Ref. Ares(2015)2207604 - 27/05/2015 Schoemakerstraat 97 P.O. Box 6030 2600 JA Delft The Netherlands TNO report: Final T +31 15 269 54 43 F +31 15 269 54 60
[email protected] Development of a European Defence Technological and Industrial Base Annex report Date September 2009 Versie 7 Author(s) F. Bekkers (TNO) M. Butter (TNO) E. Anders Eriksson (FOI) E. Frinking (TNO) K. Hartley (CDE) D. Hoffmans (TNO) M. Leis (TNO) M. Lundmark (FOI) H. Masson (FRS) A. Rensma (TNO) G. Willemsen (TNO) Copy no. No. of copies Number of pages 101 Number of appendices Customer European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry Projectnumber 031.12922 © European Communities, 2009 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged The opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Final report| Development of a European Defence Technological and Industrial Base 2 / 100 Annex report September, 2009 Introduction to the report This document includes the Annexes to the report “Development of a European Defence Technological and Industrial Base”, which integrates the several outcomes of a study to obtain an in-depth understanding of consequences on the industry structure of the Europeanization of the defense-related industries and markets. The main report identifies possible initiatives for the European Commission and/or the European Defense Agency and contains policy recommendations on various levels. This Annex report includes the following sections: · Annex A: The EU defence industrial base · Annex B: Country case studies · Annex C: Key technological change driver · Annex D: Trends in innovation · Annex E: Primes and the EDTIB Final report| Development of a European Defence Technological and Industrial Base 3 / 100 Annex report September, 2009 A Annex: The EU defence industrial base Introduction1 1.