Fr. Berry, S. J. Appointed Head of Mathematics Department
! | UllllllllllllllUi: IHIIillllllHIIIUlllSllllllllitllllllllllillll illilll I Illllllllil' OFFER A ROSARY FOR ALUMNI IN BEHIND LARKIN SERVICE EVERY DAY AT 1:00 NEW YORK, JULY 28, 1944 IJo. 11 Fr. Gannon Speaks FORBHAM Pharmacy Graduation Fr. Berry, S. J. Appointed Head FRATERNITY Before Boarders Held On June 23rd On Bolivar Day On Friday evening, June 23, Of Mathematics Department the Fordham College of Phar- Since the last issue of the RAM w macy held its graduation in have learned of the deaths of three for Emphasizes Cooperation Keating Hall on the campus. The Frs. Butcher, Dwyer Raised to Ass't Professors mer students at Fordham. Hev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., Capt. George Hambrecht, '38, Army With Latin America president of the University, pre- Numerous Changes in Faculty Staff was killed in action in the South Pacific sided and awarded diplomas to Capt. Tom O'Malley, x'40, Army, wh( At Banquet starred with the freshman football team, seventeen graduates. Rev. Edward B. Berry, S.J., for the past six years Assistant Professor of was killed in action in Normandy on At the exercises, a plaque in Mathematics and Physics in both the College and the Graduate School, has D-Day. In honor of the one hundred and commemoration of the late Dr, been appointed Head of the newly created Mathematics Department in Otto F. A. Canis, Ph.D., Phar J)., 2nd Lt. Frank Cleary, x'43, Marin sixty-first anniversary of the birth the College, according to an announcement from Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J. Corps, former member of the freshman of Simon Bolivar, Venezuelan lib- who taught pharmacy in the basketball team and resident student, College for twenty-five years, The son of a Fordham alumnus, Fr.
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