❚ Install basic computer software. ❚ Elaborate spreadsheets to create documents with text, numbers and charts.

❚ Prepare multimedia presentations. ❚ Work with programs and mobile applications to edit images, audio and video.

❚ Use augmented reality in your presentations.

❚ Create, format and print text documents.

Which computer programs do you use? What do you do with them? What professions require an advanced level of computer skills? Where can you study ICT? What types of courses can you take? + + www FINAL TASK www

Digital mural

The English Department is going to celebrate Book Day. They have asked you to design a poster, mural or digital presentation to promote reading. To make your project more interesting, you are going to include images, audio, video and augmented reality.

What do you have to do? 1 Choose a topic, such as an author, time period or genre. 2 Make a rough outline for your presentation on paper. 3 Plan the steps and assign tasks to people in your group. 4 Install the programs or applications that you will use to edit texts, images, audio and video. 5 Present your finished project to the class.

Technical specifications

Combine different types of media, such as texts, images, audio and video. Include a graphic, such as a chart or table, with information about reading or education in general. Project presentation As a group, create a video to tell a short story. Include a recording of yourself reading a poem. You will present your project to other groups or to the entire school. Create a printable version of your work in PDF format. Optionally, you can print and display your work where Include an example of augmented reality in your work. others can see it.

Before you begin… Answer 1. What computer presentation programs have you used? Is there a similar application for mobile devices? 2. Have you ever used a mobile phone to yourself on video? How did you do it? Did you edit the video afterwards? 3. Have you ever used a computer to edit photos? Have you ever edited audio files?

Using computers for projects 5 1. COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE A computer has physical parts that we can touch, such as the keyboard or mouse. TOXIC SUBSTANCES INSIDE These parts are called hardware. Computers also use programs to process data. COMPUTERS These are called software. Computers contain toxic We can classify the functions of a computer into four steps: input, storage, substances, so we must dispose of them correctly. processing and output. Various elements play a role in each step: Specialised companies take ❚❚Peripheral devices are used for input and output. These devices are connected apart computers to recycle to a central unit, which receives, stores and presents data. certain parts. ❚❚Information storage takes place in storage devices, such as the hard drive. Toxic Components substances ❚❚Information processing takes place in the central processing unit (CPU). This lead soldered joints contains memory as well as microprocessors that control the computer and casings, wires, carry out commands. PVC supports A computer processes and stores information in various forms, such as text, motherboard lithium numbers, images and audio. If we change the colour of an image, manipulate battery numbers, or highlight words in a text, we are processing information. selenium, electronic cadmium, components mercury lead, mercury, monitor chrome

Parts of a personal computer

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1.1. The motherboard and peripheral connections If you open the outer case of a computer, you will see the motherboard. All the parts of a computer are attached to the motherboard, either directly or indirectly.

BIOS RAM slots IDE connectors

SATA CPU socket connectors Buses Understand Chipset 1. What do you think the cables in the picture are used for? PCI slots

Input / Output ports PCI-Express slots Motherboard POWER SUPPLY In addition to the CPU and memory, the following parts are attached to the UNIT motherboard: ❚❚Expansion slots allow us to add new components, such as a modem, sound card, network card or graphics card. ❚❚IDE/ATA connectors and SATA connectors link the hard drive, CD and DVD drives to the motherboard. ❚❚The chipset is a group of integrated circuits that control the flow of information in the motherboard. ❚❚Input/output slots Computers require electricity. They use a power supply unit 1.2. Connecting external devices that transforms 230 volts of mains AC power to low-voltage The installation of any device in a computer involves two steps: DC power, usually between 1.5 1. The physical connection, which can be made in various ways: and 12 volts. ❚❚Using one of the expansion slots, especially for sound and graphic cards. ❚❚Using special connectors on the motherboard, like the hard drive and the DVD drive, for example. ❚❚Using external side ports. For example, USB ports allow us to connect and disconnect devices without having to restart the computer. 2. The installation of special control programs called drivers, which let the Key concepts device communicate with the . However, most devices are automatically recognised by the operating system, which then installs the The parts of a computer can be necessary drivers. These are known as plug and play devices. classified as follows: ❚❚ Input and output peripherals ❚❚ Memory devices ❚❚ Central processing unit

Using computers for projects 7 2. THE OPERATING SYSTEM The operating system is the first thing we use when we turn on a computer and the last thing we use when we turn it off again. Different computers operate with various types of software, such as word processors, graphic design programs or games, but they always require some type of operating system.

2.1. What tasks does an operating system perform? CTRL + ALT + DEL An operating system creates a convenient work space where users have easy access to applications, as well as information about the parts of the computer In Windows, we access the Task system. Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt Types of software + Del, all at the same time. If we press those keys twice, the ❚❚Operating system. The operating system manages system resources, making operating system will restart. them available to users and other programs. The most common operating Linux has a similar application systems are Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, Android, Mac Os and iOs. They called System Monitor. allow us to work with the hardware and software of both computers and mobile devices. ❚❚Applications. There are many types of applications, such as word processors (Word or Writer), spreadsheets (Excel, Calc), presentation programs (Powerpoint, Impress), data bases (Access, Base), art programs (Paint, Paint Shop Pro, Draw), antivirus programs, file compressors, web browsers, online email readers and games. ❚❚Programming languages. You can use programming languages to create new programs and applications. These languages can also be used to write new operating systems.

Desktop background



Windows desktop Linux desktop

Understand 2. What are the differences between an operating system, an application and a programming language? Find out what operating systems are available nowadays.

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2.2. How does an operating system open a program? To open an application, such as a word processor, you use the mouse or trackpad Key structure to send a command to the operating system. After that, the operating system follows a series of steps. Non-defining relative clauses 1. The operating system locates the application, which is stored in the computer’s The operating system locates hard drive. A copy of the program is sent to the RAM (Random Access Memory) the application, which is stored and displayed on the screen. in the computer’s hard drive. 2. The word processor is now active. The operating system transmits information The information goes to the RAM, where it is stored. from the mouse and keyboard, and this information goes to the RAM, where it is stored. The program also sends information to the computer’s microprocessor. 3. When your document is finished, click on the Save icon. The operating system transfers information from the memory to the hard drive. Understand 4. If you click on the Print icon, the word processor sends a command to the 3. Explain how we can find out operating system, which translates your document into a format that the the following information about a computer: the printer can understand and use. type of microprocessor it 5. When we close the word processor, the operating system erases our document has; the amount of memory from the RAM. This frees up memory space for other applications. it has; the amount of free space on its hard drive. RAM operating system software Analyse 4. Do you think a computer hard drive could function without an operating system? Why/Why not? 5. Answer the following questions about the microprocessor operating system of your computer: a) How can you see the files that are saved on the hard drive? b) In the hard drive, how Flowchart of a computer system can you find all the files with the .txt extension? 2.3. Functions of an operating system c) How can you open an application? ❚❚ Managing the microprocessor d) How can you copy a file The operating system tells the microprocessor which tasks must be performed. from the hard drive to a If we have several applications open at the same time, the operating system Secure Digital (SD) card? controls how much time the microprocessor should dedicate to each task. More e) What other actions urgent tasks, such as sending error messages or virus alerts, have top priority. can you perform with your computer? ❚❚Managing memory and information storage The operating system makes memory space available for different applications. ❚❚Creating a convenient user interface and workspace Key concepts Operating systems help users communicate more easily with computers. ❚❚ An operating system ❚❚Facilitating communication between applications and peripheral devices controls a computer’s main functions. It runs the other In a word processing document, a simple line return must be communicated to programs that are installed the printer, so that the movements of its parts can be adjusted. The printer stops in the computer. at the end of one line, advances by one line and then begins printing again.

Using computers for projects 9 3. INSTALLING PROGRAMS AND APPLICATIONS Cloud-based applications, which require no installation, are becoming more INSTALLERS AND and more popular. These applications run in the cloud, rather than on a REPOSITORIES computer. When we download an Similarly, portable applications do not require installation on a computer’s application from the Internet, it will usually include an hard drive. They can be stored in a portable memory device, such as a pen installer program which drive. manages the installation The process for installing an application depends on the operating system that process. Alternatively, there a computer or other device is using. may be a compressed file that contains the whole program. Web pages where we can 3.1. Windows: Installing and uninstalling programs download applications are called software repositories. Installing a new program is fairly fast and simple. The task is performed by an installation wizard, which guides users through the process. This is the case for programs on CD and DVD, as well as programs downloaded from the Internet.

The installation steps that you must follow are:

1. Click on the installation file, which is usually setup.exe or install.exe. 2. Read and accept the licence agreement, or the process will not continue. 3. If the software is proprietary, type in the product serial number. 4. Select the folder where the program will be installed. The Add or Remove Programs tool is especially useful for uninstalling programs. It can also be used to install programs from a CD or from the Internet, and to add or remove components.

File shortcut icons

After a program has been installed, we can add a file shortcut icon to the desktop Understand 6. How can you add a file shortcut icon to your computer’s desktop?

Add or Remove Programs tool

Understand 7. If you install and uninstall many programs, you should defragment the hard drive of your computer on a regular basis. You can use tools, such as the example shown in the margin. Find out about defragmentation tools and what they do. Defragmentation

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3.2. Linux: Installing and uninstalling programs

In Linux, there are programs called package managers, which automatically control the download and installation of applications. The Software Centre displays which applications are available and which ones have already been installed. 1. Add and remove applications: This is the easiest way to install new applications and uninstall others. We tick the boxes next to the applications and then click on the Apply changes icon.

2. Synaptic Package Manager: This is accessed by clicking on System  Linux applications Administration. This program lets us control the installation process.

3.3. Operating systems for mobile devices

To install mobile applications (apps), we need to access a software repository for our particular operating system. In the case of Apple iOS devices, the repository is the App Store. For Android devices, the repository is Google Play. In either case, we search for an application, check its characteristics and click on the Install icon.

CCleaner is a free application that helps you keep your mobile device clean. It tells you how much memory is available and how much is used by the applications that you have installed.

Apply 8. Install the CCleaner app in your phone or mobile device. Open the app and Key concepts describe how it works. How can you uninstall the app? ❚❚ Various operating systems Analyse allow us to install and uninstall programs and applications, 9. Make a list of three apps that you think are useful. Which operating systems either automatically or in a can run those apps? more user-controlled way.

Using computers for projects 11 DRAG AND COPY 4. SPREADSHEETS AND TECHNOLOGY A spreadsheet allows you to perform a variety of operations with numerical When you use a spreadsheet data. For example, you can analyse statistics, create graphics, make financial program, you can copy the calculations and monitor2 income and expenses. number from one cell to another location. Click on the bottom of A spreadsheet has many rows and columns of cells, and each cell can hold the cell that you are copying either text or numeric data. 1 and drag that number to the To study and practise using this type of program, use computer applications new location. such as Excel (Windows Office) and Calc (LibreOffice). In addition, you can use Google Sheets, which is a cloud-based program that also works with mobile 1drag: use a computer mouse to pull something on the screen to a new location devices. 2monitor: watch or check on a regular basis

Title bar Menu bar


Name box Formula bar


Rows Spreadsheet Chart wizard

Sheet tab

4.1. Basic operations To perform operations with data, you can simply type in formulas. Select an open cell and type in the = sign, followed by the operation that you want to perform. The formulas that you create appear simultaneously in the active cell and the formula bar. The most common operator symbols are: ^ (exponentiation), * (product), / (division), + (sum) and – (subtraction). You can also use functions to perform calculations. For example: ❚❚=AVERAGE(C2:D3) calculates the average of the numbers in cells C2, C3, D2 and D3. ❚❚=SUM(A1:A12) adds the numbers in the cells of column A, from row 1 to row 12. ❚❚=MAX(A1:E1) displays the highest value in row 1, from column A to column E. ❚❚=MIN(A1:E1) displays the lowest value in row 1, from column A to column E.

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Using basic operations

A spreadsheet formula expresses the location of certain cells, along with operations DID YOU KNOW? that we want to perform with the content of those cells. This content may take many forms, such as text, numbers, dates and times. ❚❚ ESC: Use the ESC key to leave a cell without changing its contents. ❚❚ Relative copy: If you want to perform an operation on various cells, referring to their row and column positions, you can define the operation in one cell and then copy and paste it into other cells that you have selected. ❚❚ Absolute copy: If we want to keep the position of a cell when we extend an operation to a range of cells, we put the $ Conditional functions symbol in front of the The function =COUNT.IF(B7:B16;”F”) counts the number of girls in the following coordinates of the cell that does not move. class.


10. Create the previous spreadsheets and complete them with the appropriate formulas and functions. Make your version as similar as possible to the original. Some types of spreadsheet data

Using computers for projects 13 4.2. Charts You can use the Chart wizard to present data from a spreadsheet. First of all, type in the data. In this case, show the function y = x 2−1. Type the x values into Column A and the function values into Column B. Then select the data and click on the Chart wizard icon. In the Chart wizard, select the type of chart that you want, indicate the data you we are going to use and give the chart a title.

58 M

43 % have never attended 34 % school join schooling 23 % have late dropped out


11. Listen and complete the sentences. Then create a chart to present the data. a) There are _____ million children who do not attend _____. Analyse b) Among those children, 12. Find out how to make a chart like the following: _____ have been to school but could not _____. c) Another _____ may attend school at some time in the _____. d) The remaining _____ will never receive any 13. Represent the following system as a chart: _____ education. x + 4y = 11

Source: UNESCO (www.uis. { 5x + 2y = 19 Pages/default.aspx). 14. Represent the function y = x3 + 1. Indicate where the lines cross the axes.

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4.3. Uses for a spreadsheet In technology, measurements and calculations are often used to analyse the behaviour of certain components. For this type of analysis, we can use a spreadsheet.

Characteristic curve of a thermistor

A thermistor is a resistor that performs differently at varying temperatures. For example, the resistance of NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistors decreases as the temperature rises.

Put the temperature values in Column A, and the first value (-40) in cell A2. Then select that cell and the menu option Edit  Fill  Series. The window will appear at the right. After entering Increments: 5 and Limit: 80, click on Accept and all of the data will be filled in automatically. In Column B, type in the corresponding resistances one by one for each temperature. To achieve the thermistor’s characteristic curve, click on the Chart wizard icon and following these steps: 1. Select the type of chart, which in this case will be XY (Dispersion). Then select the subtype and click on Next.

2. Click on the Data range tab and select Values of the resistance of the the data from Column A and Column B. thermistor for each temperature 3. Select the Legend tab and deactivate the Show legend option. In the Title tab, type in the title of your chart, along with labels for the x and y axes. 4. Decide where the complete chart will appear.


Level of Resistance illumination (LDR) Night with a full (lux) 100 KΩ moon Living room of a (LDR) 9 KΩ house Very cloudy 100 5 KΩ day Analyse Sunset 500 1 KΩ Direct 15. Make a chart to represent LDR variation with the level of illumination, exposure 30 000 100 Ω using the data from the table in the margin. to sunlight

Using computers for projects 15 Formulae for solving circuits In practice, thermistors are not used in isolation. In the following circuit, you can observe a practical example.

Ve 5 V

t0 R 10 k NTC 1


You can calculate the variation of V in the circuit as the temperature rises. To do this, use the following formula: 5 · 10 Vs = 10 + RNTC Calculating V with a spreadsheet In Columns A and B, you can see the temperatures and their corresponding resistance values, as shown here in the margin. In Column C, you can see the voltage values. 1. In cell C2, type in the following: =5*10/(10+B2). 2. Select the entire Column C. 3. Copy the formula by using Edit  Fill  Down.

When you do this, the Vs value appears automatically for each temperature. The table here in the margin shows the resulting values. To obtain a chart of V as a function of temperature, select columns A and C and then click on the Chart wizard. For this type of data, it is convenient to use a line chart. The results are as follows:

Electrical potential values by temperature


16. If you connected the previous circuit to a computer or a microcontroller, it would detect a 1 or high level when the voltage is more than 2.5 V. At what temperature would this happen?

Analyse 17. What would happen if you replaced the thermistor with the LDR from the previous section? Draw a curve for the relationship between the output voltage of your circuit and the level of illumination. When would you detect a 1 or high level in a computer?

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4.4. Planning documents: Gantt diagram In this section, you are going to prepare documentation for your short film project. The tasks to complete are:

1. Preparing the script Tasks Starting Duration 2. Planning the design Script Day 1 1 3. Creating the cover Design Day 1 2 Cover Day 2 1 4. Planning the soundtrack Soundtrack Day 3 1 5. Editing the film footage Editing Day 2 3 6. Preparing documents Documents Day 1 5 7. Presenting the project Presentation Day 4 2 ❚❚First, plan out when each task will start and how long it will take. ❚❚Then, insert a bar chart and adjust the Y axis options so that the tasks will appear in the correct order.

❚❚You can omit the blue bars by clicking on one of them with the right-hand button of the mouse, in Format data series.

❚❚Lastly, add labels, a title and a background.


18. Organise the same project using text boxes. In each box, include a task, along Key concepts with the starting day and duration. Use the following examples: ❚❚ Spreadsheets are useful for making charts from tables of data. ❚❚ You can also use spreadsheets to prepare planning documents before starting a project.

Using computers for projects 17 5. PRESENTATIONS Presentation programs are used to create static or dynamic visual presentations in a simple and intuitive way. You can use these presentations for Technology, as well as for other school subjects. Two popular programs are PowerPoint and Impress.

Menu Drawing tools

Slide Toolbar pane


By clicking on the Template tab, you can see many different designs for text, objects and combinations of both elements. All of these designs can be modified as needed. Designs for Impress

Slide designs for Powerpoint

After you have finished a slide, select New Slide from the outline pane at the left side of the screen.

5.1. Transitions between slides You can use different effects for transitions between slides. To set up transitions, select Presentation  Transition. In the transition task pane that appears, choose from a wide variety of effects, as Transition options for Impress and well as the speed of transition and sound effects. You can also set up transitions to PowerPoint start with a mouse click or after a certain amount of time.

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5.2. Animation effects in presentations Presentation programs allow you to choose animations or create your own. To choose from the standard animations: ❚❚Select the slide or slides where you want to add the animation. Then click on Animations. ❚❚Experiment with various effects and then choose the one that you prefer. ❚❚Customise animations by selecting Effect options. You can change colours, movements and how the animations appear and disappear.

Key concepts

❚❚ To create an attractive presentation, include animations, transitions and other elements, such as images or video. However, you shouldn’t overuse these resources. Animations in Impress Animations in Powerpoint

5.3. Inserting video and sound Sound and video can make a presentation more understandable as well as more attractive. To add these elements, use the menu Insert } Video or Audio. There are various options, including the use of sounds that you have recorded yourselves, or sounds from other devices that you have connected to the computer. Once you have selected the sound, the program will ask if you want the sound to play when you click on a loudspeaker icon, or after a certain amount of time has passed.

Create 19. Create a presentation about technology with three slides. Use various animations, transitions and sound effects. 20. Work with a partner to make a collaborative presentation about the parts of a computer. For this task, use a mobile device and the free Google Presentations app. Your presentation should have five slides, each one with a title and an image. 21. Use the online Haiku Deck application to create a presentation about five famous paintings. Use the example in the margin as a guide.

Using computers for projects 19 6. WORKING WITH IMAGES

Digital images are made up of thousands of tiny illuminated areas called pixels, and each pixel consists of three points of coloured light: red, green and blue. These three colours are combined to produce all the colours of the spectrum. The depth of an image (expressed in bits) refers to the number of colours that it can display. For example, an image with a depth of 24 bits can display up to 16.7 million colours. Digital images can be stored in two ways: ❚❚Bitmap images are stored pixel by pixel. The result is a very detailed image, although it takes up a lot of memory. ❚❚Vector images are stored as mathematical formulas, with less detail. They are good for logos and architectural designs, but not for photos of real objects. When we use images for documents, presentations or online projects, we must choose the right format. This affects size and quality. Picture formats and characteristics:

Format Characteristics

❚❚ No loss of quality bmp ❚❚ Large files

❚❚ It allows for animation and compression with no loss of quality. gif ❚❚ 8 bits of colour depth (maximum of 256 colours) ❚❚ It allows for transparency.

❚❚ Commonly used ❚❚ Compressed format with adjustable loss of quality jpg ❚❚ 24 bits of colour depth (up to 16.7 million colours) ❚❚ It allows for transparency.

❚❚ Free alternative to gif ❚❚ It allows for compression without loss of quality. png ❚❚ 48 bits of colour depth ❚❚ It allows for transparency.

❚❚ Commonly used for publishing tif or tiff ❚❚ Excellent quality and large images ❚❚ It can be stored with or without loss of quality, adjusting for size.

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6.1. Editing images There are a number of free photo editing programs that you can use for your project. The PIXLR program does not require installation and there is a version for mobile devices. To use the program, simply access the website: After opening the program, select the image that you want to edit.

Key concepts

❚❚ A digital image is formed by a pattern of pixels. Images with more pixels have better To add a title, type in the text and choose the font and colour. You can also use resolution, which means they layers to superimpose various images. show details more clearly.

The following applications are also useful:

Picassa for mobile devices Gnu Image Manipulation Program (Gimp) Clone tool example

Apply Create 23. Experiment with other tools 22. Design a poster for your video project. The poster should show at least two and discuss the results with images, the title and the main characters of the story. your classmates.

Using computers for projects 21 7. WORKING WITH AUDIO When sound is digitalised, samples are taken and then translated into binary code. Sound decibels The quality of digital audio depends on the number of samples taken per second Accelerating (measured in Hz) and the number of bits associated with each sample. 100 motorbike Normal 60 Common formats Characteristics conversation At the library 40 ❚❚ Excellent sound quality ❚❚ Hearing wav Large files: 30 MB per song 0 ❚❚ threshold Files saved with varying levels of compression ❚❚ Ideal for online publishing mp3 ❚❚ Compression format with minimal loss of quality waves ❚❚ Free open code format ogg ❚❚ Loss of quality depends on the level of compression receptor

7.1. Editing audio sound board signal is a program for editing audio. You can find tutorials about this program 7 6 on the following website: 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 –7 –8

CD Quality: 44,100 Hz, 16 bits, stereo

Tools toolbar Mixer toolbar

Menu bar Meter toolbar Transport toolbar Device toolbar

Transcription toolbar

Transcription toolbar

Track control panel

Audio track

Status bar Selection toolbar

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How to record your voice over background music Imagine you want to record a poem with background music. You need to: 1. Click on Archive  Import  Audio. You can see the audio tracks that have been selected. 2. Click on the Record icon and read the poem out loud. When you have finished, click on the Stop icon. 3. Open the Tools menu and click on the music. You can use the SurroundSound tool to lower the volume of the music, so you can hear your voice better. 4. You can add silence (Generate, Silence, choose the time) or use the Effects option to increase the volume, if necessary. 5. You can save the audio in MP3 format by clicking on Archive  Export audio. If you've not finished and want to save the information for each track, select Archive  Save project as and then name the file. There are other programs for editing audio, such as:

Audio apps

MP3 Video Converter Spreaker Studio Audio Recorder and Editor WavePad Audio Editor Free

Websites for downloading and sharing copyright-free audio Soundcloud is a platform for people who Ivoox is an Internet site to download want to listen to new and original music and share licence free audio. Key concepts and sounds as well as for musicians who ❚❚ want a wider audience. Digital audio files vary by quality and size. ❚❚ The quality of digital audio Apply depends on the frequency of sampling. High quality audio 24. Choose a poem by a famous English-speaking author. Record yourself files take up more memory reading the poem with appropriate background music. space.

Using computers for projects 23 8. WORKING WITH VIDEO Video consists of a rapid succession of images accompanied by sound. The images are superimposed and shown so quickly that they seem to move. This speed is measured in frames per second (fps). The characteristics of video files are: format, quality and size. The size of each image depends on its width and height in pixels.

Video file formats ❚❚ Excellent quality, but very large files avi ❚❚ Variable compression, depending on the video codec used

mpg, mpeg ❚❚ With compression. The MP4 format is the most common.

wmv ❚❚ Good quality/size ratio

flv ❚❚ Used by some video repositories, such as YouTube

Freemake Video Converter is a free application that allows you to change the format of video files, combine various clips or images and modify audio files. You can also cut and copy samples of audio and video.

Freemake Video Converter

8.1. Editing video The Windows operating system uses Movie Maker to edit video files. Linux uses The VLC Player is a free program for playing video and audio files the OpenShot application. There are also video applications that can be used with mobile devices. Whatever editing program you use, the first step is to upload all the necessary files (images, audio and video) using the appropriate toolbar option.

Analyse 25. What are the characteristics of this type of video file? Movie Maker toolbar

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8.2. Editing the story The first photo will be the cover that you design in the Image edition section. Also add background music, along with other images or video clips that you want to use. In OpenShot, these tasks are carried out by using the icon in the toolbar.

Video and audio effects

Other programs for editing video include: To insert an image at a certain moment in a video, mark that point and then use the Divide or Cut option. You can also include different transitions between the images.

Key concepts

❚❚ A video consists of a succession of images accompanied by audio. To modify a video, simply add VivaVideo: mobile app for new images and audio. VideoPad: free editor editing video

Using computers for projects 25 9. OTHER TYPES OF PRESENTATION For the final project, you can create a presentation that includes images, video, audio and even augmented reality. You can use the free online Prezi application:

Prezi is used to create a concept map for the presentation. Then you literally move through the map, using the zoom function for close-up views of each section. When you start a new presentation, the first step is to choose a title and a ready-made template.

Other programs for creating presentations are: ❚❚ Padlet: ❚❚ Slides:

Images, videos, text and different backgrounds can be included. In addition, the size and position of all the elements can be modified as necessary.

Click on the text to modify the style, colour and size

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Personalising a presentation Each element of the presentation receives a name and allows for different designs. You can add shapes and symbols.

Share presentation options

Menu options for shapes and From the Design tab choose symbols each frame or element of the presentation

The choice of a topic affects the colour, background and design of the elements in a presentation. You can preview and modify the result as many times as you want. When you have finished, you can share the presentation via a link. Prezi automatically saves the presentation.

Personalising your presentation Apply

26. Use Prezi to create a presentation about an electronic component. It should include: a photo of the component and its symbol; a text box that explains its function; a video; a code with a link to a document or a web page about the component. Improve your presentation by adding a ‘word cloud’ with vocabulary related to your topic. Use one of the following online applications: Add an avatar that tells people about your presentation. There are free applications for this, such as Tellagami ( which was used to create the following example:

Key concepts

❚❚ Presentation applications can include movement, outlines and augmented reality.

Using computers for projects 27 10. AUGMENTED REALITY Augmented reality (AR) applications require an activator over which images, video or text can be superimposed. Activators can be QR codes, special marks printed on paper or real images. They can also be GPS coordinates, where the AR scene appears when people arrive at that location. Aurasma is an augmented reality application which you can install in mobile devices. Geolocator

Analyse 27. Use the free Aurasma application and a mobile device to focus on the photo of the famous Scottish poet above. Can you explain the meaning of augmented reality?

Augmented reality is a technique that adds a virtual layer of information over Augmented reality video images of real objects.

10.1. QR codes QR codes provide automatic links to images, videos or audio files.

There are hundreds of QR code generators. Here are a few examples:


Apply The free application Layar is similar to Aurasma. In this case, when you 28. Install a QR reader in a mobile device and then focus the camera on an focus the camera you can see icons Arduino card. A detailed description of the card will appear. Can you with links to web pages, sounds and think of similar uses? videos.

28 www+

10.2. AR markers AR activators are predefined markers. When you focus on one of these marks with an augmented reality application, you see an image or video superimposed on the marker. Aumentaty Author is an application that works this way, in 360 degrees.

Activation marker

You can see the 3D model from any angle. 10.3. Images AR activators can also be images or views of real objects, such as a painting in a museum or the motherboard of a computer.

How to create augmented reality Aurasma is an easy-to-use application for augmented reality. 1. Choose the overlay video or image that will appear. 2. Select the reference image, called Aura in this particular program.

Apply Key concepts 29. Use Aurasma to create an augmented reality effect. The activator will be an image of a famous English poet. The overlay will be an image or video ❚❚ Images, markers and QR of a poem written by that author. codes can be activators for 30. Create a QR code that links to the Wikipedia page about the poet you augmented reality programs chose for Exercise 29. used with mobile devices.

Using computers for projects 29 CONSOLIDATION

31. Make a list of computer parts that are connected 38. Make a chart with your classmates’ grades. Use directly to a motherboard. Explain their functions. information from the previous activity. 32. Make a list of the parts which are not directly 39. What type of chart would you use to show the connected to the motherboard. How do they following data? communicate with the microprocessor? a) Election results 33. In your notebook, match the following names to b) Changes in the price of petrol the computer parts in the following illustration: c) The populations of different autonomous communities USB port, PS/2 mouse and keyboard connector, VGA d) The distribution of students’ height measurement in your port, DVI port, audio connectors, local network class connector, IEEE port, HDMI port, optical output, 40. Look at the following image. Make a list of the eSATA port. materials that you would need to build this. Then use a spreadsheet to make an invoice.

weights container contacts metallic tabs

34. Classify the following programs as operating

systems, applications or programming languages: wire Word, PowerPoint, Norton, Yahoo, Winamp, Visual Basic, Calc, Windows 7, Chat, Mac OS, Paint, Writer, Linux, MSN, Excel, Logo. 35. Make a simple diagram with a graphic design 41. Make a presentation about the characteristics of application, such as Paint or Draw. Then save the different image, sound and video formats. file in three different formats: bmp, jpg and gif. 42. Make a pie chart like the one below: How are they different? 36. In your notebook, write at least two uses for each of the following types of program: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation programs and drawing programs. 37. Use a computer to make a chart like the one below. Then adapt the chart to record your Technology grades and those of your classmates. Use a simple formula to calculate a final grade for each person.

Student Theory Project Jorge Jiménez Lucía Mateo 43. Use a spreadsheet to make a table for loan Verónica Benítez calculations, such as the one below. Use the PAY Hugo Roldán function.

Term grades

44. Download the Mindmeister application to your

Exam 1 Exam 2 Exercises Homework Theory grade Idea Construction Team Report Attitude grade Workshop Final grade phone or another mobile device. Then make a mental map of this unit, such as the one below. Create a QR code with a link to the presentation.

30 www+

Suggestions for using computers in a more (1) _____ way: Put devices in stand-by or (2) _____ mode when you aren’t using them. If you aren’t going to use them for a long pe- riod of time, turn them off (3) _____. Use re-recordable CDs to make (4) _____ copies of your files. Reuse paper that has only been (5) _____ on one side and always think before you print. Many (6) _____ documents are best stored in your PC. Think before you (7) _____ your programs and devices. Don’t buy a new computer until it is absolutely (8) _____. 45. Listen and complete the text. Then use a word Consider expanding the (9) _____ or replacing only certain processor to format the text. It should have a title, (10) _____. various paragraphs with the appropriate layout, Don’t throw your old computer in the (11) _____. Donate it and various font options (bold, cursive, size, or take it to a special (12) _____ service. colour). Include an image related to the topic. El País

STUDY SKILLS ❚ Write a summary using the key concept boxes in the unit. ❚ Draw a mind map of the concepts in the unit. Include everything you think is important. Use the following structure to get started:

Computers and our projects images

consist of require can create can audio edit video peripheral an operating spreadsheets presentations augmented devies, memory system and processors reality ❚ Make a technical dictionary. Include definitions for the following terms: microprocessor, operating system, cell, transition, pixel, gif, codex, activator. Then add other terms that you consider most relevant.

+ FINISHING THE FINAL TASK www Digital mural

Display all of the digital murals and make sure that they comply with the criteria. In order to assess the work, you have to establish the evaluation criteria beforehand. Look at the example of a digital mural.

Using computers for projects 31