t r l o L 0' :.;:. ."'\ If) OJ O. _\ II L U •• 0 o U fj n .- - CL _ :03:'" 0 0" :J 'E ,l;! d Algebras for Tree Algorithms ] eremy Gibbons Linacre College, Oxford A thesis submitted in p"rtia] fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy "t the University of Oxford September 1991 '\cchnical Monogr<lph PRG-94 ISBN 0-902928,72-4 Programming Research Group Oxford University Computing Laboratory 11 Keblc Road Oxford OX I 3QD England Copyright © 199\ Jeremy Gibbons Author's current address: Department of CompLller Science Univcrsily ofAuckland Privale Bag 92019 Auckland New Zealand Electronic mail:
[email protected] 'I\1irJnda' is a trademark of Research Software Ltd. Abstract This thesis presents an investigation into the properties ofvarious alge- bras of trees. In particular, we study the influence that the structure of a tree algebr<l has on the solution ofalgorithmic problems about trees in that algebra. The investigation 1S conducted within the framework pro- vided by the nird-Mccrtcns formalism, a calculus for the construction ofprogT<lms by equation.al reasoning from their specifications. \Vc present three difTcrcnt tree algebras: two kinds ofbinary tree ami a kind of general tree. One of the binary tree algebras, called 'hip trees', is nc'-\'. Instead ofbeing: built with a single ternary operator, hip trees are built with two bjnary operators which respectively add left and right children to trees which do not already have them; these operators enjoy a kind of associativity property. Each of these algebras brings with it with a class of 'structure- respecting' [unctions called catamorphisms; the definition ofa catamor- phism and a number ofits properties come for free from the definition of the algcl)l'a, bcca usc the algebra is chosen to be initial in a class of algebras induced by a (cocontilluous) functor.