TANEY EMPLOYMENT CENTRE WE WANT JOBS PERMANENT – TEMPORARY PART-TIME – FULL-TIME PROFESSIONAL – SEMI-SKILLED OFFICE – CARING – DRIVING OUTDOOR – ANYTHING! This is a Diocesan project open since October 2009. We now have some 150 people registered with us. Some we have already placed in jobs but we urgently need to hear about new opportunities. OUR CHARGES ARE MINIMAL. THINK HOW YOU CAN HELP Contact: Andrew (01) 298 4705 E-mail:
[email protected] ChurCh of Ireland unIted dIoCeses CHURCH REVIEW of dublIn and GlendalouGh ISSN 0790-0384 Church Review is published monthly and usually available by the first Sunday. Please order your copy from your Parish by annual sub scription. €40 for 2011 AD. From the Editor POSTAL SUBSCRIIPTIIONS//CIIRCULATIION ARCHBISHOP John Neill retires on 31st January. The Episcopal Electoral College meets in Christ Church Cathedral on 2nd February to appoint his successor. By the Copies by post are available from: time you read this, it is probable that a new Archbishop will have been appointed but, Charlotte O’Brien, ‘Mountview’, at the time of writing, there is no way of knowing who that might be. The Paddock, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Archbishop Neill’s letter in Church Review was generally the first page that readers turned to E:
[email protected] in the magazine. It was always a thoughtful commentary on what was happening in the Diocese. T: 086 026 5522. Often it provided food for further thought. The letter is a valuable way of communicating with the The cost is the subscription and Diocese and also provides a record for future historians of the issues that concern us at a point appropriate postage.