Thanks to our advertisers, please take your FREE Copy Covering The Corner Redvers & Area Community Newsletter January 2020 Issue
[email protected] Covering the Corner is a service provided by the Town of Redvers. It is our intent to provide the community of Redvers and surrounding area with a newsletter that keeps residents connected with the numerous events and activities going on within our fantastic community! The Redvers Winterfest committee held their Winterfest on Saturday, December 14th. They had so many activities planned for the day, there was no shortage of things to do for all ages. The day kicked off with a pancake breakfast, there was a craft and trade show, a rice krispie sculpture display, curling, Santa photos, bouncy castles, a town wide scavenger hunt, Christmas ornament crafts, an adult paint class, sleigh rides, movie matinee just to name a few of the activities throughout the day and finished off with a Santa Parade. Check out page 7 to see more Winterfest photos. Thank you to Christina Birch for submitting all photos for Winterfest! Pictured above is the horses and sleigh from Meander Creek Pumpkin Patch at Oak Lake, Manitoba. Photo/Christina Birch TEEING UP TO SUPPORT COMMUNITY RESCUE COMMITTEE, RED COAT MUTUAL AID Submitted The WBL Ladies Tournament hosted by the Drive for Lives Committee was a ladies’ day out to enjoy camaraderie of good friends and sharing laughs on a spectacular golf course while supporting a life-saving organization. On July 19th, White Bear Lake Golf Course once again was bombarded with fun-loving women at the annual Drive for Lives Ladies Golf Tournament.