Revelation Chapter 14 July 22, 2021

Scriptures Hebrews 12:22 1 Peter 5:13 :8-10 Matthew 16:26 Luke 17:33 2 Thes.1:7-10 NASB Matthew 5:10-12 KJV Mark 14:61-62 Acts 1:6-11 Daniel 7:13-14 Matthew 24:44 1 Cor.15:51-52 KJV 1 Thes.4:16-17 Reference Deut. Chapters 28-31 Various passages from Lamentations Chapter 2 Psalm 80:8-18 Reference recommend: scriptures which call Israel the vine: Jer.2:21, Hosea 10:1, Isaiah 5:1-7 & Ezekiel Chapters 15, 17, & 19. Reference Matt. 24:16 2 Chronicles 36:15-16 Joel 3:13 Various passages from Jeremiah Chapter 6


Revelation 14 Outline :1  This reference to Mount Zion is often confused with the Mount Zion of .  King ruled from Zion.  The Zion of GOD’S Throne room is in Heaven.  Mount Zion of Jerusalem is the tallest point.  Zion of Jerusalem is the namesake of GOD’S Zion in Heaven.  Again we have found the 144K Jewish Super Pastors of & they are in Heaven. Revelation 14:2-3  Now we see why this is the Zion Throne room of GOD in Heaven and not the Mount Zion of the Earth.  144K are in Heaven before the actual throne of GOD singing and praising Heavenly Father with a song that belongs to them alone.  GOD’S Plan for Man by Rev. Finnis Jennings Drake.  The 144K will be in Heaven between the 7th Trumpet Judgement and the Vial Judgements.  They will have been Raptured.  Tribulation Saints are caught up and taken away before the Wrath of GOD is poured out during the Great Tribulation. Revelation 14:4  144K are physically and spiritually clean.  The 144K will be able to travel and convert millions.  The 144K will not participate in any form of false worship.  The Jewish Commentary written by Messianic Jewish author David H. Stern: These are not male celibates (the 144k) despite the explicit mention of women. Rather, they are people of both sexes who are faithful to GOD and His Son, as the rest of chapter 14 verses 4 and 5 makes clear.  Fornication is a common Biblical metaphor for idolatry. (As in false Worship.) Revelation 14:5  This sounds simple enough: the 144K are truthful during their ministry.  A little ditty: Beauty be an empty shell if thine inner self tis not beautiful as well. Revelation 14:6-7  This is the only place in the in which an Angel, publicly at least, ministers unto the human race in general.


 At this time the Church has been Raptured; the 144K Jewish Super Pastors have been Raptured; the Tribulation saints, those saved by hearing the Gospel of the Kingdom by the 144k, have also been Raptured; the Two Witnesses, most likely Moses and Elijah in Jerusalem, have been slain, resurrected & Raptured.  Remaining believers refuse the mark of .  Surviving remnant of Jews are in Petra under the Lords care and out of the ’s reach.  Only angels can now publicly give the Gospel.  Message from this Angel: GOD’S Wrath is coming. Revelation 14:8  John is saying that twice from his perspective is about to fall.  Babylon spoken about by all of the Apostles and disciples in day was Rome.  In the midway point of the Tribulation is the demise of the false one world religion. Revelation 14:9-12  The antichrist will tell Christians it’s Ok, you can take my Mark and still be Christian.  Scripture clearly indicates this is not the case. Revelation 14:13  History has proven that the Holy Spirit gives resolve and compassion in order to strengthen and comfort those who face death or have to endure persecution for .  John states Blessed are those who die in Christ during the Great Tribulation. Revelation 14:14  Christ would arrive and depart upon a cloud of the Holy Spirit.  The Apostles, including John, saw Jesus depart the Earth upon a cloud Raptured alive.  Jesus would return one day upon the clouds of Heaven. Revelation 14:15-16  The Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. Revelation 14:17-19  Second cutting is a gathering of souls destined for GOD’S Wrath.  John is speaking exclusively to the Jewish people.  This is the final dispersion of Israel by the hand of the antichrist in which even he is unwittingly fulfilling GOD’S will and purpose.  These verses are specifically aimed at unrepentant Christ denying apostate Israel.  The Wrath of GOD to be poured out full strength upon the antichrist and the rest of disobedient mankind.


 TheTemple in Jerusalem was adorned in stone by vines and clusters of grapes. Revelation 14:20  183.93 miles is 1600 stadia & modern Judea or Palestine is exactly 185 miles long.  Blood shed takes place outside of the city meaning people are fleeing.  The Romans under Hadrian slew the Jewish inhabitants of Betar after Bar Kosibia it’s defender had been slain.  The carnage continued until the horses waded in blood up to their nostrils and blood rolled along the stones the size of forty seah about 9 US quarts, and flowed into the sea a distance of four miles.  This type of slaughter will happen at this time by the hand of the antichrist just as Jesus predicted.