Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-12-1952 The B-G News February 12, 1952 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News February 12, 1952" (1952). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1044. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1044 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Helping Set New Record IWdtuj Green State XJtiitfetsitu Vol. 36 Official Student Publication. Bowling Green. Ohio. Tuesday. Feb. 12. 1952 No. 30 ROTC Unit Adds Red Cross Unit Gets 213 Pints, Three Korean War Veterans To Staff Schedules Return For March 13 Three veterans of the Korean A total of 213 pints of blood was collected by the Red war have been added to the Uni- Cross unit here last week. versity artillery ROTC unit, one Set McDonald The unit will be in the Rec Hall again March 13 Mel as an assistant professor and the Ayers, chairman of the blood donation program for Alpha other two as Instructors. Phi Omega, national service fraternity, announced. ('apt. Harvey C. Olson joined Inauguration the unit as an assistant professor Because of the many donors, of military science and tactics some students waited In line for after spending 14 months in Korea. For May Tenth UaytOnon GameIjame TicketsI ICKetS two or more hours to give blood. Master Sergeants Arthur C. Still On Sale At Gym Others came back several times Benson and Leo Anderson have al- Dr. Ralph W. McDonald will be before finally getting into the Rec inaugurated as president of the Tickets for the Bowling Creen- Hall. so been added to the faculty. Sgt. Daytoa basketball game tonight Benson served in Korea for 14 University Saturday, May 10. Six doctors and 14 nurses worked Dr. Ralph G. Harshman, dean are still on sale at the ticket of- from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Thursday months with the 19th Infantry fice in the Men's Gym. Regiment of the 24th Infantry Di- of administration, is in charge of to register, examine, and collect vision. Sgt. Anderson served for 12 the inauguration. Committee chair- Only reserve tickets will be the blood from donors. months with the First Cavalry Di- man will be announced later, he sold for the Toledo - Bowling Twenty-six volunteer women vision. said. Green game, and they will ge from Bowling Green assisted the Dr. McDonald took over the on sale tomorrow through Fri- unit in serving food and register- Capt. Olson, holder of the Silver day. Star, Bronze Star with two oak duties of president Sept. 1 after ing donors. leaf clusters, and eight battle stars, the resignation of Dr. Frank J. After the blood was in the con- Photo by Hal Van Tni»«l is e veteran of World War II, Prout. tainer, it was packed in a refrig- Students are shown giving blood and relaxing afterwards on serving in New Guinea and the He had been executive secretary erated box to be sent to Cleveland. the tight beds set up in the Rec Hall for the Red Cross blood drive of the department of higher edu- Dance Planned Philippines for two and a half cation of the National Education Eight beds were set up for the Feb. 7. years. Association before coming to Bowl- donors In the Rec Hall. After giv- * • • The 32-year-old captain returned ing Green. In May By Key ing blood, donors were given sand- home from Korea in December. wiches, fruit juice, coffee, milk, As a cadet officer in the ROTC and relishes. at Colorado A and M. College he Johnston Hospitql For Distribution Volunteer women said they had played center and forward on the used nine pounds of coffee. They basketball team and lead the base- This year's Key will feature a also had to order more fruit juice ball team with a .486 batting av Recognized By minimum of copy and a maxi- than they had planned on. eragc in his senior year. mum of photographs, according to This Red Cross unit operates As a softball pitcher he won Medical Ass'n Howard Hahn, 1962 Key editor. from Cleveland and goes to msny the state championships in Colo- towns in northern Ohio. rado in 1939 and 1940 and In Wis- The American Medical Associa- For the first time, the book Mrs. Ann Powell was in charge consin in 1947. tion has registered Johnston Hos- will be departmentalized, with fea- of the Red Cross unit and Mrs. pital as a recognized hospital. ture pictures at the beginning of Herbert Troycr headed the vol- He served with the Eighth Field Because of this the American each department. Everything about Artillery Battalion of the 26th Di unteer staff. With the Red Cross Hoepital Association has invited any department can be found in unit were six nurses, one doctor, vision in Korea and with the.Sixth the hospital to membership in the its particular unit. In the past, Division in the Pacific. and two custodians. association. material was grouped in sections, All persons who donated blood Sgt. Arthur Benson has just re- Only those hospitals recognized such as departmental clubs and are entitled to as much blood as turned from Korea where as a pla- by AMA can belong to the asso- honorariea. they might need free of charge, toon sergeant he led the platoon ciation. Juniors, as well as seniors, will except for administration charges, in three campaigns! He is a veter- University physicians at the hos- be featured in individual photo- in case of personal emergency. an of the UN offensive which pital are Dr. James W. Halfhlll. graphs this year. Miss Gertrude Eppler, Dr. J. carried our troops to the Yalu Riv- jr., and Dr. Jerry O. Crist. The book will contain a section Russell Coffey, Sam Cooper and er. on the Artists Series and one Mey Ayers were In charge. Sgt. Benson joined the Army in on special events, as well as an 1946 and served five years with our entirely new section on service. occupation troops in Japan. He Sending Student This section will include material was with the first American divi- on cheerleaders, Boosters Club, Sic IFC Plans Forums sion to arrive in Korea when the Sic, Alpha Phi Omega, World Stu- war started. Musicians To 0SU dents, Usherettes Club, and spec- FhoU by (barln IrU Sgt Leo Anderson has also just ial services. With Local Groups Bowling Green will be one of Mrs. Mary Roesch, right has her blood pressure checked by returned from Korea where as One of the major problems con- First Sergeant of Division Head- 20 Ohio colleges to send student fronted in the preparation of the A committee of Inter-Frsternlty nurses before giving blood. Each donor was given a medical quarters Company he served in musicians to Columbus to take Council is making plans for a for- checkup. Key was trying to keep up with three campaigns. He served with part in the eighteenth annual con- administrative changes. Opening um with Bowling Green service the First Calvary in its stand at vention of American Bandmasters sections were rewritten several clubs, such as Klwanis and Rotary, Taegu against the North Korean Association at Ohio State Uni times. to discuss and explain fraternities. Army. This action enabled the U. versity March 6 to 9. Tentative plans are for a series Kohl's Cafeteria Inaugurated The students will form the Ohio The last deadline for the ma- N. Army to retain its foothold In terial is March 1. Copies are ex- of these forums this spring. Four the Pusan Perimeter. Intercollegiate Band and will play phases of fraternity life would be at two public concerts to be dl pected to be delivered by May 16. A former member of the 78th Distribution of copies to stu- discussed. Tuesday Morning By Breakfast Infantry Division in Europe in rected by some 20 of the nation's leading band directors. dents will be made at a presenta- IFC is also considering an all- Breakfast on Tuesday morning World War II, he arrived in Ko- tion dance, as yet unscheduled. The campus smoker next fall. Tola rea as a member of the Sixth In- The 90-piece band will appear WM the first meal served in Kohl at 8 p. m. March 7 at Mees Hall, ceremony will include presenta- smoker would allow fraternity men Hall's new cafeteria. Music Depr. Faculty fantry Division for occupation tion of the queens, dedication, pre- to meet all rushees and to ex- duties. He returned to the U. S. Capital University, and March 8 plain rushing to them. The newly-painted and well- at the Ohio State Men's Gymnasi- sentation of copies to Dr. McDon- Presents Lecture, in 1948. In 1949 Sgt. Anderson ald and next year's Key editor, Final arrangements are being lighted dining room seats all of the made h i s second trip to um. Also taking part in the con- approximately 800 girls living at certs will be the Oberlin Conserv- and general distribution. It will made by IFC for Greek Week May the far east as a member of the not be an orchestra dance. 12 to 18. Kohl, at one time. It is located in Recital Program First Cavalry Division, where he atory Band and the Ohio State the basement, off the smoker and Three members of the University served 16 months in Japan prior Concert Band.
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