University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 3-1-1952 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, March 1952 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, March 1952" (1952). The University of Dayton Magazine. 129. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact
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[email protected]. MARCH •1952 Cincinnati Chapter Met Feb. 21 The Cin -::innati Chapter of the U niversi ty of D ayton Alumni Asso ciation held it's February meeti ng at the Pavilion, Annunciation church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Cletus Miller was ESTABLISHED 1929 host to the chapter. · Vol. XVIII March • 1952 No. 3 Bro. Elmer C. L ackner, S.l\1., As istant to the Pre ident, and Direc M ary Shay '44 Editor tor of the D evelopment Program at James F . "Pep" Wilson Sports Editor the U niversity of D ayton was guest peaker. Movies of the Highlights of "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, a t Dayton, the past football season were shown. Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Also tickets for the Dayton-Xavier Issued Monthly-O ctober through June game in Cincinnati were on a le for SU BSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa alumni .