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The Research of Xi Jinping's Thought of a Community of Human Destiny from the Perspective of Chinese Culture

The Research of Xi Jinping's Thought of a Community of Human Destiny from the Perspective of Chinese Culture

Qiao et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7

Research Article AJSES (2021) 2:7

American Journal of Social and Educational (ISSN:2692-1154)

The Research of 's Thought of a Community of Human from the Perspective of Chinese

Qiao Li1, Wang Jiayan2, Liu Huiwen3, Wang Jiabin4* 1School of and , Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 541000; 2English Teaching and Research Office of Mengyin Daigu Central School, Linyi, Shandong 276000; 3School of , Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830000; 4Dalian University of Technology in a new era of learning Research Center for with Chinese Characteristics, Dalian 116000, Liaoning.

ABSTRACT Xi Jinping is a great leader who knows Chinese and Keywords: Xi Jinping; a commu- , and he is also a firm supporter of the excellent nity with a shared future for man- traditional Chinese culture. The dialectical absorption and kind; Chinese harmonious cultur- criticism of Xi Jinping’s thought of a community with a shared e; cultural origin; multi-dimensio- future for mankind integrates the of the Chinese nal culture, and contains the profound heritage of Chinese culture. Deeply understanding and grasping the rich connotation of *Correspondence to Author: Chinese culture and the of the times help provide Wang Jiabin useful reference for the world, provide cultural accumulation and Dalian University of Technology. support for Xi Jinping’s thought of a community with a shared future for mankind, and create a new era for the new era How to cite this article: of harmony and harmony in the community with a shared future Qiao Li, Wang Jiayan, Liu Huiwen, for mankind. Xi Jinping, with his profound historical accumulation Wang Jiabin. The Research of Xi and national studies, actively explores the positive ways of life Jinping’s Thought of a Community and governance in the Chinese Hehe culture, and resonates with of Human Destiny from the Perspe- the contemporary era, and proposes a new concept and ctive of Chinese Culture. American of a community with a shared future for mankind, and promotes Journal of Social and Educational the construction of global and security, Economy, culture, Sciences, 2021; 2:7 and ecology. A community of shared future to promote the building of a world of lasting , universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, clean and beautiful world, so as to realize the beauty of permanent and peaceful eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA. development of mankind that “open peace for all generations” Website: https://escipub.com/ and “seek great harmony for the world” Vision.

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 1 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 The proceeding from his profound accumulation international order. of Chinese studies, Xi Jinping shows the unique 1. The graph analysis of Xi Jin- charm of the Chinese culture to the world ping's idea of a community of human destiny through the telling of "Chinese stories", and pro- from the perspective of Chinese culture motes the "peaceful development, harmonious 1.1 From the perspective of Chinese culture, coexistence, and win-win cooperation of differ- analysis of Xi Jinping's thought of a commu- ent " by advocating the tolerance and nity of human destiny in CNKI mutual learning of different civilizations ", form- CNKI ( national knowledge infrastructure) ing an important idea to promote the construc- searched for "culture" and contained the subject tion of a community with a shared future for man- term "community with a shared future for man- kind. Xi Jinping’s idea of a community with a kind". A total of 645 documents were retrieved shared future for mankind is based on absorbing (search time January 30, 2021). It was found that the essence of Chinese culture, focusing on in- the first article appeared in 2014 and was pub- ternalizing the requirements of the new era, and lished in the past 5 years. The number of related forming a value, international outlook, and order papers is as follows: 13 in 2016, 73 in 2017, 141 concept through the refinement and sublimation in 2018, 256 in 2019, and 152 in 2020 (see Fig- of and practice. It has rich Chinese cul- ure 1). As can be seen from the figure, since tural connotation. It not only shows distinctive 2018, the number of articles published on Xi Chinese characteristics, but also contains the Jinping’s thought of a community of shared fu- common value pursuit of all mankind. It has been ture for mankind from the perspective of Chinese written into UN resolutions many times. It has culture has rapidly increased. More and more been enriched with global cooperation concepts Chinese scholars have studied the origin and es- and practices such as the “Belt and Road” initia- sential characteristics of Xi Jinping’s thought of tive. Changes in the global governance system, a community of shared future for mankind from the construction of a new type of international re- a cultural perspective. lations and common value norms for the new

. Figure 1: From the perspective of Chinese culture, Xi Jinping's thoughts on a community of human destiny CNKI published articles

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 2 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 1.2 The thematic analysis of Xi Jinping's "Global Governance" 43, "Important Discussion" thought of a community of human destiny in 38, "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture" 37, CNKI from the perspective of Chinese culture "Xi Jinping New Era Socialism with Chinese From the perspective of Chinese culture, the Characteristics" 34, "Globalization" 24 (see Fig- themes of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on a community ure 2) . It can be found that CNKI related docu- with a shared future for mankind in CNKI are as ments mainly focus on "Xi Jinping", "Human follows: 545 “community with a shared future for Destiny Community Thought", "Marxism", "Chi- mankind”, 377 “Xi Jinping”, 161 “idea of a com- nese Excellent Traditional Culture", "Globaliza- munity with a shared future for mankind”, 191 tion" and frontier topics in the world. “General Secretary Xi Jinping”, “Marxism” "48",

Figure 2: From the perspective of Chinese culture, of a community of human destiny CNKT related literature topics

1.3 An analysis of the main research institu- Renmin University of China, 8 articles published tions in China where Xi Jinping’s thought of by , 8 articles published by Nan- a community of human destiny lies in the per- kai University, 8 articles published by Liaoning spective of Chinese culture University, 8 articles published by Hunan Normal According to Figure 3 produced by CNKI related University, 8 articles published by Hebei Univer- searches, we can find that from the perspective sity, 7 articles published by Northeast Normal of Chinese culture, Xi Jinping’s thought of a com- University, Anhui Normal University The univer- munity of human destiny in China has the high- sity published 6 articles, the PLA National - est number of publications in the main research fense University published 6 articles, Shandong institutions: 16 articles published by the Party University published 6 articles, China University School of the Central Committee of the Com- of Political and published 6 articles, munist Party of China, 12 articles published by and Shandong Normal University published 5 ar- Wuhan University, 12 articles published by Jilin ticles (see Figure 3). Through analysis, it can be University 11 articles, 11 articles published by seen that most of the research institutions

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 3 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 studying Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the community and the Central Party School of the Communist of human destiny from the perspective of Chi- Party of China. The intervention of other univer- nese culture are well-known and so- sities and scientific research institutions is insuf- cial sciences colleges and universities in China ficient.

Figure 3: From the perspective of Chinese culture, major research institutions that publish more articles on Xi Jinping's thought of a community of human destiny

2. Connotation Value: Connotation and Time tation of Chinese harmony culture Value of Chinese Harmony Culture "Harmony" in historical evolution: From ancient Harmony culture is a unique of the Chi- times to the present, Chinese people have al- nese nation, and is the core and essence of Chi- ways applied "harmony" to their lives, and "har- nese culture. "The humanistic context of'Hehe' is mony is the most precious" is the Chinese , the awakening of life wisdom, the display of the and thinking concept. The Chinese Hehe spirit of the times, and the trend of social cus- culture has a long history, and the two characters toms." [1] Deeply comprehending and grasping He and He have appeared in Oracle and Bronze the rich connotation of the Chinese Hehe culture inscriptions. "Harmony" not only exists in sociol- and strengthening the research and promotion of ogy and , but it is also an important Hehe thought are not only the theoretical needs category of . Its connotation of enriching and developing Xi Jinping’s new era shows the bottom line of "combination", that is, of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but new things are further produced by the things of also the actual needs of accelerating the con- harmony through blending. "Harmony" as an ad- struction of a community with a shared future for jective mainly refers to a in which the inter- mankind and promoting social development. Ex- relationship of different things or aspects is sat- tremely important theoretical and practical signif- isfactory, and everyone who knows it is happy. It icance. is often seen in harmony, harmony but , 2.1 Clarify the connotation: the basic conno- harmony is the most precious, peace and so on.

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 4 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 The original meaning of "he" originally refers to can be said that in the history of the development the closing of the upper and lower lips. Now the of Chinese culture for thousands of years, Hehe whole body and the limbs can be coordinated has inherited, developed and innovated to vary- and coordinated during multi-finger exercises. ing degrees, and has become a popular and uni- They cooperate with each other to form the versally recognized humanistic spirit in Chinese speed, amplitude, direction and size of the force cultural thought, interspersed with natural sci- of each body. The relative position of each can ence, Humanities, nation-to-nation, nation-to- be just right, without over or under. "Combina- nation interactions. tion" is both natural and comprehensive, affect- "Harmony" in traditional classics: Harmony cul- ing various angles such as internal and external, ture is an important thinking model, value con- up and down, front and back, left and right. The cept, and value orientation accumulated in Chi- word "hehe" became a term first appeared in nese culture for thousands of years. As Comrade "Guoyu", "Xia Yu can single-level and soil, Xi Jinping pointed out in "Zhijiang Xinyu", "Our and treat the common people with quality, and ancestors created an incomparable culture, and the business contract can integrate with the five the'hehe' culture is one of the quintessences of to protect the people." The expression it.'Harmony' refers to harmony, peace, and har- is the business contract. Harmony with the "five mony. Neutralization and so on. "Combination" religions" of fatherly righteousness, motherly refers to confluence, fusion, union, etc. This kind kindness, brothers and friends, brother respect, of tolerant character of "the noble monk, benev- and son , makes the people's lives sta- olent, tolerant, virtuous, and harmonious but dif- ble and harmonious. In "Lu Shi Chun Qiu", "the ferent" is what our nation pursues Cultural con- heaven and the earth have a beginning, the sky cept. The harmony between and , is micro-formed, the earth is formed in form, the the harmony between individuals and groups, heaven and the earth are in harmony, the great the ideal of our nation lies here, and the cohesion classics of life", the harmony is used to study the and creativity of our nation are based on this." [2] origin and composition of nature and mankind, Therefore, cultural harmony, in-depth explora- and the study of life is There is harmony, there is tion of the essence of Chinese excellent tradi- harmony, and then there is generation. Only with tional culture, and profound understanding of the treatment, separation, and difference can there Chinese culture of harmony are important guar- be the spirit of harmony. In the "Book of Classics": antees and inevitable requirements for promot- "The harmony of heaven and earth, the pottery ing the construction of a community with a of transforms all things, and those shared future for mankind. "Harmony" culture who take advantage of the same energy." "Yin has been integrated into the blood of the Chi- and yang, inherit the sum of heaven and earth, nese nation and carved into the genes of the Chi- form a multi-species body, contain vapors, and nese people. [3] Many thinkers in China have produce singularity.". Here, He has two mean- made incisive expositions on the thought of ings: one is that the formation of heaven, earth Hehe culture. Take the Confucian school as an and all things must be based on neutralization, example: ’s "Ritual is used, and har- which is "harmony" to all things; the other is that mony is the most precious." ("The of "harmony" itself and the elements that constitute Learning"), "The gentleman is harmonious but harmony, Neutralization is also the standard. It different, the villain Same but not harmony."

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 5 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 ("The Analects of Confucius Zilu"); 's man The relationship between society, the study "time is not as as place, and land is not as of the law of the unification of the body and good as people." ("Mencius·Gongsun Chouxia"); and the cultural tradition of health preservation" 's "Heaven and earth are united and every- [4]. Speaking of China's "harmony" culture, Pres- thing is born, and yin and yang change. From the ident Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly that Chi- beginning, the sex is false and the world gov- nese has always advocated "harmo- erns" ("Xunzi·Theory of Heaven") and so on. It nious states", "harmony but difference", and can be seen from this that not only "harmony is the most precious". gives "hehe" a strong humanistic flavor, but also 2.2 Value considerations: the era value of puts "he" at the core of the humanistic spirit. An- Chinese Hehe Culture other example is the Taoist school: Lao Tzu pro- Harmony culture and materialist are posed that "everything bears yin and embraces both fusion and conflict. The angle of thinking yang, and energizes to think of harmony" ("Lao mode can play a certain role in correcting the de- Tzu Chapter 42"); 's "The weather is viations in the past "philosophy of struggle". Ma- discordant, the earth is stagnant, the six qis are terialist dialectics is the essence of Marxism. irregular, and the four o'clock does not Festival. Harmony culture resolves differences, contradic- Today I would like to unite the essence of the six tions, and conflicts on the basis of acknowledg- to nurture the masses. What can I do?" ing differences, contradictions, and conflicts. The ("Zhuangzi·Zaiyou No.11"); in "Guanzi", "har- "Guanzi·Army of War" says: "Harmony leads to mony" and "combination" are combined, right " harmony." In other words, with harmony and "Harmony" has made a systematic statement: unity, actions can be coordinated, and then they "The animal is based on , and it is raised by can be achieved. Keep pace. From the perspec- virtue. The animal is based on Tao, and the peo- tive of materialist dialectics, "harmony can be ple are harmonious; when the animal is raised harmonious" means that different things in their by virtue, the people are harmonious, and har- interdependence and , pro- mony can be used to learn. You know, Mo can mote cooperation, balance and harmony on the hurt you.” ("Guanzi Set School · Young Officials") whole through seeking common ground while re- This fully explains that harmony is the essence serving differences. The theory of building a of everything in the universe and the basis for community with a shared future for mankind em- the survival and development of human society. phasizes equality and tolerance, and goes be- regards "harmony" and "harmony" as the yond Western philosophical thinking of "theme", world The foundation gives spiritual power to the "ruling" and "object". [5] Therefore, we must be handling of personnel and injects strong moral good at combining the essence of harmonious meaning. Mr. Cheng Siyuan named the tradi- culture with the essence of Marxism, and then tional Chinese culture "Chinese Harmony Cul- confine the struggle within a reasonable range, ture" and believed that "the Chinese nation has by constantly absorbing the high-quality ele- formed the use of the concept of harmony and ments of each element to select the good and harmony culture to study the emergence of na- eliminate the bad, promote the creation of new ture and the generation of people, study the law things, and realize the old harmony. The combi- of development and change of things, and study nation evolved to a new combination, which pro- the relationship between man and nature and motes the continuous development of things.

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 6 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 The harmonious way of thinking that replaces a systems" and promoting the unity of the Chinese single "struggle philosophy" is compatible with nation and overseas Chinese. "One country, two the trend and practice of promoting a community systems" fits well with the concept of "harmony of shared future for mankind and promoting so- without difference" in Chinese harmony culture. cial development in the new era, and has im- "One country" means "harmony" and "two sys- portant time value. At the opening ceremony of tems" means "different". Acknowledge the differ- the 2008 Olympics, hundreds of actors ences in "different" social systems and lifestyles, dressed up as movable type printing typefaces. and use "harmony" to achieve unity and recon- The same Chinese character-"Harmony" was cile differences, but retain individuality. From a presented in three different fonts: large seal, certain perspective, "one country, two systems" small seal and regular script, which conveyed and "harmony without difference" communicate the connotation and era of Chinese culture to the and fit each other. The "one country, two sys- world value. tems" also has a profound historical and cultural The essence and dregs of Hehe culture coexist, foundation under the distinctive characteristics and modernization must be carried out to re- of the times. Through the promotion and demon- move the dregs and extract the essence, and stration of the Chinese Harmony Culture, it can give full play to its advantages of conflict, inte- promote the recognition of "One Country, Two gration and inclusiveness. One is conducive to Systems" by compatriots in , Macao, promoting the long-term stability of society and Taiwan and overseas Chinese, accelerate the the stability and unity of the country. The second realization of the of the Chinese na- is conducive to promoting the two major trends tion and overseas Chinese, and then build a of world peace and development, and provides community with a shared future for the Chinese a value judgment standard against hegemonism. nation and build mankind with one heart A com- Based on the present, the rich and colorful tradi- munity of destiny played a huge role in promot- tional culture, the long-standing , ing. and the profound historical and cultural value of 3. Implications: Five dimensions of Xi Jin- the Chinese nation that have been precipitated ping’s thought of a community with a shared for five thousand years, these rare and precious future for mankind from the perspective of cultural have a profound impact on us and Chinese Hehe Culture are of extraordinary significance. [6] The Chinese Xi Jinping's ideological evidence of a community Harmony Culture provides the world with theo- with a shared future for mankind has absorbed retical guidance on reducing conflicts, non-inter- and criticized the essence of the Chinese Hehe ference, peaceful coexistence, and common de- culture, and contains the profound heritage of velopment, and provides value judgment stand- Chinese culture. Promoting the construction of a ards for opposing hegemonism, and helps all community with a shared future for mankind is ethnic and the entire human civilization the inheritance, development and innovation of to choose the best in the context of new chal- the Chinese culture of harmony. Xi Jinping’s idea lenges in the new era And learning, comprehen- of a community with a shared future for mankind sive innovation, and common development. The has inherited the of “the third is conducive to advancing the strategic con- world is the public” in the Chinese Hehe culture, cept of "peaceful reunification, one country, two the security philosophy of “the world is one

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 7 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 family”, the economic philosophy of “harmony settled in the pursuit of values such as "the world coexistence”, the cultural philosophy of “har- is for the public, the is connected to mony without difference”, The theoretical core the people, the universe is harmonious, and the and essential essence of ideological concepts nations are harmonious". such as the ecological concept of harmony be- The Chinese Harmony Culture pays attention to tween man and nature. the knowledge of things, sincere and sincere, 3.1 Political dimension: Inheriting the politi- and regards it as the foundation of governing the cal concept of "the world is for the public" in country. It respects the related ways of life in the the Chinese harmonious culture world of "one who wants to stand up, and one A community with a shared future for mankind is who wants to achieve," and "do not do to others a community of social responsibility, a political what you do not want to do". It advocates "con- community, and an international family of pros- vincing people with ", "softness and perity and shame. The Confucian school's point long-term", "benevolence and ", empha- of view focuses on the precious "harmony" and sizes "harmony of all nations" and helps the the "zhong", and advocates that "the morality is world, and opposes only profit and self-respect. greater than the harmony. "Book of Rites" em- General Secretary Xi Jinping inherited and pro- phasizes that "the world is the public when you moted the essence of the Chinese culture of har- travel on the great road", which requires that jus- mony with a deep accumulation of Chinese stud- tice be emphasized and selfishness be ne- ies, and proposed the light of thought to promote glected. "The Analects of Confucius" advocates the construction of a community with a shared "the use of etiquette, harmony is the most pre- future for mankind. He emphasized that politi- cious". "Zhou Li" is expressed as the political cally, we must adhere to mutual respect and norms of "to harmonize the country, to rule all of- equal consultation, and big countries must treat ficials, and to harmonize the people". It is not dif- small countries as equals. Do not engage in self- ficult to see that the Chinese harmony culture reliance and bullying, emphasize the need to use emphasizes in the country's political life that a dialogue to resolve differences and contradic- is an ideal society. The most tions, and follow a series of important ideas such representative ideal society in ancient China is as partnering but not alliances between coun- "Great Harmony", and the meaning of "Great tries, and constantly build a community of re- Harmony" is "the whole world is the public", "the sponsibilities and political communities for all harmony of all nations", "politics and people are countries, and seek common ground for the harmonious", and "peace and prosperity". Today, world. Persist in dialogue and consultation at the we are promoting the construction of a commu- political level, and build a world away from war nity with a shared future for mankind. We must and lasting peace. attach great importance to and promote this se- 3.2 Safety dimension: Inheriting the safety ries of harmonious ideas, extend the political concept of “One Family in the World” of Chi- concept of the world for the public to the political nese Hehe Culture field, and adhere to the rule of "seeking common A community with a shared future for mankind is ground while reserving differences and peaceful a community of life and a community of security. coexistence" in the process of interacting with The concept of "One Family in the World" is an countries. The final ultimate concern should be important core of Chinese Hehe Culture. There

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 8 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 is only one earth in the universe, and human be- The Chinese people do not accept the of'a ings share one home. Ancient Chinese sages strong country must ', and are willing have had a broad mind to regard the world as a to live in harmony and develop harmoniously family since ancient times. For example, "The with the people of the world, seek and protect Book of Rites" emphasizes that "sages endure peace together. Sharing peace". [8] History has the world as one family", which means that wise repeatedly proved that without peace, there can people regard the world as one family; "The An- be no development, and without stability, there alects" emphasizes "All brothers in the four can be no prosperity. The security of all countries seas"; "Book of Rites·Datong·Riyun" empha- is closely related. No country can take care of sizes "The Great Harmony of the World" and so itself, and no country can dominate the world. In on. In addition, Yangming advocated "One family the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pro- in the world", "The heart of a saint is based on posed to adhere to the bottom-line thinking, the the heavens and all things as one, and he sees unity of power and responsibility, and the estab- the people of the world, no outside and inside lishment of an overall view of national security, distance...The people of the world all treat each and to integrate the traditional Chinese cultural other as relatives of the family". This time was spirit of "neutrality, neutrality, and integrity" into praised by President Xi Jinping. The concept and major-country diplomacy with Chinese charac- wisdom of "One Family in the World" originated teristics. The Chinese characteristics, Chinese from China and belongs to the world. It is the style, and Chinese style of Chinese diplomacy. [9] spiritual pillar for the inheritance and prosperity General Secretary Xi Jinping has always called of Chinese civilization and an important source on all countries in the world to uphold the con- of thought for building a community with a shared cept of one under the world and adhere to win- future for mankind. win cooperation and peaceful development. A community with a shared future for mankind Only the international community joins hands to needs common norms of . establish the concept of peaceful development Xi Jinping vigorously advocates the international from the mindset, establish a common, compre- outlook of peaceful development, harmonious hensive, , and sustainable new secu- coexistence, and win-win cooperation based on rity concept, adhere to fairness and justice, build the value of "harmony" in the culture of "har- and share together, and build "treating each mony". He pointed out: "The Chinese people ad- other as equals, helping each other, sharing vocate'do not do to others what you do not want weal and woe, and sharing safety and security." to do to others'. China does not agree with the A community with a shared future” will ultimately theory that a strong country must be hegemonic. build a world free from fear and lasting security. There is no gene in the blood of the Chinese to 3.3 Economic dimension: Inheriting the eco- rule kings and hegemony, and China will un- nomic concept of "Harmony and Coexist- swervingly follow along. Going along the path of ence" of Chinese Hehe Culture peaceful development will benefit China, Asia, A community with a shared future for mankind is and the world. No force can shake China’s belief a community of interests and an economic com- in peaceful development." [7] He emphasized: munity. In terms of social governance, the Chi- "There is no gene in the blood of the Chinese nese Hehe Culture has always emphasized nation to invade others and dominate the world. common prosperity, sharing, and with

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 9 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 the people. Confucius said in "The Analects of development of society. Only mutual assistance Confucius Jishi": "Yau also heard that there are and win-win cooperation are the requirements of state-owned people who do not suffer from wid- the times. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed owhood and unevenness, and do not suffer from out in the 2016 G20 keynote speech, poverty and uneasiness. There is no poverty if “In today's economic globalization, there is no there is no poverty, and there is no peace without isolated island. As the global village residents, widow, and there is no peace." Mencius also said we must establish a sense of a community with "Joy with the people" and advocated "To be a shared future for mankind. Countries regard- happy alone, to be happy with others, and which less of size, strength, wealth, or poverty Every- one is happy?" He said: "It's not like with one should treat each other as equals. They the crowd." He also said: "The ancient people should develop themselves well and help other have fun with the people, so they can have countries develop well. Everyone is good, and fun...... Although there are birds and beasts in the world can be better. Harmony and symbiosis Taiwan, how can we be alone! It is not difficult to are the historical genes of the Chinese nation see that "Harmony and Coexistence" advocates and the essence of Eastern civilization." [10] symbiosis and co-prosperity, harmonious devel- Therefore, "a single flower does not mean spring, opment, resource sharing, collaborative cooper- but a hundred flowers bloom in the spring." ation, prosperity and disgrace, and common de- Countries in the world should take coordination velopment. In the global economy Today, with and cooperation and harmony and coexistence the rapid development of globalization, everyone as an inevitable choice, continue to promote joint is a community of interests. Everyone will be development that enhances the interests of all prosperous, and all will be lost. Only through countries, and promote the construction of eco- closer and mutually beneficial cooperation, we nomic systems and mechanisms that are condu- must seek more development opportunities, cive to the common development of all countries more favorable development conditions, and in the world, so that all countries in the world can promote inclusive and linked development in or- achieve joint growth and pursue cooperation in der to achieve common development. Common inclusive benefits A win-win situation will eventu- prosperity. ally build a world away from poverty and com- Harmony and coexistence means to persist in mon prosperity. cooperation and win-win. A full decade has 3.4 Cultural dimension: Inheriting the cultural passed since the 2008 financial crisis, but many concept of "harmony without difference" in countries have been serious about splitting, en- the Chinese culture of harmony gaging in confrontation, and engaging in trade A community with a shared future for mankind is protectionism, which has caused the entire an open and inclusive body as well as a cultural world's economy to become complex and weak, community. The development and progress of and clouds are overwhelming. Economic global- world civilization is a whole and cannot be sepa- ization, social informatization, and the econo- rated from the "diversity and integration" of cul- mies of all countries are closely linked, and the tures of various countries. Chinese Confucian- mutual integration of interests is deepening. The ism, , and Taoism all have "harmony fierce confrontation and conflict of the past are without difference" and similar cultural concepts. less and less suitable for the 's "Tao De " "rules a big country like

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 10 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 cooking small fresh food", and compares gov- Different nationalities, different countries, differ- erning the country to cooking fresh spoons. ent , different customs, and different na- "Three Kingdoms·Wei Shujiu·Xiahouxuan Biog- tional conditions have nurtured diverse human raphy" emphasizes, "The beauty of the soup lies civilizations, condensed the wisdom of all na- in the harmony of differences; the benefit of the tions, and made the world more colorful. There upper and the lower lies in the mutual benefit." is no difference in human civilization, nor is it That is to say, the focus of delicacy is to harmo- good or bad. As General Secretary Xi Jinping nize a variety of different flavors; the relationship emphasized in "Together to Build a Community between superiors and superiors Harmony is with a Shared Future for Mankind-Speech at the good, and we need to learn from each other and United Nations Headquarters in Geneva", "Insist learn from each other. Therefore, the concept of on exchanges and mutual learning, and build an "harmony without difference" of the Hehe culture open and inclusive world. "The beauty of har- tells us that in dealing with the relations between mony lies in harmony and diversity." Human civ- people and countries, a best starting point and ilization is diverse. Sex is the basic feature of the method should become our important concept to world and the source of human progress. Civili- promote the construction of a community with a zation differences should not be the source of shared future for mankind. It is necessary to conflicts in the world, but should be the driving deeply explore and interpret the values of the force for the progress of human civilization." [12] times of Chinese harmony culture, seeking har- Therefore, each civilization has its own unique mony, seeking great unity, emphasizing benevo- charm and profound heritage, and is a spiritual lence, upholding justice, and keeping honesty. treasure of mankind. We must adhere to the cul- The cultural concept of "harmony without differ- tural concept of "harmony without difference", re- ence" in the Chinese harmony culture has be- spect the diversity of human civilizations, learn come an important source of Xi Jinping's from each other through exchanges and mutual thoughts on a community of shared future for hu- learning, and make exchanges and mutual manity. learning of civilizations a driving force for the ad- Insist on exchanges and mutual learning, firmly vancement of human society and a bond to establish the cultural concept of "harmony with- maintain world peace, and ultimately build a out difference", and build an open and inclusive world away from isolation An open and inclusive world. We must uphold the spirit of "inclusive of world. all rivers, tolerance is great", advocate the atti- 3.5 Ecological dimension: Inheriting the eco- tude of absorbing the best of a hundred schools logical concept of "Harmony between Man of thought, and integrating the essence of all - and Nature" in Chinese Hehe Culture rections, promote in-depth exchanges between A community with a shared future for mankind is people of different countries, different cultures and is also an ecological community. The "Har- and historical backgrounds, enhance mutual un- mony of Heaven and Man" in the Chinese Har- derstanding, and work together to build the des- mony Culture is the basic idea that the ancient tiny of mankind community. [11] On the planet we Chinese held in dealing with the relationship be- live in, there are more than 200 countries and re- tween the natural world and the spiritual world. gions, more than 2,500 ethnic groups, multiple Lao Tzu emphasized: "Man follows the earth, the religions, and more than 5,000 languages. earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 11 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 Tao, and the Tao follows the natural." "Heaven and Man are one" and proposed that "Zhuangzi·Qiwu Lun" states: "Heaven and earth "green water and green mountains are golden live side by side with me, and everything is one mountains and silver mountains", "Destroying with me." , Land, mountains, and rivers all have the ecological environment means destroying a systematic ecological understanding, and pro- productivity, protecting the ecological environ- posed "benevolence, love for people and things", ment means protecting productivity, and improv- "goodness to animals", "grass and vegetation", ing the ecological environment means develop- "graciousness to soil", "graciousness to water", ing productivity" And so on. The international "He Shenquan", benevolence is "the heart of community should follow the philosophy of Tao- heaven and earth", "being one with heaven and ism, nature, and the unity of nature and man, co- earth and everything"; Datong society also in- operate in tackling climate change, actively ad- cludes ecological dimensions. [13] "Harmony be- vocate green, low-carbon, circular, and sustain- tween man and nature" emphasizes the har- able production and lifestyles, seek sustainable mony between man and nature. It not only re- development, and promote the construction of quires the harmony of the individual's body and an ecological community with a shared future. mind, the harmony between people, the har- Work together to create a clean and beautiful mony between the group and the society, but world free from pollution, beautiful mountains also the harmony between man and nature, and rivers. which is reflected in the overall philosophical 4. Feature refinement: Xi Jinping's thoughts spirit of "the harmony between man and nature". of a community with a shared future for man- Emphasizing the dialectical stance of "the coex- kind harmonize the world istence of nature and man, and the coexistence The world is in the midst of a major change that of man and me", and advocating the rich con- has not been seen in a century. People both ex- cepts of heaven and harmony and harmony with pect and feel confused about the future. They in a tolerant and broad humanitarian are constantly pursuing peace, development, co- spirit, it has important reference significance for operation, and win-win, but they are always the current resolution of social conflicts and con- caught in the vortex of war, ecological crisis, ter- flicts between man and nature. rorism and other issues. Some scholars clearly Adhere to green and low-carbon, and build a pointed out that "China has always been com- clean and beautiful world. The earth is the home- mitted to the pursuit of ‘righteousness’, and land on which mankind depends for survival, and China’s future will inevitably reside in its special man and nature coexist. In exchange for eco- historical soil" [14]. To build a new pattern and new nomic benefits by destroying the ecological en- order for an open world, it is necessary to deeply vironment is tantamount to drinking poison to explore and refine the Chinese Hehe cultural quench thirst. Natural resources such as air, wa- characteristics contained in Xi Jinping’s thoughts ter, soil, and blue sky are unknowingly used and on a community with a shared future for mankind, unsustainable. We cannot eat ancestral meals, inherit and carry forward the essence of tradi- cut off the path of our children and grandchildren, tional Chinese civilization and value ideals, and and engage in development in a destructive way. promote the realization of a community with a General Secretary Xi Jinping drew on the eco- shared future for mankind. logical thinking of the Chinese Hehe culture of 4.1 Adhere to open development, deepen

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 12 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 cooperation and win-win respect diverse civilizations, seek common de- To promote the construction of a community with velopment, and make use of Its own influence a shared future for mankind and harmony with and strength create good conditions for the open the world, the key is to open arms, open minds, development and common development of all and persist in open development. Openness mankind. leads to progress, and closure leads to back- The world has become a global village with me wardness. With the rapid development of global- in you and you in me. The destiny of all countries ization, the world has become a community of is shared by others. Any country should take de- destiny in which you have me in you and you in velopment as the top priority, insist on promoting me. Protectionism and isolationism harms one- development through cooperation, promote co- self and others, harms one's own development, operation through development, and constantly and has a negative impact on world economic deepen cooperation for mutual benefit. Faced development. A dead end to nowhere. At the with the endless emergence of global issues, 2018 Annual Conference of the Boao Forum for countries should, in the spirit of mutual respect, Asia, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote equality and mutual benefit, manage and control speech titled "Opening Together, Creating Pros- differences and contradictions arising from coop- perity, Innovation and Leading the Future". Start- eration through equal consultations, and jointly ing from conforming to the trend of history and meet challenges. A series of hot wars, cold wars, enhancing the well-being of mankind, he called or trade wars are all against the trend of history, on "People of all countries to work together and not only not conducive to solving problems, but move forward together. Strive to build a commu- also causing unfair, unequal, and unjust patterns, nity with a shared future for mankind and create and even triggering social unrest and harming a peaceful, tranquil, prosperous, open and beau- others and self. The key to building a community tiful Asia and the world together" [15]. It can be with a shared future for mankind and a new pat- seen that peace, development, cooperation and tern of harmony in the world lies in the vanguard. win-win have become irreversible voices and The establishment and continuation of the new trends of the times. How to persist in open de- world order mainly relies on the promotion of the velopment and continuously deepen cooperation great powers. The great powers must be ambi- and win-win? "Guoyu·Zhengyu" pointed out that tious, have the courage to assume the responsi- "the peace of others is called harmony, the an- bilities of the great powers, be a good example cients can grow rich and the things return to of the great powers, actively abandon the out- them". It is said that harmony is the of dated old concepts such as zero-sum games creating things, and that identity cannot last for- and bullying, and truly deepen cooperation for all ever. Combining many different things together mankind We will create good conditions for win- to make them balanced is harmony, which can win cooperation and make our due contributions make the material abundant and grow. Therefore, to world peace and human happiness. countries, especially large countries, need to 4.2 Insist on co-construction, co-governance abandon outdated old ideas and concepts such and sharing, and promote democratic con- as zero-sum games and bullying, and adhere to sultation the "harmony" concept of "harmony, one family Adhering to co-construction, co-governance and in the world" advocated by Confucianism, sharing is an important basic concept for building

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 13 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 a community with a shared future for mankind people, political parties and groups regard the and a new order, new norms, and new pattern world as their own The industry, "stripping the for the world. The world is like a kaleidoscope. bones of the world, separating the children of the Countries, ethnic groups, religions, and parties world, taking the lust of my own person, as a are intricate and complex, and their politics, matter of course. Said: this is also the flower of economy, culture, systems, customs, and reli- my industry." Therefore, must be gious beliefs vary greatly, as well as their values, able to concentrate wisdom, gather people's ethics, and thinking methods. "Each has its own hearts, reflect their opinions, and monitor their beauty, the beauty of the beauty, the beauty of sentiments. That is to say, those who win the the beauty and the common", this is an interpre- hearts of the people win the world, and water can tation of the differences of national cultures and carry the boat and overturn it. The people in the the equality of national cultures, and is a neces- world will negotiate democratically and rely on sary condition for achieving peaceful coexist- the people's co-governance to achieve joint con- ence and friendly exchanges between nations struction, consultation and sharing. In the prac- and countries [16]. However, the most important tice of international governance, whether delib- thing is to insist on co-construction, co-govern- erative democracy can be practiced depends on ance and sharing, and to constantly explore how the relevant countries and regions view the global co-construction, co-governance and shar- coexisting planet, and how they view the rela- ing mechanisms. Countries, nations, and reli- tionship between their own interests and the in- gions treat the global human race Put interests terests of other countries or regions. This re- first, actively carry forward the spirit of public and quires all countries to establish a correct view of self-forgetfulness, mutual tolerance, mutual justice and benefit, and to prevent "everyone compromise, mutual integrity, mutual under- from sweeping their doors, and not to care about standing, equal participation in joint construction, others' frost". In particular, large countries should joint governance and sharing, so that the people give greater support to underdeveloped coun- of the world will become a community of destiny tries and regions in terms of security and devel- in which you are in you and you are in me. This opment. For example, in terms of national or re- is a necessary condition for building a future gional security, one must not only consider its community with a shared future for mankind and own, temporary, certain aspects, and security a new world that unites the world. based on unilateral actions. It must focus on the Establish a correct view of justice and benefit, overall and long-term, and consider community, and continuously promote democratic consulta- stable, continuous, comprehensive, and Security tion. The essence of democracy is that the peo- based on cooperation. Only when countries and ple are the masters of the country, not that one regions adhere to the correct view of justice and person is the master or the country is the master, benefit can they have appropriate attitudes and nor is it that several political parties take turns to behaviors in international negotiation govern- be the masters. Just as Zongxi criticized: ance, and can build a community of shared fu- "I think that the right to all the interests and ture for mankind together. Through consultation harms in the world comes from me, and I take all and cooperation, the planet can be set up as a the benefits of the world to myself, and all the "large stage for common development, not - harms of the world to others, it is all right." Such tual development." The arena of wrestling."

AJSES: https://escipub.com/american-journal-of-social-and-educational-sciences/ 14 Qiao Li et al., AJSES 2021; 2:7 4.3 Adhere to the overall thinking and pro- for mankind" transcends the limitations of multi- mote Concord Wanbang and intersex culturalism that are en- Traditional Chinese culture values holistic think- tangled in differences between cultures. Taking ing and emphasizes change. "Dao produces one, the overall destiny of mankind as the theoretical one life two, two produces three, three lives all starting point, it is a brand-new solution to the things", which emphasizes the importance of ho- cultural problems of the world today, a brand new listic thinking, the belief that all things are one, one. The overall cultural view is a concentrated the pursuit of the unity of nature and man, em- expression of Chinese wisdom [18]. Xi Jinping’s phasizes all changes according to circum- idea of a community with a shared future for stances, and advocates that changes are com- mankind has fully absorbed the advantages of mon, and common is long. At the same time, the the holistic thinking of Chinese traditional har- traditional that our Chinese sons and mony and culture, and has provided new spir- daughters have received from childhood, such itual guidance for human society to successfully as "glorious ancestors", "honoring for the collec- seize opportunities and resolve challenges. tive", "self-cultivation and family governance, Therefore, it has been written into United Na- and peace of the world" emphasizes the im- tions resolutions for many times and has won portance of the whole and the collective, so tra- many countries’ approval. Unanimously recog- ditional Chinese culture emphasizes integrity nized and praised. and emphasizes group thinking. The character- Advocating harmony has always been the pri- istics are more distinct. General Secretary Xi mary value of Chinese traditional culture, the Jinping pointed out: "No country can deal with quintessence of Chinese traditional culture, and the various challenges facing mankind alone, the most perfect and perfect embodiment of Chi- and no country can retreat to a self-enclosed is- nese traditional cultural life. In his speech at the land." [17] At present, the world’s multi-polariza- welcome banquet of the Qingdao Summit of the tion, economic globalization, social informatiza- Shanghai Cooperation Organization, President tion, and cultural diversification are in-depth de- Xi Jinping said that Confucianism advocates velopment. On the one hand, the trend of the "harmony of all nations, harmony and mutual as- times of peace, development, cooperation, and sistance, and one family in the four seas". win-win is rolling forward; on the other hand, the Among them, "Xiehe Wanbang" comes from entire world is facing peace deficits and develop- "Shangshu·Yushu·Yaodian", which can be un- ment. Deficit, governance deficit, frequent prob- derstood as coordinating the relationship be- lems and constant challenges. In the important tween different countries, so that each country historical period of great changes and develop- can respect each other, cooperate with each ment, China, as the world’s largest developing other, and develop together. The mutual benefit, country, can only take the initiative and win op- mutual , equal consultation, mutual respect, portunities on the international stage only if we and common development advocated by "spirit" recognize and grasp the world’s development are consistent and consistent. "Concord Wan- trend, and can we achieve happiness for the bang" expresses the concept of "the road goes people and for the sake of the people. The nation straight, the world is the public", and it is full of seeks rejuvenation and seeks unity for the world. the active realism spirit of Confucianism and ro- The concept of "community with a shared future mantic . It has become the wisdom of

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