Government NEWS Information Services Branch Legislative Bldg., SERVICE MANITOBA Phone 946-7175 DatApril 8, 1971


Peter Fox, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Kildonan, Wednesday was elected Speaker of the 29th to succeed Hon. who was named to the cabinet last fall. Election of the 49-year-o1d MLA preceded the reading of the Speech from the Throne which opened the third session of the present Legislature. Deputy Speaker is Bud Boyce, MLA for Winnipeg Centre, succeeding Hon. who also was named a cabinet minister. Mover and seconder of the address in reply to the Throne Speech were W. W. (Bill) Jenkins, MIA for Logan, and John Gottfried, MLA for Gimli. When members-elect Jim Welding of St. Vital constituency and Pete Adam of Ste. Rose constituency take their seats April 22, after the official 16-day waiting period following the April 5 by-elections, standings in the 57-seat Legislature will be: NDP 30; PC -- 21; Lib. -- 3; Independent-Lib. -- 1; Independent -- 1; Social Credit -- 1. St. Vital, formerly held by the Progress- ive Conservatives, and Ste. Rose, formerly held by the Liberals, were both won by NDP candidates. The new Speaker has been an MIA since lyu6. He is a stationary engin- eer with Canada Packers. He is first vice-president of the Winnipeg and District Labor Council, a director of Manitoba Hydro, vice-president of Local 216 of the Canadian Food and Allied Workers, and a director of the Industrial Development Board of Greater Winnipeg. The Yugoslavia-born Speaker was educated in Winnipeg, and completed first-year arts and science and first-year engineering at the University of Manitoba. During the last war he served in the European Theatre of Operations. He is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and Canadian German Club. Mr. Fox married Nancy Grant of Scotland in 1948. They have three children: Donald Peter, Kenneth George and Elaine Marie.
