Sweet fruits – good for everyone? Record of the international expert meeting of the German Commission for Justice and Peace on 16 January 2014 in Berlin Rural development through self-organisation, value chains and social standards Schriftenreihe 128e Gerechtigkeit und Frieden Publication series Gerechtigkeit und Frieden Publisher: German Commission for Justice and Peace Editor: Gertrud Casel ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Sweet fruits – good for everyone? Record of the international expert meeting of the German Commission for Justice and Peace on 16 January 2014 in Berlin Rural development through self-organisation, value chains and social standards Unless otherwise indicated, all texts and photos by Luise Richard , Dipl.-Ing.agr. and freelance journalist, Drensteinfurt, who has worked, among others, for the specialist press and enter- prises working in agriculture and the food sector and for social insti- tutions: www.redaktionsbuero-richard.de Publication series Gerechtigkeit und Frieden, No. 128e Editor: Dr Hildegard Hagemann Translation: Aingeal Flanagan ISBN 978-3-940137-56-2 Bonn, July 2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ Delivery: German Commission for Justice and Peace, Kaiserstr. 161, D-53113 Bonn, Germany Tel.: +49 (0)228 103217, fax: +49 (0)228 103318 Internet: www-justitia-et-pax.de, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Table of contents Preface 5 1 Introduction 7