The Mystery of Wealth and the Role of Divinities: The Economy in Pre-Modern Japanese Fiction and Practice FABIO RAMBELLI University of California, Santa Barbara
[email protected] Keywords: Buddhist economics, Buddhist literature, merit-making, general economy, Buddhist and Shinto relations, Buddhist temple economic activities DOI: Abstract: This article presents an overview of the economic dimen- sions of premodern Japanese Buddhism—both economic ideas and activities—by focusing on representative primary sources and im- portant secondary scholarship. It opens with a discussion of econom- ic activities in which temple-shrines and their personnel were directly engaged in. Next, in order to find some type of theorization for those practices, it examines a number of popular stories from medieval and early modern Japan (some of which are still circulating today as children’s tales) that deal with the origin of wealth. It problematizes their underlying economic thought, including examples of resistance to dominant ideas about production and wealth. Finally, the paper offers some considerations on the ‘general economy’ of premodern Japanese Buddhism. Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2.2 (2019): 163–201 163 164 FABIO RAMBELLI uddhist institutions were important economic hubs in medieval Band early modern Japan, as in other Buddhist countries. Still, it is somewhat surprising that normative canonical texts do not offer any specific teachings about the economy beyond superficial consider- ations about generosity, merit-making, and karmic retribution. One must look instead at specific economic practices and texts elucidating them (narratives, legal documents, etc.)—materials that were part of the ‘practical canon’ of Buddhism.