SFC Update Issue 27, May 2012

Editorial: I’m sorry. I kinda had to start with that, after taking half a year off. The reality is, the way I use my free time shifted as I started dating Mandy (who’s real – Curt Phillips even met her), and every time I was just about to get back into the habit of regular updates, something came up. Switching what day I hang out at Glug’s (where I usually work on these things), convention planning, convention trips, a death in the family. The reality is, the closest I got to working on an issue was doing a month of convention write-ups in February that never turned into a zine. So I’m back, and hopefully can get the momentum going now. I have to apologize for a weaker list of conventions than I like to provide, but I hope to restore that to its previous quality as I get more issues out. The good news is, we’ve got some strong material from M. Lee Rogers and Tom Feller that I meant to publish months ago. We’ve also got a piece of Brad W. Foster art on the cover that we plan to have made into t-shirts in time for DSC 50. The letter column is fairly robust, thanks to having all that time to accumulate email. All told, this is an 18-page update, which would be pretty respectable if I’d actually done the work on it. Instead, I’m letting the SFC carry this one, and will hopefully be back to form next issue.

While we’re at it, y’all are coming to DSC 50, right? If you failed to read the ad on the previous page, it’s June 15-17, at the Embassy Suites in Huntsville. I’ll be there, as will several other fans who don’t usually make it to DSC. I’ve even heard tell of Yamn Dankees coming to have a good time with us. And it should be a good one – the hotel block was extended several times until there just weren’t any more rooms to be had. It’s the first independent DSC in a decade, and it looks like our family and friends will all be there. That means you, right?

Colophon: Editor & SFC President: Warren Buff [email protected] (919) 633-4993 8712 Wellsley Way Raleigh, NC 27613 USA

All contents copyright their creators. This zine is free, either by direct email or www.efanzines.com. A letter of comment or other contribution will get you on my mailing list, as long as I remember to put you there. If I forget, bother me a second time, or however long it takes to add you. I haven’t been printing this one, which leaves me free to use as many pages as I wish, and do things like color. It also lets me use all the contributions I can muster, so fire away! A Call to Arms Pens!

Hello, gentlefen. This is M. Lee Rogers with a status report on the SFC Handbook project and a request for help in updating this compendium of all things related to Southern science fiction .

The current URL for the Handbook Web site is: http://www.smithuel.net/sfc/sfchb3/toc_v3.html.

We are planning to secure the rights to a more usable URL in the near future, and will announce that information once it is finalized.

The long-term goal is to take Toni Weisskopf’s splendid 2nd edition of the Handbook and bring the 3rd edition into the digital age as a Web site. The most important current goal is to update the articles on regional within the SFC area. Since the last edition was published in 1997, there is a lot of ground to cover.

So far, Tom Feller has contributed an update on Nashville fandom and Mike Kennedy has updated the article on Huntsville fandom. We also have notes for an update on Birmingham fandom based on material supplied by Adrian Washburn, which will be compiled into a proper article.

The Handbook needs to be updated on a number of fandoms, including by state and region:

Louisiana New Orleans Georgia Atlanta Tennessee Memphis Chattanooga Knoxville Florida Miami-Fort Lauderdale Orlando Tampa Kentucky Louisville Bowling Green Arkansas Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Texas Virginia

We need your help. If you would like to write an article to cover the major events in an area of Southern fandom since the last edition, please contact me. If you know someone who would be a good person to write an article, let me hear from you.

While I am happy to write as much of the material as is necessary, it was obvious from the start of this project that I would be more of a compiler than an originator. No one person knows everything there is to know about Southern fan history. The Handbook needs contributions from many different sources in order to be a true archive and resource for Southern fandom.

We also need graphic design and artwork to help enliven the Handbook site. Much of the material in the current print version can be migrated into the Web site, but the current layout is somewhat spartan. I can do basic layouts but have never claimed to be a visual artist. If there is a poor soul who would like to help with the overall design, please contact me.

Another goal is to take the material from the current SFC web site and incorporate it into the Handbook web site. One important section of this is the tribute to Meade Frierson that is included in the current Web site. I would like to dedicate the 3rd edition to a few people. Meade is the first of those people.

Without the monumental efforts of Meade H. Frierson, III, the Southern Fandom Confederation would not exist in anything like its current form. He ran SFC by himself for many years when there was very little fandom in the South and the SFC publications were an essential resource for Southern fans.

If you would like to share any remembrances of Meade for this part of the Handbook, I would love to include those memories.

Finally, a project of this size cannot be finished in a couple of hours. So that everyone can see what the project plan looks like, I will put it on the site in the very near future. This will allow interested parties to see past progress and future directions.

Thanks for reading. My E-mail address is [email protected]. Remember: the SFC Handbook can only be as good as you make it.

Convention Calendar

May 4-6: Outlantacon (Atlanta, GA. www.outlantacon.org)

May 11-13: Maryland Faerie Festival (Darlington, MD. www.marylandfaeriefestival.org) May 11-12: GeekOUT (Asheville, NC. www.multiverseavl.com/forumdisplay.php?27-GeekOUT- 2012)

May 17-20: Nebula Awards Weekend (Arlington, VA. www.sfwa.org/nebula-awards/nebula- weekend/) May 18-20: LouisiAnime (Lafayette, LA. www.louisianime.com) Mobicon (Mobile, AL. www.mobicon.org) Xcon (Myrtle Beach, SC. www.xconworld.info)

May 24-27: Animazement (Raleigh, NC. www.animazement.org) May 25-28: Balticon 46 (Baltimore, MD. www.balticon.org) May 25-27: WonderFest (Louisville, KY. www.wonderfest.com) Timegate (Atlanta, GA. www.timegatecon.org) Oasis 25 (Orlando, FL. www.oasfis.org/oasis/index.php) NashCon (Franklin, TN. www.hmgs-midsouth.org/?page_id=53) Anime Experience (Orlando, FL. www.floridaanime.com) UltimaCon (New Orleans, LA. www.ultimacon.com) Rocket City FurMeet (Huntsville, AL. www.rcfm.net) Phoenix Festival (Birmingham, AL. www.alabamaphoenixfestival.com)

June 1-3: ConCarolinas (Charlotte, NC. www.concarolinas.org) A-Kon (Dallas, TX. www.a-kon.com) Hamacon (Huntsville, AL. www.hama-con.com)

June 8-10: Sci Fi Summer Con (Atlanta, GA. http://sfscon.tripod.com) OMGcon (Paducah, KY. www.omgcon.com) June 9-10: Con Kasterborous (Huntsville, AL. www.conkasterborous.wordpress.com)

June 15-17: DeepSouthCon 50 (Huntsville, AL. Huntsville, Alabama – Embassy Suites. This will be the first independent DSC in about a decade, and the Moon Princesses have put together quite a crew to run it. Guests of Honor will include Lois McMaster Bujold, Howard Tayler, Travis ―Doc‖ Taylor, Larry Montgomery, David Hulan, and Dr. Demento. Larry and David ran the very first two DSCs back in the 60s, and this will be a rare opportunity to get to meet them. I’ll have more information on this con in coming issues. Attending Memberships are $50 through May 18th, or $15 for pre-supporters. Supporting Memberships are $20. www.dsc50huntsville.com) Hypericon (Nashville, TN. www.hypericon.info) (Tampa, FL. www.metroconventions.com) Anime Blues Con (Memphis, TN. www.animeblues.com) Faerie Escape (Atlanta, GA. www.faeatlanta.com) Anime Mid Atlantic 12 (Chesapeake, VA. www.animemidatlantic.com) Delta H Con (Houston, TX. www.deltahcon.com)

June 21-24: ConTemporal (Chapel Hill, NC. www.contemporal.org) June 22-24: HeroesCon (Charlotte, NC. www.heroesonline.com/heroescon/) ApolloCon (Houston, TX. www..org) Seishun-Con (Atlanta, GA. www.seishun-con.com) Imagicon (Columbus, GA. www.imagicon.org/imagine2010/)

June 29-July 2: (Miami, FL. www.floridasupercon.com) June 29-July 1: FandomFest (Louisville, KY. www.fandomfest.com) BayouCon (Lake Charles, LA. www.bayoucon.net)

August 30th-September 3rd, 2012: Chicon 7, the 70th World Science Fiction Convention (Chicago, Illinois – Hyatt Regency Chicago. That’s right, it’s a single-facility Worldcon. Guests of Honor will be author Mike Resnick, fan Peggy Rae Sapienza, astronaut Story Musgrave, artist Rowena Morrill, agent Jane Frank, and toastmaster John Scalzi. All my usual bits about why you should go to Worldcon apply. This one is also on the edge of driving distance for much of the South, which should make it pretty appealing. Memberships are $215. www.chicon.org)

August 29th-September 2nd, 2013: LoneStarCon 3, the 71st World Science Fiction Convention (San Antonio, Texas – Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Marriott River Walk, Marriott Rivercenter. Guests of Honor will be Ellen Datlow, James Gunn, Willie Siros, Norman Spinrad, and Darrell K. Sweet (in memoriam), with Toastmaster Paul Cornell and Special Guests Leslie Fish and Joe R. Lansdale. All my usual bits about why you should go to Worldcon still apply. But even more importantly, it’s the first Southern Worldcon since 1997 (LoneStarCon 2). Let’s descend on this en masse and show our support for Texas. Memberships are $160 through at least June. www.lonestarcon3.org)

Rebel Yells: News and Notes from All Over

First, we got a two-for-one LoC from Brad W. Foster:

Greetings Warren ~

Looks like you've been more than busy recently- the new SFCU here, plus your TAFF material, plus I see another zine over on efanzines, Consurgito!. I do hope you are managing at least three or four hours of sleep a night!

Attached here is another of the tall-n-skinny fillos for you for SFCU. Had fun doing these, seems right they should both end u in the same title. (This one might actually have worked better in the October issue, but maybe it can be considered a left-over Halloween critter in the next ish.)

Only just got back from having fun at Archon when had to hit the road again to do the Red River Revel festival over in Shreveport. I'm back to a ton of stuff to catch up on. Cons and fests lots of fun, but kind of get in the way of work. (Well, for us normal mortals- you seem to be upping the output more very month.)

Had fun doing stuff on the "It's Bigger In Texas" one-shot at Fencon. And since Stephan Martinierre created his cool little drawing specifically for it, I think that means we can now push to get him nominated for a Fan Artist Hugo next year. Yeah!

Wish you luck on the TAFF run, but then I've got to wish that to everyone, since Kim was the first person to ask me for a nomination. Hmmm, maybe this could be the first trio-winner year??

Regarding "Consurgito!", any hints next issue on where that title came from? A Google search gives me no help, so assuming it is az construct you made. How'd it come about?

Impressive Worldcon report- you either have one hell of a photographic memory, or you take copious notes throughout the event. And your notes on putting together the Nasfic just make me, once again, so glad their are fans like you out there who take on the monumental task of organizing this conventions that the rest of us enjoy so much. Thanks for the ones you've done, and the ones you'll be working on in the future. stay happy~ Brad

Lloyd Penney, whose habit of dating his LoCs shows you just how far behind I am:

1706-24 Eva Rd. Etobicoke, ON CANADA M9C 2B2

October 27, 2011

Dear Warren:

Here I am again, this time with some comments on the SFC Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 26. I’ve been asked by a snarly type I won’t identify if I don’t have anything better to do than loc fanzines. Well, I have my job hunt, and the Globe and Mail work, but I need something to take a break with, and writing helps a lot.

I am seeing more and more of Alan Beck’s work, good to see, the cover and bacover, and illo within. Deserving of that past Hugo nomination. The TAFF ballot does indeed look, good, and it will be a good, stiff race. Jacq Monahan has a zine out for herself, got one in mind for yourself? An issue of Consurgito! should do it.

Chris Garcia’s loc…I got to meet Delphyne Woods, too. We go back quite a long time, and it was great to see her again. Reno brought out lots of folks who may not have been to a Worldcon for ages. Unfortunately, Guy Lillian didn’t get to go to Reno, but he will be in Chicago next year.

Did you look up that photo of the Royal Canadian Mounted Starfleet? That picture was taken nearly 30 years ago. Cory Doctorow does travel a lot. He’s living in Great Britain these days, is often in LA, and we run into him a lot here. He’s originally from Toronto. Greg Rieves, make lots more cartoons, get them to the fanzines and assorted websites, too, and get onto the Hugo ballot. The cartoon on page 13 looks great!

For us, our next two conventions are local. The Canadian National Convention, or CanVention, is on November 18-20 as part of SFContario 2, I will be curating a display of past and present Canadian SF awards from the Canadian SF&F Association, I’ll be doing some panels, including some late-night radio-style work on Friday, and this year’s Aurora Awards on Saturday. I’m up for a pointy trophy, so keep thinking good thoughts. After that comes Futurecon 2: The Wrath of Con, the New Year’s convention we had a good time with last year, and we will have it again this year. A good start on 2012.

I’m finished, ran out of zine. I’ve got to run to the dry cleaners, and pick up a warmer coat Yvonne took in a few days ago. It’s getting chilly here, even in the midday. Take care, see you in the next Buffzine you produce.

Yours, Lloyd Penney.

In what I thought was my one month away from editing the zine, John Purcell sent this LoC:

Hi, Warren!

I figure I will take a short break from working on Askance 25 (should be done in the next few days, I am hoping) and rattle off a quick loc to you on the latest SFCU.

Again, a most impressive listing of cons coming up. As you know, I always include in my zine a regional convention listing for Texas and surrounding states (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico), and it's always fairly long. Usually I edit out the Anime, Manga, Furry, and Gaming conventions, but sometimes the major cons of those genres are listed. Probably the next one Valerie and I will attend is Aggiecon 43 next March 23 -25, 2012, to be held at the College Station Hilton Hotel and Convention Center. No guests have been announced yet, but it should still be a lot of fun. Be thre if you can. Pat Virzi, Kim Kofmel, Tim Miller, and others from the LoneStarCon 3 committee were at the last one. Chances are they'll return for the next one, too.

Love the artwork this time from Brad Foster and Alan F. Beck. Great stuff! Would you like a cover from me? (hee-hee-hee; me so evil )

It was a blast meeting you finally at Fencon/DSC in Addison, TX a couple months ago. Egad, that long ago already? Doesn't feel like that much time has passed. At any rate, that was probably the best con I've been to since my last Minicon back in 1992. No, wait; I take that back. Corflu Quire (Feb. 2007) was a lot of fun when Chris Garcia and I shared a room. Overall FenCon/DSC was one of the most well-rounded, entertaining, and energetic cons I have been to in a long time. And you know, I still can't believe I actually "shot the moon" without knowing it during the Hearts tournament. Every time I try to do that, it never works. Wouldn't you know it that it happened inadvertently? Oh, well. Who did win the Hearts tournament this year, anyway? Were you able to exact your revenge on Guy Lillian?

Thanks again for the zine, and so until next time, keep your stick on the ice, and keep your eyes on efanzines for the next Askance.

All the best,

John Purcell

We heard from Joy V. Smith several times:

Dear Warren,

Now that is an intriguing cover. Are they Chinese? (I'm guessing from the clothes.) The partial figure in the foreground reminds me of the Russian corpse that Hellboy had to carry on his back when invading the villain's lair. (I am always curious about what's happening in these illustrations.) Great selection of artwork in this issue, btw.

Congratulations to Brad Foster for winning the Rebel. And thanks for including the TAFF ballot, which I've printed up. As always, thanks for the comprehensive calendar. Also, thank you for the Hunley info and the Orlando con mention. I'll have to check it out.

And thank you, Lloyd, for the Royal Canadian Mounted StarFleet intel. I'll look for that on fanac.org. And I enjoyed the art background from Greg Rieves--and learning where the cartoon idea didn't come from! Thanks to Richard Dengrove for his review/background of The Creation of the Humanoids, which I'd never heard of.

Oh, I'll just mention Two Sentence Stories, which I came across recently. There are some fun and interesting ones on the Hall Brothers Entertainment website. They run daily, and I have two coming up in November. Link: http://www.hallbrosentertainment.com/


Joy V. Smith


My flash fiction story, You Are What You Don't Eat, is now available as a podcast:

The podcast is available via iTunes, Google’s Feedburner, Podbean (when it catches up), Podcasters (which takes even longer) or Podcast Alley (which doesn’t list the episodes but will let you subscribe).

Here's the link to Feedburner: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BaileysWritingTips

Click on: BWT short stories - episode 008 Posted: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 17:00:00 GMT And here's the Flash Fiction Friday link, if you want to read along: http://morgenbailey.wordpress.com/2012/02/24/flash-fiction-friday-023-you-are- what-you-dont-eat-by-joy-v-smith/



I finally finished editing my story collection, The Doorway and Other Stories, for Amazon Kindle Select (my first time there). Here's some info, in case you're interested: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007SV1FB2

Except for The Princess Quest, which is a humorous fantasy, and Old Rex, a ghost story, the rest of the stories are all science fiction adventures of different types, involving aliens, time travel, symbiotes, and humans searching for a home and/or family. All the stories have been published elsewhere--sometimes more than once--over the years, except for Royal Guardians.

Joy (Helpful house and decorating hints and links) http://pagadan.blogspot.com/

A press release regarding a writing grant, from Mary Anne Mohanraj:

Press Release #39


For Immediate Release April 30, 2012

We're very sorry to report that due to web hosting technical difficulties, all mail sent to the SLF between February 23rd and March 5th was deleted unread by the server without our knowledge. Since this was just before the close of the reading period for the Older Writers' Grant, and we received only 5 applications instead of our more typical 100+, we must assume that a great many applications were lost. Given this unprecedented difficulty, we've decided the fairest approach is to re-open a new reading period.

- if we have your application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail this week; in that case, you do not need to re-apply. - our new reading period for 2012 will run from May 1st to May 31st. - the grant recipient will be announced by July 15th.

The SLF Older Writers Grant is awarded annually to a writer who is fifty years of age or older at the time of grant application, and is intended to assist such writers who are just starting to work at a professional level. We are currently offering one $750 grant annually, to be used as the writer determines will best assist his or her work. For more information, please visit the grant web page: http://www.speclit.org/Grants/SLFOlderWriters.php

Again, we deeply regret this inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. We look forward to reading your grant applications.

Sincerely, Mary Anne Mohanraj (Executive Director), and the rest of the SLF staff

DUFF announcement, presented without comment:

DUFF Nominations Open by John Hertz Nominations are now open for a Down Under Fan Fund delegate from North America to the 51st Australia national science fiction convention Continuum VIII, Melbourne, 8-11 June 2012, .

Founded in 1972, and supported by donations from s-f fans all over the world, DUFF sends a delegate from North America to Australia – New Zealand, or the other way, in alternating years.

Delegates are chosen as people whom fans on the visited side would like to meet. The delegate travels as much as possible, makes friends, radiates goodwill, and becomes the Adminstrator in turn on the home side until the next cycle. Delegates’ trip reports are sold to support the Fund. I am the current NA Administrator. The ANZ Adminstrator is David Cake.

Three NA nominators and two ANZ nominators are required for each westbound candidate. Candidates should submit a written platform of about 100 words and a donation of at least US$25.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight 11 May Pacific Daylight Time. The ballot will be published as soon as possible thereafter with candidates, nominators, and platforms. Voting will probably close 31 May. Two suitable candidates have already emerged, one from the United States and one from Canada.

Send paper mail to me, John Hertz, 236 S. Coronado St., No. 409, Los Angeles, CA 90057, U.S.A.; call me if you wish at (213)384-6622. Checks in U.S. money should be payable to DUFF. Send E-mail, and PayPal donations, to Marty Cantor . Consult me about donations in Canada money other than by PayPal.

Dave Cake can be reached at . Consult him about donations in Australia or New Zealand money other than by PayPal to Cantor.

This close schedule is regretted. The DUFF delegate may be unable to attend the 33rd New Zealand natcon unCONventional, Auckland, 1-4 Jun, . However, a reasonable amount of contact, merriment, and satisfaction should be possible.

WAHF: Arnie Katz, Jose Sanchez, Ed Dravecky (who wanted to know what WAHF stands for).

Annotated Fanzine Listings By Tom Feller

Please send zines for listing to me at PO Box 140937, Nashville, TN 37214-0937. All these zines are available for trade unless noted. Also unless otherwise specified, when writing for a sample issue, send $1 to cover postage. A SASE is likely to be too small.

Alexiad, Vol. 9, #’s 1-6, & Vol. 10, #’s 1-4, published by Lisa and Joseph Major, 1409 Christy Avenue, Louisville, KY 40204-2040. Book, magazine, candy, technology, horse race, television, and movie reviews and letters. Joe eulogizes Annette Carrico in Vol. 1, #1. Con reports include Robert Kennedy on Loscon and Leigh Kimmel on Archon in Vol. 9, #1, Joe, Lisa and Becca Testerman on Concave in #2, Joe on ConGlomeration 2010 and the 2010 Dayton Sherlock Holmes/Arthur Conan Doyle Symposium in #3, Joe and Lisa on Nasfic in #’s 4 & 5, Robert Kennedy on LosCon in Vol. 10, #1, and Joe and Lisa on Conglomeration 2011 and the 2011 Dayton Holmes/Doyle Symposium in #2.

Askance, Vol. 5, #3, published by John Purcell. Available for $2 per issue. Essays, fanzine reviews, and letters. Lloyd Penney reports on the fanzine lounge at the Reno Worldcon.

Challenger, #’s 31 & 32, published by Guy H. Lillian III, PO Box 163, Benton, LA 71006. Available for $6 for one issue. #31 includes a report on Steampunk conventions by Chris Garcia, essays on Harpo Marx by Steve Silver, the Three Stooges and Rocky and Bullwinkle by Lester Boutillier, and The Twilight Zone by Guy, Mike Resnick’s Worldcon diary, a retrospective on the 1983 DeepSouthCon by Guy, and other essays. #32 has several essays on Fritz Lang and the newly restored version of Metropolis; Joseph Green remembers Ray Lafferty; Gregory Benford is interviewed; James Bacon reports on Picocon; Guy reprints photos from the 1992 Worldcon in Orlando, describes a rape case, and writes about his 1996 interview with Leslie Van Houten of the Manson family; Mike Resnick and Ralph Roberts write about Africa; and M. Lee Rogers laments the state of DeepSouthCon.

Fadeaway, #’s 17-22, published by Robert Jennings, 29 Whiting Rd., Oxford, MA 01540- 2035. Available for $15 per year. Book reviews, essays on pulp magazines, comic books, old movies, movie serials, and old-time radio, and letters.

Feline Mewsings, #’s 38-44, published by R-Laurraine Tutihasi, 2173 East Rio Vistoso Lane, Oro Valley, Arizona 85755-1912. (This is an apazine written for the Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA) and contains Laurraine’s mailing comments. However, it is available outside the apa as well for $3 per issue.) Book, theater, and movie reviews. Laurraine reports on Westercon in #41, Conjecture in #42, and Tuscon in #43.

File 770, #158, published by Mike Glyer, 705 Valley View Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. Available for $8 for 5 issues. Fannish news, obituaries, reviews, letters, and feature articles on fandom. One of the obituaries is for Annette Carrico. John Hertz reports on Loscon, and James Bacon on WexWorld

Instant Message, #’s 831-861, newsletter of the New England Science Fiction Association, PO Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701-0809. Edited by Lisa Hertel. Club and Boskone news.

It Goes on the Shelf, #’s 31 & 32, published by Ned Brooks, 4817 Dean Lane, Lilburn, GA 30047-4720. Ned discusses the items he collects.

Jomp, Jr. #29, published by Richard Dengrove, 2651 Arlington Drive, #302, Alexandria, VA 22306. Letters and essays on a variety of subjects.

Lofgeornost, #’s 97-103, published by Fred Lerner, 81 Worcester Avenue, White River Junction, Vermont 05001. (This is another apazine written for the Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA) and contains Fred’s mailing comments. However, it is available outside the apa as well.) Fred writes on a variety of subjects, including a trip to Turkey in #100.

Journal of Mind Pollution, #’s 35 & 36, published by Richard A. Dengrove, 2651 Arlington Drive, #302, Alexandria, VA 22306. Essays and letters.

Mangaverse, #10, official fanzine of the Mangaverse bureau of the N3F, c/o Dennis L. Davis, 25549 Byron Street, San Bernardino, CA 92404-6403. Edited By Ruth R. Davidson. As the name indicates, a zine devoted to Anime, Manga, and other comics.

NASFA Shuttle, Vol. 30, #’s 2-12, & Vol. 31, #’s 1-10, newsletter of the North Alabama Science Fiction Association, PO Box 4857, Huntsville, AL 35815-4857. Edited by Mike Kennedy. Subscription: $2 per issue, or $15 for 12 issues. Besides club and Constellation news, there are reviews of movies, zines, and books, and letters. Mike eulogizes Mike Glickson in Vol. 31, #4. Sam Smith reports on the North Carolina DeepSouthCon in Vol. 30, #6 and Worldcon in Australia in Vol. 30, #9; Mike reports on Libertycon in Vol. 30, #7, Nasfic in Vol. 30, #8, and the Dallas DSC in Vol. 31, #11; and Gary Shelton, James Bell, and Sam Smith report on the Reno Worldcon in Vol. 31, #9.

The National Fantasy Fan, Vol. 69, #’s 1-4 and Vol. 70, #1, newsletter of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, c/o Dennis L. Davis, 25549 Byron Street, San Bernardino, CA 92404-6403. Edited by Heath Row. Available for $18 per year. Reviews, essays, fiction, convention calendar, classified ads, letters, and news. Heath Row reports on Gallifrey One in Vol. 69 #1, Keith Walker on the World Horror Convention in #2, R- Laurraine Tutihasi on Westercon and Sarah E. Harder on Baycon in #3, and Steven Rose on WonderCon and Jefferson Swycaffer on ConDor in Vol. 70, #1.

Nice Distinctions, #’s 19 & 21, published by Arthur Hlavaty, 206 Valentine Street, Yonkers, NY 10704-1814. Arthur writes on a variety of subjects and reports on the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in #21.

OASFIS Event Horizon, Vol. 22, #’s 8-12, Vol. 23, #’s 1-12, & Vol. 24, #’s 1-5, newsletter of the Orlando Science Fiction Society, PO Box 592905, Orlando, FL 32859-2905. Edited by Juan Sanmiguel. Available for $12 per year. Club news and reviews. Juan reports on Megacon in Vol. 22, #11; a report on a talk by Michael Whelan in Vol. 22, #12; the Nebula Awards Ceremony in Vol. 23, #1; Anime Festival Orlando in Vol. 23, #5; and Stars Wars Celebration and the Australian Worldcon in Vol. 23 #7; Megacon 2011 in Vol. 23, #12; Florida Supercon in Vol. 24, #3, Anime Festival Orlando in Vol. 24, #4; and Dragoncon and the Reno Worldcon in Vol. 24, #5.

Opuntia, #’s 68, 68.1A, 68.1B, 68.1C, 68.1D, 68.1E, 68.3, 68.5B, 69, 69.1A, 69.1B, 69.1C, 69.1D, 69.1E, 69.3, 69.5, 70, 70.1A, 70.1B, 70.1C, 70.1D, 70.1E, 70.1F, & 70.1G, published by Dale Speirs, Box 6830, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2E7. Available for $3 per issue. Dale writes on a variety of subjects and reports on Con-Version in #68.

Vanamonde, #’s 823-882, published by John Hertz, 236 S. Coronado St., No. 409, Los Angeles, CA 90057. (This zines were written for APA-L, the weekly apa.) John eulogizes Jack Speer in #829, William F. Buckley in #845, Forrest Ackerman in #853, and Edd Cartier in #861 and reports on Jerry and Roberta Pournelle’s 50th anniversary party in #843, the Montreal Worldcon in #846, Ray Bradbury’s 89th birthday party in #848, the 75th anniversary dinner for the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society in #859, and Loscon in #’s 863, 864, & 865.

Visions of Paradise, #’s 143-163, published by Robert Sabella, 24 Cedar Manor Court, Budd Lake, NJ 07828-1023. Book reviews, essays, letters, jokes, and a description of Bob’s life from July 2009 through March 2011.

Electronic Zines

ANIME SACRAMENTO NEWSLETTER, newsletter of Anime Sacramento, edited by Laurine White. [email protected]. (Plain text.) Club and anime news.

ANSIBLE, published by David Langford. [email protected], ansible- [email protected]. (Plain text, but requires membership in Google Groups). Electronic version of David’s award–winning fanzine.

BARYON, published by Barry Hunter, [email protected]. (Microsoft Word format.) Book reviews.

HOME KOOKIN’, published by the Las Vegrants, c/o of Arnie Katz, [email protected]. (PDF format.) A series of fanzines by the people in Las Vegas.

NASHVILLE SF CLUB NEWSLETTER, edited by Reece Morehead, [email protected]. (Plain text.) Club and other news.

THE REVENGE OF HUMP DAY, published by Tim “Uncle Timmy” Bolgeo, [email protected]. (PDF format.) Jokes and fannish news, especially Libertycon.

WOSSNAME, Newsletter of the Klatchian Foreign Legion. Edited by Annie Mac, [email protected] (Plain Text, but requires participation in Yahoo groups.) Terry Pratchett and Discworld news.

THE ZINE DUMP, published by Guy Lillian, [email protected]. (Microsoft Word format.) Zine reviews. #26 features an essay on the fanzine and fan writer categories of the Hugo Award.

Web Sites

Baryon at www.baryon-online.com. Published by Barry Hunter. Book reviews.

Challenger at www.challzine.net. Published by Guy Lillian. On-line version of Guy Lillian’s Hugo-nominated fanzine.

DUFF at http://taff.org.uk/duff.html. Down Under Fan Fund news. eFanzines at http://efanzines.com. Published by Bill Burns. Downloadable versions of many of today’s leading fanzines, archives of older fanzines, and links to many fannish sites.

Electric Velocipede at www.electricvelocipede.com. Edited by John Klima. Winner of the 2009 Hugo Award.

The Fan Video Network at http://tfvn.renebooks.com/. Fannish videos and links to the Fan Video Gallery, the Virtual Fan Lounge, the Voices of Fandom, and the Las Vegrants web sites.

File 770 at www.File770.com. Published by Mike Glyer. On-line version of Mike’s Hugo Award-winning fanzine.

Mike and Laurraine’s Home Page at http://www.weasner.com/. Published by Laurraine Tutihasi and Mike Weasner. Personal web site.

The National Fantasy Fan Federation’s Fan Dominion at www.FanDominion.com. SF news and reviews.

The New England Science Fiction Association at www.nesfa.org. Club and Boskone news.

Research Triangle Science Fiction Society at http://www.rtsfs.com. Official club web- site.

Stargate Atlanta at www.stargateatlanta.com. Club and Stargate news.

TAFF at http://TAFF.org.uk . Transatlantic Fan Fund news.

Toonopedia at http://www.toonopedia.com, published by Don Markstein. On-line encyclopedia of cartoons.

VideoVista at www.videovista.net. Video Reviews.

Web Logs

The Fantasy Amateur Press Association at http://community.livejournal.com/fapa_forum/.

Arthur Hlavaty at http://www.livejournal.com/users/supergee/. Arthur writes on a variety of subjects.

Eric Jamborsky at http://causticly-speaking.blogspot.com/. His film oriented blog is http://cinemaventure.blogspot.com/

J.R. “Mad Dog” Madden at http://jrmadden.blogspot.com. Jim Bob comments on a variety of subjects.

The National Fantasy Fan Federation at http://tightbeam.net.

Robert Sabella at http://adamosf.blogspot.com/ and http://visionsofparadise.blogspot.com/. The former is more personal and the latter more sercon.