the sunday of the fathers of the first ec. council On the seventh Sunday of Pascha, we commemorate the holy God-bearing Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. The Commemoration of the First Ecumenical Council has been celebrated by the Church of Christ from ancient times. The Lord Jesus Christ left the Church a great promise, “I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt. 16:18). Although the Church of Christ on earth will pass through difficult struggles with the Enemy of salvation, it will emerge victorious. The holy martyrs bore witness to the truth of the Savior’s words, endur- ing suffering and death for confessing Christ, but the persecutor’s sword is shattered by the Cross of Christ. Persecution of Christians ceased during the fourth century, but heresies arose within the Church itself. One of the most pernicious of these heresies was Arianism. Arius, a priest of Alexandria, was a man of immense pride and ambi- tion. In denying the divine nature of Jesus Christ and His equality with God the Father, Arius falsely taught that the Savior is not consubstantial with the Father, but is only a created being. A local Council, convened with Alexander of Alexandria presiding, condemned the false teachings of Arius. However, Arius would not submit to the authority of the Church. He wrote to many , denouncing the decrees of the local Council. He spread his false teaching throughout the East, receiving support from certain Eastern bishops. Investigating these dissentions, the holy emperor Constantine (May 21) consulted Hosius of Cordova (Aug. 27), who assured him that the heresy of Arius was directed against the most fundamental dogma of Christ’s Church, and so he decided to convene an Ecumenical Council. In 325, 318 bishops representing Christian Churches from various lands gathered together at Nicea. Among the assembled bishops were many confessors who had suffered during the persecutions, and who bore the marks of torture upon their bodies. Also participating in the Council were several great luminaries of the Church: St Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia (December 6 and May 9), St Spyridon, Bishop of Tremithos (December 12), and others venerated by the Church as holy Fathers. With Patriarch Alexander of Alexandria came his deacon, Athanasius (who later became Patriarch of Alexandria (May 2 and January 18). He is called “the Great,” for he was a zealous champion for the purity of Orthodoxy. In the Sixth Ode of the Canon for today’s Feast, he is referred to as “the thirteenth Apostle.” The emperor Constantine presided over the sessions of the Council. In his speech, responding to the welcome by Bishop of Caesarea, he said, “God has helped me cast down the impious might of the persecutors, but more distressful for me than any blood spilled in battle is for a soldier, is the internal strife in the Church of God, for it is more ruinous.”

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απολυτικιον της εορτησ. Ἦχος δ´. apolytikion of the feast. Mode 4. νελήφθης ἐν δόξῃ, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν, χα‐ ou ascended in glory, O Christ our God, after You Ἀροποιήσας τοὺς Μαθητάς, τῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ τοῦ Yfilled the Disciples with joy, by promising to send ἁγίου Πνεύματος, βεβαιωθέντων αὐτῶν διὰ τῆς them the Holy Spirit, and You blessed them and estab- εὐλογίας, ὅτι σὺ εἶ ὁ Υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὁ λυτρωτὴς τοῦ lished their faith, that You are the Son of God, the Re- κόσμου. deemer of the world. αναστασιμον. Ἦχος πλ. β.´. resurrectional. Mode pl. 2. γγελικαὶ Δυνάμεις ἐπὶ τὸ μνῆμά σου, καὶ οἱ hen the angelic powers appeared at Your grave, the Ἀφυλάσσοντες ἀπενεκρώθησαν· καὶ ἵστατο Wsoldiers guarding it feared and became as dead. Μαρία ἐν τῷ τάφῳ, ζητοῦσα τὸ ἄχραντόν σου Σῶμα· And standing by the sepulcher was Mary who was seek- ἐσκύλευσας τὸν Ἅδην, μὴ πειρασθεὶς ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ· ing Your immaculate body. You devastated Hades, not ὑπήντησας τῇ Παρθένῳ, δωρούμενος τὴν ζωήν. Ὁ afflicted by it. You went to meet the virgin, and granted ἀναστὰς ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν, Κύριε δόξα σοι. eternal life. You resurrected from the dead. O Lord, glo- ry to You. απολυτικιον της εορτησ. Ἦχος δ´. apolytikion of the feast. Mode 4. Ἀνελήφθης ἐν δόξῃ… You ascended in glory… απολυτικιον των πατερων. Ἦχος πλ. δ´. apolytikion of the fathers. Mode pl. 4. περδεδοξασμένος εἶ, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν, ὁ upremely blessed are You, O Christ our God. You es- Ὑφωστῆρας ἐπὶ γῆς τοὺς Πατέρας ἡμῶν θεμε‐ Stablished the holy Fathers upon the earth as beacons, λιώσας, καὶ δι᾽ αὐτῶν πρὸς τὴν ἀληθινὴν πίστιν, and through them You have guided us all to the true πάντας ἡμᾶς ὁδηγήσας· πολυεύσπλαγ‐ χνε, δόξα σοι. Faith, greatly merciful One, glory be to You. Ἀπολυτίκιον toy naoy. Ἦχος πλ. a´. Apolytikion of the Church. Mode pl. 1. ουκάν τον πανύμνητον καὶ ἅγιον ἀπόστολον, τὸν he holy Apostle, the All-hymned Luke, * who is ac- Λτῆς Ἐκκλησίας γνωστὸν συνθέτην τῶν Πράξεων Tknowledged by the Church of Christ * as the recorder τῶν Ἀποστόλων, τόν τε σεμνὸν τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου of the Acts of the Apostles, * and the splendid author of Χριστοῦ ὑπομνηματιστήν, ἀξίως τιμήσωμεν ὕμνοις the Gospel of Christ. * Let us praise with sacred hymns ὁσίοις, ὡς νοσημάτων ἀνθρωπίνων καὶ φυσικῶν as a physician, * who heals the infirmities of man, * and ἀσθενειῶν θεραπευτήν, τὸν καθαίροντα πληγὰς τοῦ the ailments of nature, * who cleanses spiritual wounds, πνεύματος, καὶ ἀδιαλείπτως πρεσβεύοντα ὑπὲρ τῶν and prays unceasingly for our souls. ψυχῶν ἡμῶν. Κοντάκιον. Ἦχος πλ. β´. Kontakion. Mode pl. 2. ὴν ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν πληρώσας οἰκονομίαν, καὶ τὰ ἐπὶ hen you had fulfilled the dispensation for our Τγῆς ἑνώσας τοῖς οὐρανίοις, ἀνελήφθης ἐν δόξῃ, Wsake, and united things on earth with the things Χριστὲ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν, οὐδαμόθεν χωρι ζόμενος, ἀλλὰ in heaven, You were taken up thither in glory, O Christ μένων ἀδιάστατος, καὶ βοῶν τοῖς ἀγαπῶσί σε· Ἐγώ our God, going not away from any place, but continuing εἰμι μεθ᾽ ὑμῶν, καὶ οὐδεὶς καθ᾽ ὑμῶν. inseparable, and to them that love You crying out, “I am with you, and there is, therefore, none against you.” THE READINGS OF THE DAY

epistle reading gospel reading Acts of the Apostles 20:16-18, 28-36 John 17:1-13

IN THOSE DAYS, Paul had determined to sail t that time, Jesus, lifting up his eyes to heav- past Ephesus in order not to spend time in Asia en, said: “Father, the time has come! Glorify Ibecause he was in a hurry: if possible, he wanted Ayour Son, so that your Son may also glorify to be in on the day of Pentecost. From you, even as you gave him authority over all flesh, Miletus, Paul sent a message to Ephesus and called to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. to himself the presbyters of the Church. When they This is eternal life: that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you have sent, Je- arrived, he told them, “Keep watch over yourselves sus Christ. I have glorified you on the earth! I have and over the flock among which the Holy Spirit has accomplished the work which you have given me made you overseers! Be shepherds of the Church to do! Now, Father, glorify me with yourself with of the Lord and of God, which he has purchased the glory I had with you before the world existed. I with his own blood. For I know this, that after my have revealed your Name to the people whom you departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you have given me out of the world. They were yours, and they will not spare the flock. From among your and you have given them to me; they have kept own group, men will arise who will speak perverse your word. Now they have known that all things things in order to draw away the disciples after you have given me are from you. The words you them. Therefore, keep watch! Remember that for have given me, I have given to them. They have re- a period of three years, I did not cease night and ceived them and they have known for certain that day to warn everyone with tears. Now, brethren, I I came forth from you, and they have believed that entrust you to God, and to the word of his grace you sent me. I pray for them; I do not pray for the which is able to build [you] up and to give you the world, but for those whom you have given me, for inheritance among all those who are sanctified. I they are yours. All things that are mine are yours, covet- ed no one’s silver, or gold, or clothing. You and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. I am yourselves know that these, [my] hands, served my no longer in the world, but these are [still] in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep needs and those who were with me. In all things, I them through your Name which you have given have given you an example, that by this kind of hard me, so that they may be one, even as we are one. work you should support the weak and remember While I was with them in the world, I protected the word of the Lord Jesus, as he himself said, ‘It them in your Name. Those whom you have given is more blessed to give than to receive!’” After say- me I have kept. None of them is lost, except the son ing these things, Paul knelt down and prayed with of destruction, so that the Scripture might be ful- them all. filled. But now I come to you, and I say these things in the world, so that they may have my joy made full in themselves.” announcements Saturday, January 25, Great Vespers, 5pm

upcoming church services: Saturday, June 18, Saturday of the Souls, Orthros / Divine Liturgy 8:30am Great Vespers, 5pm

father’s day purple barrel Please join us today after services for a Pizza lun- Don’t forget the the purple barrel next time you are cheon provided by Philoptochos in honor of all at the grocery store. Donations are picked up by the men in the parish. We are celebrating an early the local food bank. Thank you! Father’s day in honor our grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, and god fathers. May our Lord continue to bless them and guide them in all that they do. thank you - golf tournament Thank you for all who helped with the Golf Tour- nament. ’m the LIGHT and you don’t see saturday of the souls Ime. I’m the WAY and you don’t Commemoration forms for the upcoming Sat- follow me. I am the TRUTH and urday of the Souls on June 18 are available in the “you don’t believe me. I’m LIFE Narthex. and you don’t seek me. I’m the give a month towards our future TEACHER and you don’t listen Help offset our additional mortgage payment with to me. I’m the LORD and you a donation of $640. If you would like to sponsor don’t obey me. I’m your GOD and one month for 2016, please contact Fr. . you don’t pray to me. I’m your best prosphoro FRIEND and you don’t love me. If you’re unhappy, don’t blame me. Please sign up to help bake prosforon on Sundays. If you are not able to bake, but would like to make a donation for communion wine or other altar needs, please see Fr Michael. Thank you! ” Arius, with seventeen bishops among his supporters, among them a man. This man was naked, but was cov- remained arrogant, but his teaching was repudiated and ered with long hair as if with clothing. This was Abba he was excommunicated from the Church. In his speech, Timothy the Desert-Dweller. the holy deacon Athanasius conclusively refuted the Seeing a fellow man, Abba Timothy thought that blasphemous opinions of Arius. The heresiarch Arius is he was seeing an apparition, and he began to pray. St depicted in iconography sitting on Satan’s knees, or in Paphnutius finally convinced the that he was ac- the mouth of the Beast of the Deep (Rev. 13). tually a living man and a fellow Christian. Abba Timo- The Fathers of the Council declined to accept a Sym- thy prepared food and water for him. He related that he bol of Faith (Creed) proposed by the Arians. Instead, had been living in the desert for thirty years, and that St they affirmed the Orthodox Symbol of Faith. St Con- Paphnutius was the first man he had seen. In his youth, stantine asked the Council to insert into the text of the Timothy had lived in a cenobitic monastery, but he Symbol of Faith the word “consubstantial,” which he had wanted to live alone. Abba Timothy left his monastery heard in the speeches of the bishops. The Fathers of the and went to live near a city, sustaining himself by the Council unanimously accepted this suggestion. work of his own hands (he was a weaver). Once a wom- In the Nicean Creed, the holy Fathers set forth and an came to him with an order and he fell into sin with confirmed the Apostolic teachings about Christ’s divine her. Having come to his senses, the fallen went far nature. The heresy of Arius was exposed and repudiated into the desert, where he patiently endured tribulation as an error of haughty reason. After resolving this chief and sickness. When he was at the point of dying from dogmatic question, the Council also issued Twelve Can- hunger, he received healing in a miraculous manner. ons on questions of churchly administration and disci- From that time Abba Timothy had lived peacefully pline. Also decided was the date for the celebration of in complete solitude, eating dates from the trees, and Holy Pascha. By decision of the Council, Holy Pascha quenching his thirst with water from a spring. St Paph- should not be celebrated by Christians on the same day nutius besought the Elder that he might remain with with the Jewish Passover, but on the first Sunday after him in the wilderness. But he was told that he would be the first full moon of the vernal equinox (which occured unable to bear the demonic temptations which beset on March 22 in 325). desert-dwellers. Instead, he supplied him with dates and St Paphnutius, who led an ascetical life in the The- water, and blessed him to go on his way. baid desert in Egypt, has left us an account of St Onuph- Having rested at a desert monastery, St Paphnutius rius the Great and the Lives of other fourth century her- undertook a second journey into the innermost desert, mits: Timothy the Desert Dweller, the abbas Andrew, hoping to find another holy ascetic who would profit his Charalampus, Theophilus, and others. soul. He went on for seventeen days, until his supply of It occurred to St Paphnutius to go to the inner desert bread and water was exhausted. St Paphnutius collapsed in order to see if there were a monk who labored for the twice from weakness, and an angel strengthened him. Lord more than he did. He took a little bread and water On the seventeenth day St Paphnutius reached a hilly and went into the most remote part of the desert. After place and sat down to rest. Here he caught sight of a man four days he reached a cave and found in it the body of approaching him, who was covered from head to foot an Elder who had been dead for several years. Having with white hair and girded his loins with leaves of desert buried the hermit, St Paphnutius went on farther. After plants. The sight of the Elder frightened Abba Paphnu- several more days he found another cave, and from the tius, and he jumped up and fled up the hill. The Elder sat marks in the sand he realized that the cave was inhab- down at the foot of the hill. Lifting his head, he saw St ited. At sundown he saw a herd of buffalo and walking Paphnutius, and called him to come down. This was the great desert-dweller, Abba Onuphrius. At the request of rius then asked Abba Paphnutius to remember him to all St Paphnutius, he told him about himself. the brethren, and to all Christians. St Onuphrius had lived in complete isolation in the St Paphnutius wanted to remain there after the death wilds of the wilderness for sixty years. In his youth he of Abba Onuphrius. However, the holy ascetic told him had been raised at the Eratus monastery near the city that it was not God’s will for him to stay there, he was to of Hermopolis. Having learned from the holy Fathers return to his own monastery instead and tell everyone about the hardships and lofty life of the desert-dwell- about the virtuous lives of the desert-dwellers. Having ers, to whom the Lord sent help through His angels, St then blessed Abba Paphnutius and bid him farewell, St Onuphrius longed to imitate their exploits. He secretly Onuphrius prayed with tears and sighs, and then he lay left the monastery one night and saw a brilliant ray of down upon the earth, uttering his final words, “Into Thy light before him. St Onuphrius became frightened and hands, my God, I commend my spirit,” and died. decided to go back, but the voice of his Guardian Angel St Paphnutius wept and tore off a portion of his gar- told him to go into the desert to serve the Lord. ment, and with it covered the body of the great ascetic. After walking six or seven miles, he saw a cave. At that He placed it in the crevice of a large rock, which was hol- moment the ray of light vanished. In the cave was an old low like a grave, and covered it over with a multitude of man. St Onuphrius stayed with him to learn of his man- small stones. Then he began to pray that the Lord would ner of life and his struggle with demonic temptations. permit him to remain in that place until the end of his When the Elder was convinced that St Onuphrius had life. Suddenly, the cave fell in, the palm tree withered, been enlightened somewhat, he then led him to another and the spring of water dried up. Realising that he had cave and left him there alone to struggle for the Lord. not been given a blessing to remain, St Paphnutius set The Elder visited him once a year, until he fell asleep in out on his return journey. the Lord. After four days Abba Paphnutius reached a cave, At the request of St Paphnutius, Abba Onuphrius where he met an ascetic, who had lived in the desert told him of his labors and ascetic feats, and of how the for more than 60 years. Except for the two other Elders, Lord had cared for him. Near the cave where he lived with whom he labored, this monk had seen no one in was a date-palm tree and a spring of pure water issued all that time. Each week these three had gone on their forth. Twelve different branches of the palm tree bore solitary paths into the wilderness, and on Saturday and fruit each month in succession, and so the monk en- Sunday they gathered for psalmody, and ate the bread dured neither hunger nor thirst. The shade of the palm which an angel brought them. Since it was Saturday, they tree sheltered him from the noonday heat. An angel had gathered together. After eating the bread provided brought Holy Communion to the each Saturday by the angel, they spent the whole night at prayer. As he and Sunday, and to the other desert-dwellers as well. was leaving, St Paphnutius asked the names of the El- The conversed until evening, when Abba ders, but they said, “God, Who knows everything, also Paphnutius noticed a loaf of white bread lying between knows our names. Remember us, that we may see one them, and also a vessel of water. After eating, he Elders another in God’s heavenly habitations.” spent the night in prayer. After the singing of the morn- Continuing on his way, St Paphnutius came upon an ing hymns, St Paphnutius saw that the face of the ven- oasis which impressed him with its beauty and abun- erable Onuphrius had become transformed, and that dance of fruit-bearing trees. Four youths inhabiting frightened him. St Onuphrius said, “God, Who is Merci- this place came to him from out of the wilderness. The ful to all, has sent you to me so that you might bury my youths told Abba Paphnutius that in their childhood body. Today I shall finish my earthly course and depart they had lived in the city of Oxyrhynchus (Upper The- to my Christ, to live forever in eternal rest.” St Onuph- baid) and they had studied together. They had burned with the desire to devote their lives to God. Making their of Athos, a Greek by birth, served plans to go off into the desert, the young men left the as a soldier in the imperial armies and he lived at city and after several days’ journey, they reached this . In the year 667, during a war with the place. Syrians, St Peter was taken captive and locked up in a A man radiant with heavenly glory met them and led fortress in the city of Samara on the Euphrates River. them to a desert Elder. “We have lived here six years al- For a long time he languished in prison and he pon- ready,” said the youths. “Our Elder dwelt here one year dered over which of his sins had brought God’s chastise- and then he died. Now we live here alone, we eat the ment upon him. St Peter remembered that once he had fruit of the trees, and we have water from a spring.” The intended to leave the world and go to a monastery, but youths gave him their names, they were Sts John, An- he had not done so. He began to observe a strict fast drew, Heraklemon and Theophilus (Dec. 2). in the prison and to pray fervently, and he besought St The youths struggled separately the whole week Nicholas the Wonderworker to intercede before God long, but on Saturday and Sunday they gathered at the for him. oasis and offered up common prayer. On these days an St Nicholas appeared in a dream to Peter and advised angel would appear and commune them with the Holy him to call upon St Simeon the God-Receiver (Feb. 3) Mysteries. This time however, for Abba Paphnutius’ for help. St Nicholas appeared to him once more in a sake, they did not go off into the desert, but spent the dream, encouraging the prisoner in patience and hope. whole week together at prayer. On the following Satur- The third time that he appeared it was not in a dream, day and Sunday St Paphnutius together with the youths but with St Simeon the God-Receiver. St Simeon was granted to receive the Holy Mysteries from the touched his staff to the chains binding St Peter, and the hands of the angel and to hear these words, “Receive the chains melted away like wax. The doors of the prison Imperishable Food, unending bliss and life eternal, the opened, and St Peter was free. Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God.” St Simeon the God-Receiver became invisible, but St St Paphnutius made bold to ask the angel for permis- Nicholas conveyed St Peter to the borders of the Greek sion to remain in the desert to the end of his days. The territory. Reminding him of his vow, St Nicholas became angel replied that God had decreed another path for invisible. St Peter then journeyed to to receive him. He was to return to Egypt and tell the Christians of monastic tonsure at the tomb of the Apostle Peter. Even the life of the desert-dwellers. here St Nicholas did not leave him without his help. He Having bid farewell to the youths, St Paphnutius appeared in a dream to the Pope of Rome and informed reached the edge of the wilderness after a three day him of the circumstances of St Peter’s liberation from journey. Here he found a small skete, and the brethren captivity, and he commanded the Pope to tonsure the received him with love. Abba Paphnutius related every- former prisoner into monasticism. thing that he had learned about the holy Fathers whom On the following day, in the midst of a throng of the he had encountered in the desert. The brethren wrote people who had gathered for divine services, the Pope a detailed account of what St Paphnutius said, and de- loudly exclaimed, “Peter, you who are from the Greek posited it in the church, where all who wished to do so lands, and whom St Nicholas has freed from prison in could read it. St Paphnutius gave thanks to God, Who Samara, come here to me.” St Peter stood in front of the had granted him to learn about the exalted lives of the Pope, who tonsured him into monasticism at the tomb of the , and he returned to his own of the Apostle Peter. The Pope taught St Peter the rules monastery. of monastic life and kept the monk by him. Then with a blessing, he sent St Peter to where God had appointed on the fortieth day he fortified himself with the heavenly him to journey. manna, receiving the strength for another forty-day fast. St Peter boarded a ship sailing to the East. The ship- Once, a hunter chasing after a stag saw the naked owners, after going ashore, besought St Peter to come man, covered with hair and girded about the loins with and pray at a certain house, where the owner and all the leaves. He was afraid and was about to flee, but St Peter household lay sick. St Peter healed them through his stopped him and told him of his life. The hunter asked to prayer. remain with him, but the saint sent him home. St Peter The Most Holy appeared in a dream to gave the hunter a year for self-examination and forbade St Peter and indicated the place where he should live til him to tell anyone about meeting him. the very end of his days: Mount Athos. When the ship A year later the hunter returned with his brother, arrived at Athos, it then halted of its own accord. St Peter who was afflicted with a demon, and several other com- realized that this was the place he was meant to go, and panions. When they entered the St Peter’s cave, they so he went ashore. This was in the year 681. Peter then saw that he had already reposed. The hunter, with bit- dwelt in the desolate places of the Holy Mountain, not ter tears, told his companions of the life of St Peter. His seeing another person for fifty-three years. His clothing brother, after merely touching the saint’s body, received had become tattered, but his hair and beard had grown healing. St Peter died in the year 734. His holy relics out and covered his body in place of clothes. were on Athos at the monastery of St Clement. During At first St Peter was repeatedly subjected to demonic the Iconoclast period the relics were hidden away, and in assaults. Trying to force the saint to abandon his cave, the year 969 they were transferred to the Thracian vil- the demons sometimes took on the form of armed sol- lage of Photokami. diers, and at other times of fierce beasts and vipers that St Peter once saw the Mother of God in a vision, and seemed ready to tear the hermit apart. St Peter overcame she spoke of Her earthly domain, Mount Athos: “I have the demonic attacks through fervent prayer to God and chosen this mountain... and have received it from My His Holy Mother. Then the enemy resorted to trickery. Son and God as an inheritance, for those who wish to Appearing under the guise of a lad sent to him from his forsake worldly cares and strife.... Exceedingly do I love native home, he besought the monk with tears to leave this place. I will aid those who come to dwell here and the wilderness and return to his own home. The saint who labor for God... and keep His commandments.... wept, but without hesitation he answered, “Here have I will lighten their afflictions and labors, and shall be the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos led me. I will an invincible ally for the monks, invisibly guiding and not leave here without Her permission.” Hearing the guarding them....” Name of the Mother of God, the demon vanished. Generations of Orthodox monks can attest to the After seven years the devil came to St Peter in the truth of these words. The Mother of God is regarded as guise of a radiant angel and said that God was command- the Abbess of the Holy Mountain, not just in name, but ing him to go into the world for the enlightenment and in actual fact. For this reason, Mt. Athos is known as the salvation of people in need of his guidance. The experi- “Garden of the Theotokos.” enced ascetic again replied that without the permission of the Mother of God he would not forsake the wilder- ness. The devil disappeared and did not bother to come near the saint anymore. The Mother of God appeared to St Peter in a dream with St Nicholas and told the brave hermit that after he had fasted for forty days, an angel would bring him heavenly manna. St Peter fasted, and