Bibliographic Supplement Gaskell Scholarship 2002 – 2011
BIBLIOGRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT GASKELL SCHOLARSHIP 2002 – 2011 BIBLIOGRAPHIES/BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAYS Ashley, Mike. “Mrs. Gaskell: Victorian Novelist.” Book and Magazine Collector December, 2007: 26-37. Baker, Fran. “Gaskell Papers in the John Rylands University Library.” Gaskell Society Journal 20 (2006): 1-13. _____. “The Papers of J. G. Sharps.” Gaskell Society Newsletter 44 (Autumn, 2007): 2-6. Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. Gaskell and the Brontës: Literary Manuscripts of Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) and the Brontës from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. A Listing and Guide to the Microfilm Collection. Marlborough: Adam Matthew, 2003. Print. Chapple, John A.V. “Early Gaskell Scholars: Adolphus William Ward 1837- 1924.” Gaskell Society Journal 19 (2005): 96-99. Hamilton, Susan. “Gaskell Then and Now.” The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell. Ed. Jill L. Matus. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 178-191. _____. “Ten Years of Gaskell Criticism.” Dickens Studies Annual 31 (2002): 397-414. Lingard, Christine. “Gaskell in Translation: A Summary.” Gaskell Society Newsletter 41 (Spring, 2006): 10-16. Sadlair, Michael. 1922. “Mrs. Gaskell.” Excursions in Victorian Bibliography: Scholar Select. Charleston, SC: Nabu Press, 2010. 201-213. Print. Shattock, Joanne. “The New Complete Edition of the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell.” Gaskell Society Journal 19 (2005): 100-106. Shelston, Alan. “Where Next in Gaskell Studies?” Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian Culture, and the Art of Fiction: Original Essays for the Bicentenary. Ed. Sandro Jung. Ghent: Academia P, 2010. 1-12. Weyant, Nancy S. Elizabeth Gaskell: An Annotated Guide to English Language Sources, 1992-2001. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004. BIOGRAPHIES/BIOGRAPHICAL FOOTNOTES Avery, Simon. 2003. “Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn.” Continuum Encyclopedia of British Literature.
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