1 Groups defined by automata 1 2 Laurent Bartholdi Pedro V. Silva2∗ 1 3 Mathematisches Institut Georg-August Universitat¨ zu Gottingen¨ Bunsenstraße 3–5 D-37073 Gottingen,¨ Germany email:
[email protected] 2 Centro de Matematica,´ Faculdade de Cienciasˆ Universidade do Porto R. Campo Alegre 687 4169-007 Porto, Portugal email:
[email protected] 4 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20F65, 20E08, 20F10, 20F67, 68Q45; 2010-07-13 21:47 5 Key words: Automatic groups, word-hyperbolic groups, self-similar groups. 6 Contents 7 1 The geometry of the Cayley graph 102 8 1.1 History of geometric group theory . 103 9 1.2 Automatic groups . 105 10 1.3 Main examples of automatic groups . 108 11 1.4 Properties of automatic groups . 110 12 1.5 Word-hyperbolic groups . 111 13 1.6 Non-automatic groups . 114 14 2 Groups generated by automata 115 15 2.1 Main examples . 118 16 2.2 Decision problems . 120 17 2.3 Bounded and contracting automata . 120 18 2.4 Branch groups . 122 19 2.5 Growth of groups . 123 20 2.6 Dynamics and subdivision rules . 125 21 2.7 Reversible actions . 127 22 2.8 Bireversible actions . 128 ∗The authors are grateful to Martin R. Bridson, Rostislav I. Grigorchuk, Franc¸ois Dahmani, and Luc Guyot for their remarks on a preliminary version of this text. 102 L. Bartholdi, P. V. Silva 23 Finite automata have been used effectively in recent years to define infinite groups. 24 The two main lines of research have as their most representative objects the class of 25 automatic groups (including “word-hyperbolic groups” as a particular case) and automata 26 groups (singled out among the more general “self-similar groups”).