Page 1 1 STATE OF NEW YORK CITY OF YONKERS 2 -------------------------------------------------X 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF YONKERS PLANNING BOARD 4 MAY 13, 2020 - 5:37 P.M. 5 at 6 VIRTUAL HEARING 7 DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC 8 --------------------------------------------------X 9 10 B E F O R E: 11 ROMAN KOZICKY, CHAIRMAN MACKENZIE FORSBERG, MEMBER 12 GENE JOHNSON, MEMBER ADELIA LANDI, MEMBER 13 JOHN LARKIN, MEMBER 14 15 P R E S E N T: 16 LEE ELLMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR 17 CHRISTINE CARNEY, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ALAIN NATCHEV, ASSISTANT CORP. COUNSEL 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 2 1 I N D E X 2 ITEM: PAGE: 3 2. Steve Accinelli - 70 Salisbury Road (Held) 5 4 3. Janet Giris - 555 Tuckahoe Road (Held) 6 5 6 4. Tom Abillama - 1969 Central Park Avenue 6 7 5. Janet Giris - Alexander, Babcock, Water Grant 56 8 9 6. Andrew Romano - 2 Lamatine Terrace 13 10 7. Referral from Yonkers City Council Amendment 17 11 To Chapter 43 Article XV (AHO) 12 8. David Steinmetz - 189 South Broadway 31 13 14 9. Janet Giris - 21 Scarsdale Road 60 15 10. James Wilson - 679 Warburton Avenue 76 16 17 11. Steven Accinelli - Prospect, B Vista, Hawthorne 76 (Held) 18 19 12. Stephen Grosso - 220-236 Warburton Avenue 85 20 13. Correspondence N/A 21 22 23 24 25 Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 3 1 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, this is a regular 2 meeting of the City of Yonkers Planning Board pursuant 3 to Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 202.1. The City 4 of Yonkers Planning Board is conducting the Wednesday 5 May 13, 2020, meeting, it is now 5:40 p.m., as a 6 distance/virtual meeting. 7 There will be no in-person attendance at 8 this meeting. 9 This meeting may be televised and/or on 10 virtual meeting platforms. For information on how to 11 attend the meeting, check in at www.yonkersny.gov. 12 Please note: Any matter requiring a public 13 hearing will be heard after 7:00 p.m.., I don't 14 believe we have any of those types of items, and that 15 items may be taken out of order in order to 16 accommodate public comment or as the Board may deem 17 necessary. 18 We're going to move to Item number 1, which 19 is the minutes of the regular Planning Board meeting 20 held on April 15th. But before we get to that, 21 actually, Lee, did we pass the March 11th minutes at 22 the meeting, do you know? 23 MR. ELLMAN: I don't believe that we did, we 24 had an issue with everyone getting them. 25 MS. FORSBERG: We didn't do it. Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 4 1 THE CHAIRMAN: Then let's hold off on that 2 and we'll do Item 1(A), which are the minutes of the 3 regular Planning Board meeting of March 11th, 2020. 4 We did get them all in our packages, any questions or 5 comments, anybody? 6 MR. ELLMAN: That meeting moved, just for 7 the record, that meeting moved, as you recall, to -- 8 I'm sorry, I'm thinking of the April. 9 Go ahead, excuse me. 10 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, just one addition, I 11 believe that Christine was present at that meeting, it 12 doesn't indicate that she was present, if we can make 13 that one correction. And with that correction, do we 14 have a motion to approve the minutes of the March 11th 15 meeting? 16 MS. LANDI: I have a motion. 17 THE CHAIRMAN: Adelia makes the motion to 18 accept. Seconded by -- 19 MR. JOHNSON: Second. 20 THE CHAIRMAN: -- Gene. 21 All in favor, please indicate by saying aye. 22 (A chorus of ayes.) 23 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay. That passes 24 unanimously. 25 And we'll move to the minutes of the Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 5 1 April 15th meeting. Once again, you all were provided 2 this in your package. I will make that same change, 3 or correction, that Christine was actually present at 4 that meeting. With that one correction, any other 5 corrections or comments? 6 MS. LANDI: No. 7 THE CHAIRMAN: I'll entertain a motion to 8 accept. First, who's the opponent? Resolution? 9 MS. FORSBERG: Resolution. 10 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, Mackenzie. Seconded 11 by -- 12 MR. LARKIN: John Larkin. 13 THE CHAIRMAN: All in favor, please indicate 14 by saying aye. 15 (A chorus of ayes.) 16 THE CHAIRMAN: Oppose, nay. That passes 17 unanimously, as well. 18 All right, that takes care of Item 1 and the 19 new 1(A). 20 Item 2 has been held over. This is the site 21 plan review for the property at 70 Salisbury Road. 22 There will be no action or presentation on that item 23 this evening. 24 The same is true of Item number 3, which is 25 a site plan review for 555 Tuckahoe Road, the UPS, is Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 6 1 being held over at the applicant's request. There 2 will be no action and no decision on that this 3 evening. 4 Moving to Item number 4, which is a site 5 plan review for a self-storage building with -- 6 Actually, George, if you could unmute -- 7 MR. ELLMAN: Mr. Abillama. 8 THE CHAIRMAN: -- Mr. Abillama. Are there 9 any other people presenting with Mr. Abillama? 10 MR. ABILLAMA: I'm not so sure if Mark is 11 on, but we're ready to go. 12 THE CHAIRMAN: This is Item 4, site plan 13 review for a self-storage building with ground floor 14 retail at Block 4385, Lots 1-8.1, 11, 12.15, 201 and 15 206 on the property known as 1969 Central Park Avenue 16 pursuant to Article IX of the Yonkers Zoning 17 Ordinance. 18 Tom Abillama is the representative for the 19 proposal. 20 Mr. Abillama. 21 MR. ABILLAMA: Good evening, Mr. Chairman, 22 thank you for taking this meeting. 23 This project is in regards to the self- 24 storage facility with the retail stores on the first 25 floor level. We've communicated with several Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 7 1 department members, namely Christopher DeSantis from 2 the Fire Department, and we've communicated with Mr. 3 Lee Ellman in regards to the changes that we were 4 planning on doing. And we accomplished those, except 5 that we haven't gotten any response from either one of 6 them. 7 So, be as it may, we can wait until the next 8 meeting to see if we have any resolution at the time, 9 or if you have any questions at the moment, please let 10 us know. 11 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Abillama. 12 Yes, that's my understanding, that we're 13 waiting for responses from Fire and Traffic, but while 14 we have you here, members of the Board, do we have 15 questions for Mr. Abillama? 16 If not, then we will then wait for those 17 responses from Fire and Traffic. 18 I'm sorry, did someone say something? 19 MR. LARKIN: Mr. Chairman, it's John Larkin. 20 Can you hear me? 21 THE CHAIRMAN: Yes, Mr. Larkin, please. 22 MR. LARKIN: I would just like to ask about 23 the timeline, I wasn't really sure. The last time 24 when we had them there, they were saying they had 25 another six to eight, maybe ten, months of chipping. Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 8 1 Is that the case, and when do you expect this all to 2 be actually finished totally? 3 MR. ABILLAMA: Well, as you may know, the 4 work has, we are not permitted to do any work at the 5 site. 6 MR. LARKIN: Right, I know, but this was 7 going back to when there wasn't really any stop on 8 work, construction. You had said at that point there 9 could be another possibly eight to ten months of rock 10 chipping. 11 MR. ABILLAMA: It remains the same because 12 nothing has changed. Hopefully, with the Order of the 13 Governor, we will be allowed to go back on. 14 MR. LARKIN: All right, because, you know, 15 this has been going on probably a good, what, almost 16 two years at this point, the rock chipping? 17 MR. ABILLAMA: Yes. 18 MR. LARKIN: I'm just thinking the poor 19 resident neighbors above you that have had to endure 20 this rock crushing. And, you know, the Planning Board 21 and Planning Bureau has gotten a recommendation, 22 that's over two years ago, asking for their 23 recommendations for the rock crushing ordinance. And 24 I guess I'm frustrated thinking this is another eight, 25 ten months these residents will have to endure this. Diamond Reporting 877.624.3287 A Veritext Company www.veritext.com Proceedings Page 9 1 MR. ABILLAMA: It won't be eight to ten 2 months. So, it's about probably six months from the 3 time we're going to go back to chip, maybe even less.
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