5. Compensation Rates
SFG1534 Liuzhou Environment Management Project II Project Restructuring Public Disclosure Authorized Resettlement Action Plan (Revised Version) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Liuzhou Municipal Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd, Guangxi , China October 2015 1. Executive Summary 1. Overview of the Project and implementation plan In June 2014, Liuzhou Municipal Wasteewater Treatment Co., Ltd,(LMWWTC) the owner of Liuzhou Environment Management Project II (hereinafter, the “Project”), made interim adjustments to the Project based on project progress and fund utilization, in which Longquanshan WWTP III and Baisha WWTP II were included as additional subprojects. Longquanshan WWTP III is located beside Longquanshan WWTP at No.12, Jiutoushan Road, Yufeng District, Liuzhou City, involving the construction of a WWTP using an A/A/0 secondary biological treatment process with the BNR function, with a design capacity of 100,000 m3/d, together with plant roads, water supply and drainage works, electricity works, streetlamps, landscaping and other supporting facilities. Baisha WWTP II is located beside Baisha WWTP at No.126-1, Yuejin Road, Liuzhou City, involving the construction of a WWTP using an A/A/0 secondary biological treatment process with the BNR function, with a design capacity of 80,000 m3/d, together with plant roads, water supply and drainage works, electricity works, streetlamps, landscaping and other supporting facilities. By the end of August 2015, both WWTPs acquired necessary land. The process of acquiring land, compensation measures made, and necessary follow-up future livelihodds restoration plan was documented in the monitoring report submitted to the Bank in early September, and recorded in this resettlement plan in section 2.4, and in the updated External Resettlement M&E report submitted on October 22, 2015 in detail.
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