COLLECTORS'digest Editor: :0.1ARY CADOG.\'.'J

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COLLECTORS'digest Editor: :0.1ARY CADOG.\'.'J STORY PAPER COLLECTORS'DIGEST Editor: :0.1ARY CADOG.\'.'J STORY PAPER COL I 1-.CTOH C OLLl:CTORS' DIGEST fnunded in l l/..i I b) FoumkJ in I 9..i6 b:, W.H. GANDER 1IERBhRT LECKENBY S.P.C.D. Edited and published 1959 - January 1987 b1 Eric Fa) nc VOL. 51 ~o. 601 JA Nl .\RY 1997 P nee. £ 1.• -, :-­ THt lN~PlCTOR "D10 You W1,rj ITo ')prnKTo "LCNG /\NI) Sll ..UffLY 1 OD Tt"OSl Two LOOKAT 0>1t ANOTl1E.R ." COLIN CREW E COLLECTO RS BOOKS 12B WESTWOOD ROAD, CAN VEY ISLAND, ESSEX. SS8 OH > TELEP HONE: 01268-693735 EVENJNGS BEST ~I OLD ROYS AND GIRLS BOOKS SOLD, BOUGHT AND fl9)YOUR WANTS uli£~::g:,~, W1ff!r!~ri°tlf1'ffcTIONS WAN'f'fl> HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS. HOPE I CAN FILI..A FEW GAPS FOR ESTA BUSI IEOCOLLE C'l <>K < IH M\ \ND MAY BE NEW HOBBY MEMBERS WILL BE TAKJNG FIRST STEPS ON TIIE THRILLING IW,\I> NI I \ON LEE'S £2.50 EA. UN ION JACKS £2.95 EA. THRILLERS D.95 EA. DETECTIVE WEEKLY £:1.95 EA M<> I >I l<N ijQY £2.95 EA. POPULAR £2.25 EA. GEMS J:2.95 EA. BOYS HERALD £2.25 EA. BOYS FRIENI > l.Z.J\ I·./\ BOYS REALM £2.25 EA. MAGNETS £2.95 EA. 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS OF 10 OR MOHE llsSIII·'> OF TH.E SAME PAPER. POSTAGE AT COST. NLLSON LEE'S YEAR 1918 136, 137, 138, 139. 159. lliO, 161 GP.MS 1930-19"0 ('()VT JNUED 1619. 1620. 1621. 1611. lt,!1, NEl,SON LEE 'S YEAR 1919 191, 19', 199. 200,201,203.204. 162J, 1625. 1626. 16?7, 1629. 1632. 1634, 1635. 163M. 161</, ll>UI, 205. 210. 216. 217,22 1.228. 231. 236, 238.. 1641, 1642, 1644, 1645. 1646. 1647. 16411. NEL SON LEE'S Yl(AR 1920 239, 248,25 1, 252, 25, , 255. 271. novs• HERALD ONR PF:NNY YEARS 1905 & 1•10<,71,. 7 ], xx. 274,275, 2&4, 2K,, 2'.IO. 89, 90, 9 1, 92. 93. 94, 95, 96. 97, 98. 9'), I()(), IOI. Ill' . IU \. IU, I, NELSON LEE'S l' f.AR 1921 305. 320,327. 105.111. 107, 108, IO'J, 110, Il l, 112, 113, I I I II ' 111,. I ll,. 1'7, NELSON LEE'S VF.AR 1921 345, 370, 3RO.386, 393, 39~ 138,139 .140. 141,142. 143.144.145 , l-16. IH 11" 11•1.I~>. 1, 1. NF:LSON LEE 'S YEAR 1913 405,406,407. 40R, 410,411,413. 152,153.172. 173. 174,176. 177.171\, 17'1 I <It 4 14, 415.416,417,41~.4 19.420,421.422,423 . 424,4 25, 426.427. llO\' 'S FRIEND ONF: PENNY YF..AR:; l'>Ol X l'Nil 'I 12, ll, 430. 43 1, 412, 4.1-', 442. 444. 445. 34. 35. 36. 37, 38, 39, 40. 41, 42, 43, 41, I\. I<, Ii, I<, •11VI O, ~I, NELSON LEE' S YEAlt 1914 452, 455, 456. 463. 466, ~70. 471. 52, 106, 107, 108, 100, 110, 111, 112.11 I 111. 11' I lh, 117. 118. 472, 473. 474 . 475. 476.477. 484, 485,4116.487. 489, 490, 491. 493. 119,120. 12 1, 122,1 23, 125, IZ6. 127. I 'X I "I I Ill I II, 133. 494,495,496,-1')7,499 BOYS RP.AUi ONE PEMW vt . \H\ l'HII ,\, 1•~r1 11 411,49, SO, NELSON I.F.F.'S YEAR 1925 500,503,504.507. 5; I, 513. 514. 51,117, 88, 90, 91. 92, 91. 94 'Jh. 17 ·~ ,., , ••• l<il 1112,103. 104. SIS. S23. 524 , 525,5l6,527,528,S2'),530 .531,532.S 33,S3 4,SJ5 , IOS, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, I I 11 I I. , '• I J I IK, 119, 120, 5J6. 537. 538. 539. 540. 54 1. 121, 122.123. 124, 125, 121,, IL/, l!X I "I 1111 11' 111, NELSON Lm ,·s YEAH 19?6 553. 55<1,555, 556, 557, 558. S59. MACNF.1'S OFY P.AR 19.12 l!~o.1 •,1, l,'\l, 1 ''1. llS6 , 1257, <(1().561.562,563. ~64. 565.56 6,567 . 1259. 1262.1263 , 1264, 126<.12t.7, 1//0 IJII I 'I' 1273, 1275, l,N ION JA<.:K'S 192J.I932 _10 15, U>17.111 0. 1159, 1172. 1200. 1276. 1280, 1281, 1282.11111.11SI 1•a, I K<, I,_. 1289.1 290, 136.<,1366. 1369, 1432. 1433, 1447, 144M. 1472. 1476. 1-ll\l. 1484. 1291. 1292.1293.129-I. I'•». 1.!'17 l"H t <c••I <Ill 1305, IJIII, 1492. 1493. 1314, 1316, 1317. 1318. llll, l'!t IIH I l'K 1111 1' 40, 1341, 1'11RILLER Yf.AR 1'129-19.IO 32. 3) , 39, 46, 64, 69, 70, ~I. 83. R7. 1342, 1344, 1345, 1347, llSl, I hK II/ 1 I lfd I H,I, 1'68 , 136'), llE TE<.:TIVF:WF,f, ;Kl ,Y YllAR 1939, 1940 341. 342,343 ,3 44.345 . 1370, 137 1, 1372, 1378, !1K(), I IXI. 11111,I IH\ I IM/., i <87, IJRK, 346. 347.348 ,3 49. 350. 1 351,352.3 53. 354.355 ,356,)57 ,358 . 359. Ll89t 1391. 1392.1'\(,)4, 1,\'"-1 \ H\, , ,.,,. 11+,14 J !•Joll1400. 1405, 360,361.362.363.364 . 3o5,366 ,l67,36l!,369.370.37 1,37Z . 373, 140(\, 1407. 1408. 14()</.1 11!. 1111 1111 11 \ 11 'I,, 1426, 1434, l74. 375. 376. 377, '711.379. 1435, 1437, 1439, 1440, I IJI, 1·11 I, 1111 I 11 11 ~•. 1447, 1448, MOlJER1' ll0Yl929-19311 55. 56. S7, S8, 60, 62. 65.66. 67, 69, 7 1, 1449.14m.1451, l452. ll~l.1-1111. II I 11 11 1, 1475, 1476, 72. 71. 76, 77, R6, %, 103, 1('6. 107, 108. 132. 139. ISS, 159, 160. 1477, 1478. lll().187 . 189.190,!IU02.303. 309, J I0,3 13,3 14, THF.COMl'LET E MA(, Nl•:I < !IMl' M<ION 1•1•1t, I l>ll'l!OO Y , 16.~ 17,3 19,32 2,3 47,,49,352,3 53,~S 4.3 S5.357.426,S l7.5 19. GEORGE llE.AL MINT t 'Ol'II·~ £8.SO ~2.S.. MAGNET & GEM FACSl\ 111 I• I 111110,,, ,1 II IH ,I IIEAL. A POPULAR 1921-1931 12J. 124, 125, 126. 12S. 130. 137. 13K, 139. GUI De&. CATALOG! I•\ \11'\/ I < <•·11s U.SO 1,1(),141 , 142. 143, 14-1,145,145, 172. 171. 174. 175, 176, 177. 178. BUMP ER H OWARD ll \I,~ I< 11, I Ill O\ I IC 'IMll>I H I.Rf.NT 179. 180. 18-1. 185. IM, 196. Zl7. 221,220 .243. 268,276, 21'), 288, 1 ITI .F.S FOR SAU : M•,1'>11~- \I I nu•• Ii'\ • >I I I\ I 2\M, )65, 397, 4 14,4 23,424, 429.432, 453. 454,4 89, 4'Xl, 491, 492, JIAWK ll UNTER YEl, 1 01\ .IA< hi I I•\( \IM II I I Ill I IONS 491,4Q6,497, 49X.49') .5 19.527,570 ,573 . 572.574. 624,627. 24 TITJ,ES@!l 2 F.Al' II MIN I t '111'11N ,., \ I• I OIi ii ~ I' (a ,M'S 1930-1940 1179. 1280. 129.1, 1299, 1301. 1324. 1342, 1369, lJAN lJA RE PILOl OI• 1111'1 1111111 I Hll \I I \I, I F ( 'OM I( ' 1371.1377 .1 3&7, 13gg, 1391. 1404.1411. 1421. (423, 1424.1425. 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    THE ARCHDEACONS’ FORUM for the Church of England and the Church in Wales Archdeacons’ News Bulletin no. 37 August 2018 from Norman Boakes Archdeacons’ National Executive Officer This year’s weather has seen most of us having a much more severe winter than we are used to, and an unusually long and hot summer. The weather is something which we do not control and we have to respond to it as it happens, though we are now much more aware of the impact of our use of the earth’s resources on the climate and the environment. Perhaps the British talk about the weather so much because it can be a metaphor for life. Much of life is simply what happens. While some of what happens is the result of our own decisions and behaviour, or the result of other people’s decisions and behaviour, there is a significant element which is arbitrary. We simply have to learn to live with it, and to deal with it. It is no good wishing life was other than it is. But we can engage with life in faith. Firstly, we can learn the lessons from what happens, especially when we or others have a responsibility. The phrase about “learn lessons” is now used so often that it risks becoming an empty phrase, especially when it is clear from later events that lessons have not been learned! Learning from experience, and reflecting on that experience in the light of our faith, can be challenging but it can also be transformative. Secondly, events teach us (sometimes painfully) how to grow in faith and in our trust in God.
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