District Census Handbook, 46-Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

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District Census Handbook, 46-Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh ·,------------------------------------------------------. I II Census of India, 1951 I I' DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK • UTTAR PRADESH :).3-DEORlA DISTRICT ,! I ALLAHABAD: ~/l.' 5"42- 1954 DEO-H I Ilj5"1 / , .~~-::-:.:.::.:.:.-:..-=---------------' --- --------------~------------------. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK -~ 1951 DEORIA DISTRICT FOREWORD Several States, including Uttar Pradesh, have been publishing village statistics by districts at each census. In 1941 they were published in U. P. under the title "District Census Statistics" with a separate volume for each district. In the 1951 census. when the tabulation has been more elaborate than ever in view of the require .. ments of the country. the district;wise volume has been expanded into a "District Census Handbook", which now contains the District Census Tables (furnishing data with break;up for census tracts within the district), the District Index. of Non.. agricultural Occupations, agricultural statistics from 1901-'02 to 1950"51 and other miscellaneous statistics in addition to the usual village population statistics. The village population statistics also are given in an elaborate, form giving the division of the population among eight livelihood classes and other details. 2. It may be added here that a separate set of district;wise volumes giving only population figures of rural areas by villages and of urban areas by wards and mohallas and entitled "District Population Statistics" has already been published. This separate series was necessitated by the urgent requirements of the U. P. Government for elections to local bodies. The printing of the District Census Handbooks involves colossal work and is bound to take some time. RAJESHW ARI PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations. December 20, 1954. Uttar Pradesb. CONTENTS [NrBODUOTJON- A-The District i-iii B-Analysis of the Statistics iii-xi C_Explanatory note on the Statistics :d-:l:iij PART I-DISTRICT CENSUS TABLES A__ GENERAL POPULATION TABLBB-- A-I Area. Houses &nd Population A-II Variation in Population during Fifty Years 3 A-III Towns and Villages Classified by Population 4-; A-IV Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901 6 A-V Towns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood 018sses 7 E Area. a.nd PopUlation of District a.nd Tellsils by Livelih<>ad Classes 8-9 B-EoONOMIO TABLES-- S-I Livelihood Classes .md Sub·classes 10-13 B-Il Secondary Means of Livelihood 14-21 B-IlI Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries &.nd Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions 22-49 B-IV Unemployment by Livelihood Classes 50-;1 Index of Non-agricultural Oooupations 52-55 C_HOUSEHOLD AND AGE (SAMPLE) TABLEB- C-I Household (Size and Composition) 56-57 C-Il Livelihood Classes by Age-groups 58-63 C-III Age and Civil Condition 64-67 C-IV Age and Literacy 68-71 c-v Single Year Age Returns 72-79 D-SOOIAL AND CULTURAL TABLEB- D-I La.ngllagas <il Mother Tongue 80-81 (ii) Bilingualism 82-83 D-n Religion 84-85 D-III Scheduled Castes 84-85 D-IV Migrants ('6-89 D-V (i) Displaced persons by year of arrival in India 90--91 (ii) Displaced persons by Livelihood Classes 92-93 D.VI Non-Indian Nationals 92-93 D-VII Livelihood Classes by Educationa.l Standards 94-99 PART II--VILLAGE. TOWN. PARGANA AND THANA STATISTICS Primary Census Abstract 102-217 2 P"rgana and Thana-wise Population 218 PART III-MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Vital Statistics 220-223 2 Agricultural Statistics--{i) Rainfall 224-225 (ii) Area a.s classified with details of area under CUltivation 226-229 (iii) Oropped Area 230-245 (iv) Irrigated Area 246-249 3 Live.Stock, Agricultural Machinery and Implements 250-253 4 List of Primfl.fY Sohoo}e 254-258 INTRODUCTION A-THE DISTRICT 1. The district of Deoria occupies the extreme north-east corner of Uttar Pradesh. I t has been carved out of the old district of Gomkhpur which was split up in 1946 into the districts of Gorakhpur and Deoria. On the west tho border marches with Gorakhpur. To the north and east are the Champaran and Saran districts of Bihar, the dividing line being partly artificial and in part ,mpplied by the Great and Little Gandak rivers. It is bounded on the south by the Ghagra, which separates it from Azamgarh and BaHia. In 1951 the total area of the district was 2,087 square miles and the total population was 21·03 lakhs, the fourth biggest amc.ng the districts of the State. It has 4 tehsils, 6 parganas and 17 thanas. 2. In its general aspect the district presents the appearance of a level alluvial plain. TopographJ Tehsil Padrauna forms the northern portion of the district. As a whole the tehsil is a fer- tilB plain with a gentle slope in a south-easterly direction, the level surface being diversified only by the rivor valleys and a fcw sandy ridgee, one of which, between Kasia and Pad- rauna, rises to a height of about 386 feet above the sea and is the greatest natural eminence in the district. Formerly a large area of this tehsil was covered with forests, but the whole of this has long disappeared. There are, however, many extensive tracts of bush and scrub jungle in the north, and in places along the Gandak wide stretches of graRSY waste are to be found. The area of cultivation in the valley of that river, known locaUy as the dOOb, is small, for this part of the tehsil is always liable to damage from the sudden and violent floods to which the stream is periodically subject. Most of the country is a Mat tract. Tehsil Rata is a very fertile plain with a gently undulating surface, marked in places by low sandy ridges. Practically the whole of the area belongs to the upland bangar, though the eastern edge projects into the bhat zone, while in the extreme south lies a small strip of kachhar. The south-eastern part of the district comprises of the tehsils of Salempur and Deoria. The greater part of the area belongs to the upland bangar and is a stretch of ex- tremely fertile and highly tillcd soil, the level surface being broken only by occasional ridges of sand and the few river valleys, the chief of which is that of the Little Gandak. Along the Hapti and Ghagra. is a somewhat narrow strip of kachhar or new alluvium which is liable to damage from floods; while in the extreme north-east corner is a compact block of bhal, resembling that of tehsi] Padrauna. 3. River Ghagra forms the southern boundary of the district and the drainage of the Drainage entire district ultimately discharges itself into it excepting that carried of by the Great Gandak. River Rapti, a powerful stream, separates the <:lOuth-western part of the district from Gorakhpur. The river frequently changes its course and its kachhar is liable to floods. The little Gandak traverses the eastern portion of the district from north to south receiving the Khanua on its left bank. It receives several tributaries, of which the chief are the Maun and the Duranchi. Majhna is another important stream in tehsil Rata. It joins the Rapti, receiving on its right bank the Katna and on its left the Kcuna. In the extreme south -east of the district are the Siahi and Jharai, the latter for some miles forming the dis- trict boundary. In tehsil Padrauna, in addition to the Great and Little Gandak there are several other streams. In the north Banri takes its rise, joining the Bansi, an old channel of the river Gandak ; while the Jharai rising on the eastern border takes a southerly course and flows past into Saran district. In the west the chief stream is Khanua. A noteworthy peculiarity of the lesser rivers in this tehsil is that they generally flow along ridges and spill into oach other. Throughout the Padrauna tehsil small lakes and jhils are to be found, but there are no great sheets of water excepting the Rainabhar Tal near Kasia. In tehsil Hata there are no lakes of any importance though a large number of ponds and jhils are to be found scattered throughout the country. In tehsils Deoria and Salempur also t,bere are no lakes of any importance though small jhils and .dahars or deserted river beds occur in numbers throughout. 4. The prevailing and characteristic soil of tehsil Padrauna and of an extensive block Soils in the eastern extremity of tehsil Deoria, is bhat. The boot tract consists of alluvium the distinguishing feature being its remarkable whiteness which is due to the unusual pro­ portion of carbonate of lime in the soiL This soil is retentive of moisture and so artificial irrigation is practically unknown. The r~mainder is either bangar or kachOOr. In the tehsils of Rata, Deol'ia and Salompur a greater PaI·t of the aI·ea belongs to upland bangar. Along the Rapti and Ghagra is a somewhat narrow strip of kachhar. The prevalent soil of these tehsils is doras or loam. The balance is either matiar or balua. A noteworthy feature throughout the whole of Deoria is the almost entire absence of sterile usar plain, so common in Avadh (Lucknow and Faizabad divisions) and in tho Banaras division to the south. Olaaaineation 01 5. The figures of the classification of area are given in Table 2 of Part III of this area volume. The proportion of area under various categories works out as follows for 19[jO-fi1 : Actual figlll'OO Particulars (inaerss) Peroentagu Cultivated area 1,066,326 796 Culturable waste (excluding curront fallow) 112,367 8'4 Current fallew 47,578 3'5 Forest 27 0'0 Area not available for cultivation of which- 113,611 8' 5 (a) OOlJered with water 49,056 3'7 (b) Unde,rsite8, road8 and b'uilding8 50,865 3'8 (c) Barren 13,690 1'0 The figure in the above table regarding culturable waste taken from the Season and
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