
June 8, 2020

The bottle cap spinner is a basic homemade lure a great place to start. Simply fold a bottle cap in half and put a treble hook on one side and a swivel leader on the other. One popular technique is to add BBs inside the folded cap, which gives the lure a rattling sound that attracts more bass. You can also make them longer by adding beads, which adds color and presents a meaty lure to the bass. You can choose your favorite beer to fully customize these spinning lures.

Library You’ll Need Optional Provides

2 small treble 4 fishing lure hook "eyes

1 small hook ring Pliers Nail polish

Needle nose Multi-tool 2 barrel spinner pliers Leatherman

1 metal bottle Super glue cap with holes

1 Cork 2 Jump ring

1 5” 19 gauge wire

Fishing line

Hint: Choose a brightly colored, flashy bottle cap. Remember, the flashier and more vibrant it is, the more attractive it will seem to !

Step 1: Fold the Cap

This part may be difficult if the prepared cap holes may not line up easily.

To begin, take your bottle cap of choice and draw a line on the inside of the cap, dividing it in half. Try to orient your line so that the two sides are mirrored. Next, take your pliers and bend the bottle cap in half. This might take a little bit of work, but be careful not to crush the rim of the cap. By not folding the cap completely flat, the lure will better resemble a minnow.

Step 3: Make the Holes Now take the knife from your multi tool and carefully bore two holes in the rim of the cap at each pointy end. You may find it necessary to flatten these sections of the rim in order to make it easier. Use a twisting motion repeatedly to slowly drill your way through the metal. Be sure to avoid making too large of a hole; otherwise the metal could tear and ruin your lure!

Step 4: Add the Hook All that is left to do is attaching the hook, spinner, and eyes (if you have any). Attach the hook by putting the hook ring through the eye (just like you would with your keys) and then attach the ring to the lure body. It may take a little while but be patient!

Next, attach the lure body to the spinner with the attached clasp. If you don't have a spinner, simply tie the lure to your line using your favorite fishing knot with this hole.

Optional: Attach the lure eyes following the manufacturer's direction. Put a dab of superglue on them as well to make sure they stay!

HINTS AND TIPS: These types of lures tend to spiral in the water when they move quickly. This will twist your line and increase the chance that it will break! A spinner negates this effect so that the lure is the only thing that spins and the line stays straight.


This is probably one of the most neat-looking homemade lures you can fashion. By using a cork from a wine bottle, a bottle cap and some hooks, you can create a lure that is perfect for pulling bass from the weeds.

 By simply connecting treble hooks and a connection for your line to a wine cork, you have a top-water lure that will entice a hungry bass.

 By adding a bottle cap at the front, you increase the splashing of the lure, creating an irresistible temptation.

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