Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY - Tuesday, 13 May 2008] p2845a-2845a Dr Judy Edwards; Mr

RICHARD COURT — JAPANESE HONOUR 236. Dr J.M. EDWARDS to the Premier: Will the Premier advise the house of the Japanese honour bestowed on former Premier Richard Court? Mr A.J. CARPENTER replied: I thank the member for Maylands for the question. On 29 April this year, His Imperial Majesty Emperor of Japan conferred awards upon two distinguished Australians in recognition of their outstanding contribution and achievements in promoting good relations between Japan and . One of those recipients was the former head of the Japan Centre at Australian National University, Dr Royall Tyler. The other was former Western Australian Premier Hon Richard Court, AC. I congratulate Richard Court on receiving that extremely high honour. Richard Court received the second highest honour that Japan can confer upon foreign nationals—namely, The Order of the Rising Sun Gold and Silver Star—at a ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo last Thursday. The award acknowledges Richard’s contribution to the expansion of Australia-Japan relations in strengthening economic ties between Australia and Japan and also in the promotion of exchanges between Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia. Building on the foundations of his father, the late Sir , Richard Court continued to strengthen and consolidate trade between Western Australia and Japan during his time as Premier. In the eight years that he was the Premier of Western Australia, Richard Court focused significantly on strengthening good relations between Australian and Japanese industry leaders, together with government representatives. This focus was reflected in repeated Japanese ministerial visits to Western Australia during Richard’s time as Premier. Today the successful outcome of Richard’s efforts to cultivate the economic relationship is evident in Western Australia’s trade with Japan. Japan is a major trading partner of Western Australia; indeed, it is our second largest trading partner. In 1993, the year that Richard Court became Premier of Western Australia, exports to Japan were worth $4.26 billion. They have continued to grow rapidly ever since. By 2001, when his time as Premier ended, Western Australian exports to Japan were worth $8.21 billion. By 2007 our exports to Japan were worth $11.86 billion, or 20 per cent of Western Australia’s total export market. Richard Court’s response to the emergency situation in the wake of the devastating Hanshin earthquake disaster of 1995 left a lasting impression on the Hyogo Prefecture government and the people of Hyogo Prefecture. Richard Court’s leadership provided timely assistance to those in need and projected a positive image of Western Australia to the people of Japan. This award is a fitting honour. It is recognition of a true Western Australian statesman, the kind of statesman that members on both sides of the house can aspire to become. I hope I speak for everyone in the Parliament—I am sure that I do—when I offer my sincere congratulations to Richard Court and his family.
