London in the Age of Stow and Strype Strype's Major Revision and Enlargement in 1720
J. F. Merritt, ed.. Imagining Early Modern London: Perceptions and Portrayals of the City from Stow to Strype, 1598-1720. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xii + 305 pp. $59.95, cloth, ISBN 978-0-521-77346-1. Reviewed by Barrett Beer Published on H-Albion (June, 2002) London in the Age of Stow and Strype Strype's major revision and enlargement in 1720. Imagining Early Modern London is a collec‐ While C. L. Kingsford studied the two editions pro‐ tion of papers presented at a conference held at duced by John Stow, the subsequent revisions the Institute of Historical Research in 1998. The have received less critical study. The paper con‐ editor contributed the introduction and a paper, centrates on the ways Anthony Munday and "The Reshaping of Stow's Survey: Munday, Strype, Strype revised Stow's text to reflect a developing and the Protestant City." Nine other papers--writ‐ city committed to the Protestant religion. Munday ten by Patrick Collinson, Ian Archer, Vanessa could hardly have been more different from his Harding, Robert Shoemaker, Tim Hitchcock, Lau‐ friend Stow; a prolific writer, poet, and play‐ ra Williams, Peter Lake, Tim Harris, and Nigel wright who specialized in vitriolic anti-Catholic Smith--focus on three basic historical questions. polemic, Munday produced new editions of the The frst is the issue of continuity: "to what extent Survey in 1618 and 1633. He added details of Lon‐ did contemporaries perceive a disjunction be‐ doners who were devoted to Protestantism and tween the physical size, culture, and social rela‐ carefully recorded their bequests to divinity stu‐ tionships of London past and present?" The sec‐ dents at Oxford and Cambridge, godly preachers ond question relates to the nature of metropolitan and lecturers, and poor prisoners who were nei‐ experience while the third examines the evalua‐ ther atheists nor papists.
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