Action Alert! We need your help!

Support HB 1063 to Remove the Criminal Statute of Limitations for Sex Crimes Against Children

The Bill:

HB 1063 eliminates the criminal statute of limitations for sex crimes committed against children, giving prosecutors an unlimited amount of time to try these cases. This bill reflects the reality of childhood sexual abuse, and the fact that many survivors of childhood sexual abuse are not able to come forward until later in life.

The bill is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, May 15 in subcommittee at 8:55 a.m. and in the Senate Criminal Law Committee at 9:00 a.m. ICASA staff and a fabulous survivor will be providing testimony in support of the bill.

The bill passed the House 109-0 but has been substantially slowed in the Senate because the Illinois States Attorneys’ Association opposes it. We need your help!

How You Can Help:

You can do two things to help move this bill along – each of them will only take a few minutes.

1. Before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, submit an electronic witness slip on behalf of your organization in support of the bill. Note: While individuals may file slips, generally the legislature only reads those that are submitted by organizations.

Here’s how to fill out the slip online:

A. Use this link to go directly to the page and create a witness slip for HB 1063. B. Scroll down to HB 1063, and click on "Create Witness Slip." C. Fill out your information, identify yourself as a "proponent" for the bill, and check "Record of Appearance Only."

2. The bill will be heard first in a subcommittee of the Senate Criminal Law Committee and then in the Criminal Law Committee. If your Senator is on the Criminal Law Committee, please call their office before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, and ask them to “Please vote yes on HB 1063.” It is perfectly fine to tell their assistant why you personally feel that prosecutors should have more time to prosecute these cases.

Tim Bivins -(R) 45th District (217) 782-0180

Michael Connelly -(R) 21st District (217) 782-8192

Bill Cunningham -(D) 18th District (217) 782-5145

William R. Haine -(D) 56th District (also serves on Special Issues Subcommittee) (217) 782-5247

Dan Kotowski -(D) 28th District (also serves on Special Issues Subcommittee) (217) 782-3875

John Mulroe -(D) 10th District (217) 782-1035

Michael Noland -(D) 22nd District (217) 782-7746

Kwame Raoul -(D) 13th District (217) 782-5338

Dale Righter -(R) 55th District (also serves on Special Issues Subcommittee) (217) 782-6674

Patricia Van Pelt -(D) 5th District (217) 782-6252