new parking structure. That structure intended to be

8 located at the western portion of the property, the

9 209 parking spaces bringing the total of parking

10 spaces on the property, I believe the number is 285,

11 which is in excess of the number that is required

12 under the Zoning Board for medical use of this

13 building.

14 I don't want to belabor the application too

15 long this evening, I wanted to introduce Guy and our

16 engineering team to talk to you a little bit of what

17 it is that we're proposing here.

18 I also wanted to mention that we are also in

19 the process of doing a small addition to the building,

20 which is not before you yet, but we hope will be

21 before you as early as next month when we are able to

22 amend the application. We're still working out the

23 architectural details of that little building

24 addition.

25 So, I would like to introduce Guy, if he

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1 wanted to add anything to what I had to say. And then

2 afterward, Mike and Allison will take over and show

3 you the parking structure and modifications that

4 are being proposed to the site.

5 MR. LEIBLER: Good evening, Mr. Chairman,

6 and to the Planning Board.

7 Janet did share a number of the items we all

8 wanted to cover with you this evening. I certainly

9 want to say it is our pleasure to be back again to

10 redevelop a building in the City of Yonkers. We had a

11 very good experience with the Boyce Thompson Center,

12 and we are very pleased and delighted to be back.

13 As Janet did say, we will start the building

14 program and planning now. Sterling Bank will vacate

15 at the end of this year and we expect with all of our

16 approvals and permits in hand when that happens, and

17 we can start redevelopment in the first quarter of

18 2021. We expect to take about 16 months to reposition

19 the building. We will be back with an amendment for

20 the meeting in June showing a small addition to the

21 building and a canopy and a plan showing signage

22 locations.

23 So, with that, I will ask Mike Finan to

24 start with the site plan review, and then Allison

25 O'Neill on discussing the building and, of course,

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1 questions when everyone is finished.

2 Thank you very much.

3 MR. FINAN: Thank you, Guy.

4 Again, this is Mike Finan with Langan

5 Engineering.

6 I guess we're just kind of orienting you

7 with the existing site, even though Janet has gone

8 through it with great detail here.

9 Right now there's an existing curb cut

10 located here off Scarsdale Road. We would enter into

11 the existing surface parking lot this way, come in and

12 come out of this location. And as I said, there's

13 surface parking throughout. There's the existing

14 structure, which is located at the approximate center

15 of the lot, and the annex building in the back.

16 There is an existing sanitary sewer line

17 that runs through the middle of the property, which is

18 owned by the County, and we are bordered by the Bronx

19 River Parkway effectively around this perimeter of the

20 parcel, and it divides the river, in essence, from the

21 property by a stone wall that runs the entire length

22 here.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: I'm sorry, Bronx River

24 itself?

25 MR. FINAN: I apologize. The Bronx River

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1 itself. And the Bronx River Parkway is over here to

2 the west.

3 So, that's the existing site conditions.

4 And, again, just to kind of give you a 3D view of it,

5 this is a Google image so you can see any structure as

6 well as surface parking and the Bronx River Parkway,

7 Bronx River, around the site.

8 So, here's the proposal. This is the

9 parking structure which will be located in the

10 northwest quadrant of the site. The main building

11 will be here. A 3,000 square foot addition off the

12 back. The entrance to the parking garage will come

13 off of Scarsdale Road. We are going to be moving it

14 about 59 feet or so to the east. That will do a

15 couple of things. I'll just zoom in here.

16 That will improve our site distance being

17 left, because right now it is here. And also lower

18 the elevation which will help us lower the parking

19 structure. There will be a drop-off at the front of

20 the building. This will be a one-way traffic lane.

21 Come in, drop off, or exit the facility, or come back

22 through the parking to find a parking spot, and come

23 in through the parking garage around the back.

24 As Janet indicated, there are currently 285

25 parking spaces proposed both combined with surface and

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1 structured parking. There's a requirement of 282

2 based on the square footage of the structure. The

3 refuse area will be in the back corner here. And our

4 loading area will be here.

5 So, you can see what we tried to do is plan

6 for layout of all the surface plans so that we do

7 improve the previously impacted areas. The pervious

8 surface for the proposed condition will actually be

9 less than the existing condition, about 1,300 square

10 feet.

11 This is a redevelopment project and will

12 require stone water improvements, which we have not

13 got to yet, that will be part of our next submission.

14 And that will include things like water quality

15 features to the extent that they're required.

16 There is a small portion of the site that is

17 encumbered by the 100-year flood plain, and we are

18 minimizing fill within that flood plain as great as we

19 can possible. And we are making a made fill

20 equivalent compensation of excavation on the site,

21 which will mainly occur in this back corner here

22 because, as you can see, in the underlay of the

23 aerial, there's a parking surface here which has been

24 elevated and there's a 6-foot retaining wall that

25 bounds that parking area.

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1 So, with that, that's the site elements.

2 We'll turn it over to Allison to go through the

3 parking structure.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: I think she's muted.

5 MR. LEIBLER: There you go.

6 MS. O'NEILL: Thank you. Thanks, Mike.

7 This is Allison from Gale Associates, and I'm going to

8 try to share my screen now. Did that work, can

9 everyone see my screen?

10 THE CHAIRMAN: I got it.

11 MS. O'NEILL: Okay. So, as Mike was saying,

12 there are two access points to the parking structure.

13 There's one relative to the way that Mike's plan was

14 just oriented, this is 90 degrees rotated. So,

15 Scarsdale Road is on the right-hand side of this plan

16 and cars can access the garage from this driveway off

17 of Scarsdale Road or through the site parking in the

18 back of the building, can follow that around and

19 access. The cars come in, there's a small parking

20 area here, and they can continue up to the roof level.

21 And this is the view looking with the

22 existing building on the left and the new proposed

23 parking structure on it and new entrance off of

24 Scarsdale Road.

25 And I'll just bounce to this, this is a

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1 stair tower in this corner. What you can't see from

2 the rendering is this stairwell will be the tower in

3 the southwest corner.

4 And this rendering is the other perspective

5 view looking down Scarsdale Road, I believe east, with

6 the new structure and the existing building beyond on

7 the right, as well.

8 And that's about it for the parking

9 structure. Mike, do you have anything else to offer?

10 MR. FINAN: I don't.

11 MR. LEIBLER: As you can see from the

12 rendering, we've done our best to match the

13 architecture so that the parking garage does have, is

14 in context, and we will continue to evolve the design

15 so that we do pick up the elements of the office

16 building.

17 The parking garage, as Janet said in her

18 introduction and Mike stated, as well, in order for

19 this building to be used for medical offices, we do

20 have a parking requirement in the City for 5,000.

21 That's what is also required by industry standard

22 throughout, the visitors to the building and the

23 staff.

24 I can add that the same ratio that we used

25 at the Boyce Thompson Center, which has worked out

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1 just fine.

2 THE CHAIRMAN: Is that it for the

3 presentation? Can I go to questions?

4 MR. LEIBLER: Yes, sir, Mr. Chairman, that

5 is our presentation for the evening.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. First of all, I'm very

7 happy to see you guys are the people doing this

8 project. Hopefully, it's as well done as the Boyce

9 Thompson was done. But I did have some questions, I

10 am familiar with that area.

11 First of all, while we have the picture up

12 here, it does a decent job of following the style of

13 the building, but is it possible to get some more of

14 the ornamentation? I see that on the building itself

15 there are some squares and diamonds, and things like

16 that, if we could continue that onto the building to

17 have it match even closer, that would be nice. A

18 little picky I know, but the picture was up there, so

19 I thought I would get to that first.

20 MR. LEIBLER: It is a fair request, we will

21 do that.

22 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. And, also, are those

23 faux windows in the tower and that is an elevator in

24 there, how is that going to look as far as the tower

25 of the parking garage?

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1 MS. O'NEILL: Those are actual windows in

2 the stair tower.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Those are real windows.

4 Okay, thank you.

5 Now, did you ever consider having the

6 entrance or exit for the entire servicing the property

7 at the traffic light as opposed to having, you

8 basically have two different areas servicing them, the

9 property?

10 MR. LEIBLER: I'll start, and then Mike, you

11 can go back to that. We looked at a number of options

12 as to how the circulation would work best. We thought

13 as we looked at it to have a separate entrance to the

14 parking garage because that is where the cars really

15 need, want to go, and to bring them through the site

16 at the entrance a little bit further to the east does

17 get a little messy. We did look at that, it was an

18 obvious first cut, but we could not get the various

19 movements to work in a quality pattern and, frankly,

20 in a safe pattern.

21 Mike, let me ask you to get technical on

22 that if you would.

23 MR. FINAN: Certainly, will. Yes, so, we

24 did look at combining the east entrance with a turning

25 movement that brought you into the parking structure

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1 and, obviously, that accommodated the drop-off. But

2 as we got in here, it's a really sharp turn to get in

3 here, so folks come into here have to make the

4 immediate decision to either go right or left. And we

5 felt that that turning movement was really awkward and

6 potentially dangerous for the facility, and we opted

7 to keep this entrance separate and close to its

8 existing location because people are used to that

9 traffic pattern today.

10 This entrance will get a lot of use, per se,

11 or if it does, it's during the day, and at drop-off

12 time, the people who will come to the deck are

13 probably coming to work, accessing this location. So,

14 we felt this was a much better and safer approach and

15 design to access these different locations of the

16 site.

17 THE CHAIRMAN: All right. Lee, Traffic and

18 Engineering still has to opine on this; is that

19 correct?

20 MR. ELLMAN: Yes, Traffic and Engineering

21 sent me a brief e-mail, one of their concerns is to

22 look at this because medical uses have a higher

23 traffic demand at most facilities. And Dominick

24 Mica's concern is potentially -- (Inaudible)

25 I won't get into anymore detail.

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1 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

2 MS. GIRIS: And we've received those

3 comments, as well, Mr. Chairman, and we will work with

4 Mr. Mica and Mr. Ellman to address them.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: Great, I appreciate that.

6 Now, when you're talking about the use of

7 the property, is this going to be 100 percent medical

8 offices?

9 MR. LEIBLER: That is our anticipation, that

10 the use will be 100 percent medical. We have pre-

11 COVID pandemic, we were in meaningful discussions with

12 a major hospital user. Those conversations have been

13 silent for the last 45 days only for the obvious

14 reasons that they all have their hands full. We

15 expect those conversations to resume during the month

16 of June.

17 It is clear that the 44,500-square-foot

18 building is required by them as they go through their

19 planning and programming. They will let us know

20 whether or not they're needs extend to the 8,700-foot

21 annex building. It would be our plan to have that

22 building used either by the hospital system or by

23 another user, medical, but perhaps it might not. It

24 could be rented to someone else for a period of time,

25 and hopefully the hospital system would grow into it,

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1 if not initially, then perhaps over time.

2 MS. GIRIS: And just to add a little bit to

3 that, and, Guy, you can correct me if I'm wrong but,

4 yes, 100 percent medical use, but with some accessory

5 medical things. I think we're anticipated to have a

6 pharmacy in the building for patients of the building,

7 as well as just probably ancillary cafe space for

8 people who are in the building.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: But nothing of the nature of

10 the Boyce Thompson where you have full restaurants or

11 anything like that; correct?

12 MR. LEIBLER: No, this is a different

13 thought, this would not include retail to the public,

14 this would be medical offices but with any ancillary

15 services, as Janet said, perhaps a pharmacy for

16 internal use, a cafe for internal use. And it would

17 be our intention for the annex building to be medical

18 initially, but perhaps it may not be.

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Now, the parking structure,

20 is it anticipated in your mind that that would be used

21 by the employees and that the visitors and patients

22 would be using the outdoor lots?

23 MR. LEIBLER: The final decision would be up

24 to the occupants as to how they want to space their

25 parking. We would imagine that visitors and handicap

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1 would certainly be closest to the building, but we

2 would leave it to the occupant to determine where and

3 how staff would park during the day. We just want to

4 make sure there's enough parking to accommodate

5 anybody that would arrive at the building.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Because I'm also looking at

7 the pedestrian flow from the parking structure to the

8 main building or annex, should that be a high-traffic

9 area for patients; access and crosswalks, and items

10 like that.

11 I'm also wondering if the off-hours, two

12 concerns, parking in that area, parking is tight at

13 several off site. One is the use of the train

14 station. I know that people park along Scarsdale Road

15 and walk to the station, as well as wherever they can

16 find a place to park. I know parking is very tight at

17 the restaurants there, especially across the street at

18 Old Stone Mill, parking is also an issue with the

19 residential tower. Is there any thought to using

20 after-hour parking with any of those businesses?

21 MR. LEIBLER: It has not been brought up as

22 a subject to us. It's something that certainly we can

23 give some consideration to. As you know, we're always

24 trying to be a good neighbor, so it's something we can

25 take under advisement.

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1 THE CHAIRMAN: My concern with that only is

2 crosswalks, and if we need to think in the future

3 whether or not to accommodate that type of foot

4 traffic going across. We certainly don't want them

5 just walking down crossing Scarsdale Road at any

6 random point.

7 All right, I asked a lot of questions.

8 Members of the Board, do we have questions out there?

9 MS. FORSBERG: I don't have any questions

10 right now, Roman, you asked the few that I had. I

11 think this is a great project, a great redevelopment

12 for that site, but I'm sure I'll have questions in

13 future meetings, but I think this is really good and I

14 look forward to it. It's a ray of sunshine in this

15 apocalypse, so it's good to see this.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Certainly, something to look

17 forward to in the future when we get out of this.

18 All right, other members of the Board, no

19 questions?

20 MS. LANDI: No.


22 MR. ELLMAN: No, thank you.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you very much.

24 And, as was mentioned, we're looking forward to

25 working with you on this project.

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1 MS. GIRIS: Thank you.

2 MR. LEIBLER: Thank you. We look forward to

3 working with you, as well.

4 MS. O'NEILL: Thank you.

5 MR. FINAN: Thank you.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

7 All right, Item number 11 has been held over

8 at the request of the applicant. There will be no

9 action tonight on Item number 11, which was the

10 property known as Prospect Street, Buena Vista Avenue,

11 and Hawthorne Avenue.

12 That leaves us with one item, Item number

13 12.

14 MS. LANDI: Number 10.

15 THE CHAIRMAN: What happened to 10? I don't

16 know what happened here, I missed it. I got it.

17 Item number 10, if we can unmute James

18 Wilson and any representatives for that item.

19 Item number 10 is site plan review for the

20 installation of a new above ground fuel oil storage

21 tank at Block 2500, Lot 1 on the property known as 679

22 Warburton Avenue pursuant to Article IX of the

23 Yonkers Zoning Ordinance.

24 James Wilson, representative for the

25 proposal.

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1 MR. WILSON: Yes, good evening. First off,

2 can you all hear me?

3 MS. LANDI: Yes.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, we can, we can hear you.

5 MR. WILSON: First off, good evening, I hope

6 everyone is safe and healthy, Mr. Chairman and members

7 of the Board. My name is James Wilson. I'm actually

8 under the name Elaine, our IT people are out.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Your secret is safe with us,

10 don't worry.

11 MR. WILSON: Dr. -- (inaudible) is present

12 this evening, as well as Stacy Hinson, who is Board

13 President for Hudson Court, as well as Mr. Dave Amster

14 and Mr. Chris Barry(ph.), they are with Prime

15 Locations, they are the property management company.

16 So, this is the site that formerly had a

17 5,000-gallon underground storage tank for petroleum

18 located in the rear of the building; however, this was

19 the infamous property where there was that mudslide in

20 2014, so we had to install an emergency 2,000-gallon

21 above-ground storage tank to act as a source of

22 heating oil for the boiler.

23 So, what East Coast Environmental is doing

24 is we are proposing to install a new 5,000 gallon

25 above-ground storage tank to be located in the rear of

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1 the building, which is the building adjacent to the

2 southwest corner. The proposed location of the tank

3 will be 10 feet from the building, as well as the

4 property line, the southern property line, as well as

5 the retaining wall. And, so, we're not going to be

6 requesting any variances or anything along those

7 lines.

8 The tank will be installed with up to the

9 codes and regulations of the New York State DEC,

10 that's NYCRR 613, for petroleum-bulk storage and up to

11 code with the Westchester County Department of Health,

12 the Yonkers Fire Department, as well as the Building

13 Department.

14 The north and west entry to the tank will be

15 protected from vehicular traffic with bollards and

16 highway-rated rail guards. And the south and east of

17 the tank will be protected by the retaining walls

18 which are currently already in place. As for the tank

19 operation, it will just be standard.

20 And that's really it. If you have any

21 questions, if either Stacy, David, or Chris have

22 anything to add, they're more than welcome to, and I

23 would be pleased to answer any questions that you may

24 have.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Members

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1 of the Board, questions?

2 MS. LANDI: No.

3 THE CHAIRMAN: Staff, Lee, anything?

4 MR. ELLMAN: Just a note to the Planning

5 Board, we did initially send out a note to you

6 suggesting that we needed more information. The site

7 plan was very specific to the immediate area around

8 the tank. The applicant solved our concern by simply

9 getting us some pictures.

10 The tank is being moved from the front side

11 yard essentially straight back to the rear of the

12 site, the pictures that you sent show. And then it

13 will be in a small rear yard, essentially out of view.

14 It will be a visible above-ground tank. Our

15 perspective on it is that it will not really be

16 visible or a problem to the neighbors and it is, while

17 perhaps not beautiful, it is a necessity to the co-op

18 that is installing it, so there are certainly no

19 further concerns right now.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you, Lee.

21 If there are no other questions, then -- I'm

22 sorry, did someone have a question?

23 MR. LARKIN: No.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, then let's move on. I

25 believe we will need a, we're the Lead Agency, we need

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1 a SEQRA. If I can get a motion for a negative

2 declaration as to SEQRA on this.

3 MS. LANDI: Negative declaration, Mr.

4 Chairman.

5 THE CHAIRMAN: So moved by Ms. Landi.

6 Seconded by, somebody? Gene.

7 MR. JOHNSON: Second.

8 THE CHAIRMAN: Gene, okay.

9 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, proposed by Ms. Landi,

10 seconded by Mr. Johnson. All in favor, please

11 indicate by saying aye.

12 (A chorus of ayes.)

13 THE CHAIRMAN: That passes unanimously.

14 Now, a resolution on the item itself.

15 MS. LANDI: Mrs. Landi will read it.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

17 MS. LANDI: Mr. Chairman, this is a

18 resolution to approve the site plan for the proposed

19 5,000-gallon above-ground fuel storage tank at Block

20 2500, Lot 1 on the property known as 679 Warburton

21 Avenue pursuant to Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning

22 Ordinance.

23 The Planning Board finds the following.

24 1. On April 30, 2014, the building had a

25 failure of retaining walls located on the steep slope

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1 to the rear western edge of the property causing a

2 landslide along the edge of the property. At that

3 time, the building had an underground tank located

4 dangerously close to the landslide. After

5 consultation with the Building Department, the Fire

6 Department, Westchester County, it was determined that

7 the underground tank be drained and removed and a

8 2000-gallon temporary above-ground tank be placed in

9 the front yard.

10 2. In 2015, the Zoning Board of Appeals

11 reviewed and approved the height variance

12 and replacement of the collapsed retaining walls. On

13 July 8, 2015, the Planning Board also reviewed and

14 approved the site plans for the replacement of the

15 wall.

16 3. The current application to the Board is

17 for the replacement of that temporary storage tank in

18 the front yard. The new tank will be removed from the

19 side front of the building to the side rear of the

20 residential building, sheltered from the adjacent

21 property by a large retaining wall to the south and

22 surrounded by both bollards and highway barriers for

23 safety purposes on the remaining north and west sides.

24 It will remain above ground for safety and access

25 purposes and will not be visible from the street.

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1 The Planning Board at its meeting at May 13,

2 2020, hereby grants approval of this application with

3 the following conditions:

4 1. Any conditions of the previous Zoning

5 Board of Appeals approval are to remain in full force

6 and effect.

7 2. The Planning Board approves this site

8 plan application as presented and shown on the

9 drawings presented to the Board in the site plan

10 application materials. Any field changes or amendment

11 that triggers site plan review shall result in a new

12 site plan application.

13 The Planning Board renders its decision

14 based upon facts and findings available to it,

15 specifically;

16 1. Report by the Planning Bureau.

17 2. Report by the City Engineer.

18 3. General knowledge of the area.

19 Mr. Chairman.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Ms.

21 Landi.

22 Do I have a second on the resolution?

23 MS. FORSBERG: Second.

24 THE CHAIRMAN: Seconded by Mackenzie. Thank

25 you very much.

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1 Before we go to a vote, we do have a couple

2 of conditions. On behalf of the applicant, Elaine,

3 everything was understood and agreed upon, I assume

4 from the conditions?

5 MR. WILSON: Yes, absolutely.

6 THE CHAIRMAN: That being the case, I'll

7 move to a vote. All in favor of the resolution as

8 presented, all in favor, please indicate by saying

9 aye.

10 (A chorus of ayes.)

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Hold on, let's do that again.

12 All in favor, please indicate by saying aye.

13 (A chorus of ayes.)

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay.

15 Okay, it sounds like it was unanimously

16 passed.

17 MR. NATCHEV: Was it unanimous?

18 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, that was an echo when I

19 said nay, it echoed my voice.

20 Why don't we just make sure. We have, let's

21 go down the line, Adelia, your vote.

22 MS. LANDI: Yea.


24 MR. JOHNSON: Aye.

25 THE CHAIRMAN: Gene, your vote.

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1 MR. JOHNSON: I said aye.

2 THE CHAIRMAN: I'm sorry. John.

3 MR. LARKIN: Yea.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Mackenzie.


6 THE CHAIRMAN: And as Chairman, aye. So, it

7 passes unanimously.

8 Thank you very much, gentlemen, and good

9 luck with your project.

10 MR. WILSON: Thank you very much. Everyone

11 stay safe and healthy.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: And, David, Mr. Amster, good

13 to see you again.

14 MR. AMSTER: Nice to see you. Thank you

15 very much.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Good to see you. You're

17 looking good. This is my old landlord from about 100

18 years ago on Yonkers Avenue.

19 Okay, take care.

20 MR. AMSTER: Bye-bye.

21 THE CHAIRMAN: Moving onto Item number 11,

22 which I mentioned has been held over at the request of

23 the applicant.

24 And we'll move on to what was listed as a

25 preliminary site plan review, which is no longer

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1 preliminary, Item number 12, which is site plan review

2 for an amendment to the previously approved Charter

3 High School at Block 2106, Lots 30, 34, 36 & 39 on the

4 property known as 22-236 Warburton Avenue pursuant to

5 Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning Ordinance.

6 Steve Grosso is representative for the

7 proposal.

8 Before we go on, George, why am I getting

9 this feedback echo?

10 MR. KUNTZ: Do you hear it now?

11 THE CHAIRMAN: That's better. Did you do

12 anything?

13 MR. KUNTZ: I might have the -- I have it on

14 my regular computer.

15 THE CHAIRMAN: I don't hear it.

16 MR. KUNTZ: Do you hear anything now?

17 THE CHAIRMAN: Sounds like it's fine. It's

18 not a big deal, we can make it, we only have one item,

19 so let's fire through this.

20 Mr. Grosso, or representative.

21 MR. SCHIATTARELLA: Hi, this is Carlo. Hold

22 on a second.

23 This is Carlo Schiattarella. We presented,

24 at the last site planning meeting. There were no

25 questions, so we were waiting for a resolution for the

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1 school. I think it was contingent on the Zoning Board

2 approving our application, which they did a few days

3 ago at the last Board meeting.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, my understanding is we

5 were waiting for the Zoning, and Zoning has been

6 approved.

7 Members of the Board, any questions?


9 THE CHAIRMAN: I take that as a no. Staff,

10 are we okay?

11 MR. ELLMAN: Yes.

12 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, does someone have the

13 resolution?

14 MS. FORSBERG: I have it.

15 THE CHAIRMAN: Mackenzie, I know you did the

16 other long one, but if you can take us home on this

17 one.

18 MS. FORSBERG: Okay.

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Actually, hold on, I think we

20 need to do a SEQRA on this; is that correct? Zoning

21 Board is Lead Agency; correct?

22 MR. NATCHEV: Yes, the Zoning Board.

23 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, let's move right to the

24 resolution then.

25 Go ahead, Mackenzie. Thank you.

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1 THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Chairman, we have a

2 resolution to reapprove a site plan for a proposed new

3 high school, parking garage, and play field at Block

4 2106, Lots 30, 34, 36, and 38 on property known as

5 220-236 Warburton Avenue pursuant to Article IX of the

6 Yonkers Zoning Ordinance.

7 The Planning Board finds the following:

8 1. The proposed expansion of the Charter

9 School for Educational Excellence by the addition of a

10 high school building for approximately 400 students

11 with accessory parking and play field has received

12 required variances, including a second set of

13 variances required after discovery of several

14 additional site issues, and has been reviewed by the

15 Planning Board for site plan issues.

16 2. The proposed school will result in

17 changes to the traffic and pedestrian patterns in and

18 around its site, the corner of Lamartine and Warburton

19 Avenues, but these issues have been mitigated to the

20 greatest extent possible.

21 3. The applicant has worked with the City

22 Planning Bureau and the Traffic Engineering Division

23 of the Engineering Department to reduce all

24 transportation and traffic related issues at the

25 school site.

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1 The site plan presented to the Planning

2 Board at its meeting of May 13, 2020 is approved with

3 the following conditions:

4 1. A final construction period and MPT plan

5 will be provided to the City Engineer prior to the

6 start of construction and will be subject to that

7 department's approval.

8 2. No prefabricated elements of the

9 building under construction may be stored on City of

10 Yonkers streets. Arrangements must be made to store

11 such elements in off-street locations.

12 3. The roadway at and around the

13 construction entrance will be swept and/or hosed down

14 daily, or more often if needed, to control dust and

15 materials on the roadway. Catch basins and sewers

16 will be protected from sedimentation as required by

17 State and City codes.

18 4. Traffic signal improvements - Warburton

19 Avenue and Lamartine Avenue. The current signal does

20 not have pedestrian signal provisions. These shall be

21 provided, warranting a full traffic signal upgrade

22 designed by the developer's traffic consultant and

23 paid for by the development.

24 5. Bike racks shall be provided on the

25 school site to accommodate anticipated use of for-hire

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1 bikes by students taking buses to Getty Square, as

2 noted by the applicant.

3 The Planning Board renders its decision

4 based upon facts and findings available to it,

5 specifically:

6 1. Report by the Planning Bureau.

7 2. Report by the Engineering Department.

8 3. General knowledge of the area.

9 Mr. Chairman.

10 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Ms.

11 Forsberg.

12 Do I have a second on the resolution?

13 MR. LARKIN: Second.

14 THE CHAIRMAN: John Larkin, seconded. Thank

15 you.

16 To the applicant, you heard the proposed

17 resolution and the conditions, I assume they are all

18 understood and agreed upon; is that correct?

19 MR. SCHIATTARELLA: That's correct.

20 THE CHAIRMAN: Then I'll move to a vote.

21 All in favor of the resolution, please indicate by

22 saying aye.

23 (A chorus of ayes.)

24 THE CHAIRMAN: All oppose, nay.

25 That passes unanimously.

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1 Thank you very much, and good luck.

2 MR. SCHIATTARELLA: Thank you. Thank you

3 very much.

4 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, Lee, any correspondence

5 items?

6 MR. ELLMAN: There aren't.

7 THE CHAIRMAN: My understanding is there are

8 no correspondence items; is that correct?

9 MR. ELLMAN: That's correct, no

10 correspondence to deal with tonight.

11 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. No housekeeping, so we

12 can move to a motion to adjourn.

13 MS. LANDI: I make a motion to adjourn.

14 THE CHAIRMAN: Seconded by --

15 MS. FORSBERG: Second.

16 THE CHAIRMAN: -- Ms. Forsberg. All in

17 favor, please indicate by saying aye.

18 (A chorus of ayes.)

19 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay.

20 It passes unanimously. Thank you.

21 George, thank you very much again.

22 MR. KUNTZ: Good night.

23 (Proceedings concluded at 7:48 p.m.)



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1 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER 2 3 I, CATHERINE ARMENTANO, Notary Public within and 4 for the State of New York, do hereby certify that the 5 within is a true and accurate transcript of the 6 proceedings taken on May 13, 2020. 7 . 8 9 I further certify that I am not related to any 10 of the parties to this action by blood or marriage and 11 that I am in no way interested in the outcome of this 12 matter. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 <%24797,Signature%> CATHERINE ARMENTANO 20 21 22 23 24 25

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& 18 23:4 52:24,25 282 66:1 555 2:4 5:25 & 85:3 53:3 285 62:10 65:24 56 2:7 187 31:20 55:10 59 65:14 1 3 189 2:12 31:21 5:00 37:21 3 2:4 5:24 28:5 1 3:18 4:2 5:18,19 32:5 50:8 55:11 5:37 1:4 81:16 82:18 87:21 13:7,7 27:11 19 1:7 5:40 3:5 88:12 89:8 60:24 76:21 80:20 1969 2:6 6:15 3,000 65:11 6 80:24 82:4,16 2 87:8 88:4 89:6 30 55:19,21 80:24 6 2:4,6,9 12:21,22 1,300 66:9 2 2:3,9 5:20 27:18 85:3 87:4 13:4 29:1 60:17 1,395 57:4 81:10 82:7,17 31 2:12 66:24 1,580 57:6 87:16 88:8 89:7 34 85:3 87:4 60 2:14 1-8.1 6:14 2,000 77:20 36 85:3 87:4 613 78:10 1.5 31:20 55:11 2.87 61:19 38 87:4 679 2:15 76:21 10 2:15 11:19 20 18:3,17 22:8 39 85:3 80:20 18:11,16 19:10,16 29:13 3:00 37:20 6:00 37:16 21:7 22:8,16 27:7 2000 81:8 3d 65:4 7 201 6:14 33:8 37:25 47:11 4 7 2:10 12:20 17:14 2014 77:20 80:24 53:4 60:19 76:14 4 2:6 6:4,12 11:8 29:11 56:12 2015 81:10,13 76:15,17,19 78:3 24:18 28:12 88:18 70 2:3 5:21 11:9 2016 13:16 100 25:11 66:17 400 87:10 75 13:19 2017 57:2 72:7,10 73:4 43 2:11 17:16 76 2:15,17 2018 32:11 33:21 84:17 24:11 27:6 7:00 3:13 202.1. 3:3 10:00 37:17,23 43-134 32:23 7:48 90:23 2020 1:4 3:5 4:3 11 2:17 6:14 76:7 43-194 28:19 24:18,19 62:3 8 76:9 84:21 43-195 29:2 82:2 88:2 91:6 8 2:12 25:25 31:3 11th 3:21 4:3,14 43-196 29:12,17 2021 63:18 31:19 53:4 56:5 12 2:19 25:25 4385 6:14 206 6:15 81:13 32:23 76:13 85:1 44,500 61:22 72:17 209 62:9 8,700 61:23 72:20 12.15 6:14 45 55:14 72:13 21 2:14 43:15 80/90 48:11 120 13:19 4544 60:24 60:24 61:7,18 85 2:19 12th 54:20 48,000 57:5 2106 13:6 85:3 9 13 1:4 2:9,20 3:5 5 82:1 88:2 91:6 87:4 9 2:14 60:21 5 2:3,7 12:18,20 130 20:2 22-236 85:4 90 67:14 28:18 56:12 57:18 1300 19:25 220-236 2:19 87:5 90,000 21:4,7 59:8 88:24 15 24:19 24 33:10 35:8 38:2 99 18:16 5,000 68:20 77:17 15th 3:20 5:1 38:5 77:24 80:19 a 16 63:18 24797 91:19 54 31:20 32:21 a.m. 37:16,17,23 17 2:10 25 11:17 2500 76:21 80:20 33:22 43:18 48:7 abandoned 14:1

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ability 20:14 48:16 addition 4:10 14:5 29:22 amount 21:2,13 abillama 2:6 6:7,8 57:19 62:19,24 afraid 26:25 amounts 29:22 6:9,10,18,20,21 63:20 65:11 87:9 afterward 63:2 amster 77:13 7:11,15 8:3,11,17 additional 27:11 age 50:23 84:12,14,20 9:1,13,18,25 10:5 33:11 35:12 52:1 agency 55:3,8,13 analysis 17:19 10:12,16 11:2,11 87:14 55:15 79:25 86:21 34:13 11:23 12:13,15 additionally 25:10 ago 8:22 21:7 43:9 ancillary 73:7,14 able 15:5,9 38:7 32:22 43:19 45:2 84:18 andrew 2:9 13:10 41:7 42:20,21 address 50:2,9 86:3 andy 16:7 62:5,21 54:25 57:11 72:4 agree 22:20 24:5 animals 22:20 absent 27:11 addressed 23:20 agreed 83:3 89:18 annex 61:23 64:15 absolutely 48:1 54:24 agrees 28:18 72:21 73:17 74:8 83:5 adelia 1:12 4:17 ahead 4:9 9:8 19:4 annual 28:25 academic 22:4 30:15 59:20 83:21 22:10 24:4 86:25 answer 9:6 48:14 accept 4:18 5:8 adequate 33:15 aho 2:11 20:1 23:5 48:18 78:23 access 35:7 41:17 adjacent 29:4 37:6 23:5 24:17,22,23 anticipate 47:24 42:15,16 52:19 78:1 81:20 25:10 27:1,23 48:9 53:18 67:12,16,19 adjourn 90:12,13 28:8,13 anticipated 37:20 71:15 74:9 81:24 adjusted 22:12 aisle 38:2,5 41:8,12 73:5,20 accessed 41:15 adopted 35:1 alain 1:17 30:11 88:25 accessing 71:13 advantage 53:6 alexander 2:7 59:9 anticipation 37:16 accessory 73:4 advertising 50:6 allison 61:14 63:2 72:9 87:11 advisability 24:13 63:24 67:2,7 anybody 4:5 74:5 accinelli 2:3,17 advise 24:12 27:20 allow 11:1 49:4 anymore 71:25 accommodate advisement 74:25 allowed 8:13 apart 47:3 3:16 62:5 74:4 aerial 66:23 20:20 apartment 14:20 75:3 88:25 affidavit 58:23 alterations 13:21 21:3,5 accommodated afforable 17:16 14:11 apartments 26:18 71:1 afford 26:16 alternative 20:22 28:4 accommodation affordability amend 55:20 apocalypse 75:15 35:19 18:18 28:1 62:22 apologize 16:1 accomplished 7:4 affordable 17:25 amended 57:9 64:25 account 37:14 18:3,11,14 19:6,10 amendment 2:10 appealing 51:11 accurate 91:5 19:16,22 20:6,16 17:16 20:19 24:10 appeals 81:10 82:5 acres 61:19 20:21,23,24 22:12 24:16 25:24 27:5 appear 51:14 act 55:10 77:21 24:11,16,17 25:6,7 56:14 63:19 82:10 appeared 32:9 action 5:22 6:2 25:11,14,16,17,19 85:2 appearing 32:11 76:9 91:10 25:23 26:1,6,7,21 amendments applicant 10:21 actual 70:1 26:24 27:5,13,15 24:14 12:9 14:25 33:21 add 18:8 63:1 27:17,19 28:3,9,16 ami 28:4 35:1 45:1 53:8,9 68:24 73:2 78:22 28:20 29:8,10,16 54:22 58:7 76:8

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79:8 83:2 84:23 arborist 14:14 assume 50:25 b 87:21 89:2,16 architects 32:7 55:14,22 83:3 b 1:10 2:17 applicant's 6:1 architectural 89:17 babcock 2:7 59:9 52:21 53:8 62:23 assuming 9:12 back 8:7,13 9:3 applicants 15:20 architecture 68:13 assured 46:14 11:19 12:19 21:20 application 32:12 area 11:19 14:20 astor 36:24 40:6 21:20 22:22 39:24 32:13 51:25 52:8 22:1,2 34:16 37:6 41:14 42:13,19 40:1,5,19 41:19 56:13,24 59:8 37:12,13,14 38:12 49:10 52:8 53:23 43:9 45:2 47:8 61:6 62:14,22 39:17 40:14,19 attainable 26:10 48:6 49:6 50:13 81:16 82:2,8,10,12 41:4,5,10,14,19,25 attend 3:11 50:16 51:24 52:2 86:2 51:22 53:25 66:3 attendance 3:7 56:11,12 57:2 applications 34:8 66:4,25 67:20 audio 48:16 58:22 63:9,12,19 appreciate 9:5 69:10 74:9,12 authority 11:13 64:15 65:12,21,23 49:21 72:5 79:7 82:18 89:8 auto 33:5 66:3,21 67:18 approach 71:14 areas 22:17 23:13 automated 50:16 70:11 79:11 appropriate 34:11 36:14 37:1 38:16 automobile 45:20 background 58:5 34:18 39:10 40:18 42:12 available 15:16 61:17 appropriately 42:21 66:7 70:8 49:3 54:11 82:14 backup 41:8 34:19 armentano 91:3 89:4 bank 60:22 61:24 approval 32:21 91:19 avenue 2:6,15,19 62:1 63:14 35:4 57:7,10 82:2 army 57:13 6:15 13:16 14:9 barriers 81:22 82:5 88:7 arrangements 40:5 52:24 76:10 barring 29:25 approvals 63:16 88:10 76:11,22 80:21 barry 77:14 approve 4:14 arrive 50:18 74:5 84:18 85:4 87:5 based 11:17 27:4 80:18 arrives 38:11 88:19,19 29:6 38:20 39:4 approved 19:23 40:21 avenues 87:19 47:15 66:2 82:14 20:1 21:6 25:8 article 2:11 6:16 aware 29:15 89:4 34:24 57:2,22 13:8 17:16 24:11 awful 22:13 basically 16:12 81:11,14 85:2 24:16 27:6 31:22 awkward 71:5 21:23 22:17 23:14 86:6 88:2 56:17 60:25 76:22 awning 9:23 47:19 70:8 approves 82:7 80:21 85:5 87:5 aye 4:21 5:14 30:9 basins 88:15 approving 86:2 ascertain 28:12 56:1 60:1 80:11 basis 41:23 approximate aside 21:5 83:9,12,24 84:1,5 beautiful 79:17 64:14 asked 15:21 45:9 84:6 89:22 90:17 bedroom 13:23,24 approximately 75:7,10 ayes 4:22 5:15 14:3 13:18 33:8 39:15 asking 8:22 45:11 56:2 60:2 80:12 bedrooms 14:1 42:3 57:5,6 61:19 50:9 83:10,13 89:23 beginning 32:10 61:22,23 87:10 assist 26:21 90:18 45:2 april 3:20 4:8 5:1 assistant 1:17 behalf 61:7 83:2 24:19 80:24 associates 67:7 belabor 62:14

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believe 3:14,23 26:20,22,25 27:9 bring 21:25 28:5 built 18:9 19:22,24 4:11 14:9 16:11 28:18 29:1,11,20 49:11 70:15 25:9,15 27:3 29:5 17:20 21:4 23:22 32:2,10,20 33:17 bringing 23:10 49:16 38:25 52:25 55:2 33:25 34:2,23 62:9 bulk 78:10 62:10 68:5 79:25 40:10 43:7 44:14 broad 28:8 bureau 8:21 9:11 believes 26:22 44:19,20,23 51:17 broadway 2:12 55:12 58:22 82:16 39:11 52:23 53:15,21 31:21 32:5,6,22 87:22 89:6 benefit 29:7 54:6 55:8,12,14 34:5,10,18,22 buses 51:21 89:1 benefits 29:3 58:6 59:15 62:12 36:22 39:14 40:23 business 11:1 best 28:2,10 58:12 63:6 75:8,18 77:7 41:6,11,13 44:1 businesses 9:11 68:12 70:12 77:12 79:1,5 47:20,22 49:14 45:5 53:19 74:20 better 17:5 21:14 80:23 81:10,13,16 50:3,8 51:3,9 54:9 button 41:2,3 23:21 28:3 71:14 82:1,5,7,9,13 86:1 54:14,17 55:11 buy 21:10 85:11 86:3,7,21,22 87:7 bronx 64:18,23,25 buys 21:7 beyond 29:6 68:6 87:15 88:2 89:3 65:1,6,7 bye 84:20,20 bfj 34:8,12,16,19 board's 19:24 27:4 brought 22:3 23:9 c bid 54:9,14,17 27:7 32:14 39:9 70:25 74:21 c 49:24,24 big 85:18 39:13,16 40:2 bruno 42:22,22,24 cafe 73:7,16 bigger 46:24 42:10 buena 76:10 calculated 28:21 bike 88:24 boards's 39:12 building 6:5,13 call 15:6 30:12,13 bikes 89:1 boiler 77:22 10:6,10 18:7 54:17 bit 35:23 44:5 bollards 78:15 21:12 29:5 33:3,4 called 23:7 61:17 62:16 70:16 81:22 33:24 38:9 40:24 caller 60:19 73:2 bonus 29:6 41:17,18 42:17 canopy 63:21 black 11:16 book 50:12 43:11 44:7 45:21 car 13:17 14:6 block 6:14 13:6 boom 19:11 51:8 57:17,18,18 35:17,19 38:17 31:20 41:8 55:10 bordered 64:18 60:22,23 61:22,23 39:23 40:21 52:12 60:24 76:21 80:19 bore 57:22 61:25 62:1,13,19 card 39:22 41:9 85:3 87:3 bottlenecking 51:2 62:23 63:10,13,19 cards 58:15,21 blocking 39:17,18 bottom 36:22 37:7 63:21,25 64:15 care 5:18 12:16 blocks 56:16 bounce 67:25 65:10,20 67:18,22 17:13 40:10 84:19 blood 91:10 bounds 66:25 68:6,16,19,22 careful 28:8 blow 10:1 boxes 53:4 69:13,14,16 72:18 carlo 85:21,23 board 1:3 3:2,4,16 boyce 61:9 63:11 72:21,22 73:6,6,8 carney 1:17 3:19 4:3 7:14 8:20 68:25 69:8 73:10 73:17 74:1,5,8 caroline 36:25 11:3,12,13,15,16 brand 33:7 77:18 78:1,1,3,12 40:5 52:13 53:24 12:8 13:14 14:14 brick 44:2 80:24 81:3,5,19,20 cars 40:2 42:1,3 14:24 15:10 19:7 bridge 57:20 87:10 88:9 42:16,21 53:25 19:8,11 20:4 brief 71:21 buildings 9:10 67:16,19 70:14 24:12,19,20 25:2,3 briefly 17:21 18:9 19:23 57:4 case 8:1 25:13 25:19 26:2,5,7,12 40:25 29:14 83:6 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [catch - communicated] Page 5

catch 88:15 54:4,16 55:5,18,20 47:12,13 49:4 clients 36:3 catherine 91:3,19 55:25 56:3,10 checking 39:3 clock 56:11 cause 22:24 28:14 58:2,10,11,17,25 checkout 37:19 close 59:16,18,21 29:9 59:6,20,24 60:3,8 48:23 71:7 81:4 causing 81:1 60:9,11,12,20 61:5 chiming 56:11 closed 60:5 cedar 51:21 63:5 64:23 67:4 chip 9:3 closer 38:8 69:17 cell 18:21 67:10 69:2,4,6,22 chipping 7:25 8:10 closest 74:1 cent 19:3 22:8,8 70:3 71:17 72:1,3 8:16 coast 77:23 22:16 72:5 73:9,19 74:6 chorus 4:22 5:15 code 11:7 14:17 center 11:20 61:10 75:1,16,21,23 76:6 56:2 60:2 80:12 27:7 32:24 78:11 63:11 64:14 68:25 76:15 77:4,6,9 83:10,13 89:23 codes 78:9 88:17 central 2:6 6:15 78:25 79:3,20,24 90:18 collapsed 81:12 34:6 53:7 80:4,5,8,9,13,16 chris 77:14 78:21 collecting 58:21 certain 10:9 34:20 80:17 82:19,20,24 christine 1:17 4:11 combined 65:25 certainly 63:8 83:6,11,14,18,23 5:3 combining 70:24 70:23 74:1,22 83:25 84:2,4,6,6 christopher 7:1 come 10:24 12:19 75:4,16 79:18 84:12,16,21 85:11 cianciulli 19:1 38:21,23 41:18 certainty 27:12 85:15,17 86:4,9,12 circulate 55:13 43:16 47:6 64:11 certify 91:4,9 86:15,19,23 87:1,1 circulation 70:12 64:12 65:12,21,21 chairman 1:11 3:1 89:9,10,14,20,24 city 1:1,3 2:10 3:2 65:22 67:19 71:3 4:1,10,17,20,23 90:4,7,11,14,16,19 3:3 17:15,23 18:2 71:12 5:7,10,13,16 6:8 change 5:2 13:20 18:13 20:5,10,11 comes 10:22 35:24 6:12,21 7:11,19,21 18:18,19 21:21 20:12,17,24 21:16 40:20 9:8 12:5,8,12,15 23:23 27:22 28:7 21:19 22:6,19 comfortable 36:4 12:17,24,25 13:3 28:19,19 43:25 24:10,13,15 25:18 coming 10:6 19:18 13:13 14:23 15:4 50:9 26:5 27:7,10,18 45:20 47:20,21 15:8,13 16:7,12,18 changed 8:12 28:5,11,25 29:13 52:13 53:7,10 16:22 17:4,6,13 43:10,18 29:25 32:24 34:7 71:13 18:21,25 19:4 changes 7:3 18:17 34:7,16 35:2 55:7 comment 3:16 22:9,10 23:18 19:5 21:24 28:13 61:20 63:10 68:20 51:19 52:2,15,21 24:4,7,8 30:2,3,7,8 28:23,25 44:8 82:17 87:21 88:5 59:11 30:11,13,17,19,21 82:10 87:17 88:9,17 comments 4:5 5:5 30:23,23 31:7,12 changing 18:18 city's 58:19 24:9 44:15,17,18 31:17 32:1,18 27:21 civil 61:14 44:20 57:12 72:3 39:7 42:7 43:6 chapter 2:11 class 18:24 commercial 9:24 44:11,22 45:7,11 17:16 24:11 27:6 cleaning 37:17 57:5 45:16,24,25 46:11 charted 46:19 47:1 commissary 53:7 47:17 48:6,17 charter 85:2 87:8 clear 24:25 72:17 common 25:3 49:21,25 50:2,22 check 3:11 35:18 client 13:20 32:9 commonly 24:16 51:13,17,19,23 37:19,19,22,23 47:4 49:19 communicated 52:5 53:2,11,15,20 38:22,22 39:1,2 6:25 7:2

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communities conditions 65:3 copy 54:23 covid 1:7 58:20 25:20 82:3,4 83:2,4 88:3 corner 13:15 47:9 72:11 community 23:7 89:17 66:3,21 68:1,3 create 14:5 52:13 34:5 condos 18:7,9 78:2 87:18 created 19:21 company 36:8 conducting 3:4 corp 1:17 43:8 creation 23:5 61:8 77:15 conflicts 34:10 corps 57:13 creativity 11:2 company's 53:5 conform 33:19 correct 11:10 creep 55:19 comparing 22:19 confusing 40:6 45:23,24 51:4,24 cross 26:16 compensation connected 36:24 55:3 71:19 73:3 crossing 39:19 66:20 connections 57:19 73:11 86:20,21 75:5 competing 23:12 consider 70:5 89:18,19 90:8,9 crosswalks 74:9 competition 23:16 consideration correction 4:13,13 75:2 completely 33:18 29:18 74:23 5:3,4 crushing 8:20,23 compliance 33:17 considered 29:3 corrections 5:5 crux 52:18 compliant 33:18 47:7 correspondence cue 49:2,3 comply 35:2 consists 61:18 2:20 90:4,8,10 cuomo's 3:3 component 25:16 construction 8:8 cost 21:12,15,19 curb 39:14,17 computer 16:4 45:5,12 46:21,24 26:13 28:15,21,23 40:25 46:1,2,3,9 85:14 57:20 62:6 88:4,6 36:10 64:9 concentrate 29:16 88:9,13 council 2:10 17:15 current 15:6 18:16 concentration consult 22:6 18:13 21:24 22:6 22:7 23:5 24:22 29:18 consultant 88:22 22:13,15 23:1 24:24 25:10 27:8 concept 36:4 consultation 81:5 24:10,13,15 27:10 27:21 29:21 62:4 concern 19:7 contain 42:2 27:18,22,24 28:5 81:16 88:19 22:22 34:3 35:5,6 contained 24:22 28:12,25 34:7,16 currently 21:1 39:13,16 40:2 context 68:14 35:1 22:2 33:4 45:25 53:11 71:24 75:1 contingent 86:1 council's 23:5 46:2 61:21,24 79:8 continue 29:18 26:21 65:24 78:18 concerning 45:4 67:20 68:14 69:16 counsel 1:17 cut 39:14,17 40:25 concerns 32:15 contrary 30:1 county 22:18 46:1,3,3,10 64:9 34:1,4 39:9,12 control 46:13 53:8 23:13 25:21 64:18 70:18 40:11 42:10 71:21 88:14 78:11 81:6 91:1 d 74:12 79:19 controlled 41:1,20 couple 15:24 d 2:1 concluded 34:17 conversations 48:21 65:15 83:1 daily 37:14,17 90:23 72:12,15 course 14:19 88:14 conclusion 41:24 conversion 13:4 16:20 21:6 63:25 dangerous 52:13 concrete 11:22 60:22 court 24:23 25:13 71:6 44:4 convert 13:21 62:3 27:1 77:13 dangerously 81:4 concurred 34:17 cooperative 18:9 cover 63:8 date 23:2 condition 11:4 coordinate 32:13 coverage 33:20 dated 54:20 35:3 66:8,9

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [dave - echoed] Page 7

dave 77:13 desantis 7:1 73:12 dollar 21:2 28:22 david 2:12 31:3,23 desegregation difficult 14:25 dollars 29:14 78:21 84:12 17:24 29:14 20:11 52:20 53:9 dominick 71:23 day 37:21 71:11 design 68:14 71:15 difficulty 20:9 donuts 52:25 53:1 74:3 designed 52:19 digital 34:14 53:2 days 55:14,19,21 88:22 dimensional 33:20 door 49:10 72:13 86:2 desire 26:21 direct 51:1 doubt 47:20 deal 36:3 85:18 desk 33:10 directed 40:14 dr 77:11 90:10 detail 33:1 64:8 direction 14:22 drainage 9:15 dealt 50:9,21 71:25 directly 35:9 37:9 drained 81:7 dec 57:12 78:9 details 45:3 48:15 51:3 drawings 82:9 decent 69:12 62:23 director 1:16 drive 12:2 39:24 decision 6:2 22:7 determine 74:2 disadvantage 50:24 71:4 73:23 82:13 determined 81:6 23:12 driver 35:18 89:3 developed 25:17 discovery 87:13 drivers 42:19 deck 71:12 developer 21:10 discuss 33:1 36:15 driveway 41:1,12 declaration 80:2,3 25:13 61:9 discussed 38:1 67:16 decrease 27:23 developer's 24:25 discussing 63:25 drop 37:4,22 deem 3:16 88:22 discussion 22:14 38:12 40:4,14,19 defined 25:2 developers 19:18 23:9 28:6 41:4,25 51:6 53:4 degrees 67:14 20:21 22:1 26:12 discussions 19:13 65:19,21 71:1,11 delighted 63:12 28:5,9,14 19:14 25:4 26:13 due 1:7 20:18 38:3 deliveries 37:15 development 18:4 72:11 dunkin 52:25 53:1 37:17,24 38:21 18:5,6 19:25 disgruntled 49:1 53:2 39:1 46:12,19,20 21:15 22:5,24 distance 3:6 65:16 dust 88:14 47:20 23:6 25:8,11 distribution 18:18 duties 25:1 delivery 38:23 26:14 27:14,20,23 19:6 dwelling 13:6,22 46:14 47:14,21 28:22,24 29:2,12 distributions e 52:22,23 53:5,10 56:14 61:8 88:23 18:19 e 1:10,10,15,15 2:1 demand 34:15 developments district 32:22 31:11 50:13,16 71:23 18:15,16 25:15 34:11,18 61:20 54:12 71:21 demonstrated 26:2,16 27:16 divide 21:11 earlier 24:23 34:15 28:3 29:10,19 divides 64:20 early 48:22 62:21 denial 34:1 diagram 47:19 division 87:22 east 65:14 68:5 department 1:17 diamonds 69:15 doable 20:17 70:16,24 77:23 7:1,2 9:10,14 difference 26:11 doctor's 13:17,25 78:16 78:11,12,13 81:5,6 different 9:24 document 16:3 easy 24:24 87:23 89:7 22:20 23:10,16 doing 7:4 32:2 echo 17:4 83:18 department's 26:8,10 29:24 41:23 43:22 44:4 85:9 10:10 88:7 38:19 39:9 46:15 47:21 58:12 62:19 echoed 83:19 56:15 70:8 71:15 69:7 77:23

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economists 22:5 encumbered 66:17 essentially 10:21 expertise 23:10 27:20 endure 8:19,25 18:1 19:11 79:11 experts 21:25 22:5 ed 15:18 engage 27:18 79:13 22:5 27:18,25 edge 81:1,2 engineer 32:8,14 evening 5:23 6:3 expressed 19:7 educational 87:9 39:10 48:2 51:25 6:21 16:23 17:12 extell 19:24 56:14 effect 23:1 82:6 52:15 54:2 61:14 32:1 36:17 43:6 extend 72:20 effective 10:25 61:15 82:17 88:5 56:6 61:11 62:15 extensive 11:14 36:11 51:10 engineering 44:16 63:5,8 69:5 77:1,5 extent 28:13 66:15 effectively 64:19 44:16 61:13 62:16 77:12 87:20 eight 7:25 8:9,24 64:5 71:18,20 everybody 56:23 exterior 14:11 9:1 19:12 87:22,23 89:7 56:23 60:12 f either 7:5 9:10 engineering's evidence 30:1 f 1:10 28:19 19:22 25:7 45:22 11:18 evolve 68:14 facade 9:11,15,16 54:11 71:4 72:22 engineers 57:13 example 19:24 43:21 44:2 78:21 ensure 23:11 20:20 21:4 facilitate 33:13 elaine 77:8 83:2 33:15 excavation 66:20 38:25 elements 67:1 enter 14:8 41:7 excellence 87:9 facilities 37:2 68:15 88:8,11 64:10 excess 62:11 46:20 71:23 elevated 66:24 entering 39:18 excluding 42:5 facility 6:24 33:5 elevation 10:2 45:22 excuse 4:9 65:21 71:6 43:24,25 44:1 enterprises 13:14 executive 3:3 fact 23:9 34:11 65:18 entertain 5:7 existing 13:5,23 facts 82:14 89:4 elevator 42:17 23:25 59:15 13:24 29:2 33:3 failure 80:25 49:11 69:23 entire 33:14 64:21 40:25 43:13,14 fair 69:20 elevators 43:20 70:6 44:2 46:9 60:22 familiar 38:6 eliminate 14:3 entity 61:8 61:21 62:4 64:7,9 41:22 57:8 61:16 ellman 1:16 3:23 entrance 37:7,10 64:11,13,16 65:3 61:25 69:10 4:6 6:7 7:3 10:18 43:16 51:2 65:12 66:9 67:22 68:6 family 13:5,6,16 10:20 12:11 15:14 67:23 70:6,13,16 71:8 13:22,22 18:4 15:19 16:11 17:23 70:24 71:7,10 exit 14:9 65:21 28:6 19:1,5 23:3 24:2 88:13 70:6 far 20:6,16 26:18 52:1,17 53:14 entry 78:14 exiting 41:10,12 46:18 47:3 69:24 55:4,18 58:9 environmental 45:22 faux 69:23 71:20 72:4 75:22 55:9 77:23 expansion 87:8 favor 4:21 5:13 79:4 86:11 90:6,9 equal 43:17 expect 8:1 50:17 30:9 55:25 60:1 emergency 77:20 equivalent 66:20 63:15,18 72:15 80:10 83:7,8,12 emphasize 42:9 especially 52:11 expecting 52:1 89:21 90:17 employee 41:2,3 74:17 experience 19:9 features 66:15 employees 33:8,9 essence 64:20 27:8 36:1 38:21 february 57:2 33:10,11 73:21 essential 33:25 47:4,15 48:11 federal 17:24 63:11

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fedex 37:15 five 19:3,12 30:25 front 11:11 12:2 general 82:18 89:8 fee 28:20,23 flawed 27:1 15:1 16:13 21:4 gentlemen 84:8 feedback 16:25 float 28:23 33:10 35:10 37:10 george 6:6 16:19 17:3 54:2 85:9 flood 66:17,18 43:25 49:15 65:19 16:24 59:3 85:8 feel 44:9 floor 6:13,25 79:10 81:9,18,19 90:21 feeling 22:14 13:22,23,25 43:15 frustrated 8:24 getting 3:24 16:25 feet 11:8,17,19 floors 43:17 fuel 76:20 80:19 31:10 44:12 46:22 13:19,19 57:5 flow 45:18 74:7 full 33:9 72:14 79:9 85:8 61:22,23 65:14 folks 71:3 73:10 82:5 88:21 getty 89:1 66:10 78:3 follow 10:8 67:18 fully 25:16 giris 2:4,7,14 felt 71:5,14 following 27:9 function 35:10 56:19,20,22 58:3 fewer 27:15,17 69:12 80:23 82:3 36:5 58:17 60:6,8,14 field 27:19 82:10 87:7 88:3 fund 20:23 21:11 61:2,4,5 72:2 73:2 87:3,11 foot 38:2,5 65:11 21:13 28:20 76:1 fields 21:25 66:24 72:17,20 funds 20:23 give 48:21 65:4 figuratively 17:9 75:3 furniture 46:23 74:23 figure 28:22 footage 66:2 further 22:16 giving 35:22 fill 66:18,19 footprint 57:17 27:24 33:1 70:16 go 4:9 6:11 8:13 final 73:23 88:4 force 82:5 79:19 91:9 9:3,8 10:16 17:21 finan 61:14 63:23 formerly 77:16 future 75:2,13,17 19:4 21:19,20 64:3,4,25 68:10 forsberg 1:11 3:25 g 22:10,16 24:4,7 70:23 76:5 5:9 9:7,8,9,16,20 35:16,17 38:14,17 gain 28:6 financial 28:15 10:4,11,15,19 39:8 40:4,4 42:18 gale 67:7 find 65:22 74:16 11:21 12:7 15:12 49:15 50:19 52:12 gallon 77:17,20,24 findings 82:14 18:24 24:5,8 57:7 67:2,5 69:3 80:19 81:8 89:4 30:22 45:1 53:17 70:11,15 71:4 gap 41:11 finds 80:23 87:7 75:9 82:23 84:5 72:18 83:1,21 garage 13:17 14:2 fine 48:6 69:1 86:8,14,18 89:11 85:8 86:25 14:4 33:23 38:16 85:17 90:15,16 goes 29:6 39:14,15 40:23 finish 9:4 forth 22:18 23:15 going 3:18 8:7,15 42:13,18 43:13,14 finished 8:2 54:18 49:6 50:21 9:3,4,20,23 10:1 49:12,13 65:12,23 64:1 forward 24:9 12:19 14:16 15:5 67:16 68:13,17 fire 7:2,13,17 75:14,17,24 76:2 15:9,23 18:22 69:25 70:14 87:3 78:12 81:5 85:19 forwarded 24:15 22:7,23 35:16 garish 10:25 firm 32:3,13 found 24:23 25:22 36:13,14,15,25 gate 41:5,6,20 first 5:8 6:24 four 13:6,21,22 37:5 38:17 40:12 gated 41:1 13:24 24:18 29:3 franchise 33:6 40:23 42:17 43:4 gates 42:12,15,20 31:10 34:3 43:15 frankly 70:19 43:9,14,16 44:1,3 gene 1:12 4:20 44:24 46:22,23 free 35:21 44:9 44:5,17 45:5 30:17 80:6,8 63:17 69:6,11,19 friendly 35:13 46:25 48:3,6,18,24 83:23,25 70:18 77:1,5 49:1,5,5,18 50:23

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [going - hundred] Page 10

50:24,25 51:21 guests 35:15 36:12 59:2,7,16,21 60:5 horizontal 10:2,14 56:16 65:13 67:7 39:3,5,16 40:13 heating 77:22 hosed 88:13 69:24 72:7 75:4 41:24 42:16 45:19 height 81:11 hospital 72:12,22 78:5 47:11 49:1,11 heights 12:2 72:25 good 6:21 8:15 50:23 51:9 held 2:3,4,17 3:20 hospitality 32:5 11:1 17:11 19:9 guidance 35:23 5:20 6:1 76:7 hotel 31:20 32:10 20:10 22:21 23:11 guidelines 10:9 84:22 32:21 33:5,6,22,24 32:1 34:6 36:17 guy 61:11 62:15 hello 31:6 34:6,8,23 35:24 43:6 58:25 63:5 62:25 64:3 73:3 help 16:18,19 37:19,19,22 38:7 63:11 74:24 75:13 guys 69:7 32:13 49:16 65:18 38:11 40:1,16 75:15 77:1,5 84:8 h helpful 15:8 47:17 41:15,16 42:14,20 84:12,16,17 90:1 helping 61:13 46:21 48:8 49:15 half 42:3 48:23 90:22 herriot 35:9 36:23 50:3,13,14,18 hand 10:23 24:3 google 65:5 36:24 37:4 38:12 55:10 63:16 67:15 gotten 7:5 8:21 40:4,5,15,19 41:21 hotel's 34:4 handicap 14:8 government 17:24 42:1 43:15 44:3 hotels 34:11,15,17 73:25 governor 3:3 8:13 45:20 46:1 47:21 34:21 36:1 38:20 hands 72:14 gps 50:2,4,9 49:3 50:4,10,19 47:5,16 happen 35:23 grade 33:23 51:3,6 52:14 hour 33:10 48:23 47:13 grandfather 56:11 53:24 48:23 74:20 happened 76:15 grant 2:7 59:9 hi 85:21 hours 74:11 76:16 grants 82:2 high 20:12 26:14 house 13:17 happening 46:7 great 23:23 32:19 74:8 85:3 87:3,10 housekeeping happens 63:16 39:7 52:14 64:8 higher 20:13,16 58:13 90:11 happy 11:6 24:6 66:18 72:5 75:11 28:16 71:22 houses 14:20 61:6 69:7 75:11 highlight 36:14 housing 17:17,25 hardwire 41:2 greater 28:14 highway 78:16 18:3 19:10,11,16 hawthorne 2:17 greatest 87:20 81:22 19:22 20:6,12,16 76:11 green 58:15,21 hinson 77:12 20:22,23,25 22:5 health 78:11 greenery 14:15 hire 88:25 22:12,25 24:11,16 healthcare 61:12 grosso 2:19 85:6 hired 32:12 33:8 24:17 25:6,7,14,19 healthy 56:9 77:6 85:20 34:8 25:23 26:1,6,8,21 84:11 ground 6:13 76:20 history 57:8 26:24,25 27:2,5,13 hear 7:20 12:24 77:21,25 79:14 hold 4:1 55:5 27:15,16,19,19,24 31:6 36:18 43:1 80:19 81:8,24 83:11 85:21 86:19 28:6,9,11,16,20 43:23 45:7 51:24 grow 72:25 home 86:16 29:10,14,16,19,22 58:4 77:2,4 85:10 guards 78:16 honesty 11:6 29:24 85:15,16 guess 8:24 64:6 hope 32:2 33:16 hudson 77:13 heard 3:13 89:16 guessing 21:16 56:22 62:20 77:5 hundred 19:21 hearing 1:6 3:13 guest 35:13 38:11 hopefully 8:12 48:10 12:19 54:8,8 39:21 40:20,20 69:8 72:25 57:25 58:16 59:2 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [hundreds - know] Page 11

hundreds 25:7,16 inclusionary interior 13:20 jmc 32:8,14 33:1 hurry 52:11 18:15 29:2 internal 49:7,9 39:10 48:2 i income 26:15 73:16,16 job 23:23 69:12 29:16 internally 36:9 joe 42:23 43:1 idea 20:10 23:11 incorporate 44:21 50:20 46:4,5 29:5 34:6 increase 18:14 introduce 31:17 joe's 49:23 identical 26:17 27:12,14,23 62:15,25 john 1:13 5:12 33:22 indaudible 21:18 introduction 7:19 23:18 30:19 image 65:5 independently 68:18 84:2 89:14 imagine 73:25 10:8 involved 59:10 johnson 1:12 4:19 immediate 71:4 indicate 4:12,21 issue 3:24 10:23 30:18 53:22 54:5 79:7 5:13 55:25 60:1 29:17 34:3 74:18 59:23,24 80:7,10 immediately 38:15 80:11 83:8,12 issued 34:2,16 83:24 84:1 impact 24:13 89:21 90:17 issues 11:14 19:14 joining 61:11,13 25:11 28:7 41:12 indicated 65:24 25:5 52:18 54:24 joseph 43:7 51:22 individual 15:17 54:25 87:14,15,19 july 81:13 impacted 66:7 16:2 87:24 june 63:20 72:16 impacts 27:21 individuals 40:17 item 2:2 3:18 4:2 28:10 29:4,9 k industry 22:4 5:18,20,22,24 6:4 implement 24:24 k 31:11 68:21 6:12 12:18,19,21 important 29:15 kate 31:8,11 38:1 infamous 77:19 12:21 13:4 17:14 importantly 18:2 40:13 42:7 43:13 information 3:10 30:25 31:3,18,19 imposed 24:23 44:11 49:25 27:11 49:19 50:14 54:19 56:5,12 27:1 35:2 kberry 17:2,2 79:6 59:7,12 60:20 improve 65:16 keep 44:12 46:7 initially 51:10 76:7,9,12,12,17,18 66:7 71:7 73:1,18 79:5 76:19 80:14 84:21 improved 61:21 kept 29:12,25 initiate 55:8 85:1,18 improvements kevin 32:7 36:13 install 77:20,24 items 3:14,15 66:12 88:18 38:10,18 39:20 installation 57:23 23:21 54:20 63:7 inaudible 71:24 40:9 42:9 43:13 76:20 74:9 90:5,8 77:11 keypad 39:22,23 installed 78:8 ix 6:16 13:8 31:22 incentive 20:15 41:9 installing 79:18 56:17 60:25 76:22 incentives 26:9 keys 38:15 42:4 instance 46:23 80:21 85:5 87:5 28:15 kind 64:6 65:4 instructions 50:15 include 37:22 j know 3:22 7:10 instructs 55:12 57:16 66:14 73:13 jack 57:22 8:3,6,14,20 10:23 intended 62:7 included 33:17 james 2:15 76:17 14:25 15:4 17:18 intention 73:17 34:14 76:24 77:7 20:4 23:8,9,13 interest 25:12 including 35:14 janet 2:4,7,14 38:15 47:7 48:15 interested 91:11 37:17 38:8 60:23 56:19 61:2 63:7 48:22 50:16,19 interesting 10:23 87:12 63:13 64:7 65:24 53:9 61:16 69:18 68:17 73:15 72:19 74:14,16,23 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [know - mailed] Page 12

76:16 86:15 larkin 1:13 5:12 licensing 34:20,25 longer 39:21 84:25 knowledge 82:18 5:12 7:19,19,21,22 35:3 look 17:1 22:22 89:8 8:6,14,18 9:5 22:9 lieu 57:21 44:6 51:9 54:2 known 6:15 13:7 22:11 23:8 30:7,8 light 70:7 60:6 69:24 70:17 24:17 31:21 55:11 30:20 55:17,22,24 lighting 14:13 70:24 71:22 75:14 57:18 60:24 76:10 79:23 84:3 89:13 likewise 19:20 75:16 76:2 76:21 80:20 85:4 89:14 lincoln 52:24 looked 11:4 34:1 87:4 late 55:6 line 19:3 64:16 70:11,13 kozicky 1:11 laundry 37:18 78:4,4 83:21 looking 14:19 kroberts 31:12 46:25 lines 78:7 19:19 22:1 36:7 kuntz 16:20 17:1,5 law 21:7 32:3 list 31:13 54:13 36:10 48:10 51:2 31:10,14 54:15 lawless 32:6 42:24 listed 31:12 50:5,5 52:6 67:21 68:5 56:21 59:5 60:10 43:7 50:7 84:24 74:6 75:24 84:17 60:15 85:10,13,16 lawn 49:15 literally 17:9 looks 9:22 60:17 90:22 layout 43:19 66:6 little 14:25 29:22 lot 13:6,7,18 14:6 l lead 55:3,8,13,15 35:23 44:5 61:17 14:16 21:8 22:13 79:25 86:21 62:16,23 69:18 22:20 23:8 31:20 lagging 28:24 lease 9:24 70:16,17 73:2 33:19,24 35:15,19 lamartine 87:18 leased 9:12 loading 35:11 38:16 41:22 42:4 88:19 leave 21:15 48:21 37:12,14 38:25 42:13,19 49:1,10 lamatine 2:9 13:7 60:14 74:2 47:7,8 66:4 55:10 57:18 60:24 13:15,16 14:9 leaves 47:9 76:12 lobby 35:10,18 64:11,15 71:10 landi 1:12 4:16 5:6 leaving 48:25 37:6,10 41:3,19 75:7 76:21 80:20 30:16 51:19 59:18 lee 1:16 3:21 7:3 44:4 49:11 lots 6:14 42:2 75:20 76:14 77:3 15:13 16:9 17:18 local 40:3,7 45:22 56:16 73:22 79:2 80:3,5,9,15 22:11 23:18,24 located 13:18 14:2 85:3 87:4 80:15,17 82:21 51:23 53:22 54:22 33:3 35:9 37:7 low 29:16 83:22 90:13 55:3 71:17 79:3 40:24 41:14 61:18 lower 28:4 65:17 landlord 84:17 79:20 90:4 61:19 62:8 64:10 65:18 landscaping 11:21 left 10:6 36:23 64:14 65:9 77:18 luck 84:9 90:1 11:23,24 12:1 65:17 67:22 71:4 77:25 80:25 81:3 landslide 81:2,4 m leibler 61:11 63:5 location 14:10 lane 65:20 m 14:18 67:5 68:11 69:4 40:22 53:19 64:12 langan 64:4 mackenzie 1:11 69:20 70:10 72:9 71:8,13 78:2 laptop 16:3 5:10 10:18 12:6 73:12,23 74:21 locations 20:25 large 10:24 18:14 24:2,4 30:4,21 76:2 29:12 63:22 71:15 24:20 29:5 46:20 82:24 84:4 86:15 length 64:21 77:15 88:11 49:3 81:21 86:25 letter 54:10,20 long 14:1 17:23 larger 26:6,17 mail 50:13,16 55:1 22:24 34:18 39:25 53:1 71:21 level 6:25 19:10 62:15 86:16 largest 47:24 mailed 54:12 23:16 67:20 58:18 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [mailing - natchev] Page 13

mailing 58:23 mattresses 46:22 met 34:12 moratorium 34:8 main 37:3,4,6 maximum 48:8,19 method 49:7 34:24 57:22 65:10 74:8 mean 48:9 54:8 metro 57:13,21 morning 38:21 maintenance meaningful 72:11 mica 72:4 47:6 48:22 33:15 means 21:17 56:11 mica's 71:24 motion 4:14,16,17 major 72:12 medical 60:23 middle 64:17 5:7 55:7 59:15 making 22:7 28:15 62:5,12 68:19 mike 61:14 63:2 80:1 90:12,13 66:19 71:22 72:7,10,23 63:23 64:4 67:6 mouse 47:8 managed 54:1 73:4,5,14,17 67:11 68:9,18 move 3:18 4:25 management meet 11:7 39:11 70:10,21 12:21 16:23 17:14 77:15 60:6 mike's 67:13 35:18 40:17 42:1 mandated 18:1 meeting 3:2,5,6,8 mill 74:18 42:21 59:18 79:24 mangiane 42:24 3:9,10,11,19,22 millions 29:14 83:7 84:24 86:23 mangione 32:6 4:3,6,7,11,15 5:1,4 mind 48:13 73:20 89:20 90:12 43:8 6:22 7:8 12:14 minimizing 66:18 moved 4:6,7 11:19 maps 50:21 15:2 16:5,8,15 minor 56:25 57:10 39:25 40:21 79:10 march 3:21 4:3,14 17:8 18:23 24:19 57:16 58:1 80:5 24:18 32:10 33:21 44:18 45:15 47:18 minutes 1:3 3:19 movement 70:25 mark 6:10 39:4 48:4,5,15,19 49:20 3:21 4:2,14,25 71:5 market 18:10 20:7 54:13 55:1 56:7 37:25 43:12 movements 70:19 20:12,12 25:15 59:11,19 60:7 missed 76:16 moving 6:4 13:3 26:3,8,11,25,25 63:20 82:1 85:24 misstating 11:11 41:4,5,21 56:12 27:13,16 28:11 86:3 88:2 mistakes 59:4 65:13 84:21 29:24,25 34:13 meetings 15:24 mitigated 87:19 mpt 45:2,4,12 45:10 19:18 75:13 mix 33:9 35:10 53:18 88:4 markets 22:2 member 1:11,12 modem 15:6 mudslide 77:19 26:12 1:12,13 54:14,16 modification multi 18:3 28:6 marriage 91:10 members 7:1,14 56:25 58:1 multiples 20:13 masciovecchio 12:8 13:14 14:24 modifications multitude 38:19 32:8 36:17,20 15:10 32:2,6 43:6 57:10 63:3 music 18:20 40:12 44:23 51:17 53:15 modus 48:7 mute 46:5,8 60:10 mason 44:4 53:21 58:6 60:13 moment 7:9 60:13 match 44:6 68:12 75:8,18 77:6 monasebian 54:13 muted 42:7 44:11 69:17 78:25 86:7 month 23:4 56:25 44:13 46:6 67:4 material 15:15,21 mention 50:24 57:15 62:21 72:15 n 24:2 62:18 month's 12:13 n 1:15 2:1,20 materials 82:10 mentioned 46:11 16:8,15 17:8 56:7 name 31:10 43:7 88:15 57:15 58:1 75:24 60:7 49:23 77:7,8 matter 3:12 24:1 84:22 months 7:25 8:9 natchev 1:17 24:18 91:12 messy 70:17 8:25 9:2,2 15:25 30:11,11 83:17 58:12 63:18 86:22 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [national - ordinance] Page 14

national 33:6 new 1:1 5:19 18:9 o 86:12,18,23 90:4 61:24 20:10,11,17 22:19 o 1:10 90:11 nature 57:16,24 23:15 25:22 26:1 o'clock 12:20 old 74:18 84:17 73:9 26:5 29:24 55:9 47:11 56:12 once 5:1 35:17 navigating 41:22 57:12 60:23 62:7 o'neill 61:14 63:25 40:20 41:16 61:6 nay 4:23 5:16 67:22,23 68:6 67:6,11 70:1 76:4 online 25:7 50:13 30:15 56:3 60:3 76:20 77:24 78:9 objections 59:1 50:21 83:14,19 89:24 81:18 82:11 87:2 obvious 70:18 op 79:17 90:19 91:1,4 72:13 open 38:14 41:5 nays 30:25 nice 56:23 69:17 obviously 10:5 41:20 42:20 44:24 near 26:15 29:5 84:14 15:5 54:18 71:1 47:10 59:1,2 necessarily 10:24 night 33:12 90:22 occupancy 48:20 opened 41:6 29:8 noon 37:23 occupant 74:2 opening 39:15 necessary 3:17 normally 15:1 occupants 73:24 operandi 48:7 necessity 79:17 north 36:21 57:13 occupied 61:24 operate 36:9 39:23 need 16:12,18 57:21 78:14 81:23 occur 37:16,25 47:5,16 26:20 30:5 33:18 northwest 65:10 66:21 operating 36:1 39:16,23 41:17 notably 25:21 offer 68:9 39:22 50:10 52:12 55:2 notary 91:3 offered 26:9 operation 33:13 57:7 58:16 70:15 note 3:12 49:22 office 13:5,17,25 36:5 78:19 75:2 79:25,25 79:4,5 47:1 53:3 58:21 operations 32:16 86:20 noted 53:20 89:2 60:22,23 62:4,5 38:9 40:13 needed 15:20 notes 26:8 68:15 opine 71:18 23:21 79:6 88:14 notice 55:8,13 offices 47:2 68:19 opponent 5:8 needs 11:4,15 58:18 72:8 73:14 opportunity 15:22 15:16 49:23 72:20 number 3:18 5:24 offs 37:22 oppose 4:23 5:16 negative 80:1,3 6:4 12:18,20,21,22 oh 9:18 56:3 60:3 83:14 neighbor 74:24 13:4 17:14 18:14 oil 76:20 77:22 89:24 90:19 neighborhood 21:12,16 24:21 okay 3:1 4:10 5:10 opposed 70:7 14:19 52:9 26:17 31:3,19 9:5,20 10:4,11,15 ops 18:7 neighborhoods 48:20,24 56:5,12 12:8,12,17 15:13 opted 71:6 29:10 59:8 60:19,21 17:11 30:13,17 optimize 38:7 neighboring 45:4 62:10,11 63:7 31:14 32:19 43:4 option 36:11 53:19 70:11 76:7,9,12,14 45:13,16,25 47:17 options 70:11 neighbors 8:19 76:17,19 84:21 53:20 54:7,18 order 3:3,15,15 34:9 79:16 85:1 55:5 58:6 59:5,6 8:12 28:1 32:24 nepperhan 52:24 nyc 26:8,11,15,16 59:24 60:4,20 62:5 68:18 net 20:1 21:12 nycrr 78:10 67:11 69:6,22 ordered 23:5 netted 20:13 70:4 75:23 79:20 25:13 never 19:20 38:24 79:24 80:8,9 ordinance 6:17 39:5 45:21 83:15 84:19 86:10 8:23 13:9 17:17 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [ordinance - placeholder] Page 15

17:25 18:1 19:10 page 2:2 17:9 parts 20:18 perimeter 64:19 20:2 21:1,3,6,9,17 37:11 pass 3:21 period 22:25 23:4 22:12,25 24:11,15 paid 88:23 passed 22:12 23:1 39:2,5,25 45:5 24:17 25:14,24 pandemic 1:7 83:16 49:16 72:24 88:4 27:6,8,22 28:10 72:11 passes 4:23 5:16 periods 38:22 29:13,21 31:22 parcel 64:20 30:25 56:3 60:4 permissible 12:3 56:18 61:1 76:23 park 2:6 6:15 80:13 84:7 89:25 permit 56:13 57:1 80:22 85:5 87:6 35:16,17 38:13,16 90:20 57:9 59:8 ordinances 19:19 39:17 40:14 41:16 pat 29:12 permits 57:3 20:7 25:20,21,22 49:13 74:3,14,16 patients 73:6,21 63:16 25:25 parked 42:3 74:9 permitted 8:4 oriented 67:14 parking 13:6 14:6 patrol 33:14 14:18 orienting 64:6 14:16 19:13 29:7 pattern 70:19,20 person 3:7 original 21:3 29:9 32:15,25 71:9 person's 18:21 ornamentation 33:23 35:6,7,14,21 patterns 38:7 perspective 28:7 69:14 36:14,15 37:3,5 87:17 68:4 79:15 ought 11:18 38:3,3,16 39:10 paying 34:3 pervious 66:7 outcome 91:11 40:15,18 41:10,14 pdf 15:18 petroleum 77:17 outdoor 73:22 42:2,4,6,12,13 peak 37:20,23 78:10 outside 9:22 37:18 45:18,22 52:10 38:22 39:1 47:14 ph 77:14 overall 27:14 53:24 57:6 60:23 pedestrian 74:7 pharmacy 73:6,15 overhead 57:20 62:7,9,9 63:3 87:17 88:20 phase 45:12 oversized 38:24 64:11,13 65:6,9,12 pedestrians 39:18 phone 18:22 19:2 owned 64:18 65:18,22,22,23,25 39:18 60:16,18 owner 32:12 35:25 66:1,23,25 67:3,12 people 6:9 17:2 pick 68:15 36:7 38:19 46:18 67:17,19,23 68:8 23:10 40:6 42:14 pickup 37:4 38:12 owner's 10:9 68:13,17,20 69:25 47:13 48:21 61:25 40:4,14,19 41:25 ownership 48:12 70:14,25 73:19,25 69:7 71:8,12 73:8 51:6 owns 13:15 74:4,7,12,12,16,18 74:14 77:8 picky 69:18 p 74:20 87:3,11 percent 11:9 18:3 picture 28:10 parkway 64:19 18:17,17 19:10,16 69:11,18 p 1:15 65:1,6 25:11 26:1 48:10 pictures 79:9,12 p.m. 1:4 3:5 37:21 part 19:23 22:22 48:11 72:7,10 place 17:25 20:1 90:23 25:8 26:24 27:13 73:4 20:22 25:4 27:2 p.m.. 3:13 29:18 32:5 33:9 percentage 20:16 29:25 36:24 40:6 package 5:2 9:19 66:13 21:18,19 26:7 41:15 42:13,19 packages 4:4 participant 31:13 27:12 28:21 48:8 49:10 51:21 52:8 packet 45:14 particular 30:14 percentages 25:23 53:24 74:16 78:18 54:21 54:3 perfect 16:7 24:6 placed 81:8 packets 17:19 parties 91:10 43:4 placeholder 10:22 54:11 11:5

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [placement - proposal] Page 16

placement 11:14 24:4 30:9,12 31:5 present 4:11,12 62:19 placing 35:14 31:25 40:11 55:25 5:3 15:21 54:19 produce 18:3 plain 66:17,18 60:1 80:10 83:8 77:11 20:21 26:4 plains 23:15 25:21 83:12 89:21 90:17 presentation 5:22 produced 27:13 plan 5:21,25 6:5 pleased 63:12 13:1 23:19 31:4 29:21 6:12 11:25 13:4 78:23 69:3,5 producing 26:24 14:13,14 16:14 pleasure 63:9 presented 10:13 production 27:15 25:4 31:19 32:21 plugging 17:3 17:18 46:16 82:8 28:2 35:3 36:21 45:2,4 point 8:8,16 10:9 82:9 83:8 85:23 productive 20:5 45:10,12 50:11 10:10 22:23 50:19 88:1 program 63:14 51:14 53:18 56:13 51:7 55:2 58:7 presenting 6:9 programming 57:1,9 60:21 75:6 president 61:12 72:19 63:21,24 66:5 points 17:21 22:21 77:13 programs 20:7,15 67:13,15 72:21 48:2 67:12 press 41:3 26:6,9 76:19 79:7 80:18 pool 22:4 pressed 41:2 project 6:23 26:17 82:8,9,11,12 84:25 poor 8:18 pretty 52:8,9 32:7,8,10,12,18,21 85:1 87:2,15 88:1 portion 20:22 59:7 previous 32:11,15 32:24 33:2,18 88:4 62:8 66:16 39:9,12,13 40:2 34:23 35:4 43:8 planned 25:17 possible 9:4 66:19 82:4 45:6 57:11 66:11 planner 34:9 69:13 87:20 previously 32:9 69:8 75:11,25 planning 1:3,16,17 possibly 8:9 47:22 33:4,25 39:16 84:9 3:2,4,19 4:3 7:4 48:18 59:3 40:16 57:21 66:7 projects 24:21 8:20,21 9:10,14 post 58:21 85:2 25:9,12 36:3 11:3 24:12,19,20 potential 20:20 prime 77:14 proof 58:23 25:1 26:2,22 27:9 27:21 29:15 prior 41:4,5,11,20 proper 14:16,17 28:18 29:1,11,20 potentially 29:4 88:5 27:25 34:2 44:14 55:8 35:14 47:11 71:6 private 36:8 properly 14:12 55:12,12,14 58:22 71:24 probably 8:15 9:2 58:18 63:6,14 72:19 pounds 53:4 17:2 18:2,10 property 5:21 79:4 80:23 81:13 practice 15:22 23:11 48:9 71:13 6:15 13:7,15 82:1,7,13,16 85:24 pre 72:10 73:7 31:21 33:3,14 87:7,15,22 88:1 prefabricated problem 16:20 36:24 47:25 48:25 89:3,6 88:8 19:20 21:5 36:6 49:2 55:11 60:24 plans 9:14 14:7 preliminary 84:25 50:1 79:16 61:17 62:2,8,10 15:1 66:6 81:14 85:1 problems 19:15 64:17,21 70:6,9 plate 11:12 premises 13:21 29:23 72:7 76:10,21 platform 15:23 14:8 proceed 51:3 77:15,19 78:4,4 platforms 3:10 prepare 45:14 proceedings 90:23 80:20 81:1,2,21 play 87:3,11 47:18 91:6 85:4 87:4 please 3:12 4:21 prepared 48:14 process 19:19 proposal 6:19 5:13 7:9,21 22:10 34:13,24 56:24 13:11 18:13 31:24

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [proposal - remember] Page 17

59:21 61:3 65:8 pursuant 3:2 6:16 range 25:25 27:25 recommends 21:9 76:25 85:7 13:8 31:21 55:9 28:4,8 29:1,11,20 propose 38:12 56:17 60:25 76:22 rate 25:15 26:25 record 4:7 59:13 proposed 11:22,23 80:21 85:4 87:5 27:14,16 48:20 redevelop 63:10 14:2 17:15 20:19 put 14:3 17:24 rated 78:16 redevelopment 21:9 22:8 23:19 21:7,13,13 34:7 ratio 68:24 63:17 66:11 75:11 24:10,14,15 25:24 48:3 60:10,12 ray 75:14 reduce 87:23 27:5 28:13 31:20 putting 21:11 read 24:6 56:16 reducing 14:15 32:25 33:22,24 50:15 51:6,8 80:15 reduction 19:23 34:20 35:8 39:11 q reader 39:22 41:9 22:24 29:7 57:16 40:1,25 42:2 ready 6:11 15:15 reemphasize quadrant 65:10 43:17 55:10 57:11 15:20,24 16:8 38:10,18 quality 55:9 66:14 57:22 60:21 63:4 17:20 refer 62:1 70:19 65:25 66:8 67:22 real 49:19 70:3 referral 2:10 quarter 34:6 78:2 80:9,18 87:2 reality 47:4 61:7 17:15 24:9 55:3 63:17 87:8,16 89:16 really 7:23 8:7 reflect 59:13 question 9:7 44:9 proposing 12:1 11:4,15 14:12 reflected 14:6 45:8 48:13 59:11 62:3,6,17 77:24 18:8 22:25 34:3 reflects 21:14 26:3 79:22 prospect 2:17 38:21 40:7 42:14 refuse 66:3 questions 4:4 7:9 76:10 43:10,10 47:6 regarding 45:17 7:15 12:5,9 14:24 protected 78:15 70:14 71:2,5 54:2 15:10,13 17:7 78:17 88:16 75:13 78:20 79:15 regards 6:23 7:3 23:24 44:15,20,23 provide 28:4 38:5 reapprove 87:2 9:14 45:17,17 51:18 provided 5:1 rear 77:18,25 region 38:20 53:13,16,21 54:6 34:13 35:22 37:6 79:11,13 81:1,19 regular 3:1,19 4:3 58:7 64:1 69:3,9 37:9,11 38:3 88:5 reasonably 26:4 14:7 19:2 52:23 75:7,8,9,12,19 88:21,24 reasons 72:14 85:14 78:21,23 79:1,21 providing 19:15 recall 4:7 11:10 regulated 34:19 85:25 86:7 provision 25:5 19:14 25:3 regulations 24:22 quick 43:10 26:22 receipt 58:19,24 24:24 58:19 78:9 provisions 20:1 r receive 44:16 related 60:23 61:7 88:20 r 1:10,15 49:24 received 9:19 87:24 91:9 public 3:12,16 racks 88:24 55:14,21 57:12 relative 67:13 12:19 54:8,8 radius 47:23 72:2 87:11 relatively 52:3 57:25 58:16 59:2 rail 78:16 receives 54:23 remain 13:23,24 59:2,7,16 60:5 railroad 57:14,21 recommendation 43:19 81:24 82:5 73:13 91:3 ramp 49:13 8:21 20:3 21:22 remaining 81:23 pull 35:15 ran 36:2 24:1 remains 8:11 pur 57:3,25 rancorous 25:4 recommendations remember 22:11 purposes 33:12 random 75:6 8:23 27:9 23:2 43:8 45:3 81:23,25 52:7 57:3 61:9

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [remind - runs] Page 18

remind 52:23 requirements retaining 66:24 74:14 75:5 reminded 12:17 24:25 33:20 34:20 78:5,17 80:25 roads 40:3,8 removal 29:3 34:25 35:3 81:12,21 roadway 88:12,15 removed 81:7,18 requires 29:17 return 27:1 40:18 roadways 41:18 rendering 10:1,21 requiring 3:12 58:19,24 roberts 31:6,8,8 11:3 68:2,4,12 28:24 returning 47:22 31:11,15,25 32:1 renders 82:13 resident 8:19 reused 46:10 32:19 36:19 38:10 89:3 residential 18:4,12 review 5:21,25 6:5 39:8 42:8 43:1,3 rent 26:18 57:4 74:19 81:20 6:13 13:4 19:25 43:23 44:12,22 rental 18:6 26:15 residents 8:25 25:5 27:4,25 45:7,9,13,24 46:2 rented 72:24 29:4 29:19 31:19 37:1 46:8,17 48:1,12 repair 33:5 reso 55:19 55:10 56:14 58:10 49:9,24 50:1,7 replacement 81:12 resolution 5:8,9 60:21 63:24 76:19 51:5,16 56:6,8 81:14,17 7:8 17:20 21:22 82:11 84:25 85:1 rochelle 23:15 report 20:3 34:16 23:20,25 24:6,9 reviewed 19:12 25:22 82:16,17 89:6,7 34:1 35:6 55:16 24:20 25:19 81:11 rock 8:9,16,20,23 reposition 63:18 55:21,23 59:16 81:13 87:14 roll 30:12,13 represent 13:14 80:14,18 82:22 revitalize 33:2 rolling 41:20 representative 83:7 85:25 86:13 ricciuti 42:23,23 42:12 6:18 13:10 31:23 86:24 87:2 89:12 43:2,4,7,24 46:6 roman 1:11 75:10 61:2 76:24 85:6 89:17,21 rich 45:14 46:3 romano 2:9 12:22 85:20 resolve 32:14 richard 50:8 12:23 13:2,10,12 representatives respect 46:12 riciuti 46:9 13:13 14:23 15:3 32:4 76:18 responded 59:14 rid 17:3 15:7,11,14 16:1,6 request 6:1 52:2 responding 44:17 right 5:18 8:6,14 16:14,16 17:7,11 53:17 54:9 69:20 response 7:5 9:5 10:12 12:25 roof 67:20 76:8 84:22 responses 7:13,17 13:3 16:4,21,22 room 31:20 32:21 requested 58:20 44:21 55:13,21 21:16 22:14 23:8 33:22 35:19 47:12 58:24 responsibilities 36:21,23 41:7 rooms 48:7,20 requesting 78:6 25:1 44:3 50:7 51:13 rotated 67:14 require 12:18 restaurants 73:10 51:23 54:4 55:20 round 46:22,23 18:11 26:6 57:25 74:17 60:5 64:9 65:17 51:12 66:12 restore 44:2 67:15 68:7 71:4 route 53:5 required 18:2 19:2 result 11:7 25:6,14 71:17 75:7,10,18 routine 41:23 23:22 25:24 26:1 27:16 82:11 87:16 76:7 79:19 86:23 royalty 19:3 42:5 62:11 66:15 resulting 27:21 river 64:19,20,23 run 36:8 43:5,9 68:21 72:18 87:12 results 19:21 64:25 65:1,6,7 49:14 87:13 88:16 resume 72:15 road 2:3,4,14 5:21 running 49:5 requirement 38:2 retail 6:14,24 5:25 60:25 61:18 runs 38:19 64:17 66:1 68:20 73:13 64:10 65:13 67:15 64:21 67:17,24 68:5

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [rza - situation] Page 19

rza 13:14 59:22 80:7 82:22 serve 37:12 39:3 signage 9:11,17,18 s 82:23 85:22 87:12 serves 43:14 9:21 10:3,13,22,24 89:12,13 90:15 service 32:25 50:25 63:21 s 1:15 seconded 4:18 33:13 35:8 36:1,9 signal 88:18,19,20 safe 17:12 56:8 5:10 30:8 59:25 39:11,20 40:10 88:21 70:20 77:6,9 80:6,10 82:24 42:1 57:19 58:23 signature 91:19 84:11 89:14 90:14 services 35:22 significant 19:8 safer 71:14 secret 77:9 73:15 29:21 safest 36:11 section 21:17 servicing 70:6,8 signs 9:23 10:22 safety 33:15 81:23 28:19 29:2,12,17 set 21:5 28:22 11:7,13 51:6,8,13 81:24 32:23 87:12 silent 72:13 sale 18:6,11 security 33:12,14 setbacks 33:19 similar 20:6 23:14 salisbury 2:3 5:21 42:11 setting 23:4 25:23 26:19 32:10 sanitary 57:19 sedimentation seven 14:6 57:4 33:6 64:16 88:16 sewer 57:19 64:16 simone 61:8,9,12 satisfactory 12:6 see 7:8 9:25 10:2 sewers 88:15 simple 57:24 saw 33:16 34:3 12:13 14:9 17:8 share 16:4 32:17 simply 50:24 79:8 35:5 30:6 31:16 32:17 63:7 67:8 single 18:5 saying 4:21 5:14 32:18 42:25 43:2 shared 36:15 sir 13:2,13 14:21 7:24 21:23 40:13 44:19,25 47:8 sharp 71:2 16:17 69:4 56:1 60:1 67:11 49:18 53:25 56:6 sheltered 81:20 site 5:20,25 6:4,12 80:11 83:8,12 56:23 65:5 66:5 shift 33:12 8:5 11:19,24 13:4 89:22 90:17 66:22 67:9 68:1 shopping 11:20 14:12 25:4 31:19 scarsdale 2:14 68:11 69:7,14 shortcut 49:8 32:15,21 33:14,22 60:25 61:7,18 75:15 84:13,14,16 show 37:1 47:23 35:3,7,22 36:21 64:10 65:13 67:15 seek 20:14 28:14 63:2 79:12 38:4 42:4,4,10 67:17,24 68:5 seeking 32:21,23 showed 11:2 51:14 52:7,18 74:14 75:5 57:9 showing 11:9 54:3 56:13 57:1,9 scheduled 37:18 seeks 13:20 35:21 63:20,21 60:21 63:4,24 37:24 seen 18:8 shown 12:4 40:16 64:7 65:3,7,10,16 schiattarella 85:21 self 6:5,13,23 42:6 82:8 66:16,20 67:1,17 85:23 89:19 90:2 send 19:2 49:20 side 10:6 36:23 70:15 71:16 74:13 school 51:21,21 79:5 45:21 61:13 67:15 75:12 76:19 77:16 85:3 86:1 87:3,9 sending 58:21 79:10 81:19,19 79:6,12 80:18 87:10,16,25 88:25 sense 11:1 sides 81:23 81:14 82:7,9,11,12 screen 31:16 32:17 sent 15:17 55:6 sidewalk 39:17,19 84:25 85:1,24 36:22 37:8 38:4 71:21 79:12 39:25 41:8 49:14 87:2,14,15,18,25 67:8,9 separate 70:13 sign 10:7 11:7,12 88:1,25 se 71:10 71:7 15:22 19:14 35:14 situation 52:13 second 4:19 13:23 seqra 80:1,2 86:20 38:13 47:19 53:2 58:20 29:7 30:5,6,7 43:17 55:16,17,22 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [six - suggest] Page 20

six 7:25 9:2 14:7 space 57:6 73:7,24 86:9 stored 88:9 35:9 37:5 40:15 spaces 35:9 36:15 stage 10:13 storefront 11:9 60:18 37:5,9,10 38:3,4,8 stair 68:1 70:2 stores 6:24 size 21:2 38:23,23 40:15 42:5,6 stairs 43:20 straight 79:11 46:12,15,18 52:22 43:15 57:6 62:9 stairwell 68:2 street 35:10 36:23 53:6,9 57:17 62:10 65:25 standard 68:21 36:25,25 37:5 slope 80:25 speak 16:2 39:20 78:19 38:2,12 40:4,5,15 slue 56:15 44:24 59:11 star 60:17,18 40:20 41:21 42:1 small 14:20 46:25 speaking 31:7 starbucks 10:5 46:1 49:4 50:4 47:2 52:3,8 62:19 58:4 start 63:13,17,24 51:4 52:14 59:9 63:20 66:16 67:19 special 56:13 57:1 70:10 88:6 74:17 76:10 81:25 79:13 57:9 59:8 started 50:18 88:11 smaller 20:11 specialist 28:9 56:24 streets 59:10 smooth 19:9 specialty 25:12 starting 47:12 88:10 smoothly 20:5 specific 79:7 state 1:1 55:9 78:9 strip 9:22 10:2 solved 79:8 specifically 35:7 88:17 91:1,4 strong 30:1 somebody 80:6 82:15 89:5 stated 21:2 68:18 structural 61:15 someone's 56:10 specifics 15:10 statement 52:22 structure 62:7,7 somewhat 23:14 speed 49:16 station 74:14,15 63:3 64:14 65:5,9 soon 9:4 spelling 49:23 stay 18:22 43:14 65:19 66:2 67:3 sorry 4:8 7:18 spent 29:13 56:8 84:11 67:12,23 68:6,9 15:3 16:6 18:5 split 33:23 steep 80:25 70:25 73:19 74:7 19:4 30:9 42:8 sponsor 20:24 steinmets 31:9 structured 66:1 43:22 44:12 46:4 spot 14:8 23:20 steinmetz 2:12 structures 62:4 64:23 79:22 84:2 65:22 31:3,23 32:4 stucco 44:5 sort 17:21 27:2 spots 14:7 38:14 stemming 25:5 students 87:10 50:13,25 39:2 47:10 stenographer 89:1 sounds 83:15 spread 37:21 49:22 studio 21:5 85:17 square 57:5 61:22 stephen 2:19 study 34:9 52:3,6 source 77:21 61:23 65:11 66:2 sterling 61:24 62:1 style 37:12 69:12 south 2:12 31:21 66:9 72:17 89:1 62:2 63:14 subject 74:22 88:6 32:5,22 34:5,10,18 squares 69:15 steve 2:3 85:6 submission 33:16 34:22 36:22 39:14 stack 37:11 steven 2:17 34:14 45:14 66:13 40:23 41:6 44:1 stacy 60:17 77:12 stone 64:21 66:12 submit 51:11 47:20,22 49:14 78:21 74:18 54:10 57:10 58:22 50:3,8 51:2,8 54:9 staff 12:10 15:13 stop 8:7 submitted 9:9,13 54:14,17 55:11 19:18 36:4 40:16 storage 6:5,13,24 10:8 14:14 45:1 78:16 81:21 40:21 41:15,16,21 76:20 77:17,21,25 45:10 southern 78:4 41:22 42:14,20 78:10 80:19 81:17 subsidize 26:16 southwest 68:3 53:13 58:8 68:23 store 88:10 suggest 53:8 78:2 74:3 75:21 79:3

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [suggesting - travelling] Page 21

suggesting 21:23 tank 76:21 77:17 46:25 49:17 65:15 timing 46:12,14 79:6 77:21,25 78:2,8,14 66:14 69:15 73:5 47:3 52:22 suggestion 11:18 78:17,18 79:8,10 think 15:9 19:7,9 today 26:23 28:17 suit 17:24 79:14 80:19 81:3 20:19 22:21,22 48:4 54:14,19 suited 28:3 81:7,8,17,18 23:3,11,23 24:6 58:16 71:9 sun 23:4 tasked 24:12 35:13 36:5 42:7,9 told 15:15,20 sunshine 75:14 tax 28:14 42:24 44:11 45:11 26:12 39:4 47:4 supplies 37:18 taxi 37:22 47:15 48:12 50:7 tom 2:6 6:18 47:1,1 team 15:15 62:16 50:18 51:8 52:6 tonight 32:4,20 sure 6:10 7:23 technical 70:21 55:18 57:8 67:4 36:18 44:19 76:9 31:15 42:11,25 televised 3:9 73:5 75:2,11,13 90:10 43:8 46:17 50:10 tell 19:1,17 35:15 86:1,19 tool 20:4 29:23 54:22 61:13 74:4 38:13 40:10 46:17 thinking 4:8 8:18 tools 26:23 75:12 83:20 48:17 8:24 53:23 top 13:22 26:18 surface 33:24 temporary 81:8 third 43:17 36:25 37:11 38:4 64:11,13 65:6,25 81:17 thompson 61:10 38:5 66:6,8,23 ten 7:25 8:9,25 9:1 63:11 68:25 69:9 total 21:12 28:21 surrounded 81:22 terminology 25:2 73:10 57:3 62:9 swept 88:13 terrace 2:9 13:7 thought 20:19 totaling 24:21 system 39:22,24 13:15 23:19 35:20 69:19 totally 8:2 22:19 41:10 72:22,25 text 24:14 27:5 70:12 73:13 74:19 tower 68:1,2 69:23 t thank 6:22 7:11 thoughts 23:17 69:24 70:2 74:19 9:6 12:12,15 thousands 19:12 track 29:8 t 1:15 31:11 49:24 14:23 17:11 23:18 24:21 tracks 57:23 table 33:17 30:3 31:2 36:20 three 14:1 37:25 traffic 7:13,17 take 12:16 14:21 44:22 49:25 50:22 tight 52:9 74:12,16 11:18 32:8,14,15 15:21 17:13 37:24 54:4 56:6,8,10,22 tighter 52:9 38:6 39:10 41:11 38:15 40:9,10 58:2 59:20,24 time 7:8,23 9:3 41:13 44:16 45:18 43:11 48:21 60:13 60:8,9 61:5 64:2,3 14:1 15:11 17:10 48:2 51:20,22,24 63:2,18 74:25 67:6 70:4 72:1 17:19 18:1 22:15 52:2,3,6,15 53:23 84:19 86:9,16 75:22,23 76:1,2,4 22:25 27:1 28:24 53:23 54:2 65:20 taken 3:15 11:13 76:5,6 78:25 33:9,9 34:2 37:20 70:7 71:9,17,20,23 24:18 91:6 79:20 80:16 82:20 37:23 39:6,25 74:8 75:4 78:15 takes 5:18 82:24 84:8,10,14 42:10 45:15 47:14 87:17,22,24 88:18 talk 50:8 62:16 86:25 89:10,14 48:3,4,23 49:15 88:21,22 talked 38:19 50:12 90:1,2,2,20,21 71:12 72:24 73:1 train 74:13 50:15 51:5 thanks 67:6 81:3 transcript 91:5 talking 23:6 58:5 thing 22:22 47:6 timeline 7:23 transportation 72:6 50:11 times 34:12 37:19 87:24 taller 11:8,17 things 11:2 35:12 37:25 48:10,20 travelling 41:25 tandem 37:11 38:3 35:20 42:16 46:25 42:5 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [trees - warburton] Page 22

trees 12:3 underground upstate 22:17 vestibule 43:16 tried 66:5 77:17 81:3,7 usage 25:3 48:8 video 12:23 triggers 82:11 underlay 66:22 use 14:18 33:2 view 10:9,10 65:4 truck 39:1 46:24 underneath 40:24 34:4,6 38:8 52:4 67:21 68:5 79:13 47:2,10,14,24 53:6 understand 14:13 53:6 56:13 59:8 virtual 1:6 3:6,10 trucks 38:23,24,24 15:19 19:19 27:22 62:4,6,12 71:10 visible 79:14,16 46:13,18 47:5,19 34:22 52:5 54:7 72:6,10 73:4,16,16 81:25 52:22 53:10 58:11 74:13 88:25 visited 52:7 true 5:24 91:5 understanding useful 22:6 visiting 47:24 trust 20:23 21:11 7:12 28:2 34:25 user 35:13,24 visitors 68:22 28:20 45:19 50:17 86:4 72:12,23 73:21,25 try 9:4 10:1 44:5 90:7 uses 71:22 vista 2:17 76:10 67:8 understands 26:5 usps 37:15 voice 30:6 83:19 trying 49:2 58:12 26:20 usually 48:22 55:5 vote 30:12,14 83:1 74:24 understood 83:3 utility 57:20 83:7,21,25 89:20 tuckahoe 2:4 5:25 89:18 utilize 32:24 35:9 w turn 36:13 41:7 undesirable 29:9 40:24 47:2 wait 7:7,16 41:11 44:14,14 67:2 unfamiliar 40:3,7 utilizing 14:12 waiting 7:13 16:9 71:2 unidentified 15:17 v 25:8 51:24 85:25 turning 11:20 16:2 vacant 33:4 86:5 47:23 70:24 71:5 unit 19:25 26:19 vacate 62:2 63:14 waiver 32:23 38:1 tweaked 23:21 28:23 valet 32:25 33:13 walk 41:17 43:12 two 8:16,22 13:5 units 18:11,12,14 35:8,11,18,21 36:1 74:15 13:16,17,24 22:19 18:16,19 19:6,13 36:5,7,9 38:6,9,14 walking 75:5 33:11,25 37:25 19:21 20:2,14 38:14 39:11,20 wall 64:21 66:24 38:4,8 39:5,9 21:10,12 24:21 40:10,12 42:1,5,19 78:5 81:15,21 40:17 42:2 43:9 25:7,17 26:7,17 47:10 49:12 53:25 walls 78:17 80:25 45:2 47:9,11 27:13,17,24 28:1 valets 49:5,8 52:11 81:12 67:12 70:8 74:11 28:16 29:8 43:18 valid 34:10 want 10:24 16:23 type 75:3 57:4 valuable 22:3 22:15 31:15 35:25 types 3:14 27:24 unmute 6:6 12:22 variance 81:11 40:9 52:23 54:23 typically 10:20 31:4 56:19 59:3 variances 33:19 54:25 62:14 63:9 11:13 37:23,24 60:16 76:17 78:6 87:12,13 70:15 73:24 74:3 typo 55:19 unmuted 54:15 various 47:1 70:18 75:4 56:21 59:5,6 u vehicle 41:4,6,16 wanted 18:20 37:1 60:14,15 u 49:24 41:21 44:15 62:15,18 upgrade 88:21 unanimous 83:17 vehicles 40:17,19 63:1,8 upload 11:24 unanimously 4:24 41:7,10 45:23 wants 21:10 ups 5:25 37:15 5:17 31:1 56:4 46:15 48:24 warburton 2:15 38:23 47:2 60:4 80:13 83:15 vehicular 78:15 2:19 76:22 80:20 84:7 89:25 90:20 85:4 87:5,18 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company [warburton - zooming] Page 23

88:18 wish 48:9,9 yeah 17:1,2,4 45:9 warranting 88:21 wishes 59:11 53:11 watched 53:3 wondering 74:11 year 20:8 21:20,20 water 2:7 57:22 words 18:15 23:4 63:15 66:17 59:9 66:12,14 work 8:4,4,8 16:13 years 8:16,22 way 9:22 12:2,4 18:20 22:1 36:16 18:11 19:12 21:7 15:23 21:1 28:19 40:8 45:12 47:23 27:7 29:13 43:9 38:5 40:7 49:7,9 50:20 54:1 67:8 43:19 45:2 84:18 59:4 64:11 65:20 70:12,19 71:13 yeas 30:25 67:13 91:11 72:3 yonkers 1:1,3 2:10 we've 6:25 7:2 worked 68:25 3:2,4 6:16 13:8 15:15 50:12,18 87:21 17:15,17 20:14 68:12 72:2 worker 33:10 22:2 24:10,14 webex 15:22 working 10:7 26:10,12,14,18,19 website 35:21 26:23 33:11 58:9 27:3,7,8,10,15 wednesday 3:4 62:22 75:25 76:3 31:22 34:21 51:11 week 16:17 37:25 works 20:4 29:21 55:8 56:17 60:25 weigh 53:4 29:23 63:10 76:23 78:12 welcome 78:22 world 49:19 80:21 84:18 85:5 went 57:23 worried 48:25 87:6 88:10 west 65:2 78:14 worry 77:10 york 1:1 20:10,11 81:23 worrying 52:10 20:17 22:19 26:5 westchester 18:10 worthwhile 51:7 29:25 55:9 57:12 22:18 23:13 25:20 writing 49:20 78:9 91:1,4 25:25 26:3 78:11 written 21:1 z 81:6 91:1 wrong 43:22 73:3 zarin 31:8 32:3 western 62:8 81:1 www.yonkersny... zone 14:18 35:11 whatsoever 19:15 3:11 38:25 40:4 45:12 wheeler 52:24,25 wyndham 33:6 47:7,8 51:7 53:3 36:2 zoning 6:16 13:8 whichever 35:19 x 17:17 24:14 27:6 white 11:16 23:15 x 1:2,8 2:1 29:6,7,23 31:22 25:21 xv 2:11 17:16 32:24 33:17,18 wholesale 23:22 24:11,16 27:6 56:17 61:1 62:12 width 11:9 76:23 80:21 81:10 willing 35:2 y 82:4 85:5 86:1,5,5 wilson 2:15 76:18 yard 79:11,13 86:20,22 87:6 76:24 77:1,5,7,11 81:9,18 zoom 65:15 83:5 84:10 yea 30:15,16,17,18 zooming 37:3 windows 69:23 30:19,20,22,23 70:1,3 83:22 84:3

Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company