Merit Times 安詳是處事第一法, 急躁易壞事; Chicago 佛光世紀 恬淡是養心第一法, 佛光山芝加哥禪淨中心 NO.211 貪欲易染心。 Internatioanl Buddhist Progress Society at Chicago 9S043 Route 53 Naperville, IL 60565 Tel : (630)910-1243 星雲大師╱Venerable Master Hsing Yun Fax:(630)910-1244 E-mail:
[email protected] A Letter to Dharma Protectors and Friends in 2017 holding lectures and Dharma and support Fo Guang Ancestral Temple Learning requires self-motivation. Both services, royalties issued - Dajue Temple; support the Three Acts the Buddhist concept of “self-awareness” from publications, as well as of Goodness Schools Program, the and the Confucian “self-learning” are the income from the Water Drop Cloud and Water Mobile Library, the most noble educational principles. Based on Teahouses and Venerable Venerable Master Hsing Yun Public this spirit, we applied for the establishment Master’s One-Stroke Education Trust Fund, as well of academic institutes in Mainland China. Calligraphy for its as media and literary awards; Currently, Fo Guang Shan has four construction. value lay involvement in the government-endorsed educational programs: Now the development of Buddhism; the Yixing Yunhu Academy, Yangzhou infrastructure of organize “Glory Belongs to Cultural Academy, Nanjing Jinling Academy, the Triple Gem is the Buddha” basketball teams; and Beijing Guangzhong Academy. These completed. Within develop a system for temple programs focus on the dual-cultivation of the first fifty years of its assessment; proactively promote merits and wisdom, and equal emphasis founding, Fo Guang Shan and develop the Merit Times; and on theory and practice. Venerable Master has accomplished not only propagate the Dharma in lectures believes that “Buddhism is indispensable to its construction, but also through music and songs.