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Not Advertise It The Classified The Phone No. 7 "" Herald,11 1 1 Why ■■ — ■ ■ —■ ■ """ A ^ Way-Call«£. ] Miscellaneous League Chiefs Consider State G. O. P. Selects PERMANENT Classified Rates Franchise New Officials waving at reduced Rules, Offers for BE Today rates ANTI-MASK for WHEATFARMER limited time. Work done in your home or mine. 413 Please Phone win be *c the next issue after it is brought to Associated Press.) for appointment. (10) (Bv The Associated Press.) ("By The from their attention. .All or- Advertisementscepted over the telephone advertising DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 5.—Further con- DALLAS, Tex., Jan. 5.—Choosing a those ders are on this basis TAILORING SALESMEN: Davis $29.50 telephone subscribers, or from j accepted only. GUESS IS BAD sideration of offers for the old Gal- IS MANK1N PLAN vice chairman and treasurer was among “Square Deal" line ready for spring. having regular charge accounts. Oth Telephone No. 7 and dictate your veston franchise in the Texas League the matters cf business before the re- idvertisement Amazing values, nationally famous. er classified advertising must be ac to an experienced baseball club, which now is held by publican state execute committee which j “Satisfaction re- rlassified writer. guaranteed or money companied by cash. the League, were considered today at a met here about noon today. The name turned." Liberal commissions in ad- Classified alvertisements will be of the committee of Cel. W. E. Talbot has been mention- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. Acreage Is Cut Down; meeting appointed Georgetown Representa- vance. New in- profit-sharing plan to printed only in light face type. No for that purpose. Galveston interests ed as a successor of Charles E. Boyn- 20 words or crease less, one insertion. .30c tive Will It your earnings. No charge for culs will be Price Than have made an offer but decision was de- Introduce ton who to a permitted. Over 20 Higher resigned recently accept >40 qutfit. Our words, one insertion, per selling eighteenth year No advertisements accepted on an ferred so that Oak Cliff (Dallas) and federal judgtship appointment. Clar- direct. time. word mc Previous Year Before selling Producers—save “until forbid” order. A specific* Waco w'hich have signified 'nterest, Legislature ence Linz, treasurer, resigned some Subsequent insertions run consec- Mail letter and refer- — giving experience lumber of insertions must be given. might make their final offers. motnhs ago. General campaign plans ences. P. H. Davis Tailoring Co., 763 utively, per word lc The Herald reserves the right to By the HOUSTON, Texas, Jai-.. 5.—Farmers The committee is composed of J. AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 5.—The anti- were discussed. Power Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. (24) month, per word 25c dace all advertisments unler th in the wheat Doak Roberts, president of the league, mask the No classified advertisement ac- producing sections of bill, promised by democratic classification, and reject un- Texas made a bad this i Walter Morris, Dallas, R. 0. Harvey, state is to be into iroper cepted for less than 30c guess year. platform, introduced a Herald Classified Ad lean or objectionabl copy. At this time last to Wichita Falls and Paul Lagrave, Fort the Thirty-Ninth Try Lost and Found LOCAL READER RATES year, according legislature by Rep. Obituaries and cards of thank H. H. Schutz., government statistician, Worth. Their decision may be with- Luke Mankin, attorney of Georgetown. First insertion, per line 12c wul be taken at the classi high priced cotton looked better than held until late in the day even if reach- Georgetown was the scene of the I HAVE found something valuable to regular Same ad run consecutive days, fied rate. cheap wheat and as a consequence the ed today. famous Burleson flogging cases of two some one, call at peanut and popcorn per line . 8c The are wheat acreage was reduced, while that years ago, in which Dan now stand on Washington between 11th and publishers not responsible No stamps higher than 2c denomina- Moody, for er* of cotton was greatly increased. On attorney general-elect, won fame for 12th and receive by paying for this ad. copy omissions, typographical tion accepted in payment for ads. Dec. 1, however, Mr. Schutz said, the energetic prosecution of several men (23) rors or any unintentional error that Display advertising rates will be farm price of cotton was 22.4 cents in accused of flogging R. W. Burleson. The may occur, further than to correct in furnished on application. Texas compared with 30.4 cents last TO defendants were sent to the peniten- a GLEECLUB but wheat fourth more Wanted BROWNSVILLE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY year, brought tiary. Help than the farm of a average year ago The complete bill follows: Last fall, continued rains made sowing $10,000,000 COMPANY wants man to "Sestion 1. If any person who is of small grains very while sell Watkins Home Necessities in difficult, masked or in disguise shall go into or Automobiles this a of moisture re- year deficiency TOUR VALLEY near in a manner cal- Brownsville. More than 150 used daily. any public place MISSION MID-TERM tarded both plowing and sowing. Income $35-$50 weekly. Experience un- FOR SALE—Chevrolet touring in A-l culated to disturb the inhabitants The wheat crop averages only 75 pei —--- necessary. W'rite Dept. H-5. The J. R. new- thereof, or who shall disturb any in- shape mechanically, fully equipped, cent of 18 below Iowa normal, points that ol habitant of such shall he Watkins Cojnpany, 62-70 Wes: top, paint and seat covers. Terms. EXAMNS START place, guilty Dec. 1, 1923, but almost on a par with Girl From West- ^.ve., Memphis, Tenn. (22) Welch Motor Co., San Benito, Tex. (20) Singers [ of a misdemeanor and upon conviction the condition of Dec. 1, 1922. Last I thereof shall be fined in any sum not year's acreage was reduced to 1,469,000 moorland Start Pro- MISSION. Tex., Jan. 5.—The begin- exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), the lowest since 1920, but an increase Seeds—Plants Financial ning of the second term of the Mission gram Jan. 11 or by imprisonment in the county jail I of 24 per cent is reported this fall schools is scheduled for January 19th not exceeding 12 months, or by both ! which brings the acreage up to 1,882,000, CDT FLOWERS—Funeral Designs, WANTED—Man or woman as active at which time promotions will take such fine and imprisonment. or slightly more than what it was in A four of Nursery Co., Brownsville office or silent in a business that will the Lower Valley will be "Section 2. If who is dowyer partner place. 1922. any person San made next tlcCleary Music Co. PhoDe 882. pay 20 per cent per month net profit. A new class of low first grade will week, starting Sunday night, masked or disguised shall go into or High wheat prices this year, the re- bv the Benito office. Concrete Highway, No competition in Valley. About $1000 he established, of those January 1, Westmoorland Col- near, or shall demand entrance or ad- consisting were due to the Benito. port asserts, mainly lege Glee Club of San the tour Phone 263. (57) required. C. A. Fletcher, San pupils who failed to come up to the re- Antonio, mission into any private house within smaller Canadian crop of poorer quality -1-■-1^—i-—— Box 751. (2) quirements the first term and including most of the cities of the Val- this or shall disturb inhabi- during than last and less state, any year promising crop and at Brownsville.. pupils who have become of school age ley, terminating tant of such private house, shall be prospects in Argentina. Export demand The first Real Estate since 1. 1924. Parents of performance of the club of a and conviction September meanwhile continues. guilty felony, upon will be a McAllen on For Sale children who arc eligible to enter this Sunday night, thereof shall be punished by confine- FOR SALE—100-ft. corner Sketching other conditions the sur- property class have been January 11; subsequent programs will ment in the state penitentiary for a ^ requested by the^super- vey said: RoastrJ snJ S*U h -** ^ I with two modern on Elizabeth. SALE—One Holstein be at Mission on Har- __ cottages FOR registered inUndent of the Mission schools to given Monday; term of not less than two (2) years, nor Kail oats sown C <5-* Terms. Mrs. Puckett West old. El Rio Rio acreage thus far is Weslaco and Mer- C A N COFFEE Apply Agnes bull, five years Farm, have them register between lingen, Tuesday; more than ten (10) years. £ $) v >’ fl| January considerable below that of last Jtxai, L'. S, 4’ or Phone 297-W. Tex. year; San Thurs- ■ {Italian, Brownsville, (8) Hondo, (9) 16th and 19th. cedes, Wednesday; Benito, Section 3. If any person who is *ir jj livestock and range conditions lack day; Brownsville, Friday. masked or in disguise shall commit an FOR at a 15 acres near of as as SALE bargain, F(TR SALE—Registered American Pit much being good last fall; fall I)r. E. B. of the Stanford, president assault upon any other person he shall club on concrete Half See them is 18 cent Country highway. bull pups. Papers furnished. Revival plowing only per completed will the wom- [ Meetings Will college, accompany young be deemed guilty of a felony and upon set in grapefruit trees, rest truck. next door to Sanders Paint L. D, this year as against 20 per cent last Shop. en on the tour. Programs will include conviction thereof shall be * Browns- punished by Write at once.