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Dllihtcap' CREW TD RECORD for CAPITOL G r CANADA' S ONLY MUSIC WEEKLY Week Ending May 13th, 1967 15 CENTS 'DlliHTCAP' CREW TD RECORD FOR CAPITOL G. Edward Leetham, Vice­ script for the album and the entire President and General Manager of cast of "Nightcap" is to be featur­ Capitol Records (Canada) Ltd., ed on the album. They are: Billy announced this week that Capitol Van , Bonnie Brooks, Vanda King, will release a comedy album fea­ June Sampson and Al Hamel with Volume 7, No. 11 turing the cast of the CBC-TV show Guido Basso supplying the music. "Nightcap" . This album will be the The album session which is first of the company's contributions now underway, in Toronto, will be co-produced by White and Bea rd. ALEXANDER AGENCY OPENS to Centennial Year. Although the album will contain sketches depict­ The script covers such items as the TRI-CITY OPERATION ing events in Canada' s history and Ottawa: Leonard Alexander, prexy of will have a modern approach, it will the Leonard Alexander Agency, an­ not focus on political satire. nounces the opening of new offices Paul White, Capitol's Direc­ in Toronto, which combined with his tor of Artists and Repertoire, devis­ offices in Montreal and Ottawa makes ed the idea for an album on the his booking agency the only three "History of Canada" and after G. Edward Leetham, Vice President and city operation in the nation. checking the situation thoroughly, General Manager of Capitol (Canada) Ltd . Bob Olliffe will be in charge he became involved in discussions discovery of Canada, E;:anadian of the Toronto office. Dave Bleakney with Chris Beard. Beard is best Cavemen and several historical looks after the operation in Ottawa known for his origination and week­ battles. Only one sketch takes and Mel McCormack handles the ly writing of scripts for one of place in Ottawa. Montreal scene. Canada' s top rated television shows, Release date wi II be some­ The Alexander Agency now "Nightcap" , which is seen every time in June at which time Capitol handles approximately 100 of the top Wednesday at 11:45 PM . Beard was will blanket the nation with an ex­ Eastern Canadian groups and are subsequently signed to write the Paul White, Director of Artists and Repertoire tensive publicity campaign to push geared to handle package shows, one Capitol Records (Canada ) Ltd. the album. of their first for the Toronto area will be "The Centennial Cool-Out" to be held at Maple Leaf Gardens, May 22. 25 year old Alexander has his sights on the national market and Yorkville's Private Collection hopes to establish closer relations The Private Collection are management, could become the top Much of the material used by with other agencies across Canada regarded as one of the strongest rock group in Canada. Mike has been look­ The Private Collection is very strong as well as those in the U.S. and roll vocal instrumental groups in ing after their interests ever since com mercial rock and roll although Upper Canada. Originally from Sud­ which is one of thP, reasons their they are versatile enough to move bury, the group moved into Toronto's popularity has grown. with the soul and blues bit to ac­ Village just a few months ago and The Private Collection are commodate audiences who prefer this after auditioning for a few. of the four aggressive young musicians who bag. Their three and four part har­ Village notables, found they were in are all capable of writing music and mony is perhaps their best selling great demand for gigs in and around put this talent to good use. Jacques point. They have spent countless May 8 • 13 the Yorkville scene. Chartrand is the bass player, Dave hours perfecting their ideas of har­ Red Army Chorus · O'Keefe - Toronto Their s uccess story actually Mouslaison plays lead guitar as well moni zing which is now beginning to May 10 • 20 began after they became acquainted as organ, Dan Salhani is the drummer, pay off. Sergio Franchi - Cave - Vancouver with Mike Burak, who has part own­ and Aldo Tarini plays rhythm and With all these talents plus May 15 • 20 ership in two of the most popular also fills in as lead guitar. They the assistance they are receiving Folklorico Ballet - O'Keefe - Toronto clubs in The Village, The Flick and have a fantastic number of original from Mike Burak, it' ll just be a matter May 15 • June 3 El Patio. After playing both these songs in their repertoire and when of time before The Private Collection­ Sandler & Young - Queen Elizabeth they take that big plunge into the become a well known part of the Montreal clubs it became obvious from the crowds they were drawing that The recording field you can be sure their Canadian mu sic industry. May 15 releases will be original compositions. Red Army Chorus - Place des Arts Private Collection, with the proper Montreal May 16 • 21 Red Army Chorus - Arena Maurice Richard· Montreal May 16 Les Cailloux ·Expo - Montreal May 22 Seekers - Expo · Montrea I May 24 • 26 Red Army Chorus - Colisee - Quebec May 27 Red Army Chorus · Arena - Rimouski May 28 Red Army Chorus - Arena - Chicoutimi May 30 • June 1 Red Army Chorus • Arena - Ottawa June 5 • 10 Roy Clark - Top Hat - Wi ndsor June 5 • 10 Buddy Hackett/Eddie Fisher - O'Keefe Toronto June 12 Nancy Wi Ison - Elmwood Casino ·Windsor June 19 • 24 Johnny Mathis - O'Keefe - Toronto CANADA'S SUPER HERO OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY SEE PAGE 6 SONNY & CHER CHARTED on "Somethin ' Stup id". On " Summer Wine " she teams up with wr iter-producer Lee Sonny and Cher have come back on WESTERN Hazelwood to make it a smash. Reprise the hit scene again, this time with Records is the biggest winner since it "A Beautiful Story" on the Atco carries al I three songs . UNION Bob Dylan's contract with Columbia FROM CALIFORNIA Records has apparently been suspended by because he is reported to have failed to Frank Banyai have recorded the required amount of songs stated in the agreement. He has not made any recordings or persona l appear­ The Righteous Brothers are booked ances since his motorcycle accident last 1560 Bayview Avenue for eight shows at Toronto's O'Keefe year.///Davy Jones , of The Monkees , has Centre starting July 31st. At present, Toronto 11, Ontario formed his own record company. they're riding high with "Melancholy Music Telephone: (416) 489-2166 SHORT SHORTS: I see that George Meek Man".///Buffalo Sprlngfleld are also is back with his spectacular shows at the head ing Toronto way and should arrive Whitby Arena .///The lyrics of The Mamas sometime in June.!/ / The Collectors record, Established: F~bruary 24th., 1964 And Papas "Creeque Alley" were written "Looking At A Baby" was released here by John and Michelle and are about the on the Valiant label. It has a catchy sound . Editor and Publisher that might happen in the States . group itse If.I/ / Many wonder how the Mojo Men arrived at that name having a Montrea I, you think you have prob­ WALT GREALIS lems when it comes to music of today? girl drummer . Originally, the group con­ Los Angeles is divi ded into three parts. sisted only of males. Hollywood is the base for the mod artists. There is a great competition among • Rhythm and Blues flows from the city's · radio stations here. There are four rock Art Director stations and one Rhythm and Blues station southern area and from east Los Angeles comes something different. It is a mixture in the Los Angeles area. There is always BILL ARMSTRONG of Latin Rock and Rhythm and Blues. some sort of "shindig" thrown by one of them. These artists use English and Spanish to • A big thing here in many theatres carry their messages. The groups stay in Layout & Design is to stage a " Battle of The Bands" con­ their own areas . Only once in awhile is a GROOVYART .Mexican group booked to play in a Holly­ cert between films on Saturday afternoons . wood club or vice versa . ' Also high schools and colleges bring in label. Sonny and Cher are now as top recording bands during their morning popular in Europe as they are in Nancy Sinatra seems to put her " sweet voice " into everything. She has assemblies. I can picture this happening • North America. Sonny, who writes in Toronto. The Ugly Ducklings walking all their material and looks after the her own single on the charts titled "Love RPM MUSIC WEEKLY Is published Eyes". She shares honours with her dad into Forest Hi II Collegiate to play a set weekly by RPM, Records, Promotion, production end of their sessions , is at 9 AM. Music, 1560 Boyview Avenue, Suite just putting the finishing touches on 107, Tor onto 17, Co no do. Authorized os second closs moil by the Post the script and music for their second Office Department, Ottawa, and for movie. Shooting should begin by ARETHA FRANKLIN'S payment of postage in cash. Single SANDPIPERS STRIKE copy price 15 cents. Subscription early summer. "RESPECT" - CHARTED prices $7.SO per year, $12 by air, WITH "GLASS" New York: Atlantic's rush-release of U.S.A. and Canada. $1 S. per · year, :-Iollywood: Don Graham, of A&M "Respect" as a single from Aretha $30 by air, other co·untrles. Advertis­ " PAYTON PLACE" Records announces the release of ing rates on request. Franklins new album, has paid off. PRINTED IN CANADA IN FOURTH YEAR a Larry Marks and Ernie Sheldon Radio stations on both sides of the Quebec , P.Q.
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