und of/he Royal Volume 122(2 191-!1-!


by Gintaras Kantvilas

(with one table and one

KANTVILAS, G" 19SR (31:x): A fe-examination of John Shirley's collection of Tasmanian lichens, Pap. Proc. R, Fasm. 122(2): 59-67, ISSN 0080~l703. Department of Botany, University of Tasmania, G.P,O. Box Hohart, Tasmania, Anstralia 7()() I.

The Tasmanian collection of John Shirley (1849-1922) (housed in the Queensland HerhJrimn) examined and fe·determined, Two new combinations, RillOdil1i1 aspcrata (Shirley) KantviJas and Pv!'cl1u!a goidc/iflll (Shirley) Kantvilas, are proposed, and !ectotypes are sel up for Bacidiil weymouthii (Shirley) Zahlhr. and Pyrenu/a ch!oropiaca Shirley from authentic material. Several lichen records are based on misidentifications and are deleted from the checldist of Tasmanian lichens, Key Words: Shirley, lichens, Tasmania.

INTRODUCTION Shirley's association with Tasmania in 1892 when he visited Hobart for a meeting of the John Francis Shirley was born in Dorchester, AAAS, held on 7-16 January, There he studied England, on 11 lR49 and died in Brisbane, plants on ne3rby Mt Wellington and made the Australia, on 5 April 1922, He with a acquaintance of William Anderson one Bachelor of .science degree from the University of of the leading amateur botanists in London where he qualified as a teacher. In 1878, he Tasmania at that time (Kantvilas 1983). In the same to Queensland and was appointed year, he became a corresponding member of the headmaster at Roma 111 the south of the colony, He Royal of Tasmania. His first paper 011 became a school in 1879, a position Tasmanian lichens was a checklist, from which enabled him to travel widely and which earlier literature (Shirley 1893); his second complemented his love of the outdoors and his 1894), based on his own and Weymouth's interests in natural histury, He soon became a collections, represents a contribution to prominent figure in Australian scientific circles and Tasmanian . In it he described seven ultimately became a member of many scientific new and one variety, and recorded 47 societies including the Australasian Association for additional from Tasmania, 13 for the first the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Royal time, Society of Queensland, the Queensland Field The bulk of colleclion of Tasmanian Naturalists, ~nd the Linnaean of New South lichens is housed in the Queensland Herbarium Wales, He published over 40 papers on (BRl) but additional are also knO\Vll zoology and His major work from the National Herbarium of New South Wales was "The Lichen Flora of Queensland" (Shirlcy (NSW), National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL), 1888-90) which established him as one of and the Conservatoire et ,brdin Botamquc Gcnevc Australia's foremost licilenologislS. His dedication (G), The lichens are rnounted in a album also to is perhaps best demonstrated the and ferns. which is fact that whilst on long-service leave he studied entitled ''Tasmanian Plants Collected on the this for a Doctor of Science degree at and Summit of Mt Wellington, 1892" He his doctorate in 1912 (plate I). Although most of the are from age of 63) and his thesis, entitled "The Mt Wellington, a few, especially the lichens, are thallus of the Parmeliu" was from other Tasmanian localities, e.g. Tasman published in Tasmania 1918, see also Peninsula, Bellcrive and Henly River. and represent Basset HuH 1923, White 1Q22). collections given to Shirley by Weymouth, In fact, 60 G. Kantvilas

PLATE 1 Selected pages from Shirley's album of Tasmanian lichens, annotated in his own handwriting.

Weymouth is also responsible for more than half of encroachment of the suburbs of Hobart, at least in the Mt Wellington lichen collections. The order of the foothills. Accurate historical t10ristic data, the lichen specimens in the albtim, and their particularly on lichens, will aid in assessing the annotations, exactly follow Shirley's paper in severity of these changes. 1894, leaving no doubt that this is the In the present paper, results of a re­ collection of specimens upon which the work was examination and fe-determination of Shirley's based. lichen collection are reported. The collection is an extremely valuable and important historical resource in Tasmanian lichcnology. Firstly, it contains several type MATERIALS AND METHODS specimens of endemic Tasmanian taxa. Scveral of the new records in the collection are unusual and Lichens from Shirley's collection were re­ suspect (e.g. Sphaerophorus fi'agilis) but were examined in the light of recent studies made on the maintained in subsequent Tasmanian checklists, Tasmanian lichen flora (Kantvilas 1985, KantviJas e.g. Wetmore (1963) and Filson (1986b). Finally, & James 1987), and present-day accounts from the collection represents information on the lichcn Australasia and the Northern Hemisphere. t10ra of Mt Wellington for the period up to 1892. Identifications were checked where possible Massive changes in the area's vegetation have against type specimens, type descriptions and/or occurred since that time as a result of at least three reliably identified material. Thin-layer chromato­ wildfireS (the first in the summer of 1897-·98, graphy was undertaken using standard methods W. D. Jackson, pers. comm.) and the gradual (Culberson 1972). John Shirley's collection of Tasmanian lichens 61

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (6) Sphaerophoron tenerum Laurer = Sphaerophorus tener Laurer The order of in the following discussion is that adopted by Shirley (1894), and in (7) Baeomyces heteromorphus Nyl. ex his mounted collection. Species are listed under Church. Bab. & Mitten Shirley's original nomenclature. Results are summarised in table 1, giving currently accepted (8) Stereocaulon ramulosum (Swartz) names. Rauschel The specimen contains atranorin and perlato­ (1) Leptogium chloromelum var. granulare lic acid and is typical of the species in Tasmania. Mtill. Arg. The specimen has an indistinct, small, (9) Stereocaulon proximum var. macro­ squamulose thallus and apothecia with sparsely carpio ides (Nyl.) Hue ciliate margins. Spores are simple, 17.5-22 x This taxon was considered synonymous with 9.5-11 11m with a warted epispore. The specimen is S. ramulosum by Lamb (1977). Shirley's specimen clearly Psoroma hypnorum (Vahl) S.F. Gray contains atranorin and perlatolic acid and falls aggr., differing from Northern Hemisphere within the range of this variable species. material of that name (see J!iirgensen 1978) chiefly in the smaller spores. As Shirley's is the only (10) & (11) record of this species of Leptogium from Tasmania, These specimens have been excised from it can now be confidently deleted from the Shirley's album some time in the past and could checklist. not be checked. They can be referred to Cladia aggregata (Swartz) Nyl., and C. schizopora (Nyl.) (2) Calicium victoriae C. Knight ex F. Nyl. respectively, both of which are widespread in Wilson Tasmania. Although in very poor condition, the specimen accords with the original description (12)-(22) Cladonia spp. (Wilson 1889). The species is now known as These 11 specimens have also been removed Mycocalicium victoriae (c. Knight ex F. Wilson) from the album, leaving only the bases of the cut Tibell (Tibell 1984, 1987). pages. Cladonia in Australia is currently under revision (by Dr A. W. Archer, Sydney), and it is (3) Sphaerophoron compressum Ach. likely that many of Shirley's names will ultimately The specimen contains stictic and cons tic tic be deleted from the Tasmanian checklist. acids and sphaerophorin (by tic) and accords with Sphaerophorus melanocarpus (Swartz) DC., in (23) Usnea dasypogoides Nyl. ex Crombie every respect. The specimen contains usnic and salazinic (4) Sphaerophoron corallo ides Pers. acids and has sparsely pseudocyphellate and pseudoisidiate branch tips. It is provisionally This specimen has flattened main branches, referred to Usnea arida Motyka in the sense of veiled ventral mazaedia and brown spores, 12 11m Kantvilas & James (1987) and Galloway (1985), diameter. It contains sphaerophorin and proto­ although in general the genus is still very poorly cetraric acid (by tic) and is Sphaerophoros insignis known in Australia. Laurer, a common Tasmanian species. (24) Stictina cinnamomea Rich. [= Pseudo­ (5) Sphaerophoron fragile Pers. cyphellaria cinnamomea (A. Rich.) Vainiol Ohlsson (1974) regards Sphaerophorus Shirley's specimen has sparse marginal fragi/is as a Northern Hemisphere arctic/alpine phyllidia, lacks a well-developed midrib on the species and hence Shirley's record is unusual. The lower surface, and accords with Pseudocyphellaria diminutive BRI specimen is in very poor condition, dissimilis (Nyl.) D. Galloway & P. James. These possesses cephalodia and contains atranorin and two species are easily confused (Galloway 1985) perlatolic acid. There is no doubt that it is a and although P. cinnamomea (A. Rich.) Vainio was juvenile Stereocaulon, probably S. ramulosum, and often reported in early Tasmanian literature (as thus Sphaerophorus fragi/is should now be deleted Stictina cinnamomea), I have yet to see any from the Tasmanian checklist. Tasmanian material of this species. 02 C. Kan/vilas

TABLE 1. Results of re-examination of Shirley's Tasmanian specimens

Code: 1 -- status unchanged; 2 ._. nomenclatural :3 .- re-determination.

Shirley's detemlillatioll (1894) New determination or name

3 IPlJlfI''''''lm ch/ommcium vaL granulare MulL Psoroma hypnolum (Yah!.) S.F. Gray aggr 2 Caliciurn victoriat' Knight Mycocalicium victorjae (Knightj Tibell 3 Sphaerophoron compl'essurn Aeh. melanocarpus DC. 3 Sphaerophoron coral/oide.l' Pers. insignis Laurer 3 Pers. Stereocaulon ramu/osum (Swartz) Riiu;chel J Sphaerophoron rene rum Laurer iJaeomyces Ny\. ex Church. Bab. & Mitten Stereocau/ofl ramuioslim (Swartz) Rauschel 2 var. macrocarpioides Stereucau[on ramlilosum (Swartz) Rliuschel 3 Usnea ?Usnea arida :3 Sficlina cinnamomea Rich. Pseudocypheliaria dissimilis D. & P. James 3 Stictafreycinetii Delise

3 Sticta dissimulata & P. James 2 Duf. (Delise) M.alme 3 Stfcta ji.Jssuiala var. billard/erei (Delise) Rasiinen I Porme/ia tenuirima Parmelia tenuirima J.D. Hook. & 3 Parmelia olivucea Ach. Menegazzia testacea P. James & D. 3 Parmelia pertusa Schrank Menegazzia (Zahlbr.) R. Santo 3 Parme/fa Ach. mundata (Ny!.) Rassad. :3 Parmelia vaL placllrhodioides turgidliia (Bitter) Elix 3 Theloschistes parietinus Norm. Xanthoria (Korber) P. James :3 Psoroma Psoroma D. 3 Psoroma vaL Nyl. Psoroma (Ny!.) D. Galloway 3 Placodium gelidllm Kcirber Placopsis brevilohata (Zahlbr.) Lamb Callopisrna cinnabarina Mull. Arg. (]U;'/J/(ICO cinnabarina (Ach.) Zahlbr. 1 Biatora immarginata R.Br. Lee-idea immarginata R.Br. 3 Biatora russula Ach. Lccidea facta Stirton 2 Biatora Shirley Lecidea cera~ruta (Shirley) Zahlbr. 3 Patel/aria mPlfJllmrmJfl Cati lIaria !asmanico Rasanen 2 Bacidia Zahlbr. 3 Buellia Catinaria grossa (PeTS. ex Ny!.) Vainio 2 Buellia parasema Th.Fr. (Fr.) Mudd. Buellia var. asperala Kantvilas 3 Blastenia col/olaf/guinea MULl. (J.D. Hook. &

2 Sipman MUll. Arg. 3 Arthonia mu1tif{wmis Shirley P. James 3 Chiodecto/l no.'nl,'lYu Chioriecton colensoi (Massa!.) MillL 2 Pseudopyrenuia galactina Shirley Pyrenula galactin a Kant.vilas 1 Pvrcrlula chlorop/aca Shirley John col/ectioll of Tasmanilln lichens 63

Sticla freycinetii Delise (31) Parmelia pertusa Schrank Thi, specimen is Pseudocvphcllaria f{lahm This name, a synonym of the N onhern (1.0. Hook. & Taylor) Dodge [-= P. delisea (Fee) D. Hemisphere species Menef{azzia terehmta (I·Ioffm.) Galloway & P. James], a common austral species MassaL, was widely misapplied in the literature 10 related to P. (Delise) Malme. The two many Tasmanian species of Menegazzia. taxa have been frequently confnsed but specimen is of M. weindorferi (Zahlbr.) R ~ Sanl, freycinelii is a South American and contains protolicheslerinie and lichesterinic taxon is known from Australasia, acids and atranorin. cool temperate South America and the subantarctic islands & James 1986). Parme!ia physodes Ach. The name Parmelia physodes has been (26) Slicw dissimulata Ny!. generally misapplied in the past to This specimcn is refcrable to Pseudo· Tasmanian species of mll/tifida (Ny!.) D. Galloway & P. specimen has discrete, elongated, solid lobes, Jacks James [= P. subvariabilis Vainio], a common soredia and has a Pd medulla, all features of H. Tasmanian wet forest lichen. rnundllta Rassad.

Sticta fossulata Dufour (33) Parmelia physodes var. This taxon is a synonym of Pseudo­ Nyl. billardierei (Delise) Rasanen Elix (1979) considered this name to be a (Galloway ! 988). Shirley's specimen contains synonym of Hypogymnia hillardierei (Mont.) (Code B of Wilkins & James 1979) Pi Ison. However, Shirley's specimen has hollow and represents typical material of P. faveolata lobes, contiguous al the centrc of the thallus but (Delise) Malme. discrete at the margins, a Pd medulla, and is H turf{idula (Bitter) Elix, the most common species of (28) Sticla fossulata vaL physciospora Ny\. in Tasmania's wet forests. This name is a synonym of Pseudo­ physciospora (Nyl.) Malme, a species (34) Theloschistes parietinus Norm. known from the subantarctic islands of New r=.: Xanthoria parietina Th.Fr.] Zealand, and Juan Fernandez (see Galloway 1988). This is referred to the common has Code C chemistry (see saxicolous coastal Xanthoria Wilkins & James 1979, methyl evernate, tenuiorin (Korber) P. James (previously called X. eClat/ea etc.) and is P. billardierei (Delise) Riisanen. (Ach.) Riisiinen Filson 1969). It has narrow convex lobes with down-turned apices and (29) PaI·melia tenuirima J.D. Hooker & lobulate margins and is thus distinct from X. Taylor The specimen is typical of this common Australasian and contains atranorin and and salazinic acid.

Parmelia ofivacea Ach. and 36 both Parrnelia olivacca is confined to the and Northern Hemisphere (Esslinger 1977). Most or flattened phyllidia records of the in Tasmania are from rocks and thus accord well with P (Ny!.) or soil (e.g. Wilson 1893) and probably refer to D. in the sense of Kantvilas & James Parmcfia Ach. l= Nco/zJ.lcelia pulla (Ach.) ( 1987). Esslinger J, the most common brown Pamli?lia s.lat. in Tasmania. Shirley's specimen is on a twig and is Placodium getidum Ki:irber [=Placopsis te!.'tacea P. James & D. Cjalloway. It Lindsay] has characteristic 2-spored asci and contains The genus Placopsis is poorly known in atranorin, stictic acid and menegazziaic acid (by Tasmania and. as no spores could be found in tic). scanty specimen, identification was impossible. The specimen is cream-coloured, 64 G. Kantvilas

esoredialt, with well-developed, convex, marginai [haHus chemistry (atranorin) it accords well with lobes, brownish-cream, pruinose apothecia and J Catillaria rasmanica Rasanen. common C+ red medulla. It is probably better referred Tasmanian species which still abounds in to 1'. hrevilobata (Zahlbr.) Lamb (sensu collecting locality (M! Wellington). 1985). (43) & (44) Pateliaria taitensis ;'v1nL (38) Callopisma cinnabarina MUll. Arg. [""M egalospora sulphurata [=Cfllopraca cinnaharina CAch.) Zablbr.] Pate/laria biclipea Shirley I:c:: The genus Ca/oplaca is known in biclipea (Shirley Zahlbr.] Tasmania. Shirley's specimen is of a saxicolous Specimens 43 and 44 are both coastal species lacking marginal lobes and with the album and there is no (e.g. cut pages, blank spores 11.5--14.5 x 7--8.5 11m, with septa spaces) tha t they were ever present. The 2.5-5.0 ilm thick. specimens were sought without In the herbaria of Melbourne, Sydncy and Brisbane, all of which house some of Shirley's materiaL According (39) Biarora immarginata R.Br. l =Lecidea to Sipman (1983), does immargirzata R.Br.l not occur in Tasmania, although name Firs! described from New South Wales, may have been misapplied to another species of Lecidea immarginata is widespread in wet forest in Mega/ospora. However, a recent search of his Tasmania and will be discussed in detail m a collecting area did not locate any species of this forthcoming paper on rainforest species. genus. The loss of the second is more acute as it represents the holotype, as well as the Bialora russula Ach. [= Lecidea only specimen of However, ru.ssula Ach.] Shirley's description, and his observation that it is related to Calinaria grossa (Pers. ex Vainio, Although no mature spores were seen, all suggests that the species is most likely a Calinaria other features indicate that Shirley's specimen is s.lat. (see also Sipman 1983), possibly even a shade the widespread and common Australasian form of Catillaria tasmanica Rasanen, a species Lecidea laeta Stirton. The name Lecidea russula occurring very commonly in the area today. A copy should be deleted from the Tasmanian checklist. of Shirley's manuscript, in William Weymouth's hand, was found amongst some of Weymouth's (41) Biatora cem·rufa Shirley !=Lecidea papers (donated by Mrs M. Bennet, Cradoc, cera-Tufa (Shirley) Zahlbr.] Tasmania). In this copy, the text concerning the two This distinctive species is known to me only missing specimens is also missing, except for an from Shirley's type collection. In addition to inserted note referring to some additional pages. Shirley'5 notes, it has the following anatomical Thus it appears that these two lichens were never characteristics: epithecium red-brown, unchanged part of the original collection but were included in KOH; colourless, r+ blue, later. How or Weymouth a hand­ 80--100 /Jm thick; hypothecium colourless to pale written version of the paper is unclear. Perhaps his yellow-brown, 60-120 /Jm thick. unchanged in contribution to the text was greater than indicated; KOH; paraphyses simple, in after all, the were almost KOH; spores simple, broadly ellipsoid, ] 6.5] 9.5 )( his, whilst Shirley's main contribution was in their 9.5-12 ~lm (somewhat than in identification, As Shirley was a corresponding description). Thallus chemistry includes a UY" member of the Royal Society of Tasmania, it is unknown substance. that Weymouth may have revised and submitted the paper on his behalf, Hololype: Tasmania. On bark, Bower Track, Mt record of the latter was found in the Wellington, WA. No.141 (Filson 1986a: minutes or proceedings. 26), BRI 351374!

(42) Patel/aria melanotropa NyL (45) Patellaria weymouthii Shirley [oo" Catillaria melanotropa (Ny!.) Zahlbr.J l= Hacidia weymouthii (Shirley) Zahlbr.] Shirley's specimen is in extremely poor Bacidia is a common wet forest condition and no mature spores were found. species of smooth bark and is discussed in detail in However, in gross morphology, habitat ecology and Kantvilas (1985). John Shirley's col/eclion of Tasmanian lichens 65

Lectotype (selected here): Tasmania. On bark, St Rinodina asperata (Shirley) Kantvilas comb. nov. Crispins, Mt Wellington, W. A. Weymouth, BRI Basionym: Bueilia polospora var. asperata 351374 1 Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. (1893): 218, 1894. Isotype: On bark of tree, St Crispins, Mt Thallus thin, rather scurfy, pale grey, Wellingt!l!1, Tasmania. W.A. Weymouth 112, prothal\us absent. Apothecia lecanorine, sessiie, 10/3/91. ~,1EL 7048! (Filson 1986a: 219). dispersed, to 0.4 mm diam. Disc plane to A Ihird collection of this species (cited in convex, brownish black. Thalline margin thin, Shirley 1?l94) was not located. entire, somewhat discoloured in older apothecia. Hymenium 70-85 JlIl1 thick, colourless. (46) Bueflia discilormis (Fr.) Mudd. thecium red-brown. Hypothecium colourless, to Examination of Shirley's specimen revealed 120 11m thick at centre of apothecia. Paraphyses I-septate, hyaline spores, indicating that it is not a c. 1 11m thick, apices markedly capitate, 2--3 11m Buellia. Rather, it appears to be a species of thick. Spores brown, 8 per , polarilocuJar, Catillaria lat., with the following apothecial very thick walled, lumina rounded when mature, characters: cpithecium brown-black, unchanged in 16.5-22 x 8.5-13 lim. KOH; hymenium colourless, 120-190 11m thick; Ho!otype: Tasmania. On bark, Fork Creek, WA. hypothecium greenish-black, opaque, unchanged in Weymouth No.144, BRI! KOH; ollter edge of excipulum similarly coloured Isotype: G (see Filson 1986a: 33). but colourless within; spores hyaline, I-septate, The species is known only from the type 26.5--34 x 12-16 ).llTI with a distinct wall, c. I JllTI collection from the southern slopes of MI thick. The :;pecimen closely resembles Catinaria Wellington. f!,rossa (Pers. ex Ny!.) Vainio (see Poell & Vezda i 981) although the apothecia are rather small and (49) Blastenia consanguinea MUll. Arg. mostly <1 mm diameter. A second specimen of the is included under "Heterothecium Shirley's specimen is Megaiohlastenia pauciseptatum" (see no.50) below. marRini/Zexa (J.D. Hook. & Taylor) Sipman. As this was the only Australian record of Blastenia consanRuinea, this name can now be deleted [rom (47) Bueiiia parasema Th.Fr. [B. parasema the Australian checklist (Filson 1986b). CAch.) De Not.] Santesson (19S4) placed Buellia parasema as (50) Heterothecium pauciseptaturn Shirley a synonym of B. disciformis (Fr.) Mudd., and [=Austroblastenia pauciseptata (Shirley) Shirley''s specimen appears to accord with the Sipmanj description of that species given in Poell (1969). Its When Sipman (l9S3) selected a specimen in spores arc 16.5·-24 x 7-10 11m, dark brown. thin­ NSW as the type (see also Filson 1986a: 96), he walled: thecium dark brown; hymcnium was unaware of the existence of Shirley's album colourless to pale brown, 70-95 11m thick, collection. Given that Shirley's paper was based on interspersed with oil droplets; hypotheeiu1Tl dark this collection, the album specimen should be brown. The genus Buellia is still poorly known in considered as holotype, whereas the NSW Tasmania and requires detailed study and revision. specimen (NSW L4385) is correctly an isotype. The specimen of Ausrrohlastenia is mounted in the (48) Buellia polospora var. asperala Shirley album beside a specimen of Catinaria Rros.la s.Ja!. Sbeard (1967) placed Buellia p%spO!"(l (Leighton) Shirley as a synonym witb Rinodina (51) C()enogonium MUll. Arg. hi/oeuiata (Nyl.) Sheard. However. Shirley's Shirley's specimen, representing the only specimen differs from authentic R. bi/oeu/ala in record of this taxon from Tasmania, is identical tbe polarilocular (not placodiomorph) with reliably identified (by Dr A. Vezda, Bmo) spores, colourless, thicker hypothecium, and the material of C. implexum Ny!., the common and presence of a persistent thalline margin. Corti­ widespread species of CoenoRonium in Tasmania. eo\ous species of Rinodina are poorly known in Other species of the genus recorded from Tasmania Tasmania. However, until a revision is undertaken, in earlier literal urc arc C. iinkii Ehrenb. ex Nees in my opinion Shirley's taxon warrants specific and C. rigidu/um Miill. Arg. It is likely that these rank: records also refer to C. implexum. 66 G Kantvilas

Arthonia mulllforrnis Shirley 1097/81, herb. Kantviias, 8M. Ben Ridge Shirley's specimen is the type of this species Road, on cunninghamii !11 rainforest and is identical with reliably identified material (by 850 m, 1O.xii.1981, G, Kantvilas ! U\8/81, herb. Dr A, Ve?;da, Brno, and Mr P,W, James, London) of Kantvilas. Arthothelium ilicinum (Taylor) p, lames (see Kantvilas 1985) The has characteristic (55) Pyrenula chloroplaca Shirley spores with an enlurged terminal locule and lacks This distinctive species is still known only longi! udina! septa, from type speci men. It has a HolOlype: Tasmania, On bark, near Hobart, WA. cream thallus, UY+ bright orange Weymouth No, I j I, BRI 35! 373 1 (see also Filson lichexanthone) and brown, 4-10cular spores, 14-22 1986a: 15). x 8-12 11m, the pical loeules very small. Two collections (bolh by Weymouth) arc in Chiodecton perplexurn Nyl. Shirley's paper but the whereabouts of the second is unknown. This specimen is in poor condition but appears to be identical with Chiodecton colensoi Lectotype (selected here): Tasmania. On bark, St (Massal.) MilIL) Arg., a common wet forest species Crispins, W.A, Weymouth No.114, SRI 351369! in Tasmania, also known (and first described) from (Filson 1986a: 252). , The pyrenocarpous lichens as a group remain poorly understood in Tasmania and require Pseudo{Jyrenula galactina Shirley considerable further collection and study, This specimen has brown, mature spores and slender, simple paraphyses, suggesting it is a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of Pyrenuia. On the basis of Shirley's specimen, and recent collections, the species is i thank Dr D, J. Galloway, Mr P. W. James., Dr redescribed below. S, J. Jannan and Dr A. E. Orchard for helpful comments on various aspects of the work, and the gaiactina Kantvilas comb.nov. curators and statf of the Queensland Herbanum and Basionym: Pseudopyrenula gaiactina Shirley, Pap. Tasmanian Herbarium for arranging loans of Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. (l89:3): 219, 1894. specimens. 1 also thank Mrs M. Bennet for Thallus crustose, thin to ralher thick, deeply providing original extracts from Mr W .. A, cracked, greyish while, pale yellowish or olive­ papers, The of a National grey. forming spreading patches to 10 em across, Research Fellowship is gratefully acknowledged. not delimited al margins. Perithecia numerous, immersed, obscured by cortex, occasionally sub­ emergent, becoming eroded, excavate and forming REFERENCES blackish pits to c. 0.3 mm diam. Ostiole central, minute, punctate, blackish, often with a grey rim. BASSETT HULL, A.F., 1923: Presidential address. Proc, Paraphyses slender, simple to sparingly branched. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 48: vii·-viii. CULBERSON, C,F" 1972: Improved conditions and new free, soon brownish, data for the identification of lichen products by 14--22(-26) x 5--10 fUll, 4 locular, not constricted standaH.iiscd thin-iayer chrornatographic Inethod. J. at septa, arranged in the ascus obliqucly in a Chromatogr. 72: ! 13-125, row. Locules lenticdlular, rhomboid or hexagonal. EUX, .l.A., t 979: A taxonomic revision of the lichen genus sized. Hypogymnia in Australasia, Brunonia 2: l7:i--245. ESSLJ1~GFR, T.t., 1977: A chemosys!cmatic revision of the Thallus K+ KC, Pc! C, hrown Panneliac. J. Hattori bot. Lab. 42: 1-211. UY' orange (sometimes faintly): lichexanthone (by fiLSON, R,B" ] 9h9: A review of the genera Teloschistcs licL and Xallthoria in the lichen family Teloschistaceae Tasmania. On bark, 51 W. A. in Australia. Muelleria 2: 65·-115. No.ll3, BRI 351370! (Filson 1986a: FILSON. R.B., 1986a: !NDEX TO TYPE SPECIMENS OF 248), AUSTRALIAN LICHENS: 180(j·-1984, Bureau 01 Flora and Fauna, Canberra. Additional specimens examined: Tasmania. Mt FlLSON, R,B., 1986b: CHECKLIST OF AUSTRALIAN Victoria Road, on LICHENS. Second edition, National Herbarium of in rainforest, 780 tn, 9,xii, 1981, C. Kantvilas Victoria. Melhourne. .fohn Shirley's collection of Tasmanian lichens 67

A Y, DJ .. J 9XS: FLORA OF NEW ZEALAND SHEARD,.l.W., 1967: A revision of the lichen genus R inoriina UCHENS. Gov~rnment Primer, Wellington. (Ach.) Gray in the British Isles. LichenologlS; 3: (,.5.LLOWA Y, DJ .. 1988: Studies in Pseudocyphcllana 328-367. (lichens). L The New Zealand species. Bull. Br. SHIRLEY, J., I g88-90: The lichen tlora of Qucemland Mus. nat. HisL (Bot.) 17: 1-267. I-IV. Proc. R. Soc.Qld): 80-110; 6: 5-55,129·145, (;;\LLOWAY. OJ. & JAMES, P.W, 1986: Species of 165-218. Vainio (Lichencs) recorded in SHIRLEY, 1., 1893: A list oIthe known lichens of TasHlania. des Lichens: Genre Sticta". Nova Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. (1892): 179--191. Hcdwi},ia 42: 423-490. SHIRLEY, J., 1894: Notes on Tasmanian lichens. Pap. l(ijRGENSFN,I)M,. 1978: The lichen family Pannariaceae R. Soc. Tasm. (IS93): 214-219. in Europe, Opera Botanica 45: 1-124. SHIRLEY. J .. 1918: The thallus of the genus Parrnejj" Pap KANTVILAS, G., 1983: A brief history of iichenojogy in Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. (1918): 53-68. Tasmania. Pap. Proc. R. Soc. Tasm. 117: 41···51. SIPMAN, H.J.M., 1983: A monograph of the lichen f~mily KANTVILAS, G., 1985: Studies 00 Tasmanian rainforest Mcgalosporaccac, Biblioth. Lich. 18: 1-241 lichens. Unpub!. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Tasm. TTBELL, L.. 1984: A reappraisal oCthe ofCaliciales. KANTVILAS. G. & JAMES. P.W., 1987: The macrolichcns Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 597-713. ofTasmaniall rainforest: key and notes. Lichenologist T!BELL, L., 1987: Australasian Caliciales. Symb. Bot. Upsa!. 19: 1--28. 27: 1-·279. LAMB, I.M .. 1977: A conspectus of the lichen genus WETMORE, CM., 1963: Catalogue of the lichens of Stcreocaulon (Schreb.) Hoffm. J. Hattori bot. Lab. Tasmania. Rev. Bryo!. e! Lichenol. 32: 223-·264. 43: 191-335. WHITE. C.T., 1922: Presidential address. Proc. R. Soc. Qld OHLSSON, K., 1974: A revision of the lichen genus 34: 2-3, Sphaerophorus. UnpubI.Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State WILKINS, A.L. & JAMES, P.W., 1979: The chemistry of Univ. PseudocypheUaria impressa s.lat. in New Zealand. POEL T. J., 1969: BESTIMMUNGSSCHLOSSEL Lichcnologisl 1 1(3): 271-281. EUROpAISCHER FLECHTEN. J. Cramer, Vaduz. WILSON, FR.M .• 1889: A description offorty-one Victorian POELT. J. & VEZDA. A., 1981: BESTIMMUNGS­ lichens new to science. Vict. Nat. 6: 61-{S9. SCHLOSSEL EUROpAISCHER FLECHTEN. WILSON, F.R.M" 1893: Tasmanian lichens. Pap. Proc. R. ERGANZUNGSCHEf'T H. J. Cramer. Vaduz. Soc. Tasm. (IR92): 133178. SANTESSON, R" 1984: THE LICHENS OF SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Swedish Museum of Natura! History, U ppsala and Stockholm. (accepted 6 February 1988)