Branch Groups Laurent Bartholdi Rostislav I. Grigorchuk Zoran Suniˇ k´ Section de Mathematiques,´ Universite´ de Geneve,` CP 240, 1211 Geneve` 24, Switzer- land E-mail address:
[email protected] Department of Ordinary Differential Equations, Steklov Mathematical Insti- tute, Gubkina Street 8, Moscow 119991, Russia E-mail address:
[email protected] Department of Mathematics, Cornell University, 431 Malott Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA E-mail address:
[email protected] Contents Introduction 5 0.1. Just-infinite groups 6 0.2. Algorithmic aspects 7 0.3. Group presentations 7 0.4. Burnside groups 8 0.5. Subgroups of branch groups 9 0.6. Lie algebras 10 0.7. Growth 10 0.8. Acknowledgments 11 0.9. Some notation 11 Part 1. Basic Definitions and Examples 13 Chapter 1. Branch Groups and Spherically Homogeneous Trees 14 1.1. Algebraic definition of a branch group 14 1.2. Spherically homogeneous rooted trees 15 1.3. Geometric definition of a branch group 21 1.4. Portraits and branch portraits 23 1.5. Groups of finite automata and recursively defined automorphisms 23 1.6. Examples of branch groups 26 Chapter 2. Spinal Groups 32 2.1. Construction, basic tools and properties 32 2.2. G groups 38 2.3. GGS groups 41 Part 2. Algorithmic Aspects 45 Chapter 3. Word and Conjugacy Problem 46 3.1. The word problem 46 3.2. The conjugacy problem in G 47 Chapter 4. Presentations and endomorphic presentations of branch groups 50 4.1. Non-finite presentability 50 4.2. Endomorphic presentations of branch groups 52 4.3.