Outcome and Recommendations

National Space Society of Australia (NSSA) Space Science Workshop, Sydney, Australia

18-20 July 2001


Participants came from a broad cross-section of the Australian space science community, as well as the government, industry and space education sectors.

Those presenting a paper at the Workshop were:

Name Institution/Organisation Phillip Young President, NSSA Bill Barrett Australian Space Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jennifer Laing Freelance Science Writer Jacqui van Twest Science Consultant & Project Manager Ailsa McManus Department of Industry, Science & Resources Noel Jackson Centre for Astronomy & Atmospheric Research, University of Southern Queensland Dr Michael Tobar Frequency Standards and Metrology Research Group, Department of Physics, University of Western Australia Dr Stephen Hughes Department of Physical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology Dr Rob Hart Department of Medical Imaging Science, Curtin University of Technology Prof. Joss Bland-Hawthorn Anglo-Australian Observatory Dr David Jauncey Australia Telescope National Facility/CSIRO Dr Tim Bedding School of Physics, Prof. Ray Norris CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility Prof Denis Winch School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney Prof. Pavel Trivailo Dynamics and Control of Tether Systems Group (DCTSG), Department of Aerospace Engineering, RMIT University Mr Chris Blanksby Department of Aerospace Engineering, RMIT University Dr Nick Hoffman Department of Earth Sciences, La Trobe University Dr Trevor Ireland Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University Frank Huang BLUESat Project, University of NSW

2 In addition to the above, the following people attended part or all of the Workshop:

Name Institution/Organisation Dr Tracie Barber Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of NSW Chris Boshuizen University of Sydney Dr Iver Cairns School of Physics, University of Sydney Jeffery Candiloro University of NSW, NSSA Dr Graziella Caprarelli Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Jacqueline Chapman School of Physics, University of Sydney Wing Chin BLUESat Project, University of NSW Samantha Coras University of NSW, NSSA Dr Anwar Dawood Queensland University of Technology/ CRCSS Kerrie Dougherty Curator, Space Technology, Powerhouse Museum Hioaki Endo BLUESat Project, University of NSW Daniel Faber BLUESat Project, University of NSW/NSSA David Lee BLUESat Project, University of NSW Peter Pollock RAAF Dr Ian Reid Atmospheric Physics, Adelaide University Dr Peter Robinson University of Sydney - School of Physics

Kirby Ikin, a member of ISAG, was also in attendance for part of the Workshop and addressed participants.


Dr. Robin Batterham, Australia's Chief Scientist, has called for a preliminary report from stakeholders into potential Australian participation in the International Space Station (ISS) and other international space projects, with a view to evaluating national benefits that could arise from such activities. A working group has been established for this purpose, called the International Space Advisory Group (ISAG). This group is now preparing a detailed report for presentation to the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council.

A three-day workshop was held at Sydney University, Australia, on 18-20 July 2001, by the National Space Society of Australia Inc. (NSSA). Some of the objectives behind this Workshop were to:

· Take an inventory of Australian scientific interest in space projects;

· Consider potential national benefits arising from such participation;

· Provide information for the Chief Scientist through the International Space Advisory Group;

· Raise the profile of space-related science in Australia; and

· Provide avenues for cross-fertilisation, the building of consortia and networking.

This report consolidates the key findings of the Workshop and provides a number of recommendations for consideration by ISAG.


Australia has a strong space heritage and existing expertise in space-related activities, but the sector is fragmented and lacking in resources. This is causing us to forgo involvement in space projects which could potentially have valuable spinoffs to the nation in terms of employment, technological development, export dollars and a stemming of the 'brain drain'. The public also has a strong interest in space which could be harnessed to raise the profile of science and technology. Space could also play a key role in inspiring and educating young Australians to develop an interest in these fields, and will provide them with a vision for the future.

Government funding and coordination of sport through the Australian Institute of Sport has made us one of the top 'sporting' nations in the world. A similar approach to the space sector and space activities would allow our full potential to be realised.

The Government should therefore:

· Continue to encourage overseas space interests and projects to relocate to Australia; · Commission an industry survey/market research on the state of the industry, including demand and capabilities; · Improve the coordination of the Australian space sector, including the setting up of industry and research networks; · Establish an Australian space organisation or 'agency' to coordinate the national space effort and promote and facilitate space activities both nationally and internationally. This body should be staffed by people knowledgeable about and

4 interested in space-related activities. Among its many functions, it should have marketing and education and public outreach roles; · Improve funding structures and access to funding opportunities; · Investigate potential projects worthy of funding, both 'figure-head projects' and smaller 'grass-roots' research activities, such as those listed in Appendix A; · Pursue links with international space agencies and projects, such as seeking associate membership of the European Space Agency (ESA), upgrading the NASA treaty, and joining international space science working groups; and · Pursue ISS involvement through existing and future research projects, such as those listed in Appendix A.


Various speakers during the Workshop looked at why Australia should take part in national and international space efforts. Reasons advanced were that involvement would:

· Allow us to leverage off intellectual property developed under international projects for a modest investment, in situations where the total cost of the project would be unsustainable for Australia acting on its own; · Increase the technological capacity of this nation; · Reduce or reverse the net flow of space specialists overseas ('the brain drain'); · Bring development contracts to Australia; · Facilitate potential for commercial spinoffs; · Make Australia less dependent on importing space technology, hardware and services; · Increase GDP; · Secure data or information ie satellite data at a cheaper rate or ensure continued access; · Have long-term employment benefits; · Interest young people in careers in science and technology, and give them a vision - something to look forward to in the future; · Provide access to future opportunities for providing space-related services, such as launch and landing facilities; · Give Australia leverage on the world stage as a contributor to international scientific endeavours e.g. historical precedent of Antarctica. · Allow access to international R & D and build up our technological base.

It was also noted that taking part in these activities would:

· build on existing strengths and capabilities and our space heritage (see below), and · increase the likelihood of Australia being a preferred partner in this region in space-related activities.

Our stable political system, large open spaces, traditional involvement in space- related activities, and reputation for scientific achievement would make us a desirable partner in international space circles.

Australia's Space Heritage

Australia's space heritage was commented on in detail, especially our rich history of involvement in niche areas of space research and technology, such as space

5 tracking, satellite communications, remote sensing, astronomy (especially radio astronomy), launch activities, and astrophysics/space physics.

It was agreed that Australia's space effort could be characterised as having a great deal of innovation to offer the world but severely under-utilised potential. We have a fragmented industry with a plethora of innovative, yet disparate research programs and organisations.

It was noted that Australia had been invited in the past to join the ISS project and become a member of ESA. Both invitations had been declined, leaving Australian scientists unable to participate in many space research and development opportunities.

Lack of Coordination at a National Level

The lack of a central body to coordinate space-related activities in this country was felt to be a major weakness and drawback to joining international space projects. It also jeopardises existing Australian space research and development, which needs specialised funding streams (see below), marketing advice and support, and the framework of a 'one stop shop' for international space contacts. The point was made that international space agencies want to deal with a similar high-level body here in Australia, which would act as the 'face' of the Australian space industry. Improved linkages between science, government and industry would be also be an important goal behind the setting up of a national space agency.

Funding and Grants

Space science and technology, especially in connection with large international space projects, often spans a number of different scientific disciplines, such as geology, physics, biochemistry, engineering. This has been historically to their disadvantage, where funding and grants are concerned. The existing funding channels for space science, such as ARC grants, were perceived as inadequate and inflexible, in that they were given in "compartmental silos" and didn't reflect the multi- disciplinary nature of these projects.

The other perceived problems with existing funding structures are that:

· peer review panels generally do not have expertise in 'space science'; and · grant funding often has to fit within a budget year, yet delays unique to space projects, such as launch delays, may result in funding being terminated before a research project is completed.

A special panel set up on the ARC to cover space research grants could overcome some of these problems, which are unique to the space sector, but it was felt generally that funding and review of funding requests should be handled by a national space agency.

It was pointed out that many of the existing 'grass roots' space-related research projects only needed moderate support to remain on track, such as a $100,000 grant. This was distinguished from 'figurehead' projects such as joining the ISS or ESA, which require a larger investment by Government, along the lines of $AU 20-$100 million per project.

6 The 'Brain Drain'

Australians with ambitions to work in the space industry have generally had to travel overseas. This is particularly frustrating for young space professionals, many of whom would prefer to work and develop their skills in their own country. While international experience is part of the career path for many young scientists, we need to have something here to attract them back.

Sport as a Model for International Success

Australia's sporting success since the establishment of the Australian Institute of Sport and influx of Government funding since the late 1970's is undeniable. Similar support, both financial and organisational, for the space industry was viewed as critical for international success. The Australian Institute of Sport could be a good model for coordination of space activities in Australia. While sport was acknowledged as a matter of high public interest, space was also held to be a popular subject, especially among the young. A comment was made that "The general public love space and would really love to read about Australian involvement in space activities."

Movement Towards International Space Projects

Increasingly, space projects are being run cooperatively across national boundaries, using international partners and funding. This approach has a number of advantages:

· It allows the huge costs of these projects to be spread over a number of partners. No one nation could afford to mount projects such as the ISS, or the Next Generation Space Telescope. · It provides access to international know-how, expertise and technology, and a sharing of resources. · It prevents the inefficient use of resources in a wasteful 'space race', and can be viewed as a political tool. Countries work together for peaceful means, rather than in a competition for global supremacy.

This movement has opened the door for Australia to get involved in some exciting and potentially beneficial space projects, which may lead to a renaissance of the Australian space industry.


One of the purposes of the Workshop was to take an inventory of Australian scientific interest in space projects. Appendix A contains a 'snapshot' of Australian space science involvement, including an outline of research and space research funding opportunities.

Some of the individuals listed in this inventory have prepared their own more detailed submission for forwarding to ISAG, as well as contributing to this joint Workshop submission.

A further source of information about Australian institutions involved in space science can be found in the Australian Academy of Science's report to the Committee for Space Research (COSPAR) - Australian Space Research 1998-2000.

A copy of this Report is available from the Australian Academy of Science Website (



The Australian Government should:

Continue to Encourage Overseas Space Interests and Projects Located in Australia

The recent grant of $100 million towards the establishment of a space launch facility on Christmas Island was held to be a positive step towards building a strong space industry in this country. The Government should continue to encourage overseas space interests and projects to relocate here, such as NASA's recent approach to use Woomera as a landing site for an ISS crew escape vehicle. These types of agreements can be used as a 'quid pro quo' for access to data/information and will stimulate jobs and commercial spinoffs for the Australian economy.

Commission Industry Survey/Market Research

The Australian space industry is potentially broader than we think. The diverse nature of space activities involved in by participants at the Workshop illustrates this. A comprehensive survey of Australian space demand and capabilities should be undertaken as soon as possible, to give us a clearer picture of our strengths and weaknesses.

One of the outcomes of this research should be the setting up of a database of 'success stories' and examples of space-related projects currently underway which can be promoted here and overseas.

Coordination of Space Sector, including Industry and Research Networks

Coordination of space activities in this country is a problem, with researchers unaware of what their peers are doing in similar or related fields, and unsure how to link up with industry to commercialise and develop space technologies.

Australia needs a forum for the space industry to communicate and keep up to date with the latest developments and research projects, and find out about opportunities such as international projects with potential for Australian involvement.

Without a unified and national approach to space science, Australia risks losing credibility overseas as a nation with a strong scientific and technological base, and will be prevented from joining in many worthwhile and potentially lucrative international projects.

Participants felt that one way to improve linkages and partnerships, and set up industry and research networks, would be to establish a central agency or body to provide leadership and national coordination for the space industry.

The NSSA also plans to set up a Space Science chapter for space scientists in this country, as a result of the Workshop.

8 Establish an Australian Space Organisation or 'Agency'

Australia needs a centralised coordinating body or agency for the space sector, which would have a number of important functions:

· Focal point for space and technology research in Australia; · Ability/budget to directly review and fund space-related research; · Promotion and marketing of Australian space capabilities both domestically and overseas, including support for international travel and representation at conferences and seminars; · Promotes linkages between science, research and development, government and industry; · Education and outreach arm - improve public awareness of space and its potential for Australia's future e.g. by creating cadetships/scholarships for students in space-related fields; · 'One' voice for the Australian space industry and the 'interface' with Government, business, international organisations and the science community; and · A 'tech-transfer' arm for commercialisation of space R & D.

This body must be staffed by people with a detailed knowledge, background and understanding of the space industry and its challenges and opportunities, from both a national and international perspective.

A clear brand or image for this agency or body must be created, with marketing backup to ensure the Australian space industry has a high and credible profile. The Australian Institute of Sport was considered to be a good model to follow.

Improve Funding Structures and Access to Funding

Existing funding structures are not meeting the needs of the Australian space community.

Funding for space research must be flexible enough to accommodate the unique characteristics, shifting timeframes and multi-disciplinary approach of space-related projects, and be coordinated and reviewed by a central Australian space 'agency' which is staffed by people with a knowledge and understanding of the sector.

Investigate Potential Projects for Funding Opportunities

It was felt that funding should be broadly based, to avoid putting all Australia's 'eggs in one basket.' The focused application of moderate resources for 'grass roots' space projects could be supplemented by support for a couple of 'figurehead' projects such as ISS involvement and ESA associate membership.

A number of the projects discussed at the Workshop (see Appendix A) are worthy of immediate consideration for funding, such as the potential for Australia to be the chosen location for NASA's Regional Planetary Image Facility. This plays to Australia's traditional strength in remote sensing.

Australia also has expertise in the design and construction of astronomical instrumentation, and in astronomy, especially radio astronomy. Involvement in the design and construction of the Square Kilometre Array Telescope could facilitate it being built in this country and provide valuable access to the facility for our radio astronomers. The Next Generation Space Telescope is another international

9 astronomical project, which has clear benefits for Australian participation, both in the design and construction phase and access to the facility thereafter for our scientists.

Pursue Links With International Space Agencies and Working Groups

Australia should pursue involvement with international space agencies and international research opportunities. This can take a number of avenues:

· Australia should seek associate membership of the European Space Agency (ESA) to allow participation in ESA research projects and activities with domestic spinoffs. This would also give Australia an entrée into ISS projects, as ESA is a partner in this project.

· The NASA Treaty needs an upgrade to improve Australian access to U.S. research data.

· Existing Australian expertise in space research such as remote sensing and imaging software could be used as a 'bargaining chip' or springboard in discussions with overseas groups or agencies for Australian involvement in international space projects.

· Australia should investigate the possibility of joining international space science working groups such as ISLSWG (International Space Life Sciences Working Group) and ISMWG (International Space Microgravity Working Group), to give our scientists increased visibility and the chance to collaborate on projects and seize research opportunities.

Pursue ISS Involvement

Australia is already taking part in projects connected with the ISS and there is potential for greater involvement, given our existing strengths and research interests.

There is a biotechnology drive within Australia which has strong links to some of the goals and projects on the ISS. Examples of technologies which could be encouraged and funded in this area are the proposals for a micro ultrasound scanner and diagnostic medical imaging equipment (see Appendix A).

Other projects, both existing and future, connected with the International Space Station and referred to in Appendix A include the ACES mission (atomic clocks), a radio telescope to be launched from the ISS, the SPOrt experiment, and space tethers.


Space projects are increasingly large-scale ventures involving more than one nation, and becoming a partner in international space projects such as the ISS will not be achievable without government support and national coordination.

Australia cannot afford to continue to isolate itself from international space projects and turn its back on the clear economic, technological and scientific benefits of developing its space industry to its full potential, outlined in this paper.

The Australian space sector has the ingredients to be a 'success story' equal to our sporting triumphs. It will take decisive political action and change, and a determination to be in there 'for the long haul'. The first steps must be taken now to build a solid and sustainable space industry, which is able to take full advantage of international space opportunities.


Appendix A - Inventory of Australian Scientific Interest in Space Projects

Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Noel Jackson University of NASA Regional Analysis of the remote sensing data set compiled by the Clementine Probe in Southern Planetary Image 1994 at the Centre of Astronomy and Atmospheric Research is permitting new Queensland Facility in Queensland observations about mineral distribution on the lunar surface, basalt flow, and an inferred stratigraphy, increasing knowledge of the geological evolution of the Moon.

The Centre is also working to establish a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility in South-East Queensland. A major problem retarding the growth of Lunar and Planetary Science has been lack of access to scientific data. Without such data, research in planetary and lunar sciences has little opportunity for development. Whilst there currently exists an Australia-U.S. NASA Treaty and an Australia -U.S. Science Treaty, which provide for the sharing of information, there is no distribution mechanism within this country, which allows access to contemporary data gathered by U.S. spacecraft. Similar data facilities to the proposed facility operate in Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, and Japan with none currently situated in the Southern Hemisphere.

The University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, is keen to act as the host Institution, in partnership with the and Queensland University of Technology. The University of Southern Queensland's Centre for Astronomy and Atmospheric Research already conducts University sanctioned research in this and other areas of Astronomy and has some existing equipment such as commercial CD burners.

Activities of the Facility would include supplying up to date lunar and planetary data; engaging in a variety of educational activities targeting universities and senior high schools to encourage growing interest in Lunar and Planetary Science; and public education and outreach. Over time, the Centre will provide a focus for international as well as regional researchers, establishing the host institution and Queensland as a centre of excellence for Lunar and Planetary Studies, an area of research that has received little attention in Australia to date. Remote sensing is a key technology for this project, as well as physics and IT.

13 Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Dr Michael University of ACES Mission on ISS The ACES (Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space) Mission is due to fly on board the Tobar Western Australia in 2005 (atomic clock ISS in 2005. This mission will fly an ensemble of some of the world's best atomic (UWA) experiments) in clocks to undertake new physics experiments that will enable the testing of some conjunction with CNES basic foundations of physics to a much better degree of accuracy than ever (French Space before. This will include the cold atom clock PHARAO from the Laboratoire du Agency). Temps et des Fréquences (LPTF), Observatoire de Paris, which requires a secondary frequency standard of 10-14 stability to pump the atomic transition at Potential for ground quantum limited sensitivity. station in WA. The Frequency Standards and Metrology (FSM) Research Group at UWA is working in close collaboration with some major research institutes in France, including the French Space Agency (CNES) to build an appropriate secondary frequency standard based on a sapphire microwave oscillator. There are also plans in the future to build a ground station at UWA, which will communicate with the ACES mission.


Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Dr. Stephen Queensland Micro ultrasound Studies currently being carried out and proposed in the future for the ISS are Hughes University of scanner for ISS looking at the effect of microgravity on blood flow, the heart and other organs, Technology and a range of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular functions.

It is well known that microgravity produces profound effects on the human cardiovascular system; therefore an interesting question is whether embryogenesis is affected by microgravity? The proposal presented here is for the development of a high frequency ultrasonic imaging system that could be useful in the study of developing embryos in microgravity, such as chick embryos. Experiments in microgravity could lead to advances in our understanding of the field of morphogenesis. Ultimately, improved understanding of this process could lead to the regeneration of human limbs and organs.

A micro ultrasound scanner that could form the basis for the design of a space going system for the ISS is currently under development at QUT. The scanner envisaged would be small and light, weighing a few kg and less than a metre cubed in size. Such a system would comprise an xyz translation stage for scanning the transducer over the region of interest. Returned echoes would be processed electronically and then digitised using an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC). The digitised echoes are further processed and then assembled into a 3D image data set. An incubator would also be required to keep the eggs warm.

Please refer to the separate submission provided to ISAG for this project.

Dr. Rob Hart Department of Diagnostic medical A unique opportunity currently exists for Australia to play a leading role in the Medical Imaging imaging on ISS establishment of a space-based diagnostic radiology system, with considerable Science, Curtin scope for Earth-based commercial spin-offs. University of Technology Currently there is very limited medical diagnostic imaging capacity in space. Restrictions such as prohibitive launch costs (US$20,000 per kilo) and a lack of perceived clinical need have so far prevented radiographic equipment from being flown. Existing medical management in space assumes that evacuation to

15 Earth is a viable option. With the advent of the International Space Station, permanent human habitation in space, and with the increasing numbers of people (including space tourists) in space, the need for definitive medical care in space is being recognised.

Definitive medical care requires radiographic imaging. This is recognised by NASA, and hence there is considerable interest in both the US and Australia for the establishment of a well-devised research effort to address this issue. Australia is well placed to answer these challenges for the following reasons:

· World class radiology, including remote image diagnosis (teleradiology); · World class training facilities for the training of non-specialists in medical imaging techniques (remote area X-ray operators); · Access to major international players, such as Siemens, General Electric and Photoelectron Corporation (PEC). PEC is a specialist manufacturer skilled in the manufacture of small, light-weight, portable x-ray sources. · Academic excellence.

The project proposal is to design a prototype medical imaging system which offers the following advantages:

· Easy for non-specialists to use; · Safe · Small and light weight · Supported by remote teleradiology links.

Such a piece of equipment would offer significant advantages to the medical management of people in developing countries; and have immediate use in military applications.

Please refer to the separate submission provided to ISAG for this project for a detailed outline of the proposal, including context, our international opportunities, time line and a draft budget.


Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Prof. Joss AAO Involvement with Next By the end of the decade, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is to be retired in Bland- Generation Space place of a new space observatory, the Next Generation Space Telescope Hawthorn Telescope project (NGST). This will be a 6.5 metre telescope placed at the L2 Lagrangian point to allow for deep space observations at near-to mid-infrared wavelengths. The primary scientific goal of the NGST is to study the formation and evolution of galaxies much like our own. The crucial time zone is the period shortly after the Big Bang, and before the time zone currently studied with the HST, an era referred to as the Dark Ages.

Australia currently has no involvement in this project. The three astronomical instruments which will go on board the spacecraft have already been chosen, with the work to be divided between the U.S.A., Canada and Europe. Australian scientists have world-renowned expertise in the design and construction of astronomical instruments but do not have the funds to allow formal involvement in any of the selected instruments.

Dr. David ATNF/CSIRO VSOP-2 mission, radio Australia is one of the pioneering participants in Very Long Baseline Jauncey telescope to be Interferometry (VLBI) from space. The first successful mission, VSOP, launched launched from ISS from Japan in 1997, has been an outstanding international success and planning is underway for several possible missions over the next decade. In Japan, considerable progress has been made in preparation for a VSOP-2 mission. In the United States, the ARISE Mission was included in NASA's Decadal Review, while Russia continues to pursue the RadioAstron Mission. In the longer term, a mission concept is evolving for a large radio telescope to be assembled and launched from the ISS. Australian radio telescopes will be essential participants in these programs, given our Southern Hemisphere geographic advantage.

Dr. Tim University of MONS Project Australian scientists at the University of Sydney are working with Canberra- Bedding Sydney based company AUSPACE Limited, to design and build a small space telescope. The telescope, a 32-cm reflector, is the main component of MONS (Measuring Oscillations in Nearby Stars) aboard the small satellite Roemer. MONS/Roemer is a Danish-led project to probe the interiors of stars by measuring the frequencies at which they oscillate.

17 Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Prof. Ray CSIRO/ATNF SPOrt - to be deployed SPOrt (Sky Polarization ObseRvaTory) is an astrophysical experiment mounted Norris on ISS in 2002 on the ISS to measure the polarization of the radiation from the sky in the frequency range of 20-90 GHz. In this range, we expect to detect both the polarized radiation coming from our Galaxy and also the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background, the relic of the Big Bang. Measurement provided by SPOrt will place significant constraints on the evolution of the early Universe.

SPOrt is already funded by Italy, currently under construction, and scheduled to be deployed on the ISS in 2002. Australia has expertise in key technologies necessary for the successful construction and operation of SPOrt.

Dr Iver Cairns, School of Physics, Astrophysics/space Theories for plasma waves, radio emissions and wave-particle interactions in the Prof. Peter University of physics projects solar corona, solar wind and planetary magnetospheres. Robinson, Sydney Prof. Peter Analysis of spacecraft wave and particle data from the ISEE (International Sun Melrose, Dr Earth Explorer) -1, -2 and -3, IMP-8, Dynamics Explorer, POLAR, WIND and Andrew Willes, Voyager spacecraft, and comparisons with theory. Dr Zdenka Kuncic, Dr Bo Co-Investigator (I. Cairns) and team member (P. Robinson) for the WAVES Li, Ms J. instrument on NASA's upcoming STEREO mission. Chapman, Mr S Knock Collaborations with multiple international scientists at UC Berkeley, Goddard Space Flight Center, Univ. of Delaware, Univ. of Iowa, and UC Riverside (USA), the Observatoire de Paris - Meudon (France), and Kyoto University (Japan).


Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Prof. Don School of Astrophysics/space Theory and observations of pulsars and other compact astrophysical sources, Melrose, Drs Physics, physics projects concentrating on the plasma astrophysics. Mark Wardle, University of Mark Walker, Sydney Simon Johnston, Michelle Storey, Jeanette Wiesz

Dr Dave School of Pure Astrophysics/space Magnetic (MHD) turbulence and heating of the solar corona. Galloway, Prof. and Applied physics projects Peter Wilson, Mathematics & and Prof. Chris Mathematical Durrant Statistics, University of Sydney

Prof. Brian Department of Astrophysics/space Analysis and interpretation of magnetometer data observed on the ground (Australia, Fraser, Prof. Physics, physics projects New Zealand, and Antarctica) and in space (CRRES, POLAR). Fred Menk and University of Dr. Chris Waters Newcastle Core partner in the CRC for Satellite Systems.

Designing and building the magnetometer NEWMAG for FedSat.

Prof. Peter Department of Astrophysics/space Operation, analysis and interpretation of the TIGER radar. Dyson and Dr. Physics, La physics projects Elizabeth Essex Trobe Ionospheric physics. University CRC for Satellite Systems.


Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Prof. Denis University of Analysis of satellite The terrestrial magnetism group in Applied Mathematics at the University of Winch Sydney magnetic data Sydney consists of Dr. David Ivers, Mr. Jonathon Turner, and Assoc. Prof. Denis Winch, and they collaborate actively with Assoc. Prof. Robert Stening, in the School of Physics at the University of New South Wales.

Their work has been on the dynamo theory of the main magnetic field and on the theory of the ionospheric dynamo for the solar and lunar transient daily variations. Analyses of observational data have always been restricted to data provided by the 130 or so magnetic observatories around the world. Ocean areas and the Southern Hemisphere are under-represented in the observatory distribution, and it has been extremely useful to have access to magnetic data recorded by satellite. Such satellites are purpose built and need very careful design. They have successfully analysed magnetic data from MAGSAT launched in a dawn-dusk sun-synchronous orbit in 1980, from Ørsted launched after many delays in 1999 and recently, CHAMP launched in 2000. The analysis requires careful application of a combination of signal processing and spherical harmonic analysis for downward continuation of the results from satellite level to ground level. Expertise gained in such analyses will be applied to the analysis of the gravitational potential and the “figure of the Earth” and its geoidal undulations.

Their particular interest is the Australian region, and for the determination of lithospheric (crustal) magnetic anomalies. results and analyses are carried out in cooperation with Dr. Charles Barton of the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO), who provides land-based Australian magnetic measurements that the group combines with satellite data to derive an Australian Geomagnetic Reference field (AGRF).

They are also in contact with Professor Brian Fraser of the CRC for Satellite Systems, who is presently organizing the development of the FedSAT satellite.


Contact Name Institution Space Research Summary of Research/Space Funding Research Funding Opportunity

Emeritus Prof. University of NSW Solidification of melting Solidification and Melting of Metal Alloys in Space Graham de of metal alloys in ARC Large Grant A10007015 (Leonardi) Vahl Davis, space, the study of Prof. Eddie Marangoni convection MEPHISTO is a joint US-French-Australian space-oriented research program on Leonardi, Dr on earth and in space the solidification of faceted materials. It combines ground-based experiments, a Victoria and crystal growth series of experiments conducted in microgravity environment of a U.S. Space Timchenko studies. Joint research Shuttle and computational modelling of the solidification. A team in the and Dr Peter with French, U.S., Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory of the School of Mechanical Chen Italian & Russian and Manufacturing Engineering is undertaking this modelling. scientists and/or space agencies. A low gravity environment produces conditions in which convection in the liquid phase is greatly decreased and the characteristics of the solidification can be more easily investigated. For this reason, much effort has been devoted in recent years to performing crystal growth experiments in the microgravity environment of a spacecraft in earth orbit.

MEPHISTO was designed by CNES (the French National Space Agency) and CEA (the French Atomic Energy Commission). A tube, 6 mm in diameter and about 900 mm long, contains a bismuth/tin alloy which is repeatedly solidified and melted by moving a heating and cooling jacket backwards and forwards. The solid-liquid interface is thus progressively moved along the tube. After a series of such events, culminating in the formation of a solid region about 150 mm long, the remainder of the sample is quickly frozen before the experiment returns to earth. Metallographic examination of the material is then undertaken.

The collaborative agreement between CNES and NASA provided for a series of flights of the apparatus on a US Space Shuttle. The UNSW modelling is related to the fourth flight, which took place on board Columbia in November-December 1997. UNSW staff in the team include Emeritus Professor Graham de Vahl Davis, Professor Eddie Leonardi, Dr Victoria Timchenko and Dr Peter Chen.

In the computational model, the effects of thermal and solutal convection, conduction in the walls of the tube, and the dependence of melting temperature

21 on solute concentration are included.

Numerical & Experimental Study of Marangoni Convection on Earth and in Space ARC IREX Grant X00001742 (Leonardi, Stella, de Vahl Davis)

The funds obtained in this IREX grant are to permit the exchange of researchers between Italy and Australia to undertake a numerical and experimental study of Marangoni convection on earth and in space.

The objectives of this project are to (i) improve and further develop a mathematical and computational model of solidification and melting in the presence of Marangoni effects, (ii) develop a suitable experiment (specifically for validation of numerical models) of such a solidification process, using particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques and thermochromic liquid crystals for the collection of information on the flow and thermal fields, (iii) perform earth-based experiments using Succinonitrile (SCN) to verify the experimental techniques and validate the computational model and then (iv) plan and develop a proposal for submission to the Italian Space Agency for the inclusion of Marangoni experiments (using PIV techniques and thermochromic liquid crystals) on the ISS.

The specific outcomes of the computational component of this application will be the precise details of the velocity and temperature fields during the solidification process and the effect of these and of thermocapillary and surface tension forces on the shape of the solidification interface. These phenomena are largely masked by gravitational effects on earth.

The knowledge and experience gained in this project will be significant to the processing of a wide range of materials where a free surface exists.

A Computational Study of the Submerged Heater Method of Crystal Growth ARC IREX Grant X00106626 (de Vahl Davis, Leonardi, Abbaschian, Golyshev)

Crystals of semiconductor materials for use in microelectronic equipment are often made by solidifying a molten liquid. This is a very delicate process,

22 requiring a good understanding of all the physics and chemistry involved. In particular, the stability of the shape of the interface, and hence the properties of the crystal, depend in part on details of the flow and heat transfer in the melt during solidification.

A novel crystal growth technique has been proposed which will allow this process to be studied. Known as the Axial Heat Processing technique, it provides very close control over the heat transfer and solidification at the interface, and allows a much greater knowledge to be found of impurity concentration in the melt, flow behaviour near the melt-crystal interface and what is known as supercooling of the interface, than do conventional methods of crystal growth.

This project involves experiments on the AHP technique to be conducted on earth and on the ISS by Reza Abbaschian of the University of Florida and Vladimir Golyshev of the Centre of Thermophysical Research in Alexandrov, Russia, and computer modelling by Graham de Vahl Davis, Eddie Leonardi and colleagues at UNSW.


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Prof. Pavel RMIT University Space Tethers - The Dynamics and Control of Tethers Systems Group (DCTSG) at RMIT Trivailo & Mr possible demonstration University has developed a range of unique world-class capabilities in the Chris Blanksby mission using the ISS dynamics and control of space tethers. The focus of their work has been on the momentum transfer application, whereby a tether is used to 'catch' a payload and transfer it to another orbit.

Technologies developed include control systems to reduce dynamic tension loads in the tether during capture, mission scenarios to improve efficiency of orbital transfer and satellite recovery or de-orbit (for mitigation of space debris in LEO), control systems for ensuring rendezvous prior to capture, advanced dynamic simulation models for space tethers and space elevators, and hardware design for the capturing apparatus.

Current research includes advanced control in elliptical orbits, aerodynamic heating effects, and use of multiple satellite tether constellations and design of tether reel apparatus for use on a small satellite (demonstration mission).

Technologies developed by the DCTSG may be integrated with each other and with work by Tether Applications and Tethers Unlimited in the U.S., to produce a system capable of demonstrating the tether-mediated momentum transfer concept. Plans for a demonstration mission may also lead to future commercialisation of the research.

Dr. Mark School of Remote sensing, Dr Bishop's Ph.D dealt with arid geomorphology concentrating on desert dunes Bishop Geoscience, Martian and yardangs in the Strzelecki Desert, known to be analogous to features found Mining and Civil geomorphology, on Mars. His work was presented to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Engineering, Comparative Geology University of South and Geomorphology of Dr. Bishop also presented a paper on 'Comparative Geomorphology of Australia Mars and Earth, Seasonally Active Crescentic Dunes: Nilli Patera, Mars and Strzelecki Desert, Modelling and evolution Earth' at The Fifth International Conference on Mars in 1999. of planetary landscapes


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Dr Trevor ANU Analysis of Material A number of sample-return missions are planned by NASA, with expected Ireland from Sample Return returns in the 2006-2007 timeframe. Current missions include GENESIS, a Missions collection of solar wind, and STARDUST, a collection of cometary tail material. Missions planned include return of asteroid material and sample returns from Mars.

Return of these materials will present a challenge to current analytical capabilities and require hardware improvement. Australia has a role to play in this. The SHRIMP ion microprobes developed in Australia have a number of features that are well suited to materials characterization, but there are requirements that have not yet been met by any instrument.

To yield highly selective analyses of cometary material, improvements to the primary beam resolution must be achieved, and an ion imaging capability will be required for sample selection. Such improvements are likely to be reasonably feasible.

Wafers of materials exposed to the solar wind and returned to Earth will experience terrestrial contamination that must be removed prior to analysis of implanted atoms. In addition, the number of implanted atoms will be quite small in terms of the sensitivity of the instrument and the measurement precision required. Current technology is inadequate to produce sufficient signal to noise. Possible directions for hardware improvement which Australia could lead include vacuum upgrade, surface desorption and possibly pot ionisation to yield higher sensitivity.


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Dr Nick La Trobe University Research into Mars The evidence for water action on the surface of the planet Mars is one of the Hoffman surface evolution most exciting and paradoxical observations in exobiology and in planetary evolution.

A new model for flood channels on Mars proposes that they are formed by CO2 vapour-supported density flows. The 'fluid' involved is a fluidised mass of dust, rock, and gas fuelled by the outburst of subsurface deposits of liquid CO2, not liquid water. Recent channels and gullies on Mars can also best be interpreted as CO2-related features.

This new understanding of Mars' surface evolution leads to a model of Mars - 'White Mars' - in which the planet has always been cold and dry and dominated by the phase changes of CO2, not H2O. With the possible exception of the Noachian, water probably never flowed at the surface of the Red Planet, and permafrost has always extended to many kilometres in depth. The search for life on Mars should always focus on the biosphere and subsurface hydrothermal systems centred on igneous intrusions and impact melt sheets.

Dr Vic Gostin Department of Planetary geology The study of meteorites, the effect of giant impacts and planetary geology. Dr. Geology and (especially Mars), Gostin was honoured by having an asteroid named after him, as a result of his Geophysics meteorites and work on meteorite impacts. meteorite impacts

Dr. Jonathan CRC for Martian geology Studies the history and evolution of the Australian landscape and has worked in Clarke Landscape, some of the most Mars-like areas on Earth. Environment and Mineral Exploration, Australian National University


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Prof. Malcolm Macquarie Research focuses on Prof. Walter's interest is searching for signs of life. NASA funds him to look at Walter University, microbial life in high analogues of places where we might find life on Mars, or evidence that it existed Australian Centre temperature there in the past. For many years, Australia has been recognised as having sites for Astrobiology ecosystems and the which are useful analogues to places on Mars. One of these sites occurs in the search for life on Mars. Flinders Ranges, South Australia, where a 300 million-year old hot spring system is being studied. Such sites are being targeted, because it is considered that ancient hot springs on Mars are one of the best exploration targets in the search for life.

Mr Jason Mars Society Operation Red Centre A suite of Mars-related research programs run by MSA, and known collectively Hoogland Australia/University as Operation Red Centre, is aimed at helping to send humans to Mars. Project of Queensland Mars Oz is working to set up a Mars analogue research facility in the Australian outback. Project Jarntimarra involves experts in various scientific disciplines, such as geology and microbiology, setting up a database of information on Australian Mars analogue sites. In September, members of MSA are taking a field trip to parts of outback South Australia to examine suitable sites for the Mars Oz facility.

An Australian analogue research station could also be used to test a series of vehicles intended to assist with the design of future Mars rovers. The Human Operations Prototype or HOP is the first stage of Project Marsupial, with the stated goal of designing, testing and operating a high-fidelity rover for an actual human Mars mission, based on the experience gained from the HOP. The MSA was one of three organisations to receive a grant from the Mars Society International for Project Marsupial.

The other two projects are Project Mars Skin, which will develop Mars surface suits for use in analogue research activities, and SAFMARS (Store and Forward Mars Analogue Research System) which will involve simulations of communications between Earth and a Mars base. These projects are the bare minimum required to undertake a comprehensive range of integrated field exercises involving simulation crews, hardware, terrain and communications.


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Prof. Michael Department of Noise and vibration Professor Norton is currently working with NASA Kennedy Space Centre on Norton Mechanical and control and analysis several projects including dynamic stress analysis and fatigue life of shuttle Materials launch pad components, and acoustic emission from centrifugal pump seals. Engineering & Centre for Professor Norton's group is a member of the NASA Launch Systems Testbed Acoustics, Consortium. Dynamics and Vibration, University of Western Australia

Dr. David Gravitational Research into effect of Dr. Newman conducts research into the effects on the human body of “exposure Newman Physiology high and low g-forces to altered gravitational fields”, whether it be the high-G forces experienced by Laboratory, RMIT on the human body fighter pilots or microgravity in space. Dr. Newman has had a long-standing University interest in this area of research, which he carried out during his time in the RAAF. He completed his PhD in physiology in March 2000, dealing with adaptation of the cardiovascular system to high-G forces in pilots of high performance fighter aircraft, and intends to continue this line of research at the Gravitational Physiology Laboratory.

A recently awarded Faculty of Life Sciences Research Grant will allow Dr. Newman to acquire some much-needed equipment for the Laboratory and fund some of his research projects. At present, he is looking to link in with other agencies such as the RAAF and plans to use their aerobatic aircraft for inflight research, as well as working on joint studies. Dr. Newman has also been talking to the U.S. Air Force about a collaborative study on high-G forces and is pursuing links with NASA to conduct microgravity research. His work has led to him being the first Australian to be awarded the Arnold D. Tuttle Award from the Aerospace Medical Association in May 2000, “for original research that has made the most significant contribution to the solution of a challenging problem in aerospace medicine”.


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James Waldie Student, Masters of Spacesuit technology Waldie has just finished a stint as Research Scholar at the University of Aerospace and development California San Diego's Space Physiology Laboratory. He was looking at how to Engineering, RMIT make spacesuits more comfortable in space, yet still able to counteract the University negative effects on the body of living in microgravity, such as bone loss and fluid shifts. Waldie's work has attracted interest from across the globe, and could eventually have important commercial application, particularly if predictions of a growth in space tourism come to fruition.

Daniel Ng University of A student project to The Basic LEO UNSW Experimental Satellite- BLUEsat is a UNSW student Sydney build a satellite known initiative that will design build and operate a small microsatellite by 2002. as BLUESat Starting as an idea in 1997 by undergraduate students, the project is now fully managed by students from various faculties and supported by the university and industry.

The design of the microsatellite is based on reliable and realistic pre-existing designs, using a well-established structure from the AMSAT-NA micro-satellite. The design has been used as the basis for many amateur teams’ entry into space. The modular design allows a variety of payloads, such as packet radio communications, Earth Imager, GPS, and High School student experiments). The basic configuration of the micro-satellite consists of five module tray stacks, six body mounted solar panels and flexible ribbon antennas.

Drs David Cole IPS Radio and Research and advice IPS acts as the Australian Space Weather Agency. Space weather & Phil Space Services on space weather encompasses activity on the Sun, such as sunspots and solar flares, and the Wilkinson activity effect of this activity on the Earth's geomagnetic field and ionosphere. IPS monitors space weather, and advises customers of its potential effects on their business. Systems and technologies affected by space weather include High Frequency (HF) radio systems, satellites, and geophysical exploration.


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Dr. Brian Australian National Leads the High-Z SN The High-Z SN Search team postulates that gravity, which once slowed down Schmidt University Search team, a group the Universe's expansion, has in fact been overcome by a repulsive form of of 20 astronomers on 5 gravity caused by a mysterious "dark energy." continents using distant exploding stars Schmidt has received a variety of prestigious science awards, including the (supernovas) to Australian Academy of Science in 2001, the Australian measure the expansion Government's Malcolm McIntosh Prize, and the Bok Prize for the outstanding of the Universe. Astronomical Thesis, Harvard University, in 2000. In 1998, his research in discovering an accelerating Universe was named the 1998 Science Magazine's 'Breakthrough of the Year.'