The Mount Perkins Block, Northwestern Arizona an Exposed
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. B8, PAGES 15,249-15,266, AUGUST 10, 1995 The Mount Perkins block, northwestern Arizona: An exposedcross section of an evolving, preextensional to synextensionalmagmatic system JamesE. Faulds,• Daniel L. Feuerbach,1 Mark K. Reagan,1 Rodney V. Metcalf,2 Phil Gans,3 and J. D. Walker4 Abstract. The steeplytilted Mount Perkinsblock, northwestern Arizona, exposes a cross sectionof a magmaticsystem that evolved through the onsetof regionalextension. New 4øAr/39Arages of variably tilted (0-90 ø) volcanic strata bracket extension between 15.7 and 11.3 Ma. Preextensionalintrusive activity includedemplacement of a compositeMiocene laccolithand stock,trachydacite dome complex, and east striking rhyolite dikes. Related volcanicactivity producedan -18-16 Ma stratovolcano,cored by trachydacitedomes and flankedby trachydacite-trachyandesiteflows, and -16 Ma rhyoliteflows. Similar compositionsindicate a geneticlink betweenthe stratovolcanoand granodioriticphase of the laccolith. Magmatic activity synchronouswith early regionalextension (15.7-14.5 Ma) generateda thick, felsic volcanicsequence, a swarmof northerlystriking subvertical rhyolite dikes,and rhyolite domes. Field relationsand compositionsindicate that the dike swarmand felsicvolcanic sequence are cogenetic.Modes of magmaemplacement changed during the onsetof extensionfrom subhorizontalsheets, east striking dikes, and stocksto northerly striking,subvertical dike swarms,as the regionalstress field shiftedfrom nearly isotropicto decidedlyanisotropic
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