Great Baddow Team Ministry Chelmsford

Parish of Great Baddow

Annual Report & Financial Statements of the Parochial Church Council

for the year ended 31 December 2013

Team Rector: Auditors: Revd. Philip Ritchie Peyton Tyler Mears The Rectory 16 Middleborough Church Street Colchester Great Baddow CM2 7HZ CO1 1QT Team Vicar: Principal Banker: Revd. Mones Farah National Westminster Bank 42 Riffhams Drive The Vineyards Great Baddow CM2 7DD Great Baddow CM2 7QR Team Vicar: (to January 2014) Principal Insurer: Revd. Annabel Copeland Ecclesiastical Ins. Group 124 Beehive Lane Brunswick Road, Great Baddow CM2 9SH Gloucester GL1 1JZ

Assistant Minister: Principal Legal Advisor: Revd. Katie de Bourcier Winckworth Sherwood 3 Westbourne Grove 5 Montagu Close Great Baddow CM2 9RT Southwark SE1 9BB Associate Minister: St Mary’s Architect: Revd. Canon Dr Graham Hamborg Simon Marks The Rectory, Colam Lane Rawston Road Little Baddow Colchester Chelmsford CM3 4SY CO3 3JH

Associate Minister: Other church’s Architect: Revd. Canon Dr Roger Matthews David Ferguson 62 Longmead Avenue 124 New London Road Great Baddow CM2 7EY Chelmsford CM2 ORG

Address: Church Office, Church Path, High Street, Great Baddow CM2 7HN

Registered Charity: No. 1127835 Background:

The parish of Great Baddow is a Team Ministry, embracing the parish church of St Mary in Church Street, St Paul’s Church in Loftin Way and Meadgate Church in Meadgate Avenue. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) has a responsibility to co- operate with the Team Rector and the Team Vicars in promoting within the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the Church; pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. Its primary object is the promotion of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the doctrines and practices of the . In addition to the three churches it has maintenance responsibilities for St Mary’s Church Centre (near The Chase), Bell Street Hall in Bell Street and the Church Office in Church Path. The PCC is registered with the Charity Commission at reference 1127835.

PCC Membership:

Most members are elected by the Annual Church Meetings (Parish or District) in accordance with the Church Representation Rules and the Team constitution; some hold ex-officio status and others may be co-opted. During the year and at the date of signature the following served on the PCC:

Team Rector: Revd. Canon Philip Ritchie Chairman Team Vicar: Revd. Mones Farah Team Vicar: Revd. Annabel Copeland (to January 2014) Associate Minister: Revd. Canon Dr Roger Matthews Associate Minister: Revd. Canon Dr Graham Hamborg Assistant Minister: Revd. Katie de Bourcier (from July 2012)

Parish Churchwardens: Elaine Fisher Helen Willis (to May 2013) Les Worley

Other Churchwardens: David Brett * Graham Heath (from April 2013) Matt Johnson (from April 2013) Duncan McKenzie Vice-Chairman Alison Mead Steven Roberts Christine Smith (to April 2013)

Lay representative on Diocesan Synod: Canon Harry Marsh Hon Secretary & Hon Treasurer

Lay representatives on Deanery Synod: David Brett * (now also a Churchwarden) Rosalind Coleridge Glenn Finch Sue Jordan Jim Marshall Dave Pye Eileen Saunders Philip Smith Jackie Thornton (from February 2013)

Elected Lay members: Margaret Brett Jo Brown Sarah Dixon (from April 2013) Mary Kersys (to April 2013) Neil McLean (from April 2013) Rose Marshall (from April 2013) Roy Parker David Pearce (to April 2013) Wendy Roberts (to April 2013) Melvyn Sach Steve Scott Christopher Smith (from February 2013)

PCC and District Church Councils (DCC):

The PCC has delegated wide-ranging powers to the three DCCs, which have separate memberships and themselves operate a series of sub-committees at each church. The PCC Standing Committee did not need to meet during the year. The Churchwardens have also delegated powers to the respective District Churchwardens at St Paul and Meadgate Churches to sign any relevant documents relating to their Church.

Church membership and attendance:

At April 2013 there were 456 members on the Church Electoral Roll - made up of 263 at St Mary’s, 59 at St Paul’s and 134 at Meadgate – a decrease of 70 over the 2012 total following preparation of a new Roll. The normal weekly attendance during 2013 was approx 327 adults and 75 children - made up of 160/35 at St Mary’s, 40/14 at St Paul’s and 127/26 at Meadgate - but this number is substantially increased at all three churches at Easter, Harvest and Christmas festivals.

Additional Ministry across the parish:

As well as the Team clergy the parish was fortunate during the year to continue to benefit from the ministry of other clergy, particularly Revd. Sandy Southee and Revd. Tim Pigrem, both retired clergy; an Authorised Pastoral Assistant and our many Authorised Local Preachers. Other visiting preachers were welcomed during the year, including the , the Archdeacon of Chelmsford and representatives of various mission societies. Emma Smith was Youth Minister at Meadgate throughout the year.

The wider church:

During the year the parish supported the work of the diocese by paying in full its Parish Share of £194,778, [NB. The 2014 figure of £199,372 is an increase of £4,594 or 2.4%.] In turn the Diocese supported the Team Ministry through provision of stipends & housing for four stipendiary clergy and two part-time stipendiary Associate Ministers together with a range of parish support services. Church members play a full part in the life of the diocese; Roger Matthews as the Dean of Mission and Ministry; Graham Hamborg as the Ordained Ministry Development Adviser; Mary Kersys as PA to the Diocesan Bishop; Steve Kersys as the Children’s Work Adviser; Helen Willis as Secretary to the Archdeacon of Chelmsford; and Canon Harry Marsh as a member of Bishop’s Council & Cathedral Council and as Deanery Synod Treasurer.

We are also glad to host in our churches from time to time seminars and other meetings of various diocesan groups.

Review of the year Parish:

Staffing: There was no change during the year when the full-time Team Clergy consisted of Team Rector, two Team Vicars and . However Revd. Annabel Copeland left at the end of January 2014 to go to the parish of Tidworth in Salisbury diocese, also becoming Chaplain to the Wellington Academy. After serving in the Team for five years she will be missed, but prayers of the three congregations went with her as she started her new spheres of service.

Parochial Church Council: There were four PCC meetings with an average attendance of 23(72%). A standard agenda item is a report from each of the three districts on their recent activities and future plans. Over the year Council members considered a range of matters, including the ongoing implementation of Transforming Presence; Chancel Repairs Liability legislation, leading to the decision not to register any CRL, such decision being accepted by the Charity Commission as reasonable; mission opportunity at Beaulieu Park in Springfield; possibility of leasing the infant school site at Meadgate to enable growth there; vacancy for a governor at St Michael’s Junior School, created by the resignation of Eleanor Coupland; vacancy for a Team Vicar at St Paul. A five yearly Team Review was undertaken by Bishop John and the report was initially discussed in September, opening up three areas – relationship amongst clergy; how we relate to each other as Churches; structures/constitutions. Work on these is still being undertaken. The programme of annual review of the various parish policies was followed as planned. Council members have had regard to the public guidance published by the Charity Commission in determining the range of activities undertaken during the year.

Architect: This is an opportunity to record grateful thanks to the long-serving Architect at St Mary’s church. Gerald Barrett was appointed sometime prior to 1980 – even he does not know when that was – and has faithfully made an unknown total of Quinquennial (five yearly) Inspections of the church’s fabric. Gerald, formerly a Reader at St Michael’s Galleywood, has also given guidance on many projects, including the 1999 refurbishment of St Mary’s. Due to his retirement from practice he stood down in 2013 and his successor is Simon Marks of Colchester.

Parish Finances: We continue to praise the Lord for all His goodness. The three churches financed their outgoings primarily by offertories and regular giving by members. The principles of stewardship and commitment to giving continue to be promoted across the congregations and the levels of giving achieved by members of the respective churches reflect a degree of sacrificial giving by many individuals. There is no definite policy in the parish on reserves, as it is felt that weekly/monthly offerings are received on an even flow, such that expenditure can be met as it arises, but it is recognised that a move towards having some level of reserve in each of the three churches would be prudent.

St Mary’s: Throughout 2013 we continued to explore the implications of Transforming Presence, the strategy for the local church. There was a particular focus on ‘Living Distinctively’ and on prayer and this was reflected in a variety of activities, events and services both at St Mary’s and across the Team Ministry. A particular highlight was Time To Pray during Lent; a booklet of forty reflections on prayer written by members of our three churches was produced and this was accompanied by a family resource on prayer. The preaching series through Lent explored different aspects of prayer and included pulpit exchanges across the Team. A prayer labyrinth with a 24 hours/3 days prayer weekend was resourced by members of the churches and based at St Paul’s and Home Group study materials were developed by the clergy and used across the parish.

In June St Mary’s was privileged to host the Bradwell Area of service conducted by Bishop John Wraw. It was a particular joy as our curate Katie de Bourcier was ordained at this service and we continue to give thanks for her ministry at St Mary’s and across the parish. We continue to thank God for the gifted team of lay and ordained ministers serving in ministry and mission at St Mary’s and are particularly grateful for the support of the retired clergy Revd. Sandy Southee and Revd. Tim Pigrem alongside our Associate Ministers Revd. Canon Dr. Roger Matthews and Revd. Canon Dr. Graham Hamborg. In September we commissioned Jacqui Pavey as Pastoral Assistant following the completion of her diocesan training and Jacqui‘s ministry has an emphasis on developing our bereavement ministry in the parish. Sue Finch continues her ordination training and in the autumn we were pleased to support Steve Finch as he began work with the UCCF Relay programme based at Lampeter University. We continue to encourage people in exploring how they might use their gifts in God’s service and the SHAPE vocations course was run again during the year.

Nurture and discipleship remain key aspects of our church life and during 2013 another group of children were prepared and admitted to Holy Communion at Pentecost. An Alpha course ran during the autumn and there was a young people’s confirmation course. Ten members of St Mary’s were confirmed by Bishop John Wraw at the church in November. Several of the church congregation took part in filming for the Pilgrim Course, a new Church of England teaching and discipleship resource. Home Groups continued to meet during the year and a new group started. A review of our Home Groups was conducted and the findings were considered by the Ministry Leadership Team. A new group now meets regularly for Bible study aimed at Mothers and Babies.

At the annual meetings Elaine Fisher and Les Worley were elected as Parish Wardens and Graham Heath and Matthew Johnson as Deputy Wardens. We remain very grateful to the wardens for all their hard work over the year and in particular give thanks for Helen Willis (Parish Warden) and Christine Smith (Deputy Warden) who stepped down from office after several years of faithful service. We are also thankful for all those who have served and continue to serve on the DCC, PCC, Deanery and Diocesan Synod. Jacqui Pavey continued to provide a vital ministry as the church administrator and Rector’s PA.

The Ministry Leadership Team met regularly throughout the year and the membership was refreshed after Easter. The clergy, church wardens, DCC and MLT continued to provide leadership for mission and ministry at St Mary’s including the church’s response to the bishop’s review of the Team Ministry, initial discussions about Ministry and Mission Units and planning for the diocesan Year of Mission 2014. The pastoral care team continued its valued ministry of home communions to the housebound. The prayer ministry team continued to explore how this area might be developed, and led by Revd. Sandy Southee they have undertaken study and training during the year. The team continues to serve during and after worship and is exploring how prayer ministry might be offered in people’s homes alongside the prayer walking ministry. The Women’s Prayer Breakfast was re-launched in the autumn with a focus on prayer stations and this has been very well attended.

Our worship continues to grow and in the autumn a new evening service pattern was introduced with the second, third and fourth Sunday Encounter… worship. Encounter… is led by a team headed up by Joel & Kate Gowen and includes worship, teaching, prayer ministry, communion, coffee and cake. The choir, which began in 2012 and sings on the third Sunday, continues to thrive, and we are grateful to all those who help lead our worship as singers and musicians Sunday by Sunday. Thanks are also due to those who serve as vergers, on the welcome teams, coffee rota and the audio/visual team. The Pathfinders and Crossfire youth groups continued to lead evening services at the beginning of each month and there was a Switched On afternoon service once a quarter for families with young children including the ‘Glitter and Glo’ event in October. Services and events at major festivals continue to be very well supported and in November we welcomed Archdeacon David Lowman to preach at the Remembrance Day service. During the year the Playschool and Baddow Hall Infant and Junior schools were welcomed to St Mary’s. We also hosted the J’s Hospice carol service and service of lights at Christmas.

During the autumn new areas of outreach were launched. Open The Book is a team of church members led by the curate sharing Bible stories in assemblies at Baddow Hall Infant and Junior schools on a fortnightly basis. Church members began to explore possible areas of ‘social justice’ ministry. The church has a monthly Fairtrade stall and for the last couple of years has supported the Chelmsford Foodbank with Harvest collections and there is now a regular collection for this work. Work began on the possibility of St Mary’s becoming a Foodbank distribution centre and potentially a credit union service point in partnership with Savers. It is hoped these initial plans will come to fruition in 2014. Coffee Pot and Café Club remain important areas of service to the wider community and the church remains open on Thursday and Friday lunchtimes for visitors.

The Mission Committee met regularly throughout the year. St Mary’s continues to support the work of mission through a variety of agencies at home and abroad, with 11% of the church’s income set aside for this work. During the year monthly mission focus spots took place in the morning services, with contributions from visiting speakers and church members. The annual collections for the work of The Children’s Society and Christian Aid were held alongside other regular activities including the monthly ‘packing’ for Mid-Africa Concern. Children’s and Youth ministry continue to play a central role in the life of St Mary. Powerhouse meets three Sundays a month and an all-age service is held on the fourth Sunday in the morning. The Pathfinders meet Sunday evenings and for other occasional events including a weekend camp. Crossfire meets every other Wednesday evening. Members of St Mary’s attended summer camps as members and leaders. The Toddler Groups and Playschool continued to thrive and the summer Holiday Club, on the theme of an Ocean Cruise, was once again a great success. We welcomed our local Scout group for a quarterly parade service. We are grateful to the whole team of people serving in this important area of our church ministry and mission.

The maintenance and development of our buildings remains a challenge. However, during 2013 under the leadership of Les Worley and Matthew Johnson a large team was mobilised to undertake building repairs, cleaning and redecoration through a series of ‘works days’. These days have proved highly effective in addressing outstanding works and bringing our buildings to a state of good repair. We are thankful for the large team who helped with this work and for those who regularly clean the church and for the flower arrangers. We remain grateful to Harry Marsh for his work in liaising with the City Council regarding their responsibilities for the maintenance of the churchyard and for his sterling work in helping to address the difficult area of chancel repair liabilities. Looking forward more work needs to be done on how we can ensure that our buildings serve our priorities in mission and ministry to the village of Great Baddow.

We praise God for all that he has done for us during 2013 and look forward to all he is calling us to in his service in 2014.

St Paul’s:

St Paul’s has continued to be a church that serves the local community and enables all to come and worship God.

Our pattern of weekly worship has changed in shape during the year as we seek to provide a style of worship that is accessible to all and able to be resourced well. The service starts at 10am for those who prefer a more creative engagement with Scripture, at 10.30 other worshippers join the service for us all to meet with God through prayer, Holy Communion alternate weeks and fellowship over coffee. The third part of the service provides an opportunity for a more reflective engagement with Scripture. The service has been well received. We have been delighted to welcome a regular group of adults with learning difficulties who come to this service with their carer. Our 5th Sunday Creative Prayer service continues to grow. This is followed by brunch giving people the opportunity to get to know other members of the church over a delicious meal.

At Easter time we set up an Easter Labyrinth as part of the churches working together in Great Baddow to help people explore ways to pray. The Labyrinth was also visited by Years 4 and 5 of the two local primary schools. Children came to St Paul’s to find out about the Easter story through a series of interactive stations, helping them relate the story to issues we face today. This was well received by the schools, who commented on how much it had helped the children gain a better understanding of Easter.

We again held a Passover Meal on Maundy Thursday which enabled all ages within the church to come together to remember the events of Holy Week. As a church on Good Friday we joined with other churches in the town for the annual Walk of Witness and followed this with a quiet reflective service focusing on objects used in the crucifixion and what they might mean for us Our Easter celebrations were completed with a lively All-Age service on Easter Sunday.

As usual there was a variety of services over the Christmas period including a traditional candlelit carol service with our music group performing two songs. On Christmas Eve we held our Crib service and were encouraged to see some new families come along to that. Leading up to Christmas, we also welcomed both Larkrise and Beehive Lane Schools to St Paul’s for their Junior Carol Services and a special time was had in both services telling the Christmas story with many families from our local community visiting. We also joined with St Mary’s church for a re-enactment of the Christmas story around the Parish and were involved in serving the community at the Lathcoats Farm Shop Nativity Play. We also ran a morning’s Christmas holiday club for children in the community which was enjoyed by those who came. Early in November, we ran a successful afternoon packing shoeboxes full of gifts for children less fortunate than ourselves. We gave 88 boxes to the charity Operation Christmas Child; also some church members went along to the warehouse to give time to help sort the boxes ready to be sent to other countries.

St Paul’s continues to provide opportunities to reach out to our local community and serve the needs of people living in our locality. Our weekly Mums and Toddlers group continues to be very popular and provides a welcoming place for children to play and parents to socialise and support one another. Mind the Gap, our youth club for children aged 8-12 continues to be enjoyed by those who come. We run on a Sunday evening during term-time and over the year have had fun doing a variety of crafts, playing different sports, going bowling and chatting with friends. Mind the Gap continues to be a place where children can meet people from other schools who live in our community. We also run a weekly group called Loftineers which serves the retired members of our community. Although a small group, for those that come this provides a place for building friendships and supporting each other. The variety of activities is enjoyed by all who come.

During the Summer Holidays we again ran Junior Heroes, a week long holiday club for primary aged children. The teaching was based on stories of young people in the Bible who had been a hero for Jesus. Great fun was had learning new Bible stories, playing games, singing, and making a wide variety of crafts. The club was fully booked with some new children coming along. We also had a special picnic which was well attended and helped to build initial friendship with families in our community.

We continue as a church to have strong links with our local schools through conducting regular school assemblies and having the children visit the church as part of their RE curriculum. Annabel continued to have the opportunity to offer pastoral support to Larkrise school on a weekly basis. This support is appreciated by the school and continued to be welcomed. Members of the church also serve as governors and on PTA committees which is an important part of our mission within the community.

This year we have continued to encourage the growth of our five church fellowship groups. These are an important place for members of the church to find pastoral support, friendship and the chance to grow in their faith through the study of the Bible and prayer. Some members of the church also went away together for a week to the Spring Harvest Spring Conference and enjoyed some good teaching as well as time to get to know each other better and relax.

Our links with the 26th Chelmsford Beaver, Cub and Scout group have continued to grow. The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts joined us for Pentecost Sunday and a special Remembrance Day Parade service.

Our church building continues to be a place that is regularly let to groups from our local community. We host a weekly NCT Toddler group and Diet & Fitness group. Our links with the local Children’s Centre enable us to allow them to use our building at a significantly reduced rate for a variety of groups they run to serve families with under 5’s in the community. We have also offered the use of our building at a reduced rate for some local charity groups which we continue to encourage.

Looking back it has been encouraging to see God provide for our needs in so many ways, both practical and financial.

Towards the end of the year our vicar announced that she had been appointed as Priest-in-Charge of Holy Trinity Church, Tidworth and school chaplain to The Wellington Academy. She will be starting this new post early in 2014 and St Paul’s will be entering a vacancy. Change is never easy but let us hold on to the fact that God has been faithful in the past and will continue to be with us in the future. We should remember that our God is about change - he longs to make us more like Christ and sometimes that will involve stepping out of our comfort zone. The future seems exciting with an element of apprehension, but we know that God is with us and will lead us into new pastures if we are prepared to trust him in all he does.

Meadgate: This year we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our church, so the year was interspersed with regular focus and celebration; all in all an exciting, busy and successful year.

As much as we looked to the past, we also looked to the future by starting three new groups to continue our support of young people and our community. The first is a replacement for our senior citizen Thursday club while the second, Celebrating Recovery, is a completely new group reaching out and supporting individuals with dependency issues and the third, Activate, is a school of ministry for under 18s.

The Thursday Club now meets fortnightly on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, and is now a lunch club following the midweek communion service, which means that we have added another midweek monthly communion to the one we have been holding already and both are followed by lunch. The new name for the club is Connection and it is usually attended by 14-22 individuals. It is supported by our pastoral and community workers in addition to other volunteers, a wonderful cook and a couple of others who give lifts to those who need them.

Celebrating Recovery has been a long time in planning and a team was put in place and the initial phase has already begun with four leaders all from the church and two others, who are happy to serve this group from outside the church, with understanding and experience of dependency issues.

Activate meets weekly on a Tuesday night, and the group is learning to connect with, grow in and serve God. All of our other clubs are in good heart including the three groups started in 2012, Two Fat Men cooking club, meeting every six weeks, with the number of guests having stabilised at 17 but sometimes has risen to over 20, still mostly coming from outside our church membership.

The 18-30 club; has met fortnightly for social activities as well as two worship and teaching trips to Soul Survivor in Watford. We have tried to increase the leadership numbers from among its members, something we are still trying to do.

Creative Hands Club continues its weekly gathering for those who are creative and would like to join others to knit, sew, create cards, etc. It has been well supported by members from both the Meadgate community and the church and during our Christmas Festival it raised a considerable amount for charity.

During the Boot Fair season at Boreham, from the beginning of April until mid October, on most Sundays Meadgate was again able to provide between four to six team members to make it possible to continue to run this outreach ministry, this venture having been entered into in partnership with five other Churches in Chelmsford.

The Thursday Café continued to meet each week during term time, with the church taking only lead role, a change from previous years as we were in partnership with the local school. The main hall in Meadgate church is transformed to function as a Parent Café, staffed by four members of our church family.

School work - the youth team still supports the School and Youth Ministry providing help in the running of two lunch-time clubs at Sandon and Great Baddow High Schools. The team vicar and the youth minister continued to lead assemblies in the local primary school.

Our Admin, Youth, community and pastoral team remained unchanged but we had three new interns starting in September 2013, one for the autumn term only whilst the other 2 continue until August 2014.

Youth: Our youth sector had an amazing year with three regular midweek meetings for different age groups, and the annual Soul Survivor summer camp.

Cafés: The term-time weekly café on Mondays has stabilised and grown, with regular guests from our community dropping in to spend time in a warm welcoming atmosphere. This is led and run by an amazing group of volunteer members of our church. Furthermore, the monthly Oasis Café on Saturdays has grown immensely with so many guests from our local community frequenting the café and becoming well-known faces. Both of these cafes have grown so much that it is now necessary to hold the monthly Saturday cafe in the main hall.

Clubs: The Wednesday Ladies Club, which has an open membership, continues to thrive and has a busy and exciting programme. Furthermore the Men’s Club has stabilised with monthly meetings (still alternating between a breakfast and a dinner on Saturdays) and a day conference at Meadgate Church organised by our Men’s group and worship band (men only) and led by Eric Delve.

School of Ministry: The evening school cohort is in its second year with 13 adults still attending; in addition there is a new morning cohort which started in October with 3 young adults. The previous cohort of both schools 2012/2013 (Morning and Evening) led a 6 day ministry trip to the town of Durres in Albania, which was an amazing and fruitful time of ministry.

Services: all our services continued to be strong and well attended, with very high numbers from our local community for Easter, Harvest and Christmas. In addition we hosted the whole of the school-children and their families for their own Easter and Christmas services.

Once again there was a Meadgate Festival - this year linked with the 50th anniversary - held in partnership with CHP and neighbourhood committee. This was a great success, being very well attended. In addition we had a Christmas Market and festival including a free hog roast, chestnuts and hot drinks, culminating in a Rocking Carol service - again well attended and enjoyed by many from the local community.

For our 50th anniversary we planned a whole year of events, starting with Bishop John in the March followed by all the previous and team vicars of Meadgate, culminating in two children and youth morning services; the first children and youth service was led by Captain Jeff Hill (in whose home the Church started all those years ago and the second was led and delivered by our Activate youth group.


This report was approved by the Parochial Church Council at its meeting on 24 March 2014 and signed on its behalf by the Chairman.

(signed) D P Ritchie


We have audited the financial statements of the PCC for the year ended 31 December 2013 which comprise the Statement of Financial Activities, the Balance Sheet and the related notes. These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and the accounting policies set out therein. This report is made solely to the trustees of the charity as a body in accordance with the Charities Act 2011. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the trustees those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other that the charity and its Trustees as a body, for our audit work, for this report and for the opinions we have found.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and auditors The trustees' responsibilities for preparing the PCC’s Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards are set out in the Statement of Trustees' Responsibilities.

We have been appointed as auditors under section 144 of the Charities Act 2011 and report in accordance with regulations made under section 154 of that Act and the Church Accounting Regulations 2006. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and United Kingdom Auditing Standards. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 2011. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the trustees' report is not consistent with the financial statements, if the charity has not kept proper accounting records, or if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. We are not required to consider whether any statement in the Trustees' Report concerning the major risks to which the charity is exposed covers all existing risks and controls, or to form an opinion on the effectiveness of the charity's risk management and control procedures. We read other information contained in the PCC’s Report, and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information.

Basis of opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the trustees in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the charity's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming an opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the PCC’s affairs as at 31 December 2013 and of its incoming resources and application of resources for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 2011 and the Church Accounting Regulations 2006.

(signed) Peyton Tyler Mears

Peyton Tyler Mears, 16 Middleborough, Colchester 25 March 2014 Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors

Great Baddow Team Ministry

To be read in conjunction with the Parish Annual Report

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for year ended 31 December 2013 Great Baddow Team Ministry

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES for the year ended 31 December 2013


Meadgate St. Paul's St. Mary's St. Mary's 2013 2012 notes

INCOMING RESOURCES Voluntary income 2a 126,277 45,018 163,310 334,605 323,673 Activities for generating funds 2b 2,328 6,872 6,229 15,429 12,990 Investment income 2c 18 63 598 211 890 1,274 Income from church activities 2d 10,611 1,891 148,464 160,966 177,386 Other incomings 2e 1,035 105 1,101 2,241 1,403

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 140,269 53,949 319,702 211 514,131 516,726

RESOURCES EXPENDED Church activities 3a 140,960 59,077 312,349 512,386 510,536 Fundraising costs 3b 1,101 35 713 1,849 3,076 Generation of voluntary income 3c 44 71 49 164 205 Governance costs 3d 102 2,274 2,376 1,980

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 142,207 59,183 315,385 - 516,775 515,797

NET (1,938) (5,234) 4,317 211 (2,644) 929

TRANSFERS 13 - - 211 (211) - -

NET INCOMING RESOURCES (1,938) (5,234) 4,528 - (2,644) 929

ALL GAINS /(LOSSES) ON INVESTMENTS 4b - - - 486 486 347

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS (1,938) (5,234) 4,528 486 (2,158) 1,276

Total funds brought forward at 1 January 46,699 18,241 157,471 4,083 226,494 225,218

BALANCES AT 31.12.2013 (2012) 44,761 13,007 161,999 4,569 224,336 226,494

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Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013 RESTRICTED FUNDS ALL RESTRICTED ENDOWMENT TOTAL FUNDS Meadgate St. Paul's St. Mary's FUNDS FUND

notes 2013 2012 FIXED ASSETS Tangible fixed assets 4a 2,778 6,000 8,778 8,778 13,493 Investment assets 4b 4,569 4,569 4,083

2,778 6,000 8,778 4,569 13,347 17,576

CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 7 19,448 2,275 6,783 28,506 28,506 30,314 Short term deposits 469 7,188 132,928 140,585 140,585 152,450 Cash at bank/in hand 30,973 3,862 22,092 56,927 56,927 39,553 50,890 13,325 161,803 226,018 226,018 222,317

LIABILITIES: Creditors falling due within one year 8a 8,907 318 5,804 15,029 15,029 13,399 NET CURRENT ASSETS 41,983 13,007 155,999 210,989 210,989 208,918

Total assets less current liabilities 44,761 13,007 161,999 219,767 4,569 224,336 226,494

TOTAL NET ASSETS 44,761 13,007 161,999 219,767 4,569 224,336 226,494

FUNDS Restricted 44,761 13,007 161,999 219,767 219,767 222,411 Endowment 4,569 4,569 4,083

TOTAL FUNDS 44,761 13,007 161,999 219,767 4,569 224,336 226,494

Approved by the Parochial Church Council at a meeting on 24 March 2014 and signed by the Chairman and a member authorised by the meeting.

D P Ritchie H A Marsh

Chairman Member

Page 2

Page 2 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013

1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Consecrated property and movable church The financial statements have been prepared in amount due is quantifiable and its ultimate receipt is furnishings accordance with the Church Accounting reasonably certain. Regulations 2006 together with applicable Consecrated and benefice property is excluded Funds raised by fund raising events are accounted accounting standards and the Charities Statement from the financial statements by s. 10 (2) of the for gross. Sale of books and magazines from the of Recommended Practice (SORP) 2005. They Charities Act 2011. church bookstall are accounted for gross. have been prepared under the historical cost Movable church furnishings held by the Rector and convention except for the valuation of investment Rental income from the letting of property Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC, and assets, which are shown at market value. which require a faculty for disposal, are accounted This is recognised when the rental is due. for as inalienable property unless consecrated. Funds Income from investments They are listed in the churches’ inventories (which General funds are those which are not subject to Dividends and interest are accounted for when can be inspected at any reasonable time on receivable. appointment). For inalienable property acquired any restrictions regarding their use and are prior to 2001 there is insufficient cost information available for the PCC’s general purposes. Funds Gains and losses on investments available and therefore such assets are not valued designated for a particular use by the PCC itself are Realised gains or losses are recognised when in these accounts. Any items acquired since 1st also unrestricted. Restricted funds are those investments are sold. Unrealised gains or losses January 2001 have been capitalised and which must be spent on restricted purposes and are accounted for on revaluation of investments at depreciated in the accounts over their currently details of the funds & their restrictions are in Note 9. 31st December. anticipated useful economic life (initially over 20 Endowment funds, where the capital must be years) on a straight-line basis. retained, are set out in Note 4b. Resources expended All expenditure incurred in the year on consecrated The financial statements include all transactions, or benefice buildings, any individual items under assets and liabilities for which the PCC is Grants £2,000 or the cost of repairs to movable church responsible in law. They do not include the financial Grants and donations are accounted for when paid furnishings acquired before 1 January 2001 is statements of church groups that owe their main over, or when awarded, if that award creates a written off. binding obligation on the PCC. affiliation to another body nor those that are informal gatherings of church members. They do Other fixtures, fittings and equipment not include certain minor funds each amounting to Church Activities The diocesan parish share is accounted for when Equipment used within the church premises is less than £350. depreciated on a straight line basis over 4 years. due. Any amount unpaid at 31st December is provided for in these financial statements as an Individual items with a purchase price of £2,000 or Incoming Resources operational (though not a legal) liability and is less are written off when the asset is acquired.

shown as a creditor in the Balance Sheet. Voluntary income and capital sources Minibus

Collections are recognised when received by or on Depreciated on a straight line basis over 5 years. behalf of the PCC. Fixed assets Current assets Church Hall buildings Planned giving receivable under Gift Aid is recognised when received. Tax recoverable on Gift Both the Church Centre and the Bell Street Hall are Amounts owing to the PCC at 31st December in respect Aid donations is recognised when the donation is valued in the balance sheet at cost. of fees, rents or other income are shown as debtors less recognised. Page 3 provision for amounts that may prove uncollectible. Investments Grants and legacies to the PCC are accounted for Investments are valued at their market value at 31st Short-term deposits include cash held on deposit either when the PCC is notified of its legal entitlement, the December. with the Central Board of Finance or at the bank.

Page 3 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 [cont'd]

2 INCOMING RESOURCES. 12 AUDIT FEE See note 2 for each church. See note 12 under St Mary's.

3 RESOURCES EXPENDED. 13 TRANSFERS See note 3 for each church. See note 13 for each church (where appropriate).

4 FIXED ASSETS 14 LEGACIES Details of tangible fixed assets are given for each church under note 4a. Details of any substantial legacy are set out in Note 14 of the respective church. The endowment is explained in St Mary's note 4b.

5 STAFF COSTS STATEMENT OF PCC's RESPONSIBILITIES No employee was paid at a rate of more than £60,000 pa. Details of any Law applicable to charities in England & Wales requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements for amounts charged in the accounts are given separately for each church each financial year which give a true and fair view of its financial activities during the year and of its financial under note 5. position at the end of the year. In preparing financial statements giving a true and fair view, the Trustees should follow best practice and: 6 PAYMENTS to TRUSTEES 1. Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; Full disclosure is made in note 6 of the respective churches in respect 2. Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; of any salary, wages, or other amounts paid to Council members. 3. State whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed, subject to any departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and 4. Prepare the financial statements on the ongoing concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that 7 DEBTORS the charity will continue in operation. See note 7 for each church. The Trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose, with reasonable 8 CREDITORS accuracy, the financial position of the charity and which enable them both to ascertain the financial See note 8 for each church. position of the charity and to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 2011, together with SORP 2005. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other 9 RESTRICTED FUNDS irregularities. The PCC has no funds of its own. It is considered that all the funds of any one church are restricted to that church and cannot be used otherwise. There are therefore no parish unrestricted funds. See Note 9 for the range and nature of each church's own restricted funds.

10 UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Details are given separately for each church under note 10.

11 MISSIONARY and CHARITABLE GIVING An analysis is given for each church in note 11. Recipients are selected either by the respective DCC or in response to appeals received by a DCC.

Page 4 Great Baddow Team Ministry St. Mary's Church

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES for the year ended 31 December 2013

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment TOTAL FUNDS funds funds fund 2013 2012 Note 10 9 4b INCOMING RESOURCES Voluntary income 2a 163,019 291 163,310 181,994 Activities for generating funds 2b 3,248 2,981 6,229 7,221 Investment income 2c 488 110 211 809 1,031 Income from church activities 2d 10,478 137,986 148,464 159,985 Other incomings 2e 1,101 1,101 1,128

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 178,334 141,368 211 319,913 351,359

RESOURCES EXPENDED Church activities 3a 170,499 141,850 312,349 321,519 Fundraising costs 3b 11 702 713 2,025 Generation of voluntary income 3c 49 49 132 Governance costs 3d 2,274 2,274 1,980

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 172,833 142,552 - 315,385 325,656

NET 5,501 (1,184) 211 4,528 25,703

TRANSFERS 13 (753) 964 (211) - -

NET INCOMING RESOURCES 4,748 (220) - 4,528 25,703


NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS 4,748 (220) 486 5,014 26,050

Total funds brought forward at 1 January 99,067 58,404 4,083 161,554 135,504

BALANCES AT 31.12.2013 (2012) 103,815 58,184 4,569 166,568 161,554

Page St.M 1 Great Baddow Team Ministry St. Mary's Church Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013


FIXED ASSETS Tangible fixed assets 4a 6,000 6,000 6,550 Investment assets 4b 4,569 4,569 4,083

6,000 4,569 10,569 10,633

CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 7 6,067 716 6,783 7,194 Short term deposits 80,666 52,262 132,928 132,359 Cash at bank / in hand 15,895 6,197 22,092 17,802

102,628 59,175 161,803 157,355

LIABILITIES: Creditors falling due within one year 8 4,813 991 5,804 6,434

Total assets less current liabilities 4,813 991 5,804 6,434

NET CURRENT ASSETS 97,815 58,184 155,999 150,921

TOTAL NET ASSETS 103,815 58,184 4,569 166,568 161,554

FUNDS Unrestricted 2/10 103,815 103,815 99,067 Restricted 2/9 58,184 58,184 58,404 Endowment 4b 4,569 4,569 4,083

TOTAL FUNDS 103,815 58,184 4,569 166,568 161,554

Page St.M 2 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements St. Mary's Church for the year ended 31 December 2013

UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED FUNDS ENDOWMENT TOTAL FUNDS Note (note 10) Play Toddler Coffee Café Mid- Carter Bells Audio Lands 2 INCOMING RESOURCES General Fabric Other school Group Pot Club Africa - Bells repair Visual Charity 2013 2012 Fund Fund Funds Concern upkeep systems 2a Voluntary income Planned giving Gift aid donations 102,982 102,982 103,064 Tax recoverable 26,583 26,583 25,756 Other donations 18,336 291 18,627 17,837 Open-plate collections 11,533 11,533 12,627 Sundry Donations 1,158 827 1,985 1,660 Grants 1,100 1,100 1,050 Legacy (see Note 14) 500 500 20,000 162,192 827 291 163,310 181,994

2b Activities for generating funds Fund-raising events 333 1,722 1,259 3,314 3,851 Use of church halls - non-church purposes 2,915 2,915 3,370 3,248 1,722 1,259 6,229 7,221 2c Investment income Interest 355 99 34 50 21 17 2 10 5 5 211 809 1,031

2d Income from church activities Bookstall 815 815 960 Use of church & church halls - church purposes 218 218 216 Fees (weddings, funerals etc) 8,210 319 8,529 5,243 Outreach activities 1,235 133,659 2,528 858 622 138,902 153,566 9,663 815 133,659 2,528 858 622 319 148,464 159,985 2e Other incomings Sundries 1,101 1,101 1,128

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 176,559 926 849 135,431 2,549 875 624 1,550 10 324 5 211 319,913 351,359

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 170,619 745 1,469 134,733 1,879 1,941 537 3,462 - - - - 315,385 325,656 5,940 181 (620) 698 670 (1,066) 87 (1,912) 10 324 5 211 4,528 25,703 13 TRANSFERS - provisions for future (2,250) 3,000 250 (1,000) - - - see note 13 134 211 (134) (211) - - - see note 13 (1,964) 1,964 - - NET INCOMING RESOURCES 1,860 3,392 (504) (302) 670 (1,066) 87 52 10 324 5 - 4,528 25,703 All gains on investments 486 486 347 NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS 1,860 3,392 (504) (302) 670 (1,066) 87 52 10 324 5 486 5,014 26,050 Brought forward 76,107 16,916 6,044 42,946 4,110 4,649 446 2,807 1,546 934 966 4,083 161,554 135,504 Carried forward 77,967 20,308 5,540 42,644 4,780 3,583 533 2,859 1,556 1,258 971 4,569 166,568 161,554

Page St. M 3 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements St. Mary's Church for the year ended 31 December 2013

Note UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS (note 10) 3 RESOURCES EXPENDED Mid - General Fabric Other Play Toddler Coffee Café Africa 2013 2012 Fund Fund Funds school Group Pot Club Concern 3a Church activities Missionary & charitable giving: (see Note 11) Church overseas - missionary societies 6,252 6,252 6,105 - relief & development agencies 3,741 600 3,462 7,803 7,047 Home missions & other societies 8,309 600 8,909 6,797 Secular charities 245 245 1,789 18,547 1,200 3,462 23,209 21,738 Ministry: Parish Share 108,968 108,968 112,111 Clergy expenses 8,559 8,559 8,586 Church running costs 7,074 7,074 9,749 Church maintenance 2,150 2,150 4,205 Upkeep of services 6,792 6,792 7,621 Church administration 8,826 8,826 8,759 Children's and Youth work 1,902 127,831 129,733 128,989 Other Training & Mission 377 772 1,149 1,062 Bookstall 697 697 790 Church Halls' running costs 3,990 745 6,200 480 600 100 12,115 12,170 Bell Street Hall repairs 1,100 1,100 3,492 Musician's salary - - 254 Outreach groups - 1,399 141 437 1,977 1,993 168,285 745 1,469 134,031 1,879 1,941 537 3,462 312,349 321,519

3b Fund-raising costs Sundry fund-raising 11 702 713 2,025

3c Generating voluntary income Offering envelopes 49 49 132

3d Governance costs Audit fee 2,040 2,040 1,980 Chancel Repair Liability review 234 234 - 2,274 2,274 1,980

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 170,619 745 1,469 134,733 1,879 1,941 537 3,462 315,385 325,656

Page St. M 4 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements St. Mary's Church for the year ended 31 December 2013 (cont'd)

FIXED ASSETS Note Freehold land 4a Tangible fixed assets & buildings Piano

St Mary's Church Gross book value At 1. 1. 2013 6,000 2,200 This consecrated building is not owned by the PCC so it is not included in these accounts. Its insurance value in 2013 was £6,724,000 plus £126,000 for the Church Office. At 31. 12. 2013 6,000 2,200

Depreciation At 1. 1. 2013 - 1,650 The following properties are owned and both are used for church purposes:- Charged for year (25%) - 550 St Mary's Church Centre At 31. 12. 2013 - 2,200 Original cost in 1967 £5,500 (Insurance value £1,640,000)

Net book value At 31. 12. 2013 6,000 - Bell Street Hall At 1. 1. 2013 6,000 550 Original cost in 1955 £500 (Insurance value £162,000)

4b Investments - shares

Endowment fund:

The Great Baddow Church Lands Charity funds are invested with the Charities Official Investment Fund. Their market value is £4,569 (2012 £4,083) Whilst the capital must be held as permanent endowment, the annual income can be used for any expenses related to church repairs.

5 STAFF COSTS 2013 2012

Wages and salaries 128,017 127,398 Social security costs 3,957 3,987 131,974 131,385

St. Mary's church employed on a part-time basis an Office Administrator/Rector's Secretary, a church/Bell Street Hall cleaner and Playschool staff. The average number of (full-time equivalent) employees in the year was 7 (2012: 7 ).

6 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEES In addition to reimbursement of expenses to Revd Canon P Ritchie and Revd K de Bourcier (see Note 3a) £604 was paid to Glenn Finch's company for payroll calculations and £12,214 was paid out for Jacqui Pavey's employment as Rector's Secretary and Office Administrator.

2013 2012 7 DEBTORS Income tax recoverable 2,616 3,091 Other debtors 2,429 2,379 Insurance prepayment 1,738 1,724 6,783 7,194 [2013: Unrestricted £6,067 and Playschool £716 in other debtors ]

8 CREDITORS - due within 1 Year For goods / services 4,813 6,434 Prepayment of fees 991 - 5,804 6,434 [2013: Unrestricted £4,913 and Playschool £991 ]

Page St.M 5 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements St. Mary's Church for the year ended 31 December 2013 (cont'd)


The Playschool and the Toddler Group both cater for young children. Coffee Pot is a drop-in centre open to all on Wednesday mornings . Café Club meets fortnightly on Thursdays and provides refreshments, games, craft work and various activities, including internet and computer skills. Mid-Africa Concern gathers together goods for sending via parcels and containers to East Africa, primarily to schools and hospitals. The Carter Bells Fund represents a legacy from the late Harry Carter for the upkeep of the church bells. The Audio/Visual Systems Fund comprises donations to cover repairs and additions to the sound and visual systems. The Bells Repair Fund holds money from wedding fees which the bellringers have set aside for bells maintenance.

10 UNRESTRICTED FUNDS (Designated by DCC) (These monies can be transferred to the DCC's general funds at any time should the DCC so desire.) 11 MISSIONARY & CHARITABLE GIVING Church Donations Total Church Ordination & TOTAL Overseas Missions Funds + Tax Bookstall other training Church Mission Society (CMS) 1,400 123 1,523 Church Mission Society (Kylie Bahadur) 2,600 121 2,721 Brought forward 297 5,747 6,044 Far Eastern Broadcasting Assoc (FEBA) 1,000 8 1,008 Utilised in year (772) (772) Langham Partnership (East Africa) 1,000 1,000 Bookstall sales 815 815 6,252 Cost of bookstall sales (697) (697) Overseas Relief Donation to church from sales (134) (134) Bishop's Lent Appeal (Kenya support) 1,000 173 1,173 Interest 1 33 34 Mid-Africa Concern (MAC) 1,000 2,462 3,462 Transfer from General Fund 250 250 Release International (Pakistan) 568 568 Carried forward 282 5,258 5,540 TEAR Fund 2,000 600 2,600 7,803 AUDITOR Home Missions & Societies 12 The accounts include £ 2,040. (2012 £1,980) Chelmsford & District Evangelical Fellowship 960 960 Chelmsford CHESS 1,000 602 1,602 13 TRANSFERS - other than for use of Halls. Children's Society 1,000 1,000 The provisions were: £2,000 transferred from General Fund to Fabric Fund for future repair work on church and Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS) 1,500 7 1,507 Church Centre; £1,000 from Playschool to Fabric Fund for future repairs on Church Centre; £250 from General CPAS (Falcon Camps) 500 500 Fund to Ordination & Training Fund for future grants. Secondly, £134 was passed to General Fund from the Great Baddow Charities - gifts to parishioners 800 800 Bookstall profits; £211 income of the Church Lands Charity was passed to the Fabric Fund for church repairs. Prison Fellowship 1,000 1,000 Finally, £1,964 was passed from General Fund to Mid-Africa Concern. Scripture Union (SU) 500 40 540 SU (West Runton Camps) 500 500 14 LEGACY NOTIFICATIONS UCCF - Stephen Finch 500 500 -- The total amount received from the Jim Hymas unrestricted legacy in 2008 and 2009 was £114,612. Of 8,909 this £6,228 was used to cover the deficits on General Fund in 2009 and 2010; a total of £52,596 was Secular Charities spent on various items in 2011. Nothing was spent in 2012 or 2013. Total utilised £58,824. Balance still Remembrance Poppy Fund 245 245 available £55,788. -- During 2012 an unrestricted legacy of £20,000 was received from the late Gerald Willingham. 245 -- During 2013 an unrestricted legacy of £500 was received from the late Joan Morris. 18,828 4,381 23,209

Page St.M 6 Great Baddow Team Ministry

St Paul's District

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for year ended 31 December 2013 Great Baddow Team Ministry St. Paul's Church

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIESfor the year ended 31 December 2013




Voluntary income 2a 45,018 45,018 34,147 Activities for generating funds 2b 6,872 6,872 3,387 Investment income 2c 28 35 63 183 Income from church activities 2d 1,891 1,891 2,492

Other 2d 105 105 -

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 53,914 35 53,949 40,209

RESOURCES EXPENDED Church activities 3a 59,077 59,077 48,475 Fundraising costs 3b 35 35 - Generation of voluntary income 3c 71 71 30

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 59,183 59,183 48,505

NET INCOMING RESOURCES (5,269) 35 (5,234) (8,296)

TRANSFER 13 7,500 (7,500) - -

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS 2,231 (7,465) (5,234) (8,296)

Total funds brought forward at 1 January 8,137 10,104 18,241 26,537

BALANCES AT 31.12.2013 (2012) 10,368 2,639 13,007 18,241

Page St P 1 Great Baddow Team Ministry St. Paul's Church

Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013



Note 2013 2012

CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 7 2,275 2,275 444 Short-term deposits 4,549 2,639 7,188 19,624 Cash at bank / in hand 3,862 3,862 1,323

10,686 2,639 13,325 21,391

LIABILITIES: - creditors falling due in one year 8a 318 318 3,150

TOTAL NET ASSETS 10,368 2,639 13,007 18,241

UNRESTICTED FUNDS General 10,368 10,368 8,137 Designated 9 2,639 2,639 10,104

TOTAL FUNDS 10,368 2,639 13,007 18,241

Page St P 2 Great Baddow Team Ministry St. Paul's Church Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013



Note Church Building 2 INCOMING RESOURCES Fund Fund 2013 2012

2a Voluntary income Planned giving Gift aid donations 25,263 25,263 20,808 Tax recoverable on above 6,929 6,929 5,224 Other 3,816 3,816 4,048 Open-plate collections 1,835 1,835 1,909 Sundry Donations 6,224 6,224 1,814 Tax recoverable on above 951 951 344 45,018 45,018 34,147

2b Activities for generating funds Use of building - non-church purposes 6,872 6,872 3,387 6,872 6,872 3,387

2c Income from investments Interest 28 35 63 183

2d Income from church activities Bookstall 59 59 243 Table Top sale 330 330 - Holiday Club 487 487 482 Tax recoverable on above 90 90 70 Use of building - church purposes 925 925 1,697 1,891 1,891 2,492

2e Other incomings - Sundries 105 105 -

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 53,914 35 53,949 40,209

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 59,183 - 59,183 48,505 (5,269) 35 (5,234) (8,296)

TRANSFER 7,500 (7,500) - -

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS 2,231 (7,465) (5,234) (8,296)

Brought forward 8,137 10,104 18,241 26,537 Carried forward 10,368 2,639 13,007 18,241

Page St P 3 Great Baddow Team Ministry St. Paul's Church Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 (cont'd)


Note Church 3 RESOURCES EXPENDED Fund 2013 2012

3a Church activities Missionary & charitable giving: (see Note 11) Church overseas - missionary societies 1,300 1,300 1,428 Home missions & other societies 1,300 1,300 1,428 Secular charities 352 352 383 2,952 2,952 3,239 Ministry: Parish share 33,948 33,948 32,189 Team Vicar expenses 823 823 684 Church running costs 5,354 5,354 5,316 Church maintenance - general 2,689 2,689 2,844 - building work 10,161 10,161 1,092 Church administration 58 58 340 Training and mission 2,633 2,633 2,007 Bookstall 39 39 611 Musician's honorarium 150 150 150 Sundries 270 270 3 59,077 59,077 48,475

3b Fund-raising costs 35 35 -

3c Generating voluntary income Offertory envelopes 71 71 30 71 71 30

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 59,183 59,183 48,505

Page St P 4 Great Baddow Team Ministry Notes to the financial statements St. Paul's Church for the year ended 31 December 2013 (cont'd)

Note 4a TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS St Paul's church is owned by the PCC and as a dedicated building is used for church purposes. Its freehold value is not included in these accounts but its insurance value in 2013 was £724,000.

2013 2012 5 STAFF COSTS Church cleaner's wages 1,976 1,976 Organist's honorarium 150 150 2,126 2,126 The only employee is the church cleaner.

6 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEES None other than expenses reimbursed to Team Vicar (see note 3a).

7 DEBTORS Income tax recoverable 544 444 Accrued income - use of building 1,731 -

(all Church Fund) 2,275 444

8a CREDITORS - due within 1 Year Utilities 318 894 Mission donations - 2,256

(all Church Fund) 318 3,150


The Building Refurbishment Fund was created to finance phases 1 and 2 of the overall planned refurbishment, the second having been completed in 2005. Further repair work costing £7,500 was financed from this fund in 2013. The £2,639 balance, together with any future receipts, is effectively what remains of the £22,450 General Fund money, being 40% of the sale proceeds of a DCC owned property sold in 1995, which was lent interest-free to help this refurbishment and repair work.

11 MISSIONARY GIVING Overseas Home Overseas Total Missions Societies Relief Chelmsford & District Evang. Fellowship (Schools work) 650 CHESS (Chelmsford homeless) 352 Church Pastoral Aid Society 650 Helping Hands, Kenya 650 Tearfund 650

650 1,652 650 2,952

13 TRANSFER A total of £7,500 was transeferred during the year from the Building Fund to the General Fund, both being unrestricted funds. (2012 £1,500 transferred)

Page St P 5 Great Baddow Team Ministry

Meadgate District

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for year ended 31 December 2013 Great Baddow Team Ministry Meadgate Church

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES for the year ended 31 December 2013

Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL FUNDS funds funds

Note 2013 2012

INCOMING RESOURCES Voluntary income 2a 12 3,663 2,614 126,277 107,532 Activities for generating funds 2b 718 1,610 2,328 2,382 Investment income 2c 1 17 18 60 Income from church activities 2d 10,346 265 10,611 14,909 Other incomings 2e 1,035 - 1,035 275

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 135,763 4,506 140,269 125,158

RESOURCES EXPENDED Church activities 3a 129,777 11,183 140,960 140,542 Fundraising costs 3b - 1,101 1,101 1,051 Generation of voluntary income 3c 44 - 44 43 Governance costs 3d 102 - 102 -

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 129,923 12,284 142,207 141,636

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS 5,840 (7,778) (1,938) (16,478)

Total funds brought forward at 1 January 1,372 45,327 46,699 63,177

BALANCES AT 31.12.2013 (2012) 7,212 37,549 44,761 46,699

Page M 1 Great Baddow Team Ministry Meadgate Church

Balance Sheet at 31 December 2013


Note 2013 2012

FIXED ASSETS Minibus 4a 2,778 2,778 6,943

CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 7 19,144 304 19,448 22,676 Short term deposit 469 469 467 Cash at bank / in hand (3,025) 33,998 30,973 20,428

16,119 34,771 50,890 43,571

LIABILITIES Creditors falling due within one year 8 8,907 8,907 3,815

NET CURRENT ASSETS 7,212 41,983 39,756

TOTAL NET ASSETS 7,212 37,549 44,761 46,699

FUNDS Unrestricted 7,212 7,212 1,372 Restricted 9 37,549 37,549 45,327

TOTAL FUNDS 7,212 37,549 44,761 46,699

Page M 2 Great Baddow Team Ministry Meadgate Church Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012

UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED TOTAL FUNDS Note Outreach & 2 INCOMING RESOURCES General Building Evangelism Minibus Fund Fund Fund Fund 2013 2012 2a Voluntary income Planned giving : Gift aid donations 83,651 2,197 85,848 74,552 Tax recoverable 19,131 417 19,548 15,176 Open-plate collections 5,850 5,850 4,339 Gift Days 5,895 5,895 4,160 Tax recoverable 207 207 607 Sundry Donations 2,962 2,962 2,823 Grants for Youth Work 5,967 5,967 5,875 123,663 2,614 126,277 107,532 2b Activities for generating funds Fund-raising events 1,610 1,610 1,479 Use of building - non-church purposes 718 718 903 718 1,610 2,328 2,382

2c Investment income Interest 1 6 11 18 60

2d Income from church activities Bookstall 9 9 151 Newspaper - - 264 Courses 2,804 2,804 4,629 Minibus contributions 265 265 - Outreach 6,785 6,785 9,643 Use of building - church purposes 748 748 222 10,346 265 10,611 14,909

2d Other incomings Sundries 1,035 1,035 275

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 135,763 4,230 11 265 140,269 125,158

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 129,923 2,129 3,988 6,167 142,207 141,636 5,840 2,101 (3,977) (5,902) (1,938) (16,478) 12 Brought forward 1,372 13,189 23,734 8,404 46,699 63,177 Carried forward 7,212 15,290 19,757 2,502 44,761 46,699

Page M 3 Great Baddow Team Ministry Meadgate Church

Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 [cont'd]


Outreach & Note General Building Evangelism Minibus 3 RESOURCES EXPENDED Fund Fund Fund Fund 2013 2012

3a Church activities Missionary & charitable giving: (see Note 11) Church overseas - missionary societies 4,224 4,224 1,660 - relief & development agencies 1,233 1,233 698 Home missions & other societies 3,275 3,275 2,620 Secular charities 1,248 1,248 176 9,980 9,980 5,154 Ministry: Parish share 49,914 49,914 46,084 Team Vicar expenses 1,407 1,407 1,103 Church running costs 8,350 8,350 8,709 Church maintenance 4,474 4,474 6,044 Church administration 9,655 9,655 10,118 Children and Youth work 28,238 28,238 22,037 Other Training & Mission 13,476 3,988 17,464 22,240 Course Expenses 868 868 3,481 Bookstall 403 403 701 Equipment & fittings 1,525 1,028 2,553 6,066 Minibus - running expenses 2,002 2,002 3,049 -depreciation 4,165 4,165 4,165 Sundries 1,487 1,487 1,591 129,777 1,028 3,988 6,167 140,960 140,542

3b Fund-raising costs Fundraising 1,101 1,101 1,051 1,101 1,101 1,051

3c Generating voluntary income Offertory envelopes 44 44 43 44 44 43

3d Governance Costs Room hire for DCC away-day meeting 102 102 - 102 102 -

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 129,923 2,129 3,988 6,167 142,207 141,636

Page M 4 Great Baddow Team Ministry Meadgate Church

Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 (cont'd) Note 4a TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Meadgate church is held on a long lease and as a dedicated building is used for church purposes. Its leasehold value is not included in these accounts but its insurance value in 2013 was £1,076,000.

Minibus bought in 2010 to be depreciated over 5 years.

Gross book value At 1.1.2013 17,356

At 31.12.2013 17,356

Depreciation At 1.1.2013 10,413 Charged for year 4,165 At 31.12.2013 14,578

Net book value At 31.12.2013 2,778 At 1.1.2013 6,943

5 STAFF COSTS 2013 2012 Wages and salaries 38,990 31,484 Social security costs 1,303 978 40,293 32,462

The Church employed a full-time Youth Minister, two Youth Interns, and part-time staff for pastoral, community and administration work. The average number of (full-time equivalent) staff was 2 (2012: 2).

6 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEES In addition to reimbursement of expenses to Revd Mones Farah (see note 3a), £17,085 salary was paid out for Emma Smith's employment as Youth Minister during 2013 (her husband being a connected person and a trustee).

7 DEBTORS Gift Aid tax refund - General Fund 15,502 20,255 - Building Fund 304 591 Prepayments - General Fund 725 700 Other - General Fund 2,917 1,130 19,448 22,676

As no Gift Aid claim was submitted for the latter part of the year, there was a need for the unrestricted General Fund to 'borrow' some of the combined bank balance which belonged to Restricted Funds. At the end of 2013 this amounted to some £3,000, hence the 'overdraft' relating to General Fund in the Balance Sheet; of which £1,809 related to cheques clearing after the year end. As was recorded for 2012, it is recognised that it is inappropriate to utilise restricted monies to support unrestricted funds, but the whole amount was cleared when the tax refund arrived in March 2014. In view of the very low rate of interest on the Barclays Bank account, there was no real loss of income involved. Steps will be taken to ensure that tax claims will be made at regular intervals during the year in future.

8 CREDITORS - due within 1 Year Tax & social security 1,036 1,184 Prepayments 2,575 1,767 Missionary/giving accruals 4,710 Other creditors 584 864 (All unrestricted) 8,905 3,815

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Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 (cont'd)



The Building and Maintenance Fund was created for periodic renovation work. During the year £249 was spent on improvements to the audio visual system to allow better relay of services to the creche area for parents and £774 on new signage.

The Minibus Fund was set up with money donated and raised to buy a minibus for use in the community and with our youth groups, and a 17-seater was purchased after generous donations in 2010.

The Outreach and Evangelism Fund was created by an anonymous donor who has specified that the donation should be used to spread the Word in the community, and not for church fabric and buildings. In 2013 £2,000 was used to support part of the community and pastoral workers' costs (2012 nil) and £1,988 towards the cost of the summer and Christmas festivals for the community (2012 nil).

11 MISSIONARY and other GIVING Overseas Overseas Home Secular Missions Relief Societies

Anglican Diocese of Marsabit, Kenya 450 Boot Fair, Boreham 500 CADEF 360 Care Fund 393 Chelmsford Women's Refuge 250 China Mission appeal 500 Christian Aid 400 Church Army 1,500 Church Pastoral Aid Society 300 Churches Together in Chelmsford 95 Christian Solidarity Worldwide 250 DEC Philippines disaster appeal 343 Evangelical Alliance 120 Every Child 200 Farleigh Hospice 250 Global Christian Centre - Albania 1,174 Haven Hospice 105 International Justice Mission 200 J's Hospice 250 Nazareth Trust, incl Karen Parker mission trip 900 Reconciliation in Middle East (Andrew White) 400 Schools Youth Mission (CADEF) 400 TEAR Fund 490 World Vision 150

Total £ 9.980 1,550 3,707 3,275 1,448

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